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S16.E29: Live Eviction #11 / HoH Comp #12

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That is the identical endurance HoH contest as last year.  Come on, BB production, come up with something new for once.


I did have to chuckle though because Victoria has all the gracefulness of a newborn fawn on a slippery surface.


ETA: I wonder how overwhelming the Team America vote was.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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What the hell is Victoria doing?  I rewound and listened to the rules, and Julie said nothing about having to go and touch the snowman once you started out.  She just seems to be wandering around in the middle of the ice.  


It is too bad there isn't some kind of prize for coming in last and then Victoria might "win" her second competition of the summer. 

Edited by Thalia
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Donny made me so sad.  I hope he has a nice time in the juror house.  And I loved the look on his face when Julie told him about appearing on B&B! 


And I *really* loved watching Frankie make an ass of himself over apple pie and then getting Julie's response of "overwhelming (pause) no."  If we can't keep Donny, at least we got that.  

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I cried for Donny.  I held my breath all these weeks when he was on the block.  I can finally breathe now.  I also felt bad when he said Team America let him down.  I wish they'd do away with it as it hinders people's games.


I like the way Frankie told "us" he tried to save Donny.  Meanwhile Derrick was angling for a vote telling Donny shrewdly in his goodbye message that HE tried to save him.  Donny has no idea that's not true and no way to find out! 


Edited to add:  they are both full of it.  Frankie you were too late and Derrick you think we can't see you and can pull the wool over our eyes. You are not John Cena...we can see you. Liar.

Edited by NYGirl
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Bravo to The Bold and the Beautiful.for the Donny guest spot. Frankie is going to lose his shit when he finds out. I hope they find a way to air it.

Sorry for posting early. Totally thought the show was over when Donny interviewed. I guess that tells you something.

Yeah Frankie is going to be so mad. I was hoping Julie would gush to Donny about how loved he is but I get that she can't reveal much. Poor Donny though. I don't think I've ever cried at an eviction on this show and I was crying harder than Donny. I'm glad he's out of the house because he deserves to be with people who love him but my heart still breaks for him.

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Man even Caleb wasn't going after the $5K. Nicole's boned.


Donny being offered a spot on The Bold and the Beautiful is such a wonderful fuck you to the rest of the house that I really wanted. I'm petty I know. And I'm sure Donny's completely flabbergasted by it and likely just wants his regular job back.


Derrick continues to lie, lie, and lie. "Um, Frankie and Caleb approached me with a plan to keep Donny and I totally could've made it a 3-2 vote, but uh... look over there America! Nothing to see here." Ugh, I know it was a better move for Derrick, but the fallout from a 3-2 vote would've been glorious, too. Damn it.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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Christine's husband and family really let it be known that Christine has actually crossed a line.  Didn't really expect them to be so blunt!  Wonder if Christine will momentarily cry and read the Bible again because Tim talked again about not forgetting him.  But then in a couple of days will be back to cuddling with Cody, making him paper hearts, and telling him she loves him.

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Donny made me so sad.

Me too.  It's strange how he views himself as such an outsider (and by implication, not well-liked) when so many people (Pao Pao, Melanie, Jocasta, Nicole) have told Julie, without much prodding, how much they liked him. When the game is over, I hope he realizes how much folks watching the game liked him as well. AND, I hope he gets his job back!


My grinchy heart did not grow three sizes, but did get a little bigger when I saw these jokers getting so emotional at their loved ones' videos.


Looks like Christine got some 'splaining to go when she gets home, from her parents (her husband was putting on a brave face, but if her parents are that pissed, then he can't be too thrilled, unless he's into cuckolding.)

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I'm torn on The Bold and the Beautiful role.  Donny turned red and giggly, so I think he'll like doing it.  The problem (for me) is the thought that Donny will be the butt of a joke.  That soap is about a sophisticated rich family running a fashion house.  You know they'll want Donny to keep the Duck Dynasty look, so he won't be able to shave off his beard like he's been wanting to.

I love that production is on the REAL Team America, not the contrived BS of the show. I used to think that the live tweets at the bottom of the screen were fake, until I saw one that said something like "Hahahah yes! Overwhelming no for Frankie" - I hollered! It was also beautiful that production set Frankie up to take the news that his play was an overwhelming FAIL. And the indirect shade of telling Donny live that he's been invited to star on The Bold and the Beautiful! Frankie weeps when he leave this house, he is so hated!


Why does Julie keep malfunctioning when it comes time for her to say "It's official. With X votes, Blank will be leaving the house." I caught her saying "Hayden-Hayden", then "Zach-Zach", and this week she did it again to say "Donny-Donny will be leaving the BB house". WTF?


Wow, the spotlight on Christine's family was ETHER. Christine's parents looked like they wanted to disown her. (Off topic, but her brother is not that bad looking at all. I actually don't think Christine is ugly, either, just mousy and her personality is garbage.)


Victoria is so concerned with looking like a fool that she's afraid to do anything risky at all. That's my theory about her tentative behavior in the house and in comps. I used to be one of those vain girls that secretly feared everyone was laughing at me when I wasn't looking my absolute best, so it's pathetic, but I can understand that immaturity.

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Christine's husband is freaky looking. Yes, I'm old. I just can't with those huge gauges making your earlobes so huge. Wait until you're an old man. Your little man boobs will be sagging, but I guess that will be okay because your earlobes will be hanging down to your chest!

Anyway, I want the rest of the house guests to have to watch Donny taping his appearance on B&B. I want to see Frankie's head spin around. Mwahahaha

Edited by Runningwild
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I was really sure that they were going to treat Christine to an unnerving yet veiled message from home.


This is probably going to make things worse for her.  She thinks what she is doing is ok because BB gave her a supportive message.  So this thing with Cody is going to continue.  Then she's going to go see her entire family say she's behaving badly intercut with the montage of touching, hugging, cuddling, and flirting and she is going to lose it.


I don't think any family has ever done that before and it wasn't just one of them.  Even season 6 Ivette didn't get it that bad.

"That would be an overwhelming.....No". Hahahahahaha!!! That one is going to leave a lasting sting for Frankie. Derrick doesn't care, he got Donny out of the house which he wanted all along, but I think Frankie really thought he put on a "show" for "America". Not so much, Frankie.

I think I would actually start to like Derrick a little bit if he didn't insist on lying to me in the DR. I don't have a vote, Derrick, put a sock in it. But it seems the producers think he's a lock to win, because he's getting a sweetheart edit right now. Just unreal.

As for Donny, I love the man, I do. I'm fine with him being sensitive and a cryer, because lord knows I am. But he wasn't really good at this game, other than the comps. Frankie was actually right, Nicole does have a killer social game, and Donny does not. And being a target of an alliance which you are not in, because they think you will win doesn't really equate to people hurting your feelings. I think he'll be happy in the jury house, and I will be happy watching Nicole try to scramble. I don't really hold out much hope, but I think she'll try.

I've always hated this particular kind of endurance comp. For some reason every time someone I least want to win it, wins it. So I'm calling it now - Caleb wins this. And then this house will have one less female come next Thursday. For my sake, I hope it's Christine.

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I'm shocked Victoria is not doing well in our first glimpse of the HoH comp...


Goodbye Donny, thankyou for being to only decent thing to come out of this season.


Two delicious moments tonight though, Christine's family giving her the smackdown and BB broacasting an even worse cuddling montage and of course that ultra tasty 'no apple pie' vote for Frankie.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I'm torn on The Bold and the Beautiful role.  Donny turned red and giggly, so I think he'll like doing it.  The problem (for me) is the thought that Donny will be the butt of a joke.  That soap is about a sophisticated rich family running a fashion house.  You know they'll want Donny to keep the Duck Dynasty look, so he won't be able to shave off his beard like he's been wanting to.


I liked it because you could tell that it told Donny just exactly how much America likes him and it took him completely off guard.  That Frankie is going to lose it is a bonus.


Has this ever happened on BB before?  Guest roles, etc. for the favorites already known and announced during evictions?

So Donny was disappointed that Team America didn't save him yet spent a few weeks trying to get team member Derrick on the block. He was also a part of the get Frankie out brigade for a bit. And he was so lonely even though he told Julie that everyone who left before him loved him. So he was, what, lonely for a week?

Sorry I liked Donny in the beginning but between Jokers and Donny feeling sorry for himself I was so ready to see him go. I don't like underdogs, I want those that played the best to win.

  • Love 5

Donny made me so sad.  I hope he has a nice time in the juror house.  And I loved the look on his face when Julie told him about appearing on B&B! 


And I *really* loved watching Frankie make an ass of himself over apple pie and then getting Julie's response of "overwhelming (pause) no."  If we can't keep Donny, at least we got that.  


It looked to me as if Donny wasn't sure if being on the Bold and the Beautiful was a good thing, until the audience erupted. 


Of course Frankie shouted "Holla!" as soon as Julie announced the 5 Dolla 5 Holla temptation. God, I wanted to shove him face down in the snow at that point. His mouth was wide open, just as it was when waiting (in vain) for the announcement that his Tony-award-deserving play won TA $5000 each. That was a very satisfying moment. 


Wasn't Kayser (dreamiest hamster ever) on a soap, too? Might not have been The Bold and the Beautiful, though. 

  • Love 6

From Twitter:


Donny joins a list of fan favorites to appear on the Bold and the Beautiful including @RachelEReilly @ElissaReillyS @brendonvbb12


Oh Jesus. I get that this is supposed to be a compliment, but Donny in the same company with Rachel and Brendon?? Lordt ...

Edited by EvilApplesauce
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Has this ever happened on BB before?  Guest roles, etc. for the favorites already known and announced during evictions?



I don't think it was announced on BB, but Rachel, Brendan, Howard and Elissa  (from BB15), Jeff, and Malcolm from Survivor were on the same B&TB episode last year (which I actually DVRed).  I was going to ask if anyone knows if Brenchel were still doing some episodes of that show because I got the impression they had a recurring part (as owners of a bar where the regular characters on that soap sometimes went). 


ETA:  They all sucked as actors.

Edited by Newbietunes

Derrick continues to lie, lie, and lie. "Um, Frankie and Caleb approached me with a plan to keep Donny and I totally could've made it a 3-2 vote, but uh... look over there America! Nothing to see here." Ugh, I know it was a better move for Derrick, but the fallout from a 3-2 vote would've been glorious, too. Damn it.

What got me was the edit! They totally made it look like Derrick wanted to do it but couldn't quite swing it. Frankie and Caleb were completely on board with the three of them flipping the house, and Derrick's vote would have sealed the deal. I hope Donny saw through that goodbye message. And although Frankie really did try to keep Donny, he only did it once he saw Nicole making nice with Christine. Before that he had no problem voting Donny out.


So Donny was disappointed that Team America didn't save him yet spent a few weeks trying to get team member Derrick on the block. He was also a part of the get Frankie out brigade for a bit. And he was so lonely even though he told Julie that everyone who left before him loved him. So he was, what, lonely for a week?


As I recall, he's been "lonely" since the beginning, even when Jocasta was around. I don't know what he expected TBH but he's been feeling sorry for himself pretty much from the start. From what I see he waits until people are about to be eliminated before really talking to them.Yes, he was trying to get Derrick's alliance to turn on him and Frankie as well but since he was unsuccessful then TA let him down because I guess they're obligated to keep him even if he didn't want to keep them. I think they're all playing characters, it's the only way I can somewhat understand what's going on; Donny is the lonely outcast (even though they all love him on the way out yet he says people are mean to him because it's mean to eliminate people not in their alliance), Cody is the "homewrecker", Frankie is "the star", etc. I can't really take any of these people seriously. 

Edited by willpwr
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HIGHLIGHT-The "Throw Christine Under The Bus" segment. Even her own parents are appalled LOL. Glad Tim isn't a total milquetoast and appear to understand that some of this seems beyond gameplay. It's clear why she's all into Cody though because Tim makes Cochran look like Brad Pitt. There is absolutly no way outside of the house Cody would ever be giving Christine the time of day. Also we can at last see where Cody gets some of his douchiness....His sister pushing the Dad away...well, I guarantee its something she's use to...he's no doubt one of those dad's who is a little touchy feeling with his hot daughter and he'll just chock it up to being Italian.


LOWLIGHT-Derrick is lying F@#k in his goodbye message to Donny. He was not rallying votes...I hope Donny won't want to be friends with him after the game when he sees that. Derrick is a scum bag...but what I don't get is...is everyone there to win a half  million dollars for themselves....why are they playing for Derrick to win...they'll continue to grease his path to final two with Victoria.


I wouldn't categorize the HOH comp as an endurance comp....endurance is being the last one hanging onto a peg on pole allnight when you have to go to the bathroom. With that said I fear Caleb will win and Frankie will be safe. Meanwhile Victoria should just go for the $5000....she has no chance.


Donny is too good for the scumbags (sans Nicole) still in the house.


Lastly I was hoping Julie would tell the viewers at home what the crushing and "overwhelming" voting numbers were.

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Also we can at last see where Cody gets some of his douchiness....His sister pushing the Dad away...well, I guarantee its something she's use to...he's no doubt one of those dad's who is a little touchy feeling with his hot daughter and he'll just chock it up to being Italian.


My family is like that, too, even though we're not Italian, and I can assure you there's nothing touchy-feely about it. I can get that if you're not used to it, it's a bit off-putting, but I can assure you there's nothing incestuous or creepy about it. We have learned that life is too short not to freely share affection. So Cody's family didn't bother me a bit. 


Now Christine's family, on the other hand, bothered me. Talk about throwing your daughter under the bus in front of America. No matter how much they dislike her behavior in private, saying so in public before they've had a chance to talk with her is just tacky. The matter should be between Christine and her husband, not her parents. Cody and Christine are a lot more affectionate than I would be comfortable with, either for myself or to see my spouse doing, but I don't see either of them looking on it as a romance or a fling. 



 I do have a question about the HOH competition. Is the only reward of filling the little snowman the money and holla thing? Or is it one of those where they can fill up the little head and get a bigger spoon? 


No, they only get the money and the hollas, and don't get any additional advantage in the game. 

I'm in the minority, I know, but I actually like Frankie. I felt bad for him after the "overwhelming............. no." He obviously thought it was a great idea, so I'm sure it hurt to not only hear that America voted no, but the overwhelming majority did.

ETA: the piece with Christine's family and Tim was riveting. I was surprised they didn't sugarcoat their feelings about her behavior, especially her parents. Tim seems like a sweet guy.

Edited by Harperlee1
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Ugh, why did they have to show family videos right before the vote?I knew Donny had no shot after that -- especially as these fools were reminded about why they were playing to help Derrick's family win the money-- I mean, win the money.


Frankie's video looked the worst of all of them, quality-wise -- all washed out and poorly lit. Poor Ariana Grande: I guess international fame and fortune can't buy good technical support.

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Someone needs to gif Frankie's face after the "overwhelming... no" line.

I hope someone in the house has the smarts to question why Julie worded that response so oddly.  "Overwhelming ...... no" just seems like an odd response to whether you get apple pie as a Have-Not, especially with the overly dramatic pause tucked in there.  A simple 'no' would have sufficed.

  • Love 3

I wish I could change my member name to "Overwhelming No".


ETA:  Looks like I got my wish.   Now to change my avatar...


Awesome. And you found a good shot of a piece of apple pie for your new avatar.  As long as you didn't change it to a shot of Frankie with his mouth wide open, waiting for Julie to crown him winner of Team America, I'm happy. 


I don't know how Julie stands Frankie sucking up to her as he votes, week after week after week. 

  • Love 3

I'm in the minority, I know, but I actually like Frankie. I felt bad for him after the "overwhelming............. no." He obviously thought it was a great idea, so I'm sure it hurt to not only hear that America voted no, but the overwhelming majority did.

I still like Frankie and I've also watched him on BBAD too. Both Zach and Frankie have been the most entertaining of any of the houseguests and I enjoyed the play. I think so many people hate Frankie and hated that he wasn't saving Donny and then here tonight he was the one trying to save Donny. And when he was told the the majority overwhelmingly said no, he just said "Oh, well" and seemed to be a good sport about it.

Edited by Uwbadgmad
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ETA: the piece with Christine's family and Tim was riveting. I was surprised they didn't sugarcoat their feelings about her behavior, especially her parents. Tim seems like a sweet guy.


Honestly, I was not surprised that Christine's parents acted like that.  Look, Christine is creepy and over the line, so don't get me wrong.  But, by god, her parents were going to make sure their standing in the church was solidified, even at the cost of denigrating their daughter.  Just yuck all the way around with all of them.

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Ew. Christine's husband is kind of...ew, he also acted like a hyper, nerdy 7th grader. I think she's kind of ew too so they make a good couple. I'm trying to imagine what their kids would look like.

I agree with the above poster about those ear gauge things. That's so gross. When they take them out their ear lobes are flippity flapping all over the place. Again...ew.

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Christine and her husband appear immature to me. Two kids playing adults. Tim seems to enjoy all the attention even if its not all good. In hindsight, he may not think all this BB attention was a good thing, especially when Christine doesn't come home with $500k.

I'm sure Christine's parents are embarrassed for her. I would be if she were my child. They seem like good people but I'm not sure I would have gone on TV to talk about my daughter like that. There would be a conversation with her after the show, though.

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I'm in the minority, I know, but I actually like Frankie. I felt bad for him after the "overwhelming............. no." He obviously thought it was a great idea, so I'm sure it hurt to not only hear that America voted no, but the overwhelming majority did.

I think Frankie will be just fine. He has plenty of people stroking that big ego of his. Sorry about my quoting ineptness.

Edited by Wavesofblue
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