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Teresa invites Jackie over for a visit; an innocent conversation between Dolores & Paul takes a sour turn when his divorce becomes the focus; Marge recruits her friends for a charity golf outing: Jennifer Aydin & Jenn Fessler meet for lunch

Aired 06.09.2024

Edited by snarts
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When the highlight of an episode is Delores mocking her boyfriend’s accent that’s not great.

And I have never wished for an ER visit more than when those idiots were golfing.

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That conversation between Paulie and Delores was shocking.  He was getting really heated and it was frightening.  I can’t imagine what he does when the cameras are down.  Does she have a home anywhere if she wants to leave that a-hole.  Something is just not right with this guy who won’t divorce.  Maybe the ex has dirt on him.  I wish she had stayed with David.  I know he always put his practice first but there are worse things.

Edited by Emmeline
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Danielle's fashion show was so freaking lame. Melissa saying "oh, my kids walked fashion week when they were little" - Main Character Syndrome as usual. 🙄 Danielle's designs look like something I'd find on the discount rack at a ROSS. Absolutely uninspired and cheap-looking. The little boy in cammo looked like PJs you'd find at Walmart.

I really did think that Paulie was going to get divorced, but he doesn't give a shit. He's hanging out, just doing what he wants when he wants. That being said, I'm glad he asked if Dolores truly thought he'd be proposing once his divorce is finalized. She (and everyone else!) doesn't need to be strung along. And what's up with what looks like Arabic on one arm and Chinese (I think?) on the other? That Arabic script looked absolutely enormous! Does anyone know what it says?

I love how Louie is all "this is a great opportunity for us to clear the air, meet at the same level, and move together hopefully as friends" and Fupa is all "that slag better give me Apology A, Apology B, and Apology C!" 🙄 Then Fupa literally says to his Whoville-looking wife that Louie "is probably a drug dealer because he accused me of being one." Uh, no - you actually were arrested and charged as an ADULT (not just as a juvenile) for dealing drugs. Sorry your past came out, bucko. Plus, he got his apology at that table from Teresa, and he got it twice. Then he asked for it a 3rd time? He never wanted an apology at all - he just wanted screen time. What a waste of air.

I love how Marge is all "we're doing a CHARITY golf tournament! For CHARITY!" and then proceeds to drive around a bunch of women in miniskirts and crop tops in a golf cart, handing out mocktails from her own line. 😂 What? I thought they were literally going to be collecting $ for charity or have a putt putt game or something. Did I miss it?

Edited by lightninggirl
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Rachel “no nose” and John “no chin” are hard to look at. 

Teresa is also as sadly she has had way too many procedures done.

when Teresa is the calm one in the conversation …

Edited by Stats Queen
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Yeah, Margaret - no big surprise you got married to Joe one week after your divorce from Jan was final.  It's because you and Joe were in a relationship with Joe WHILE you were married to Jan that caused the breakup of your marriage.  So, for all intents and purposes, you were involved with Joe probably for at least a year to 18 months before you married....probably living together while finalizing your divorce.

Also, nice way to play both sides here - first, you're all upset and in mourning for Jan, then, you're bragging about getting married one week after he divorced you.

Can't have it both ways!!!

Not that I'm defending Paul here - somethings up with him, and tonight made me not like him so much.  

Edited by njbchlover
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2 hours ago, bosawks said:

When the highlight of an episode is Delores mocking her boyfriend’s accent that’s not great.

And I have never wished for an ER visit more than when those idiots were golfing.

Right there with you!!!  

What is it about golf courses that makes Joe Gorga want other guys to show their butts?  He's done crap like this before at other golf courses.  Will he ever grow up and stop with the bawdy middle-school hijinks that are just soooo not funny?  And, why do these other grown men agree to let him basically shame them into this stupid and low class behavior?  At a charity golf outing, no less!!!  

The last thing I EVER wanted to see was Joe Benigno's ass crack.

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They all say one thing,  and behave another.

Delores, Paulie is horrible,  he has a really  nasty temper. I think  she needs to get out of that relationship. Didn't  she flip homes with Frank, is that why he's with her.

The past few times Louis  has been on, he looks like he's  rolled  out of bed..I just hate the way he looks, ugh! 

The fashion  show , Danielle  wasn't really prepared,  but the little  kids were cute.

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Marge knew what she was doing by putting the other women in those horrible green outfits. They looked like idiots. I did see Marge featured in a regular commercial and she looked great. I think she purposely hit the other carts trying to have an OC's hell on wheels Tamra moment.

Can anyone please remind me what Danielle's beef with her father/brother is about? I have no memory of it. Sounds like she's hoping for a Jorga siblings rehash.

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1 hour ago, pythonite said:

Can anyone please remind me what Danielle's beef with her father/brother is about? I have no memory of it. Sounds like she's hoping for a Jorga siblings rehash.

I'm a little confused about their issues- her brother unfollowed her after an IG post because she was overposting (?), and her father didn't want to take sides (that's what she said in the previous  episode)- but I think you nailed the part about hoping for a Gorga siblings rehash.

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As someone newly back to this show after several years, with the perspective that Theresa is (or at least was) the queen bee bully and from this board have gathered Fuda is terrible, but haven’t really seen it firsthand yet, I kind of loved him putting her in her place. Yeah, maybe this man practiced all this in advance like a defense lawyer on the trial of his career, but Theresa’s “I said I’m sorry if you thought I said you’re currently the biggest drug dealer in Bergen county” wasn’t a real apology. She was “sorry” for his misinterpretation, not for what she said. So after seeing her run all the fights by being the loudest and most aggressive in the room, I felt schadenfreude watching her sitting there sputtering with a shocked look on her face. Again, I missed many seasons, so maybe someone else has been able to put her in her place like this, but it was the first time I’ve seen it, so I thought it was highly entertaining. 

On the flip side, that was painful to watch Delores and her boyfriend. It definitely seemed like she’s never brought up her concerns and boundaries off camera, so he was pissed that she was making it a storyline on her TV show. He doesn’t seem like he wants to marry her at all, so I guess she got her answer. Now the ball’s in her court on whether she wants to be the longtime girlfriend of a married man or just move on. Though I wonder whether his citizenship/residency is a consideration in dragging out this timeline to 3 years, but if it was, I think Delores would already know that.

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Ugh, what is it with the men and their apparent infatuation with assholes? They're worse than 12 year old boys. 

Also, way too much of the men....again.

Fuda never saw a camera he didn't like, which is ironic for such an ugly man. They overplayed their hand because, like the Gorga's before them, they're only interested in keeping the feud going so they have something to talk about.

Danielle's show seemed like a mess to this viewer and I hope that her family drama is for the show, otherwise it's sad. That said, I 100% believe that she'd sell her husband & kids for fame. 

Paul's behavior at that lunch was worrisome. I hope it had more to do with her questioning him on camera because her questions were valid especially with them they're living together. 

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I don’t mind watching Danielle. She’s entertaining but those clothes weren’t anything special.   There’s so many options for clothes shopping. The kids were cute though. 
Fessler and Jenn Aydin are a fun team. 
 Margaret really likes to shove her infidelity down viewers throats. We get it. You were banging the contractor and married him a week after your divorce was final. How proud you must be. She’s really not needed on the show anymore. Not to mention she’s finally skinny but the Ozempic has done a number on her face. Her and her husband’s butt crack can leave now.
Joe Gorga is not as funny as he thinks he is.
Oh Dolores. I don’t think this guy is going to be your happy ending either. There’s something not right.
Can the disgustingly thirsty Fudas go away now? How long has he been rehearsing that poster child line?  He’s such a fugly looking little weasel and his wife looks like warmed up trash. The moron might have adopted Jaiden for the show but he still has a birth mom.  Why does Teresa owe him an apology? She asked if he was a drug dealer and the Fugs have decided this is their storyline.  By the way, wasn’t the junkie a drug dealer? It’s not exactly a lie is it? He changed his last name to hide it. He and Mrs Fug should have thanked Louis and Tre for a story because they are as boring as they are ugly. 

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Yeah, this season is gonna be rough. 

I have to say it, I have to say it!!!! During that sit down with the Fugly's, I'm Team Teresa 100%! When Teresa was at that table quietly telling Fuda to stop, stop, stop.... that was Teresa in off camera mode.... Her face softened and you can totally see that she didn't want ugly stuff brought up about Jaiden's mother. 

Say what you want about Teresa but there are some things that she's always been consistent on and speaking ill about family ON CAMERA is something she's never taken lightly. Granted she's had her moments, I'm not saying she hasn't (namely that BS about Rosie's father) but Fuda went in straight for his close up during that meetup and you'd think he doesn't own a mirror.  But in that moment I saw Teresa try to keep the topic away from trashing that kids mother and I don't think she was trying to be messy when she added, "that's Jaidens mother, that's why I didn't want you to say it..." then with Rachel's "I'm his mother, nice to meet you". Uggghhhh, They really are trash humans who SHOW IT everyday. It doesn't matter if Jaiden is estranged with his mom, that's STILL his mom! Good, Bad, Ugly and I promise you NO kid wants their mothers criminal and addict status splashed all over TV. He's a child and even though he tells you what you want to here regarding his feeling for you (Rachel!) You better believe there is still a million unresolved issues and emotins that boy has yet to break the surface on so thinking it's all gravy to be this nonchalant, talking trash about this boys mom in the name of "He loves, me and doesn't like her" is a very reckless mistake to be making. I just cant with that trash. I need them off the show ASAP!!

Edited by Yours Truly
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10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Not that I'm defending Paul here - somethings up with him, and tonight made me not like him so much.  

I don't think Paul has any intention to get divorced, and I think Delores knows that. Maybe she thought he'd change his mind? I could not help but be reminded of Bethenny trying to corner Jason 1.0 into letting her move in by bringing it up on camera in a similar fashion.


Seriously, this season is like the episode of Southpark where everything they do has been done before by The Simpsons:

Marge mourning Jan = Bethenny mourning Dennis

An unaccepted apology because it wasn't sincere, let alone a real apology

Bringing up a sensitive topic while filming to corner the other person into making a decision

Fashion shows





Edited by SweetieDarling
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Did anyone else think it sounded like Jen Aydin needed permission or approval from Teresa to go to Mel's housewarming party? When Jen tells Fessler that she's going to the party, she says that Teresa's fine with her going, it doesn't bother her, but she'd be much happier if Jen didn't go. 


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Paul's outburst was something else....Maybe he didn't want to discuss it on camera, but the same happened with David, and he didn't react like this. And I'm afraid he showed his intentions. Dolores shouldn't expect a proposal immediately after when, and if his divorce becomes final. She better consider her options right now.

I don't think that Fuda realizes (he doesn't seem to be too bright), but he is in slander territory. He claimed that Louie is a drug dealer too if he accuses him of being one. Louie didn't say anything like this (Teresa did, but she used past tense, and it's a fact). And I agree he perpetuates the feud with the most popular cast member for self promotion.

I have zero interest for Danielle's fashion show which seams to be putting her name on some generic (and basic with the derogatory meaning) clothes.

Edited by ZettaK
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Look, I've never liked the whole, men don't get in womens business angle these franchises like to throw out there because if you opening your mouth, talking harmful trash about someone, whether it be a housewife or a husband I feel like it's everyone's right to speak on the issue. Especially the person being attacked.  I never liked it when messy housewives want to say damaging things about a husband then try to muzzle them with the whole don't speak to me, damsel in distress act. Not to say that I don't appreciate it when the husbands go to each other to address messy wives and handle it among themselves (i.e. Married to Medicine) but all in all if a housewife is spewing nasty shit I ain't mad at a husband wanting to having a conversation, or their say, just not aggressively and not threatening. Being displeased with the person and showing it, to me, is not some heinous taboo.

With that said I am absolutely disgusted with the way Fuda chose to speak to Teresa. I get having your say and I get trying to set the record straight but this grown man DEMANDING anything from a woman the way he was demanding it was hella creepy and inappropriate.  His temperament was just too aggressive for my taste. Teresa may be this or that but there was something about Fuda's demeanor that just didn't sit right with me. I feel like his inner thug, you know the one he changed his name to hide, was slipping out at that table and he was trying to put Teresa on notice and it just felt all kinds of icky to me. I dunno, it just seemed beyond a househusband being irritated by housewife antics. Most of it stemmed from wanting screen time but he pulled that persona out from somewhere. He didn't just make it up on the spot. It's like he WANTED to be intimidating to her and because of who she is he felt it was okay to treat her that way and to me any man that gives themselves permission to be a brut to any woman is trash. Again, men defending themselves is one thing but Fuda looks like the type that enjoys making a woman feel uncomfortable. 

God I can't stand them.  

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And leave it to Jersey to keep it classy (not). The image of the guys and golf balls at the charity golf tournament (my eyes!)....

It's still hard to watch this for purely visual reasons because of Rachel Fuda, and secondarily her husband, and Teresa. 

I think that Jenn Fessler is more entertaining to watch than Danielle, and Rachel. 

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8 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

Did anyone else think it sounded like Jen Aydin needed permission or approval from Teresa to go to Mel's housewarming party? When Jen tells Fessler that she's going to the party, she says that Teresa's fine with her going, it doesn't bother her, but she'd be much happier if Jen didn't go. 


No. Unlike Marge, Teresa's friends are able to do what they want without repercussions. 

I doubt Jen truly has any interest in befriending Melissa after the way the Gorgas attacked her at BravoCon 202 and she knows Melissa is likely interested in reconciling with her to get at Teresa. She (& Teresa) understand that certain things have to happen for the show. So no, we won't see Teresa calling her a traitor/judas or attacking her for not being blindly loyal.

Most of the cast appear exhausted by the toxicity while a small few (and their husbands) will do anything to keep the arguments & faux slights going because they know they have little less to offer. 

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

No. Unlike Marge, Teresa's friends are able to do what they want without repercussions. 

I doubt Jen truly has any interest in befriending Melissa after the way the Gorgas attacked her at BravoCon 202 and she knows Melissa is likely interested in reconciling with her to get at Teresa. She (& Teresa) understand that certain things have to happen for the show. So no, we won't see Teresa calling her a traitor/judas or attacking her for not being blindly loyal.

Most of the cast appear exhausted by the toxicity while a small few (and their husbands) will do anything to keep the arguments & faux slights going because they know they have little less to offer. 

Yeah, I didn't get that impression either. I mean she said it point blank that she's going EVEN THOUGH she understands it would make Teresa happier if she just didn't go. How is that asking permission if she's going anyway?

Anyway, as much craziness this show has offered us over the years and the villainization of Teresa that has been totally earned by her I find it rich that I am now on Teresa's side. I cringe though because Teresa does have an extremely nasty side but all in all I'm rooting for her because I really do think she just wants to live her life in peace WHILE holding on to her job on this franchise. Personally I don't ignore the plenty of video proof that shows us her TRYING to disengage from escalating narratives. Does she always succeed? Nope, but the constant and continuous restraint we see from her when facing constant provocations does not go unnoticed by me. So kudos to seeing her effort, regularly on my TV screen. 

I also don't think Louie is this terrible person either. Do I think they both have unfortunate histories and black spots sure but I'm over thinking they are some out of the ordinary machiavellian couple, twisting mustaches and coming for everyone's puppies. LOL   Who cares if they are living in a love bubble? If they manage that love bubble all the way to their death beds then I'm all for it.

People who think it's creepy and unsafe (Marge, Melissa) can just thank their lucky stars its not them and keep it moving but until something substantial actually happens in their marriage......... and you know what? even then..... why should anyone care to the level of being mad at their "delusional coupling"? It's what's making them happy right now and it'll last til it'll last just like any other marriage out there that ends in freaking divorce. They are in love now and maybe down the line they won't be anymore. Big whoop. Why should it be any more scandalous than any other perceived doomed marriage out there? It's just so ridiculous to me that people are looking under every rock and stone there is to paint Louis as something more than any other RISK that's out there in the dating scene today. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
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2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I don't think Paul has any intention to get divorced,

It is easier to just separate lives however, if Paulie has life insurance or a pension and dies then Delores gets nothing and I am sure her name is not on the house, Delores has no protection or sense of security (even if she does not need it), unless Paulie has a will and included Delores the woman he says he loves, Delores is not entitled to anything, even if she does not need it.

That said, if Paulie gets divorce why would he feel like he needs to wait to get engaged to Delores? He has not lived with his wife for like 15 years, why would he need time before moving forward?  He and Delores have had 2 or 3 years together and if he is still unsure then Dolo needs to go go.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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When people show you who they are believe them.   Paulie has the upper hand in the relationship, and he knows it.   He tells her to leave if she's rethinking things.  IF he adored her, he would do whatever it takes to keep her.   Unless they are making all of this up for a storyline, and he really is divorcing soon and marrying soon - that is a possibility too.

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I think it's tragic that at such a big age Marriage is still such a coveted neccessity. Don't get me wrong, I get wanting to have someone to grow old with but to me a marriage is about building a life together, maybe a family, create memories of a complete life as a unit. So this longing for a marriage later in life after that window of home, kids and household  just seems so odd to me.

Again, not saying that there can't be marriage in the second chapter of life but that TO ME is a different type of animal and different type of marriage where the urgency of that union isn't as immediate or intense as if you're just starting out in life, if that makes sense. 

Of course there's plenty more to build and more memories to be created but I would think at this stage it would be more of a serene take on it. Where it's more about living comfortably, calmly and less pressed about the conventional concerns that comes with taking that initial step in life. 

I think what throws me is the manner in which they are discussing the endeavour. I don't know how to explain it but A) it seems so forced and B) it sounds like everyone's on some sort of schedule that so desperately needs to be met. Yeah, I know time's a wasting, but I can't help but wonder what the hell is so damn wrong with Delores not ending up married? I feel like it not being in the cards for Delores is some unacceptable, shameful fate. 

The part where its what Delores ultimately wants and he's wasting her time is not lost on me, and I'm not down with that but it's that part where marriage HAS to be the endgame that has me a little disappointed. I think at some point in our later years we need to stop romanticizing marriage so much that we feel like we've failed if we haven't achieved OR held on to it by the golden stages of our lives.

Personally I think it's okay to find a companion without letting marriage be such a force. I get the desire for it but I don't understand letting it become such a detrimental factor in later in life relationships considering just how much of a contractual agreement marriage actually is.   I guess it's cause I'm not of the camp that  sees marriage as the ultimate goal. I know the romance idea of it is really real to some, like I totally get why Teresa needed it. She's straight fairytale and I totally see it but for Delores it reeks as transactional so I'm just not that into her getting married. To be honest I just don't see where the sap of it all applies to her. It really just seems like she wants to be married just for the sake of being married. It felt that way with David and now with Paul and I think that's the REAL reason why these men hesitate with her.  I dunno, of course I could be wrong, obviously lol. 

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Yeah, Margaret - no big surprise you got married to Joe one week after your divorce from Jan was final.  It's because you and Joe were in a relationship with Joe WHILE you were married

I mean….its kind of the same thing with Paulie and Delores (without the cheating part of course).  Except for the paperwork, Paulie and his ex live as divorced people, so I can see him getting divorced and getting married again fairly soon.  In fact, at this point that would probably be the ONLY reason to get divorced.  But after last night it’s clear he doesn’t want that.  I was kind of shocked by his reaction, and his anger.  But hey, he’s being honest.  Delores would be wise to listen.  And I had to agree with caveman Joe…. Delo isn’t interested in starting a business with Paul.  She wants a ring and a nice house.  That is perfectly fine, but let’s not pretend otherwise.

14 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Uh, no - you actually were arrested and charged as an ADULT (not just as a juvenile) for dealing drugs. Sorry your past came out, bucko. Plus, he got his apology at that table from Teresa, and he got it twice. Then he asked for it a 3rd time? He never wanted an apology at all - he just wanted screen time. What a waste of air.

This!  Teresa did apologize multiple times.  And that idiot was just like well, it’s not good enough.  There’s really no where else to go from there is it?  And yes, John was a drug dealer and he was arrested for it.  That’s just a fact.  It’s not a rumor when it’s out there in the public record and if the Fuda’s didn’t want their past being brought up they probably shouldn’t have joined a reality show.  And my god Rachel with that nose...it makes Jen Aydin’s nose job look magnificent.  You could see neither Teresa not Louie really gave two shits about this meet up….it wasn’t worth their time or energy to even get upset about it.  Yawn.

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I don’t mind watching Danielle. She’s entertaining but those clothes weren’t anything special.   There’s so many options for clothes shopping. The kids were cute though. 
Fessler and Jenn Aydin are a fun team. 

I agree,  it’s a little sketch how she apparently cut her dad out of her life but at the same time I don’t talk to my parents and I have my reasons so I can’t judge too harshly.  The Jenn’s were funny.  I like these three.  I also like Teresa when she’s away from the Gorga/Fuda/Marge shit show.  That trifecta has more than run its course.

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2 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I mean….its kind of the same thing with Paulie and Delores (without the cheating part of course).  Except for the paperwork, Paulie and his ex live as divorced people, so I can see him getting divorced and getting married again fairly soon.  In fact, at this point that would probably be the ONLY reason to get divorced.  But after last night it’s clear he doesn’t want that.  I was kind of shocked by his reaction, and his anger.  But hey, he’s being honest.  Delores would be wise to listen.  And I had to agree with caveman Joe…. Delo isn’t interested in starting a business with Paul.  She wants a ring and a nice house.  That is perfectly fine, but let’s not pretend otherwise.

This!  Teresa did apologize multiple times.  And that idiot was just like well, it’s not good enough.  There’s really no where else to go from there is it?  And yes, John was a drug dealer and he was arrested for it.  That’s just a fact.  It’s not a rumor when it’s out there in the public record and if the Fuda’s didn’t want their past being brought up they probably shouldn’t have joined a reality show.  And my god Rachel with that nose...it makes Jen Aydin’s nose job look magnificent.  You could see neither Teresa not Louie really gave two shits about this meet up….it wasn’t worth their time or energy to even get upset about it.  Yawn.

I mean, the way he went on acting as if Teresa can't this or that. Newsflash dude, people can talk shit about you. It's a part of life. Is it cool? No, but you can't sit there and say she CAN'T. Of course she can and you can't do shit to stop her. All you can do is not like it and talk your own shit if it so pleases you. 

The other avenue is suing but if she's speaking truth then that option goes out the window as well. Actually, Teresa's only offense is talking shit about him, big deal. Go cry in the corner. To act like there's something bigger here than people just not liking each other is so corny. Fuda's theatrics over it all is just so transparent and sweaty. 

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Is it significant that Teresa's intro family group is T and her girls but no Louie? Is this foreshadowing for the season?

Funny that Jenn A can't just say, I'm going to the housewarming for screentime on the show. Jenn Fessler and Caroline Manzo might be an interesting show.

Without Teresa to fume about, Fuda would have no reason to be on screen.

Edited by OlderThanDirt
Another random thought
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Just now, OlderThanDirt said:

Is it significant that Teresa's intro family group is T and her girls but no Louie? Is this foreshadowing for the season?

I noticed that last night too!

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16 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I think it's tragic that at such a big age Marriage is still such a coveted neccessity. Don't get me wrong, I get wanting to have someone to grow old with but to me a marriage is about building a life together, maybe a family, create memories of a complete life as a unit. So this longing for a marriage later in life after that window of home, kids and household  just seems so odd to me.

Again, not saying that there can't be marriage in the second chapter of life but that TO ME is a different type of animal and different type of marriage where the urgency of that union isn't as immediate or intense as if you're just starting out in life, if that makes sense. 

Of course there's plenty more to build and more memories to be created but I would think at this stage it would be more of a serene take on it. Where it's more about living comfortably, calmly and less pressed about the conventional concerns that comes with taking that initial step in life. 

I think what throws me is the manner in which they are discussing the endeavour. I don't know how to explain it but A) it seems so forced and B) it sounds like everyone's on some sort of schedule that so desperately needs to be met. Yeah, I know time's a wasting, but I can't help but wonder what the hell is so damn wrong with Delores not ending up married? I feel like it not being in the cards for Delores is some unacceptable, shameful fate. 

The part where its what Delores ultimately wants and he's wasting her time is not lost on me, and I'm not down with that but it's that part where marriage HAS to be the endgame that has me a little disappointed. I think at some point in our later years we need to stop romanticizing marriage so much that we feel like we've failed if we haven't achieved OR held on to it by the golden stages of our lives.

Personally I think it's okay to find a companion without letting marriage be such a force. I get the desire for it but I don't understand letting it become such a detrimental factor in later in life relationships considering just how much of a contractual agreement marriage actually is.   I guess it's cause I'm not of the camp that  sees marriage as the ultimate goal. I know the romance idea of it is really real to some, like I totally get why Teresa needed it. She's straight fairytale and I totally see it but for Delores it reeks as transactional so I'm just not that into her getting married. To be honest I just don't see where the sap of it all applies to her. It really just seems like she wants to be married just for the sake of being married. It felt that way with David and now with Paul and I think that's the REAL reason why these men hesitate with her.  I dunno, of course I could be wrong, obviously lol. 

I understand completely where you're coming from, but there is the truth that it is a public commitment and final step.  If the man or woman will not do that, it does seem "less than" in the eyes of Italian Americans raised in the Catholic faith.  They may seem modern with the outfits, makeup, surgeries, sex lives, etc, but they were raised  in very traditional families.  Also, as mentioned above, you secure your inheritance and any pension, with marriage. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I don’t mind watching Danielle. She’s entertaining but those clothes weren’t anything special.   There’s so many options for clothes shopping. The kids were cute though.  

Me too, her picking up that tutu to brag when it just looked like the shower loofah I have hanging up.


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Did Teresa give the Fudas a housewarming gift for Joe and Melissa to take to their party? I don’t see the point. If you are all the way out of their lives, why send a present? To me that says she wants to keep the possibility of some sort of relationship in the future.

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1 minute ago, Chatty Cake said:

Did Teresa give the Fudas a housewarming gift for Joe and Melissa to take to their party? I don’t see the point. If you are all the way out of their lives, why send a present? To me that says she wants to keep the possibility of some sort of relationship in the future.

Teresa explained that Louie insisted on the gift—and was sure to add that she didn’t want to give it.

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14 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Right there with you!!!  

What is it about golf courses that makes Joe Gorga want other guys to show their butts?  He's done crap like this before at other golf courses.  Will he ever grow up and stop with the bawdy middle-school hijinks that are just soooo not funny?  And, why do these other grown men agree to let him basically shame them into this stupid and low class behavior?  At a charity golf outing, no less!!!  

The last thing I EVER wanted to see was Joe Benigno's ass crack.

While we’re at it, we all love our kids right?  Do all these Moron parents have to tell these kids “ I love you’ every damn minute.  ?    I just hope all these kids live up to their parents expectations?  By the way, have I told you guys lately how much I love you all ?   Good Lord.  Danielle’s Son is a mini me Danielle already.
























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28 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Teresa explained that Louie insisted on the gift—and was sure to add that she didn’t want to give it.

I would have told Louie to shove the gift up his ass. Joe and Melissa don’t deserve a gift from Teresa.

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

I think it's tragic that at such a big age Marriage is still such a coveted neccessity. Don't get me wrong, I get wanting to have someone to grow old with but to me a marriage is about building a life together, maybe a family, create memories of a complete life as a unit. So this longing for a marriage later in life after that window of home, kids and household  just seems so odd to me.

It seems odd to me too.

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The fact that Paulie forgot the reason he pushed the divorce off when he was so close to getting divorced is nuts...it was so important to not move further along with the divorce but he forgot why?



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“Everything Louis Vuitton”  🤮🤮🤮

Why do people think that looks good?  It is so COMICAL to me!


Marge lose the stupid pigtails.  

It’s like she thinks they make her look young.  That super blonde hair looks horrible too.

Edited by heatherchandler
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3 hours ago, Doublemint said:

When people show you who they are believe them.   Paulie has the upper hand in the relationship, and he knows it.   He tells her to leave if she's rethinking things.  IF he adored her, he would do whatever it takes to keep her.   Unless they are making all of this up for a storyline, and he really is divorcing soon and marrying soon - that is a possibility too.

I remember  thinking  the same about David, he was never going to marry her. It's a shame Frank cheated on her  because  nobody  seems to make her laugh  , like Frank.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

would have told Louie to shove the gift up his ass. Joe and Melissa don’t deserve a gift from Teresa.

I also thought it was weird they would give it to the Fudas who clearly dislike them.  Who knows what those weirdos will do with the gift, probably trash it or pass it off as their own.  I guess Teresa didn’t yet know Jenn was going to the housewarming or else Teresa probably would have given the gift to her to pass along.

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

It seems odd to me too.

I mean, I get wanting to get married no matter what age I just think that later in life I would expect it to be more about life companion, leisure time and activities, much more of a serene package if you get my drift. Enjoying each other without the added pressures of just starting out, before kids, before career, building  security, etc. etc. You know, details that don't really require a race to the alter. Doing it for the pure romance of it all is another gem I can't knock but in Delores case it all seems so "check the box". As if they need to get started on a family, and start breaking ground to do it all over again or something (which I know is not the case). There's just such an odd energy around it all. 


Edited by Yours Truly
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Dolores marriage to Frank wasn’t very long and he was cheating fairly early in. I think she still wants that fairy tale and also wants to prove something to everyone. Now that Frank is getting engaged she probably feels more pressure.

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8 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Look, I've never liked the whole, men don't get in womens business angle these franchises like to throw out there because if you opening your mouth, talking harmful trash about someone, whether it be a housewife or a husband I feel like it's everyone's right to speak on the issue. Especially the person being attacked.  I never liked it when messy housewives want to say damaging things about a husband then try to muzzle them with the whole don't speak to me, damsel in distress act. Not to say that I don't appreciate it when the husbands go to each other to address messy wives and handle it among themselves (i.e. Married to Medicine) but all in all if a housewife is spewing nasty shit I ain't mad at a husband wanting to having a conversation, or their say, just not aggressively and not threatening. Being displeased with the person and showing it, to me, is not some heinous taboo.

With that said I am absolutely disgusted with the way Fuda chose to speak to Teresa. I get having your say and I get trying to set the record straight but this grown man DEMANDING anything from a woman the way he was demanding it was hella creepy and inappropriate.  His temperament was just too aggressive for my taste. Teresa may be this or that but there was something about Fuda's demeanor that just didn't sit right with me. I feel like his inner thug, you know the one he changed his name to hide, was slipping out at that table and he was trying to put Teresa on notice and it just felt all kinds of icky to me. I dunno, it just seemed beyond a househusband being irritated by housewife antics. Most of it stemmed from wanting screen time but he pulled that persona out from somewhere. He didn't just make it up on the spot. It's like he WANTED to be intimidating to her and because of who she is he felt it was okay to treat her that way and to me any man that gives themselves permission to be a brut to any woman is trash. Again, men defending themselves is one thing but Fuda looks like the type that enjoys making a woman feel uncomfortable. 

God I can't stand them.  

You're 1000% correct!  Fuda is a wanna-be, and it shows.  Even when they were getting ready to meet with Teresa and Louie, Rachel referred to him as "Johnny Soprano", like he's some kind of mob boss or something.

The Fudas' may need to hire Joe Benigno and Joe Gorga to renovate their house - the current doorways may not be large enough for him to get his big head (not just physically - also in a "conceited" context) and over-inflated ego through them.

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Marge and the Fudas are playing this whole thing so wrong and looking like such total manipulative idiots that I shift between being amused about it and being totally appalled. I hope they are beyond embarrassed while watching this season, but I know their mentalities will not allow them to see themselves as others do. 

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If Paulie's wife is still in Ireland finalizing could be wrapped in stigma that still remains despite divorce having been legalized almost 30 years ago (still relatively recent in the grand scheme of things).  We just don't know and honestly I just don't care much.

The golf outing was a huge snooze fest and nobody needs to see the menfolk and their manufactured for the cameras, 10 year old mindset, shenanigans, nor do I believe anyone was hoping to see Joe B's old ass or Fuda's.  

The Fuda's are not fun to watch.  There is a wide divide between them and people we love to hate.  Their desperation for RHO fame is not entertaining to watch and he is particularly off-putting for too many reasons.  Wannabe's with nothing behind them.  

Margaret is played out along with the Gorgas.     

I need to remind myself that I don't watch it live and that I can fast forward through scenes with the Fudas, Marge, and Melissa and company.  


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4 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

“Everything Louis Vuitton”  🤮🤮🤮

Why do people think that looks good?  It is so COMICAL to me!


Marge lose the stupid pigtails.  

It’s like she thinks they make her look young.  That super blonde hair looks horrible too.

Marge is going to be completely bald soon if she keeps up the platinum blonde look.  Yeah, she looks great in the hair product commercials, but I'm sure there was a lot of volumizer and other products used to give her some semblance of a full head of hair.

Platinum blonde treatments are brutal on hair, and when your hair is thin to begin with, it's even worse.  She should take an honest look at her Mom's hair, which is dry, brittle, damaged and very, very thin on top.

Also, I think she's losing her hair from wearing so many wigs.

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5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Teresa explained that Louie insisted on the gift—and was sure to add that she didn’t want to give it.

So there was another podcast episode this morning with Melissa's Old Nose. These were recorded prior to the season premier and he's releasing them in parts every Monday. I think today's might have been the last one? Anyway she's revealed quite a few spoilers and so far all have been correct for the episodes/events that have already aired.

She said that the meeting with the Fuda's and Teresa and Louis was filmed on the same day as the housewarming party, the Fuda/Ruelas meeting was in the morning and the housewarming that evening. The gift is a bottle of Johnnie Walker scotch which was Teresa and Joe's dad's favorite. The idea for the gift came from Teresa's attorney Jim Leonard. He said that Joe Gorga would probably throw it away and that would make him look bad and in turn make Teresa look good. What actually happens is (in case you don't want to know, I'm assuming this will air next week)

Joe keeps the scotch but throws away the card.

Maybe I'll try and CliffNotes what she's said so far in the media thread.

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5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Teresa explained that Louie insisted on the gift—and was sure to add that she didn’t want to give it.

I think Teresa was wrong to say that on WWHL - she should have been the bigger person and said "Yeah - we wanted to be the bigger persons".   On the other hand, they could have sent Joe and Melissa some sprinkle cookies!!  

5 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Did Teresa give the Fudas a housewarming gift for Joe and Melissa to take to their party? I don’t see the point. If you are all the way out of their lives, why send a present? To me that says she wants to keep the possibility of some sort of relationship in the future.

I agree.  I also think at the time of the "sit down" between the Fudas' and Teresa and Louie, Teresa didn't know that Jen Aydin would be attending the party.

4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I would have told Louie to shove the gift up his ass. Joe and Melissa don’t deserve a gift from Teresa.

I think that Louie, even though he comes across creepy sometimes, would really like to see Teresa reunite with Joe and resolve their differences.

I don't know if he would want them to make peace to be a family, or to make peace so that the show could continue with them and they could all keep getting a reality paycheck, but either way, that's the way I see it.

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32 minutes ago, ichbin said:

If Paulie's wife is still in Ireland finalizing could be wrapped in stigma that still remains despite divorce having been legalized almost 30 years ago (still relatively recent in the grand scheme of things).  We just don't know and honestly I just don't care much.

The golf outing was a huge snooze fest and nobody needs to see the menfolk and their manufactured for the cameras, 10 year old mindset, shenanigans, nor do I believe anyone was hoping to see Joe B's old ass or Fuda's.  

The Fuda's are not fun to watch.  There is a wide divide between them and people we love to hate.  Their desperation for RHO fame is not entertaining to watch and he is particularly off-putting for too many reasons.  Wannabe's with nothing behind them.  

Margaret is played out along with the Gorgas.     

I need to remind myself that I don't watch it live and that I can fast forward through scenes with the Fudas, Marge, and Melissa and company.  


I think that Paulie's wife and kids live either in NY or North Jersey.

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4 hours ago, ww92 said:
  Reveal spoiler

Joe keeps the scotch but throws away the card.

Regarding Teresa's housewarming gift to her brother, I thought Fuda left it on the bar saying something like "He doesn't want this", referring to Joe. I thought Teresa then picked it up on her way out.

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