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S16.E32: Live Eviction #12 & #13 / HoH Comp #13

Tara Ariano

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I'm being a good poster and not submitting this until the episode is over, but I would like to have this ready to go: 





I'm beyond disappointed that Frankie didn't go home.  He is going to win comps every week.  UGH.  I could not dislike him any more than I do.  


Was a little amused at Christine just busting right out of the house, didn't even look at anyone.  Cody is such an ass not to throw her a vote.  She's a juror, and might be a bitter one, jackass.  And wtf audience?  Does she really deserve booing?


And then, to shit on us all, a possible "save Frankie" twist.  Fuck that noise.

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If Derrick's real intent was actually to get Frankie or Chris out like he said that was an epically dumb nomination.  As soon as he nominated, I did a double take and said 'If Frankie wins he might take Christine down?'  Lucky for him Frankie didn't do it and he and the others are too brainwashed or stupid to realize that Derrick's noms were to guarantee that one of the nominees wouldn't come off gunning for him.


This acceptance amongst the HGs of putting one of the alliance up so they can call everything a "backdoor" even when everyone gets to play for veto is odd and one of the main reasons that the alliance isn't turning on each other.  Everyone is convinced they are the safe HG until they are out the door.


Best expulsion ever.  Refusal to speak to anyone.  Booing. Lots of booing.

All I gotta say is boy is Cody so good looking in that dinosaur costume!!  I loved when he fell over the couch pretending to be a dinosaur.


I wonder if Derrick meant to win that HOH.  He looked like he wasn't trying to hard in the POV. I guess he thought Christine would win and take herself down.


BB where was this stupid button last week when Donny was still on???  Is it really being used to save Frankie?  (OMG those shorts..there are no words)


It's sacraligious to have this stupid Team America challenge without Donny.


Edited to add:  I'm glad Christine realized she should have stayed with Nicole and Hayden (too little too late) and

                        I loved how she just walked out without hugging people.  I never understand why people hug people that voted them out.

Edited by NYGirl
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I know Christine wasn't a very nice person, but that was hard for me to watch. She seemed to barely be holding it together and I truly felt for her. 


On another note, even though I don't like Frankie, I got momentarily excited that he might take Christine down with the Veto, possibly getting him her devotion as well as Caleb's. But no, boring and predictable is the REAL twist this season.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 7

Ariana did a beautiful job IMO of singing the National Anthem before the opening game of the NFL season. And while she was doing that, looking cute and sounding lovely...Frankie had the wedgie from hell.

Also sartorially speaking, I cannot articulate enough how much I hated that top Julie was wearing.

Not going to lie because I don't think you'll judge me, but I was rooting for Frankie in the veto ONLY because I didn't want Christine to have it. Nicole may have been being a baby this week, but I still like her better so it will be delicious for Christine to follow her to the jury.

For a soccer player, Cody sure is clumsy.

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Christine getting evicted, leaving without the fake hugs and g'byes and boo'ed left me with joy.  It made up for the most  boring episode/season ever.  


I really wanted Frankie out though.  *grumble*


I've never agreed that this season hates women.  The alliance is doing their job and the women couldn't get their shit together long enough to stop them.  Caleb is sexist, that is where it ends for me.  It's just good game play.  


At the end it was clear that CALEB WANTS TO TOUCH THAT BUTTON SO SO BAD!  

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Oh, Julie. They upgraded your programming again and made you just a little snarky and sly. Loved the "what was it that attracted you to..." comment she made. Poor Christine. And Cody questioning if it was the Cody/Christine thing that was the reason they were booing. Ha! That little bit made me so happy. Was it just me or did he look a little weepy after Christine left? He sure didn't seem happy voting her out.


No one will hit that button. I don't know why they're bothering. Although I'd like someone to, just to spite Frankie and his "don't you dare hit it" comments. 

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TPTB couldn't have come up with this rewind button three weeks ago?  Or two weeks ago?  Or last week?  I truly do not care which of these assholes or Victoria goes next.


I don't like Christine, but I thought Production made an effort to make sure that kind of booing didn't happen.  Now watch, they'll probably have an audience of "plants" when Frankie goes and no one will boo.


I am so over this season!


Jumping dinosaur Cody made me laugh though.  That is all.


ETA:  Sorry, that's not all.  Christine came to an end that we all predicted weeks and weeks ago.  I don't feel sorry for her going.  The booing was what bothered me.  If I thought it was about her ruining every chance for this season to get interesting, that would be one thing.  But I'm pretty sure it was about her cuddling with Cody, which is nobody's business except hers and Tim's.

Edited by Newbietunes
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I am sick to death with this format.   The voting routine is miserably stale.  Certainly they can do that faster, we live in a digital world.  Give them a hand held voter and show the votes on a screen to viewers.  It should be instant!  And those stupid "speeches" no one EVER has changed their vote because of them!  Fuck I hate this show!   Well, I do today, anyway.  


AND that stupid reset button is going to do nothing.  Nothing.  Dumb.  


Okay, done. 

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You cannot imagine my surprise when Derrick won it on the first question.  Was that planned?  I mean, it seems really unlikely that they all get it wrong like that.  Oh, and of course, Frankie *knew* it was kisses.  Shut up, Frankie!


Everything Frankie does irritates me.  His phony stage smile that he held until Julie acknowledges him for voting, the ridiculous nervous face he made waiting for the comp to start, the way he immediately ran to Derrick to start whispering..everything. 


Frankie winning veto was the absolute worst.  I couldn't even decide if I wanted him to use it.  I've grown to like Victoria and so didn't want her to go.  But watching Derrick have to nominate one of his boys might have been fun.  But not as fun as Frankie leaving.  They really should have gotten him out last week; they may have missed their chance, because he is good at these competitions.


So many boos.

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It seemed planned that Derrick would win.  Frankie even said in the living room that he knew the answer. 


Julie looked ravishing.


Good for Christine for walking straight out the door and saying she would have done things differently. Usually they say no, which is stupid. 


Stupid is my favorite word for the night. 


Stupid button. 

I don't feel one bit sorry for Christine or Cody.  They had several opportunities to change their behavior and they didn't.  Houseguests commented on it, Zingbot, her husband's letter and live request: "Don't forget about me."  Yep, it's harsh but you reap what you sow.  I'm not a fan of her husband but he's been putting up with trolls on Twitter for weeks, so she deserves get some of it herself.

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 12

That was both boring and predictable, with a little bit of gross at the end.

First off, that could not have gone better for Derrick. I do think he tried to throw it, but he placated everyone (without pissing off Victoria) by putting her up next to Christine. He knew Frankie wouldn't use POV, Frankie wanted Christine out as well. I don't think Christine will blame Derrick above everyone else, because he just nominated what the "house" wanted, but Frankie didn't use the POV and he, Caleb and Cody were the ones who voted her out.

I've come back around to rooting for Derrick. I'm starting to appreciate his game, I think he's mostly a decent guy, and I want to watch what his plans for the rest of the game are.

Still....so very predictable, and the rewind had me rolling my eyes out of my head. Hey, Julie, that would've been kind of interesting. TWO WEEKS AGO!!!

As for the gross part? The boos were out of hand for Christine. I can't stand the woman, but it was a bit too much Hester Prynne for my liking. And as for the guy who kept shrieking "BOO!" after everyone else had mostly calmed down? Yeah, dude, that says much more about you than Christine to me. It's a reality game show, get a grip.

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So Jeff and Jordan has got to be them announcing an engagement.  Are they big enough to get a televised wedding like some of the Survivor Bachelor/Bachelorette people?

Good point. I forgot Jordan said in her "Winners Interview" that Jeff had 'till the end of September to propose.

Edited by choclatechip45

Did not like the booing.  It seemed excessive, and I'm surprised how much it bothered me.  It's just so cruel - hey, I passed up the opportunity to boo Barry Bonds!  They could have held it in a little.


I didn't hate Frankie so much this episode, until he jumped on the Christine booing.  He enjoyed that way too much.


Ladies, please .......  choose your legs or your boobs.  It's too challenging to yank your dress down to avoid flashing your crotch, while simultaneously yanking up the dress to keep your boobs from popping out.  I'm talking to you Victoria.

So Jeff and Jordan has got to be them announcing an engagement.  Are they big enough to get a televised wedding like some of the Survivor Bachelor/Bachelorette people?


So, does this make three Big Brother marriages, or am I missing someone?

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Frankie going back to look at his fine work on the POV was just so obnoxious.  Boo Frankie.  We get it, you won.  I love that Caleb went back to see what he was doing.  Caleb isn't a Rhodes Scholar, but he sees people's non-verbal cues well (I mean...other than Amber having NO INTEREST in him). 


I thought he was trying to figure out if anyone threw it, but you're probably right.

Tonight left a bad taste in my mouth regarding the entire season.  I agree with Katesus7 about the booing and the Hester Prynne analogy.  I don't care for Christine, and I admit I've made catty comments about the cuddling.  But in a matter of moments she was blindsided by her "alliance," subjected to a public shaming and then forced to hear Frankie say not once, but twice, "they crushed her!  It shows we did the right thing!"  Christine is going to have a hard enough time once she's out of that artificial environment and back home without tonight's humiliation.


And I can live the rest of my life w/o ever again having to see Ariana Grande's much older brother do victory laps.



Edited by Thalia
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Christine should've known better than to expect those guys to keep her after everything she saw and all her comments about there being a boy's club. There are a lot of reasons to dislike her, tbh, choosing the Frats over her friends, turning on all the women and preventing an alliance while cackling about how dumb  the girls were, gleefully talking about how she hated the evicted HG's, the Cody situation, etc. She chose to play a blind game and got caught up in her feelings about being included with the cool kids and probably thought Cody would choose her above everyone, the same way she would choose him that she lied to herself and didn't seem to consider her family or her husband and how they must feel. I'm sorry but I can't feel sorry about her getting booed, I'm not happy about it either, though.

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The booing did not surprise me. Julie had given the house guests hints about the creepy Christine/Cody thing. Christine continued with the petting and the inappropriate behavior was repulsive. TPTB will make sure no one else is booed so Frankie will be spared. I cannot stand him but he is enthusiastic and the best competition guy. I continue to marvel at the brilliance of Derrick but I fear for him with the stupid twist coming. He better stop throwing competitions, he needs to power through.

Victoria is growing on me. Nicole left feeling pretty good about herself and she will take back good info to the jury. I hope she campaigns for Derrick.


I wonder if Derrick meant to win that HOH.  He looked like he wasn't trying to hard in the POV. I guess he thought Christine would win and take herself down.

I expect Derrick was as shocked as everybody else at the way that HoH turned into a single-shot; just odds-wise, it was reasonable to expect at least ONE other HG to vote against the pack. Derrick covered well, though.

Could that legitimately be classified as one of the first true Big Moves of the game? The only other contender might be Zach's eviction, but Zach's creation of extraneous

Issues/motives fuzzies it up somewhat.

BB where was this stupid button last week when Donny was still on???  Is it really being used to save Frankie?  (OMG those shorts..there are no words)

Must've taken Frankie to shop in the same department they took Andy. Curious... I didn't know Target carried the Garanimals line.

It's sacraligious to have this stupid Team America challenge without Donny.


Echo THAT. :[

Edited to add:  I'm glad Christine realized she should have stayed with Nicole and Hayden (too little too late) and I loved how she just walked out without hugging people.  I never understand why people hug people that voted them out.

I enjoyed the non-hugging as well. If it was me walking out the door - particularly after a unanimous eviction vote - I'd be meeting the goodbye hug attempts with several hearty "Get off me, you fake m**********r" replies. Given the proper vocal inflection, I doubt more than one or two would be necessary - and boy howdy do I know how to inflect.

The boos? Some, but not so much.

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Nicole parting words were so on point: "stop playing Big Baby, start playing Big Brother!" That's the perfect thing to say to this group of cowards.

LOVED Christine getting voted out and then booed mercilessly. That was a highlight to this dreadfully boring season. 


The "big" twist is a BIG dud IMO. A reset button at Final Five, that's the best the show-runners could come up with? Why bother watching the shows this week if it's all just going to be undone on Wednesday anyway? (Because, come on, there's a 99% chance that SOMEONE is pressing that button this week). This is truly the worst season ever in terms of entertainment value and game/strategy. I can't say it's the worst cast ever because at least there aren't multiple hardcore racists in there this time around. The people this season are awfully boring, but at least they aren't awful people.

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Newsflash Frankie: If the evicted person managed to get louder boos then card carrying racist Aaryn Gries it does NOT mean that you sent the right person out! That is the person you WANT next to you at final two for a guaranteed win.


100% stale...no make that OVERWHELMINGLY stale. This show needs a total overhaul next season to ensure that a player like Derrick doesn't manage to highjack the entire season and literally call EVERY SHOT from the first episode to the finale. I'll puke if this reset is used and it somehow saves Derrick on the unlikely chance he's in the crosshairs. I want him out of the game so badly. As said before he shouldn't have been cast....as I watched him "handle" Frankie I could tell that exactly how he plays people when he's an undercover narc. Totally unfair to have him in the house.


Meanwhile I didn't think I could hate Frankie more but this episode was tailor made for him because the veto gave him a chance to spend the majority of the episode strutting, preening and posing for the camera while randomly fluffing Julie Chen all the while looking like a complete A-Hole is his shorty shorts, glitter tie and redshoes. Just abosultly repulsive.


I wonder what the gay community feels having this douche represent them. I wish the show could have followed SURVIVOR's example and cast someone like the tragically late Caleb who was a down to earth person who just happened to be gay. But BB has to find Frankie who highlights every negative stereotype in the book. What an embarrassment he must be.


At this point I would only be happy with Beast Mode Cowboy winning. Yeah he has his issues but he's not a scumbag like the remaniing players.

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