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S01.E01: Big Brother: Reindeer Games


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Sooooo......are they or aren't they living in the house?  Is this just going to be awkwardly staged house hijinks, scriptedly stupid diary sessions, comps, and ritualistic house ceremonies?  Then they all retreat to their luxury accomodations, only to return to the set the next day?  No bleary-eyed schlepping around the kitchen?  No alcohol fueled all-star nighttime drama?


I'm OK with Frankie, so long as there's no fucking Paul and friendship bracelets.

I appreciated Frankie's competitiveness when he realized he was on the outs and being targeted.  He gritted it out further than I thought his manufactured hot house personality could take him.  I'm......not a fan of the heavy eye makeup with coy beard aesthetic, but I like neither heavy eye makeup nor coy beards on anybody.  I'd be fine with either/or.  I've seen Frankie with the coy beard and just eyeliner, and I think that looks good. 

I just don't like that he's a character.  But then I look at all of them, and they're all playing a role, so whatever.

Oh gawd.

Is Christmas going to visit?

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The DR’s were filmed way after taping, yeah?  Because the Nicole in the DR is not the same Nicole in the house.

Cameron and Xavier battling first sucked, because a steady steam of Frankie, Cody, Josh and Nicole hitting the bricks is what would make this enjoyable.  Alas.

The bad acting needs to please go forever and someone also please take the slo-mo button away from the editors.

Edited by mojoween
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If Danielle or Brittney win this, all will be forgiven in casting Nicole, Cody and Frankie back on another season together and then also adding in Josh.

X made me chuckle when he tied up his hair. I said oh there is some personality.

Taylor needs to learn how to not talk. The diary room is where you tell who your closest ally is and who you are trying to protect. You can't be so blatant with it in one on one convos my dear. If X would have gone home it would have been Taylor's fault. 

I wonder if Nicole, X, and Taylor will have a Michigan alliance at any point.

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So… on account of the Titans/Dolphins game, BBRD didn’t air in our market until something like 1:30am (scheduled for 12:52am, but everything was running about a half-hour late).  I stayed up primarily to ensure the recording was set right, and ended up watching some of the start…
…right up until Josh’s entrance with the pan-banging and his “DAH dah dadadada DAH” bullshit.

Oh FUCK no.

I’d actually forgotten how much I purely despised that stupid horseshit.  Turned off the TV right then and there.

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So, I just watched it since I was unable to last night. I gotta admit, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I was worried about comp beast men teaming up but it seems like everyone is acutely aware that comp beasts are the ones who need to be the targets ASAP, which at least give the women a couple of more eliminations to skate by.

No surprise even a competition show is filled with Big Brother-esque strategy. It's pretty much what I expected BB producers want the OG to turn into (huge comp-favoured). 

Britney is a hoot, as always. I absolutely loved all of her DRs and I love that she won the first comp. What I do like is that they FINALLY seemed to figure out equity in challenges. I mean, we now know they can actually make comps equitable for women to win. WHY ARE THEY NOT DOING THIS ON ACTUAL BIG BROTHER?

Danielle's DRs are great, as are Taylor's. I have high hopes for the women IF the men are actually going to go against each other for a bit.

Frankie's DRs are fake and intolerable, honestly. He's a great competitor, though, so people really do need to watch out for him. 

Of course we're gonna be stuck in BB16 hell for a while, which sucks. I do hope Nicole means it when she says she's ready to backstab Cody and Frankie, though. I'd love to see her actually dominate AGAINST guys for once in her BB career. She's annoying, but she's not bro-annoying.

Taylor made a very rookie mistake in showing her cards to Frankie by displaying how close she is to Xavier and Josh. Taylor's great socially, but that was a blunder. Hopefully, she's able to recover. I do love that the women are playing hard right off the bat, though. The men keeping their mouths shut may be better strategy, but I don't hate the women being a bit more vocal if it works for them. I just think Taylor may have made a mistake if she doesn't connect with more people.

I'd feel bad for Cameron, but he knew he was going in with a massive disadvantage, so he needed to play way harder than he did on day 1. He seemed invisible for the most part, which allowed him to become the target. He also lost against Xavier, so how much of a comp beast is he? Xavier isn't THAT spectacular at comps. 

The Santa stuff is cheesy (but I guess we get to meet the Big Brother announcer in person, finally!) but tolerable for now.

The comps so far are ok. The Naughty/Nice comp needs a bit more of a disadvantage aspect because this episode didn't show that it would put someone so far behind. The Brawl feels a bit overpowered but in a game that's comp-based, it falls in line with what they expect.

Overall, I am rooting for Britney or Danielle to take this. Taylor wouldn't be a bad option either. I'm super worried about Nicole falling back with Cody/Frankie instead of backstabbing them. If she does backstab them and puts them in Santa's Showdown, she may very well redeem herself. 

Xavier's boring (and I LOVE Britney's DR about how he gives absolutely nothing; it's true!), Cody's annoying, Frankie's annoying and Josh....is surprisingly the best guy in the house? Who knew?

Jordan as the Elf Ambassador was fine, mostly. She's changed a lot since we saw her last (which was, what, BB13? No, after that, they had that engagement segment a couple of seasons later, right?). 

Overall, this was better than I thought, and I guess I'll just stick it out for the two weeks.

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

…right up until Josh’s entrance with the pan-banging and his “DAH dah dadadada DAH” bullshit.

Oh FUCK no.

I’d actually forgotten how much I purely despised that stupid horseshit.  Turned off the TV right then and there.

I was right there with you. In fact, I actually stopped watching that season right after the pot banging incident, on top of the absurdly favorable advantage they gave Paul. I seriously thought there was something wrong with Josh, mentally. 

But somehow, he seems to have matured a little bit? Honestly it could be editing but he didn't seem quite so . . . how do I say it a nice way? "Challenged." 

Now, Frankie on the other hand? I still can't stand. I don't get why the show thinks we want more Frankie. Is there some huge Frankie fanbase out there I don't know about? I think it might be that the show doesn't care if we can't stand Frankie, because they love him and think he's "great TV."

The rest of them are just OK, but I don't want to watch Xavier steamroll his way to another easy win. I agree with Britney - he's boring.

14 hours ago, Maverick said:

 I thought the line was Up on the ROOFtop.   That's the way I always heard it. 

Me too! But Google tells me I'm wrong.

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I suspect BB and CBS is hoping that Frankie brings some of the Ariana Grande fanbase into the show.  Or maybe Frankie really is a star of stage and screen, as he claimed when he entered, and I'm just not in that demographic.

Taylor's diary room persona has not improved at all.  Good lord, that woman is the epitome of poised dullness.

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@iMonrey, I agree 100% on your assessment of Josh, then and now.  I've watched about half the episode thus far and he's less annoying.  And he bugged me recently on the Challenge, so it is a surprise.  

It must have been so much fun decorating that house.  I'm the kind who agonized for a year before I picked a new wall paint color -- and then went with another neutral.  But you could go wild with Christmas stuff because when you're afraid you've gotten too Sparkly and Colorful and Tacky?  Why not double it?  

CBS couldn't wait five minutes to announce the Frankie/Ariana Grande connection.  I think Taylor Swift has a brother.  I bet they would guarantee him the win if he'd go on BB.  

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Finished now.  It was fairly obvious even from his earliest DRs that Cameron was getting the episode's Elimination Edit.  ("We are all rookies here!"  well, some more than most.)  

I am really surprised that Frankie and Josh didn't make me want to scream.   Don't get me wrong -- either can go tonight.   I'm not a Nicole fan, but it will be interested if the women can band together and eliminate the Big Male Threats in the next few episodes.   I'd like to see Danielle and Taylor, and probably Britany, in the F4.

I am sorry to see Cameron go because one thing I loved in Episode 1 was his evident joy in meeting all the earlier season "legends."   Apart from his fellow contestants I thought he was going to squeal like a fangirl when he saw Jordan walk in.   But Britney had good insights as to why Cameron's mind wasn't necessarily on the game.  And having just watched him on season 25 -- with the exception of Red, he always seemed awkward and on the outside of all the various groups there, and the same thing was evident here.   Dude doesn't mix well in these situations.   He might have done better last night if, instead of saying "I'll help you!", he just worshipped at their feet and made them feel special.  

The Britney DRs were good, and it was nice to see her get so many because of the early win.  I actually didn't like her in her initial season because the feeds showed her to be just horrible to Rachel and I always seem to champion the houseguests that I think are bullied in the house.  

It would be nice to have the feeds if only see the inevitable Cody-Nicole blowup.  

@Nashville I just set my DVR for everything that was on my CBS station last night (the schedule on my cable just showed half a dozen random episodes of stuff between midnight and 4 am.)  Because of this, I got to see Josh bang pans TWICE, because there was a minute overlap between episodes 1 and 2 in my watch party.  :-)  



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18 hours ago, Nashville said:

Titans/Dolphins airing on CBS locally here.

Don’t know if that’s bad or not, because it sounds like y’all are describing one great big steaming pile of… hot mess.

I live in Nashville too and it was shown on NC5+, which is channel 250 if you have Comcast. Titans kicked butt there at the end.

I didn't...hate it? 

Frankie was immediately muted every time he was on screen, but other than that, it was decent.

Shallow observations: 

Nicole's glasses were HORRIBLE. Maybe they were blue blockers, but holy crap were those unflattering.

Jordan's face definitely looked different, but not completely unrecognizable.

Xavier is still a fine looking man. 

Oh, and that slow-mo button needs to die a slow fucking death. Yeah, I did that on purpose.

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Cheesy and silly but I also did not hate it.

The BB house is so blinged out that every single Hobby Lobby within a 100-mile radius of the house must be completely cleaned out of Christmas decor.  That said, I expect the theme of BB26 to be "Christmas in July" because what on earth are they going to do with all of that stuff?

I...don't hate Frankie this time around?  He gives production exactly what they want and he's been delivering his DR one-liners like a pro.

I forgot how much I loathed the way Nicole says the word "and" with three syllables..."eeee-ann-duh."  And is it me or did she look like she was trying not to cry for most of this first episode?  Every time I see her, I can't believe she ever won a season of BB.

Despite myself, I am enjoying this.  Maybe it's just because I have all my Christmas shopping done and I'm ready for a little bit of silly fluff filler until the new year. :)

Edited by laurakaye
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I don’t care what Google says, the song is “Up on the rooftop.” Click click click. Ask my third grade teacher; she’s the one who taught it to me. And yes, of course reindeer have paws. 

I didn’t realize they were airing multiple episodes a week. So I’m now two episodes behind. I don’t even know why I’m watching if I can’t keep up with the snark. Oh yeah, because I hate myself. I forgot.

Frankie is as insufferable as always, so of course he got the early lead. And he really needs to stay out of Ariana’s makeup bag, because that gold eyeshadow is not working for him. Maybe he needs to borrow Franzel’s enormous eyeglasses, so he can see how ridiculous he looks.

Seeing everyone pile on Cameron almost made me feel sorry for him, until I realized he probably spent the downtime mainsplaining every aspect of the game to them, and that’s why they cut him. And honestly, by the second “daddy’s coming”, I was happy to see him go.


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 Several websites, including this one


list the lyrics as housetop/rooftop so there are definitely more than a few people who learned it as rooftop.   Maybe it's a regional thing.   Either way, if I had answered rooftop and been ruled wrong, I would have been taking it up with every MFing elf, caroler and Santa himself.  

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17 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Several websites, including this one


list the lyrics as housetop/rooftop so there are definitely more than a few people who learned it as rooftop.   Maybe it's a regional thing.   Either way, if I had answered rooftop and been ruled wrong, I would have been taking it up with every MFing elf, caroler and Santa himself.  

It's the Netherworld/Nether region all over again 😂

  • LOL 1
19 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t care what Google says, the song is “Up on the rooftop.” Click click click. Ask my third grade teacher; she’s the one who taught it to me. And yes, of course reindeer have paws. 





It's reindeer pause. 😉

This is the song my students perform each year at the Christmas program and we've been practicing every day, several times a day (tomorrow's the big day), so I was shocked they were having such a hard time figuring it out. Surely, they must've been acting! 

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