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While the ladies take on ranch-hand tasks, Gina warns Heather about Tamra, whose comment about Heather's career puts Taylor in the hot seat; Gina and Jenn hash out feelings about infidelity; Shannon and Tamra give their friendship another shot.


Original air date 2023.07.05 


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  On 7/6/2023 at 12:10 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

TamRAT is no ones friend ... ugh 


And her shtick is getting pretty damn old — stirring the pot. She’s WAY past her sell-by date. This show is slowly circling the drain, and she can’t save it.

What do you do with the info that Ryan wanted to bang you, Tamra? Why, you run straight to Jenn with it, of course! Asking Shannon what to do? LOL.

Already over this field trip, Heather’s outrage over her lost career, and the backbiting. Don’t care about Jenn’s business, either.

In for a penny in for a pound tonight, but I’ll be honest — I’m losing interest in this fast.

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I don't know-- I think Tamra is KILLING it. She created the Heather and Taylor acting feud, then as that simmers, she starts the next drama with Jenn and her lying. All the while still keeping the question mark above her and Shannon's make-up. 

Shannon and Tamra are a great team for fluffing up and starting drama-- then leaving while focusing on starting new drama streams. Gina trying to call out Tamra for creating storylines and keeping the show going-- she doesn't get it.

Tamra deciding to sleep with Jenn-- beyond strategic. 

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Gina who didn't see Heather between seasons is not her "friend". She only created drama because she knew she didn't have a story line (the only one is that she is triggered by cheating), and she could be demoted. 

And I expect Ryan, and Jenn to be discussed because their affair is story line worthy. More and more details about the relationship are coming out. 

Edited by ZettaK
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As for Jenn, I don't understand how a woman in her 40s with five kids (three are young) could divorce a husband who didn't want to go out with her (she didn't accuse him of anything worse) for somebody who has the reputation of the town whore, and a cheater. I'm not implying that she should have an affair with him on the down low, but that maybe she should avoid connecting with him, period. She is now waiting to see if he will remain faithful...

Edited by ZettaK
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So this recent round of Pile On The New Girl was not fun.  If Jenn was hired to trigger all the married women, mission accomplished.

I think Heather have Gina some good advice; too bad it went unheeded.

Someone should have told Gina she is the LAST person to be throwing stones.  Her past indiscretion (DUI) could have killed someone!  But no one is going to bring that up because they all have probably done it at some point and just not caught.


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Wait. Gina crying to Heather in the truck — was she being triggered by Matt? The same Domestic Violence Matt against whom she took out a TRO? 

I’m sorry, but she is trying WAAY too hard to make herself relevant here, and using a very sad and serious issue to do it. If she’s still having trouble letting this go, she needs counseling. No matter what Jenn has done, or is doing, it is not her responsibility to take on Gina’s shit. 

Even if this triggering dude is post-Matt/pre-Travis, it’s still not Jenn’s problem. 

I’m getting tired of the constant Jenn pile-on over stuff that is nobody else’s business (but for GINA bringing it up). I’m neither here nor there with Jenn, but Gina is really getting on my last nerve.

It seems like so far they’re all doing a very poor job of churning the drama, especially Gina. The beefs all seem forced, and Heather’s constant outrage is coming off as especially faux. This is a worse performance from her than the she ate the BOW off my CAKE! crap. Brush up on the acting skills, dear, and maybe Taylor can get you that job.

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Same here. Especially when they are wearing hats. I can't tell the difference between Tamara, Jennifer and Taylor. They think  the hair extensions make them look young and hot. No in reality it ages them.  And when Shannon puts the extensions  in and weird hairstyles it adds 10 years to her look. 

Edited by 65mickey
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  On 7/6/2023 at 12:15 PM, LakeGal said:

There are too many ratty blondes on this show.  I spend half my time figuring out which one is which at the beginning of each scene.


The hair, the caked on make-up, the clothes & shoes that don't belong anywhere near a dude ranch.  

Along with the underboob trend (which thankfully, these broads are a bit too old to pull off), the 24/7 fake eyelash trend needs to end.  They look so ridiculous, especially when worn during the day.  

Finally, I really had no need to see the zoom in on Tamrat's underwear clad crotch. I know she thinks her nudity is cute, to me it just rings desperate. 

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It was only a matter of time before Tamra said Ryan wanted to have sex with her because Everyone has to want Tamra. She's so young and hot and Super fuckable dontchaknow??!   Its sad, in a way, how she has nothing else to offer.  And she purposely pushes the alcohol so she has an excuse to gossip about everyone and then say, 'I was so drunk last night, I don't remember-what did I say?!' Seriously, these are high school moves which is where most of these women seem stuck.

I loved Jenn to Gina, saying  "its not my job to make you feel good about it.'  Too bad she cried, but that's like a prerequisite for these woman to say, " we're closer now...." Cuz I made her cry. Again I high school crap.

Heather's getting so desperate to keep Tamra (aka the camera) that she's physically tackling her lol  Gina tells the truth, but they'll all side with Tamra in the end because she's Tamra the Camera. And they all want to keep that orange.


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The BBQ cooks ragging on the Hos was everything. Was that the first time on a Housewives show that Bravo has shown "the help" talking in real time about a situation?

If any of the women would have dressed appropriately for a stay on a dude ranch - Levis/Wranglers, proper boots, work shirt - they would have looked 1000% fresher, younger, and prettier. The get-ups were ridiculous. Gina wearing shorts to ride a horse , ugh, all I could think was it's a good thing she is not actually on that horse long or riding anywhere because those bare legs would have been rubbed raw from the saddle (personally experienced from a stupid moment in my youth trying to look cute for the one boy in the stable where I kept my horse).

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  On 7/6/2023 at 2:07 PM, snarts said:

The hair, the caked on make-up, the clothes & shoes that don't belong anywhere near a dude ranch.  

Along with the underboob trend (which thankfully, these broads are a bit too old to pull off), the 24/7 fake eyelash trend needs to end.  They look so ridiculous, especially when worn during the day.  

Finally, I really had no need to see the zoom in on Tamrat's underwear clad crotch. I know she thinks her nudity is cute, to me it just rings desperate. 


Watching Tamra last night, I couldn’t help but think, again, how haggard she looked. Her hair looked like straw. Just goes to show that eventually, even Botox can’t outrun Father Time. Tamra IS desperate. She’s not sexy. She’s sad.

I kept thinking, too, just how ridiculous this ranch trip is. Designer hats, designer boots, always dressed to the nines…and to top it off, gourmet chefs around the campfire, complete with champs. GTFO. I LOL’d at that. At least on the glamping trip some seasons back, they weren’t pretending to be roughing it.

I’m still not sure what the point of all this is so far (if there is one).


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  On 7/6/2023 at 9:52 AM, RoseAllDay said:

It seems like so far they’re all doing a very poor job of churning the drama, especially Gina. The beefs all seem forced, and Heather’s constant outrage is coming off as especially faux. This is a worse performance from her than the she ate the BOW off my CAKE! crap. Brush up on the acting skills, dear, and maybe Taylor can get you that job.


I think that Heather was really angry at the dissing of her acting resume.

Edited by ZettaK
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I really can't stand Gina this season. Heather was fine letting the whole acting IMBD issue go, but Gina had to bring it up again. She clearly isn't over the Matt cheating scandal, but Heather was right about not constantly calling Travis about it. I know if my boyfriend called me or talked about his ex all the time, he would be added to my "ex" list. 

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The dick pic text conversation comes off even weirder when you factor in the Never before scene from last week where Jen was talking about the early days of her and Ryan’s relationship. She insisted they never even held hands while she was still with her husband. Tamra, being Tamra, asked if he sent her a dick pic, and Jen said No! Ew! & they both, along with Heather acted grossed out by the idea. I believe Heather said Terry only sends her cat memes, and Tamra said If she wanted to see Eddie’s, she could just roll over in bed and look. 

So, Definitely not buying that Ryan meant to text that pic to Jen.

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  On 7/6/2023 at 3:42 PM, ZettaK said:

I think that Heather was really angry at the dissing of her acting resume.


Oh, absolutely she was. But when you think you’re Sarah Bernhardt reincarnated, it’s a little tough when people call up your IMDB and see you peaked in the 1990s. Her attitude toward Taylor was uncalled for. Heather’s now going to go on and on and on about all the sacrifices she made for her family…like millions of women haven’t made the same choices, when it’s apparent that she peaked doing middle-of-the-road, short-lived sitcoms. 

Heather, really, isn’t any better than anybody else in that bunch, and that’s a hard pill to swallow. 

I actually found Tamra’s comment about Heather not doing anything since the early 1900s funny, since I don’t think it was meant as a dig. It was Tamra being Tamra — not the brightest bulb.

  On 7/6/2023 at 4:27 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I really can't stand Gina this season. Heather was fine letting the whole acting IMBD issue go, but Gina had to bring it up again. She clearly isn't over the Matt cheating scandal, but Heather was right about not constantly calling Travis about it. I know if my boyfriend called me or talked about his ex all the time, he would be added to my "ex" list. 


This is what I don’t get with her. The man was a threat to her and her kids. And she’s still torn up over an affair? Good riddance to that bastard. She seems to have a good guy in Travis, but if she keeps this up, probably for not much longer.

Gina is trying to stir the shit, and she’s doing it poorly. I’m ready for her to be a Friend Of at this point, if she has to be on the show at all.

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Devil's advocate here ....

but I kinda see why this is bugging Gina so much ... Jens stories dont add up .. like something is off .. yes it be cool if she OWNED it and said "we were together while I was still telling my husband I wanted to be with him" and just being honest and truthful ... but shes not ......shes skirting around things and fudging facts trying to make herself the doe eyed innocent one in all this while doing the chest puff of "I sleep well I dont care what you think" .... Well if that were true she wouldn't  lie about the timeline she wouldn't say he didn't even hold my hand (but he sent dick pics) ... she wouldn't be fudging things to make it "look" better if she was OK with it .. she is lying to herself and to the world ... and now shes living every day with the thought in the back of her head  even if she wants to admit it to herself or not that he's cheating on her ... way to go you sure picked a winner there but at least he takes you places tho huh? 


. it would bug the crap out of me to if my husband cheated a lot during our marriage and to think  the women he was sleeping with was making excuses for it and lying about what really happened so this would be a trigger for Gina ... now do I think Gina should drag this out longer then her sit down with her ...NO but everything before that I totally understand 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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  On 7/6/2023 at 3:34 PM, Juneau Gal said:

The BBQ cooks ragging on the Hos was everything. Was that the first time on a Housewives show that Bravo has shown "the help" talking in real time about a situation?

If any of the women would have dressed appropriately for a stay on a dude ranch - Levis/Wranglers, proper boots, work shirt - they would have looked 1000% fresher, younger, and prettier. The get-ups were ridiculous. Gina wearing shorts to ride a horse , ugh, all I could think was it's a good thing she is not actually on that horse long or riding anywhere because those bare legs would have been rubbed raw from the saddle (personally experienced from a stupid moment in my youth trying to look cute for the one boy in the stable where I kept my horse).


I would imagine the clothing was producer driven.

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I was shocked when Heather grabbed Gina's phone and hung up on Travis. That was so rude! And then she proceeds to tell Gina what she can and can't tell her boyfriend...seriously, is she the relationship police? Gina can talk about whatever she wants with Travis.

And why was Ryan's phone screen black when Jen called? Any chance he was in bed with someone else?

Edited by wallies
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  On 7/6/2023 at 10:18 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

OMG you guys have to watch the extended episode that is on peacock lol the guy talking to Taylor about cooking goes on to say he is 25 and every woman there is old enough to be his mother LOL Gina and Heathers faces LOL 


I protest on Gina’s behalf! She just turned 39, so she was 38 last August.

  On 7/6/2023 at 7:33 PM, Pi237 said:

The dick pic text conversation comes off even weirder when you factor in the Never before scene from last week where Jen was talking about the early days of her and Ryan’s relationship. She insisted they never even held hands while she was still with her husband. Tamra, being Tamra, asked if he sent her a dick pic, and Jen said No! Ew! & they both, along with Heather acted grossed out by the idea. I believe Heather said Terry only sends her cat memes, and Tamra said If she wanted to see Eddie’s, she could just roll over in bed and look. 

So, Definitely not buying that Ryan meant to text that pic to Jen.


Ryan meant to send the d... pic to the person who received it. The other Heather.

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Gina...congrats...you made me prefer newbie Jenn over you.

And I do like how most of the women (Gina, Emily, etc) pretty much know this IMDb beef is all Tamra.

Tamra...get some new tricks.

Thank gosh Emily had an individual scene with Shane and her daughter.  It reminded me of the early seasons.  More of this and less the forced group trips.

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  On 7/6/2023 at 2:42 AM, nexxie said:

Poor ol’ Heather - she’s only on the show to revive her career, but it’s such a chore to get camera time and still maintain a modicum of snobbery. She couldn’t possibly shine her crotch on the landing for all to see like Tamra, but maybe just a bum in the air while gathering candy. 


There has been attention on Heather's butt. I remember the first episode of the season, Terri made a (gross leering) comment about her butt when she was helping him after his procedure-- and the camera zoomed in a couple times as well when she was straddling Tamra. Not sure, but it seems like they are trying to make Heather's butt a thing.

Tamra and Shannon drink way too much. The fact they could take that many shots and then function the next day blows my mind. They are hard core party girls. I'd be dead if I drank that much.

Gina is more upset at Jenn for cheating than she is her ex husband. Didn't she say Matt's girlfriend, who he was with while he was married, hangs out with her, too? She can be friends with Matt's girlfriend who helped break up their family, but she can't tolerate Jenn? Weird. Has to be just for the sake of a storyline.

I'm confused about the Ryan story. So Ryan goes into the gym and says he is going to f** Tamra? Or Jenn?  Is the point that he was targeting someone married? The way I understood it at first, is that Ryan walked into the gym, saw Jenn, and told Tamra, "I'm going to f** her!" I don't really get the story. 



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  On 7/6/2023 at 10:18 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

OMG you guys have to watch the extended episode that is on peacock lol the guy talking to Taylor about cooking goes on to say he is 25 and every woman there is old enough to be his mother LOL Gina and Heathers faces LOL 


That was hilarious!  Something tells me that kid probably shouldn’t mingle with the guests in the future.  My favorite was Gina trying to do the math in her head after she asked him how old he was lol.  
Thanks for the tip! I never would have watched that without it.


Thanks for the tip!  

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The new blond is sort of a hybrid of previous blondes on the show. I’m surprised none of these ladies want a fresh look.

So much hysterics this episode. Tamra now loves Shannon, throws gummy bears at her and then has to tackle her and show off her undies. What the hell? 
I had trouble keeping up with all the little individual grievances. Yes Tamra is a shit stirrer. This is nothing new. 
Tamra introduced us to new Jenn but damn she turned on her fast. Jenn does seem like she is a train wreck waiting to happen. This can’t end well with Ryan. If a man admits to never being faithful and is proud of it, I’d say there’s little to no hope that he will change for her. 
Gina is being over the top dramatic with Jenns affair triggering her. She’s made amends with Matt and they seem to be successfully coparenting. 
Heather was also dramatic hanging up on Travis. 

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While Gina's made the best of a shitty situation by actively working on her relationship with her ex-husband and his new girlfriend/wife, that doesn't negate all the hurt from his betrayal/affair.  I understand why someone who was cheated on would have an issue with someone who proudly shares that she did the same to her husband.

I don't necessarily agree with how vocal Gina's being about it. IMHO, she should wait for karma because, from what we've been hearing about Ryan, it's coming fast. That said, just because Gina's moved on and trying to do what's best for her kids doesn't mean she isn't truly triggered by blatant adultery. 

At the very least, her histrionics provide relief from the non-stop Tamrat show. Emily was very much missed on this trip. 

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Seriously, if anyone grabbed my phone out of my hand while I was calling my husband, wed be throwing hands. That was beyond rude. And now you've got Travis wondering whats going on? So, obviously, Gina has to call back & explain, defeating the purpose of hanging up. It was all about Heather grabbing the camera.

Ryans declaration that he's never been faithful was just a get out of jail card for when he cheats on Jen. No man says that unless he's planting the seed of 'don't blame me when it happens, I warned ya' and he's not cute. 

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  On 7/7/2023 at 12:06 PM, Chatty Cake said:

So much hysterics this episode. Tamra now loves Shannon, throws gummy bears at her and then has to tackle her and show off her undies. What the hell? 


Cringe! They've been there, done that. Tamra's face is looking as old as her Schtick!  What's with all the "I love you" bs. We know it's all for show and Shannon couldn't look any less interested but she's trying hard to be believable. Gotta give her kudo's for that.  


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