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S02.E11: Put the Fun Back in Fundy

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Are Ryan and Rob partners IRL as well? They are labelled as co-workers, but it sounds like Rob encourages Ryan up the climb with ' that's my hun' (or hub?). It's just interesting that they haven't been presented as a couple at all if that's the case.

Not the most exciting episode, I am happy with any team winning.

Remember the finale is on Sunday and not Tuesday.

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I will be happy with any of the final three winning as well, though I far prefer that it be Team Dude. They never cease to make me laugh, or warm my heart with their kindness. They were the only team that even acknowledged the guy on the mat with Jon - and with a hug, of course.


I still can't tell Nutmeg apart, but I was impressed when they gave the sibs their clue sheet.


I don't understand why Jinder didn't do the rappelling/climbing task. Did they not know when they went down that they would have to climb back up? Just seems like a no brainer that Jinder just as a matter of physiology would have more strength for the task than Sukhi. While I am glad they have been eliminated, I must say I was very impressed by them as siblings. Not a lot of sibs are that close and supportive of each other - especially in really trying circumstances. So kudos to them for that.

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So so happy to see Sukhi and Jinder and their big egos gone. I rolled my eyes way back in my head when Jinder was whining that they had blown the massive lead that they had when they started. Yeah, that was really massive, pinhead. You were virtually tied. And more of the whining and begging people for help. Gag.


I'm happy with the three teams left. They're all good people and good competitors. Every week I'm more and more impressed with Nutmeg. Damn they're terrific racers. Calm (for the most part), good navigating skills, smart, physically competent - they have it all and would be very worthy winners of the race. Even when they're basically tied with the other teams they manage to come out ahead. That's what, six wins? Seven wins? Well done Meaghan and Natalie. I'll be cheering for you on Sunday.

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They penalize for not obeying the traffic laws? Glad to see Jinder and Sukhi be eliminated, they begged people for help for most of the show, then when they won they claimed they were the best ever. 


Smart of Nat/Meg to run for the next challenge first. Being the first time to decide to switch gave them 1st place. 

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Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in this leg. I think mainly because after the Flag challenge, there wasn't really any places where the order could change.  Still, the challenges themselves were quite challenging. At this stage I think they're pretty much down to someone who HAS to do the roadblock one way or another. 


There were 2 flags that caught the teams up. Nutmeg and the Hippies mixed up the Yellow/Blue striped flag, while the other two teams had the blue/white checkered flags mixed up.


As for the teams that made it; I'm fine with any of them going to the finals. 


Next week, Ottawa. Looks like fun. (Especially running into an actual Road Block. LOL )

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Bummed that no one did the By land detour and all the DQ task did was make me hungry. But it's a decent final 3 where I wouldn't mind any of the winners.


But who would want to eat Blizzards at 7-8 am ?  On what looked like a cold day.  They all left Charlottetown around 5am, and it's only a couple of hours to Shediac.  The DQ challenge (cough, cough .... product placement by sponsor) seemed pretty weak when it came to challenges.  Case in point, each table ordered the same flavor of Blizzard, there wasn't even a memory aspect to it (two of this one, 1 of this one, etc.)


The race was lost when Sukhi and Jinder got the 15 min penalty for running the red and then missing the museum.

That is what put them behind.

Have they ever shown a traffic-related penalty being enforced when the team wasn't caught by the police ?  Did the cameraman rat them out to production ?  I remember TAR US in Africa that people received speeding tickets and had to go to a station to pay the fine, but that was only after being pulled over by the cops.


I was shocked that Natalie/Meaghan gave the info to Sukhi/Jinder after they lied about the pit stop.


Especially with the race to the mat and Jinder's comments fresh in their minds from the previous leg.  That seemed like they may have been pressured by prodcution (otherwise Sukhi/Jinder would have still been doing that task when the tide came in).

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I don't think they were pressured by anyone. As much as I disagree with what they consider to be "running a clean race", I was impressed with the fact that at least they're not hypocrites and practice what they preach. Personally, there's no way in Hell I'd have given them the clue.

I really feel like Mickey & Pete are being given the winner's edit. They've mentioned the "so close to being in 1st" so many times, it definitely seems like they're setting them up to win when it counts.

I definitely would have done the land Detour. GPS is so easy, I GPS myself everywhere.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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I definitely would have done the land Detour. GPS is so easy, I GPS myself everywhere.


I agree, especially after hearing there were 100 flags in the box that looked so similar to choose from. Surprised no one did the GPS.  

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I agree, especially after hearing there were 100 flags in the box that looked so similar to choose from. Surprised no one did the GPS.


Especially since the clue indicated that the 10 geocache locations were located with a 2000 square meter area -- that's only 40m x 50m, so it wouldn't even have been all that much walking (no worse than looking for the cafes in Paris) considering they would have had a GPS showing them the way.

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I wonder if just the concept of geocaching scared them off. If they've never done it, they might think it would be really hard. And as a "find something" challenge, they might have been afraid of getting caught in a needle-in-a-haystack challenge. It would have been great to see if it would have made a difference, time-wise.

It's a wonder a team didn't get both the blue-yellow striped flag AND the blue-white checked flag wrong.

Too bad Sukhi and Jinder are gone, I enjoyed them as racers. I really think Natalie and Meaghan are getting the winners edit - things like Jon calling the final the gold-medal round, they get the most airtime, and their clips always seem to lead and/or end the promos.

Oddly, I still feel like I don't really "know" Ryan and Rob, which is the producers fault.

I would love for Mickey and Pete to win, since they seem to need it the most and are so darn likable. And it would be such a "whoa, dude!" moment.

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I don't understand why Jinder didn't do the rappelling/climbing task. Did they not know when they went down that they would have to climb back up? Just seems like a no brainer that Jinder just as a matter of physiology would have more strength for the task than Sukhi. 

My rock-climbing husband informs me that as a general rule, a woman who's never climbed will actually tend to be better at it than a man who's never climbed, because men will tend to try and rely on upper-body strength and forget that their legs can be very handy, while women will naturally make use of all four limbs. Speaking in very broad generalities, of course, and there probably wasn't that much thought put into it in this case.


That said, I'm pretty pleased with this top 3. I'm glad Ryan & Rob managed to get there, because somehow, they've managed to become my favourites. Still don't make particularly good TV, but I think I'd like them in real life. I don't find them dull; just very low-key. It'd be A-OK by me if they won.

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I don't understand why Jinder didn't do the rappelling/climbing task. Did they not know when they went down that they would have to climb back up? Just seems like a no brainer that Jinder just as a matter of physiology would have more strength for the task than Sukhi.

I think it's simply because they had to split roadblocks, no one member of the team can do more than 6, and Jinder had already done his 6; for the same reason, in the last episode the clue spelled out that Ryan and Sukhi had to the roadblock. That also makes me think that there will be 2 roadblocks in the final leg, one for each team member, to keep things even. No more Flos on the race!


That said, I'm pretty pleased with this top 3. I'm glad Ryan & Rob managed to get there, because somehow, they've managed to become my favourites. Still don't make particularly good TV, but I think I'd like them in real life. I don't find them dull; just very low-key. It'd be A-OK by me if they won.


I thought I wasn't that invested in anyone, and I certainly had nothing against Sukhi and Jinder, so I really surprised myself by how much I found myself rooting for Rob and Ryan to make it to the final leg. They are low-key, that's true, but I was very impressed by their relentless positivity, and most of all by the fact that, even when lost, or in last place, they never got mad or even snappy at each other or the locals, thanking everyone profusely after every task. They just seem like very lovely people.

I don't know if I would root for them to win (I still kinda root for Natalie and Meaghan), but I definitely wouldn't be mad or disappointed if they did.

Just like I wouldn't be mad or disappointed if Mickey and Pete won, who also seem like really lovely people. It's been a looooooong time since I liked all three teams in an Amazing Race final, it's a great, refreshing feeling.

Edited by Caelicola
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It's a wonder a team didn't get both the blue-yellow striped flag AND the blue-white checked flag wrong.


From what I remember Rob and Ryan did get both of the above flags wrong.  I think it was Mickey who told them to check the flags carefully for the smallest detail. It was after that they discovered the incorrect striped flag, and then when they still didn't pass the task discovered the incorrect checkered flag. I love that Mickey (I think it was though Pete would have done the same thing) helped them with his advice.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I love how TAR Canada forces racers to follow the rules of the roads. In TAR, we never see any enforcement of what the racers do on the road, unless it is done by external party (law enforcements). In previous seasons I remember seeing racers going over the speed limit without any repercussion.


I think I saw on my on-screen guide last week that the title of this episode was "We may have given away half a million dollar" or something. Basically what Mikk said on the interview. Do I remember that correctly or is my mind plays trick on me?

Edited by TV Anonymous
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Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in this leg. I think mainly because after the Flag challenge, there wasn't really any places where the order could change.  


Same here; you can't really race to the pitstop on a single zip line.


That being said, I was very happy with the outcome of the leg; I'll really enjoy the finale without the annoying siblings telling me how awesome they are.


Preferred results: Mickey/Pete, Rob/Ryan, Natalie/Megan. 

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Post race interview with Sukhi and Jinder. http://blogs.calgaryherald.com/2014/09/17/ruth-myles-sukhi-and-jinder-talk-about-being-clueless-on-the-amazing-race-canada/  This really really really ticks me off. They don't even live in Canada and yet they took a coveted spot on TARC from the thousands of people who are dying to get on the show!!!????!!!!!!


Jinder: That was kind of a rough day. We started off in first, and we planned on getting into the final three. Right off the bat, in the first couple of minutes, we got a penalty. . . . We’ve been living in Southeast Asia. We kind of forgot how to drive in Canada.


And excuses, excuses, excuses. They were so wonderful they just can't believe they didn't win. But this takes the cake:


Q: So what happened to the clue that you lost on the beach at Hopewell Rocks?


Sukhi: We don’t know. We had it when we got there. Maybe someone accidentally picked it up. [snip]


Accusing one of the other teams of sabotaging them is low...just low.


I'm so glad they're gone. I wish they had been gone way early on when they pulled a rabbit's foot out of their ass and got saved by an NEL.

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In TAR, we never see any enforcement of what the racers do on the road, unless it is done by external party (law enforcements). In previous seasons I remember seeing racers going over the speed limit without any repercussion.


I think I remember someone mentioning (Phil interview?) that they (TAR US) assess most penalties at the end of the leg unless it directly influences the elimination. If you would have arrived in the same position, they just tack it onto your departure time. I know they have the PA's rehearse tasks for timing, so maybe this was such a tight leg for travel and task time they felt they needed to penalize on the spot because it would change potential outcomes. I feel like police interference is a separate thing from violating the rules, in the same way that a terrible taxi driver that takes you four hours out of the way is different than taking a four hour penalty for opting out of a roadblock.


Anyway, I think it's interesting that the rules of this show and all its incarnations leave so much room for interpretaion and confusion for the viewer. Why would you want to leave your viewer with a "Wait, What?" feeling.


That being said, I was pretty happy with the result, because as I pointed out to my mom after the episode, Suhki and Jinder have a very clear track record of doing well when they keep their eyes on their own paper and having catastrophic failures when they rely on begging. I enjoy that the even keeled, hard working and likeable teams came out on top.


I want to root for Ryan and Rob, because last season my hometown won, and they are from my current town. However, Mickey and Pete are working hard, but cruising through the fun of this. So they would be my top pick.

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I was shocked that Natalie/Meaghan gave the info to Sukhi/Jinder after they lied about the pit stop. Hopefully Mickey/Pete win the Amazing Race Canada.

I couldn't believe that either. I mean the whole wanting to play a clean race thing win fairly is gotten ridiculous at this point. I mean are they telling me that in the Sochi gold medal game if the US's top player was injured and couldn't play then Meaghan would have suggested that they sit out their best player so they can win cleanly. It just seems like she is trying to put out some "look how great and fair we are" kind of image. Now if she had said I helped them because racing them in the finals would be easier than racing Mickey and Pete, then I would have been impressed.


Overall I thought it was a good leg. I like that they had to deal with self navigation. Although I am surprised that they showed them leaving PEI they just sort of cut straight to them being in NB at the Dairy Queen, with no mention of them going over Confederation Bridge. 


Also when they showed that clip of what high tide looks like, I really wanted to know what would happen if someone took too long at the flag challenge.

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I mean are they telling me that in the Sochi gold medal game if the US's top player was injured and couldn't play then Meaghan would have suggested that they sit out their best player so they can win cleanly.

Nah, she'd just tell her to suck it up, wrap it up, and get out there. :) I get your point, though, and kind of agree. She has induced a lot more eye-rolling in me over the last few legs than makes me entirely happy.

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Post race interview with Sukhi and Jinder. This really really really ticks me off. They don't even live in Canada and yet they took a coveted spot on TARC from the thousands of people who are dying to get on the show!!!????!!!!!!


Gotta agree with @shok on this.  What the hell ?  Did they only come back to Canada to run TARC ?  In their post-show interviews, they keep mentioning about finally getting to see the east coast since they live on the west coast, but that doesn't ring true now if they have been living in Southeast Asia for a while.  Because that seems a little disingenuous, and sounds like their backstory was constructed to fit a certain narrative for production.


For example, that would be like finding out that Mickey and Pete have lived full time in Florida for the past 5 years running a dive shop, when they keep saying they are from Muskoka.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Yes, agree completely. I am disappointed with TPTB is that is indeed the case. Remember that Sukhi and Jinder kept on saying how proud they were to be Canadian, how their father first arrived in Winnipeg (?) with nothing, how being a Canadian let them travelled and see the world (before TAR-C)? As well, Sukhi also mentioned that nothing was more Canadian than hockey? Was that all phoney?


I think we need to hold TPTB accountable if everything is true. For me, they are no more than Canadians of convenience.

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I couldn't believe that either. I mean the whole wanting to play a clean race thing win fairly is gotten ridiculous at this point. I mean are they telling me that in the Sochi gold medal game if the US's top player was injured and couldn't play then Meaghan would have suggested that they sit out their best player so they can win cleanly. It just seems like she is trying to put out some "look how great and fair we are" kind of image. Now if she had said I helped them because racing them in the finals would be easier than racing Mickey and Pete, then I would have been impressed.


Overall I thought it was a good leg. I like that they had to deal with self navigation. Although I am surprised that they showed them leaving PEI they just sort of cut straight to them being in NB at the Dairy Queen, with no mention of them going over Confederation Bridge. 


Actually they did say the teams were driving across Confederation Bridge, with the (standard) aerial shot of the bridge. They probably didn't show teams actually driving across it because the views wouldn't be all that much (high sides on the bridge so you basically look ahead). It was just after the 15 minute Running a Red penalty was covered. 

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Actually they did say the teams were driving across Confederation Bridge, with the (standard) aerial shot of the bridge. They probably didn't show teams actually driving across it because the views wouldn't be all that much (high sides on the bridge so you basically look ahead). It was just after the 15 minute Running a Red penalty was covered. 

I was just surprised there was no shots of them driving, with comments about how amazing the bridge was.

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I don't really understand the beefs against Sukhi and Jinder. (And I am happy they are not in the final three so I am certainly not defending them because they were a fav team of mine - far from it.) They are Canadian, born and raised here. Their TARC profiles state that they have a business that expanded into Southeast Asia so it should not be a shock. I would think it would be natural that they would spend some time there, and some in Canada. Their interview stated that they flew out for a couple of weeks around when their 'naked sibs' epi aired.


It is just as likely that Sukhi used living in Southeast Asia as an excuse for going through a red light. (And are there no red lights in Southeast Asia?). Should the show only take people who have never taken a chance to expand their horizons outside Canada? My guess would be that their initiative to do that at relatively young ages made them attractive to TPTB. Despite the fact that the sibs penchant for asking for help throughout the first few epis showed a distinct lack of leadership skills. Thank goodness (at least until this past epi) they ditched that annoying habit.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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It is just as likely that Sukhi used living in Southeast Asia as an excuse for going through a red light. (And are there no red lights in Southeast Asia?


Considering what we've seen on "Don't Drive Here" (I had a board made for that show here so we can talk about it. ;) ), Red Lights outside of North America and Europe do seem to be more like suggestions than actual enforced traffic control devices. 

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I don't really understand the beefs against Sukhi and Jinder. (And I am happy they are not in the final three so I am certainly not defending them because they were a fav team of mine - far from it.) They are Canadian, born and raised here. Their TARC profiles state that they have a business that expanded into Southeast Asia so it should not be a shock. I would think it would be natural that they would spend some time there, and some in Canada. Their interview stated that they flew out for a couple of weeks around when their 'naked sibs' epi aired.


It is just as likely that Sukhi used living in Southeast Asia as an excuse for going through a red light. (And are there no red lights in Southeast Asia?). Should the show only take people who have never taken a chance to expand their horizons outside Canada? My guess would be that their initiative to do that at relatively young ages made them attractive to TPTB. Despite the fact that the sibs penchant for asking for help throughout the first few epis showed a distinct lack of leadership skills. Thank goodness (at least until this past epi) they ditched that annoying habit.


My beef is not against their citizenship, but rather against their residency. Being non-Canadian residents means that they do not pay Canadian taxes and they do not live Canadian daily lives. Basically, they are out-of-market of TAR-C. Imagine if TAR recruits a pair of Americans who live in Saudi Arabia and work for Aramco, for example.


Considering what we've seen on "Don't Drive Here" (I had a board made for that show here so we can talk about it. ;) ), Red Lights outside of North America and Europe do seem to be more like suggestions than actual enforced traffic control devices. 


Whoever say that obviously has never driven in Japan or, in the case of Southeast Asia, in Singapore. Believe you me, I drive much more carefully in Singapore than I do in Canada or the USA.

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Reading this topic I'm  happy that I haven't thought about reading about The Amazing Race Canada on different boards before today. I fear my opinion about the teams would've been affected by other people's opinions whether I wanted it to or not.


I like Sukhi and Jinder and thought they were fun! I was actually very annoyed with the hockey players being all huffy about Sukhi and Jinder poitning in the wrong direction... come on now! It's a race and it's not against the rules. As far as messing with another team, I thought it was merely a bit stupid and mischievous. I mean, it's not like Rob and Amber just driving past a team that's been in an accident with a car on its side basically not giving a f...


Also very disappointed that the completely inept Rob and Roy (or whatever their names are) are still in the race! They won over Sukhi and Jinder fair and square this leg, but have been so BAD previously that I just can't stand their blundering team in the finale. Plus, they're boring as all heck.


But hey, that's just me! Obviously, just me. Alone. Feeling... lonely. :-D :-D


Also, I just don't understand why people are upset about Sukhi and Jinder not living in Canada. I wouldn't raise an eyebrow if there were an American team living in London working for the Queen in the original TAR. But then I'm Swedish, living in Sweden working a very Swedish job, so perhaps that has something to do with it.

Edited by AKS
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Also, I just don't understand why people are upset about Sukhi and Jinder not living in Canada. I wouldn't raise an eyebrow if there were an American team living in London working for the Queen in the original TAR. But then I'm Swedish, living in Sweden working a very Swedish job, so perhaps that has something to do with it.

I don't really agree with you on Ryan and Rob, but I also liked Sukhi and Jinder, and I completely agree on not seeing their living in Southeast Asia as a problem. I'm an Italian expat, I haven't lived in Italy in 4 years, but I still consider myself Italian, and if they ever made an Amazing Race Italy and I had the opportunity to apply for it, I totally would. They aren't any less canadian just because they haven't lived there in a while, it's still clearly the culture they identify with the most. I don't quite see the problem there.


If anything, I find slightly more objectionable their theory that one of the other teams might have "accidentally" sabotaged them, because while I think that's a completely natural thought to have, it's not a smart thought to vocalize. It's just going to make you look like a sore, bitter loser, and they don't come across that way in the rest of their interview. Just don't say it, next time, Sukh.

Edited by Caelicola
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Hi, AKS! (My grandfather Bror was from Lulea, came over here to Chicago in the early 1920s with his brother and uncle.)

I would have been happy with any combination of these four making it to the final. However, Sukhi and Jindar begging for help many different times did get old,. Personally, I hope Team Dude end up winning!

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I want to root for Ryan and Rob, because last season my hometown won, and they are from my current town. However, Mickey and Pete are working hard, but cruising through the fun of this. So they would be my top pick.


A part of me is rooting for Ryan and Rob because if they win despite two non-elims it will heal the minor psychic wound I suffered when the Tims won after two non-elims last season. Ryan and Rob seem very pleasant and appealing. However since I don't dislike any of the teams in the final as long as the winner runs a good leg and we get some suspenseful order-changing tasks I think I will be pleased whoever wins.

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Hi, AKS! (My grandfather Bror was from Lulea, came over here to Chicago in the early 1920s with his brother and uncle.)

I would have been happy with any combination of these four making it to the final. However, Sukhi and Jindar begging for help many different times did get old,. Personally, I hope Team Dude end up winning!


Hi! Luleå is a great town, though I haven't been there for many years. It's a good 7-8 hour drive from here even though I'm also in what's considered the north part of Sweden. :)


I can agree that Sukhi and Jinder have sometimes relied too much on other teams, and they've had many a d'oh moment - especially this last episode. I can't argue with their elimination, but who knows... if the other guys hadn't hinted at the solution to Rob and whatever his name is at the flags (something about looking for the details), Sukhi and Jinder might still be in the race and I would've much preferred that.

Edited by AKS
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I think Sukhi and Jinder benefitted from the Olympians wanting to maintain the standard of behaviour they were expected to uphold as Canadian ambassadors, and also how they're conditioned to behave as public figures courting sponsorships, etc. 


I was disappointed to see the clowny siblings go. It was a novelty to see how far they could go and what they could do extremely well or extremely dumbly next. The others are all perfectly fine, so I guess I'm rooting for my fellow team girl power! or team my hometown (Ryan & Rob).

Edited by anonymiss
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I like both Sukhi & Jinder (since they always provided a good laugh) and Ryan & Rob, so I didn't want either to be eliminated.  Same last week with Alain and Audrey.  This year's teams are all pretty likeable to me, unlike last season when I just despised the Tim's and they won.  


If they want to do product placement, they can't do something as blatant and dumb as the DQ challenge.  At least make it creative, with some link to the location visited and with some difficulty.  


I was curious and read that Sukhi and Jinder both graduated from a university in BC.  So for Jinder, who is 26, that would only be 2-4 years away from Canada setting up businesses.  Their family still lives in BC, so they visit (they applied on a whim when they came home for Christmas on deadline day).  If I moved away from Canada, I know I would still feel Canadian, so I don't have a problem with them in the race per se.  The CTV website is misleading since it lists their "current city" as Terrence, BC, though.


I'm glad they penalized for running a red light.  Racers would naturally want to get to places as quickly as possible but it is only fair that they do so within legal limits.


Are Ryan and Rob partners IRL as well? They are labelled as co-workers, but it sounds like Rob encourages Ryan up the climb with ' that's my hun' (or hub?).


I found an interview where they say they're just friends and they find it refreshing the show hasn't outed them yet.

Edited by Camera One
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I found an interview where they say they're just friends and they find it refreshing the show hasn't outed them yet.


Didn't they out themselves? I remember one comment by Rob (I think) in the FF challenge where he talked about having done a lot of nude posing for art classes and a mention that he had been a Mr. Gay Canada plus I think they have said a couple of other things. I am glad though that TARC hasn't focused on their 'gayness' in their descriptions of the team.



I think Sukhi and Jinder benefitted from the Olympians wanting to maintain the standard of behaviour they were expected to uphold as Canadian ambassadors, and also how they're conditioned to behave as public figures courting sponsorships, etc.


Or maybe Nat and Meaghan are just good people who sincerely want to run a good clean race? Olympians and professional athletes tend to be amongst the most competitive people there are (that's why they've made it to their respective pinnacles) and that competitiveness can result in a lot of them acting like jackasses in the real world so I'm inclined to think the girls are revealing their true selves rather than putting on a phony front trying to court sponsorships.


I was watching some of the extended videos on the CTV site and caught an interesting comment they made. Virtually all the other teams in their post race interviews and on that mid-race After the Race show talked about how they were surprised how the constant over-the-top adrenalin affected their racing and decision making. Nat and Meg though talked about how they controlled the adrenalin - that each leg was like an important hockey game where they were super hyped going into it but once they had played their first shift they got the jitters out. That experience has, I think, helped them to remain so level headed and able to get through their tasks without freaking out unlike most of the other teams. Hope they can remain freak-out free though this last leg!

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Didn't they out themselves? I remember one comment by Rob (I think) in the FF challenge where he talked about having done a lot of nude posing for art classes and a mention that he had been a Mr. Gay Canada plus I think they have said a couple of other things. I am glad though that TARC hasn't focused on their 'gayness' in their descriptions of the team.


I think the interview was done earlier in the season.  I think he meant via their marketing and editing, they haven't made it an issue.  There has only been two or three comments so most people wouldn't haven noticed.


I was watching some of the extended videos on the CTV site and caught an interesting comment they made.


I guess I should watch some of those.  I'm so used to not being allowed to watch the CBS website ones because we don't live in the US.

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I was watching some of the extended videos on the CTV site and caught an interesting comment they made. Virtually all the other teams in their post race interviews and on that mid-race After the Race show talked about how they were surprised how the constant over-the-top adrenalin affected their racing and decision making. Nat and Meg though talked about how they controlled the adrenalin - that each leg was like an important hockey game where they were super hyped going into it but once they had played their first shift they got the jitters out. That experience has, I think, helped them to remain so level headed and able to get through their tasks without freaking out unlike most of the other teams. Hope they can remain freak-out free though this last leg!


This is exactly why, to me, they should not be in this race. If TPTB want to do a season of all pro athletes, fine. But when all of the other teams are not pro athletes,  it gives Nutmeg a big advantage and results in an uneven playing field.  I don't know if the reason for having them is as a draw for viewers, but personally I tuned in because it is a Canadian version, and my fav teams by far have been the ordinary joes (or in this case Mickey and Pete).

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The hockey players have still had more freak-outs, arguments with each other and situations of panic than some successful teams on the US versions like Nat and Kat.  They do have some advantages, but I think overall, it does balance out since each team has certain strengths.  Though I can't really pinpoint what the exact strength of Mickey & Pete and Ryan & Rob are.  So I don't know how competitive the final leg will be.

Edited by Camera One
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I was watching some of the extended videos on the CTV site and caught an interesting comment they made.


I just watched the extended mat talks, and it was kinda nice that none of them were exclaiming they were the best and they were going to win.  The Dudes were actually kinda defeatist, saying the girls always beat them.  Modesty is nicely appropriate for "The Amazing Race Canada", I guess.  

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I just watched the extended mat talks, and it was kinda nice that none of them were exclaiming they were the best


Well, except for Sukhi and Jinder who thought they were the best at everything. I didn't like them from the very first show and watching their extended videos through the season just reinforced my initial reaction to them. But enough bitching about them - they're gone!!!!! :)

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I was talking about the three teams going into the final, but you're right, if Sukhi and Jinder had made it, they would have exclaimed they were the best since they already did it last week!  On the US version, they always end the second last episode with the top 3 teams throwing down the gauntlet declaring that they would be the winners.  Maybe the finale tonight will start with that?  I hope not...

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I don't really understand the beefs against Sukhi and Jinder. (And I am happy they are not in the final three so I am certainly not defending them because they were a fav team of mine - far from it.) They are Canadian, born and raised here. Their TARC profiles state that they have a business that expanded into Southeast Asia so it should not be a shock. I would think it would be natural that they would spend some time there, and some in Canada. Their interview stated that they flew out for a couple of weeks around when their 'naked sibs' epi aired.



Just downloaded this season and watched it this week.  Now I'm reading this board for the first time. 


I was shocked anyone would object to team members living abroad.  You do know that in TAR Asia -- the first and most world-traveling spin off -- you just have to be a resident of one of the Asian countries in the AXIS broadcasting area.  Thus in Season 1 they had an English dating couple as Thailand's sole representatives and a Kiwi/English couple as Hong Kong's.  Also one half of the Sri Lankan team was English.  I think one member of the Singapore team has what was it a Russian model or something.  I forget.  And one of the teams "billed" from Malaysia was half South Korean.


It sounds like this Canadian team are full citizens so why shouldn't they live anywhere?  The Guidos on TAR1 lived in Paris for 5 years.  On the same season, Frank & Margarita came from the Dominican Republic originally. TAR 2's much loved Oswald & Danny were naturalized citizens having both been born in Cuba.  Season 5's famous Charla & Mirna team were born in Syria in a minority Armenian Christian community (double dipping international) and came to the US as kids.  I'm sure there are tons of other examples but you get my point.


TAR has always been about embracing the whole world.  Of transcending national boundaries.  I know the Canadian version doesn't have the budget to go around the world but I think the spirit is the same.  As Oswald once said, "People are people everywhere."


Didn't the host of this version even brag that 300,000 Canadians reside in Hong Kong?  Isn't that something to be proud of and embrace?  The expansion through peaceful means of Canadian culture and influence?

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