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Season 01


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Never heard of her, but both she and Sisto are annoying me.  OA is just bland and trying too hard.  I don't even recognize what acting Sela Ward is doing.  I DVR this and watch it later, but I am starting to wonder why. With Sisto in there screaming, why do we even need the other lady that also provides information? Is she there solely for diversity.  They are checking boxes with a female boss, female lead, Muslim, white male and her.   I hate to think that way but she not well utilized so I can't really see the point to having her there.  I would like to see another team of agents in the field and switch off between them and the awful one with OA.....similar to Cold Case and Without a Trace. 

I am so not interested in their personal lives.  I am already tired of hearing about her husband, and are we going to find out that OA is a recovering addict? 

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This was a good episode, either the best or second best of the season, case was entertaining and felt very authentic, the show is much better when it deals with stuff other than mass casualty cases, I liked this case a lot. The characters are al very likable and entertaining, I thought Jubal had some funny lines tonight, I wish they would give him more to do though.

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1 hour ago, Netfoot said:

Guy is seconds away from firing at OA, who still has his finger a PC three inches from the trigger of his own weapon.  Then the guy goes for a fast-draw, and OA still doesn't put his finger on the trigger, but futilely shouts "Don't do it!..." as the guy brings his weapon up and aligns his sight-picture....

Thankfully, I’ve never been in that situation, but how can instinct not force you to pull the trigger? Is that what they mean by “freezing”? If that’s the case, that’s bad. (Duh.) Seriously, how can a partner ever depend on you?!?

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So you're wired and you are to talk to your (former) partners in crime at some storefront kind of location. You drive there in your car and park. You have your being-recorded conversation (I guess he was on a phone) and then you leave the building and cross the street and get into a black SUV instead of your car, chat for a bit, then walk to your own car and drive off. But that's not all. They follow right behind this witness/suspect who then walks into some kind of garage. The FBI decide that things have gone sideways, and they walk right into this garage because, you know, the steel door was left unlocked. 

It's raining when OA arrives at his Maggie's home. When she arrives, the sidewalk is dry and so is OA and Maggie. What a patient guy.

 I guess I wouldn't be a very good FBI agent. I'm far too cautious. Who writes this stuff--second graders?

Mosier: A decent employee working for a boss like her would thrive. Best boss ever.

the fact that someone thinks this is the best episode so far is really telling. OA looks like a total incompetent fool which is ridiculous when in previous episodes had him cooly taking out snipers and everything else. The entire plot and the ease with which they solved it was ridiculous. Its as if the perpetrators were not even trying to hide or cover their tracks. Sisto is just useless. In the war room they have three people doing the job that it would take only one person to do. The little information gatherer is totally unnecessary. All she does is just zoom in with her computer while Sisto barks  out  information.


I'm appalled at how easily Sela Ward told the other agent that she had read his file. If that was pertinent information that she needed to know  she should have been made aware of that before they were partnered up otherwise that's not something she should have disclosed to her. It is ridiculous to think that he is going to have some type of difficulties with every vet that he runs into as a lot of them could be criminals and serve tours like he did. Someone who behaves as he did would be a liability in the field and it was almost her responsibility to report that. I'm sure the overdose drug he had a few episodes ago will soon come into play.

The female detective tries to come across as hard and she is totally unbelievable. She's even more useless than the one with the computer in the war room. I keep seeing advertisement saying that this is the best new drama or the highest rated new drama and I shake my head. Right now I'm hate watching with the hope that something great is going to happen and it's going to get better. In my opinion they need a second team and switch off between the two of them. They are such a boring pair. I guess it was his week because usually we have her moping around about her husband or whatever else it is bothering her and he's the one being supportive and worrying about her

That last dramatic standoff was some poor acting by all involved

Edited by catrice2
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16 hours ago, mojito said:

The FBI decide that things have gone sideways, and they walk right into this garage because, you know, the steel door was left unlocked. 

And then fling the door open while standing perfectly centered in the doorway, just like a good target would. 

I loved the dialogue in the storage room.  "The door's locked!"  "It's a trap!"  They should be instructors back at Quantico.  You would think that crooks who were competent enough to rig a  bomb for both remote and automatic detonation would set up a better device than that one in the room.

OA seems to bouncing between 'Kill him, he gave away sensitive information', and 'I don't care if the guy is a stone cold killer, he was a vet'.  That is just screaming removal from the field and a psychological evaluation.

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On 11/14/2018 at 3:58 AM, Netfoot said:

Guy is seconds away from firing at OA, who still has his finger a PC three inches from the trigger of his own weapon.  Then the guy goes for a fast-draw, and OA still doesn't put his finger on the trigger, but futilely shouts "Don't do it!..." as the guy brings his weapon up and aligns his sight-picture....


On 11/14/2018 at 5:18 AM, JackONeill said:

Thankfully, I’ve never been in that situation, but how can instinct not force you to pull the trigger? Is that what they mean by “freezing”? If that’s the case, that’s bad. (Duh.) Seriously, how can a partner ever depend on you?!?

I think it is the set safety officer not the script or the actor as I have seen in other shows where you would think that the character was in a squeeze the trigger, but didn't situation  his finger stays outside the trigger guard.

I forgot about this show. lol 

This episode was okay but I admit, I think OA should not have lied to Maggie about Iraq. I didn't think it was right with what Sela's character told Maggie either.

I thought the part about the werehouse was lame. 

The ending with OA sitting and walking to Maggie's apartment, I don't understand it. 

Not bad, but I’m getting tired of the constant terrorism cases, there is so much more the show can do and it is becoming very unrealistic how many terrorism incidents they are dealing with. Also there was way too much action and too little investigating in this one.

On the positive side, Jubal got a lot more to do, it was very nice to see him out in the field, and he wasn’t yelling. And I’m enjoying the fast paced nature of the show, it keeps my attention even if I don’t think the case is great.

I’m starting to dislike OA though, he seems to have a stick up his ass a lot of the time.

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Back in the day, before Quantico, the FBI would set up an actual perimeter before conducting a rescue/raid operation like that.  Instead, we get a random van coming down the access road right up to the FBI tent/snack center. And the FBI overhead doesn't even track the family Craycray running out of the building and into another one.  And somehow little Koresh manages to get out on foot and get all the way back to New York, where, under the guise of a fake ID, gets right into the courthouse as a bailiff.  "The regular guy's sick.  I'm his replacement."  Works every time.

I wonder if OA has any guilt over the things the US military has done in the past.  He sure is angry at the rest of the world.

4 hours ago, Xantar said:

Wait, what is that I saw at the end? OA cracking jokes at Maggie? Was that humor?!?

And Maggie showing up to work with her hair down?  Special Agents. They're just like us!

I had to laugh a bit when Maggie told the techs at the embassy scene to dig the bullets out of the bodies and get them over to ballistics.  The techs nodded 'okay', but I bet they were thinking "Screw that, that's a job for the ME."

Menacing Russian heavyweight at the end!  Dun dun dun.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

They do have a pretty bloated cast.  I do wonder if Dana will be a casualty of it.  Jubal could end up with her job after all.  They both applied for it and she got it.  It seems kind of strange that, that would be a subject of conservation between Dana and Jubal.    It came  out of nowhere.  Then at the end of the episode Dana gets confronted by the Russian.


If it were anyone else playing Dana, I could see her being a casualty. But her casting with Sela Ward made all the industry sites and she is considered a "name" in TV World. If she is offed, it would be a surprise, considering she just replaced someone from the pilot and the show has not been on long.

That said, IMO, bet it'll be a fakeout angle where the Russian is concerned, or she will survive if it isn't.

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On 31/10/2018 at 11:51 AM, LisaM said:

My favorite part was when the wife asked about adopting her husband's son. 

I thought it would have been more effective if the husband and wife were sitting together and he asked how they could expedite getting the son home with them.

Also how was it not a red flag that the dude could pull together $100 million in a couple of hours? The guy built what looked like a relatively small construction company, based on the size of the office then sold it to become a senator, where Google tells me he would make $174,000 a year. Some googling also tells me that Barack Obama is only worth 40 million dollars.

This show has become my new comedy.

OA: "Hey, will you get the bullets out of the bodies and get them over to ballistics?" Good thinking, Mr. FBI Man. That's why they pay you the big bucks, Do you think they might be able to trace the perps by the bullets used, match the weapons with the bullets, maybe?

Maggie rushing up to the house to rescue the kids. She just runs to the door and tries the door knob. Seemed like sound procedure to me.

Call me chickenshit. I'm on an operation with guys with rifles and camo gear, goggles, and helmets, I'm gonna borrow me one of them helmets.

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9 hours ago, mojito said:

Call me chickenshit. I'm on an operation with guys with rifles and camo gear, goggles, and helmets, I'm gonna borrow me one of them helmets.

To be fair, you can't find a show that will go that far. Even with the newer lower profile combat helmets. I remember back on the pilot of Flashpoint that SWAT ream wore their helmets on the operation but as soon as the regular run of the series started they were always bareheaded, except the hostage negotiator so you can identify the actor. Which flashes me back to The Rat Patrol were each soldier wore his own unique hat so at a distance you knew which of the four each one was.

I don’t care how realistic this show is.  I never care about realism in the majority of my fiction.  If I enjoy the show If the show is fun to watch.  So far the only character I don’t like is OA he is....something that gets on my nerves.  In this he was unnecessarily angry for  no reason.   I like Maggie and yeah it was dumb To drop her gun and go running into a building with armed separatists it was the kind of dumb I find entertaining.  I really liked this episode 

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Call me chickenshit. I'm on an operation with guys with rifles and camo gear, goggles, and helmets, I'm gonna borrow me one of them helmets.

That's how you end up dead. If the guys wearing a simple kevlar vest and a handgun lead the charge into a house/room, you know everybody will be safe. If a team wearing body armour, googles, helmets and carrying rifles leads the charge, the building will probably blow up.  Those helmets must be made of explosives or something.

I love how they had the regular FBI agents wearing camouflage so they could sneak up on the house while Maggie and OA were wearing black outfits so they stood out. Still, it is the guy in the camouflage who drew fire (no doubt because of those helmets of death) not the easy to spot main characters.

"We just got a hit on somebody using the bad guy's fake ID in the middle of New York, quick, you two agents in the middle of the woods drive there and try to stop him. He'll wait for you before he does anything bad like releasing a chemical agent. Those guys that you see in the background of the office? Completely useless. We'll make sure that they arrive just in time to mop up the scene after you have already saved the day."

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1 hour ago, kili said:

"We just got a hit on somebody using the bad guy's fake ID in the middle of New York, quick, you two agents in the middle of the woods drive there and try to stop him.


And they'll get there in a matter of minutes even if they are miles away and have to go through extreme traffic conditions. The Blacklist agents are noted for this means of travel, but hey, it's the FBI.

Edited by preeya

I liked this episode and it was nice to see Jubal in the field. Who is it that told about the raid? Did they find out who it was? 

I thought it was interesting that Dana got a visit by the Russian but I bet nothing will happen unless Jubal gets the job. 

I think there are somethings that the military has done that OA doesn't like and maybe has regrets but I like that Maggie got on him about somethings. 

Ending was a bit funny though with Maggie and OA. 

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On 11/22/2018 at 10:25 AM, Netfoot said:

Yeah, because an ambulance driver digging out a slug wouldn't compromise the autopsy to follow.  Not at all.  

 oh my God. I finally watched this on my DVR and I couldn't wait to rush out here to this board and say the same thing. I was like who writes this FGS??!!  it's like they just needed him to say something like he was in charge

 I actually think they're trying too hard with the banter it came off as forced when she teased him and at the end about the lying. it is not a good sign that I'm already fast-forwarding through. I don't know what the whole thing was about with the boss and the Russian guy, nor do I know why Jubal was in the field. I just feel like both of the leads would be so much better away from each other with other partners or they may need to do a really big cast overhaul if this show is renewed. I was really upset that Connie Nielsen didn't stay on and we got Sela Ward instead, but I'm also glad that Connie didn't stay for this role

On ‎21‎.‎11‎.‎2018 at 2:24 AM, Dowel Jones said:

And Maggie showing up to work with her hair down?  Special Agents. They're just like us!

It confused me a bit. Since she normally wears her hair in a pony tail, I tried to figure out why she would not have done her hair (as she maybe wouldn't have had they been called in the middle of the night) in the middle of the day.

Then Sela Ward/Dana was heading to meet the Russian guy and at first glance, I thought the was Maggie and then I remembered that this his Hollywood. I guess, we'll get to see more of Maggie with her hair down?!

At least, Maggie got to be on the raid/rescue team. Detective Lindsey on Chicago PD just happened to be absent so often in these situations it started to annoy me.


On ‎22‎.‎11‎.‎2018 at 2:19 PM, Chaos Theory said:

In this he was unnecessarily angry for  no reason.  

I guess, he had to drive home a point? (But it would have been nice if Maggie had actually confronted him with the fact that the US military has done things they shouldn't be proud of).


On ‎24‎.‎11‎.‎2018 at 12:22 PM, kili said:

I love how they had the regular FBI agents wearing camouflage so they could sneak up on the house while Maggie and OA were wearing black outfits so they stood out. Still, it is the guy in the camouflage who drew fire (no doubt because of those helmets of death) not the easy to spot main characters.

To be fair, the camouflage guys were in the lead and Maggie did take cover once they were told the bad guys knew they were coming.


On ‎24‎.‎11‎.‎2018 at 2:02 PM, preeya said:

And they'll get there in a matter of minutes even if they are miles away and have to go through extreme traffic conditions. The Blacklist agents are noted for this means of travel, but hey, it's the FBI.

Maybe they had a helicopter somewhere and a backup car? ;-)

Well, I'm enjoying the show.  I'm not one who tends to over-analyze or nitpick very much though.  When I'm watching tv I just want to sit back, relax, and not have to think very much - especially if I'm watching something on one of the basic networks.  When I feel the need to employ my brain more I go read books (which reminds me, I need to buy more shelves).

I didn't see the military vet as a stone cold killer.  Far from it, in fact.  But I work with combat veterans and a whole hell lot of them verbalize some iteration of "I feel broken" or "I'm lost" at one point or another and a lot of them self-medicate with either drugs or alcohol (or both).  Often times it starts as just a means to keep from having nightmares.  The guy in the show was basically looking to suicide-by-cop at the end. 

On 11/24/2018 at 1:02 PM, preeya said:

And they'll get there in a matter of minutes even if they are miles away and have to go through extreme traffic conditions. The Blacklist agents are noted for this means of travel, but hey, it's the FBI.

Every cop show seems to do this stuff.   Let’s head out from the station in response to whatever call it is.  And, what do you know, the detectives/ FBI are first on the scene with no patrol cars in sight.  It’s particular annoying when the call involves someone in danger or injured.  These people could die in real life. At least the 48 hours show always lets you know patrol gets there way before  the detectives. 

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I found the premise actually interesting - an FBI agent that turns. At least it wasn't yet another simple mass!casualty!disaster!inNYC!

That said - as this will be, but I feel to KEEP saying it until it registers: STOP YELLING, JEREMY SISTO!

Really. I'm shocked the man doesn't yet have laryngitis.

And next week is the "fall finale". When did that terminology become a "thing", anyway? Used to be one finale. In May. Oh, well.

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

I found the premise actually interesting - an FBI agent that turns. At least it wasn't yet another simple mass!casualty!disaster!inNYC!

That said - as this will be, but I feel to KEEP saying it until it registers: STOP YELLING, JEREMY SISTO!

Really. I'm shocked the man doesn't yet have laryngitis.


Sing it, sista! MAn that grates. Every week...jeesch.

I liked the episode too. It was funny when OA went into the Harlem eatery in just his black wife beater.*   Maggie looked so embarrassed.


*weird 3 words 

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8 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

How did all those agents and officers know to be in that forest at the end.  She didn’t have any idea where she was going ahead of time.   I realize they knew where she was getting off the bus, but not the exact property she ended up at. 

They were following HER.   They probably weren’t there ahead of time but enough people were tracking Maggie.    It’s not hard to track a person who wants to be tracked.  

20 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

They were following HER.   They probably weren’t there ahead of time but enough people were tracking Maggie.    It’s not hard to track a person who wants to be tracked.  

They weren’t following or tracking her. they were already hidden in the trees as she came up the driveway.  The minute she put the handcuff on he was surrounded.  In reality there’s no way to do that unless you know where he is already. They knew the town that she was getting off the bus at. Not the property she ended up at.   20 people can’t follow someone who doesn’t know where they are going until 15 seconds before they get in the car, out of the car and then get told which road to take next.  Yes, you could watch with a drone and arrive soon- but not instantaneously. Yes, you could have cars follow the bus and cars. You’d still have to get 20 people out of those cars, and sneak them thru the woods to the exact end destination. They couldn’t actually arrive ahead of her. 

Something that so many of these TV shows do that annoys me is that they'll have the cop/agent approach a suspect, and while several yards from the person, call out the suspect's name and identify themselves. TV must do this because they think we love chase scenes. Me, as long as I'm not noticed, I'd do all that calling out when I'm a lot closer. Also, I thought it strange that she approaches this group in an FBI vest and they didn't notice her walking down the sidewalk. She did look a little different than everyone else.

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