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9 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Those ladies would probably knock her down a peg or two. 
She could go head to head with Kyle about being an actress which could be entertaining. Yes, I think it might be a better fit as well. 

I don't think she would be taken down a peg or two because Heather would actually fit in well with most of them.

Her real problem with the rest of the ladies is that she is so far head and shoulders above them in terms of actual wealth as well as intelligence. 

The problem with Heather on RHBH is that there wouldn't be much conflict except potentially with Erika Jayne because she is trash. 

She would get on well with Sutton, Crystal and I think Garcelle as well. 

Tamra was behind the attempted take down of Heather because Tamra needed to try to create a place for her as the shit stirring lovable villain.

All of the issues were really misunderstandings that were fueled and fanned by Tamra.


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6 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I did like that Andy at least pointed out the all the stuff with Shannon was put on Heather by Tamra. He did hold her accountable. But of course Tamra skates by yet again with a bunch of fake tears and fake apologies. These women are all idiots for continuing to trust her.

Yeah but her dog died you guys!!!  THAT'S WHY she was the same ol' shit stirring hateful Tamra.  She had a TERRIBLE  year.  Her business closed like thousands of other small business after Covid but this was somehow WORSE. 

Then she got her dream job back at BRAVO the one she'd been wanting back since she got fired so of course it was a terrible year and that's why she was SO ANGRY all the time.  Also, she's happy with her life. 


*snort*. 🤨

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21 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Good grief that was exhausting.

I liked the set but I would have loved it if it included a big beach wind machine to deal with all that hair.


We have enough plastic pollution in the Pacific ocean. No need to add synthetic hair extensions.

What a waste of time this season gave us. 

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10 hours ago, bosawks said:

I have to be honest I was actually shocked Shannon managed to stay conscious the entire reunion.

My theory is that the "hair" was deliberately styled to be so painful she had to stay awake.

Shannon's Hair and Makeup person below


She thinks Shannon looks awesome

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This reunion, as so many of them these days, could have been wrapped up in one episode. All the screaming, fake tears and fake makeups don’t need to be dragged out. The Miami reunion shown after was much better. There’s yelling but they are discussing real problems and I think some of them are actual friends. 
I would replace Tamra, Emily, Gina and Shannon and give Heather and Jen a shot with a new group.

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Yeah they didn’t really talk about the actual issues or go any deeper than yelling over each other until Andy would say, ‘ok, moving on.’  

Other than the standard lie, ‘from now on, I’ll talk to you directly’ hah no, you won’t. 

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On 10/11/2023 at 7:34 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Heather really out their like Neo dodging bullets .. these girls decided to all attack Heather and when trying to explain why the reasons fall apart or just don’t materialize at all.. 

Yep. I liked that Andy was calling them out our their pile-up on Heather. 

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Did  anyone hear Shannon slip up when she was screaming about her relationship with John at one point when she called him her husband? I swear I heard this. Sort of like when she said on several occasions about having a blended family with John. 

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OK I just checked. Shannon said this around 5:29 minutes in when she apologized to Gina for saying "you owe my HUSBAND a huge apology. The camera went to  Tamra's face looking shocked and a clip of Shannon screaming at Gina previously when she said you owe my BOYFRIEND a huge apology. I think Shannon is delusional in that she has built this relationship up in her mind that she and John are a married couple and it slips out when she is drunk and screaming.  

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Heather manages to skate by yet again...same with Tamra.

I'm not blinded to Heather like most viewers are.  I sense what we see on the show is a fake Heather...and that the real Heather is more like her mom of screen.

I think everyone knows Tamra is two faced..but like Taylor Armstrong said on WWHL once...they're afraid of her (at least Gina is).

We need another cast tune up for season 18 because this cast isn't working.  I think we need to focus on one of the housewives and cast a few of their friends.  

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On 10/11/2023 at 9:10 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Well she’s staying with a man that she knows will cheat on her 

I’d rather have that than have Tamra as a friend. The cheater does his best to keep the embarrassment on the hush hush. Tamra takes *what she thinks* are your insecurities and faults and blasts them all over national tv and the internets. Yea, I’ll take my chances with the cheater. 

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Fourth wall-- what fourth wall?? Wow, this was the most "a show about the show" reunion I've seen maybe across any franchise ever.

And this reunion brought something into sharp focus for me: Tamra and Heather, in different ways, are just there to do a job. That's why they were so calm and normal to each other between takes. They're actors on a set.

Tamra does that job viciously, scrambling and scrapping to stay on the show. She will do whatever, and she doesn't really care who she hurts because it's all a performance to her; she's able to dissociate like that. And I have long suspected that Heather is consciously playing the role of the uppity pill (a role which may align a bit with her actual personality, but which she amplifies for the show). Heather isn't vicious in the way that Tamra is vicious, but they're both in performative mode.

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On 10/11/2023 at 8:15 PM, chick binewski said:

Emily is not letting the fact she had zero storyline stop her from answering everyone else's questions.

Hey now, that's not fair. Someone likened her hair to a Muppet's hair. That is a major life event!

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On 10/14/2023 at 1:14 PM, ladle said:

And this reunion brought something into sharp focus for me: Tamra and Heather, in different ways, are just there to do a job. That's why they were so calm and normal to each other between takes. They're actors on a set.

Heather isn't vicious in the way that Tamra is vicious, but they're both in performative mode.

And neither of them are revealing all about their personal life, especially their marriages. I don't think Heather and Terry are romantic at all, although they try to portray that on the show. I'm not sure about Tamra and Eddie, but something seems off. 

Heather strikes me as a controlling, image-conscious woman. 

Tamra was rude to Andy. I'm surprised he let her talk to him that way. He just sat there chastened. Perhaps that is the same effect she has on the women. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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4 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

And neither of them are revealing all about their personal life, especially their marriages. I don't think thing Heather and Terry are romantic at all, although they try to portray that on the show. I'm not sure about Tamra and Eddie, but something seems off. 

Please don't go asking questions... I'm still traumatized by images of a certain decade-old bathtub scene. 😵

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Tamra is an asshole when she drinks. She is an asshole when she doesn't  drink (which is likely very seldom). She's just a scumbag asshole. 

Will there be a reunion part 3? We'll probably get to see Tamra's best creation: cowboy son Ryan Veith. Good job Tamra. Maybe Ryan really did find his niche in life working on a ranch. He was dealt a bad hand in life having Tamra for a mother.

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14 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

No Part 3. Thank goodness.

Yay! I won't miss this shit show. When is Andy going to realize that this franchise is dead? It needs a new cast or just cancel it.


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I am pro LGBTQ etc. I wish Bravo would try something new like "the real LGBTQ's of Laguna Beach (or anywhere else).  But I'm just a Bravo hate watcher and I doubt Andy has any of his employees reading this to give him some input.

Edited by Jst2Wld
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On 10/15/2023 at 1:03 PM, QQQQ said:

nd neither of them are revealing all about their personal life, especially their marriages. I don't think thing Heather and Terry are romantic at all, although they try to portray that on the show. I'm not sure about Tamra and Eddie, but something seems off. 

Tamra and Eddie talk about sex and make sex innuendos WAY too much for two people who have a good healthy relationship in real life. They’re like perpetually 13yr old boys in health class learning about puberty for the first time. 

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13 hours ago, Jst2Wld said:

Yay! I won't miss this shit show. When is Andy going to realize that this franchise is dead? It needs a new cast or just cancel it.


If Andy was cancelled we might have an opportunity to restart all the RH shows with what made them so successful in the first place before fights, stupid, petty drama, and followers were the most important 

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13 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

If Andy was cancelled we might have an opportunity to restart all the RH shows with what made them so successful in the first place before fights, stupid, petty drama, and followers were the most important 

Absolutely! Bring back those real and raw moments of RHOC like the OC Angels. The teenage girls who were promoting some energy drink for Pervy Lou (Tammy Knickerbockers husband?) and got in a physical fight. Pulling each other's hair etc! 

And the hot tub scene in Vicki's backyard with Slade Slimey & Laurie Waring trying to hook up. Gross but real!

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6 hours ago, Jst2Wld said:

…And the hot tub scene in Vicki's backyard with Slade Slimey & Laurie Waring trying to hook up. Gross but real!

Don’t forget Whori Laurie’s  Cat Crap Condo.  Or Jeana’s oldest kid cussing her out when she showed up at one of his games.  Hilarious and real.  

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On 10/16/2023 at 10:24 PM, Stats Queen said:

If Andy was cancelled we might have an opportunity to restart all the RH shows with what made them so successful in the first place before fights, stupid, petty drama, and followers were the most important 

THIS. 👏👏👏 👍.

Anybody who has Peacock — go back and watch the first three (or so) OC seasons, and tell me if they weren’t more interesting, compelling, and watchable than the shit that’s being flung on us now. What’s the difference? The early years are REAL. 

13 hours ago, ladle said:

Tammy's younger daughter crawling through the doggie door so she could unlock the house to have a party while Tammy was out of town! That's the content we need, America! 

And, really, whose kid hasn’t done something similarly stupid when they were in their teens, LOL.

My fave is Lauri’s daughter Ashley showing up jobless, with a dog, at Lauri’s bandbox condo, and then taking off later — without the dog. Lauri was so clueless.

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I don't think it's possible for any reality show to revert to what they were in the early years. Once the shows were broadcast and the performers took notes, the reality ended. Everything seems so staged now. I admire the parents who insisted their children not be included.  I can't imagine being a teenager having to go to school after some the parents shenanigans. Maybe it's a status thing for some people, but those kids would be insufferable, not real.

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On 10/12/2023 at 2:50 AM, chick binewski said:

What insane troll logic is happening here?? Andy finally calls Tamra out and he's "throwing a wrench in it"?? 

It's astonishing that anyone associates with Tamra at all. #justiceforlizzie 

Tamra was not likeable at all, this season, and Shannon continues to lie to the cameras. I agree with other viewers who pointed out that Heather has done nothing wrong, especially in comparison to the others. Clearly the women drew lines and decided who would be the scapegoat. I feel the same about Jenn, where the women went on and on about something that they should confront Ryan for not Jenn.

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18 hours ago, Chalby said:

Tamra was not likeable at all, this season, and Shannon continues to lie to the cameras. I agree with other viewers who pointed out that Heather has done nothing wrong, especially in comparison to the others. Clearly the women drew lines and decided who would be the scapegoat. I feel the same about Jenn, where the women went on and on about something that they should confront Ryan for not Jenn.

*Heather is the person she is because of her very critical mother.  I know people with moms like that.  She is very reserved.  I see that she is pretty careful with her words and actions most likely because her mother was heinous with any misstep.  Her kids seem like good kids, she seems to be really close to them and they can tell her anything.  I think that is something to be commended.  Her wealth is a point of contention with the others because it is so vast.  And of course that changes you but Heather seems to try and be the same person.  But she didn't even feel she could share her happiness because the others will shit on it.  Shannon USED to give Heather a run for her money with equal-ish wealth.  But now, no.  Shannon's life is a mess and she rents a condo while how many houses do the Dubrow's have?  And Tamra?  Well trash is gonna be trashy.  I DO see Heather can be challenging and awkward.  But I can see how she got that way.  

*and Tamra is the way she is because of HER mother.  Trashy.

Edited by Natalie68
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On 10/17/2023 at 9:01 AM, Jst2Wld said:

Absolutely! Bring back those real and raw moments of RHOC like the OC Angels. The teenage girls who were promoting some energy drink for Pervy Lou (Tammy Knickerbockers husband?) and got in a physical fight. Pulling each other's hair etc! 

And the hot tub scene in Vicki's backyard with Slade Slimey & Laurie Waring trying to hook up. Gross but real!

True! I remember watching RHOC accidentally during season 1 and I was hooked. They were relatable for trying to hide their bad behaviour, and their inability to control what their kids said and did. In other words, they were human, believable and relatable. The HW who was honest about her lethargic marriage with the ex ball player. It was great.

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On 10/15/2023 at 5:09 AM, Sweet-tea said:

And neither of them are revealing all about their personal life, especially their marriages. 

Exactly! At the end of the season did we learn ANYTHING new about Tamra and Shannon? They love to throw dirt and demand explanations from the others, but nothing of interest (or reality) is ever shared. They cry and throw tantrums, without explaining why they're upset.

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The no dress the same color theme was an eye strain.

Heather - dress by some designer, eye shadow by Lilly Munster.

Gina lookin dime store chic in a lime crotch length getup with turquoise sparkly shadow.

Jen's pointy shoulder things have her all ready for her big night out with captain kirk (or jerk, if it's ryan)

Ems lost 40 lbs, but still stuffs herself into a too small dress that creates bulges.

Shannon bought a cheap wig and garish flapper costume at the dollar store...where she told the clerk she was gonna show johnjansen she's hotter than his new squeeze...lemon fresh, in fact! Of course, she doesn't remember any of this.

Tamrat in pink...rode hard and put away wet Barbi

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On 10/26/2023 at 12:48 AM, Chalby said:

Exactly! At the end of the season did we learn ANYTHING new about Tamra and Shannon? They love to throw dirt and demand explanations from the others, but nothing of interest (or reality) is ever shared. They cry and throw tantrums, without explaining why they're upset.

Tamra has a boring life. I don't think she has any issues with her husband, so there was nothing to show except for them closing the gym (which was probably the biggest issue they had), and going to a few events with him. She mentioned she has a successful business. She filmed a couple of scenes with her mother. Her kids seem to be doing fine, but they are out of the house except for the younger who doesn't film for the show. 

As for Shannon, although she didn't want to discuss her relationship to John Jansen, she had to do it, and she admitted herself it was not a good relationship, so she did share her life. Her kids don't face any problems, they filmed with her, but there was nothing too interesting to show. One was attending college in Texas for four years.

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On 10/20/2023 at 1:59 PM, Natalie68 said:

*Heather is the person she is because of her very critical mother.  I know people with moms like that.  She is very reserved.  I see that she is pretty careful with her words and actions most likely because her mother was heinous with any misstep.  Her kids seem like good kids, she seems to be really close to them and they can tell her anything.  I think that is something to be commended.  Her wealth is a point of contention with the others because it is so vast.  And of course that changes you but Heather seems to try and be the same person.  But she didn't even feel she could share her happiness because the others will shit on it.  Shannon USED to give Heather a run for her money with equal-ish wealth.  But now, no.  Shannon's life is a mess and she rents a condo while how many houses do the Dubrow's have?  And Tamra?  Well trash is gonna be trashy.  I DO see Heather can be challenging and awkward.  But I can see how she got that way.  

*and Tamra is the way she is because of HER mother.  Trashy.

Heather is reserved because she wants to project a certain image, and because of her perceived social position, not because of her mother. 

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On 10/15/2023 at 7:09 AM, Sweet-tea said:

Tamra was rude to Andy. I'm surprised he let her talk to him that way. He just sat there chastened. Perhaps that is the same effect she has on the women. 

I was surprised Andy just that took that too. 

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On 4/22/2024 at 1:15 AM, RealHousewife said:

I was surprised Andy just that took that too. 

Tamra does the production's dirty job. 

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