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S06.E18: Tell-All Part Two

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Sharp is getting crafty with their previews.  They are keeping the 'is Violet pregnant?!' under wraps. We probably wont find out till 5 mins left in Tell All part 2.
They are also giving us snippets of the segment instead of the first 1/2 hour as they did in the past.
I am glad David called out Amiee's bullshit claim that she learned ASL in 1 month.  I am glad too that Sheila has the small connivence store.  I feel so bad for David and Sheila that they have to wait so long - maybe Gino could give him some tips or advice? Nice that David was able to help them build the home. I don't think David contacted Amiee again unless it was to arrange private lessons for Sheila so she can speed up her ASL learning.

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When it gets to a point at which I'm screaming at the TV,  it's probably time for me to seriously rethink my entertainment choices...

When the whole Gino and Jasmine prenup situation was brought up, there wasn't a single person on that stage that had bothered to Google Michigan divorce laws, knowing full well this would be brought up - and every one of them gave incorrect information. 

Even GINO - who thinks he needs a prenup to protect his assets if he and Jasmine divorce (he doesn't), and Jasmine - who thinks a prenup will prevent her from receiving a share of Gino's assets (it wouldn't, and in Michigan, she'd be better off with a prenup).

My God. 

Michigan is not a community property state.

Assets: any assets Gino acquired before marrying Jasmine would remain 100% his. If his house is paid for, Jasmine wouldn't get it, or any of its value.

Gino expressed concerns about his retirement accounts and investments. Jasmine would only be entitled to a portion of any contributions he makes to those accounts, and any earnings from those accounts, from the date of their marriage to their divorce.

Any cash in regular bank accounts up until their date of marriage is all his. She would only be entitled to a portion of any money deposited in those accounts after their date of marriage.

Jasmine would also be responsible for a portion of any debts acquired during their marriage.

As you can see, Jasmine could find herself in a very bad situation if she doesn't have a prenup. Because Michigan is not a community property state, and any property Gino has was obtained before their marriage, and due to Gino's age there will be very little growth in his retirement, investment, and bank accounts going forward - Jasmine should get down on her knees and beg Gino for a prenup (and ask to go with him to talk with a lawyer about one) if she knows what's good for her.

But. She doesn't.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Is Michigan a community property state?

Property Division in Michigan Divorce Cases


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19 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

Apparently, Ravzan should have been auditioning for Frankie Goes to Hollywood instead of NIN..

Well he did want to come.

Shawn never asks the obvious questions.  So was Tyray bringing women’s clothes and Christian was going to sell or return/exchange them or was he bringing men‘s clothes and didn’t see that as yet another red flag?

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Great Tell All part Two awesome. 

I want somebody to Whup scammers ass. What would I tell Scammer. I’m gonna whup your ass. 

He was so Smug and cruel. It just shows the evil behind these monsters. 

Tyree was an idiot. Followed everything you aren’t supposed to do. 

let me put my detective hat on. 

Tyree you idiot the reason Carmella asked for “”Nude Pictures of you” because he wanted to have compromising pictures of you for blackmail. On top of that you sent a picture with your face in it. You idiot!!!!!!! 

You show yourself naked Butt Naked your shit is out there. 

then you sent money $3,000 what the fuck. You ain’t even hold no cheeks. You ain’t meet her. You ain’t touched her. Shake a hand danced with her. You haven’t even met her at a coffee shop. 

hey Tyree before you give her about a $100 how about taking her out for a drink.,hey I’m in town let’s have dinner. 

if you travel for ass or at least to meet her you have to meet her. If you go out there and you don’t meet her that’s it no money. 

No video call no nothing. I guess you can say you met the girl behind the pictures so that could go somewhere. 

it takes a lot to get a guy like Tyree mad and you could see the anger in his face. 

Fuck that guy. 

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Statler MVP MVP haha can’t believe I’m saying this but Damn Statler got ass. She is funny as fuck. 

All the Statler beer face was hilarious. She lit up when David was talking about sex. Oh scissoring sex sex yes. She is so funny. She’s walking around in the dress I’m cracking up laughing. The facial expressions. When she is going back from the green lobby. She is so awkward it’s the funniest shit on the show. 

Fuck it I’m a say it. Give her a show!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spin off. She is hilarious. 

Dempsey didn’t say shit. But she was turned off by Chris. 

Chris is a idiot. He feels threatened haha you try to fuck the American in the bar. Nah everybody’s just calling you out for your shit.


Jane is hot. She’s mine. Chris let’s double date. You take Cleo I’ll take Jane. I was digging Janes pink hair. 

Cleo is gulliable as fuck. Chris could be fucking chick in bed. Cleo could walk in and Chris could be like it’s not what you think. We’re doing naked wresting. We’re doing naked excercises and she would believe it. 

She is comedy. 

I will give Chris the fuck boy this. It was real nice that Chris stuck up for Cleo with the men in his family. But the women in his family like her and accepted her. 

Im a guy ima call these guys out. Kind of funny the only one acting like Bitches are the men in Chris family. What’s ironic these so called dudes talk shit about Trans being pussseys but the only Pusey’s are the men who won’t accept them. 

Chris if they don’t accept you and Cleo Fuck them!!!!!! 

Riley you pussy your a bitch accept your baby. Man you were ma enough to have sex with her without a condem be man enough to take care of the baby. This idiot probably made Violet upset and made her lose the baby. That’s not fact just a theory. But Riley is a punk for that man. 

Be a man. You look real sus up there not even consoling her. This guy man. Just really all season made it like Violet was the bad guy. Nah he’s the bad guy. He was the one yelling. Even pit bull was on Violets side. 

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Shauna’s Awesome. I met her at a friends party and I got her phone number. This is when she was working at Extra. She’s gorgeous in person. And she is so nice. 

she is wonderful. 

Great season y’all see yall next week in the forum new season. Looks like new Characters and Per and Pee girl so thanks talk Thanks y’all all y’all were great. It’s been fun. 

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5 hours ago, renatae said:

Re-watching the end so I could catch Amanda's expressions during the Tyray sequence because someone felt she was enjoying it. However, this is just after her sister spilled the beans. At least in the early shots, she looks plain pissed that she was exposed. Amber, look out!

But her narcissism was on full display the entire night.

The GOAT has spoken. Been waiting for this. 

6 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Wow, Amanda is not even trying to cover up that she's a super bitch. 

Please shut up with the "long game," Riley. Amanda was the instigating neck-kisser.

Riley was trying to get a taste of that Cajun Gumbo. 

On 9/30/2023 at 12:49 PM, greekmom said:

Sharp is getting crafty with their previews.  They are keeping the 'is Violet pregnant?!' under wraps. We probably wont find out till 5 mins left in Tell All part 2.
They are also giving us snippets of the segment instead of the first 1/2 hour as they did in the past.
I am glad David called out Amiee's bullshit claim that she learned ASL in 1 month.  I am glad too that Sheila has the small connivence store.  I feel so bad for David and Sheila that they have to wait so long - maybe Gino could give him some tips or advice? Nice that David was able to help them build the home. I don't think David contacted Amiee again unless it was to arrange private lessons for Sheila so she can speed up her ASL learning.

Geek Mom you champ. 

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All that talk about the prenup is not what Jasmine was asking. A prenup is mostly about what happens in a divorce. She was asking for a will. Before they get married if something happened to Gino she would get nothing, and she said that his family would not take care of her. If he had a will he could leave her something so she would not be left with nothing. After marriage it would be different. But that’s what I thought she was talking about and it was very poorly handled on the show to make it look like she was a bad person who wanted him to die. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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The Tell Nothing was a Nothing burger.

The only interesting part (David showing us how to sign sexual positions) was censored.  So TLC is ok with the puss coming out of who knows what in Dr. Pimple Popper but not showing us something freaking useful as the signs for missionary, doggy, etc?   It might have been cringy to watch but at least it was more interesting than Riley projecting on Razvan.

I feel for the mystery guy that Amanda is talking to.  Really Razvan is missing the opportunity to just vanish.  He must really like the psychopath.  Damn Riley was really trying to stir the pot there. Lucky no one took the bait.

Cannot believe that they allowed 25 mins for Tyray. He should have gotten 10 mins max. The scammer might have made fun of Tyray and called him a stupid American but the scammer wasn't all that.  Only scammed $3,000 in 5 years? That's around $50 a month.  I watch social catfish where scammers are getting 50-100, 000 or more within a matter of months!  

Another season gone.  Not much there. If it wasn't for Sheila and David, I don't think it would have been that good. 


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Razven wanting to stay with Amanda when he visits the US….he clearly doesn’t understand where she lives and how far it is away from anywhere he would really like to visit like LA or NYC.  

And I think Jasmine has seen too much US tv and not done enough research.  She doesn’t understand how each state has their own rules and laws.  

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2 hours ago, greekmom said:

I feel for the mystery guy that Amanda is talking to.  Really Razvan is missing the opportunity to just vanish.  He must really like the psychopath.  Damn Riley was really trying to stir the pot there. Lucky no one took the bait.

Probably the most recent manager of her Hooters.  She really didn't come off well here.  One of the more unlikable characters.  Her sister, conversely, cleaned up well.  She looked like a stripper when they showed her earlier.

I also don't get why Ravzan isn't looking for greener pastures.  Not a lot of opportunity for influence in podunk Louisiana..

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Amanda proved herself to be the total bitch that I thought she was all season. So smug....and when her sister started to spill the tea, the whole "relax, relax" was a little chilling. I assume she had multiple "love of my life" men on her hook online, maybe even sending cash to this poor grieving widow and mom of 2. Razvan was probably the only one who DIDN'T send her cash (cause he doesn't have much to spare) and that intrigued her. I wanted to smack Riley, acting like Razvan was some creepy predator just out to get laid. Please, Riley, Razvan is young and has a hot body and is actually, you know, a decent person who can hold a conversation. He doesn't need to import women. 


David and Sheila.....he is a dumbass for not rating her ASL higher on the 1-10 scale, lol. I am also glad they showed the meeting with the immigration lawyers. I remember years ago being shocked when my then husband and I went to what was then INS to file paperwork for his green card (to adjust his status from tourist to spouse) and were hit with not only the bureaucracy but the $$$$ and time. I remember another couple there too in total shock at the cost---you need the papers to work and earn $$ but you need a lot of $$ upfront to file those papers. 

Jasmine actually seemed more reasonable than she has all these years and you could tell that Amanda was trying to instigate a catfight with her. Glad she didn't bite. 

Cleo, just run. Girl, just.....he doesn't really want to marry you. He likes attention and shock and awe. These two have zero chemistry and are true opposites, how TF do they think they are compatible?? 

Sorry I  missed Violet and Riley. I take it she lost the baby? I would hate to think someone would lie about something like that, but I think once he pushed for some hard evidence....yeah....she looked lovely.  

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Wait, what? Razvan is a controlling asshole who charmed sweet, innocent Amanda until he got sex, then dumped her? Did Riley watch the show? I'll give him props for yelling out the message to Tyray's catfish. Other than that Riley can STFU.

1 hour ago, greekmom said:

They could have used the last 15 mins for the audience to ask questions.

Which, no matter how bad they were, would have been better than the ones Shaun asked.

16 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

So smug....and when her sister started to spill the tea, the whole "relax, relax" was a little chilling.

So much this. Amanda is a human glacier.

This is my first season watching this show and I came in in the middle. Maybe that's why I like Jasmine and I kind of get why Gino is attracted to her. I enjoyed her in the Tell All. 

I also enjoyed Statler and wanted to slap Dempsey. This is a complete reversal for me and I'm not happy about it.

Cleo. Oh, honey.

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I wanted to smack Riley

Riley has zero game so assumes that everyone who is successful with women is a player.

4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Jasmine actually seemed more reasonable than she has all these years

Maybe Geno following through and bringing her to the US calmed her extreme anxiety (at least for now).

4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Sorry I  missed Violet and Riley. I take it she lost the baby?

Either she lost the baby or is falsely claiming that.  There wasn’t any proof.

3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

What a condescending, patronizing, scolding, histrionic, uptight, egotistical, self centered, fatuous, smug......god, I'm running out of words.

He makes Bilal look like a dreamboat.

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He keeps saying "she lies and lies!" and no one says "How? What did she lie about?

Two I remember from the season were her claiming she was divorced when she wasn’t and her claiming she had been off the app for a long time when it said she had been on just a few hours ago.  But he is an unreliable narrator so he could be lying about her lying lol.

3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Riley, on the other hand, had to go halfway around the world for some funsies

Which he got only once.  Expensive lay.

3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Christian isn't an extrovert. He's a creep.

And then he announced leaving the studio that he had totally rehabilitated his image.  Nice try at a spin.

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I wanted to smack Riley, acting like Razvan was some creepy predator just out to get laid. Please, Riley, Razvan is young and has a hot body and is actually, you know, a decent person who can hold a conversation. He doesn't need to import women. 

That's what I don't get - did he watch the show? I was most disappointed that people didn't go on the attack with Amanda and not shown more support for Razman. The show becomes more watch-worthy if the cast members chime in honestly. But there was a lot of silence going on except for a few cast members who tried to steal the show. Namely, Christian, who found it INCREDIBLY important to mention how very extroverted and people-loving he is multiple times. Like he is so very special and unique. How many times are you going to mention this, Chris? He doesn't have the charisma he thinks he has.

Amanda, sitting all smug . . . girl, you also aren't the big catch you think you are. Why she thinks she is is beyond me. She's just an ordinary girl with no depth or personality. She got extremely lucky with Razman but she is too dumb to know it.

Edited by Breedom
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Amanda to Jasmine: "I'm not being rude. I'm processing my feelings."

Two seconds later "Shut the F*** up!"  No, Amanda, you're not rude. Then at the end when she was giggling about not telling Razvan about the new guy it like she was talking about going to the prom. "I'm not going to tell Bif that I'm actually go the prom with Buffy cux Bif would be like super mad!"   She's so immature. I bet her sister has a lot of tea to spill.

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4 hours ago, Passing Strange said:

So much this. Amanda is a human glacier.

Yes. And, sorry, white trash trying to play bougie. I am sure her family has seen a LOT with Amanda and the men in and out of her life. Check out the couples thread for her mugshot. Also, I think the story that goes along with it mentions she was 19, and with a man named Jeremiah. Not Jason. Wasn't she with Jason since age 16?? Isn't her story that she never banged anyone but Jason? I highly doubt they were this fairytale romance for the ages. I was annoyed no one called her out on the mush she wrote in the card to Razvan right before she left as well as her declarations that it was a love of a lifetime, on par with her dead husband. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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20 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I was annoyed no one called her out on the mush she wrote in the card to Razvan right before she left as well as her declarations that it was a love of a lifetime, on par with her dead husband. 

Yup. Exactly. Everyone, including Shawn didn't call out anything against her and they had a boatload of ammunition to do so. Most likely they didn't want to offend her highness because her husband died so she was treated with kid gloves.

I still can't get Nicola's huge grin out of my mind. Well, good luck to Meisha and her daughters.

Jasmine is cringe-worthy. Nothing is off the table with her. We do know who she really is. And her contacting Dane when she landed at the airport was a huge red-flag. She can't let go of this guy and she's making it obvious, yet Gino mildly lets his disapproval out when he really needs to seriously put his foot down. This woman will go running back to him in an instant after even the smallest of arguments between her and Gino. That's a big no-no in relationships, yet . . . until Dane gets into a serious relationship and his SO puts an end to it, it will continue.

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10 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Razven wanting to stay with Amanda when he visits the US….he clearly doesn’t understand where she lives and how far it is away from anywhere he would really like to visit like LA or NYC.  

And I think Jasmine has seen too much US tv and not done enough research.  She doesn’t understand how each state has their own rules and laws.  

I agree. He’s clueless about the geography and vastness of the US and rather naive to think he’ll become a famous social media star right away whilst living in small town Louisiana. I don’t like Amanda at all, but she did try to explain this to him in a previous episode. He’s not getting it.

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The producers of 90 days totally stacked the video to make Razvan look bad. Amanda was a straight up cold bitch when she stayed with him (THE WHOLE TIME). Onlly after his friend called her out and she realized that he had a backbone and was considering breaking it off with HER, did she SUDDENLY get all affectionate and did she want to have sex with him. She had sex with him to manipulate him and attempt to keep him interested in her. She is unbelievably manipulative. Completely disapointed in the producers and editors in the tell all 2 who did NOT show the footage that clearly showed HER disengenous, wishy washy, horrible treatment of Razvan. Horrible.


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4 hours ago, Dramamama said:

The producers of 90 days totally stacked the video to make Razvan look bad. Amanda was a straight up cold bitch when she stayed with him (THE WHOLE TIME). Onlly after his friend called her out and she realized that he had a backbone and was considering breaking it off with HER, did she SUDDENLY get all affectionate and did she want to have sex with him. She had sex with him to manipulate him and attempt to keep him interested in her. She is unbelievably manipulative. Completely disapointed in the producers and editors in the tell all 2 who did NOT show the footage that clearly showed HER disengenous, wishy washy, horrible treatment of Razvan. Horrible.


I think the producers did show us. Throughout the season there were many comments that Amanda was treating him terribly and he was nothing but nice to her. 

I think Riley was SO projecting on Razvan, Razvan was nothing but nice to her, nothing wrong with him wanting to meet in person before he makes a commitment (that makes him level headed IMO). Yeah they had sex- I don’t think Amanda was coerced or manipulated in anyway, sometimes people hook up and it doesn’t work out. 

As Auntie’s Advice just said “your sister spilled your tea!!” (Her sister TOLD IT!) and Amanda’s “relax”- she was relaxed!!!

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Christian’s not-a-proposal to Cleo seemed just manufactured for attention for the attention whore. I would think that Cleo wouldn’t really want so much direct attention for a question like that but she seemed happy.


 Maybe Amanda told razvan she lived in LA but failed to mention that LA stood for Louisiana and not Los Angeles.

Edited by toomuchtv
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Amanda sure was judgemental about others, but as soon as it turned to her she pulled out the "you don't know me" defense which doesn't work as she didn't know anyone she criticized.  And, like others, the way she told her sister to "relax" multiple times just sent chills up my back.  Her sister spilled enough to make me wonder how faithful she was in her marriage is she was able to immediately start 'talking' with multiple men after her husband's death.  She has the potential to be scary in her 'threats,' manipulations, and coldness IMO.

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In case anyone missed the Tell-All because they were digging up a new number for Carmistian, here's a quick visual recap!  

























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On 10/2/2023 at 5:35 PM, Tango64 said:

I expect “I’m not bald!” Gino to show up in an oversized sombrero next season. His hats keep getting bigger. 


On 10/3/2023 at 5:52 AM, seacliffsal said:

Amanda sure was judgemental about others, but as soon as it turned to her she pulled out the "you don't know me" defense which doesn't work as she didn't know anyone she criticized.  And, like others, the way she told her sister to "relax" multiple times just sent chills up my back.  Her sister spilled enough to make me wonder how faithful she was in her marriage is she was able to immediately start 'talking' with multiple men after her husband's death.  She has the potential to be scary in her 'threats,' manipulations, and coldness IMO.

Amanda is trash.  She treats people terribly and she thinks WAY too highly of herself.  I hope she is one and done.  And Razvan can do a million times better.  She is rather average.  

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22 hours ago, Biosynth said:

I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that, LOL.

LOL, same! 

I do think she probably screwed Dane after that good bye dinner, but other than that, I did see her view point a bit when she said well to her it is innocent cause she would not cheat. I was the same way in my first marriage---in that my ex and I often did stuff on our own, like travel, and it never entered my mind to flirt or try to pick someone up for a one night stand. I didnt' understand why people would act like it was weird. Looking back, he had a LOT of friendships with single women that I realize were probably affairs (for a lot of reasons I can't even list here, there was evidence). But, he used the Christian line of, "I am just a people person....that is a big part of the travelign experience, meeting new people. " I married young and it really has messed with my perception of boundaries, trust, etc. 

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