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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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So, I really want to know about Jo's employment situation. He's been silent on Twitter but while Vee defended him, she  hasn't confirmed or denied anything in her defense of him. I feel like there may be multiple reasons for him not to be working, maybe he's in school, maybe he's looking etc. I just want to know if Javi and Kail are misrepresenting/lying etc. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 3

So, I really want to know about Jo's employment situation. He's been silent on Twitter but while Vee  hasn't said confirmed or employed anything in her defense of him. I feel like there may be multiple reasons for him not to be working, maybe he's in school, maybe he's looking etc. I just want to know if Javi and Kail are misrepresenting/lying etc. 

Jo rarely acknowledges anything Kail says or does. I think the last time he ever defended himself was when Kail lied about him hitting her. Other than that, Kail has lied about many things since then, and Jo has not come forward to defend himself. Kail and Javi are known liars. Kail also has a history of twisting the truth. If Jo is not working, I would think she would have said something before now only because that is how Kail works. Kail is the one lacking credibility.


It took me a while, but I do seem to remember something a few years back where Kail received a support payment late.  Jo had changed jobs and by the time human resources did the paper work for his payroll checks, the CS support was late. Of course, that is not Jo's fault. It is what sometimes happens when one changes employers and HR must do what is necessary to deduct CS support from a person's payroll check.

  • Love 7

If Jo's been out of work this long, he must have one heck of a savings built up. Janet and Eddie are comfortably middle class, but they're not the Hiltons or the Trumps. Besides maybe helping him with the down payment for the house I can't see them bankrolling Jo and Vee for an entire year. On the other hand, that's kind of a random accusation for Javi to throw out there. Who knows what the truth really is.

  • Love 3

If Jo's been out of work this long,

I can't find the original tweet. How long did Kail claim he has been out of work?


I just checked Javi's Twitter account and he is tweeting to people he can tell they don't work "by their responses".  Such a little prick. I suppose Javi going over to help Jo was just his immature way of checking out the place and reporting back to Karl.

  • Love 6

You know, for TWO people with no jobs between them (prove to me that Javi is still employed) who are struggling financially to the point of having to go after Jo for money before he's even settled in after MOVING HIS FAMILY TO A NEW STATE TO CHASE AFTER THE CHILD KAIL MOVED AWAY FROM HIM ... They sure do spend a LOT of time concerned about someone ELSE'S employment status.

And before anyone says "TM2 is Kail's job" ... Yeah ... No.

Chelsea has a job. Corey has a job. Germy has a job.

I seriously wish Kail had gotten someone like Adam so they could try to out-grift each other.

  • Love 10

I can't find the original tweet. How long did Kail claim he has been out of work?

She didn't say specifically. I was just making a rough guesstimate based on the time frame of when Jo moved to Delaware to where we are in real time, not TM2 time. I'm assuming Jo quit his job to move and took Javi's remark to mean Jo hadn't worked since.

  • Love 1

Wait....am I understanding correctly that Kail believes Isaac's expenses are around $3k-$5k per month? Because holy cow! Isaac could go to a swanky boarding school for that much! I know I live in an area with a low cost of living (and therefore, a low pay scale), but I net less than $3k a month and together with my hubby we net less than $6k a month. And we are able to pay a mortgage, car note, student loans, utilities, and other bills, as well as our child's expenses & day care (granted, we don't drive a Mercedes or luxury SUVs and we haven't spent tons of money covering ourselves in ugly ass tattoos.)

Does Isaac have his own car loan, mortgage, and credit cards we don't know about? How the heck does a 5 year old have $3-5k per month in "expenses"?

I'm don't think so. Joe can up with the $3-5000 number. That's what he thought he would pay if they went to court. Which I'm guessing is a huge inflation of what the court would actually do.

I think Joe is sort of stuck between Kali and Vee here. I think Kali is determined to get Issac his "fair share" before the baby comes and I think Vee might be the one filling Joe with these child support horror stories and starting to pressure him not to give Issac too much with the new baby coming. This should be interesting to watch unfold.

  • Love 3

Jo has only one experience with the courts from the first time he went back in 2011.  Back then, he was paying $470 a month. Jo mentioned to Kail that support amount amount was half his check.  The court ended up raising the amount to $130.00. Jo has more expenses then he did at that period of time. I just think Jo feels if Kail has all of these supposed needs for Isaac, he will be required to pay for it. I think because Kail has primary custody, Jo likely feels she has more leeway to ask for more money and the courts will grant it.

  • Love 2

I can't find the original tweet. How long did Kail claim he has been out of work?

I just checked Javi's Twitter account and he is tweeting to people he can tell they don't work "by their responses". Such a little prick. I suppose Javi going over to help Jo was just his immature way of checking out the place and reporting back to Karl.

@splain, I feel like I always agree with you, like we would be besties in real life.

So Javi has no real proof Jo does not have a job? Color me shocked. The same could be said about the Jav-Meister. And honestly what is it even any of his business whether Jo has a job or not, he's (Jo) paying his child support, they (Javi and Kail) don't seem to be hurting for money with their recent new house new car purchases. What big papi doesn't have the money for his sea Hag tattoo he's been saving up for?

  • Love 3

@splain, I feel like I always agree with you, like we would be besties in real life.

So Javi has no real proof Jo does not have a job? Color me shocked. The same could be said about the Jav-Meister. And honestly what is it even any of his business whether Jo has a job or not, he's (Jo) paying his child support, they (Javi and Kail) don't seem to be hurting for money with their recent new house new car purchases. What big papi doesn't have the money for his sea Hag tattoo he's been saving up for?

Aw, hon. So sweet. :-)


I should have clarified my post. Reading it, I can see that it comes off as if Javi was tweeting about Jo when in fact, he was tweeting about the "haterz" on Twitter who are bashing him and Kail about their attitude towards Jo. Javi thinks people who have time to tweet him, have no life or jobs. What a big-lipped muther-fucker.

Lol, it is rather pot and kettle isn't it? Especially since Javi seems to have the cushiest military gig in the history of the Armed Forces.

I think Kail bought him that military outfit at the local costume store.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

Ok... I'm skipping between threads and now I can't find what I'm intending on replying to, so I'm leaving it here because it's mostly Kail related...

For all the crying and moaning she's doing over Jo moving into her neighborhood (community, whatever she calls it)...pretty big words for someone who moved into Jo's BEDROOM, and even when they broke up didn't move out of the house AND had the audacity to sneak around with another dude while living under his (ok his fathers) roof.

  • Love 10

I should have clarified my post. Reading it, I can see that it comes off as if Javi was tweeting about Jo when in fact, he was tweeting about the "haterz" on Twitter who are bashing him and Kail about their attitude towards Jo. Javi thinks people who have time to tweet him, have no life or jobs. What a big-lipped muther-fucker.

I think Kail bought him that military outfit at the local costume store.

Oh, my bad... But I stand by my feelings that it's big talk for someone who we don't really know if he has a job...lol.

I remember Kali bitching that she wanted to keep Issac away because there was a picture of Jo partying and hanging out while Issac was with his grandparents. She said something along the lines that Issac is Jo responsibility not his grand parents. And I totally felt Karl had a problem with Jos mother.

Edited by Darknight
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Unless Jo has a really hefty income no one knows about, I just don't understand why he's so afraid of letting the family court determine his child support. I'd be far more afraid of Karl lying and saying he hasn't been paying and trying to collect years of support he's already paid. I sure hope he's smart enough to pay her with a check so he has proof. As far as Isaac going to private school, shouldn't there be a provision in their parenting plan covering that? Like, both parents would have to agree to it if the non custodial parent would be expected to pay for part of the tuition? It just doesn't seem right for Karl to be able to enroll Isaac in an expensive private school if there is a perfectly good public school in the district without Jo being part of the decision making process.

  • Love 7

I think Jo is worried that the courts will view Kail's abundance of bills relating to Isaac such as school tuition and he will be ordered to pay a shitload of money. I think Jo has watched Leah and Cory's scenes play out and saw how Leah was able to get a lot more money from Cory after she moved into a bigger house and claimed the girlses expenses have increased. Cory was willing to shell out more money on the side, away from the court. Leah decided to go to her attorney and it was calculated she could get an an additional $400 (?) on top of what Cory was offering. I don't remember the specifics. I just think Jo was thinking along the same lines as Cory - trying to work out something on the side.


Every case is different, of course. What happens in one case doesn't necessarily happen in another, especially in another jurisdiction. Jo must really feel the court will automatically side with Kail in her request. Not necessarily. The only way he will know is by talking to an attorney. That was filmed early in the year and we have yet to come across anything about these two going to court. I hope that means that something was worked out, Kail changed her mind and dropped the case, or it has not been made public but that is unlikely since Kail and Javi put out everything that ever happens.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm very surprised that Jo would not have bothered to consult with an attorney to know the actual facts of what he can expect in terms of child support agreements prior to sitting down with Karl.


I pray that he has

Possibly because it costs money to sit with an attorney. Jo already has incurred attorney's fees the first time at the rodeo. Attorneys do not come cheap. Some charge over $175 an hour. Jo would likely be in the attorney's office for at least 30 minutes going over what he would likely pay in support but the attorney couldn't really give him any answers since the attorney would need to know what Kailyn's expenses are and what it is she is requesting. The attorney would need to respond to Kail's (her attorney's) letter in order to get the required information so they can do a calculation of both parties' income information. That can start to add up to some major fees. I am not in Jo's mind and I can't say for sure that is what he is thinking but, I think for some people that is why they don't always run to an attorney.

  • Love 4

What in the hell is she wearing? Did Isaac take a pair of scissors to her pants? Kail has some huuuuge feet.


ETA: Checked out Kail's Instagram and found the second photo which mentions they are at some fashion show. Judging by the background, is the fashion show at some high school? I love the one comment there about Karl making Javi look so small next to her. 



Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 2

And what about the ever important school for Isaac... I thought it was super important that he be in the same house and have the same routine 5 days a week? Normally I wouldn't be so petty about it, but since Kail keeps such close score of everything Jo does it somehow feels justified. Could you imagine if Jo had been the one asked to escort Isaac to fashion week!?

  • Love 6

This was a Saturday night and Sunday, I believe. He should be back in school today. Not taking up for Kail, trust me (Hahaha) but it wasn't today.

I bet this made Kail blow a fuse!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=499653850200471&set=a.104336029732257.11052.100004675809523&type=1&theater

Oh that's true... but just this once ;)

  • Love 4

Note to Jo- you only have 13-14 years left of dealing with the hulk. It will go by faster than you think.


I hope there is a forum somewhere to follow Karl once the MTV checks stop rolling in...can't wait to see what happens.

Well, the pose with her new guzzler suggests that she would like to be a game show hostess and get a check just for smiling and gesturing to the prizes. Hmm, maybe something like this.



  • Love 6

Well, the pose with her new guzzler suggests that she would like to be a game show hostess and get a check just for smiling and gesturing to the prizes. Hmm, maybe something like this.



You're killing me here!!! LOL



You just know he got yelled at for not saying 'my better half'. Karl will no doubt proof read everything before he posts it now. 

No doubt. I have always felt she was either right there posting on his Twitter and Instagram or she was hovering over his head as he posted. If it didn't meet her demands, she would make him change it.


I see Karl is wearing black in that photo above with Javi and Isaac. She knows that wearing black will give the appearance of being slimmer. If you compare her to that other photo of her with her new gas guzzler, she doesn't appear to have slimmed down.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

Maybe it is different between states but some states you can go online and figure out how much you might have to pay in child support.  My brother's ex did that and announced to us gleefully how much she expected to get.  Her dumbass couldn't keep a job.  And thankfully she was a hot mess so now my brother has primary custody of both of his kids.  Of course she doesn't pay child support....

  • Love 1

And I would agree with you IF it was Jo going to Kail asking for a REDUCTION in his child support.  It seems that it's the other way around, though.  Perhaps Kail should have thought about waiting to have LINCOLN since she can barely afford Isaac.  


And it's my opinion that she should be entitled to exactly $0 of that money.  


If JO wants to make his SON a gift?  Then that's on JO - but KAIL should not see a penny of that money.  EVER.

If the court sees all their financials and calculates that Jo should get a reduction in child support, then great. A formula is used, period. Vee better get thinking about finding a job so she can help support her child.

I think Vee has been on screen for a total of 1 hour in all the episodes put-together in all the seasons. Any scenes with Vee have never been about her personal life. Vee has scenes with Jo, and they are usually discussing Isaac or something relating to Isaac. I have not watched any scenes with Vee where she discussed a job or her ability to be self-supporting. If she is not working, so what? Jo and Vee have not said anything about not being able to support a baby. Jo has said he doesn't mind paying more in support. He just wants a figure that Kail is not willing to give to him. If anything, Kail should have thought about having Lincoln since it seems that she is not able to support Isaac's needs. But then, that would have destroyed her manipulative plan of getting Javi to marry her.



Wasn't Kail also checking out Jo's Facebook page and complaining he was out with friends instead of being at home with Isaac? Of course, it was her jealousy getting to her because Jo was out having a great time with another instead of being with her.  What a hypocritical bitch. That can never be said enough about her. Look at her now. She is constantly leaving on vacations, going out of town. Javi even called her a bad mother because she is rarely with the kids because she has to go out. I know part of it is because he is upset that she is not spending that time with him, but still, there is truth in his statements. Have we heard Jo ever complain or call out Kail for not being home with Isaac? Never.

I was talking about Vee, not Kail. I vaguely remember Vee mentioning some kind of job in child care, but not clearly.

You know, for TWO people with no jobs between them (prove to me that Javi is still employed) who are struggling financially to the point of having to go after Jo for money before he's even settled in after MOVING HIS FAMILY TO A NEW STATE TO CHASE AFTER THE CHILD KAIL MOVED AWAY FROM HIM ... They sure do spend a LOT of time concerned about someone ELSE'S employment status.

And before anyone says "TM2 is Kail's job" ... Yeah ... No.

Chelsea has a job. Corey has a job. Germy has a job.

I seriously wish Kail had gotten someone like Adam so they could try to out-grift each other.

Kail wants to go to court with all their financial information and let the court assess the appropriate child support amount. Why is this so wrong? It seems like the only smart choice here. Let the courts use the state formula based on the data from both parents.

I was talking about Vee, not Kail. I vaguely remember Vee mentioning some kind of job in child care, but not clearly.


So was I. I wasn't referring to Karl. Vee barely mentioned something about child care, but nothing more definite was ever mentioned by her. She was barely shown on screen and when she was shown, it had to do more with the fiasco that is known as Karl.


Some have asked about how Janet feels about Karl. I remembered an article that was once posted on the old board. I finally found it: http://www.realitytea.com/2014/05/08/jo-rivera-tweets-a-photo-of-his-mom-reading-kailyn-lowrys-new-memoir/



Why is this so wrong? It seems like the only smart choice here. Let the courts use the state formula based on the data from both parents.

I agree. This way Karl will realize she isn't going to get that much more and she will likely have to pay for a lot of the extras. She probably has already been informed of this by her attorney, along with the fact that Jo can ask for more time, which is why nothing has been mentioned in real-time that these two have gone to court because Karl doesn't want Jo to have more time. 



Vee better get thinking about finding a job so she can help support her child.

As should Karl. With two kids under her belt, and all the whining she does, it's time she get her ass in gear to finding a job once she graduates. Javi better hope she doesn't find a cute guy to work with. :-)

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Isaac was in a children's fashion show, Bound by the Crown:



If Javi appears at a fashion show would it be called "Bound by the Bitch"?

Bound for Bankruptcy.

So, I really want to know about Jo's employment situation. He's been silent on Twitter but while Vee defended him, she  hasn't confirmed or denied anything in her defense of him. I feel like there may be multiple reasons for him not to be working, maybe he's in school, maybe he's looking etc. I just want to know if Javi and Kail are misrepresenting/lying etc. 

Humans can survive with a single kidney and often even just a single lung. Fork it over, Jo, and stop forcing Kail to languish in Third World squalor. Don't need both testes.  Mama needs a new pair of Jimmy Choos.


I feel like she wants to humiliate Jo now that their situation is reversed vs the early seasons and will be half-content with having seen him all but burst into tears on camera, even if she doesn't get more $$$.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 7

Who gives a !@#$ whether Jo has a job or not?  As long as he's paying his child support its ZERO of Karl and Big Papi's business.  Now, if Jo wasn't paying anything (or in arrears), well, then that's another story.  But until then?  STFU.  Maybe Jo can't find a decent job right now.  Jo relocated to another state because Karl took off with his kid and now he has to re establish himself.  Who cares? 

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 8

I am curious about this only cause I guess I don't totally understand how the courts would figure out how child support should be determined. I am sure Kail brings in way more money than Jo and I thought child support was to make sure that a child has fairly equal living conditions in both homes. I do think it is Jo's responsibility to help to pay for the roof over Isaac's head, food on his plate, a reliable vehicle to get him places, etc. But if Kail has "outgrown" a home because her and her new husband had a new child, how is that bigger home Jo's to pay more for? And the giant SUV isn't necessary for a family of 4? If Jo's child support isn't making a dent in Isaac's private school tuition, maybe it's because Jo can't afford private school and Isaac shouldn't go unless Kail is willing to pay for it herself? Does anyone know how are these decisions that she makes viewed by the courts and how that would have an effect if any on Jo's payments?  

  • Love 8

I am curious about this only cause I guess I don't totally understand how the courts would figure out how child support should be determined. I am sure Kail brings in way more money than Jo and I thought child support was to make sure that a child has fairly equal living conditions in both homes. I do think it is Jo's responsibility to help to pay for the roof over Isaac's head, food on his plate, a reliable vehicle to get him places, etc. But if Kail has "outgrown" a home because her and her new husband had a new child, how is that bigger home Jo's to pay more for? And the giant SUV isn't necessary for a family of 4? If Jo's child support isn't making a dent in Isaac's private school tuition, maybe it's because Jo can't afford private school and Isaac shouldn't go unless Kail is willing to pay for it herself? Does anyone know how are these decisions that she makes viewed by the courts and how that would have an effect if any on Jo's payments?  

I wonder this too. It was Karl's decision to put Isaac in some fancy ass private school. If she doesn't wanna foot the whole bill maybe she should have enrolled him elsewhere. I get that Jo is expected to help with his child support to keep Isaac in a comfortable lifestyle, but some of the stuff Karl is complaining about is entirely her own doing.

  • Love 5
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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