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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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1 hour ago, truelovekiss said:

Yes but was it Javi's little Papi or someone else's?


1 hour ago, truelovekiss said:

Yes but was it Javi's little Papi or someone else's?

She isn't  called puta for nothing.

I should have been clearer in my post. I just figured by now most of you know where my thoughts are when I reference Karl and any sex references. LOL

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If the guy Kail has been texting is just a friend/classmate, why has she never invited him to hang out with her AND Javi, or at least meet him?  And why are the texts between the two of them Top Secret?  Also, I'm highly suspicious of any single male that age who is that close of a "friend" to a female of the same age. College guys just aren't that interested in being best buds with females unless there's at least a possibility of some poontang at the end of the trail.  They're still young enough to be thinking with their other head most of the time.

  • Love 11

Agree. Not to mention Kail has cheated. I just watched the scene where Jordan calls out Kail for cheating on him. 

Look, I have male friends and acquaintances in my life. However, these men also know my spouse. When we text, we text about business or something similar. I do not always mention my texting to my spouse, but he knows I am in communication with various males. I do not keep my spouse in the dark or do anything that I would not want my spouse to do to me. I do not have a password on my phone. Neither does my husband. If he began to have fears, I would do what was necessary to help ease his fears. If it went beyond my scope of what I could do, then he would need to get professional help. 

Javi definitely has issues such as jealousy and insecurities. He is one major butthole, but Kail has not helped to ease any fears he has expressed. No shocker since she married him for benefits and nothing more. Kail married herself a wuss, someone she could walk all over. She could care less about him. 

  • Love 8

I wish it was just high schoolers. Sadly, I see lots of adults blasting their personal lives all over social media. I enjoy SM, it allows me to stay in touch with friends and family I don't see on a regular basis and vice versa. I post pics of my kids, tell stories of their accomplishments. I even share pictures when I make a pretty dinner! But when Mr. Ghoulina accuses everyone in the house of losing some tool and is an ass to us all day about it, then has to apologize when he later finds it....I don't share that on SM. Keep your private stuff private, people. 

I really just think it's a thing now - to share EVERYTHING.

  • Love 11

It definately is the in thing now. I have friends that seem to think Facebook is a secret diary and some of the stuff they post just has me facepalming so much. Thank god for the unfollow option.

I get people wanna post and vent when they are upset, but then you have ones like Javi that will post personal stuff and then gripe that they have no privacy. 

  • Love 9

Karl and Javi get no sympathy from me. So, a fan sends Javi a tweet? Big deal. Javi would have seen that text message on screen sooner or later. It comes with the territory of being on a reality show. You will endure all the crazies. Not to mention, with the internet it makes it so easy to reach out to these reality people. Javi exposed himself by using social media to keep in touch with fans. Now, his fans are using it to inform him of Kail. 

The fact Javi is deployed means nothing to me as far as this show is concerned. Javi made it clear in one of his texts or an interview that it was none of our fucking business about his military life. Alright then. Keep yourself ugly ass off television and don't Facetime your wife ON CAMERA you dipshit.

Javi opened himself to scrutiny and all the crazy that comes with it, all because he signed up again to do this show. Same for Karl. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6
19 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Karl and Javi get no sympathy from me. So, a fan sends Javi a tweet? Big deal. Javi would have seen that text message on screen sooner or later. It comes with the territory of being on a reality show. You will endure all the crazies. Not to mention, with the internet it makes it so easy to reach out to these reality people. Javi exposed himself by using social media to keep in touch with fans. Now, his fans are using it to inform him of Kail. 

The fact Javi is deployed means nothing to me as far as this show is concerned. Javi made it clear in one of his texts or an interview that it was none of our fucking business about his military life. Alright then. Keep yourself ugly ass off television and don't Facetime your wife ON CAMERA you dipshit.

Javi opened himself to scrutiny and all the crazy that comes with it, all because he signed up again to do this show. Same for Karl. 

I agree, should a fan get involved in their personal life? No, probably not... But I don't really feel bad about it either, like GreatKazu said, that's one of the breaks when you live your life on social media. One of his friends/or family probably would have seen it eventually, who knows maybe they already did and we're waiting for a better time to break it to him... But either way, there would be nothing to tattle about if Kail weren't texting a guy behind Javi's back. 

  • Love 2

TBH, Kail and Javi have already called it quits so what can be gained by sending him screenshots of something that happened I am guessing in Feb. 

I wish he would stop whining on social media! Kail doesn't seem the least bit broken up despite a history of treating the men she is with like shit, she still has ass kissing fans who will justify her every decision.

  • Love 5
On 5/20/2016 at 2:48 PM, jadecorleone said:

It definately is the in thing now. I have friends that seem to think Facebook is a secret diary and some of the stuff they post just has me facepalming so much. Thank god for the unfollow option.

I get people wanna post and vent when they are upset, but then you have ones like Javi that will post personal stuff and then gripe that they have no privacy. 

I love it when those same people later post complaints about having no privacy, or about how only their "real" friends will remain on their friend list (or whatever Twitter calls it) after this post. I haven't seen Javi do that so much, but sounds like they do the ol' unfriending of each other thing regularly. Thankfully they can count on their "real friends" to send them screen shots of each others' passive aggressive posts on their pages. <eyeroll>

  • Love 5
Just now, ChristmasJones said:

All this just reminds me again of how deeply thankful I am that social media did not exist when I was in middle school, high school, or undergrad.

Babs parody account says it best, I shake my head at the crap that people post especially 'celebrities' that post crap and then start crying that they have no privacy.

  • Love 18

It's a new generation of people who think every little thing in their fucking lives is so important that everyone needs to know about it. A new type of narcissism. I think Javi could be the posterboy for them. I don't "do" social media (I post places like this, but not about ME) at all, can you tell? And I'm only about 8 years older than these people.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7

That kind of airing of personal grievances is so immature.  I just don't get it. These people have families, children.  I give people a pass I guess when they are just young and stupid but I don't know any parents in my real life who post about their personal business like this on the Internet. It's so weird.  I wonder if they will look back one day and be embarrassed?  Like if I could go back and see my AOL away messages from when I was in high school I would probably cringe now. I wonder if it's like that.

  • Love 7

I have a person on facebook that is 1-2 years younger than me.  A classmate from high school (we are in our 30s now) and at first her posts were entertaining because she is very dramatic... but now... she's got 2 kids, one is almost a teenager, one is younger... 2 major failed relationships (neither are the kids' fathers) but if it's not relationship drama... then it's work drama... or it's something else... and the neediness....  

it's just downright embarrassing for a 30 year old. 

My best friend has started to become very opinionated on Facebook.... and sometimes I just want to be like "no.... just no..... keep that to yourself or your close friends!" 

  • Love 5

What I don't understand is what's the immediate feeling someone has when they post something like that (not the replies, those are hilarious). Like when she sits and types "Pretend is my favorite game," how many drafts did she go through? Is she like "I'm not only clever, I'm fucking mysterious as hell. The internet is going to love it." Or is she like "As soon as I post this, a million people will be sooooooo interested in what it means!" rather than "The whole internet thinks Shut the Fuck Up."

ETA I'm so glad this shit didn't exist when I was in high school / college to immortalize every idiotic thought in my head. Shit, I'm embarrassed that somewhere there's a copy of my high school yearbook pretentiously using Changes by David Bowie as my senior quote. because I was the first one to ever think of that. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
  • Love 13

Ugh, I hate "Vaguebooking". Or I guess, "Vaguetweeting"? She's just begging someone to ask what she means by that. That's why I would love it if no one had asked, and just made snarky plays on her tweet. 

Pretend you like your family better than traveling with Sterling?

Pretend Javi's parents don't live in your house and take care of your kids?

Pretend you don't spend hours on Pinterest designing your home?

Pretend your sweatpants are somehow better than Jo's?

  • Love 17

@ghoulina could you please go on twitter and do that for us??? I have to admit I have a younger sister going on 28 and a male cousin going on 50 and both incessantly post on social media in the same fashion as middle school girls - much like Javi and Kail. Both are mentally ill so take that for what it's worth. I wonder what their extended family members think because I got to tell you for me I swing only between two places: On sympathetic days it actually hurts me to see these posts and the people "feeding the beast" by liking them and responding because I know the true pain these folks are in and none of their faux facebook friends reactions are helpful. On non sympathetic days I'm just embarrassed as fuck to see what gets put out there.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Maybe I should begin a new chapter and become a social media troll? Someone's got to do it eventually... Javi is a mega douche and he needs to know it.

I am sad to report that Javi had deleted his Twitter. After he created his new one (after the old got hacked) he said he may just delete it because he couldn't find all his friends and all the drama. ? Yesterday, it was gone. Still gone today. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Mkay said:

I am sad to report that Javi had deleted his Twitter. After he created his new one (after the old got hacked) he said he may just delete it because he couldn't find all his friends and all the drama. ? Yesterday, it was gone. Still gone today. 


OK, PTV, should we take bets on how long Javi can go without posting his most trenchant thoughts? I give it another 48 hours and a new twitter account will be opened.

  • Love 6

I'll try my best.  Most of it is just a general tweet, not directed to anyone. It started with the person who stated how Kail is lucky to have someone like Peach as a friend. Kail responds with Nooooo. Kail then makes the general statement about how someone once said something abt her dogs and kids. Peach made the next general statement about how she has never said those things.  Not directed at anyone in particular but you can tell its in response to Kail's post. Then Peach just continues to tweet to no one in particular but you can tell its all about why she isn't friends with Kail anymore. 

  • Love 6

Kail says she's not emotional and repeated it to Vee like it was something everyone knows, how she never shows her emotions.  Does she have amnesia?  We just saw her showing her emotions screaming at Jo on his front lawn.  I'd say it's showing emotion when you are yelling at and beating your husband.  We have seen her show emotion plenty of times.  

  • Love 7
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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