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Nicolle Wallace: Have You Heard, She's a Republican!

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I haven't watched the show since Joy left, but Rosie's return is putting the show back in my Hulu queue. I'm really happy they picked Nicolle Wallace for the Republican voice. Granted, I only know her from her appearances on Rachel Maddow's show, but she's never made my blood pressure rise like most other Republicans on TV. She's smart and sane and I'm looking forward to respectful debates on the show. it will be a true test as to whether Rosie can discuss politics calmly, because she won't get a rise out of Nicolle like she could Elisabeth.

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It is interesting, as another poster pointed out, that we have three liberal, minority actresses/comedians and one white, conservative political commentator. Seems like such an odd lack of balance. Hopefully Nicolle brings thoughtful analysis to the table, because God knows it's been a long time coming.

Granted, I only know her from her appearances on Rachel Maddow's show, but she's never made my blood pressure rise like most other Republicans on TV.


I think if you had watched Cackles on Morning Joe she would have made your blood pressure spike. She well and truly earned her nickname and she caused an awful lot of people to grab for their remote controls when she got rolling with her right wing talking points.

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I have a feeling that Nicolle Wallace wont be able to spout her Right wing talking points without being challenged like Elisabeth did. Sweaty Geddie coddled her and silenced the other hosts. I dont think this new guy will do that. There may be sparks from time to time but that is how the show should be..... share any opinion you like... but be ready to back it up.


At least... if I was in charge... that is how I would handle it.... but then Im not in charge

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It is interesting, as another poster pointed out, that we have three liberal, minority actresses/comedians and one white, conservative political commentator.



Unless white Americans of Irish heritage are now considered a minority, I think the poster you're referencing is incorrect.


I've never seen Nicolle before except on The View, but I don't like putting people in categories.  She seems to be a moderate Republican with a brain, certainly a subcategory that hasn't had much representation in the media recently.  (I was raised by such rare creatures, so I know they exist.)  Rosies are both unabashedly liberal, and Whoopi leans that way, but she's really a member of the Old Boys Hollywood Club, so you never know, she's a wild card.


But even liberals disagree on many topics, just as minorities, and Irish-Americans, and women, do, so unless a viewer is watching through the lenses of Political Glasses, as I'm sure Fox and Friends are, I don't think it will be a big issue on The View.


I didn't like Nicolle introducing herself as The Republican, and I sure was distracted by the fact that she had little or nothing to say on any Hot Topic unless it was directly about politics.  Even my mom, who never watches the show, wondered aloud why she was silent and practically non-existent.  I'll mark the month of September up to settling in, but I hope she gets more comfortable and starts talking about things outside her political purview.  With only four women on the panel, there's no place for a one-trick pony.

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Rosie being a lesbian would make her a minority.

I like that Nicolle introduced herself as The Republican, because in the last ten years their talking points have taken such a mean and nasty plunge, it's good to get that shameful fact out in the open right away and it's good she said it like she expected disdain.

Maybe I'm playing semantics, but I prefer if someone says "I'm conservative, but I'm not sure what the Republican party has been trying to do the last 8 years..."

Edited by Morbs
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Thanks, Morbs, my minority comment did include Rosie based on her orientation, I apologize if that wasn't clear.

It's been a long time since I've listened to a Reublican woman focusing on factual information and well-reasoned opinion rather than coded language and hyperbole. I know such women are out there, but networks don't seem to think they are worthy of air time. I hope Nicolle can be that woman.

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I look forward to hearing her thoughts on non-political topics.  Today she was completely quiet other than when the focus was specifically and overtly turned to her, and those were really only political-based questions.  I'm curious to hear her opinions on stuff where political parties aren't a factor. However, if it's an indication that she knows how to be respectful and listen quietly when other people are talking (as opposed to her predecessors), I don't have a problem with that.

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I've never seen Nicolle before except on The View, but I don't like putting people in categories.



If Noelle should introduce herself as a Republican, are the other panel members then required to give their registered political affiliations?  I thought it was unnecessary--and done awkwardly.  Would it follow that they need to identify their sexual orientations, religions, and ethnic backgrounds (as they know it)?

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I kinda sorta like NW so far but I'm dealing with my personal side issue: she reminds me too much of Kody Brown's #1 wife, Meri. (I think there's a strong resemblance, especially their mouths and their voices.) I don't get to watch every day so I'm not yet acclimated to seeing her here, and during the long shots I'm still "whaaa?" (I always channel check'd when she showed up on Morning Joe.)

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While looking for something else I found this almost 10 year NYT article about Nicolle.   I found it interesting and it seems to fit.   The key quote I took away was she can attack without snarling - and we've just started to see that on the show.  Oh and how when she first started out she hated being on TV!


The New York Times
January 10, 2005
New Aide Aims to Defrost the Press Room

WASHINGTON - Maybe it's one of those tales that have grown taller in the telling, maybe it's not, but Nicolle Devenish, the new communications director of a White House not known for its love affair with the press, says she was once fired for being too nice to reporters.

"I was seen talking and laughing and looking too trusting of the California press corps," said Ms. Devenish, who at the time, 1998, was a spokeswoman for the Republican caucus of the California State Assembly. She was dismissed by a staff member for an assemblyman - she won't say who - and responded by crying for an hour and a half in the car of a friend, Dan Schnur, a Republican political strategist who has worked on four presidential campaigns.

Mr. Schnur was sympathetic. "There's a whole strain of Republicans who think that reporters are evil, and Nicolle had the nerve to be nice to them, and some of her bosses didn't like that," he said in an interview last week. So he counseled Ms. Devenish to take the long view.

"I told her, 'A few years from now, you're going to be doing something so incredible you're going to look back and laugh at those idiots for firing you,' " Mr. Schnur said.

On Friday, the second day of Ms. Devenish's job as a new public face of the White House, she still wasn't laughing about the firing. But she was talking about it in a brief telephone interview as a way of suggesting that her intentions were to improve the contentious relationship between a secretive White House and the press.

Whether that can happen is an open question, since the relationship between any White House and the press corps is contentious. The current "don't ask us we won't tell you" press policy is in any case set by Mr. Bush, who distrusts the press and still blames it for his father's defeat.

Ms. Devenish, who was the communications director for Mr. Bush's re-election campaign, begs to differ about his attitude toward the press. "I don't think the president keeps the press at arm's length, and I think the president has a healthy respect for the press that covers him," she said. Her view is that it is always better to engage with reporters, even if she sometimes feels like strangling them.

Ms. Devenish comes from a different mold than the small band of Texans who carry out the White House press policy, among them Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary, and Dan Bartlett, who was communications director until Mr. Bush promoted him last week to the job of counselor to the president. Mr. Bartlett's new job was once held by another Texan, Karen P. Hughes, who remains as an outside adviser on communications and speechwriting.

Ms. Devenish, 32, grew up in Orinda, Calif., an affluent town across the bay from San Francisco, where her mother was a third-grade teacher assistant in the public schools and her father was an antiques dealer. (Ms. Devenish's grandfather owned another family antique shop, Devenish and Company, on 76th Street and Madison Avenue in New York, until his death two years ago.)

Ms. Devenish went to the University of California, Berkeley, to graduate school at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and then had, by her account, an abysmal experience as a television correspondent in two towns in California, Redding and Chico. She said she was unable to put together a passable on-air report, or package.

"My packages were so long that sometimes they bumped sports or weather," Ms. Devenish said. "I hated being on television." She was also unable, she said, to position the camera properly to videotape herself speaking to viewers. "I would look at it and I had cut off my head or a part of my side," she said. "I was just a disaster."

Ms. Devenish went to work for the Republican caucus in Sacramento, got fired but landed through Republican connections as the press secretary to Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, the president's brother. She met the president's team during the 2000 Florida recount, got a job handling regional press at the White House in 2001 and went to the re-election campaign in 2003.

Once there, she was aggressive in her efforts to define Senator John Kerry as a flip-flopper, but she delivered her political attacks without snarling. When Mr. Kerry said that Ayad Allawi, Iraq's interim prime minister, had contradicted himself during a visit to the United States, Ms. Devenish seized on the senator's remark as a slur unworthy of a candidate seeking the White House.

"For a man who has made his centerpiece for being president the ability to magically bring allies to the table, you don't accomplish that by insulting and denigrating one of our most important allies in the war on terror," she said in September.

Ms. Devenish, who will be Mr. Bartlett's deputy, does not have a longtime relationship with Mr. Bush, but White House advisers say the president got to know and like her during the campaign. Now her job is to free up Mr. Bartlett to do more long-term planning and, of course, spin reporters.

"It's like a marriage," she said about the relationship with reporters. "We're not always happy with each other, but we have to keep the lines of communications open."

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Edited by Cosmocrush
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While looI found it interesting and it seems to fit.   The key quote I took away was she can attack without snarling - and we've just started to see that on the show.


Thanks for sharing and yes, spot on.  Though I'll continue to contend, if we have to have a zebra on the panel I'm not expecting them to change their stripes, I just prefer this type of zebra over the rabid, hand scratching, shrieking Fox Talking Points repeating type.

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From her Wiki:



Her White House colleague, presidential political advisor Mark McKinnon, called her a "rare talent in politics."[6]


Mark McKinnon, is a Republican that I respect along with Mike Smerconish and Steve Schmidt.  Both Steve and Nicolle could be really obnoxious during the McCain campaign but they were doing a job.  We need more Republicans like this group of folks.  Remember the days when there were centrist Republicans?

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Remember the days when we really didn't know (we may have suspected) what political party any TV people, celebrities...even our friends supported?

. YES! While I have a good guess my oldest college friends and I never really discussed our affiliations. it's been most 30 years of friendship, maybe that's why our friendships have lasted so long lol.
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Cackles went back to Morning Joe today and looked a total fool. They were talking about ebola and had a medical expert on to report on what was really going on. Cackles of course had to disagree with her, loudly and incessantly, and shouted and argued and interrupted and talked over the doctor.  As part of her argument, Cackles had yelled about there having been many Hollywood movies and tv shows about ebola and epidemics and thus the public was well aware of all the potential problems and what Obama and his administration was doing wrong. You could see the doctor was biting her tongue trying not to say that Wallace was an idiot and simply and calmly said that movies were hardly the place to get accurate information.


All of you that think Nicole is so good and well informed on The View, I'm just waiting for the day she loses it and behaves like she always does on Morning Joe. I think many of you would change your opinion pdq, especially when she says stuff about how she and her boss Pres Bush handled Katrina so much better than President Obama is dealing with this crisis. She was all yelly at another MJ guest that was disagreeing with her too. When Rosie O wakes up from her stupor and fights back about some nonsense Nicole is spewing, View viewers might be very surprised.

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Yes because of her loud laugh but also because it's incessant on MJ. She just never stops cackling (or yelling or interrupting or talking over), especially when she and fellow Republican Joe Doucheborough get going. She's a much different person on The View but I don't think she'll be able to refrain from going nutso if somebody challenges her.

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How about Nicolle Wallace: She Just Really Hates Sarah Palin


I thought she got along fine with SP until Palin accused her of failing to properly prep her for the Couric interview.  Don't know - I might not be remembering it correctly. 


Don't know why she's had to proclaim constantly that she didn't vote for McCain/Palin.  That's fine - whatever.  Had to seriously doubt McCain's judgement, myself.  OTOH, so much for loyalty!  Perhaps that's why she hasn't had another campaign gig - that I'm aware of, anyway, lol.


Haven't ever seen The View - absolutely never - but was curious about NW.  We MJ viewers were extremely surprised when NW was offered this position.


I believe she's been on MJ since the '08 election plus punditry on several other programs so don't understand why everyone here seems to be giving her a pass b/c she's "new" at this TV game.  Huh?   Granted, she wasn't on MJ every day but it probably averaged a day or two per week.  Combined with other programs, I'm sure it'd be considered full-time TV work since '08.


That's great, if she's doing well.  Sounds like the sparks or controversy on View may be provided at a later date by Rosie O and Whoopi!

How often is Nicolle on Morning Joe? Is she a regular?


She's been on frequently and probably has an MSNBC contract.  I'd guess 1-2 days per week, on average but don't know fur sure.  I understand she provides punditry (lol) on other programs, too.  Or did, anyway.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but, is Nicolle nicknamed "Cackles" because of her very loud laugh? I always hear her laugh over everyone else's on The View. 


You guessed it - the incessant background laughing/cackling.  It sounds very nervous and hasn't stopped over the years, IMHO.  I've never considered her a good contributor - haven't ever felt that she had anything worthwhile to say.  BTW, that's not a partisan comment.  Just referring to her contributions - don't care about her party.


Perhaps The View wanted someone who might not get too involved after their last go-round with "Bitsy".  I've never considered her as much of a factor on MJ.

Nicolle was obnoxious on MJ yesterday, loved the parting shot she got about "heckuva job Brownie".


The only reason that Scarborough is losing his mind about Ebola is that it's come to our shores and white people might get it now.


That's the most I've ever seen her get involved in something, anything over the years on MJ, that I can remember, anyway.  Wondered if her View job is giving her more confidence and that's why she was attempting to throw her weight around with the other panelists.  JMHO

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I had to google Morning Joe.  So it's a tv show on MSNBC?   ABC allows her to appear on another morning show?  It is ok with them because it's cable?    


As I'd never heard of her before The View, my opinion is based on her persona on The View and so far I mostly like her.   I really hope she doesn't evolve into an argumentative, screamy, uninformed Elisabeth, because, for me, that will make The View unwatchable again.

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I don't know how anyone can watch MJ. I'm on the West Coast so I confess I don't see it often unless I'm suffering from insomnia, but when I do watch it I invariably find myself cycling from intense boredom to wishing that gasbag Joe Scarborough would just STFU already and let someone else speak, to wondering just how heavily medicated Mika is on a daily basis. Then I think, meh, Joe may as well just bloviate because the rest of the regular panelists rarely have anything interesting or particularly insightful to contribute anyway. And then I turn it off. It's not surprising to me that Nicolle has never been pushed to up her game in that environment...IMHO.

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I don't know how anyone can watch MJ. I'm on the West Coast so I confess I don't see it often unless I'm suffering from insomnia, but when I do watch it I invariably find myself cycling from intense boredom to wishing that gasbag Joe Scarborough would just STFU already and let someone else speak, to wondering just how heavily medicated Mika is on a daily basis. Then I think, meh, Joe may as well just bloviate because the rest of the regular panelists rarely have anything interesting or particularly insightful to contribute anyway. And then I turn it off. It's not surprising to me that Nicolle has never been pushed to up her game in that environment...IMHO.


I agree that it's unwatchable and I frequently have it on as background noise while working!  It's like SI to me:  I read (watch) it for the articles (guests)!  I have no idea how they continue to draw interesting guests, given their dismal ratings these days.


When Joe bloviates, I tune the entire thing out.  During Nicole's rant about ebola and some movie (huh?), I simply ignored the segtment from start to finish.  In fact, I always have the dvr running so Nicole's typically a 5 second ff.


My main point, however, is that Nicole shouldn't be given a pass as a novice for this show.  MJ does do round robins with guests, typically, so Nicole as a participant typically has an opportunity to ask 1 question plus a follow-up.  Thus, she does have interviewing experience.  Plus, an integral part of her MJ gig is interaction with the other panelists.


She's been doing TV for years so her apparent novice or ingénue act on The View sounds disingenuous, to me.  (BTW, that's just my impression of her first few weeks on The View from reading this thread.  Have seen exactly -0- minutes of View.)

I hate to post, even inadvertently, misinformation so here's a copy of the Wikipedia page for the Sarah Palin, Katie Couric interview.  (Amazing!  It has its own Wikipedia page!)




Sounds like Palin believed NW set up the interview with CBS to further her own, existing relationship with CBS.  Turns out NW was a national political consultant for CBS, prior to the 2008 election.  Again, NW is not some TV novice, IMHO.


I'm not a fan of either SP or NW so who knows what the real story is ???  They each have their own version of the events.

Edited by BearCat49
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Turns out NW was a national political correspondent for CBS, prior to the 2008 election.  Again, NW is not some TV novice, IMHO.


Did you mean political consultant?  Correspondents are reporters, consultants are "pundits" with opinions.


I don't think anyone is claiming that Nicolle is a TV novice, just that the venue (interviewing show biz folks for the most part) is a new venue for her.

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Did you mean political consultant?  Correspondents are reporters, consultants are "pundits" with opinions.


I don't think anyone is claiming that Nicolle is a TV novice, just that the venue (interviewing show biz folks for the most part) is a new venue for her.


Thanks, correction made.  I'm sure you understand I inadvertently typed the incorrect "c" word.  Nicole started her career in journalism, IIRC, incidentally.  Yes, I understand the difference - one would be considered a partisan and the other (hopefully) neutral.


WRT Nicole as a novice, as mentioned above, that's my impression strictly from reading the general View thread.  BTW, the MJ group also interviews entertainment industry types, including many who would be considered "stars" b/c they drop in (same day) after completing their Today Show gigs.  And, IMHO, both interviewing skills and general TV skills translate among venues.



Edited by BearCat49
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I don't think anyone is claiming that Nicolle is a TV novice, just that the venue (interviewing show biz folks for the most part) is a new venue for her.

Exactly.  She seems a little starstruck, which I find likable.  Another thing I like about Nicolle is that she absolutely does know how to be a co-host on TV with some broadcasting experience, unlike Bitsy who despite ten plus years in front of a camera never seemed to be able to pull it off with all her screeching and flying manhands.


But then  Nicolle actually has a BA in Mass Communications (from UC Berkely) and a MA in journalism from Northwestern plus her years of experience.  Or you know, qualified.*


*at least  for this show.    Living on the west coast I rarely if ever tune into MJ and I don't think I've ever caught one of Nicolle's appearance. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Exactly.  She seems a little starstruck, which I find likable.  Another thing I like about Nicolle is that she absolutely does know how to be a co-host on TV with some broadcasting experience, unlike Bitsy who despite ten plus years in front of a camera never seemed to be able to pull it off with all her screeching and flying manhands.


But then  Nicolle actually has a BA in Mass Communications (from UC Berkely) and a MA in journalism from Northwestern plus her years of experience.  Or you know, qualified.*


*at least  for this show.    Living on the west coast I rarely if ever tune into MJ and I don't think I've ever caught one of Nicolle's appearance. 

Good one Cosmo.  LOL.  That is something we've really missed on The View for many years.  Women who are actually "qualified" to be a co-host and contribute intelligently & extemporaneously to a conversation.  In my opinion, #1 is Nicolle, #2 RosieO, #3 RosieP & a looooong way back at # 4 is Whoopi, who seemingly, is only able to talk when she is preaching.


On a different note, has anyone noticed that RosieP seems to "vibrate" when she's talking, or is it just me?

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