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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Kail, heads up- people that truly don't care don't feel the need to vocalize how much they don't care.

Trust me, we all know you care. A lot.

ITA. She goes out of her way to constantly let the public know how much she doesn't care. She can't even let remarks by Farrah go by without the need to interject herself into public drama.

  • Love 7

Anyone see the preview for next week? Jo continues to be the real MVP of this show. Just an amazing display of parenting. Likely one of the best ever witnessed on this show in the clip. 


Well done Kail. You have to leave it to a third party to explain to Isaac what is going on. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 22

Kail had filed for divorce. Their marriage was over; they were only pretending for the show. I don't care if he was having sex with everyone on that base. He blamed Kail for having a miscarriage; that is his unredeemable act. 

The man in that photo is not white, is probably Javi, and he will never own up to it because he wants to be the spouse that was the innocent victim, when both of them are at fault for the demise of their relationship. The more they lie the stupider they look, and they both do it and they both poke at each other on social media. 

  • Love 5

I despise Javi and Kail. I agree what he did is unredeemable. I guess I'm old school or whatever. If my husband filed I still wouldn't start sleeping with someone else. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to that. When it becomes final then I would start dating again.  In Delaware it says they have to file, then there is a 6 month separation. If kids are involved they have to take a class.  Their divorce was final in October.  


Yes, there is a girl.  She was blurry even in the full picture. I guess the dirty website cropped it. 

Edited by Mkay
5 hours ago, Christina said:

Kail had filed for divorce. Their marriage was over; they were only pretending for the show. I don't care if he was having sex with everyone on that base. He blamed Kail for having a miscarriage; that is his unredeemable act. 


Remember though, that was the show's version of the story. A different and unsubstantiated version was that she had to get an abortion because she'd gotten pregnant by someone who wasn't him. I know the official record says otherwise (the show being the official record), but wouldn't that make way more sense as to why he 'blamed' her for a miscarriage? I guess now that I think of it, they're about even money, because it's not like he's smart enough to know that a natural miscarriage isn't anyone's fault. 

  • Love 5

The worst thing that could happen to her in terms of maintaining her standard of living and acting like she's something special is if people quit paying attention to her. Then her livelihood would dry up. She couldn't promote those dumb products. She wouldn't have a show. Nobody would buy her dumb ass books. Of course she cares.


I think I dislike her about as much as I dislike Jenelle.

  • Love 14

In a perfect world a divorcing couple would act with some dignity and class and would keep the dating and relationships for after the divorce. But this is Kail and Javi. If I remember correctly Kail posted many pictures of herself or her "friends" hanging all over each other. IMO Kail is acting in show guilty as hell. Neither side is innocent as far as stepping out before the marriage was officially over. 

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Anyone see the preview for next week? Jo continues to be the real MVP of this show. Just an amazing display of parenting. Likely one of the best ever witnessed on this show in the clip. 


Well done Kail. You have to leave it to a third party to explain to Isaac what is going on. 

Great job, Jo! 

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Anyone see the preview for next week? Jo continues to be the real MVP of this show. Just an amazing display of parenting. Likely one of the best ever witnessed on this show in the clip. 


Well done Kail. You have to leave it to a third party to explain to Isaac what is going on. 

Jo is the only adult in the situation. Kail and Javi are so unbelievably selfish and immature. It hurts my heart to see Isaac so hurt and confused and still Karl, his mother who should have been preparing him for the turmoil that would begin once Javi got back doesn't bother to explain what is going on. She is disgusting, good on Jo for being a loving father and trying to lessen the pain Isaac is feeling. 

  • Love 18
Just now, mrsh said:

Jo is the only adult in the situation. Kail and Javi are so unbelievably selfish and immature. It hurts my heart to see Isaac so hurt and confused and still Karl, his mother who should have been preparing him for the turmoil that would begin once Javi got back doesn't bother to explain what is going on. She is disgusting, good on Jo for being a loving father and trying to lessen the pain Isaac is feeling. 

For someone who always has a plan, she sure is not considering how keeping him in the dark is affecting him. But what else do I expect from a self-serving asshole?

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, mrsh said:

Jo is the only adult in the situation. Kail and Javi are so unbelievably selfish and immature. It hurts my heart to see Isaac so hurt and confused and still Karl, his mother who should have been preparing him for the turmoil that would begin once Javi got back doesn't bother to explain what is going on. She is disgusting, good on Jo for being a loving father and trying to lessen the pain Isaac is feeling. 

It's ridiculous that Jo is being left to clean up the mess. I can kind of understand why Kail doesn't want Javi showing up unannounced, but if she has a bone to pick then take it outside and talk like adults. Don't have a screaming match in front of the kids. 

  • Love 13

Okay, finally got around to watching the sneak peak. That video legit made me cry, damnit. 

MAD props to Jo. For real. First of all, he was cooking! But he handled that conversation perfectly. He can obviously sense that Isaac is confused and wanted to make sure the poor kid understood what is going on in his life. I guess Karl has been more interested in sticking to Javi than trying to help her son navigate this trying time. And Javi is probably just too scared to approach the subject. So Jo made sure it got done. And his insistence that he'd make sure Isaac got to see Javi just got me right in the feels. What a good man he is, not threatened by this other father figure at all - but focusing more on making sure his son is happy. I just hope when he speaks to Karl about it she doesn't bite HIS head off too. 

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

No, but MTV does!


Jesus, these people!  In a roundabout way, the "haters" DO pay her bills, because without them (us) watching, there would be no ratings and therefore no series.

I don't know which TM is the worst when it comes to flaunting their "success," but Leah is right up there...so damn proud of herself for purchasing that house (courtesy of MTV and its advertisers and cable subscribers).

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Jesus, these people!  In a roundabout way, the "haters" DO pay her bills, because without them (us) watching, there would be no ratings and therefore no series.


Exactly! That's why it kills me how anytime you make a negative comment about one of these girls, their various groupies* attack you like rabid dogs saying "who are you to judge" and "if you don't like her, don't watch!". Well, if I wasn't watching and judging, these bitches wouldn't be making 300k a year, so I'll say whatever I damn well please. 

*and to clarify, I'm not referring to anyone on here. I'm talking about the MTV Facebook page and other sites.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

The MTV Facebook page is absolutely ridiculous. It literally scares me that there are so many people in the world who identify with these girls to the point that they consider them good moms, and defend any little thing they do. They see Leah and Jenelle as the norm, and attack anybody with, "all these perfect people on here," blah blah blah. I never even post on there because it is so ridiculous, but I fear for our society if so many people have this level of intellect and drive. 

  • Love 13
On 1/26/2017 at 6:16 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

In a perfect world a divorcing couple would act with some dignity and class and would keep the dating and relationships for after the divorce. But this is Kail and Javi. If I remember correctly Kail posted many pictures of herself or her "friends" hanging all over each other. IMO Kail is acting in show guilty as hell. Neither side is innocent as far as stepping out before the marriage was officially over. 

I agree.

I just posted this on the episode thread. What difference does it make what two adults do with other people after filing for divorce? Kail filed for divorce in December 2015. Javi deployed in January 2016 the same month Kail was in Miami getting her ginormous ass and fake tits done. Is it the idea that they were not officially divorced? IMO what two people choose to do with other people after the filing of divorce papers is fine by me. I suppose they should really wait before having relationships of any kind, but I won't judge these two for having sexual relationships with people when divorce papers were filed. Not going to get riled up over some Snapchat video of Javi when his wife filed for divorce before that date just as I won't bat an eye at Kail having sex with some guy.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 12
6 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

I agree.

I just posted this on the episode thread. What difference does it make what two adults do with other people after filing for divorce? Kail filed for divorce in December 2015. Javi deployed in January 2016 the same month Kail was in Miami getting her ginormous ass and fake tits done. Is it the idea that they were not officially divorced? IMO what two people choose to do with other people after the filing of divorce papers is fine by me. I suppose they should really wait before having relationships of any kind, but I won't judge these two for having sexual relationships with people when divorce papers were filed. Not going to get riled up over some Snapchat video of Javi when his wife filed for divorce before that date just as I won't bat an eye at Kail having sex with some guy.

In principle,  I agree...until you get to snapchat videos and plastering it all over social media. I think discretion is necessary,  when you're going to complain about the haters being in your business. 

I fully admit that my first instinct is to hate Kail. I just do. With the intensity of 1,000 suns.

I know Javi doesn't have a lot of friends but she was nothing but a hateful, spiteful bitch to him. And, I don't know. I'm kind of suspicious of that whole "miscarriage" thing. I actually wonder if she was pregnant, really. I don't trust her.

The guy gets deployed after she pressured him to join the military. He leaves his family, including a baby who changes a lot in 6 months, because he has to and he comes home to her saying he can't use the mother effin carseats.  And she treats him totally with contempt. Let me tell you - my husband out earns me by a LOT. But if he ever intimated that our home was not a joint purchase or effort, I'd have plenty to say about that. He wouldn't do that, though. He's never done in 24 years of marriage even when I didn't earn a dime for more than half of those years. Because he's not an asshole like Kail.

Isaac loves Javi and I think, for the most part, Javi's been pretty good to Isaac. There have been a couple of instances where he referred to him as her kid but I think he was just angry and lashing out and I can't blame him for getting angry at her. I can't help it, either.

He's honestly better off to be rid of her. She's just a toxic presence.

  • Love 15

If I was Kail when Javi was whining about being in the house, I would have thrown his tantrum about when she went to visit Jo to talk about Isaac in his face.  I would have told Javi that since they aren't in a relationship anymore....it just isn't appropriate for him to be in the house with her when they are alone, given him the biggest shit eating grin and kicked his ass out.  Bye boy.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

If I was Kail when Javi was whining about being in the house, I would have thrown his tantrum about when she went to visit Jo to talk about Isaac in his face.  I would have told Javi that since they aren't in a relationship anymore....it just isn't appropriate for him to be in the house with her when they are alone, given him the biggest shit eating grin and kicked his ass out.  Bye boy.

I probably would have attempted the same thing.

But if Javi were smarter he would have laughed in her face after that tantrum, found some sweatpants to put on and sat his ass on the couch to watch football. He's just as entitled to that house as she is. He could have moved to another bedroom but give up keys?? That was the dumbest move he's ever made.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I probably would have attempted the same thing.

But if Javi were smarter he would have laughed in her face after that tantrum, found some sweatpants to put on and sat his ass on the couch to watch football. He's just as entitled to that house as she is. He could have moved to another bedroom but give up keys?? That was the dumbest move he's ever made.

He probably went ahead and moved out because he was worried about the kind of crap Kailzilla would pull if he tried to stay in his rightful home. I could just image the bullying, fighting, and threats. Most likely cumulating with Kail taking out another restraining order on a baby daddy who just as likely as the first time, is not guilty of anything but being in her way. I think Javi didn't want to risk a beating(s) and jail. Which, looking at the situation, I don't blame him. That kind of legal trouble could really wreck Javi's future and his rights in the divorce.

On the bright side, apparently Delaware is a community property state, so either way Javi should've gotten his fair share in the divorce.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

If she is involved with that producer, he's an idiot.

Somehow I think the supposed "involvement" with the married producer is more about sex then an actual relationship--ie., the producer is taking the sex she is offering and she sees it as an opportunity to get her foot in the door at MTV. He is still pretty stupid, but so is she if she thinks she'll get a relationship or a job out of it.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Somehow I think the supposed "involvement" with the married producer is more about sex then an actual relationship--ie., the producer is taking the sex she is offering and she sees it as an opportunity to get her foot in the door at MTV. He is still pretty stupid, but so is she if she thinks she'll get a relationship or a job out of it.

And this is it right here. ^^^^^^ Karl the user is right back to using her cooch for its intended purpose - getting what she can to further HER needs. And she had the audacity to slam Farrah for selling her vagina. 

  • Love 15
24 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

And this is it right here. ^^^^^^ Karl the user is right back to using her cooch for its intended purpose - getting what she can to further HER needs. And she had the audacity to slam Farrah for selling her vagina. 

No way would I even take any goodies from Kail. She's a viper and her type wouldn't hesitate to send your wife pics of you sleep ing in her bed or screenshots of y'alls sexting messages. Nope. Not even as a side piece would I want Kail. Everything she touches, she burns.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

No worries.  As Javi reminded us, he's not his kid....when it suits him.  

Why wouldn't he?  Kail does.  Isaac is only Javi's when it suits her needs.  So what, he threw that shit right back her.  Sure, it's wrong.  But Isaac's mother is the one that started, and continues, this mess.  It's on her, from what my eyes see.  They both suck and Isaac gets caught in it.  Now Lincoln will too.  Jo will probably have to help heal that little heart, as well.    

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

No worries.  As Javi reminded us, he's not his kid....when it suits him.  

Who was it that persuaded Javi to push out Isaac's bio dad out of Jo's life and have Isaac call Javi dad? That's right, it was Kail. When it suited Kail, Jo was Isaac's father, and when it suited her needs and diabolical plan (the girl has got plans!) he was Javi's father. Kail spun her web of deceit and took her own child to the cleaners all because she had to get back at Jo for the hurt she was feeling from their doomed relationship.

The mother, who is supposed to protect her child at all costs, used her child as a pawn in a deal that ended  after a couple of years. When her spouse started to put demands upon her and Isaac's father, suddenly she didn't like it. How dare Javi try and tell her and Jo what HIS rules and expectations were from now on.  I wonder where he got that idea from? 

Kail played with the emotions of all involved, but what is sad and deeply disturbing is the fact this mother played a game that has now backfired and the ultimate victim is her own child.

Edited by SPLAIN
One "to" too many
  • Love 19

She really is such a cold person. We've seen her break up with Jo, Jordan and Javi and in none of them have I seen her really express any sadness that a relationship is over - particularly ones that involve her children. In my own life, I've ended a few long-term relationships and even when it was my idea, it was still terribly sad for me.  The only other TMs I see react that way - emotionless (throwing aside anger) - are Kail, Farrah, and Jenelle. 

I used to feel really bad for her because I felt like her mother was terrible. I don't know if who she has become can solely be blamed on that or what. All I know is I don't like what I see of who she is. 

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

I think Kail is responsible for Kail's behavior.  I think Javi is responsible for Javi's behavior.  Kail doesn't get the blame nor the credit for that sack of shit.  Hopefully she chooses better the next time around for both her children.  YMMV.

I wasn't talking about who is responsible for what behavior. I pointed out Kail herself is responsible for how she decided who is her child's dad. That is no different than Javi spewing he is not Isaac's dad.  They both can eat shit because they both did that to Isaac, but it is worse because the child's mother instigated that whole mess for her own benefit.

If Kail doesn't change her thuggish and bullying behavior, no matter who she chooses in life, things will continue down this path. Kail has to change within in order for her to have a different outcome.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, MissMel said:

Why wouldn't he?  Kail does.  Isaac is only Javi's when it suits her needs.  So what, he threw that shit right back her.  Sure, it's wrong.  But Isaac's mother is the one that started, and continues, this mess.  It's on her, from what my eyes see.  They both suck and Isaac gets caught in it.  Now Lincoln will too.  Jo will probably have to help heal that little heart, as well.    

Yep.  I would bet all of my savings that Karl has said thousands of times "he's not your son, he's MY son".  He was just giving it back to her.  I bet that Isaac was "their" son when she needed Javi to babysit or take isaac someplace but when he wanted to do something with them Issac became HER son. 

Karl will never learn from her mistakes. She keeps making the same ones over and over.  I've seen no growth from her at all since her 16 and Pregnant episode. I've seen growth from some of the other girls, but not karl.  Shit, I've seen more growth from Jenelle than karl. 

  • Love 13

 Shit, I've seen more growth from Jenelle than karl. 

I've seen more emotional growth from the kids on both shows than Karl.

Yes to your entire post as well.

22 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Kail was born to two assholes.  She has the means and resources now to invest in her healing.  There comes a point when you can't blame your asshole parents for why you are a sociopath.

I thought this read 'Kail was born with two assholes.'  That would have been fitting.

  • Love 11

Today I re-watched the show from a few seasons ago where Javi had his little bitch fit about Kail going to Philly for some concert.  Now I've had some trouble following the timeline surrounding the miscarriage, divorce, and who was sleeping with whom, and I have no idea who really wanted the divorce, but Javi really comes off as a controlling and abusive jerk in that episode.   Telling Kail to "Get out of my face.  This conversation's over", wow, really?  Then he wanted the pass code to her phone? Because a guy from school texted her?  Obviously we all have our own ideas about what Kail may or may not have been up to, but Javi is a grown man, if he didn't trust her, then it was time for him to LEAVE not try to control Kail's every move.  And then after he ruined the concert plans, he agreed to let her go only for him to show up on Philly later? Guess it was only okay if he could upset her and the go too.  That was total BULLSHIT and there were other instances where Javi was a controlling little bitch.   If that were me, I cant say I'd like a guy treating me that way and being happy. 

  • Love 5
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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