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S25.E01: Season Premiere

Message added by Dustbunny,


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After a crazy work day, I’m escaping to BB land for the rest of the evening. But I’m still miffed about last night’s episode.

I’m wondering if Cory was secretly bribed to throw that stupid comp. It seemed like a never-ending piece of nothing. At least the Wall has movement and shit thrown at you, but theses guys were just lying there and didn’t seem to have any pressure on their bodies. So for Cory to just let go off camera where we have no evidence when Kyle 2.0 wasn’t even holding on and they were all just laying there for the most boring 5 minutes of live tv while the others were awkwardly standing around and Julie had nothing interesting to commentate on. I’m just not buying that he intentionally threw that without some incentive. If he hadn’t, they’d probably be laying there till someone had to go to the bathroom. Must have been something good in Julie’s nether regions for him to let go. 

As said before and apparently everyone else feels the same, I love Cirie but this was a big fat NO. If she was my best friend in the world or my mom, I’d cut her night 1 and she should take that as a compliment. How very convenient that she’s not even evictable week 1 because she didn’t even play a comp that was changed to determine who is eligible for eviction, not HoH. If you’ve seen her in action, there is no way you should be believing a word of game that comes out of her mouth. And having her there also blew Jared’s chances. If she wins, then either the rest of them are stupid or this season was scripted to crown her with the win and that just means I’ve wasted 3 months of my life after they made me wait a whole month for it to even start. This reminds me of when Boston Rob and Ben won Survivor. Fing conspiracy!!! 🤬

Edited by dizzyd
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43 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 So Brittney, Danielle and Frankie are totally joining the game and making it an even 20, right?

Oh please God no.

27 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

How very convenient that she’s not even evictable week 1 because she didn’t even play a comp that was changed to determine who is eligible for eviction, not HoH.

Yeah, this is my problem with bringing some known reality show player back even if its on a different show. They immediately start out with a huge advantage. As I posted upthread, all these dumb twists open the show up to accusations of manipulation and interference to favor certain players. And you gotta believe Cirie is considered a fan favorite right out of the gate, that's the reason she's here. Anything that even slightly suggests the game is being manipulated to favor Cirie is going to be rightfully called out. We know this show is not afraid of propping their faves, I'll never get over them giving Paul six full weeks of immunity. At which point I quit watching that season.

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

Now that you mention it, even if I like this cast or not (my money, based on 24 prior seasons of experience is NOT), watching Cirie manipulate everyone into a circular firing squad would be a lovely way to spend the remainder of this season.

I am hereby on "Team Circular Firing Squad" or "Team 2πr."  Sadly, what this means is that Cirie will get screwed by a "twist" and she'll be gone before she can even set up the first 90 degrees of arc.

Hard to say. Grodner will protect a veteran all the way to the win if that's what's on the agenda (q.v., Season 13), but I feel like she's been more hands-off lately. OTOH, the multiverse thing could cover a multitude of sins...

IDK. Again, I'd rather Cirie not be there at all, especially if this cast proves to be like Season 23, where I came away without a strong dislike of anybody and the worst I can say about any of them is "Derek is a lazy, delusional fuck." But if it's a cast of predominantly garbage people like Seasons 19/21, then Team Fields all day, every day. Wait and see.

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21 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I did not understand that Scary-verse competition. Were they even being pulled? It didn't seem they were putting much effort to holding on. Then we didn't even get to see the moment Cory lost 🤦🏻‍♀️

And the one guy looked like he wasn’t even holding on with one hand, just resting it on top.

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On 8/2/2023 at 8:56 PM, Blissfool said:

I did not understand that Scary-verse competition. Were they even being pulled? It didn't seem they were putting much effort to holding on. Then we didn't even get to see the moment Cory lost 🤦🏻‍♀️

Cory seemed surprised when Chenbot said his name, like he had been  just lying there waiting for someone to notice.  

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2 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

What a fucking clown show.  There are too many great quotes already here, so I'll be brief:

  • Chenbot-Moonves acting like it was her fist time hosting

Chenbot-fisting is on the menu!?!?  PARRRRRRTY!!!


2 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:


  • 4-time Survivor loser Cirie? She's more of an attention whore than Frankie.

Not sure if that’s humanly possible, but I’ll go with you on it as far as I can.

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19 hours ago, cartoqueen said:

Yep, noticed that.  I also LOL'd when she purposely turned to the screen displayed in back of her, where those orb thingies or whatever they are were displayed, and paused awkwardly for a few seconds before somebody remembered to activate the Scrambleverse orb to light up.  Then she said something like, "oh noes, look!  The Scrambleverse is changing the (whatever it was)!"  It made me laugh really hard for some reason.  This show is comedy gold sometimes.


18 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Also Julie, "nether regions" has a completely  different connotation than "nether world".

Between professional anchor Julie Chen Moonves' awkward pauses, fumbling lines, and questionable cue card reading skills, and the new interns who still haven't figured out how to work the control panels, this show is a goldmine of moments where I don't know if I should laugh out loud or cringe so hard in second-hand embarrassment that I pull a muscle.

Also, I love Cirie.  On Survivor.  Having her be the 17th houseguest was so weird to me given the intro with Danielle, Brittney and Frankie.  Otherwise, what was even the purpose of their intro?  It seemed a perfect setup for them to return and right their wrongs.  Why bring back these two icons and Frankie to open the show if not to have at least one of them become a houseguest?  That just made Cirie's appearance that much more surprising, and not in a good way.

Edited by laurakaye
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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

Cory seemed surprised when Chenbot said his name, like he had been  just lying there waiting for someone to notice.

I wonder if perhaps the mechanism that was supposed to be pulling on their legs was actually broken.  Or.....since this is Big Brother, land of failing to think things through....perhaps some attorney or doctor or something reviewed the comp at the last minute and was like "You're gonna what?!?  Strap their ankles and wrench on their legs?  Has this device been designed, or vetted, by a orthopedic doctor, chiropractor, doctor of physiology, or licensed physical therapist?  No?  Hoo-boy, do you know how many ways you could damage and permanently disable people by doing this?  Oh my stars, the lawsuits!   No.  Non.  Nein. Nyet.  86 it, you idiots!"

But it was too late.  The elaborate set had been built.  The Chenbot's lines had already been programmed into her.  So they told the hamsters to lay there and pretend they're holding on for dear life while they think of something to do.  Some intern frantically searched the app store for a free dice rolling app to upload onto their phone, so we had to wait for that.  Then they kept throwing fives and sixes and had to re-roll, watching a 30 second ad each time, until they came up with Cory's number. 

That's why we had to wait so fricking long, watching that obviously lame comp, and why Cory looked so surprised.  He wasn't struggling to hang on, he hadn't suddenly let go, his number just came up in the world's worst Yahtzee game.


(Incompetent Big Brother production themed fanfic is the lowest hanging fruit in all the fanfic universe.)

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@HurricaneVal - bravo!  I look forward to more of your wonderful fanfic as the season continues.  Surely you'll never run out of material.

With regards to the torture scary-verse competition, I think you're spot-on.  Someone could most definitely get hurt being pulled in two different directions.  I thought the same thing about the stupid kick-your-own-butt competition and was gobsmacked until I read that the giant plastic and metal foot was actually kicking their chair and not their actual spines/tailbones.

I also found it amusing that the ChenBot was put on fast-forward at the end of the show as she flawlessly explained to the viewers what was in store for us when we tune in on Sunday.  I'm sure that no one ever imagined that FOUR competitions on a live 90-minute show might cause the show to strain for time.  I'm wondering if the head intern was begging Julie to speed up her sign-off and 86 the religious chatter this one time.


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That was such a hilariously entertaining trainwreck.

I really can't stand Julie Chen-Moonves, but watching her .exe glitch out on live TV truly is a summer staple.

1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

Lol, that could explain why Luke was holding on with one hand.  That was so weird.

Acting like his hand was cramping up, lol.

That "pulling" competition and the puzzle comp were interesting choices for the live show. I was half expecting no one to solve the puzzle, even as simple as they tried to make it.

I'm already confused by the theme of the show so far. Too many verses.

I liked much of the cast on initial viewing, but if BB has taught me anything, it's that I have terrible reads on people. Izzy and Cory were a lot, but overall the cast seems kind of interesting.

Cameron's (non)reaction to the inane laser sketch had me rolling. He seemed to be questioning most of his life choices to be there at that moment.

  • LOL 5
On 8/3/2023 at 10:30 AM, iMonrey said:

So Cory is apparently the brother of another Survivor contestant, but they didn't mention it here. I wonder if that means he will be showing up too, like Cirie. Maybe that's the big twist this season - they are ALL related to former Survivors and all of them will be showing up at some point. 

Well, that would be one way to keep this show going until the writer’s strike is over. 

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I skimmed through quite a few of these comments but I didn’t notice this mentioned…my DVR Taped 90 minutes, which I thought was long but it was premiere night so I get it.  Then when I was the dir, at the end of the 90,inures they had completed only one comp. As a long time watcher I assumed they were done and it was ro be continued on the feeds but then Julie said “stay with us” as they cut to commercial. Apparently there was a lot  more show, including all the other three comps and something about Cirie joining.  Did anyone else get cut off this way?

Did anyone notice this? when Izzy went up to spaceship - she put her jacket to the side. I guess she put it on the box of wires. Someone most have told her because she said ok or something. The curious part was that she looked like she was talking directly to someone.  Is there some kind of window in the outside where the hamsters can actually see the BB Powers that be? 

1 hour ago, Diana Berry said:

Did anyone notice this? when Izzy went up to spaceship - she put her jacket to the side. I guess she put it on the box of wires. Someone most have told her because she said ok or something. The curious part was that she looked like she was talking directly to someone.  Is there some kind of window in the outside where the hamsters can actually see the BB Powers that be? 

Yeah I did notice it, at first I thought there were some speakers in the room but indeed she was looking directly at someone and noded ok so it's weird.

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12 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

Did anyone notice this? when Izzy went up to spaceship - she put her jacket to the side. I guess she put it on the box of wires. Someone most have told her because she said ok or something. The curious part was that she looked like she was talking directly to someone.  Is there some kind of window in the outside where the hamsters can actually see the BB Powers that be? 

I noticed it too. It looked like someone was telling her to close the door that separated her cubicle from Felicia's. 

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15 hours ago, Never Again said:

I skimmed through quite a few of these comments but I didn’t notice this mentioned…my DVR Taped 90 minutes, which I thought was long but it was premiere night so I get it.  Then when I was the dir, at the end of the 90,inures they had completed only one comp. As a long time watcher I assumed they were done and it was ro be continued on the feeds but then Julie said “stay with us” as they cut to commercial. Apparently there was a lot  more show, including all the other three comps and something about Cirie joining.  Did anyone else get cut off this way?

I watched all 90 minutes via DVR too. All four comps were shown. Cirie was revealed in the last two minutes.

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On 8/4/2023 at 12:31 PM, HurricaneVal said:

I wonder if perhaps the mechanism that was supposed to be pulling on their legs was actually broken.  Or.....since this is Big Brother, land of failing to think things through....perhaps some attorney or doctor or something reviewed the comp at the last minute and was like "You're gonna what?!?  Strap their ankles and wrench on their legs?  Has this device been designed, or vetted, by a orthopedic doctor, chiropractor, doctor of physiology, or licensed physical therapist?  No?  Hoo-boy, do you know how many ways you could damage and permanently disable people by doing this?  Oh my stars, the lawsuits!   No.  Non.  Nein. Nyet.  86 it, you idiots!"


That would explain too much for this show. I was giving my sister a half ass recap of the show yesterday and I told her it completely looked like sucked away thing malfunctioned and wasn't even working. Given they were all just laying there, not even wiggling or barely breathing for that matter, I find it hard to believe, even with a BB event, that it was working as designed. Unless the design was to bore us, 

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18 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Yeah I did notice it, at first I thought there were some speakers in the room but indeed she was looking directly at someone and noded ok so it's weird.

Yea it was throwing me off.  It appeared  she was looking at someone.  It was organized chaos that night. It wouldn’t surprise me if a director wasn’t in a window or in the ground off camera 

On 8/4/2023 at 4:46 PM, 30 Helens said:

Well, that would be one way to keep this show going until the writer’s strike is over. 


No, Julie's just going to keep drawing out

"Expect. . . . . . . . . . . . 


. . . . . . . The. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Unexpected."

longer and longer until at last the blessed hundredth day arrives.


  • LOL 2
22 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I watched all 90 minutes via DVR too. All four comps were shown. Cirie was revealed in the last two minutes.

Wow that makes it so confusing to me, if it wasn’t the show’s fault then Idk what happened with mine.  I wound up streaming the end yesterday and saw the last three comps plus Cirie.  But it’s still odd bc it did record 90 minutes yet cut off so much

On 8/3/2023 at 4:08 PM, PhoneCop said:

Buuuuuut since she's here, I'm torn. Do I want them to recognize her game and bounce her so she doesn't dominate the season? Or do I want her turning everybody else into a circular firing squad because it's fun watching her do that? ...

Oh please let her make a circular firing squad of the others.  That would actually be entertaining.

On 8/3/2023 at 4:20 PM, HurricaneVal said:

Now that you mention it, even if I like this cast or not (my money, based on 24 prior seasons of experience is NOT), watching Cirie manipulate everyone into a circular firing squad would be a lovely way to spend the remainder of this season. ...

Hear, hear!  Best thing that could ever happen on this show.

On 8/5/2023 at 3:13 PM, SummerDreams said:

I don't follow Twitter so if someone knows I'm interested to know if people see and accept how unfair it is that cirie and Jared have each other. I know people like Cirie but it's so unfair. Imagine if we had lets say Russell hantz with his brother, would the fans be okay with that? The double standards are killing me.

Eh, it is just a summer trash show albeit the longest running one of all time.  And there is some guy in there that is related to Survivor Zach did someone say.  Was he the one in an early season who was kind of the noble guy people were rooting for.  Then he went on The Amazing Race and was first out??  That the one?

Anyway this seems to say there will be more "twists" to the cast and not just Circe. 

But even if not, who cares.  BB always manipulates stuff right and left so no big deal with this "twist' especially since it is a two edged sword that could help but more likely hurt the two of them because no way is anything remaining secret in the BB "house" for long.

Message added by Dustbunny,


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