maraleia September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Following an attack by a bear, Elam struggles to survive in a Comanche village and find his way back to Cheyenne. Link to comment
Ohwell September 5, 2014 Share September 5, 2014 In the promos, there's a woman on the ground saying to someone "You're an animal!" and I can't tell who it is. At first I thought it was Eva, then it looked like Naomi. Anyone know who it is? I could wait until tomorrow, but I'm impatient, lol. From the looks of Elam's face, seems like he gained weight. Link to comment
Black Kettle September 5, 2014 Share September 5, 2014 (edited) It will be good to have Common back on the show. Someone tried to tell me though,its only for a few episodes. I hope that information is incorrect. Thoes previews can sometimes be misleading. I try to stay away from them myself. Edited September 5, 2014 by Black Kettle Link to comment
maryis1 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 OH this is GOOD. This is a REALLY good episode. Link to comment
Ohwell September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Wow, Elam is really fucked. up! No wonder he had dreams of Eva running away from him. I know I would. I'm so sorry he shot that poor trapper guy. He needs to learn the Indian dance moves though. When he was doing the war dance with them, he looked like he was doing the running man. Can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when he rides into town with those poor women dragging behind. That alone will tell them that he's not in his right mind. 4 Link to comment
Shriekingeel September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Ugh. Terrible. So being mauled by a bear turns you into a raging a-hole? Good to know. 2 Link to comment
Raja September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 "turns you into?" I don't know he seemed like the same old Mr Ferguson to me. 3 Link to comment
VegetasMom September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I was never a great fan of Elam anyway. I like him even less now. 1 Link to comment
nodorothyparker September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 This episode proved to me what I sort of already thought about Elam. He tends to be kind of naturally dickish and works best when he's paired with someone he has mad chemistry with, like Cullen or Eva. On his own he comes off as kind of foolish and has no one to keep his assholery in check. I'm sorry he killed the trapper though. He was at least consistently entertaining. 2 Link to comment
Dowel Jones September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 That was a most interesting episoede. I'll bet there weren't 5 pages of written dialogue for the entire hour, yet so much was conveyed. There will be hell to pay when the ambush is publicized. I can't feel too sorry, on a tactical basis only, for the idiot sargeant who camps his troop in the middle of a thicket that provides all the cover in the world. 1 Link to comment
bentley September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Turns out I just wasn't interested in spending the entire hour on Elam's story. That's the first HOW episode I've ever fast forwarded through. I hate that Jimmy Three Squaws is dead because of Elam. 3 Link to comment
justmehere September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 ...he's not in his right mind Exactly. Elam may be sort of dickish by nature, but the man was severely mauled by a bear, resulting in head/brain trauma and a bear tooth embedded so deeply it likely reached his brain. Some of those gashes may have gone deep as well, so who knows what kind of damage occurred. He's still speaking, but he's obviously affected and has also got ongoing, extreme pain. This is not the same Elam. I interpreted the scene of him seeing Eva in the field as the moment that she experienced what she thought of as his spirit passing. I was a bit surprised by the passivity of the Comanches, but maybe as Bear Killer, they thought there was no sense in crossing him when he killed White Feather (?) and took the women. I thought the episode was well done. I do wonder whether Elam will survive for long though. P.S. Aunt Jenna! (Sara Canning) 2 Link to comment
Black Kettle September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 That was a real "eye opener"(no pun intended) wasn't it? Somehow I don't think "chemistry" is going to help Elam much here. I know this is an adult western but "needless killing" doesnt do much for me. It will only serve to bring the character down. Any idea who this white woman is? Please tell me its not the start of another "love triangle". Link to comment
gaPeach September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 (edited) I get the whole brain injury part but I have to say I was totally bored with it. And it was so over the top. I don't like this storyline and hope it goes away but I have been hoping the Swede would disappear too but apparently he is back and going strong. I liked this show better when it was about the railroad and those that worked it. They started losing me when the Swede killed Cullen's love interest and Cullen did not beat the shit out of him and kill him. Once the Swede jumped off the bridge, the show lost part of what made it so good to start with. RIP the trapper guy. I liked him. Edited September 7, 2014 by gaPeach 5 Link to comment
NorthstarATL September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Any idea who this white woman is? Please tell me its not the start of another "love triangle". Well, she explained who she was and what had happened to her, but, in terms of why she's written into the show, I assumed that she symbolized what Eva had told him of her life as a captive (The repeated "You're not her") and his ongoing struggle with the remnants of slavery as it pertained to his race. The first thing he recalled when Jimmy mentioned Bohannon was that he had said he had freed his slaves, but hadn't, which is telling in that they shared a whole lot more. Then there was the point about the Comanche having never heard about the Emancipation Proclamation. And, of course, Elam taking possession of three other human beings, based upon their gender. (It also irritated me that the Indian women remained so docile, whie Canning's character futilely attempted escape. OTOH, from the depiction of her captivity, she was wrong in her comparison of Elam to her earler captor. And, while a woman appeared to have authority in the tribe of some sort, she certainly didn't afford her gender any favors.) When they get to "civilization". I assume the Canning character's status will be of importance as well, but that it might connect her more to Durant and the Government guys. Link to comment
TwoSocks September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I get the whole brain injury part but I have to say I was totally bored with it. And it was so over the top. I don't like this storyline and hope it goes away but I have been hoping the Swede would disappear too but apparently he is back and going strong. I liked this show better when it was about the railroad and those that worked it. They started losing me when the Swede killed Cullen's love interest and Cullen did not beat the shit out of him and kill him. Once the Swede jumped off the bridge, the show lost part of what made it so good to start with. RIP the trapper guy. I liked him. Lately it seems someone has to remind me from time to time what this show is about. 3 Link to comment
Puffaroo September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Holy moley, that was slow. I think I fast-forwarded through most of the first half. Maybe it was intended to depict Elam's slow, painful recovery? And I don't see how he can recover from this. Link to comment
Sidney September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Didn't care for this episode at all. Deleted it off my DVR. I hope they can tone down Elam if he's staying, or he will be hard to watch. Link to comment
Ohwell September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I also thought Elam was dickish. I never liked his whole "you my woman" schtick when it came to Eva. Now he's doing the same thing with another woman. I don't see Elam recovering from his trauma or whatever you want to call it. I'm not looking forward to next week when it appears as though he wreaks havoc on the town and the people he knows. I kind of hope one of Campbell's guys kills him and puts him out of his misery before he causes the death of someone I care about, like Psalms. I don't care if he does have a brain injury; I can't forgive him for killing the trapper, who was trying to help him. Link to comment
TwoSocks September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 (edited) If someone has to deal with Elam I don't think it will be one of Campbells men. Im thinking that chore will fall on Cullens shoulder. Cullen has already killed one friend. Edited September 7, 2014 by TwoSocks 1 Link to comment
beesknees September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 (edited) Okay HOW writers, thanks for making me hate Elam now. And PLEASE do not tell me we've got to stare at that white eye from now on. And he killed that trapper guy? I liked the trapper guy! Edited September 7, 2014 by beesknees Link to comment
Sidney September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Okay HOW writers, thanks for making me hate Elam now. And PLEASE do not tell me we got to stare at that white eye from now on. And he killed that trapper guy? I liked the trapper guy! I wonder if the writers are deliberately turning us off from Elam so if he does get killed off there won't be a lot of backlash? Up until this episode I was really looking forward to seeing Elam. Link to comment
Sidney September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 And PLEASE do not tell me we got to stare at that white eye from now on. And he killed that trapper guy? I liked the trapper guy! LOL about the eye. I agree about the trapper, too. He didn't have to kill him. Link to comment
riverheightsnancy September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Hated it, but that's HOW for you. Did they flinch away from Lily Bell and killing her off? Nope. Did they stop and sweeten up Eva giving away the baby? Nope. Did they make Eva getting rape again and her current situation easier? No way. In fact, I would say that most of us looked at Elam as some noble and loving character (I know I remembered him in that light). He wasn't. He was so angry at Eva for giving away the baby (not that I blame him) he pushed her away and shunned her. And he has done other things that weren't so nice. He went behind Mr. Toole's back and messed with Eva, when he could have had her earlier. I am not saying that he deserved what happened and he did try to change, however, his innate personality was always there, just lurking under the surface. In addition, brain damage can radically change a person (TBI-Traumatic brain injury). If he had frontal lobe damage, personality, logic, judgment, morals and ability to regulate behaviors could be compromised as well. He may have also been in enormous pain and anyone who has had to take care of a person in extreme pain, they may act in the most abusive ways. I have been on the receiving end of that when working in a hospital. I don't think that he will be able to be pulled back from the brink. It seems like he is very confused as to specific memories from his past. He may have some type of amnesia or actual brain lesions from the trauma which could also be adding to his memory, confusion and anger issues. Not sure if the writers went through all of this and thought it through that deeply pertaining to brain trauma, but maybe. It makes sense from our contemporary knowledge of those issues. 2 Link to comment
Ohwell September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 And PLEASE do not tell me we've got to stare at that white eye from now on. If the writers don't kill him off, then they need to give him a patch, 'cause I'm not looking at that damn eye for the rest of the season. 2 Link to comment
TwoSocks September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Not to impressed with this episode. Cant answer for anyone else but I seem to be growing weary of some of these "side stories". The building of the railroad seems to be taking a backseat to them. Were already into the 4th season and the railroad is only half built. Why bring Commons character back just to kill him off? That doesn't seem to make much sense. Link to comment
BusyOctober September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I'm gonna need Elam wearing an eye patch ASAP because I can't look at that another minute. Eye injuries or threat of eye injury freaks me waaaaay out and I watched most of this episode covering my own eyes. In addition to his head trauma could Elam have a blood infection from the bites or rabies too? I don't know much about the symptoms and I don't feel like Googling it, but maybe that is causing his cuckoo for cocoa puffs behavior? For his involvement in the raid and for murdering the trapper, I'm guessing Elam will not last much longer in. Cheyenne. If the white woman lives, she's going to tell all about Jimmy. She could tell about his murdering White Feather, but I don't think the white folks or white law men will care so much about one less Comanche. I'm also in the camp that thinks Cullen will be the one to do the dirty work of eliminating Elam. 3 Link to comment
Ohwell September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I was so sad and mad about him murdering the trapper, I forgot about his participation in the raid. While I would hate for Cullen to take him out, I think that would be fitting. Even without being crazy, I can't imagine Eva wanting him back with that damn eye rolling around in his head. Link to comment
RealityGal September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 He needs to learn the Indian dance moves though. When he was doing the war dance with them, he looked like he was doing the running man. Can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when he rides into town with those poor women dragging behind. That alone will tell them that he's not in his right mind. I know right, I thought the exact same thing, I was like "is he doing the running man? I think he is!" It will be good to have Common back on the show. Someone tried to tell me though,its only for a few episodes. I hope that information is incorrect. Thoes previews can sometimes be misleading. I try to stay away from them myself. Holy moley, that was slow. I think I fast-forwarded through most of the first half. Maybe it was intended to depict Elam's slow, painful recovery? And I don't see how he can recover from this. I think Elam's death is going to be the big moment ending this season. I do not think he is long for this world, not in his current state. When Eva said she felt his soul pass, but we didn't see him super dead, I wasn't sure what to think. I had a feeling he was alive, but this is the sort of show that would give weight to someone's natural prophetic instincts, so I didn't think she would be wrong. It never occurred to me that there would be a situation where both myself and Eva were right. He asked the lord to spare him, and I think he will regret that decision, since it seems like he was meant to die after his fight with the bear. I too am sad the trapper had to die, I kept hoping it was a superficial wound, but we saw the dead bloody body, so thats the end of him :( Not to impressed with this episode. Cant answer for anyone else but I seem to be growing weary of some of these "side stories". The building of the railroad seems to be taking a backseat to them. Were already into the 4th season and the railroad is only half built. Why bring Commons character back just to kill him off? That doesn't seem to make much sense. I'm hoping Elam's time with the Indians is a segue to an Indian raid that forces Cullen to send Naomi and his son back to the Mormon camp and he can focus on the railroad. I think the woman will end up being someone who will add to the story. The trapper said that she was important which is why they were sending soldiers after her. 1 Link to comment
LordBowen September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 As upsetting as it was when Elam killed the trapper, he was still redeemable (imo). But once he killed US soldiers, he was doomed, messed up head or not. Sorry, Elam, I really hoped for a better ending for you (and Eva). 1 Link to comment
TwoSocks September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 One has to wonder if Cullen is "redeemable" then why not Elam as well? That's assuming Common wants to remain on the show and they want to keep his character around. Link to comment
RealityGal September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 One has to wonder if Cullen is "redeemable" then why not Elam as well? That's assuming Common wants to remain on the show and they want to keep his character around. As much as I hate what Cullen did, there was at least some reasonable reasoning behind it. And bear in mind, I hate what he did with the sick soldiers and I probably don't wanna know what else. But there was at least some rational thought. I think Elam has just gone half crazy with a brain injury and I'm not sure how anyone would ever fix that, especially in the late 1800's. His actions haven't seemed at all rational in that he killed someone who was trying to help him, and dragged off three women and tackled one who was trying to get away. 1 Link to comment
Ottis September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 (edited) A yawner for me as well. I liked it for the first 15 minutes, as Elam went in and out of consciousness. Then I started FF'ing. Elam is more like a zombie now than anything else. Not sure why I should care about him at this point. This reminded me of the Star Trek when Kirk lost his memory and became part of a Native American-ish tribe. He even had a rival who he had to fight later a la White Feather. So one of those Comanches was the same one who Cullen passed on the trail when he returned to Cheyenne? Edited September 9, 2014 by Ottis 1 Link to comment
Ohwell September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 A nitpick: All during Elam's time healing, he kept the shaved head. No hair grew back on his head, even though the Indian woman shaved his beard and the beard grew back. Plus, with the scars on his head, wouldn't it have been too painful and almost impossible to have a perfectly clean-shaven head? 2 Link to comment
riverheightsnancy September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 A nitpick: All during Elam's time healing, he kept the shaved head. No hair grew back on his head, even though the Indian woman shaved his beard and the beard grew back. Plus, with the scars on his head, wouldn't it have been too painful and almost impossible to have a perfectly clean-shaven head? Male pattern baldness? Just kidding! 1 Link to comment
catrice2 September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 I couldn't watch this episode and the rest of the season has not been too much better. . Link to comment
Irishmaple September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 I deleted it without watching too. I think I've had enough of this show. Link to comment
Ailianna September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 He certainly can't expect things to go well in Cheyenne with him wearing a US Calvary jacket he stole off a soldier he murdered. There should be a lot of questions about that. I didn't like the beginning, because that was essentially just a different form of torture porn, IMO, and I'm not interested in watching that kind of thing. And I realized that it's the relationships between the characters I really enjoy, and about the only one who can carry a whole episode himself, for me, is Cullen. Needless to say, this wasn't my favorite episode. Link to comment
Ohwell September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 I have to say, I was surprised that the entire episode was about Elam. I understand it was necessary to show what happened to him since we all figured he wasn't killed by the bear, but I expected the second half of the episode to focus on Cheyenne. Oh well, at least there were no Mormons or Swede. 1 Link to comment
TexasChic September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 This season has been missing the mark for me as well, but I like the show overall enough to stick with it a while longer. When Elam had the vision of Eva not recognizing him, I thought it was supposed to symbolize how his brain injury had changed him and basically made him a different person. I think this is also why Eva 'felt his spirit passing'. I was crushed that he killed the trapper guy, there was something so sweet about him. He reminded me of Radagast in The Hobbit (he drove the sled pulled by rabbits). I too am not sure Elam will be able to come back from that. It will be interesting to see how Eva reacts to seeing him. That poor girl deserves some happiness. I find Durant's soft spot for her endearing, which is interesting because I find him mostly despicable. 1 Link to comment
beesknees September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 Hate that I hate this show so much now :( The plot twists are supposed to be edgy (I know) but I don't like the show so much these days. Just like "Masterchef (US)" / Gordon Ramsay show, I'd rather read the recaps than watch the actual episodes. Sad all the way around ! And that's what I will continue to do. 1 Link to comment
lonestar September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Most boring episode so far. Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 He needs to learn the Indian dance moves though. When he was doing the war dance with them, he looked like he was doing the running man. LOL. I definitely noticed and pointed this out, too. If Elam has to be put down, so to speak, what the hell was the point of all this? The bear just might as well killed him off last season. Any fondness I might have had for Elam is all muddled with this mental crap now. Also, I don't need to see Cullen lose another loved one, show. Link to comment
TwoSocks September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 (edited) I have noticed that some people who are close to Cullen aren't around to long. Maybe the writers don't want Cullen to be all that happy. It seems that's the way his storyline has been written. Edited September 12, 2014 by TwoSocks 1 Link to comment
rungirl911 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 Mostly I was happy to see AUunt Jenna again. Is that bad? I was a little bored, otherwise. There were points where I got what they were trying to do and explain everything but it just was making me sad for Elam. But mostly Jenna. Link to comment
leisawoo September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 (edited) " We gotta SKEEdaddle!" But noooo. The Eyehole killed him instead. Dude, he was the best and only friend you had there. Although, I thought his "nurse" was falling for him.... I used to like Elam but I'm now convinced he's missing more than an eye.... I will say though after shifting his eyes from Eva's chin all this tv time, she oughtta be able to stand his eye. Till he gets a patch for my comfort, lol. They can give her a chin patch while they're at it. Edited September 15, 2014 by leisawoo Link to comment
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