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S46 Ep. 11 "My Messy, Sweet Little Friend"

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Not sure what to think of Maria.  Despite what we've seen, including tonight, I think she's a great person.  Probably messed up to mess with Liz, but what are you going to do.

I think she's inconsistent, and I can see her finishing anywhere from 1-6.  Great champions make tough decisions, and they sure as heck don't make matters worse.  Probably prolonged things in her rightful decision.

While it doesn't matter, it's best not to make you an antagonist.  Just make the call, and have a quick reason for your decision going forward.  Might be costly, but it still produces respect

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3 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

Any thoughts on why Ben voted Kenzie?

Charlie mentioned something about having a stray vote out there so he maybe wouldn't ruffle feathers with the other side.  So he might have asked Ben to vote Kenzie for him to create a little chaos (I don't really know why he'd go to those lengths because he could just lie and say he voted Venus and would probably be believed).

1 minute ago, Rodney said:

Julie saving herself and getting Emily voted out last season?  Using Austin's idol, no less?

Okay, I knew there had to be one, and I can't believe I forgot about that one.  But seriously, I don't feel like they do idol plays like they used to.

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I was happy  to see Venus go. I think we saw part of her messy game, when she implied to Charlie she had 'something  up her sleeve ' if they don't  vote Q out soon, he'll  win.

I like Charlie, but what has he done? Marie doesn't  have that hungry winner vibe. I did think she was going to take Liz z for Pizza, instead of fueling Q. One little  mistake, and you're  on the bottom.

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1 minute ago, KeithJ said:

On another note, has Ben done anything at all in this game?

Other than express an ounce of hypocrisy to Q & something else, not much.

I actually don't care who wins either at this point.  No longer a big deal.  Probably an idea time to bail, but there are only 2 episodes left.  And this season has exceeded top level in terms of questionable, head-shaking moves.  Actually the lack of any moves

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3 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

I was happy to see Venus go. I think we saw part of her messy game, when she implied to Charlie she had 'something  up her sleeve ' if they don't  vote Q out soon, he'll  win.

I like Charlie, but what has he done? Marie doesn't  have that hungry winner vibe. I did think she was going to take Liz z for Pizza, instead of fueling Q. One little  mistake, and you're  on the bottom.

Venus's mistake was saying that to Charlie.  Once she did, she pretty much had to tell Charlie what she meant if she wanted him to keep trusting her.  She didn't, so she spooked him into flipping on her.  And apparently, she spooked Kenzie and Liz into doing it, too.

But on the flip side . . . Charlie's one chance was this move right here.  Regardless of what Venus said, he should've just trusted her and gone along with her, Kenzie, and Liz to oust Q.  He would've had a move on his resume that wasn't on Maria's, for one.  Him getting spooked is understandable, but still his fault.

Edited by Rodney
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I groaned when Venus found the idol because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would have learned nothing and go home with the idol in her pocket. I was desperately rooting for her to win the IC because she was guaranteed to blow her idol.   It was bad enough to admit you were not going to play it and then proceed to draw a target on your back getting Charlie suspicious with insinuations. Possibly some of the worst game play seen in some time. Canada has fallen.

Liz and her vestigial intestines getting denied food however was a thing of beauty. Anytime something doesn't go that wingnut's way is good by me. The castaways should start measuring her for her goat costume any day now.

Freshman crop of editors? It seems like only rookies would not understand that we know after all these years if you spend 45 minutes discussing how Maria is about to be booted then Maria will be sitting at tribal with the necklace on.

I couldn't focus on what Charlie was saying just before the walk to tribal with all the artsy camera shots. They felt so staged I was expecting the camera to pull back and see the director sitting there in his canvas folding chair wearing a beret and yelling "cut" into a megaphone. SURVIVOR left the reality part behind long ago.

Quick pat on my back. They showed a clip of Ben at last years reunion show to preview this season and I made some post here about instant dislike just looking at him. I feel that has been rewarded...he adds nothing to the  show and is just there. You could substitute a crash test dummy for him one week and no one would ever know.

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So... people don't like using idols anymore?

1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

I liked Venus, so I’m sad she’s gone.  Cannot wait to read her exit interviews however!

I can't wait to see her exit interviews. I really want to see her reaction to the season and the parts she didn't know about.

1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

And seriously, when was the last time there’s been a successful idol play that counted?  Also, did Hunter’s idol not get re-hidden?

I'm thinking Hunter's idol was rehidden, but they thought he was full of shit so they didn't go looking for it. For Tiff's idol, people were not doubting that she had an idol so when she got voted out, they were confident that another one was rehidden.

Separately, I've always been under the impression that there were tribe idols and there was a merge idol. I always thought once the merge idol was found and used or voted out, the merge idol was rehidden but once the tribe idols were used those don't get rehidden at the merge camp.

1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Speaking of Q, didn’t take him long to get back to being cocky and acting like he’s running things again.  Maria totally went down for me tonight.  Yes, she was really in a no-win situation, but making comments about people’s bodies breaking down more than others, asking people to plead their case, and then resorting to rock-paper-scissors…I mean she probably got the result she wanted, but I’m not sure it was a good look for her.

Do people not like Liz? Is she in the same camp as Venus?

I feel like no one would have been mad at Maria if she had chosen Liz. Liz is probably the only "safe" choice left to pick for a reward so she's sympathetic.

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I think we've come to that point in Survivor that finding an idol is more important than using an idol. It's become a thing to say that I was on Survivor and found an idol, that's why people can't shut up about it when they find one bc they want the acknowledgement that they've done something everyone that's played Survivor hasn't done.

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1 hour ago, MerBearHou said:

Any thoughts on why Ben voted Kenzie?

If Venus played her idol, then all the votes for her would have been nullified and whoever she picked would have gone home. This is what happened last season when Julie nullified every vote against her and sent Emily packing. By throwing a vote Kenzie's way, it prevents the possibility of Venus singlehandedly getting rid of any of the non-Maria Survivors. Of course, if Kenzie and Venus had been able to work together, the two of them could have foiled this plan.

On another note, I'm surprised that no one said "Hey, we got to get rid of Charlie or Ben to prevent there from being a Siga 3+Q running the show going forward." It doesn't even seem like people have thought about voting off either of them. 

1 hour ago, dancingdreamer said:

I like Charlie, but what has he done? 

Charlie has won two individual immunities (as has Maria) and has been a part of every move Maria has made, and has been on the right side of every vote. He has not made any enemies, and IIRC his name has not been written down or even talked about as a target. Of the players currently left in the game, the only person who can legitimately boast as good a combo of physical, mental and social game is Maria.

I think Q is the only other person who could lay a claim to votes if either Charlie or Maria make it to the F3. As much as he may have alienated people with his my-way-or-the-highway attitude and/or his quasi-quitting, I think he's a decent talker and he can spin a tale where he grew and adapted, and despite everyone at one point gunning for him, he made it to the F3. I could see Hunter, Soda and Tevin all voting for him, and even though Tiffany had said that he lost her vote, I could see Q sweet-talking her back into his camp, and I could see Kenzie voting for him as well. 

What has Kenzie done since the merge? Been nice to Ben that one time. I guess you could add getting second in that one immunity challenge. Still, I could see both Tiffany and Q voting for her, and some of the other jurors might be maybes. 

What has Ben done since the merge that does not involve saying something does or does not rock and/or have some rock reference, having a panic attack and following the lead of the other Siga members? As much as he might be a nice guy, I just don't think his game is impressive, that he has the chops to give a FTC speech to sway people to his side, or that he would get anything more than a pity vote or two. 

What has Liz done besides complain about not being able to eat, complain about not getting credit for getting Soda and Tevin out, complain about Q overshadowing her great moves, complain about Q's denying her the Applebee's that is her divine birthright, laze around camp, and make weird and/or loud noises? I could be projecting, but between her allegedly already being a millionaire and her being unlikeable, I don't see her getting any votes. 

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

I thought what Maria did was HILARIOUS.  If everyone knows Liz is starving, and they even have gluten-free pizza in this one, and still no one picks her?  That feels like a hint.

Haha to funny!  Although I get where Maria was coming from:  she didn't want to make a decision; Charlie and Kenzie took themselves out, and when she asked for the other 3 to "make a case" for themselves Venus wasn't going to beg, effectively eliminating herself.  I thought Q made the classiest case possible for himself but he did what she asked.  So with 2 left she didn't want to just oust stupid old Liz, and let them decide amongst themselves.  Bad gameplay by Maria but I did get it, and I also get why Charlie eliminated himself - as he said, he was trying to hide through this vote, and didn't want his name brought up by the "pizza losers" while he was off stuffing his face.  And he wasn't a crybaby about it, so good for him.  Kenzie and Venus can shut their crying pieholes - if they wanted pizza they should have stayed in the game!

2 hours ago, Carey said:

When the story of Planet Earth has been written, Season 46 will have its most fitting tagline:

"Survivor Castaways without a HII: Marked 'SAFE' from Survivor Castaways with an HII"

Haha soon they'll have enough of them to cast an entire season - that can be the theme 😂 

Does anyone else think that Liz has "learned" to express herself on Survivor?  I think she's been expressing herself too much since day 1! 😄

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Seeing Venus go sucked, as I liked her too. If Venus did play her idol, there would have been a tie between Q and Kenzie, and Kenzie would have probably gone on the re-vote. In a way, I'm glad she didn't play it, because Kenzie seems like a very nice and sweet person, and I wouldn't want to see her going. She's about the only likable one left.

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13 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

What has Liz done besides complain about not being able to eat, complain about not getting credit for getting Soda and Tevin out, complain about Q overshadowing her great moves, complain about Q's denying her the Applebee's that is her divine birthright, laze around camp, and make weird and/or loud noises? I could be projecting, but between her allegedly already being a millionaire and her being unlikeable, I don't see her getting any votes. 

Whining aside, Tevin's blindside was her move.  She made the call to pull the trigger when it was pulled, so she can claim that one.  But . . . that's about it.

Like I said in the live thread . . . if I really cared about Survivor, I'd be slamming my head against a wall now.

Why do I still watch it? It's not remotely as relevant as it used to be. The gimmicks have wrecked the show, and Probst doesn't make things better. And now we got players who figure that holding on to a hidden idol is more important than playing it. And I get it . . . using an idol is like playing a game of chicken. Play it too soon, you lose the advantage. Sit on it for too long, you risk getting voted out. But this season, we've had four -- FOUR! -- players who went out with an idol in their pocket. And we're careening into a finale where a guy like Q could win. Does anyone other than Probst want that? That seems to be the most likely conclusion, though. That, and Probst rubbing salt in the freshly reopened wounds of Hunter, Tiffany and Venus during the "party" after the final vote, in between bites of pizza.

And I know that Liz is a deserving target, but it was fucked up for Maria to have her and Q play rock-paper-scissors for the pizza. Q probably still had Applebee's in his system. Liz probably hadn't even opened her little rice capsule yet. The only way Maria could have befouled the bed worse is if she made the challenge losers dance for their share of pizza.

Honestly, does anyone have survival skills when it comes to feeling the target on their backs? Venus plays her idol, Q might have gone out and onto the jury, where he'd probably eat hearty between Tribal Councils. But no, she keeps the idol and gets voted out. Dummy!

Why do I watch this show? Even The Challenge occasionally gets its shit together like it's been doing with their subscription-exclusive series, All Stars. Is there a reason why I shouldn't bail, other than figuring out who would be cast as cannon fodder for the fiftieth season?

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I should have known this season was going to be bananas when they first showed the cast photos and two of the women looked identical.

This season is such a goddamn mess that I'm just going with it at this point. Three people in a row going out with idols. People losing their mind over Applebee's. Several jokes about "several." Pretty much everyone making terrible decisions. Some seasons have great players, and some seasons are Gabon. This is shaping up to be Gabon.

I'm so curious about who the final 3 will be. I hated the Season 43 final 3 (not as people, but as players), and I thought no one of them deserved it. I think any combination of a final 3 is going to be interesting. Not good, but fun in a way 43 wasn't. I'll have my licorice and cushion ready.

I did laugh when Jeff was announcing the reward of pizza ... and soda. It would've been funny if it was actually Soda singing to them while they ate. Dinner and a show.

Edited by Steph Sometimes
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2 hours ago, Brown44 said:

Q is winning this people. Everyone thinks he's not gonna get a vote in the final 3 and Q is gonna get them votes.

Yup!  I said last week that Soda, Tevin and Hunter had no issues with him.  Q can confidently argue that he and Tiff parted ways only after she turned on the Alliance of 6.  I think he could persuade anyone but Venus or Liz that he played an aggressive, visible game and he's deserving.  If he's sitting next to anyone but Maria or Charlie, it would be a shame for him NOT to win.  This season is crazy memorable mainly due to his presence.

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So which of the last three pocket idol-holders was the dumbest?

Hunter: he knew, or should have known, that his challenge prowess made him vulnerable because people might see him as likely to go on an immunity run. His Spidey-senses were clearly tingling, and he refused to listen to them. 

Tiffany: She had overtly told people she had an idol and that she was going to play it, incentivizing them to target her. Indeed, she articulated that the notion that she would prefer to burn the idol to take the target off her back. She had just seen Hunter go out on a blindside with a possible pocket idol. On the flip side, she had every reason to think that it would be Q because of his antics and her ignorance that she was being targeted was at least somewhat excusable, as she thought she had an ally in Kenzie, and a decent enough relationship with most of the others, at least on the surface.

Venus: She had every reason to think she would be targeted, as a) she had gotten votes repeatedly in the past b) she and Kenzie were on the outside of the previous vote and so it made sense that the same majority would try to vote for one of them and c) she had no allies whatsoever. She also was well aware of the pain of being pocket-idoled since she just saw it happen to Tiffany, and possibly was aware of it happening to Hunter. And her suggesting to Charlie she had an unspecified advantage seemed like a bizarrely bad play.

I think it's Venus, then Hunter then Tiffany.

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Not much to say about Venus being voted out.  It's totally her fault!  These are the reasons I think that led to her elimination

   1.  Telling Charlie she had a surprise.  Even though she didn't tell him she had an idol she insinuated that she did!

   2.  She didn't play her idol!  She had to have known that the others were talking about her.  She wasn't in the Tiff vote and she had to have known that she wasn't exactly a favorite around camp.
   That's why sometimes I wonder if the producers/directors instruct the contestants to make "questionable decisions"
   You have an idol, play it!

   I was pulling for Venus.  There isn't really anyone I'm rooting for now.

   Charlie's decision not to vote out Q will bite him in the ass when he loses.  He can't beat Maria or Q, so his objective should've been to vote Q and then Maria.

   If anyone other than Maria and Q wins the next IC, there should be no discussion as to who is going home.  

   The next two TC eliminations should include Q and Maria! 

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Okay, I knew there had to be one, and I can't believe I forgot about that one.

And for two more examples, Brandon saving himself and knocking out Maddy the first week of 44, and Josh, thanks to Carolyn tipping him off, saving himself and knocking Sarah out three weeks after that.

Edited by Rodney
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6 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Any thoughts on why Ben voted Kenzie?

To prevent Venus from sending one of them home if she played an idol.  Just the typical splitting the vote maneuver.

I usually don't get  excited watching Survivor but I did fist pump when Maria foiled them all by winning immunity.  I love that a middle age Mom is leaving all these "cool kids club" members in the dust.  Go, Maria!

And I loved that Maria had them do the rock-paper-scissors because I loved watching Liz lose then complain about it.  Liz, you think you are a real master at games and you couldn't even win rock-paper-scissors.  LOL!

And I'm ecstatic that Venus is finally gone.  Couldn't stand her from the get go.

I'd love for Liz to go too but I also enjoy seeing her over the top entitlement get shattered every week.

No Liz, the world does not revolve around you nor to you have some divine right to rewards you haven't earned.  Take your guilt tripping and shove it.

I don't think Maria can survive to the end at this point but I sure wish that she does and wins the whole damn season.

Edited by Skooma
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5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Charlie has won two individual immunities (as has Maria) and has been a part of every move Maria has made, and has been on the right side of every vote. He has not made any enemies, and IIRC his name has not been written down or even talked about as a target. Of the players currently left in the game, the only person who can legitimately boast as good a combo of physical, mental and social game is Maria.

If Charlie doesn't win I'm going to turn away for a moment of silence while I arrange my face, the turn back and scream, "I'm pissed!" 

I'm tired of people like Charlie (Xander comes  to mind) not winning because they haven't double crossed enough people.  Ever since some young woman voted her mother out for no reason and Jeff praised her as though she'd done something fabulous, blindsiding your ride and die has become a requirement and I really don't see why,

5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

What has Liz done besides complain about not being able to eat, complain about not getting credit for getting Soda and Tevin out, complain about Q overshadowing her great moves, complain about Q's denying her the Applebee's that is her divine birthright, laze around camp, and make weird and/or loud noises?

Complain about not being able to go to the bathroom.


7 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Liz and her vestigial intestines .


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It's kind of like a clown car of people who went home with idols in their pockets now.

I was hoping they'd get out Q as it's so silly to keep saying you need to get him out and you want to get him out and then not do it. Plus it would weaken Maria, who is increasingly annoying.

But I guess Q is camouflage for Charlie... If only Venus had kept her trap shut, and not spooked Charlie with her something up her sleeve, he'd have a new alliance and path to the end that doesn't rely on Maria, broadening his options.

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So 4 idols found and 4 left in pockets? Oy.

I feel bad for Venus when she watches this season. It’s one thing to have people rag on your game and talk about voting you out for that. But to hear all the constant chatter about how no one likes her, she’s annoying, she’s chaotic; that’s gonna hurt. I mean she seems like a confident person, but sometimes that much over-confidence masks insecurity and to have it confirmed by finding out all these people you just spent weeks with actually disliked you? Painful.

I’m rooting for Kenzie at this point because she’s likeable and seems like a decent person. Charlie is a good contender too, and Ben is just… there.  Maria and Q are too damn smug.

I’m guessing Q wins immunity next week, since that often happens when people fail to vote out a strong person when they have a chance. They decide to do it next week and then that person wins immunity. Plus, he’s super-fueled on about 10 pounds of food.

Is there a reason the editors give away who’s getting voted out by referring to them in the title of the episode? Seems stupid spoilery.

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Damn, four people who had idols and didn't play said idol. 

This season's lesson? As Dee put it last season, "PLAY YOUR DAMN IDOL."

I'm glad Venus did get some great material finally. I know why she was on the ous, fully see that she did it to herself, but she has been extremely entertaining. She also wasn't forced down out throats week after week, which helps. I know Venus wasn't everyone's cup of tea but what I liked about her was her obliviousness to her position and she was hilarious whenever she believed she was in control when she wasn't. It wasn't overplayed onscreen, she just kind of showed up when needed, had her segment, and then disappeared into the background. I've said it multiple times this season: Venus' strategic game was on point and she had good enough perception, but her social game was crap and had her unable to read a room at any point during the season. 

Look at how fast she hinted to Charlie about her idol when she said she'd keep quiet. She couldn't even last a full day. Had she actually kept her mouth shut, maybe she would have stayed.

I like Q as a villain and he's a fantastic Survivor character but this is the episode where I got to the point of wanting him gone. He's been shoved down our throats, overused and I think his smugness got to me. And what worries me is, if he gets to the end with people like Liz and even Ben, he might actually now have a shot to win, because he can say he made moves and nobody took him out. He may be a player who annoys people and up until this episode, I thought he had zero shot. But I really worry he may now HAVE  a shot if he takes the exact right people. I don't think he can win by a landslide, but I think he can get a few votes and if the votes become split for whatever reason, there's a chance Q can pull something out.

But I think that's fear talking.

It does suck that everyone just defaulted to voting Venus out. Whatever happened there, it was a bad decision. Venus was harmless, she had really no shot to win and it was clear nobody trusted her. So Charlie probably made a million dollar mistake. He's now left Q and Maria in the game to take out Venus, someone who wasn't a threat to his game. Even Kenzie has said it, Charlie has not made a single move on his own and it's been all Maria. Charlie needed this move to be taken seriously and he chose wrong.

Liz just keeps saying that she's looking to speak up for the first time. Liz, you've done this three times now.

There's very few options for a good winner now. Most of everyone is kind of floating and making personal decisions, rather than strategic ones. The only few who have been thinking strategically are Charlie (who made a huge mistake in voting out Venus over Q), Maria (who really made a bad play not just working with Q, but making it obvious she was working with Q) and maybe Kenzie (who has been blindsided and has no sole creditation to her resume). I guess Q falls under this, but I also don't want him to win. Though, if he did, it would be hilarious.

It's really hard to say who's going to win because it's either going to be an emotional vote because there's nobody strategic left in the game to vote for or there's going to be a split vote because these people won't have a clue on who to vote for.

Yet, still a fun season to watch, I'm having a blast still with these people (except for Q, who has finally gotten on my nerves).

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Oh, good lord.  Why are these people so dumb? 🤦‍♀️

I found myself rooting for Venus for the first time because she hustled to find the idol and flat out said she wouldn't tell anyone, then she was so close to winning immunity.  There must be something in the water that makes survivors tone deaf after they find an idol.  She knew half the tribe was gunning for her.  What makes these people suddenly believe they are on the right side of the vote?  Hope she filled her face with pizza at Ponderosa.

If Q ends up winning it will be the perfect ending to this crappy season.

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6 minutes ago, Shermie said:

Is there a reason the editors give away who’s getting voted out by referring to them in the title of the episode? Seems stupid spoilery.

Eh, the story line could just as easily have been (with apologies to Scarface) "Say hello to my messy, sweet little friend as she gets herself out of a mess by playing an idol/rallying a coalition to her side/wins immunity/makes some other move that shows herself to be closer to actual Parvati than Great Value Parvati" as "Say hello to my messy, sweet little friend. Now say goodbye as her ass gets voted off with a pocket idol."

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15 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Oh, good lord.  Why are these people so dumb? 🤦‍♀️

I found myself rooting for Venus for the first time because she hustled to find the idol and flat out said she wouldn't tell anyone, then she was so close to winning immunity.  There must be something in the water that makes survivors tone deaf after they find an idol.  She knew half the tribe was gunning for her.  What makes these people suddenly believe they are on the right side of the vote?  Hope she filled her face with pizza at Ponderosa.

If Q ends up winning it will be the perfect ending to this crappy season.

It's Liz for the win Haleth.  The odds are not 2/1 but you have to figure that I'd be surprised if people are shocked at a Survivor winner in Liz.

Not a great bet but when you hit a new record in terms of blow immunity idols, coupled with gunning for people like Q when a jury dislikes him, it's not that far-fetched.  It's not like anybody put her name down since Day One

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I like Q as a villain and he's a fantastic Survivor character but this is the episode where I got to the point of wanting him gone. He's been shoved down our throats, overused and I think his smugness got to me. And what worries me is, if he gets to the end with people like Liz and even Ben, he might actually now have a shot to win, because he can say he made moves and nobody took him out. He may be a player who annoys people and up until this episode, I thought he had zero shot. But I really worry he may now HAVE  a shot if he takes the exact right people. I don't think he can win by a landslide, but I think he can get a few votes and if the votes become split for whatever reason, there's a chance Q can pull something out.

But I think that's fear talking.

It does suck that everyone just defaulted to voting Venus out. Whatever happened there, it was a bad decision. Venus was harmless, she had really no shot to win and it was clear nobody trusted her. So Charlie probably made a million dollar mistake. He's now left Q and Maria in the game to take out Venus, someone who wasn't a threat to his game. Even Kenzie has said it, Charlie has not made a single move on his own and it's been all Maria. Charlie needed this move to be taken seriously and he chose wrong.

Liz just keeps saying that she's looking to speak up for the first time. Liz, you've done this three times now.

There's very few options for a good winner now. Most of everyone is kind of floating and making personal decisions, rather than strategic ones. The only few who have been thinking strategically are Charlie (who made a huge mistake in voting out Venus over Q), Maria (who really made a bad play not just working with Q, but making it obvious she was working with Q) and maybe Kenzie (who has been blindsided and has no sole creditation to her resume). I guess Q falls under this, but I also don't want him to win. Though, if he did, it would be hilarious.

It's really hard to say who's going to win because it's either going to be an emotional vote because there's nobody strategic left in the game to vote for or there's going to be a split vote because these people won't have a clue on who to vote for.

Yet, still a fun season to watch, I'm having a blast still with these people (except for Q, who has finally gotten on my nerves).

Right now, I think people are going to aim to drag Liz to the finals and they are going to underestimate Q, or perhaps Q will earn his way there.

I think Q wins versus any variation of the finals where Maria and Charlie are both on the jury. I think that there's an outside chance even if things continue along the present trajectory that he wins if either or both of them are in the finals.  

We haven't yet seen Maria talk about how she's going to/needs to backstab Charlie, have we? Even though Maria seemingly is getting credit for the moves they are making, I think that Charlie is seen as more likeable by the Survivors, and I think that if they are both in the FTC he can outtalk her and win.

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With apologies:

Unmodest in her tight crop top,

She brought her torch aflame.

Carried an idol in her pocket,

And Venus was her name.

She's got it!

Yeah baby, she's got it!

She's her Venus,

She's got fire and desire.

Her weapon was a sharp tongue

Making other Survivors mad.

She also had a hidden idol

But she played it really bad

She lost it!

Yeah baby, she lost it!

She was Venus.

Jeff snuffed her fire. She can't get no higher. 

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10 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

Q is totally winning this thing because they were all too dumb to vote him out when he said to vote him out, and they’ll end up voting for him at FTC.

(Actually no, I see him being the goat for whoever makes it to the end, but I don’t rule out my prediction.)

Knowing these guys, if they don't want to vote for Liz, and the options are Liz, Q, and someone else, they'd vote for Soda & Jeff before anyone else after enough votes for the third person for the win are cast

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