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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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I don't understand what the fascination is with getting these shitty tattoos from shitty "artists". 


I have both my arms done and have paid from $200-350/hour (+tip) for my pieces - I only have one that was a straight "that will be $200" and it is just lettering.   THIS SHIT IS FOREVER!


One of mine was close to $2,000 and done by a popular artist (he does Rihanna and Katy Perry and others) and I can't tell you how many compliments I get on it on a daily basis (when I go outside) - but the thing that ALWAYS gets me is the folks who will come up to me, gush about how awesome it is, and then ask how much.  When I tell them?  They dismiss it and insist on showing me their OWN tattoo that they got for $300 and how they could have gotten the same tattoo as mine for that much.   No.  No you couldn't.  


Javi, Kail, Maci, etc all have these incredibly shitty tattoos and whenever I see them "shout out" an artist (because I LOVE going to different artists and collecting pieces) I make a mental note to NEVER visit not only that artist - but their entire shop.  Ever.


I have yet to see ONE decent tattoo on any of these Teen Moms or their partners.  ONE.

  • Love 12

There was actually a slice of pizza left over? You mean, Hulk didn't gulp it all down? I am surprised with Kail around, there is any food left over. Ha, pizza. So typical of Kail. Don't they ever eat regular food that is home-made? They either go out to eat or the food at home is zapped in the microwave.

Lol don't worry, at first I was grossed out because she just randomly produced a pizza from the top of her fridge, she was saying when they leave it on the counter the dogs get it (hence the trick) and I was just thinking does she not keep leftovers in the fridge??? But then I told myself that she most likely had it there prepped for this "impromptu" question.

Regarding shifty tattoos... Don't forget Catelynn... I know this is tm2 but you mentioned Macy :)

  • Love 2

I don't understand what the fascination is with getting these shitty tattoos from shitty "artists".

I have both my arms done and have paid from $200-350/hour (+tip) for my pieces - I only have one that was a straight "that will be $200" and it is just lettering. THIS SHIT IS FOREVER!

One of mine was close to $2,000 and done by a popular artist (he does Rihanna and Katy Perry and others) and I can't tell you how many compliments I get on it on a daily basis (when I go outside) - but the thing that ALWAYS gets me is the folks who will come up to me, gush about how awesome it is, and then ask how much. When I tell them? They dismiss it and insist on showing me their OWN tattoo that they got for $300 and how they could have gotten the same tattoo as mine for that much. No. No you couldn't.

Javi, Kail, Maci, etc all have these incredibly shitty tattoos and whenever I see them "shout out" an artist (because I LOVE going to different artists and collecting pieces) I make a mental note to NEVER visit not only that artist - but their entire shop. Ever.

I have yet to see ONE decent tattoo on any of these Teen Moms or their partners. ONE.

Couldn't agree more. I have 9 tattoos and they were very carefully thought out and I got recommendations, references and all kinds of things before choosing my artists.

My late husband had a shop so a couple of mine came from him.

I have my next one planned, its a portrait of my late dog and its hard to find the right artist.

The Teen Mom people have some of the worst work I've ever seen.

  • Love 3

Okay, what would be the most horrible day in Kail's life. Remember now, this is Kail we are talking about.


Kail's tenants in her starter home moved out. Now how will she pay her bills?


Kail just got her lawyer's statement in the mail.


Kail was hit with a big tax bill. Again.


Javi lost another costly item.


Kail's gas guzzler needs new tires and she was hit with a bill of $400 per tire.


There won't be another season of Teen Mom 2!!!!!

  • Love 7
I checked Javi's account just to see what, if anything, he posted. He is showing off a pair of Yeezy shoes while wearing elastic ankle jeans.


Good God those shoes are ugly. It would definitely be the worst day of MY life if I came home and saw my husband wearing those. 



(If something truly tragic did happen, I'll just be waiting over here in my handbasket.)

  • Love 7

I'll sit with you ghoulina, maybe we could all car pool to hell if there is actually a serious issue...

But if it comes out to be scarf related I stand by my previous snarking.

I will say that the fact that she seems to be holding it together when surrounded by others indicates hopefully that it isn't tremendously serious, because if it were something really bad/tragic I would hope she wouldn't feel like she had to hold it together even if people were around (don't look shocked, I'm a delightful person, I can't snark on Kail ALL the time).

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 2

Someone said it best in a response to Javi:  Vague statuses are so annoying.


The same clown who said he doesn't Tweet about his job because "it's nobody's business" sends out a mysterious Tweet that says "One of the hardest days of my life today."  Either STATE what you are Tweeting about or don't Tweet anything, dipshit.  If it isn't something you want to share on social media, then keep it to your fucking self.  Same goes for you, Kail.  They probably just want to stir up some Internet buzz ahead of her book release, as if anyone really cares about that non-event.

  • Love 7

Javi comes off so defensive about his job, that it makes me wonder what exactly he does in the air force that makes him feel, oh I don't know...ashamed? IDoes he not want to mention it because being vague about it makes him sound more important than if he were to come out and say he is behind a desk all day? I hate assholes, like Javi and Kail, who tweet out shit for attention. Plenty of people I know on Facebook do that same crap and it bugs the shit out of me. Imagine calling up someone and they say to you, "Oh my, I had a terrible day today." You ask, "What happened???" They stay silent on the phone. Same.damn.thing.when they tweet out some vague comment or post a similar comment on Facebook.


Javi and Kail can both go to hell. Handbasket here I come. Other than the kids, I hope to hear Kail is real upset about something and I seriously hope it has to do with either her marriage or finances. Or both. HA! I really do not care. Screw you Javi and your 80s jeans and fucking ugly Yeezy shoes.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I almost never go to Twitter but I got too curious on this, and all I really discovered was the book release/signing. For those who don't want to click through it's a kids' book supposedly about "love" and "written" by Kail and Isaac. ETA: and apparently Kail was fine to get all dolled up and go to that. 


As long as the kids are ok I don't much care about the rest of what might be wrong.

Edited by NikSac
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I Absolutely loathe vague ambiguous social media posts meant to elicit attention, if I do not feel comfortable discussing details of whatever is going on I do not put it on social media at all. For the most part if you looked at my Facebook you would think my life is ideallic, because I rarely post anything negative, it's not that I want anyone to think I'm perfect or anything like that, but just for the very reason I said above, I have a huge assortment of friends/acquaintances, if I wouldn't feel comfortable disclosing something to even them it doesn't go on Facebook.

  • Love 7

Thanks and yuck. No exaggeration, his tits are bigger than mine.

Aren't those shoes super expensive? These people are in for a hard reality check when the MTV money stops rolling in. Do they not think of life 5 or 10 years down the road?

I'd be saving the shit out of everything I made from the show.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

Thanks and yuck. No exaggeration, his tits are bigger than mine.

Aren't those shoes super expensive? These people are in for a hard reality check when the MTV money stops rolling in. Do they not think of life 5 or 10 years down the road?

I'd be saving the shit out of everything I made from the show.

A google search says $245 bucks up to 600.00 depending on how and where you buy them.


But they need more money, y'all.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4

Javi - no dude, just no.

And for $245-$600 those sneakers would have to work out for me and have a lifetime guarantee.

The other enlisted airmen & women must just love working with Big Papi. He probably doesn't even realize how different his lifestyle is from every other enlisted person with two kids. I used to work in a meat market near a military base and I can't tell you how many enlisted service members would come in (in uniform) and buy food using food stamps. I was shocked by how many were on food stamps (and disgusted that our military members must make so little). Enlisted service members don't make much and depending on the # of kids they had (and perhaps a spouse who doesn't work outside of the home or if they were single parents), many qualified for food stamps. I can practically hear the other enlisted people's eyes rolling in their heads in Delaware.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

Javi - no dude, just no.

And for $245-$600 those sneakers would have to work out for me and have a lifetime guarantee.

The other enlisted airmen & women must just love working with Big Papi. He probably doesn't even realize how different his lifestyle is from every other enlisted person with two kids. I used to work in a meat market near a military base and I can't tell you how many enlisted service members would come in (in uniform) and buy food using food stamps. I was shocked by how many were on food stamps (and disgusted that our military members must make so little). Enlisted service members don't make much and depending on the # of kids they had (and perhaps a spouse who doesn't work outside of the home or if they were single parents), many qualified for food stamps. I can practically hear the other enlisted people's eyes rolling in their heads in Delaware.

Sadly,a lot of young families who are just entering the job market qualify for food stamps. Obama has made it a little easier for families who work to qualify for food stamps, which is a good thing.

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I won't pay more than $20 for a brand new outfit for my son (who is almost a year old) and honestly prefer to buy things in the under $10 range. (I often buy gently used clothes, etc, as well.) This is because kids grow like weeds and he will outgrow them quickly. It's also because little boys are rough on stuff (spills, tears, rips, etc). Kail and Javi are insane to even consider spending that much money on shoes for kids. I think it's nuts when people buy babies Jordans, let alone super expensive fugly Kanye shoes. They better be getting them for free in exchange for talking them up on social media (but somehow I doubt it). In their delusional heads they probably think Kim & Kanye will find out they've been plugging the shoes online and hope they'll reach out to befriend them.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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