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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Apparently Javi sent another woman a snap chat of him in his underwear, which others were saying was inappropriate. They brought Kail into the conversation, and her reply was a thumbs up, indicating she doesn't care. She then retweeted something about "if you're picking between me and her, don't pick me". Apparently she also tweeted a guy, asking him to text her, as she lost his number.





Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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Can't say I am surprised considering they got married for all the wrong reasons. Also, isnt adultery heavily frowned upon in the armed services? BTW, Jo and Vee got engaged.

I just saw that on Starcasm. Congrats to Jo and Vee, her ring is pretty. I also noticed she bounced back really well from having the baby. Kail must be losing her shit right now.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 6

I just saw that on Starcasm. Congrats to Jo and Vee, her ring is pretty. I also noticed she bounced back really well from having the baby. Kail must be losing her shit right now.

Shockingly Kail posted a really nice photo with Vee a couple of weeks ago saying that now they would actually be family. She also said that it took them a long time to get to a good place and that it was mostly her fault. I was impressed with that bit of self awareness. Though I do have to wonder if her post was meant to break their news first. I assumed they got engaged that day (a couple of weeks ago)from her caption but it seems Jo and Vee just announced it.


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Credit to Kail, it takes a lot of courage to publicly admit that you screwed up.  It probably wouldn't have been easy for Kail to swallow her pride and say that she made it hard for the two families to get along before but it really raises my opinion of her.  

She seems to be a lot more grown up this season.  She is making an effort to get along with Jo and Vee, even buying a baby present, is going to school with the hope of getting an actual job (*cough* Jenelle *cough*) and her boys are always clean, fed and polite.  I had always seen her as someone who was demanding and controlling but this season has given me a bit of a different perspective, especially when she is with Jo/Vee or in the car with Isaac.  

I don't think it's completely fair to keep judging the girls based on their first few seasons.  It's easy to forget that they were all teenagers who were (with the exception of Jenelle) trying to do their best for their babies.  Yeah Kail was immature when she was living with Jo and Janet but she was a 17 year old (?) who felt that she couldn't live at home and who had a baby to support.  Chelsea let Adam move in, Leah cheated on her husband and let's not even talk about Jenelle.  The point is that they all screwed up but Kail and Chelsea have both moved past that and have turned into good parents so I think it's only fair to judge them on what they are doing now.  

  • Love 6

Shockingly Kail posted a really nice photo with Vee a couple of weeks ago saying that now they would actually be family. She also said that it took them a long time to get to a good place and that it was mostly her fault. I was impressed with that bit of self awareness. Though I do have to wonder if her post was meant to break their news first. I assumed they got engaged that day (a couple of weeks ago)from her caption but it seems Jo and Vee just announced it.


Wow. That does show a lot of growth. Ive been watching old seasons and just watched when Jo first started seeing Vee, (I didn't realize they had been together for so long.) ,Karl was seeing Jordan and bringing Isaac around him but had a fit and forbade Jo from bringing Vee around him. She was such an asshole about it.

I don't like her but I have to give credit where it's due, I'm glad she's taking responsibility.

I just watched her 16 and Pregnant and she has always been a sour, dour Debbie Downer. Janet was there for her in every possible way and all she did was bitch, whine and complain about EVERYTHING! And when I say whine I mean whine, she sounded like a 3 year old whining to Janet that Jo never wants to go to the movies. Dumb ass, you're a homeless, pregnant teenager and you're whining to the person paying for your life that you never get to go to the movies?!

I don't know how the Riveras put up with it. She brought so much chaos and drama to their home.

Does Jo have a sister? In 16 and Pregnant I noticed a teenage girl with glasses on at the dinner table and in the background in a lot of scenes. I've only heard about his brother Junior so I'm wondering who she was.

Edited to say, after reading the article linked above I must say that the line about them finally being an "actual family" now because Jo and Vee are getting married pisses me off. You can be a loving family without marriage. My 27th anniversary is May 15th and we have no plans on getting married any time soon. I would love to see Karl and her "actual family" make it to her 27th anniversary.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

Maybe I am missing  something, but I am not seeing a correlation between Kail's comment about "family" and Jo and Vee's engagement. The way I read the Instagram post, Kail is saying she and Vee are now "family" because they are getting along much better than they used to.

kaillowry: "It took some time... More on my end than any but we made it! So happy to be where we are now, best birthday gift ever = finally becoming family!"

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Wasn't Javi posting pictures of himself during his deployment with a very cute girl? They were doing nothing inappropriate in the photos, but I seem to remember him deleting them not long after. I have no sympathy for Javi. He was a young, good looking guy with his whole future ahead of him, yet he chose to hitch his wagon to this girl with a kid and a whole lot of baggage. I hope it was worth it.

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I'm starting to think I may be wrong about Kailyn getting on some good medication and rather that she may be in love with someone new and that's why she isn't jealous of Vee anymore and why she's in such a better mood. Or maybe it's both?

It wouldn't surprise me. Kail is never this happy and cheery for no good reason and we all know her marriage to Javi doesn't bring her much joy. She's probably happy as hell he's deployed so she can do what she wants.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 2

First, Karl gets nothing but side-eye from me because of her racist comments. She can't bother apologizing for her disgusting comments because she won't apologize for what she truly believes. When do racist people ever apologize for their words and actions?

Forget her past? Umm, her past behavior still creeps up in the present.

That is not the first time Karl posted a photo of herself with Vee. The first time was a photo taken at Isaac's school.

Karl is happy because Javi is far, far away. When the cat's away...

Karl is a lying liar who lies. That cannot be posted enough.

  • Love 6

What I loved most about the picture Karl posted of her and Vee were the comments about how beautiful Vee is. I bet that pisswd Karl off, even after all of her plastic surgery, Vee is still better looking.

Girl, you read my mind. Great minds and all.

There is not enough plastic surgery to erase the ugly that Karl spews from within. Plenty of people have had it as bad or worse than Kail. Some posters here have mentioned their own private info on the drama and shit they have endured, but they do not make racial remarks nor do they use their past to excuse their behavior.

  • Love 5

Kail just posted a pic of herself with dreds. I actually have no objection to the hairstyle if pretty much anyone else were to have it,..but coming from Kail who said her son needed to look "like a white boy" what the actual fuck!? I don't really like classifying any one hair style as any one race, I feel like it's ignorant and stereotypical... But at the same time there is no denying it is more often used in African Americans, Jamaicans, people from the islands. Kail confuses the ever loving crap out of me.

  • Love 6

Girl, you read my mind. Great minds and all.

There is not enough plastic surgery to erase the ugly that Karl spews from within. Plenty of people have had it as bad or worse than Kail. Some posters here have mentioned their own private info on the drama and shit they have endured, but they do not make racial remarks nor do they use their past to excuse their behavior.


I could forgive Kail for being young and dumb for some things, (cheating, arguing with Jo, maybe popping Javi) but for me, filing false battery charges against Jo makes her a forever hosebeast to me. That is an action that has lasting ramifications beyond her and Jo and there is no coming back from that. You might hit someone out of anger, be horrified with yourself, and never do it again. You might say something racially insensitive and realize how awful that sounded and repent. But filing false charges? That is an action that takes some time and thought. Someone who does that has had time to cool down and admit they overreacted at any time- and she fucking didn't. For that, she will never be okay in my book. She's as irredeemable as Jenelle, at least to me. 

  • Love 9

Agree Tatum. I myself have brought up the filing of the false domestic violence charge from time to time when commenting on what makes Karl such a douche to me. It is also one reason why I question her on just about everything that did not occur on this show. I cannot believe most, if not all, her claims she has put out there, including her book. Karl also made a domestic violence claim against Suzy's boyfriend. The court threw out that case. Ask me if I believe such a thing happened to her? What makes that false claim against Jo so bad, aside from accusing him of a crime, is the fact Jo was kept from his child for two weeks. You cannot ever explain away doing that to your child and your child's parent. Not to mention, Jo is now forever labeled as an abuser. Many of the Kail lovers believe her claim about Jo having assaulted her. Jo may feel on edge whenever Kail has one of her tantrums. God forbid she makes another claim. All of that coming from this douchebag who is a documented abuser herself.

Kail seems to be excused for making racist comments, being an abuser, and accusing her child's parent of a crime. Didn't Jenelle make racisrt comments about Keiffer? For sure Jenelle is an abuser. Jenelle accused Nathan and other boyfriend's of DV although I believe she was a willing participant or she threw the first punch. Most definitely Kail is like Jenelle in many ways. Once you reach Jenelle level, you are scum.

  • Love 6

 What makes that false claim against Jo so bad, aside from accusing him of a crime, is the fact Jo was kept from his child for two weeks. You cannot ever explain away doing that to your child and your child's parent.


I agree with that, but I also think her spiteful accusations had consequences even beyond Isaac and Jo. I am friendly with an attorney who handles mainly divorce cases and one of her biggest frustrations is that when she is putting together the paperwork to take to the county (sorry, not sure of legal terms) if there is any type of abuse in the relationship, unless she feels the woman is in danger from her estranged husband, she cannot refer to it in the paperwork. Any abuse that has gone on, unless she feels the woman's safety is seriously at risk and a protection order is absolutely necessary, gets swept under the rug. Why? Because women like Kail falsely report it, or exaggerate claims to get revenge or leverage in custody cases, and the minute a woman files for divorce with claims her spouse has abused her, in this attorney's experience, the judge is immediately suspicious of the plaintiff. So, a woman who is honestly in danger from her husband and just trying to protect herself and her kids, is immediately cast into suspicion because that judge likely previously had some woman like Kail file bogus charges in his or her court. This may not be a universal experience, but it was true in this attorney's case.


She wasted time for the courts, AND she potentially damaged credibility for actual victims who have enough to worry about without wondering if the judges think they are liars. Hosebeast for sure. She could adopt orphans and create the cure for AIDs and I'd still think she was despicable.

  • Love 6

Agree Tatum. I myself have brought up the filing of the false domestic violence charge from time to time when commenting on what makes Karl such a douche to me. It is also one reason why I question her on just about everything that did not occur on this show. I cannot believe most, if not all, her claims she has put out there, including her book. Karl also made a domestic violence claim against Suzy's boyfriend. The court threw out that case. Ask me if I believe such a thing happened to her? What makes that false claim against Jo so bad, aside from accusing him of a crime, is the fact Jo was kept from his child for two weeks. You cannot ever explain away doing that to your child and your child's parent. Not to mention, Jo is now forever labeled as an abuser. Many of the Kail lovers believe her claim about Jo having assaulted her. Jo may feel on edge whenever Kail has one of her tantrums. God forbid she makes another claim. All of that coming from this douchebag who is a documented abuser herself.

Kail seems to be excused for making racist comments, being an abuser, and accusing her child's parent of a crime. Didn't Jenelle make racisrt comments about Keiffer? For sure Jenelle is an abuser. Jenelle accused Nathan and other boyfriend's of DV although I believe she was a willing participant or she threw the first punch. Most definitely Kail is like Jenelle in many ways. Once you reach Jenelle level, you are scum.


Bolded part is exactly the whole reason I don't think I can ever like her. When my husband was going through his divorce his ex filed a restraining order on him. She claimed he was stalking her and that she was afraid of what he would do to her. She wrote this big long story of his stalking on the papers which included dates and estimate of times. For two weeks my hubby could not see his kids nor could he contact them. The day they went to court he had documented proof that the dates she wrote that he "stalked" her he was at work literally all day. Judge dismissed the case. But he didn't get those two weeks back. 

Too many women take advantage of it and it hurts the ones that really need it.

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The dish from the teen mom 2 fb



Kailyn and Javi are separated. He is seeing another woman and Kailyn knows about it. Javi deleted pics of him and the girl together. They are no longer wearing their rings. Kailyn removed photos of Javi from their home. You can see before and after pics of the missing pics on lipstick alley. Kailyn cheated on Javi with her friend's husband. Javi isnt paranoid for no reason...also she did not miscarry. She had an abortion because Javi was not the father. Of course they aren't going to spill all of their dirty business on MTV ...luckily for me I know ppl who attend DSU and it's no secret that Kailyn cheated and with who....



It's absolutely true. I knew all of this months ago and im curious as to what MTV will reveal to the viewers . I hope it's not a cover up situation like Leah. Everyone knows Leah cheated on Jeremy with Robbie and that's the primary reason he divorced her but leah signed a contract with MTV saying it won't be revealed ...so even though we saw it all play out on twitter when jeremy aired her out called her a cheating whore etc. Mtv never showed it. You can see the nervousness and lie all over Kailyn's face in the trailer when she said she miscarried ...I was laughing ...she's such a bad liar  Kailyn if you're reading this....why dont you tell the truth and reveal who your real baby daddy is?! Kailyn has been dick hopping all over DSU since javi's been deployed



My nephew attends DSU ....he sees Kailyn often and he knows who's hitting it  she did not know who the father was but we all know it wasn't javi.



Kailyn definetly had an abortion ...Javi annoys me but he doesn't deserve that. He's a good man and unfortunately he comes across bad on the show because he hates when kailyn and jo get along because he's afraid they are going to have sex behind his back. He's insecure...we all saw Kailyn have sex with Jo in the bathroom while she was with Jordan . He knows she's a cheater. She treats him like shit. She's not into javi...he was her ticket out of poverty . They have no chemistry. Javi is way more into her than she ever was into him.




Lol @ kail's three fans mad at me for spilling tea that EVERYONE at DSU already knows...for the record im not all up in kail's business and if I was so what she's a public figure. Dont be mad at me because I know more than you . Do you really think she wasn't cheating on Javi? She had a breakdown and cried when her HUSBAND asked to swap passwords on her cellphone  who does that? A cheater who doesn't wanna be caught. My ex bf did something similar. He had an elaborate ass cellphone password and I had zero reason to believe he was cheating. I didnt think it was even remotely possible because I knew his whereabouts pretty much 24/7 ...after months of studying his quick ass swap motions...I cracked the password ...and holy shit...he had a double life. He was the biggest man whore in brooklyn..and he flipped his shit just like kail when I initially asked for it! Same reaction...

She Hulk is a cheater just like Leah

  • Love 12

Tatum and housewifecrazy fully agree.

I saw many allegations of DV in the courts where I worked. Many were true, others were false.

Kail's actions do in fact go beyond the show. Her actions were seen by many viewers. How many of those came away with the idea that it is okay to accuse someone of a crime? How many viewers now think many victims of DV are simply crying wolf because they are seeking revenge? As Kail put her hands on Javi, how many Kail fans cheered her on or defended her criminal behavior? As you stated, she wasted the court's time. Twice!. That is time that could have been spent on a true victim.

Kail has no credibility in my eyes. That is due to her actions.

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Is it me or does Mail still look really shitty for someone who just had a crapton of body work done? I know we're not all designed to be model thin, but for having had lipo, she doesn't really look all that different.

*note: I'm so damn tired of Auto Correct changing Kail to Mail that I'm just going with it.

There is so much to unpack in that photo, but is she wearing a corset?

Sort of, it's a waist trainer, the latest fad amongst the D-list reality stars and Instagram set. The idea is you squish the crap out of your midsection, and eventually it sticks. Most doctors advise against using them, as they shift your internal organs out of position. Kail, Chelsea and Jenelle hawk them on social media. Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

Is it me or does Mail still look really shitty for someone who just had a crapton of body work done? I know we're not all designed to be model thin, but for having had lipo, she doesn't really look all that different.

*note: I'm so damn tired of Auto Correct changing Kail to Mail that I'm just going with it.

Sort of, it's a waist trainer, the latest fad amongst the D-list reality stars and Instagram set. The idea is you squish the crap out of your midsection, and eventually it sticks. Most doctors advise against using them, as they shift your internal organs out of position. Kail, Chelsea and Jenelle hawk them on social media.

The fuck? I can't even. So all those years of early feminist working like mad to get women out of corsets because they were literally dying for fashion has been wasted on these idiots. Would they also like to experiment with a little light foot binding? Morons.

  • Love 9
Bella Roche, on 06 Apr 2016 - 3:01 PM, said:

"Kailyn has been dick hopping all over DSU since javi's been deployed"


Ugh, now I have a cartoonish mental image of Kail hopping around campus like a rabbit, landing on one dick after another.


Great, thanks. I now have an image of Kail dressed up like the Energizer Bunny, hopping all over campus in crotchless panties.

  • Love 4
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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