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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Yup, I think when most reality "stars" seek therapy with their partner it's because they're simply full of righteous indignation and can't WAIT for a third party to validate them and put their boyfriend/husband/etc in their place. None of them have any real interest is acknowledging THEIR behavior and trying to work on themselves. Leah was the same way. She kept insisting old bacon slapper Germy go to therapy with her, but I doubt that chick would have put a real effort in. That's why I was so glad Germy didn't cave in to her demands. He spends enough time away from his family, now he's supposed to spend an hour playing games and hearing how he doesn't care about his family? Javi, on the other hand, is a total pushover. And maybe he's hoping therapy will make Kail tell the truth about the things he's just certain she's up to!

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I just watched the clip posted upthread where Kail says she wants to be with her friends on the weekends.  Every weekend??  I am certainly not the kind of wife that is lodged up my husband's asshole or that needs to do everything with my husband, and I still see my friends, but I certainly don't see them every weekend.  Mostly because they all have kids and who goes out every weekend??  But I also really look forward to spending time with my husband on the weekend because during the week we are working and just doing regular stuff, so I look forward to a Friday or Saturday night date.  I feel like that's normal?  Kail doesn't want to spend any time with Javi on the weekends?  If my husband is going out with friends on a weekend or I am going out with friends, I always try to make sure we have the other night of the weekend together.  Maybe I'm weird but I think it's weird to want to spend all your weekend time with your friends when you're a grown married adult with two kids. I think it again shows how immature she is, just like the "guy friends" from school.  This is the kind of shit you do when you are 22 which is clearly too young to be married in Kail's case.

  • Love 5

How is it Kail can spend time with Javi anyways? Isn't he in the military? Why is he always home? This is beginning to remind me of The Cosby Show where Dr. Huxtable, an obstetrician, was always home. A rare scene or an episode where he was actually doing his job. How can Javi be at home? Or, is it the weekends where we are seeing him at home?


I am with you on that part about not spending every weekend with one's friends. I find time for my friends and my spouse and I spend time together. The difference is, I enjoy being with my spouse. Kail treats Javi like he is the hired help.

  • Love 2

Kail really seems like she just wants Javi to call it a day and ask for a divorce. She keeps yelling out "let's just get a divorce! We are headed for divorce! We might as well just separate!" Same thing in five different ways. I think she doesn't want to be the one to officially declare it but she just wants to be divorced so she can play the sad sack and everyone can feel bad for her.

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I agree on Kail wanting a divorce but wanting Javi to be the one to 'call it.'  What I can't figure out is why she isn't waiting it out longer. I mean she didn't seem to like him all that much even before they got married and certainly not during the marriage. Won't she do better with ongoing benefits, support, etc. the longer she hangs in there?  I'm not saying she should, just saying it surprises me given her past behavior.

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Kail is waiting for Javi to file so that she can be the victim again.  I'm a good mum and I don't deserve to be treated like this by Jo/ Javi/ BabyFather3, etc.  This way she can have a mini breakdown on the couch where her friends listen to her bitch about how tough her life is.  Besides, Javi doesn't seem to want to divorce so by putting the ball in his court, she gets those sweet, sweet benefits for longer.  

  • Love 1

Kail acts like she's still in some silly high school courtship. Not an actual court documented marriage. Where all she has to do is just break up with Javi and delete his pictures off her facebook page.

That was evident when she was reading his text messages out loud to her stupid friends and then pretending to be asleep when he walked in. It was like a teenage slumber party. "Omg, the boys are coming over. Let's like act like we're sleeping."

  • Love 6

What is wrong with Javi and all that big papi shit? I'm starting to think, maybe he's so overly paranoid about Kail because he's covering something for himself? I mean, I don't doubt she ain't jeepin' on him, but generally cheaters are so overly paranoid that they start projecting and accusing the other of infidelity.

Seems more like he's trying to convince Kail that he's a big stud. A way biggest stud than whoever it is she has waiting for Javi to deploy some damn place. It just ain't working. It might help if he didn't look so damn goofy.

How long does first piece of ass infatuation last? Shouldn't it have worn off for Javi by now? Because it seems like he's still in the glow of it with Kail and he can't see what a she beast she really is.

  • Love 2

Kail said to Javi in last week's episode how she gave him her cell phone statements and he found nothing shady going on. I don't text. I have a very simple phone bill that shows how much my spouse and I pay, our minutes, roll-overs, and all that stuff, but there is no list of phone numbers that he and I have made on our phones. Do some cell phone providers have statements that show each call made? What about texts?



Kail acts like she's still in some silly high school courtship. Not an actual court documented marriage. Where all she has to do is just break up with Javi and delete his pictures off her facebook page.

This made me think of that scene in that film, Mommie Dearest, where Joan Crawford cuts out her former lover's face from all of her photos.

Kail said to Javi in last week's episode how she gave him her cell phone statements and he found nothing shady going on. I don't text. I have a very simple phone bill that shows how much my spouse and I pay, our minutes, roll-overs, and all that stuff, but there is no list of phone numbers that he and I have made on our phones. Do some cell phone providers have statements that show each call made? What about texts?


This made me think of that scene in that film, Mommie Dearest, where Joan Crawford cuts out her former lover's face from all of her photos.

Can you imagine if Joan Crawford were still making movies today? She would be ultra-obsessed with her social media and her "Likes" counts.

Seems more like he's trying to convince Kail that he's a big stud. A way biggest stud than whoever it is she has waiting for Javi to deploy some damn place. It just ain't working. It might help if he didn't look so damn goofy.


Ever since Chinscarf McMermaid told him that the Cloverfield monster was much better in bed than him, he hasn't been the same...

  • Love 2
Kail said to Javi in last week's episode how she gave him her cell phone statements and he found nothing shady going on. I don't text. I have a very simple phone bill that shows how much my spouse and I pay, our minutes, roll-overs, and all that stuff, but there is no list of phone numbers that he and I have made on our phones. Do some cell phone providers have statements that show each call made? What about texts?


My cell phone bill shows all incoming and outgoing calls. I don't remember specifically requesting that, so I don't know if that's normal or not. Maybe it's different with different carriers? It does NOT show texts. It just shows the portion of the bill that is for my unlimited texting, but does not show the numbers or content of the texts. So yea, Kail could conceivably carry on all her shennanigans via text and unless he's got unlimited access to her phone, he wouldn't know. 

Stop it all of you from Kail's own mouth it is not her fault that her relationship is so stuffed up.




I wonder why Javi and Sterling do not seem to like each other could it be the hulk talking out both sides of her mouth. While talking to Sterling it is not her fault that her relationship is fruited and she does not want to go home. When Sterling tries to point out that Kail's behavior made the others uncomfortable she flips to victim and won't talk to Sterling for awhile. How was she supposed to know Javi would ruin the weekend after she has spent the last few episodes complaining that Javi ruins her fun with her friends.Then she gets on the phone to Javi and was happy to come home and sort it out until Sterling told her what her mum said, so Javi ruined her friendship with Sterling.


Will Kail ever realise

A) That she is responsible for her relationships and

B) to GET OFF THE PHONE while driving seriously if your car does not have bluetooth at least use the handsfree option


On a lighter note was she is LA for a month that girls packs more than what my family packs for a 2 week vacation

  • Love 1

With apps like kik and whatsapp, Kail could do all kinds of dirty without Javi seeing it in texts or phone calls. She is a known cheater, liar, grifter and thief so Javi is right to be suspicious buuut his family told him not to marry her and he knew what he was getting into. Checking her phone isn't going to fix anything.

I didn't even think of the apps. I don't text, but I do use Messenger a few times. All one has to do is delete the conversation and it is gone. Thanks all for the info about cell phone bills. I just have a very simple bill, nothing shows up like what apparently Kail has for her statements. This is reminiscent of when Tyler requested to see Cate's phone bills. But, if Kail is texting, using messenger, or other apps, which I am sure she is, then Javi looking at her phone bills was pointless.



Will Kail ever realise

A) That she is responsible for her relationships

Mmmmmm, nope. 


As Sterling pointed out, Kail could have ignored Javi, but to do that would mean that Kail can't play victim and that is the only role she knows how to play. Whaaaaaaaa!!

  • Love 6

When Vee, very calmly and articulately listed all the reasons why she should not go to Delaware, I was cheering her on. But knowing she already got knocked up by Jo makes it all the more disappointing. A young, single, child-free woman with a job and family she's close to. The sky was the limit for her. Now she's hitched her wagon to Jo and all the drama he's caught up in. Chasing Kail all over the country whenever she decides to pick up and move. I was really hoping she'd borrow a page out of Nathan's book. "Your son. Not mine." I too think she was already pregnant when she agreed to move. She left her coat on the entire time.

  • Love 5

My bill has a log for every incoming and outgoing CALLS and TEXTS.  Or you can ask for a simple statement that shows none of that.

I have never asked for a simple statement and yet, that is what I receive every month. As a matter of fact, when I needed a statement that showed a log of calls I made on a certain day, I had to call my provider so they could mail it out to me.


With apps like kik and whatsapp, Kail could do all kinds of dirty without Javi seeing it in texts or phone calls. She is a known cheater, liar, grifter and thief so Javi is right to be suspicious buuut his family told him not to marry her and he knew what he was getting into. Checking her phone isn't going to fix anything.

True. I once saw my young nephew having a conversation on what I thought was an iPhone. Turns out it was his iPod. He had some app that allowed him to talk to a friend. Can't recall what app it was. Anyways, I do not trust Chinny Chin Chins.

My bill has a log for every incoming and outgoing CALLS and TEXTS.  Or you can ask for a simple statement that shows none of that.


Mine too, T-mobile, I can see the numbers but not the actual texts.  I'd certainly be thinking "what?!?" if there were dozens of calls/texts to an unfamiliar number, but usually I just look at the amount due and pay it.


ETA: and oh, I don't think Kail's being honest at all. No matter what he saw on the bills.

Edited by NikSac

I have never asked for a simple statement and yet, that is what I receive every month. As a matter of fact, when I needed a statement that showed a log of calls I made on a certain day, I had to call my provider so they could mail it out to me.

What I meant is if you want a detailed one, you can get one. If you want a simplified you, you can get one.  If you don't want one in the mail at all, you can do that too.  It's different with all carriers.


My husband used Kik and Snapchat so that if I looked at his bills, it looked like he was innocent.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5

Technology has made it easier for people to be scandalous. Kail is taking advantage of it, too.


Totally agree. I'm aging myself here but remember "back in the day" when you had a phone number to call for a household?  If you didn't happen to get that person you either got someone else in the house, or an answering machine, usually. And my Mom remembers further back in the day when a phone number led to a party line at several households.


Not all that long ago it changed to which meant you were usually reaching a specific person - hard to believe even those are almost outdated these days. Now there are online or app alternatives that make it very easy to hide your cell history. It's kind of scary. And I fully believe Kail's cheating or planning to as this is filmed, and technology's helping her along.


Somewhat of a subject change - does anyone remember those modeling pictures Kail did awhile back?  She was modeling some kind of fancy glittery long eyelashes or makeup or something. I was kind of shocked how pretty she looked. It was the first time I saw something and went "ohhh that's what the guys see in her."

I'm watching old episodes and seriously Kailyn is probably my least favorite of the girls (AND THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING... Jenelle -_-).... But for me a lot of it stems from how she treats Jo. Now I know Jo is no angel, but he has really grown up, and he obviously loves his son. But I HATE how she is all "I don't want your girlfriend around Isaac, but watch me bring any man I am seeing around him" 

When she fought for more time, and for Vee to not be around Isaac, I just... my jaw hit the floor. Sometimes I think she used Isaac to get back at Jo. Like him wanting to move to Deleware, and her being upset because it destroys her "perfect family". I fear that she will only keep using Isaac as a pawn, to get what she wants, and eventually she will do it with Lincoln as well :(. 

  • Love 6

Kail is a very selfish young woman.


I am sure that growing up with an alcoholic mother/absent father played a role.... plus she also has both of their genes - so double-whammy.


Some people eventually reach a point where they can start to realize their own dysfunction and change, and people do this at different ages. Sadly, when you have multiple kids at a young age, from multiple partners, you create a lot of chaos for yourself that can make it harder to be clear about your own issues. When you have kids and exes swirling around, its very easy to focus on all of that rather than what you yourself are actually doing to create/maintain the problems in your life.


And some people never reach a point where they can be honestly self-reflective.


Time will tell with Kail.

Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 4

I think Kail is a jerk, plain and simple. I'm disturbed that as someone who grew up without a stable father figure, she's not that interested in preserving her sons' relationships with their bio fathers. She seems to feel like fathers are replaceable and her sons should just readjust to whatever man is in her life because that's what's convenient for her. I can appreciate that she loves her kids and provides their basic needs, but it's not an unselfish love.

  • Love 9

I actually think it's becauseshe grew up without a father that she plays fast and loose with her kids' fathers. Kail is not mature enough to want her kids to have better than she did. No. She's jealous of them and she plays these little games in hopes that her kids will suffer the same way she did. Maybe it's not entirely conscious, but it's there. 

  • Love 10

I have a friend who was raised by her mother and aunts and she totally kicked the dad out of her daughter's life. Had him deported in fact (she had all the power in that situation). Granted, the dad was kind of a shit to my friend but he was an excellent father to his child. Now, my friend is an excellent mom, has a great career, and doesn't prioritize her dating life over her child, but I still think she's super cold about the way she treated her ex. I think, sometimes, when people aren't raised with two parents, they think children will be totally fine with only one parent. And, I think, depending on how you do, that can be true also, but it seems unnecessary to exclude a good parent. 

  • Love 3

When Vee, very calmly and articulately listed all the reasons why she should not go to Delaware, I was cheering her on. But knowing she already got knocked up by Jo makes it all the more disappointing. A young, single, child-free woman with a job and family she's close to. The sky was the limit for her. Now she's hitched her wagon to Jo and all the drama he's caught up in. Chasing Kail all over the country whenever she decides to pick up and move. I was really hoping she'd borrow a page out of Nathan's book. "Your son. Not mine." I too think she was already pregnant when she agreed to move. She left her coat on the entire time.

My theory on Jo and Vee is that the baby was one of Vee's conditions for moving to Delaware. Personally, I think she should have gone for the ring, but not my call. I think that in addition to loving Jo, and obviously loving kids and babies, Vee wanted to have equal footing with Kailyn. (I honestly think a lot of these people have kids for this reason, to compete with their significant other's ex.) I think in her mind, as long as it's just her and Jo, Kail can hulk around the country, and Jo will want to follow. But if they have a baby, Jo's going to have to settle down with that. Obviously it's unfair for Isaac and Lincoln to have to move every several years for no reason (because I think we've all come to the conclusion that Javi isn't in the military), but it's extra unfair to uproot Vee and her daughter. Yes, it puts Jo in a tough spot, but he made all of these choices. I really do feel bad for him, though. Kail is such a beast.

  • Love 4


Obviously it's unfair for Isaac and Lincoln to have to move every several years for no reason (because I think we've all come to the conclusion that Javi isn't in the military), but it's extra unfair to uproot Vee and her daughter.

Unless Jo is completely stupid, that is not something he has to deal with.  He can go to family court and keep Kail from moving around all willy nilly like an idiot.  Not only does he have rights, but he has plenty of Kail's dirty work on record.  It's not like Kail has some professional job that causes her to move.

  • Love 4

Poor Jo. I see extensive family court litigation and endless court dates in his future. Also, Kail flouting court orders. Remember how the judge told her not to move from Pennsylvania, and she went ahead and moved to Delaware? She will have no respect for court orders unless she has a super no bullshit judge. 


ETA: Jo will have to eventually hire different attorneys licensed to practice in different jurisdictions. I hope he's creating a savings account just for his future custody battles with Kail. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 7

Poor Jo. I see extensive family court litigation and endless court dates in his future. Also, Kail flouting court orders. Remember how the judge told her not to move from Pennsylvania, and she went ahead and moved to Delaware? She will have no respect for court orders unless she has a super no bullshit judge. 


ETA: Jo will have to eventually hire different attorneys licensed to practice in different jurisdictions. I hope he's creating a savings account just for his future custody battles with Kail. 

Actually, Jo has better standing (JMO) and he wouldn't need to change jurisdictions just because Kail upped and moved.  MTV footage and their prior court history would suck for her.

- the mentioned house purchase before the judge even gave an order and her remarks about it

- her assaulting Jo and being ordered to take classes

- her assaulting Javi

- the drop off/pick up motion that she had to immediately modify so that Javi could drop Isaac off

- footage of those leading questions to Isaac

- footage of her dropping the divorce word and Javi leaving in front of Isaac


At the very least, he could get joint custody and refuse to allow Isaac to be filmed.  Hopefully, it never comes to that and they co-parent in a reasonable way.

  • Love 4

I think moving to Delaware might be the beginning of Jo trying to get 50/50 custody. Not to downgrade Kail, of course, but because Jo loves his son, supports his son and is a good father to him. Why shouldn't he have Isaac just as much as Kail? Especially if he lives a few minutes away. I'm sure Kailyn is afraid of this, and that's one of the many reasons she's behaving like such a hosebeast.

  • Love 6

Unless Jo is completely stupid, that is not something he has to deal with.  He can go to family court and keep Kail from moving around all willy nilly like an idiot.  Not only does he have rights, but he has plenty of Kail's dirty work on record.  It's not like Kail has some professional job that causes her to move.


Based on personal experience, I so wish this were true. The last family court judge my brother and ex-SIL saw was totally fine with her moving the child (my niece) anywhere and the answer to my brother was "plenty of people figure it out."  I think it depends a LOT on the judge.

  • Love 9


At the very least, he could get joint custody and refuse to allow Isaac to be filmed.  Hopefully, it never comes to that and they co-parent in a reasonable way.

Oh, I hope it does come down to that. Sometimes what is best is better than being reasonable, and Kail will never be reasonable. Kail is a calculating bitch, and Jo knows this. He lived with that sow and knows exactly what she is about. I hope Jo would get joint custody all across the board, stop this damn show, and keep Isaac from being filmed. That would be my dream!!



Not only does he have rights, but he has plenty of Kail's dirty work on record.  It's not like Kail has some professional job that causes her to move.

He had all that info the last time he went to court, and the judge still allowed the sow to move to Delaware, even though we know she went ahead and did it WITHOUT EVER TELLING JO ABOUT IT BEFOREHAND.

  • Love 4

Based on personal experience, I so wish this were true. The last family court judge my brother and ex-SIL saw was totally fine with her moving the child (my niece) anywhere and the answer to my brother was "plenty of people figure it out."  I think it depends a LOT on the judge.


I agree. I have plenty of anecdotal evidence of some real head scratchers involving the family court. A girlfriend went to the court asking that her son's visits with his father be supervised because the father was verbally abusive and would sit and tell his kid horrible (made up) things he claimed my friend said about their son (like, you know your mother hates you, right?). It was unreal. A COURT APPOINTED psychologist met with the son and backed up everything my friend was saying and strongly recommended supervised visitation (so it wasn't like my friend picked her own biased therapist), and the judge overruled the recommendation and the visits continued unsupervised. It has been a nightmare for my friend who has had her son in and out of therapy as well as respite care due to serious behavior problems (very serious- he makes Gracie look good).

  • Love 2

Based on personal experience, I so wish this were true. The last family court judge my brother and ex-SIL saw was totally fine with her moving the child (my niece) anywhere and the answer to my brother was "plenty of people figure it out."  I think it depends a LOT on the judge.



I agree. I have plenty of anecdotal evidence of some real head scratchers involving the family court. A girlfriend went to the court asking that her son's visits with his father be supervised because the father was verbally abusive and would sit and tell his kid horrible (made up) things he claimed my friend said about their son (like, you know your mother hates you, right?). It was unreal. A COURT APPOINTED psychologist met with the son and backed up everything my friend was saying and strongly recommended supervised visitation (so it wasn't like my friend picked her own biased therapist), and the judge overruled the recommendation and the visits continued unsupervised. It has been a nightmare for my friend who has had her son in and out of therapy as well as respite care due to serious behavior problems (very serious- he makes Gracie look good).

I would agree with all of this except Kail was stupid enough to say "I don't care what a judge says."  At that point, she can expect some problems.  I think Jo is purposely trying to stay away from family court.  I may not like Kail and her tactics but so far I don't see a reason to put Isaac through a bunch of custody drama.

  • Love 1

I would agree with all of this except Kail was stupid enough to say "I don't care what a judge says."  At that point, she can expect some problems.  I think Jo is purposely trying to stay away from family court.  I may not like Kail and her tactics but so far I don't see a reason to put Isaac through a bunch of custody drama.

Court employee here. I have heard people say much, much worse to judges out of anger, out of spite, out of stupidity and it didn't make the judge flinch one bit. The judges are so used to hearing so much crap and dealing with some whacked out people that they just tune them out sometimes.


I think Jo will do what he can reasonably do without having to go to court. Kail is so quick to use her MTV money to pay her lawyer to file this motion and file that motion instead of talking to Jo.

  • Love 4

My take on Jo moving was he was being pro-active with Isaac starting school he was just waiting for Kail to wail to the court that school was too important for him to miss so Jo's visitation would have been limited again. From memory Kail was really pissed that Isaac was missing 5 days of Pre-K/Kinder?? per month to see Jo and was extra pissed that he got an extra day of visitation each month and the 6 weeks straight during summer.


I really would not have put it past Kail to claim that the travel was unfair on Isaac as he was too tired for school to limit Jo's access so she was spitting chips when Jo was a move ahead and took that option away from her.

  • Love 8
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