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S10.E16: The Thunder From Down Under Pt. 2

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Captain Lee plays a prank on a guest; Chef Rachel reaches her breaking point when she challenges herself with an intricate Japanese tasting menu; Tyler wrestles with the idea of coming out to his mom; Ross and Katie define their relationship.

Airdate: 03.13.2023

"Ross and Katie define their relationship."  Can I opt out of that part?

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Like a viewer watching a season penultimate episode, these comments are in the order of the episode scenes broadcast…

Oh, Ben, how disappointing.  If you can’t keep it in your pants, just be honest about it.  I’d  be a little more sympathetic if there were any real conflict between your… heart… and your…. Head.

Ross and his porn acting career?  No thanks.  He’s porny enough as it is.

More fake drama and the docking – doesn’t look like it could be easier.

Massive tip of $40k!  Well done crew!

Ross – “Probably not the best idea to go out and rage it into the night” – when has that stopped you before?

Katie, what will it take for you to see that Ross is a massive loser?  Ross, slime can take confidence it’s a step above you.

I’d say this series is running on empty, but it didn’t start out much more than empty at the beginning of this season. 

What the hell is with the cake and the massive spew in the crew mess?  It must have taken hours to clean that up!

Ross and Katie – if there were ever a non-romance – you two are it.

What will happen next week on the finale?  Will Ross and Katie continue to hate/love each other – and who cares?  Will Ben finally stop trying to be faithful to Camille?  Will the last guests of the season eat the crew?  Stay tuned, if you can stay interested….

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I don't see how this show can continue. I think it has run it's course. When Bravo turned Below Beck into a hookup show it ruined the franchise.  The last few seasons spent so much time on the adventures of who is sleeping with whom and very little time on the crew and how they do their jobs and serve the guests. Bravo is scraping the bottom of the barrel with the guests and I don't care if they do leave $40K tips.  

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I don't see how this show can continue. I think it has run it's course. When Bravo turned Below Beck into a hookup show it ruined the franchise.  The last few seasons spent so much time on the adventures of who is sleeping with whom and very little time on the crew and how they do their jobs and serve the guests. Bravo is scraping the bottom of the barrel with the guests and I don't care if they do leave $40K tips.  

Yeah I've said this before but they diluted the formula too much with all the other spin-off shows. I'm sure Covid was a big part of the problem but if they just stuck to one, or maybe two versions of this show, they could probably dig up real charter guests rather than these obvious recruits they keep foisting on us. 

I've never seen Fraser that drunk before. I could barely understand what he was saying. Hayley and Tyler making a mess in the kitchen was not funny, it was just sad and pathetic. I'm so disappointed in Tyler. 

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Katie wants Ross to wife her up.

Ross doesn’t see a future for them after the season.

Brutal editing to juxtapose what both persons are thinking, making Katie look naive.

Trying to remember when’s the last time a cast member other than the captain was in a relationship or married.  Maybe Colin from BDSY?

Obviously they’re trying to cast singles in their 20s and 30s mostly.  Do they attract a lot of viewers in that age group or are Bravo viewers more in the 40s and older?

Not seeing a whole lot of things which are new.  They’re going to make the crew flex like bodybuilders.  Oh yeah, that’s totally what the guests want.🙄

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Ross is a classless, dim witted drunk. When I was their age and a girl like Katie pursued me like that… I would have done backflips! Then he gaslights her at the end of the night. What a bum, hope she wises up to men like him soon.

Edited by aqusdealer
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Every time I think Hayley is a really cool person she does something crass, this time she peed in her pants and told us about it.

They all get drunk knowing they have to be up and at 'em the next morning which means the deck crew could create an unsafe situation by being slow to respond to something, Capt. Lee has nothing to say to his crew when the still reek of booze?

Rachel is really funny sometimes, I am glad she is not the mean, embarrassing drunk anymore.

We have not had the 50 different dietary needs yet, sure someone wanted a low carb meal or was vegetarian but what happened to all the craziness? I have a feeling with the next charter protein will be a mainstay on every menu with large portions.  I recognized one of the muscle men coming on board, (I do not know why but I do), I wonder why they did not fake request full sets of weights and a bench to be brought on board and made the crew lift!



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10 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I don't see how this show can continue.


9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah I've said this before but they diluted the formula too much with all the other spin-off shows.

On the contrary, the producers are genius.  There are enough spin-offs that Bravo can air a full season of any iteration of BD, immediately followed by another.  Monday night at 9 can always be BD night.

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I think Captain Lee wanted to "finish what he started." I can understand him wanting to finish this season and ride off into the sunset rather than just fading out of memory after leaving in the middle of the season and never returning. The announcement's already been made that Capt. Kerry will be doing BD next season, so I imagine there were some negotiations to let him return for an official farewell. I did think it interesting, though, that we saw him make the obligatory "Sandy did a good job" comments, though, considering the audience knows what he said when the series actually aired. 

I was going to give Katie a little slack, since I took some crap in the romance department when I was in my early 20s before I got older and wiser. Then I looked up her age and learned she is 31. She is either entirely delusional or is pursuing Ross to get the cameral time. I'm not sure which is worse. Although we've been watching for a couple months, in real time it was only a few weeks, and when you compress all their behavior into the actual timeframe that should have been enough for Katie to buy a clue. 

I think Ross a good manager of his team, and he cleans up nice when he's in his whites. And that's all I have to say about that. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

We have not had the 50 different dietary needs yet, sure someone wanted a low carb meal or was vegetarian but what happened to all the craziness?

The “beauty queens” had a bunch of dietary needs and the obnoxious guest demanding turkey sandwiches and not eating them.   

The guests were very happy w/ the Japanese menu.  It looked like a tasting menu with a lot of courses but Rachel said she was following Sandy’s advice to do less.  I thought Sandy basically told Rachel she can’t get more than 3 courses out on time so stick to that.

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Brutal editing to juxtapose what both persons are thinking, making Katie look naive.

Naive? She looks pathetic and in need of help. She's seen Ross flirt with other women enough times now to realize he's not serious about her. To sit there and say she thinks they could have a future together makes me seriously concerned for her. She's got serious self esteem problems.


On the contrary, the producers are genius.  There are enough spin-offs that Bravo can air a full season of any iteration of BD, immediately followed by another.  Monday night at 9 can always be BD night.

It's not genius if nobody ends up watching anymore because of burnout. It's always the same thing.


I do not remember, did Ross pick a lead deck hand? That usually causes conflict, did I miss all that?

He chose Ben. No drama, surprisingly. I guess they figured the drama with Camille, Alissa and Fraser was enough.

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28 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

turkey sandwiches

I remember that being more obnoxious rather than dietary, she was the one obsessed with the gold steak, I will concede that gold can be a dietary issue, lol.

When you work in catering of any kind you run in to some crazy requests, I had someone tell me that they would not eat anything green, I took that as green veggies but no, she would not eat lettuce, of course broccoli, green beans, etc...green M&M's and any green icing were also a no go for her, the lunches were in dark green bags, I thought she would faint. 

The other person would not eat eggs in any form, I asked her about baked goods made with eggs, she said cake was fine, she informed me she knew when she was sick because she wanted eggs, I did a lot of smiling and nodding at that job.

I understand Rachel's issues with getting a 15 course tasting menu out of the kitchen in time and wanting to cut back on courses but why not just put more than one course on a plate? Start them out with a Seder plate of sorts of tastings, also tell Sandy to shut up.

Maybe in future seasons we get a sous chef?



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9 hours ago, aghst said:


Trying to remember when’s the last time a cast member other than the captain was in a relationship or married.  Maybe Colin from BDSY?

Natasha and her unseen but vitriolic boyfriend.

The polish woman who facetimed her boyfriend so much that she exceeded the wifi use of everyone else on the boat combined.

Aesha and her boyfriend.

Captain Glenn and his ipad and nature videos

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This show is further proof that these people are "actors" and not really in the service industry. If they were really service industry professionals, they would know that they can go out and drink but not get shit faced every time they do so because  they go out as a group and by doing so, they are representing the boat. What ever happened to "don't embarrass yourself, don't embarrass the boat?" I worked restaurants in my twenties and that was a no no for every place I worked. I once went out and drank with my coworkers on a Friday night, after work, and at a place several streets away from where I worked. My boss found out and wrote up all of us for doing so because we were out as a group and  therefore representing the restaurant. I was pissed off at the time becasue I was young and felt "how dare they punish me for doing something on my off hours" but now that I am older, I agree with it and would have done the same thing had I been in the same position. It is possible to go out, party, drink, and not get so shit faced that you become and embarrassment and thrash the boat. Old Captain Lee would have had a coronary if he saw that in previous seasons. 

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5 hours ago, rur said:

The announcement's already been made that Capt. Kerry will be doing BD next season....

While I think it’s probably true, it’s still just a rumor.  Nothing’s official, there hasn’t been any announcement.

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1 hour ago, LotusFlower said:

While I think it’s probably true, it’s still just a rumor.  Nothing’s official, there hasn’t been any announcement.

Oops! You're right. I  rechecked the original article and it just said, "insiders say".  

I  hope they let Capt. Lee leave with some dignity, though. 

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9 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Every time I think Hayley is a really cool person she does something crass, this time she peed in her pants and told us about it.

They all get drunk knowing they have to be up and at 'em the next morning which means the deck crew could create an unsafe situation by being slow to respond to something, Capt. Lee has nothing to say to his crew when the still reek of booze?

Rachel is really funny sometimes, I am glad she is not the mean, embarrassing drunk anymore.

We have not had the 50 different dietary needs yet, sure someone wanted a low carb meal or was vegetarian but what happened to all the craziness? I have a feeling with the next charter protein will be a mainstay on every menu with large portions.  I recognized one of the muscle men coming on board, (I do not know why but I do), I wonder why they did not fake request full sets of weights and a bench to be brought on board and made the crew lift!



Captain Lee is physically unable to hobble down below deck to see how the crew is doing. If they did not have the supporting crew (who we almost never see) I don’t think he should be allowed to captain a ship.

i agree about Haley. I want to like her but she won’t let me. 

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That cake fight was gross. I don’t find food fights funny at all and I was annoyed by their laughing. Hayley found herself hilarious. She looked like a drunken buffoon. 
Ross is just ewwww ewwww ewww. He’s gross. He needs a condom for his entire body. Katie is dumb as dirt. 
Ben is getting horny for the new stew who’s not as pretty as Camille but seems just as dumb since she’s interested in him. 
Fraser too drunk to talk was mildly amusing. At least he’s not a gross horny trash box like the rest of the crew. Well, Tony and Tyler seem like likable guys. 
I have to ad, I think enough is enough of Rachel. I don’t dislike her but she’s not that amusing.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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Woohoo a no Sandy wanting more screen time and her drama episode. Breathe of fresh air!!!  Nice tip they people left for them.  Really Katie?  Still....still?  It's not Ross any longer it's you. We all know who Ross is and apparently after all this time you don't.

The interior...all of them.  WTH? Tony and Haylee peeing your pants is not cute nor funny.  Add in Fraser with you both so drunk and with the cake?

What a gross display on a night off.  We get a happy reprieve from Sandy and then get this.  

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2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Ross is just ewwww ewwww ewww. He’s gross. He needs a condom for his entire body. Katie is dumb as dirt. 

He absolutely does need a condom for his entire body. I can't imagine finding him attractive.

2 hours ago, MyMaui said:

What a gross display on a night off.  We get a happy reprieve from Sandy and then get this.  

I agree that they were astonishingly drunk and it's not particularly fun to watch. Please, Bravo, tone it down.

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13 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

That cake fight was gross. I don’t find food fights funny at all and I was annoyed by their laughing.

I'm normally right there with you. Perhaps it was the late hour, but I laughed so hard at Tyler's accidental prat fall and quiet little "Ow," the sound of Hayley's belly laughs, and Fraser's mumbling and staggering. The accidental three stooges. And the closed-captioning gave us "we" when Hayley said "that's wee," meaning pee on the floor. (Yuck)

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16 hours ago, janiema said:
On 3/14/2023 at 7:53 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Captain Lee is physically unable to hobble down below deck to see how the crew is doing.

He was down there making his own coffee, so he can go down the steps if he wants to. He's certainly less mobile than he used to be, but even in the early seasons he tended to keep to himself in the wheelhouse rather than run around and stick his nose in everywhere like Sandy does.

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On 3/14/2023 at 10:35 AM, rur said:

 I did think it interesting, though, that we saw him make the obligatory "Sandy did a good job" comments, though, considering the audience knows what he said when the series actually aired.

I assume he got a full debrief from Fraser (who he likes) and then was able to see for himself how Sandy treated people. Sure when he got on everybody was getting along and that was a point in her favor... except getting rid of Sandy might have been as much a pick me up as getting rid of Alyssa and Camille. 

Edited by kassa
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I can't understand and have never understood the appeal of getting so banged up you might pee on yourself, or fuck a co-worker and not remember it. It's disgusting. I was working from home yesterday and just wanted a background show on, so I went back to the first season with Kate, and it's not like this at all. It's jarring to see the difference.

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On 3/16/2023 at 12:17 PM, Uncle JUICE said:

I can't understand and have never understood the appeal of getting so banged up you might pee on yourself, or fuck a co-worker and not remember it. It's disgusting. I was working from home yesterday and just wanted a background show on, so I went back to the first season with Kate, and it's not like this at all. It's jarring to see the difference.

Ita. This show used to be a fave of mine but now it’s basically drunken hookups and being as gross as possible for screen time. I wont go as far as saying Kate was the best thing about this show and her leaving was it’s demise( although I kind of do think so) but she really was the best chief stew. She brought some class to it and had the best lines. They’re really scraping the barrel now for some of these crew members. And the chief stews they’ve had since she left to me were unlikable, not funny and not very good at the job. 

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9 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

it’s basically drunken hookups and being as gross as possible

I can tolerate a small amount of showing how drunk they get (not that I like it), but this episode went on and on with the not being able to stand, total slurring of words, spreading cake all over the place, peeing on the floor. Ridiculous.

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Wow…Lee has either mellowed or just doesn’t give a shit anymore. I don’t think he would have found a prank of towing a drunken guest passed out on a water trampoline and then creating a wake with a water ski funny back in the day. I was a little surprised at that, TBH.

On 3/16/2023 at 12:17 PM, Uncle JUICE said:

I can't understand and have never understood the appeal of getting so banged up you might pee on yourself, or fuck a co-worker and not remember it. It's disgusting. I was working from home yesterday and just wanted a background show on, so I went back to the first season with Kate, and it's not like this at all. It's jarring to see the difference.

Totally agree. The standards, such as they are/were have slipped badly.

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