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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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After watching the sneak peaks for this week, I want to hulk smash Kail and I want her to head shake Javi. He is such a douche. I wonder if he is going to have that smirk on his face when him and Kail get divorced and she making his life hell. I know people say shes a good mom but I do not think her unhealthy marriage, hitting her husband and her emotional issues are good for the kids. How can she act like her shit does not stink when she hit her husband on national television. 

  • Love 4

Kail is far from a good mom. Is she a good mom because her kids get fed microwave food and don't go to bed hungry? Is she a good mom because she hasn't hit her kids on camera? Is she a good mom because she doesn't do drugs or is not a closet drinker? I know what a good mom is. My mom was a good mom. Hell, she was a great mom. I know plenty of great mothers. I have met plenty of great mothers in my life. Kail is far from a good mother. If she were a guy, she wouldn't be considered a good father. Abusers are abusers. That is not my definition of a good parent. A good parent would love and respect their partner/spouse. Never put them down or get physical with them. A good parent would not be petty with their former partner and parent of their child. A good parent would encourage their former partner to be in their child's life. They wouldn't play that childish game called "It's not your day" with their former partner when it comes to letting their child go with their father. A good mother wouldn't make their child feel guilty for not kicking the ball at their soccer game. A good mother would encourage their child to just enjoy the game without ever mentioning they must win or score a goal. A good mother wouldn't lie about being hit by her child's father and then slap a fake restraining order on him. Kail a good mother? Don't make me laugh. That is an insult to all the good and great mothers out there.

  • Love 13

I can't believe that I actually liked Kail when I watched the first few shows, then I got smart.

It melted my heart when I think they were meeting to drop off/pick up Issac, and

they showed Jo standing there holding that cute little Lincoln. I was expecting Kail to have

a cow over it, but she didn't seem to mind. Jo looks natural holding babies.

I stopped watching for awhile, and did not see that Jo's parents divorced, which really

shocked me. Does anyone know what happened to their marriage?




I wouldn't be surprised if the stress caused by KAIL in their home was the final straw. 

I am *NOT* blaming Kail for the implosion of the Rivera marriage, but I think the turmoil she caused in that house and pitting of Janet against Jo, Janet against dad (I can't remember his name), using Junior, etc PLUS all of the Suzy interaction and additional expense of feeding/clothing/etc Kail ... even the BEST marriage would have issues.

Edited by MrsSmartyPants
  • Love 8

I'm noticing some posts saying Jo really stepped up as a dad. I just wanna say from all I've seen, Jo was always there for Isaac. Jo was a shit to Kail but now that we've gotten to know her it's easy to understand why he always wanted to get away from her when she would whine to Janet about him spending time w her.

From very early on when Kail was talking about moving w her dad w the locks on the fridge, Jo told her plainly "YOU" can go, but Isaac was staying w him.

Jo was always one of the better dads.

  • Love 12

Shes just such a bitch! I am 28 yrs old and have a 3 year old. I can count on one hand how many times I have gone out without my daughter and husband. The whole time I was out I could not stop thinking about what she was doing and how much I missed her. Kail is constantly going somewhere with her entourage, I am pretty sure she funds all of their vacations. But back to my point bitch worry about your family and your marriage if you love your man so much, she is such a joke and it is sad to see her little fans feed into her ego.

  • Love 2
I'm noticing some posts saying Jo really stepped up as a dad. I just wanna say from all I've seen, Jo was always there for Isaac. Jo was a shit to Kail but now that we've gotten to know her it's easy to understand why he always wanted to get away from her when she would whine to Janet about him spending time w her.

From very early on when Kail was talking about moving w her dad w the locks on the fridge, Jo told her plainly "YOU" can go, but Isaac was staying w him.

Jo was always one of the better dads.


I have the worst memory, so all I can recall from those early years was something about Jo not wanting to make a bottle? And they had a big fight about it. I think Jo was probably a bit of a slacker in the beginning, but that's not uncommon and he's totally on the ball now, so I won't begrudge him a shaky start. I do also think that being shit to the mother of your child isn't exactly being a good dad. Especially if you're in a relationship with her. Parents fighting not only effects the children living in the home, but how you treat your SO teaches your child how to treat theirs and/or how to be treated. But again, Jo has matured a lot in that arena as well. I know Karl makes him angry, but I cannot recall the last time he engaged in her BS. He's gotten really good at staying calm, presenting his point, and walking away when necessary. All of that will be beneficial to Isaac growing up. 

  • Love 5

I wouldn't be surprised if the stress caused by KAIL in their home was the final straw.

I am *NOT* blaming Kail for the implosion of the Rivera marriage, but I think the turmoil she caused in that house and pitting of Janet against Jo, Janet against dad (I can't remember his name), using Junior, etc PLUS all of the Suzy interaction and additional expense of feeding/clothing/etc Kail ... even the BEST marriage would have issues.

I don't know what happened with the Riveras, but my guess is whatever happened wasn't helped by the added stress of having Kail's grifter behind as their son's baby mama AND the fact that it was all aired on reality TV. I can list several couples who split up after being on Reality TV aside from Janet & Eddie who have dealt with far more benign storylines on their shows than having to deal with Kail. Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3

I have the worst memory, so all I can recall from those early years was something about Jo not wanting to make a bottle? And they had a big fight about it. I think Jo was probably a bit of a slacker in the beginning, but that's not uncommon and he's totally on the ball now, so I won't begrudge him a shaky start. I do also think that being shit to the mother of your child isn't exactly being a good dad. Especially if you're in a relationship with her. Parents fighting not only effects the children living in the home, but how you treat your SO teaches your child how to treat theirs and/or how to be treated. But again, Jo has matured a lot in that arena as well. I know Karl makes him angry, but I cannot recall the last time he engaged in her BS. He's gotten really good at staying calm, presenting his point, and walking away when necessary. All of that will be beneficial to Isaac growing up.

It always stands out to me how cute it was when Jordan came to Kail's for Christmas (pretty sure it was Christmas, but it may have been Isaac's birthday) and he had bought Isaac shoes that matched the ones he always wore & that Isaac really liked (they were tennis shoes). I thought it was really sweet and thoughtful but not crossing the line in a "I wanna be your new dad" kind of way.

Jordan seemed like a really sweet kid, but just that - a kid. He wasn't about to settle down forever with Kail right then. Since he was just an average nice guy in his late teens/early 20s who was going to college, he didn't have any benefits for Kail to grift. Maybe his family didn't have money like the Riveras or people who were willing to be constant free babysitters like Javi's family, so Kail was willing to risk cheating on him with Jo. She acted like she was better than him and he of course needed to get over it and forgive her (once she realized Jo wanted Vee and not her). Jordan was smart enough to say no to being her second choice, even though he was clearly hurt and cared about Isaac and Kail.

Really, Jordan might be the smartest significant other in Teen Mom land. He got out without letting Kail really grift off of him and without a baby or marriage for his benefits. Jordan showed every indication that he'd "grow up" to be a fine man and dad, even if he was kind of nerdy (in an endearing way). I hope whatever he's doing now, it's going well.

  • Love 7

I'm noticing some posts saying Jo really stepped up as a dad. I just wanna say from all I've seen, Jo was always there for Isaac. Jo was a shit to Kail but now that we've gotten to know her it's easy to understand why he always wanted to get away from her when she would whine to Janet about him spending time w her.

From very early on when Kail was talking about moving w her dad w the locks on the fridge, Jo told her plainly "YOU" can go, but Isaac was staying w him.

Jo was always one of the better dads.




Jo was a shit to Kail but now that we've gotten to know her it's easy to understand why he always wanted to get away from her when she would whine to Janet about him spending time w her.

Yep. And now, it is Javi who is doing the complaining about Kail not giving him the time of day.

  • Love 4
I watched the after show and did I see that pig saying Jordan was "weird?"  And not weird in a good way like he was just a big goofball, which he did seem to be but in an endearing way.

She really is a shitty person. She just used him. I think she's just a user, plain and simple.


Yup. I caught that and it really stood out as being nasty and pointless. It was said in such a snotty way, like Jordan was really dating up when he was with Kail. 


I do agree she used him. I think she liked having the attention of a guy when she was going through a rough time with Jo, and the sneaking around probably made her feel really cool and smart. But she was never really 100% into him. I felt bad for the dude. 

  • Love 7

I liked Jordan (I have a thing for goofy guys...)I always thought he could do much better than Kail. I remember when she was ready to move out of her mom's place, she tried to make him feel guilty that he was happy living at home with his parents and shame him for not being independent. The bitch just wanted him to offer to get a place with her so she could mooch and I think he even bought her a Coach purse at one point. I would love to see a guy like Nathan latch on to Kail and give her a taste of her own medicine. I'd also love to see how she'd handle having someone like Adam as a baby daddy.

Edited by DixonVixen2359
  • Love 9

I liked Jordan (I have a thing for goofy guys...)I always thought he could do much better than Kail.

For sure. He made the mistake of dating someone that could pass for his brother.



I would love to see a guy like Nathan latch on to Kail and give her a taste of her own medicine.

Nathan doesn't date other guys. So he claims.

  • Love 10

For sure. He made the mistake of dating someone that could pass for his brother.


Nathan doesn't date other guys. So he claims.

I am DEAD! You just killed me, lol.


I'm noticing some posts saying Jo really stepped up as a dad. I just wanna say from all I've seen, Jo was always there for Isaac. Jo was a shit to Kail but now that we've gotten to know her it's easy to understand why he always wanted to get away from her when she would whine to Janet about him spending time w her.

From very early on when Kail was talking about moving w her dad w the locks on the fridge, Jo told her plainly "YOU" can go, but Isaac was staying w him.

Jo was always one of the better dads.

I agree! I actually think that it bothered Kail that Isaac always came first for Jo and she didn't. It always pisses me off when she tries to make it seem like Jo isn't a good father when we all know that she did everything she could to limit what he could do as a father. Hell, his family let her ass stay in their home after she and Jo broke up so that Isaac had stability. I have to wonder if Kail even watches her own show or even the OG Teen Mom. When you have examples like Adam and even Ryan you ought to be going out of your way to be thankful that you have Jo as your son's father.

  • Love 8

It always pisses me off when she tries to make it seem like Jo isn't a good father when we all know that she did everything she could to limit what he could do as a father.

I think Karl was hoping Jo would give up and just toss her child support money and give up all other rights to Isaac. Thankfully, Isaac has been blessed to have at least one decent parent in his life and to have other adults who love him and care for him.


Karl is certainly a fisher on top of being a grifter. She tweeted in the hopes that someone can help her travel to the U.K. and Australia so she can do a book tour: http://www.inquisitr.com/2407711/kailyn-lowry-wants-her-childrens-book-to-open-new-doors-is-she-traveling-the-world/

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

Oh look, another gas guuzzer



Seriously? Did her other SUV or Mercedes get too old for her to be seen in or something? Why are these girls (except Chelsea) always buying new cars when they already have (what I'd consider) new cars?!!! Can they not keep a car past three years? Are they all really doing three year leases? I drive a car that is three years old and I still consider it a new car because I drove a 1987 Chevy from 1999-2007. The car was twenty years old when I got a new car. I drove it so long because it still ran, was paid for (no car note), and because I was in high school, then college, then graduate school while I was driving it. I had no money for a car note even though I worked (and I didn't even have a kid!).

This bitch would be lucky to be driving a small used car without Teen Mom money. I hope her book and clothes line continue to sell after Teen Mom ends, or else she's going to have a hard time making the payments and buying gas for these SUVs and luxury cars. Do she and Javi have a prenup? I'm starting to hope if he gets up the nerve to leave her, he'll end up with half or more of her money/cars/designer purses/scarves/etc .

My sister-in-law has an Expedition (the Ford version of this car), but she has five kids! Could Kail not transport herself, Javi, and her two kids in a smaller SUV that would have a smaller gas bill? (and smaller carbon footprint....not that she cares...) Then again, I guess they need the biggest SUV out there so Kail can bring along Sterling and seven other friends on family vacations and stuff.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

I, like many of you, also used to like Kailyn during the first few seasons. I followed her on twitter, etc. Now, I can't STAND her. I had to stop following her on twitter because I was tired of how much she was trying to make money off of her followers (desperate, much?), but just how she carries herself on the show. She is SO aggressive AND defensive. Like, when she met up with Jo to talk about child support - she started arguing with him, then said she couldn't talk anymore because they were just going to argue! When the show first started, I felt that Jo, although he was a good dad, was not a good person, especially to Kailyn. It's interesting to see how much he's matured over the past year or so and how much Kailyn has not. It's almost not worth watching the show anymore because both she and Leah are SO annoying to watch. Kalyn is so ridiculously entitled it baffles me!!

  • Love 8

Karl is certainly a fisher on top of being a grifter. She tweeted in the hopes that someone can help her travel to the U.K. and Australia so she can do a book tour: http://www.inquisitr.com/2407711/kailyn-lowry-wants-her-childrens-book-to-open-new-doors-is-she-traveling-the-world/

She can keep her nasty ass away from here! 

  • Love 4

Oh look, another gas guuzzer




Some day, a repo company will have a very lucrative afternoon towing all the vehicles when Incredible Sulk goes incredibly broke.

It's going to be so interesting to read updates on Kail once Teen Mom money is all gone. I doubt she has any savings.

Not to mention the stock market lately has been nervous about when the Fed will start raising rates. Not a good time to have lots of debt.


Since Kail is all about Keeping Up With the Joneses, someone might want to tell her that the rich and classy don't buy vehicles from a guy who's Instagram handle is Daddy Long Shlong. I can barely keep a straight face as I'm typing with that one.

Sounds like the end of Boogie Nights where some porn stars struggle to get into legit careers.

Nathan doesn't date other guys. So he claims.

"It's not a date if they pay me."

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 7

On one hand I agree that Vee & Jo should have waited to have a baby ... but then I think about it and I can't fault them. 


They are both adults.  They have been together for a while.  Hell, they have been together LONGER than Kail & Javi and Lincoln is damn near 2. They are self-supporting.  They bought a modest (it's very nice - I'm not knocking it at all) home.  I wouldn't be surprised if Jo's (and maybe even Vee's) family helped them with the downpayment.  They may want to be "young" parents or have many more kids - it isn't just his first baby momma who gets that privilege. 

  • Love 8

Kail had that other Suburban for what, two years before she traded it in? If she had half a brain in her head she'd get a reasonable Honda or Suburu SUV that would last her 10+ years. It wasn't long ago that Kail got nailed by the IRS for back taxes. You'd think she'd be more prudent with her finances.

Thank you! I was just going to post the same thing. Karl isn't making a dent in her taxes, which is why she needs Jo's money.

  • Love 7

Seriously? Did her other SUV or Mercedes get too old for her to be seen in or something? Why are these girls (except Chelsea) always buying new cars when they already have (what I'd consider) new cars?!!! Can they not keep a car past three years? Are they all really doing three year leases? I drive a car that is three years old and I still consider it a new car because I drove a 1987 Chevy from 1999-2007. The car was twenty years old when I got a new car. I drove it so long because it still ran, was paid for (no car note), and because I was in high school, then college, then graduate school while I was driving it. I had no money for a car note even though I worked (and I didn't even have a kid!).

This bitch would be lucky to be driving a small used car without Teen Mom money. I hope her book and clothes line continue to sell after Teen Mom ends, or else she's going to have a hard time making the payments and buying gas for these SUVs and luxury cars. Do she and Javi have a prenup? I'm starting to hope if he gets up the nerve to leave her, he'll end up with half or more of her money/cars/designer purses/scarves/etc .

My sister-in-law has an Expedition (the Ford version of this car), but she has five kids! Could Kail not transport herself, Javi, and her two kids in a smaller SUV that would have a smaller gas bill? (and smaller carbon footprint....not that she cares...) Then again, I guess they need the biggest SUV out there so Kail can bring along Sterling and seven other friends on family vacations and stuff.

It is the same reason these two twits thought they had outgrown their starter house after a year and a half.


My God do I want to see them fall flat on their faces. They live their lives as if they're in their late 30s with good educations and lucrative careers. So Javi's in school, eh?  I guess it is OK but I don't get this thing of having kids and a full-time job and both parents going to school. WTF? When do you see your kids?  Why not have one at a time go to school?  I really don't want to see either one of these assholes talk about doing it all on their own when it seems as if Javi's family serves as full-time babysitters. 


I really, really hope that the MTV money train stops for her.  I can see why people hate seeing MTV present teenage pregnancies like this - as if this is typical of people who have babies young. It's not!  

  • Love 3

On one hand I agree that Vee & Jo should have waited to have a baby ... but then I think about it and I can't fault them.

They are both adults. They have been together for a while. Hell, they have been together LONGER than Kail & Javi and Lincoln is damn near 2. They are self-supporting. They bought a modest (it's very nice - I'm not knocking it at all) home. I wouldn't be surprised if Jo's (and maybe even Vee's) family helped them with the downpayment. They may want to be "young" parents or have many more kids - it isn't just his first baby momma who gets that privilege.

It is if you can't afford to be a young parent. From what I've seen, Vee has never been "self supporting." Just because you want a child and are married or in a serious relationship doesn't mean you can afford a child. Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 3

Eh....it depends. If many people wait until they "can afford" a child, they would never have one. Kids are just expensive and it is OK to struggle financially while raising them. (And I'm not talking about people living off welfare or anything like that. I'm talking about adults who are working but things are tight every month and they still need to sometimes get help from their parents or whatever.)

  • Love 4

Why did Javi or Kail think Javi had the right to be in on the child support conversation.  Joe was right, Javi has no idea what Joe has gone through or continues to go through.....but he will.  This marriage won't last.  Joe was trying to be reasonable, I thought.  Can't believe I'm defending him.  I thought he was such a douche early on in the series.  But he's a good Dad and he is actually present in his childs life.

  • Love 6

Thank you! I was just going to post the same thing. Karl isn't making a dent in her taxes, which is why she needs Jo's money.

I forgot about Kailyn and the tax issue. It validates my opinion that she does not know how to handle her money. She probably gets some large lump- sum checks and does not set aside money to cover her estimated taxes, imo. I mean, this girl has got to have an accountant, no? She likely listens with only one ear, if at all. Buying new cars and houses without any real need to is a mismanagement of money also. Car depreciate rapidly and the housing market is fickle, should she need to sell.

Another thought occurred to be regarding her child support issue with Jo. Perhaps he came into a windfall of some sort or an inheritance and Kail is out to get a piece of that pie before it runs out?

  • Love 4

It is if you can't afford to be a young parent. From what I've seen, Vee has never been "self supporting." Just because you want a child and are married or in a serious relationship doesn't mean you can afford a child.

And I would agree with you IF it was Jo going to Kail asking for a REDUCTION in his child support.  It seems that it's the other way around, though.  Perhaps Kail should have thought about waiting to have LINCOLN since she can barely afford Isaac.  

I forgot about Kailyn and the tax issue. It validates my opinion that she does not know how to handle her money. She probably gets some large lump- sum checks and does not set aside money to cover her estimated taxes, imo. I mean, this girl has got to have an accountant, no? She likely listens with only one ear, if at all. Buying new cars and houses without any real need to is a mismanagement of money also. Car depreciate rapidly and the housing market is fickle, should she need to sell.

Another thought occurred to be regarding her child support issue with Jo. Perhaps he came into a windfall of some sort or an inheritance and Kail is out to get a piece of that pie before it runs out?


And it's my opinion that she should be entitled to exactly $0 of that money.  


If JO wants to make his SON a gift?  Then that's on JO - but KAIL should not see a penny of that money.  EVER.

  • Love 5


That was 2011. According to Kail on her twitter this weekend it hasn't been changed in years. She got a letter saying he was due for reevaluation and that's the reason she decided to talk about it again. Whatever. She thinks she needs more money now, probably to finish tattooing her entire body. hahaha A permanent scarf tattoo perhaps?


That was 2011. According to Kail on her twitter this weekend it hasn't been changed in years. She got a letter saying he was due for reevaluation and that's the reason she decided to talk about it again. Whatever. She thinks she needs more money now, probably to finish tattooing her entire body. hahaha A permanent scarf tattoo perhaps?

Copied over from the episode thread because I'm going off topic.

I forgot how stupid their original split was. She got Issac during the week and he gets him EVERY weekend? Saturday morning with my kids is the best part of the week. Mon thru fri morning we are just so busy trying to survive.

If I recall Kail was on board with that arrangement since she could go out with her friends. I really can't believe I was rooting for her until this season.

Weird, I don't see my post you quoted.

Oops. I'm on my mobile while my kids are napping. It was a good link :)

  • Love 2

It is if you can't afford to be a young parent. From what I've seen, Vee has never been "self supporting." Just because you want a child and are married or in a serious relationship doesn't mean you can afford a child.

I think Vee has been on screen for a total of 1 hour in all the episodes put-together in all the seasons. Any scenes with Vee have never been about her personal life. Vee has scenes with Jo, and they are usually discussing Isaac or something relating to Isaac. I have not watched any scenes with Vee where she discussed a job or her ability to be self-supporting. If she is not working, so what? Jo and Vee have not said anything about not being able to support a baby. Jo has said he doesn't mind paying more in support. He just wants a figure that Kail is not willing to give to him. If anything, Kail should have thought about having Lincoln since it seems that she is not able to support Isaac's needs. But then, that would have destroyed her manipulative plan of getting Javi to marry her.



I forgot how stupid their original split was. She got Issac during the week and he gets him EVERY weekend? Saturday morning with my kids is the best part of the week. Mon thru fri morning we are just so busy trying to survive.

If I recall Kail was on board with that arrangement since she could go out with her friends. I really can't believe I was rooting for her until this season.


Wasn't Kail also checking out Jo's Facebook page and complaining he was out with friends instead of being at home with Isaac? Of course, it was her jealousy getting to her because Jo was out having a great time with another instead of being with her.  What a hypocritical bitch. That can never be said enough about her. Look at her now. She is constantly leaving on vacations, going out of town. Javi even called her a bad mother because she is rarely with the kids because she has to go out. I know part of it is because he is upset that she is not spending that time with him, but still, there is truth in his statements. Have we heard Jo ever complain or call out Kail for not being home with Isaac? Never.

  • Love 12

I think Vee has been on screen for a total of 1 hour in all the episodes put-together in all the seasons. Any scenes with Vee have never been about her personal life. Vee has scenes with Jo, and they are usually discussing Isaac or something relating to Isaac. I have not watched any scenes with Vee where she discussed a job or her ability to be self-supporting. If she is not working, so what? Jo and Vee have not said anything about not being able to support a baby. Jo has said he doesn't mind paying more in support. He just wants a figure that Kail is not willing to give to him. If anything, Kail should have thought about having Lincoln since it seems that she is not able to support Isaac's needs. But then, that would have destroyed her manipulative plan of getting Javi to marry her.

Wasn't Kail also checking out Jo's Facebook page and complaining he was out with friends instead of being at home with Isaac? Of course, it was her jealousy getting to her because Jo was out having a great time with another instead of being with her. What a hypocritical bitch. That can never be said enough about her. Look at her now. She is constantly leaving on vacations, going out of town. Javi even called her a bad mother because she is rarely with the kids because she has to go out. I know part of it is because he is upset that she is not spending that time with him, but still, there is truth in his statements. Have we heard Jo ever complain or call out Kail for not being home with Isaac? Never.

Oh yeah! She complained because a 19/20/21 year old went out on a fri or sat night, probably long after Issac was asleep and the grandparents are home.

What a dufus.

  • Love 8
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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