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S04.E06: Clash & Burn

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In an effort to turn the charter around, Capt. Glenn takes the guests on an epic sail. Lucy makes a grave mistake to a charter guest's garment. After Chef Ileisha continues to leave the guests waiting too long between courses, Capt. Glenn gives her honest feedback in the tip meeting that pushes Daisy's defensive buttons. Colin defends Capt. Glenn's comments as feedback and not critique, which only heightens Daisy's frustrations.

Airdate: 05.15.2023

I'm going to be very sad if production is indeed directing Glenn to be more critical in an effort to manufacture drama. He's always been so easy going, why else would he suddenly change his leadership style?    This is my favorite of the BD franchises because of the friendly dynamic with Glenn/Colin/Daisy/Gary and I fear they're going to ruin it.

When will Bravo learn that every show doesn't have to include screaming, yelling & tears for it to be popular?

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Like a lead deckhand who’s become a real dickhand, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast…

Chicken wing etiquette.  I’d associate wings with dive bar cuisine, not 5 star cuisine.  Apart from the kid, the guests don’t seem very impressed.  Why not shuck a few oysters while you’re at it?

Sorry that Ileisha cut her finger, but from what they showed, I think I’ve had paper cuts more severe than that cut finger.  But even so, Ileisha perseveres and, despite all odds from previous chefs on this and other BD shows, keeps going with no drama. 

And we get to sail!  Nice to see them batten down with a minimum of “things falling over” footage.

So we also get an accidentally burnt dress.  If you need to fill some time, how about just getting in some more time about the sails, sailing, etc.?

Gary proves himself to be a dick yet again, with his demand for a cigarette balanced against waiting on him to continue entertainment for the guests.  Later, even Colin calls him on it, saying it was a dick move.

It always has to be something – overall, this crew is one of the best we’ve seen on any BD franchise (if we can keep Alex sober).  It’s a shame to see the drama between Daisy and Gary and Colin.  But we’re also seeing Daisy and Colin warming up to each other.  Hmmm.

The tip meeting seemed very staged.  Not much comment on deck crew, but the interior crew get a lot of negative attention.  Personally, I think Ileisha did a very good job on food.  Certainly we never hear a complaint from the guests.  In fact, I don’t recall an episode ever when the tip meeting was interrupted.  Glenn kept digging at Daisy and wanting her to “speak to” this and that.  And at the end of the day – it was a great tip!  So why the aggro?  “Work smarter, not harder”?  How about not keeping your interior crew short by sending one of them to the beach to do nothing.

I wish instead of inventing drama or making things out of nothing, we’d see the boat and crew in action.  Personally, I find that much more interesting.

What will happen next week?  What drunken antics will the crew get up to?  Will the jacuzzi become the source of the next pandemic?  Will the Parsifal engine finally give up the ghost?  Stay tuned, if you can take the heat.

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More evidence that the only people who want beach picnics are the producers.

the guests didn’t want to be there.  Yacht is way more comfortable and you get bar service and any kind of food you want.

that beach didn’t offer better scenery or comfort.  But the picnics are about stressing the crew and possibly causing drama between them.

as far as Daisy, this is her third season doing pretend charters for a TV show?  Why get stressed now?  Maybe something else going on with her or overall, Glen, Daisy, Colin and Gary have been together too long and now they no longer are polite with each other.

so they have a “bad” charter and Interior gets blamed.  TV show wasn’t going to last forever so what does it matter?  She could go back to doing real charter.  Is she worried about losing this TV gig?



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I'm a little surprised Glenn wanted to go over the interior's weaknesses, person by person, when the accident happened on the deck's watch and the food coming late was the chef's issue.  I think it's fine to work on improving in all areas, but the things the interior were struggling with this charter (being pulled in many directions, burning a dress) were not even brought to Glenn's attention.

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Charter guest talking to Glenn while trying to dock is a new one, right?!

I have seen the deck crew jump thru hoops and give a perfect 5 star service and not get $23,000, this trip included an injury, a burned dress and big lapse of time between courses. I believe more than ever that the tip amount is fake, production decides the amount and it is the same wad of money for every charter, we never see the crew with their whole big wad of tip money at the end of each season.

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I am really curious, does Bravo do any survey about their audience?
Or the creators/producers have this obsession with fake drama, juvenile soft porn 
and cheap guests "entertainment" and think we also must like it? Oh yeah, I forgot about the farts and the vomits.

I live in Greece, I have been many times in various Greek Islands and I have seen many yachts like this. When their tenders 
come to the beaches,  they usually swim or have a drink/meal in the local restos/cafes and go back to the boat.
The bigger/more expensive the boat, the more they do NOT leave it.
Still, I  doubt they stay on the boat to have a Spice Girls cross dressing experience. Although you never know.

They funny thing is that most of  BD's guests seem so impressed by those "parties" with the elementary school decorations and horrible show by the crew. 

The only drama I can believe is the crew one. Not the "who  fraks who" or "who is the biggest drunk" BS, but the tensions etc.
I guess when people have to work in such a confined space while  at the same time offering exclusive service to rich guests, it is a very demanding job and can create confrontations even between the  most experienced of crews. 

So this year, Gary has been instructed to be even more of an arse than his usual self. Because?

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15 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Charter guest talking to Glenn while trying to dock is a new one, right?!

I have seen the deck crew jump thru hoops and give a perfect 5 star service and not get $23,000, this trip included an injury, a burned dress and big lapse of time between courses. I believe more than ever that the tip amount is fake, production decides the amount and it is the same wad of money for every charter, we never see the crew with their whole big wad of tip money at the end of each season.

Quite a few seasons back, when Kate was still on OG Below Deck, there was quite a bit of online discussion about a rather low tip. The guest, defending himself, posted that production had told him to tip even less than he had. That convinced me that production determines a set amount for the season and then divvies it up among the charters in ways that could cause drama.

My thought was that if the crew people sign a contract to appear on the show, there's probably a set amount of money somewhere in that contract that they're guaranteed to make. How that's divided between "salary" and "tips" is up to the producers. 

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The dress wasn't damaged too much because she still wore it to dinner.

Why are the shirts the deck team wears for water sports a completely different color (fuschia) than the crew uniform?  Drives me nuts. It'd be better if they were just another color instead of trying to match it.

Glenn's detailed critiques were odd considering the substantial tip ($23k) and a 180 from his typical management style. Not a fan of the new direction. Seeing Daisy that upset wasn't enjoyable to watch and what the point of putting her on the spot for the chef's timing on courses?  Was he looking her to pile on criticism of Ileisha?  No good would come of that and I understand why Daisy bailed, it felt like a public shaming.

Good on Colin for telling Gary he was wrong for taking a smoke break and make everyone wait for him. Gary's ego is out of control this season. The interview where he says as First Officer, he can do whatever he wants? Eek, Glenn should focus his ire there and reel that in. 


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I've noticed a trend with this franchise of putting a timer on the screen during meals to show how long they take and how long between courses. They started doing that on the last season of BD with Rachel too. And yet I watched an older season of BD when a seven course meal took forever, and there was no timer and no complaints from the guests. I can't decide if this is just a recent issue or a molehill the producers want to make a mountain out of. Probably the latter. But if it's taking too long between courses that falls on poor planning by the chef. Or if it's unavoidable, the guests should be told up front these multi-course tasting meals mean they're going to be sitting there 2-3 hours so they know what to expect. In any event it has nothing to do with service, unless you're lumping the chef in with service. There's nothing Daisy or the stews can do to speed it up.


More evidence that the only people who want beach picnics are the producers.
the guests didn’t want to be there.  Yacht is way more comfortable and you get bar service and any kind of food you want.
that beach didn’t offer better scenery or comfort.  But the picnics are about stressing the crew and possibly causing drama between them.

Yeah, this. If you're paying big bucks to charter a luxury yacht why the hell would you want a beach picnic? They have to do this all the time, every show, and it's always a disaster.

As for Daisy, if she's this stressed out she might not be cut out for this job. It just seems like a simple fix when the guests are running you ragged with non-stop food and drink orders: put another stew on service. Why is Daisy the only one running back and forth between the galley and the deck? There are three stews. One can clean and do laundry while the other two wait hand and foot on the guests. This doesn't make any sense either.

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It was funny when the kid fell over and dumped the food.😎

The whole "bones" thing was odd.  How do you forget a trash receptacle?  If I were doing these things, I would have a checklist of all the things that must go, then add on for the specific excursion. 

And bones "touching" the other food?  What, does somebody have cooties?

Poor planning by the chef with taking so long between courses.  Slow service like that really annoys me. 

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Charter guest talking to Glenn while trying to dock is a new one, right?!

I have seen the deck crew jump thru hoops and give a perfect 5 star service and not get $23,000, this trip included an injury, a burned dress and big lapse of time between courses. I believe more than ever that the tip amount is fake, production decides the amount and it is the same wad of money for every charter, we never see the crew with their whole big wad of tip money at the end of each season.


1 hour ago, rur said:

Quite a few seasons back, when Kate was still on OG Below Deck, there was quite a bit of online discussion about a rather low tip. The guest, defending himself, posted that production had told him to tip even less than he had. That convinced me that production determines a set amount for the season and then divvies it up among the charters in ways that could cause drama.

My thought was that if the crew people sign a contract to appear on the show, there's probably a set amount of money somewhere in that contract that they're guaranteed to make. How that's divided between "salary" and "tips" is up to the producers. 

These guests didn't want to do some of the activities.

They went along with them, were good sports about them.

That's why it strains credulity that they'd pay tens of thousands and then pay tens of thousands more in tips.

Not to mention in this case flying out to Sardinia.

They either really want to be on TV or they're being comped for most of the expenses.

Maybe not all of them but the stunt casting, like some social  media celebrity or something probably are enticed to do the show.

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1 hour ago, snarts said:


Good on Colin for telling Gary he was wrong for taking a smoke break and make everyone wait for him. Gary's ego is out of control this season. The interview where he says as First Officer, he can do whatever he wants? Eek, Glenn should focus his ire there and reel that in. 


This is right in line with his remark last episode when he was trying to seduce Mads in the hot tub by saying that the other two guys were "just deckhands."  He's massively full of himself this season.  This is not why some of us liked Gary in the past, despite his f-boy ways.  We saw someone that worked hard, was good at his job and had self deprecating humor.  I'm waiting for his ego to take a hit this season.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

non-stop food and drink orders:

Another thing I do not understand is if the a guest repeatedly orders the same drink, make a batch! As far as constant food ordering, why not get the chef to make up a platter of heavy appetizers and crudite, popcorn, a tray of cookies or brownies and even a pizza, something and bring it to them when they start drinking, it has been my experience that if someone is drinking a lot they want munchies, they don't really care what just as long as there is food, leaving food out of the equation is a rookie move, sure let the guests think they ordered whatever but the stew should really be in charge.  

Charter guests that request a ten course tasting menu deserve to sit in silence for 20 minutes between courses, they know there is only one chef, fuck them and besides even little mouthfulls add up to a lot of food, who can go ten rounds of food anyway?

Do we really think that the five minutes of saling time we see is all the guests really get? 

Season after season of beach picnic requests and fails has not spurred one chief stew to make a punch list for the necessaties then what is needed based on drinks and menu needs? Not one stew?

In my fantasy of being a multi millionaire I charter a yacht, sailing or motor, I fill out my preference sheet, I pack loungewear, bathing suits, flip flops, etc...I board the vessel, I unpack my bags (no thank you to random people sifting thru my things), I want good food, local flavors, etc...at no time do I need to see deck crew in spandex, costumes or cheap wigs, put on a talent show, sing, hang streamers or other Party City decor to make a theme night happen, never. 



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DH and I were talking last night about what we'd like too...if we were fortunate enough to charter a yacht. We would want good food and lots of drinks while looking at gorgeous views. No talent shows or awards giving or relay games or bubble discos. We also wouldn't want dinner at 9-10 pm like we see them do a lot. We'd be super easy guests and drink all afternoon and want dinner at like 7pm and would be in bed by 10. I'd want a salad and plated meal for dinner. No family style. No 5 course, 7 course or 10 course meal. Just salad or appetizer and then plated dinner. And if they did do a 5 course meal, if they kept my wine glass full between the courses, I'd be good sitting there enjoying the scenery for a good 20-30 mins. 

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11 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

In my fantasy of being a multi millionaire I charter a yacht, sailing or motor, I fill out my preference sheet, I pack loungewear, bathing suits, flip flops, etc...I board the vessel, I unpack my bags (no thank you to random people sifting thru my things), I want good food, local flavors, etc...at no time do I need to see deck crew in spandex, costumes or cheap wigs, put on a talent show, sing, hang streamers or other Party City decor to make a theme night happen, never. 

Spot on BB. "Most" owners of vessels such as this are surprisingly low key. That  old man and woman dressed simply at the restaurant table next to you may not be budget tourists, but billionaires. No boat slides, silly and loud drunken  parties. They have their own chefs for years, and ditto with a very professional crew. What we see on BDSY is a made for TV farce....yet, like a train wreck...I don't look away :) :) :)

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16 minutes ago, Lamima said:

DH and I were talking last night about what we'd like too...if we were fortunate enough to charter a yacht. We would want good food and lots of drinks while looking at gorgeous views. No talent shows or awards giving or relay games or bubble discos. We also wouldn't want dinner at 9-10 pm like we see them do a lot. We'd be super easy guests and drink all afternoon and want dinner at like 7pm and would be in bed by 10. I'd want a salad and plated meal for dinner. No family style. No 5 course, 7 course or 10 course meal. Just salad or appetizer and then plated dinner. And if they did do a 5 course meal, if they kept my wine glass full between the courses, I'd be good sitting there enjoying the scenery for a good 20-30 mins. 

I've seen charter companies for sailing boats and catamarans who will take you out for half or full day, with or without catering.

You won't get fancy chef-made meals or unlimited expensive liquor.  You don't get water toys or a big yacht with spacious cabins.

But you will be able to swim and tan all day, in beautiful surroundings.

Split over say a dozen people, it's not so bad.



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2 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I'm waiting for his ego to take a hit this season.

I think he feels competitive with the handsome, popular Colin, but can't openly express it. So he lashes out at others.

Rachel the chef has said she is not returning for another season (BD Med?). I think the chefs burn out at all of the production shenanigans - ten-course meals, many diet restrictions, being lectured by captains, not enough sleep and no help - and they take the money and move on.

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1 hour ago, aghst said:

I've seen charter companies for sailing boats and catamarans who will take you out for half or full day, with or without catering.

You won't get fancy chef-made meals or unlimited expensive liquor.  You don't get water toys or a big yacht with spacious cabins.

But you will be able to swim and tan all day, in beautiful surroundings.

Split over say a dozen people, it's not so bad.



Isn't that what Alex does when he isn't on this show?

I don't think that Gary and Colin have ever shown each other the kind of hostility that Colin did.  He did not mince words and he did it in front of the deck crew.

If I ever get to go on a white boat, I want to go down the slide!

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I don't know about those water slides. How many times do the guests slide down, climb out, go back up and do it again? I see it as a one and done situation which has taken a whole lot of time and effort to set up and then put away.

As far as the beach picnics go, the luxury yacht is a means to get away from every day life. Why would anyone want to go to a beach which might be inhabited by locals, other tourists and domestic animals?

I thought the primary was obnoxious but his son seemed very polite and appreciative. And, Gary's act is wearing thin. I could understand why he was invited to dine with the primary since Jake seemed to like him.

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They've done some picnics or dinners in cool locations like on top of a fort overlooking the port in Ischia.  That was either BD or BDM.

Or they do it on some small island which is all rock and they had to climb up there with folding tables and chairs and umbrella.

Those are cool, scenic settings.

I think the service would still be better on the yacht since it's by the galley and there's a full bar in the lounge nearby.

If guests were staying more than 2 nights, it might be cool to have one meal in such unique settings but it's a lot of work for the crew to set that all up, just for one meal.

That is the point though, to make the crew work.  It's it's to show their mettle, a sign of their work ethic, it might be one thing but you know it's about trying to stir shit up.

If they do some cool shots of the setting, like a long lens of the people and then pull back to show they're in this crazy location, that would be good for the viewers too, to show why they have charters in this part of the Mediterranean or wherever.


But lately, they're doing picnics at some small beaches which don't seem particularly special and you can see the guests aren't impressed.

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35 minutes ago, Tanukisan said:

Kindred jerks?   (:

Professional a$$hole courtesy? 

3 hours ago, Lamima said:

DH and I were talking last night about what we'd like too...if we were fortunate enough to charter a yacht. We would want good food and lots of drinks while looking at gorgeous views. No talent shows or awards giving or relay games or bubble discos. We also wouldn't want dinner at 9-10 pm like we see them do a lot. We'd be super easy guests and drink all afternoon and want dinner at like 7pm and would be in bed by 10. I'd want a salad and plated meal for dinner. No family style. No 5 course, 7 course or 10 course meal. Just salad or appetizer and then plated dinner. And if they did do a 5 course meal, if they kept my wine glass full between the courses, I'd be good sitting there enjoying the scenery for a good 20-30 mins. 

If I were a guest on a luxury yacht like this I would be a super easy guest as well.  Don't need to entertain me, jump through hoops for me or anything like that.  I don't expect ridiculously overblown meals, just good food.  I'd be happy relaxing in the sun, with a good book.  Water toys are fun.  No stupid themed parties that the crew must put on.  Bring a yoga instructor and/ or massage therapist on board.  Let me watch Jaws while on a boat (I'm weird like that) and pop me some popcorn.  That would be the best for me.

I wouldn't care so much about beach picnics.  If I'm getting off the boat for a short period of time, it would be because the boat has sailed to another port and I'm going into that town/village to sightsee.  That's it.

5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I've noticed a trend with this franchise of putting a timer on the screen during meals to show how long they take and how long between courses. They started doing that on the last season of BD with Rachel too. And yet I watched an older season of BD when a seven course meal took forever, and there was no timer and no complaints from the guests. I can't decide if this is just a recent issue or a molehill the producers want to make a mountain out of. Probably the latter. But if it's taking too long between courses that falls on poor planning by the chef. Or if it's unavoidable, the guests should be told up front these multi-course tasting meals mean they're going to be sitting there 2-3 hours so they know what to expect. In any event it has nothing to do with service, unless you're lumping the chef in with service. There's nothing Daisy or the stews can do to speed it up.

Yeah, this. If you're paying big bucks to charter a luxury yacht why the hell would you want a beach picnic? They have to do this all the time, every show, and it's always a disaster.

As for Daisy, if she's this stressed out she might not be cut out for this job. It just seems like a simple fix when the guests are running you ragged with non-stop food and drink orders: put another stew on service. Why is Daisy the only one running back and forth between the galley and the deck? There are three stews. One can clean and do laundry while the other two wait hand and foot on the guests. This doesn't make any sense either.

A seven-course meal with one chef is asinine.  Who needs seven courses?  And starting at 9 pm or later?  That's just asking for trouble . .  . or drama.  

I'd like to see Bugsy be brought on board to get a handle on Daisy's meltdowns.  I know some people didn't care for her during her seasons on BD Med but I think she was a great chief stew.  I hate to see people cry and be upset so I did feel bad for Daisy in that regard -- and the primary seemed like he was a high maintenance jerk but the planning and scheduling just doesn't seem to be done correctly.   If the guests are departing to go for a stupid beach picnic, wouldn't it be the deck crew that could afford to send two people?   I guess the cabins aren't cleaned until dinner?  Of course depending on the number of guests, that seems a difficult chore when stews are needed to serve dinner.  Seems like maybe cabins should be getting cleaned when the guests are out on excursions or in the water or something like that.  Yeah, they'll come in and trash the cabin but they're going to do that anyway.    Either that or maybe they need a fourth stew who is only going to do laundry and jump in to clean when necessary.

Yay on my man Colin for telling Gary like it is.  I felt for Chase when Gary told him 3:30 and then wrote something different on the board and made Chase look as though he was the one not paying attention.  I think Gary knows his job but he's just a shit leader.  And terrible for having the attitude that the entire crew, the guests and everyone else can wait because when he wants to have a smoke, he's going to have a smoke.  That's not how it works when you're in the customer service industry, Gary.    Colin clearly knows that and was 100% correct in calling him out.  

I don't think Colin was attacking Daisy.  I think he was defending Glenn and trying to calm the waters (no pun intended).  Getting feedback is a good thing so that you can fine tune or correct anything you need to.  Daisy needs to make a list, get her scheduling down and stop worrying about how uncooperative Gary is, having to serve Gary when the guests request him for dinner, etc.  Eventually Gary and his ego will dig himself into a hole all of his own doing. She needs to do her job, supervise Lucy and Mads, and let him.  

Still love Colin.  

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Yes, the meal at the fort looked nice (although quite a climb for all concerned). I'm thinking of the wedding (or vow renewal) on a beach which was crawling with people in bathing suits and others in boats who weren't exactly silent observers. Another beach picnic with a public park in the background comes to mind. I think that is the one with dogs and kids on horseback no more than 50 feet away. I think there were some comments about that.

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52 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

If I were a guest on a luxury yacht like this I would be a super easy guest as well.  Don't need to entertain me, jump through h
I'd like to see Bugsy be brought on board to get a handle on Daisy's meltdowns.  I know some people didn't care for her during her seasons on BD Med but I think she was a great chief stew.  I hate to see people cry and be upset so I did feel bad for Daisy in that regard -- and the primary seemed like he was a high maintenance jerk but the planning and scheduling just doesn't seem to be done correctly.   If the guests are departing to go for a stupid beach picnic, wouldn't it be the deck crew that could afford to send two people?   I guess the cabins aren't cleaned until dinner?  Of course depending on the number of guests, that seems a difficult chore when stews are needed to serve dinner.  Seems like maybe cabins should be getting cleaned when the guests are out on excursions or in the water or something like that.  Yeah, they'll come in and trash the cabin but they're going to do that anyway.    Either that or maybe they need a fourth stew who is only going to do laundry and jump in to clean when necessary.

Yay on my man Colin for telling Gary like it is.  I felt for Chase when Gary told him 3:30 and then wrote something different on the board and made Chase look as though he was the one not paying attention.  I think Gary knows his job but he's just a shit leader.  And terrible for having the attitude that the entire crew, the guests and everyone else can wait because when he wants to have a smoke, he's going to have a smoke.  That's not how it works when you're in the customer service industry, Gary.    Colin clearly knows that and was 100% correct in calling him out.  

I don't think Colin was attacking Daisy.  I think he was defending Glenn and trying to calm the waters (no pun intended).  Getting feedback is a good thing so that you can fine tune or correct anything you need to.  Daisy needs to make a list, get her scheduling down and stop worrying about how uncooperative Gary is, having to serve Gary when the guests request him for dinner, etc.  Eventually Gary and his ego will dig himself into a hole all of his own doing. She needs to do her job, supervise Lucy and Mads, and let him.  

Still love Colin.  

The cabins are usually cleaned after the guests get up, maybe while eating breakfast.  While they are eating their evening meal, a stew will do "turn downs," which is a quick tidying up again before bed.  So the stews need to clean rooms twice daily, do constant laundry, serve and clean up meals, decorate tables and for parties, and make sure the guests have everything they desire all day and night.  If I were one of them, I would jump at the chance of driving the tender just to get 5 minutes of peace.  Sending a stew on a tender ride so she can serve beverages is being obtuse about the amount of work they do all day.  And the guests can still have 5 star service whether it is a deckie pouring the wine or a stew.

Also, I agree with your comments about Colin.  

Edited by SemiCharmedLife
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3 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

So the stews need to clean rooms twice daily, do constant laundry, serve and clean up meals, decorate tables and for parties, and make sure the guests have everything they desire all day and night.  If I were one of them, I would jump at the chance of driving the tender just to get 5 minutes of peace.  

I got confused by this -- in a previous incarnation of Below Deck (I don't remember which one) there was a deck hand that was definitely problematic, but part of the talk about keeping him on was that he was the only other person qualified to drive the tender, suggesting, at least to me, that a license or a certification of some kind was required.  Are the rules different now? Or do they differ from country to country? ETA: Or do they differ based on what production wants?

7 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

He's massively full of himself this season.  This is not why some of us liked Gary in the past, despite his f-boy ways.  We saw someone that worked hard, was good at his job and had self deprecating humor.  I'm waiting for his ego to take a hit this season.

In the past he seemed to care about all of the people he worked with and to be fair, he immediately went to check on Daisy. 

But, overall, I think his status as a Bravolebrity has gone to his head. 

Edited by rur
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1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

I’m wondering why all of the men are so in awe of Mads when Lucy is easily cuter or at least as cute. Is her klutziness a turn off; is she gay or just showing no interest at all? 

Maybe the aloofness of Mads. She is a female version of Gary. So all the guys want her. She has no Effs to give. Not emotionally tied. That's hot for the fellas.

But I too didn't get it...Lucy is way hotter, IMO. Mads has some distinct features. Where Lucy is just all around pretty. Just MOO.

Edited by Lamima

Glenn seems to have been taking manager tips from Captain Sandy: be sure to jump on the stews, expecially chief stew, for everything.

I too would be very low maintenace on a yacht.  I don't even care that much about the water toys.  Let me chill on the deck and maybe take excursions to see the town.  I'll eat out while in that town.  One less meal to cook and serve.  Early dinner too and in bed by 10.  I felt bad for the son having to stay up for that long meal.  No multi course for me either.  Give me salad, entree and dessert.  A

Why does the stews not have an actual steamer so they don't risk burning fabric with an iron.  It wouldn't even have to be a large stand up one.  There are small ones available that take up little room.  

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10 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

Glenn seems to have been taking manager tips from Captain Sandy: be sure to jump on the stews, expecially chief stew, for everything.

I too would be very low maintenace on a yacht.  I don't even care that much about the water toys.  Let me chill on the deck and maybe take excursions to see the town.  I'll eat out while in that town.  One less meal to cook and serve.  Early dinner too and in bed by 10.  I felt bad for the son having to stay up for that long meal.  No multi course for me either.  Give me salad, entree and dessert.  A

Why does the stews not have an actual steamer so they don't risk burning fabric with an iron.  It wouldn't even have to be a large stand up one.  There are small ones available that take up little room.  

I cannot ask that enough! 

Next time I am on Jeff Bezos' yacht I will request the slide, lol. Seriously, I don't want to pack a tacky costume for a theme party taking room away in the luggage from a muumuu!

I would want amazing food, if the chef is worth their salt to be on a yacht I want them to flex their chef muscles a lot but none of those multi course meals, just a really good dinner and I don't want heavy lunch but breakfast should always be French Toast!  Why do the guests forget they are on a yacht in a port city and should be eating fresh local veggies and fish as much as possible!  I can still remember a type of fish I had in Denmark,  it was called Plaice, and the herb and salt encrusted fish (no idea the name), from Pier Luigi in Rome,  I cannot get that here in Baltimore, it made a memory moreso than a silent disco, crappy 80's party or a deck crew member faux stripper grinding on me.

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Daisy has been struggling this season. At one time, she was my favorite chief stewardess from the Below Deck franchise. I would advise Daisy to enter a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. Her drinking is starting to affect her job performance and productivity. The Below Deck franchise has always promoted a party lifestyle, however Daisy may have a substance abuse problem. 

2 hours ago, APK said:

I would advise Daisy to enter a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. Her drinking is starting to affect her job performance and productivity. The Below Deck franchise has always promoted a party lifestyle, however Daisy may have a substance abuse problem. 

No more than anyone else on this show, except for Glenn and Colin. Getting plastered seems to be a requirement for all the shows' crews, captains and engineers aside.

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They all party hard, but only some of them may have the disease. Being on the yacht, surrounded by drinkers, and pressured to drink  breaks down sobriety barriers.

I also wonder if Daisy believed that she, Glenn, Colin and Gary had an unspoken pact - as friends - not to give in to production pressure to fight with each other. The friend pact is broken now, and being criticized by friends for her performance is Daisy's weak spot.

First (I believe) production demanded that some of the stews sit idle on the stupid beach when their time was needed on the yacht. They knew that would make Daisy's job harder, and it did. Then Glenn called her out for it, disingenuously claiming that he wasn't picking on anybody. Malarkey. Glenn has crossed over to the dark side; anything for those Bravo dollars

Daisy knows what's going on, and normally she speaks up, but she cannot break the 4th wall. She's frustrated and angry.

Edited by pasdetrois
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18 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

The cabins are usually cleaned after the guests get up, maybe while eating breakfast.  While they are eating their evening meal, a stew will do "turn downs," which is a quick tidying up again before bed.  So the stews need to clean rooms twice daily, do constant laundry, serve and clean up meals, decorate tables and for parties, and make sure the guests have everything they desire all day and night.  If I were one of them, I would jump at the chance of driving the tender just to get 5 minutes of peace.  Sending a stew on a tender ride so she can serve beverages is being obtuse about the amount of work they do all day.  And the guests can still have 5 star service whether it is a deckie pouring the wine or a stew.

Also, I agree with your comments about Colin.  

Thank you for this.  I honestly had no idea.  

If I was young, maybe I'd be up for doing stew work but it definitely seems that your job is never done so long as a charter is underway -- same with the chef.  

Is it basically a rule that there is a chief stew and two junior stews?  I know that's how it is on the mega yachts we see on the other BD franchises.  Seems like the sailing yacht is smaller.  Maybe there needs to be a fourth stew.  Although in previous seasons, we didn't always see such an issue with the stews being run ragged and the chief stew melting down like Daisy did.  

At least they got a very nice tip.

15 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I’m wondering why all of the men are so in awe of Mads when Lucy is easily cuter or at least as cute. Is her klutziness a turn off; is she gay or just showing no interest at all? 

I'm guessing it goes back to Mads' first talking head where she mentioned she was not particular about who she's going to be with (paraphrasing).  Maybe she said something to that effect in person or maybe she just gives off some kind of radar.  No idea.  She's cute but so is Lucy so I don't get it either (but I'm a female so maybe that's why.)  

I do appreciate that Colin said Mads and Lucy were basically too young for him and Ileisha has a boyfriend.  Boundaries respected.  Another point for Colin. 

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Wow that was rough watching Daisy meltdown.  But we saw it coming when she had a stew at beach doing nothing while she juggled drink orders and last might snack requests.  I totally get it.

The primary was a constant complainer, but I think that is just his way of communicating.  Annoying as it is it is part of the job.  But he apparently did not mean most of it considering they got a big tip.  Unless the Tipgate conspiracy is correct and production sets or suggests tip amounts.

Gary is so full of himself.  I do believe he now believes his own press.  And I think missing the first charter threw him off and he has not clicked with his deckhands.  And shame on him for going off on whats his name (the deckie Gary does not like) for being late when Gary told him the wrong time.  I like Gary but not this version of him.  I hope he gets his head out of his butt before he ruins it.

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A lot of producer driven crew drama on here for sure.  Daisy,  Gary and Colin all have top dog positions on the boat and above all should act professionally and not talk about each other negatively to other crew members, especially on camera!  It's wrong and I don't believe they would act like that, especially Daisy and Colin.  If they have an issue serious enough they go to the Captain.... and it's resolved.  This is a 24 hr smallish group of people working hard also living together, their first priority is that and teamwork and there is no time or tolerance for petty issues.  

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I wonder if Glen, Gary, Colin and Daisy make enough from the show that they don't have to do other charters the rest of the year, since they've done it 3 seasons in a row now.

If nothing else, Bravo may have to pay them so that they keep their schedule free and they can be ready to film whenever they're ready to shoot.

They have to get the producers and the other crew line up and the new cast also casted and then brought over to the yacht.

Unless they can nail down the shooting schedule months in advance and stick to it, the regular cast has to be flexible and able to travel to where they film with minimum notice.

So they may have to clear their schedule, not take any jobs for a couple of weeks before and after when they think they're going to shoot.

But if they pay these returning cast enough to be available to shoot, maybe it's enough for some of them to not bother taking other jobs.

Or by now, it's enough money that they want to keep doing the show and so they're more tense and emotion about what happens on the show.

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Personally I think the beef between Gary & Daisy stems from their relationship being over. 

As for the guests & beach picnics, at least they get to admire the yacht they "paid" thousands to be on from a distance.

Colin probably enjoys the yachting life & spends as long as he can on a boat. Gary is now in it for the fame & Daisy is the collateral damage whether she likes it or not.

Edited by Shrek
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First (I believe) production demanded that some of the stews sit idle on the stupid beach when their time was needed on the yacht. They knew that would make Daisy's job harder, and it did. Then Glenn called her out for it, disingenuously claiming that he wasn't picking on anybody. Malarkey. Glenn has crossed over to the dark side; anything for those Bravo dollars

Glenn was specifically referring to the the long time between courses during dinner. That's actually on the chef, not the stews. I don't know why Daisy took it so personally, it really wasn't aimed at her. He was just asking how she and the stews could help with that and she bailed.

I think she's just frustrated because the first charter was a shit show and made her look bad, and then Gary brought up this thing about having a stew on the tender which is a continuation of an argument that started last season. Only this time Glenn took Gary's side on that.

What Daisy really needs to do is have a sit-down with Glenn and lay out exactly why that's a bad idea if Glenn wants things to run smoothly on the boat. She also needs to better manager her two junior stews because when guests are running her ragged with food and drink orders, another stew should be be helping out with that. It's really that simple.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I think she's just frustrated because the first charter was a shit show and made her look bad, and then Gary brought up this thing about having a stew on the tender which is a continuation of an argument that started last season. Only this time Glenn took Gary's side on that.

I understand the need for a stew on the shore if food is going to be served. I don't understand the need to always have a stew on the tender. I know Glenn was talking about quality of service, but if I were chartering a yacht and were riding in a tender to another location, I wouldn't really care who handed me a beer or a glass of wine. 

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I agree the primary was an ass. Someone needed to run interference to keep him from yammering at Glen while he was trying to dock the boat. 

Also agree about the dumb demands of the guests and the stupid parties, especially. One of my gaming groups has dreamed of what we would do if we chartered such a yacht. Lots of good food, keep the drinks available, leave us alone while we play board games and RPGs and give me a shaded place to read. Done.

I did not see anyone mention this: thought it looked ridiculous that the primary ass and his much nicer kid come to the fancy dinner in shorts and untucked camp shirts and the primary's plus one is in a full-on sequined gown.

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On 5/17/2023 at 6:34 PM, aghst said:

I wonder if Glen, Gary, Colin and Daisy make enough from the show that they don't have to do other charters the rest of the year, since they've done it 3 seasons in a row now.


It's been brought up by former cast members that they feel the pay is rather low, for television.  I have a feeling it's a nice paycheck with some great perks, but wouldn't quite be enough for them to do on its own.  They could, however, use their 15 minutes of fame to promote a business or, heaven forbid, an Only Fans account.

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