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Jeopardy! Season 40 (2023-2024)

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27 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

If that mashed up countries category was recycled because of the writers’ strike, they should have left it in the trash bin. 

Agreed. I suck at normal geography categories...

I guessed Cubaruba on one of them. I was wrong but it was more fun to say than Cubahamas. (Then I remembered that Aruba is Dutch, not British.)

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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

FJ was an instaguess for me…I did not know that about them, but couldn't think of another pair, so stuck with my first response and lucked out.

Same for me with my wild guess of Lewis & Clark. I've now been watching Jeopardy! regularly for 2½ years, so I figured Lewis & Clark was a likely pair, even though I had no idea they later became governors, and even though I associate them with the north and west, not Louisiana and Missouri. On Wikipedia, currently their governorships are only mentioned on their individual pages, and, understandably, not on the Lewis and Clark Expedition page.

Today, as a retired librarian with knowledge of children's literature (albeit not my area of employment), I was chagrined at not knowing The Secret Garden had been reissued in 2020. But there was a lot going on that year, both personally and in the news — including, ironically, getting a children's book published that I illustrated. 

But I did get the TS of 1947 for the year Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball because it was mentioned in a rerun of Antiques Roadshow I had on the other day. 
I hope Randall does better Monday, but I liked them all. 


I may be alone in being glad that there were not enough 5-day champions for a tournament so they brought back some almost-winners for a chance to become 4-day champions (or however many days they're playing). They've all been competent and pleasant — at least as far as I've noticed.
But perhaps they should have had one more elimination round of winners playing winners so they would seem more like champs?

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I guess the writers decided to stop giving me presents! I never read the Secret Garden, and it never occurred to me. But even if it had, I’m not sure I’d have guessed it. Despite the name, I thought it was one of those “secret passageway” books, where the garden would not be for planting, but rather serve as some kind of transport system. Oh, well.

Is this tournament almost over? I long ago lost the map of where we are and where we’re going. I just know that every day, three former players show up, some of whom we’ve seen recently and some of whom we may see again. And that someday there might be an ultimate winner, and this madness can come to an end? Right now, I just feel like I’m stuck in an endless loop of redemption stories, and the Jeopardy universe is in danger of collapsing on itself.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I guess the writers decided to stop giving me presents! I never read the Secret Garden, and it never occurred to me. 

I've never read it, either, but I focused on the word "horticulture" and then tried to think of a kids' book that had to do with plants/farms/gardens. There was very much a question mark at the end when I said it.

7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Is this tournament almost over? I long ago lost the map of where we are and where we’re going. I just know that every day, three former players show up, some of whom we’ve seen recently and some of whom we may see again. And that someday there might be an ultimate winner, and this madness can come to an end? Right now, I just feel like I’m stuck in an endless loop of redemption stories, and the Jeopardy universe is in danger of collapsing on itself.

Someone posted this schedule in a comment on J!'s facebook page:



The schedule going forward is as follows:

12/19/23 - 1/15/24 (4 weeks): Second Chance (S39)

1/16/24 - 2/22/24 (28 episodes): Champions Wildcard (S39, two rounds)

2/23/24 - 3/11/24: TOC quarter/semi-finals (field of 27 champions)

3/12/24: TOC Finals begin (first to win 3 games is Champion)

Approximately the last two weeks of March: Following the TOC will be an all new Jeopardy Invitational Tournament (JIT) to complete the lineup for Jeopardy Masters.

After the JIT, "regular" games will resume in April. 

At least the TOC should be back to all new clues; don't know about the wildcard. I agree, too much tournamenting, but I try to just play along with each game as they come. They had to plan for an unknown amount of time with the strikes so I'm not holding it against them. I don't remember most of these people so they feel new (though there was a clue last night or the night before that seemed very familiar which was slightly jarring, since while I know they've been recycled, most of them haven't had me thinking "yeah, I remember that one").

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Huh.  I wrote this last night after the game, but apparently never posted it.

I did well in the first round; I ran Black history (which was a pleasant surprise, as I know a lot about what happened, but am prone to being bad in general at knowing the exact year when things happened [I like when they just ask for a decade 🙂] -- poor, perpetually one off Randall narrowing things down for me helped), weight, and -nyms, and got all but one in This & That.  I missed two each in the other two.

Other than oceans - in which I was a mess; I knew several of them, but was slow to get them from my brain to my mouth, so only got one - I kicked ass in DJ.  I ran the country overlaps category, but those were hard -- I always knew both countries pretty quickly, but while the letters overlapped, the sounds often didn't flow together, so they were sometimes very tricky to spit out (I had every bit as much trouble as Michael on Afghanistanzania).  I also ran alliteration - goose grease was a guess (my second; my first was goose goo, heh) and I needed the extra time from talking turkey being a TS to come up with that one, but I got 'em - and women.  I got all but one in pop culture (I guessed Ben Hur for the '50s biblical movie) and missed two in objects.

FJ wasn't an instaguess, as I first thought of "farm" titles (and, of course, thought of Animal Farm, which I knew was not right), but once I switched to "garden", it was the first one that came to me.

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I wasn't sure when I said "Secret Gardens" - I had no idea it was that old of a book. I read it in my library science Children's Lit class. Loved it. That was a fun class, I took home twenty or more children's books each weekend from the college library, so it was like reading for fun even though it was "work." Other than that, I did no "fun" reading at all during college. Which was the pits.


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19 hours ago, Driad said:

I haven't read Secret Garden (but fortunately had heard of it).  In college I had to read The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides.  I could only stay awake if I walked up and down the hall while reading it.

2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I feel your pain.

Not as dry as required reading for Library (Graduate) School.
A cure for insomnia.

Edited by shapeshifter
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22 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Not as dry as required reading for Library (Graduate) School.
A cure for insomnia.

I'm sure there must have been dry stuff in library school - but I choose to remember the children's lit class.😉Besides, I was a lit major as an undergrad and there were godawful things I had to read there. Tristram Shandy anyone?

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January 8:

73% / 83% / 77%

Pretty good start to the week. In the first round I ran Presidential Dogs, missed one in Music and Recent Movies (haven't seen a single one of 'em, either), and two in the rest. In DJ I did even better…ran From C to D and Italian Literature, missed one in Annals of History, Celebrity Sibling Surnames, and It's Corn, and two in Science.

But I did not get FJ.

TSes: (J had 3; DJ had 4) I got Aristotle and King Charles (felt a little bad for Michael on that one; the clue was actually only asking for the king's name so if he had left out the "Cavalier Spaniel" he would have been fine).

Poor Randall; he reminds me of someone but I can't think of who.

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I got FJ right. It was a guess, but it was at least a semi-educated guess.  I, too, at first went to Salt Lake City figuring some Mormon got kicked out, but then figured western states are really big and immediately came back to my own stomping grounds.  Being from new England was definitely an asset for this question.

I got the missed clue of cerise.

Not a great game, but I've had worse.

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I was in the right part of the country for FJ tonight, but not the correct states.  I ended up just choosing two at random, and they were both wrong.  Oh well.

The TS I got were King Charles (I said the correct name of the dog breed before the contestant answered), cream, South Dakota, and eclipsing.

I've been to the Corn Palace.  It's... interesting.

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I didn't guess Boston and Providence, but I should have. I live in MA and I have an acquaintance from RI who has now moved to MA and she goes on endlessly about how much she hates MA and how RI is so much better. As a result of this, I actually knew about the historical conflict (she and I laughed about it when I told her her animosity had historical echoes). 

I think it's entirely reasonable to have supposed it would be something related to the Civil War, though. It never occurred to me that one state might ban a person from another, outside that conflict.

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5 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I went the route of the Civil War for FJ, and chose Charleston and Richmond.

That was the best I could come up with, and I’m not sure what’s worse - l know very well they’re more than 50- ish miles apart, or that I would have not reread the clue, and would probably have put down What are West Virginia and (regular) Virginia?

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January 9:

73% / 60% / 67%

Decent first round again…ran 3 of the Same Letter, missed four in Sports Takes (shocker...), and one in everything else. Indecent second round…missed one in Women of Country Music and Waterlogged Words, two in Fictional Characters' Occupation and Art Deco, and three in Nobel Peace Prize Winners and 4-Letter Fish.

But I got FJ pretty quickly.

TSes: (J had 6; DJ had 7 + 1DD) I got rarer, Radio City Music Hall, and Rolls Royce.

I love April's shirt. Hope everyone in this storm with me are staying safe. Wind makes me nervous but at least I got home before it started picking up (though I did have to drive in the dark and rain).

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I instagot the TS of Radio City Music Hall. 
Mom took us to a matinee there when we were very young.



10 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Almost instaget FJ tonight

Yes, but if I had written Tibetan Book of the Dead it would have been wrong: https://thejeopardyfan.com/2024/01/final-jeopardy-1-9-2024.html


RedRose | January 9, 2024 at 9:16 am | Reply

I guessed “What is “The Egyptian Book Of The Dead”?” Would that be acceptable, or does it have to be simply “The Book Of The Dead”?

Bruce | January 9, 2024 at 6:41 pm | Reply

I’d think it would almost certainly be ruled correct (though it’s always, “all up to the judges!”) For one thing, there is also the fairly widely-known Tibetan Book of the Dead (phraseology the Chinese government no longer wishes you to use!) so putting in “Egyptian” would be adding info that is both correct and provides clarity. (P.S. Congrats to Rotimi!)


Since I don’t write my answers, this is a bit of a Schrödinger's Cat question.



11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I love April's shirt.

I covet April's shirt. 



Edited by shapeshifter
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Dank means excellent?  Um, okay.

I vaguely recognized April, so I looked up her first game, and she's one of the few who makes sense for a "Second Chance" slot, since she made an idiotic FJ wager that practically made her puke on stage when she realized (the contestant coordinator led her through breathing exercises, the audience was hella supportive, everyone made it a lovely environment, but it was a kick yourself forever moment).  I could have done without whatever the hell it is she did during her introduction tonight, but I'm glad she got another shot.

I almost ran the entire first round, but I joined the contestants in being stumped by First Take in the sports category and could not get McGill from my brain to my mouth in colleges.

If it wasn't for not knowing a single occupation of those fictional characters (Eliza Doolittle was the only character I knew, period, but couldn't remember what she did), I'd have had a good DJ.  I only ran country music and words, but I got all but one in art deco and Nobel and missed three in fish.

At first I just stared blankly at the TV for FJ, but it finally came to me as a guess I figured would turn out to be correct.

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I would have gotten yesterday’s FJ with just a little more time. But there were so many steps to think through: Where do you have close capitals? East coast, because the states are small! Which state has its capital closest to the border? Rhode Island, because it’s tiny! What’s near Rhode Island? Connecticut and Massachusetts! OK, let’s try Boston! Now what is the capital of Rhode Island? <brain freeze> 

For today’s FJ, my brain got stuck (you might say frozen) on Bhagavad Gita, just like April, although I was sure it was wrong. 

It must be the weather. I’m hoping for an early thaw.

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January 10:

73% / 67% / 70%

Tonight was meh...In J I ran Tex & The City and 3-Syllable Words, missed one in US Money and One Man Band, and missed three in National Animals and You Get Nothing. In DJ I missed one in Word Histories, Books & Authors, and Celebrities' Favorited Movies & TV Shows; two in International Affairs and One Man, Banned; and three in First Names.

FJ was an instaget.

TSes: (J had 1 + the DD; DJ had 6) I got San Antionio (DD), dungarees, and mammoth.

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I missed my pre-Jeopardy 10-minute nap this evening, so this was an experiment to see if that would jinx my chance of success.

Despite almost falling asleep several times, I at least rallied long enough for FJ and passed the sleepiness test! 
My first thought for FJ was Dead Zone (as for cellphone service, not as in the Stephen King work of fiction), but then I quickly reread the clue and insta-switched to Bermuda Triangle… 

    Since it has caused spacecraft to malfunction, a region called the South Atlantic Anomaly is known as this area "of space"

…guided by “region called the South Atlantic Anomaly.”

I’m still not sure about yesterday’s accepted responses for FJ of just Book of the Dead, given the clue of:

  • This text helped the soul, or ka, navigate a journey into a region called Amenti

with the inclusion of the Egyptian terms of “ka” and “Amenti.”

If it had been clued for the main part of game, wouldn’t a reply of “Book of the Dead” have triggered a “be more specific” or even just a pause to allow the player a moment to specify “Egyptian Book of the Dead” or else just rule it as incorrect without “Egyptian”?
Oh well. I guess they’re not always consistent with such rulings.

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Archive game for me -- frakkin' basketball. 

The engine TS in Word Histories not only stumped me as well, I could have sat here all night and not come up with it; I had never heard that before.

I ran Texas, money, and bands and got all but one in animals and words; my worst category in the first round was you lose, and I only missed two, so good start.

But, oh lords, was DJ not my board.  I blew authors entirely; the only one I knew was E.B. White, but had a massive brain fart and couldn't spit it out in time.  I missed three each in banned and names.  I didn't run a damn thing, but I got all but one in the rest.

FJ was an instaget, at least, so I ended on a high note.


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Serious question for those who say they are tired of Second Chance. Is it because you remember all these people and don’t want to see them again? Or you’re against the general principle, and want to see new players? Or, something else…?  Because I just turn on the tv and follow along with a game of Jeopardy!  As far as I’m concerned they could probably just have James, Amy, and Sam play every day and I’d be fine. Just kidding, mostly. 

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4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Instaget FJ for me tonight, but again, I seriously questioned myself because of how easy it seemed.  But I couldn't think of anything else, so I stuck with it.

The Bermuda Triangle came into my mind but I skipped over it because I wrongly thought they were saying that the Bermuda Triangle was messing with space too and they gave it a different name. I should have realized based on the fact they didn't call it by name.

2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I’m still not sure about yesterday’s accepted responses for FJ of just Book of the Dead, given the clue of:

  • This text helped the soul, or ka, navigate a journey into a region called Amenti

with the inclusion of the Egyptian terms of “ka” and “Amenti.”

If it had been clued for the main part of game, wouldn’t a reply of “Book of the Dead” have triggered a “be more specific” or even just a pause to allow the player a moment to specify “Egyptian Book of the Dead” or else just rule it as incorrect without “Egyptian”?
Oh well. I guess they’re not always consistent with such rulings.

I think it's that this is considered the original Book of the Dead and anything else we call the Book of the Dead needs to be qualified, but unqualified means the original Egyptian.

53 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Serious question for those who say they are tired of Second Chance. Is it because you remember all these people and don’t want to see them again? Or you’re against the general principle, and want to see new players? Or, something else…?  Because I just turn on the tv and follow along with a game of Jeopardy!  As far as I’m concerned they could probably just have James, Amy, and Sam play every day and I’d be fine. Just kidding, mostly. 

It's a combination of the stakes being different, no possibility of seeing long streaks develop, and the predictable formulaic contestant anecdotes section. It doesn't annoy me enough not to watch but it is less pleasant.

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8 hours ago, Driad said:

What in the ever-loving blue-eyed is a grocery specialist?  (Maybe this came up when Roy was on before, but I don't remember him.)

I just googled to see if I could find that as an actual job title, and found a job listing (from 2020) from The Fresh Market in Hollywood, FL, that gives this overview: "Our Grocery Specialists ensure the highest level of guest service and ensure an organized and smoothly run grocery department including ordering, pricing, and inventory control. To manage, motivate, and provide grocery team with the tools required to be successful in their jobs." The salary range is $9-13/hr, which seems awfully low for that description.

1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

An Insta-Cart shopper?

But this possibility is funnier.

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13 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

If it had been clued for the main part of game, wouldn’t a reply of “Book of the Dead” have triggered a “be more specific” or even just a pause to allow the player a moment to specify “Egyptian Book of the Dead” or else just rule it as incorrect without “Egyptian”?

Oh well. I guess they’re not always consistent with such rulings.

It worked for me, so I'm happy with it! 😉

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