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15 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Thanks for the info., I just started watching the show & was barely tolerating Andrea Canning, when I took a quick break.  (Hate to knock a fellow Canadian, but...)  There's better stuff to watch, so ...

Lol, I can't imagine any host stopping me from watching a true crime show. But in the case of Andrea, if my mind wanders it is to marvel that she has 6 kids, a successful marriage and career, and in her spare time while travelling for her job writes movie scripts. Mind you they are of the Lifetime and Hallmark variety, but still pretty impressive to me. To me she is the very definition of a woman being able to "have it all", which I find inspiring. 

I know some give her a hard time for some of her questions, but I have noticed that other hosts (Josh, Keith) ask similar questions and nary a word is said. In any case fellow Canadian (which is not the reason I like Andrea, just a bonus as with Keith) I would recommend watching the epi. 

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42 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

How did she take out five (was it five?) life insurance policies on him without his knowledge? I thought that wasn't doable, and yet it still seems to keep happening.

I keep wondering about that, too. It's like the case with the guy who "accidentally" shot his wife when they were on safari in Africa, and then you find out he had NINE life insurance policies on her.

Like...doesn't this raise some massive red flags for the insurance companies at some point? 

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This is an episode that could have been two hours. I assume the only reason it is one is that at some point Dateline will update, and play this epi over again as the first hour of a two hour episode.

There is more that they could have delved into, just based on some things shown but not explored like the letter that Kouri wrote to the police basically asking them to back off. I froze the screen, and from what I could read of the letter she states that Eric had an affair, and had created the trust around that time and gone to a divorce lawyer. She makes it sound like she knew about the trust (though of course I think that is a lie). She also write about Eric's first marriage, and that his ex (don't know that the show ever talked about a previous marriage) cheated on him with a co worker. And that Eric from what I gathered wanted her to be a SAHM, but that she has always been ambitious, hence started the business she did.

It is hard to believe that Kouri took out 5 insurance policies, but also that she didn't realize that she would be scrutinized. Or that taking money from her husband's business, etc would not be discovered. She made so many mistakes, right back to buying the mouldy house and not realizing (or caring) that whoever bought it would suffer from her shoddy reno. And that they would come after her.

I agree though that it doesn't make sense that Eric would have stayed with her. But then how often do we here where a spouse tells a friend that if something happens to them, to look at their partner. I guess these people don't watch true crime shows to realize that they need to take their own fears seriously and leave! 

Also, she wrote and had that book published exactly a year after killing her husband. That's pretty fast. You would think she would be busy supporting her kids through their first year without their dad. Does anyone else think she was writing the book while her husband was still alive? 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I know I've seen "Page Turner" before. Probably that last 60 seconds of updates made the episode "new." 

There was a conspicuous absence of any family interviews in this story. Aside from mentioning Eric's sisters we didn't even hear about any family members on either side, let alone from them. The closest we got to either Kouri or Eric was a former co-worker and a local diner owner.

Just a note to that TV host who interviewed Kouri: if you're going to get fillers for your lips, fine, but maybe don't highlight them with bright hot pink neon lipstick. It's so distracting my eyes just go right to her mouth.

On 9/23/2023 at 2:06 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

She made so many mistakes, right back to buying the mouldy house and not realizing (or caring) that whoever bought it would suffer from her shoddy reno. And that they would come after her.

Now, I have a question for the people that bought that house. Did they get a building inspection? Because that is exactly why you get building inspections. If they didn't, I don't feel the least bit sorry for them and do not think they are owed any  compensation. And if they did get an inspection and the inspector missed the mold they should maybe sue the inspector.

On 9/23/2023 at 2:06 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

agree though that it doesn't make sense that Eric would have stayed with her. But then how often do we hear where a spouse tells a friend that if something happens to them, to look at their partner.

It makes me think that probably never happens. It's always hearsay. Someone close to the victim just wants to juice the case and tells people "yeah, he said if anything ever happens to him, look at his wife!" Like you think if someone's going to kill you, maybe move out of the house

On 9/23/2023 at 1:50 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

ol, I can't imagine any host stopping me from watching a true crime show. But in the case of Andrea, if my mind wanders it is to marvel that she has 6 kids, a successful marriage and career, and in her spare time while travelling for her job writes movie scripts. Mind you they are of the Lifetime and Hallmark variety, but still pretty impressive to me. To me she is the very definition of a woman being able to "have it all", which I find inspiring. 

Yeah that does all sound pretty impressive, but we just love to dunk on ol' Andrea around these parts.

Fun fact: Andrea sounds even dumber when you're stoned. And so do those idiotic Twitter prompts the show insists on putting up on the screen. "Have you ever thought of someone as your Guardian Angel?" OMG. I laughed all the way through this.

Edited by iMonrey
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6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Just a note to that TV host who interviewed Kouri: if you're going to get fillers for your lips, fine, but maybe don't highlight them with bright hot pink neon lipstick. It's so distracting my eyes just go right to her mouth.

I kept focusing on that, too, whenever she was on screen. 


It makes me think that probably never happens. It's always hearsay. Someone close to the victim just wants to juice the case and tells people "yeah, he said if anything ever happens to him, look at his wife!" Like you think if someone's going to kill you, maybe move out of the house.

It is amazing how often some variation of that sentence seems to pop up in a lot of these kinds of stories, yeah. I could understand someone saying that and being scared to leave, because abuse is just that powerful, but what I don't get are the family members or friends who supposedly hear the victim say this and they just...continue on like normal. Like, nobody considers calling the police at that point? Nobody tries to get them to come stay at their home, or get them out of the hose in some other form, or something? 'Cause it's not every day someone would drop a line like that, so if someone I loved said that to me, I would be taking that pretty damn seriously and being like, "Okay, we need to get you out of there, then."

That's not to say my efforts would even be successful or anything like that, mind, 'cause, again, abusive partners can be just that intimidating/controlling and it's often hard to leave even under the best and supportive of circumstances, but still, I'd like to think I'd do something, or at least try to, anyway, in a situation like that. 

I suppose some of them could think the person's just being overdramatic or blowing off steam or even joking or something, but still... 

Edited by Annber03
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On 9/23/2023 at 12:33 PM, TVbitch said:

I know they had kids together, but if I found out my partner was abusing our credit cards or bank accounts to the point I had to redo my trust AND I felt I had to tell my family to look at my partner if anything happened to me, I WOULD LEAVE THAT PERSON!!! 

The part of all this that makes no sense, is that they do the financial changes, like changing the will or creating a trust, in secret.  The whole point of the changes they make is to protect the assets in case something happens to them.  So instead, why not minimize the chance of something happening in the first place, by telling about the change, so the financial gain motive for their death is removed.  And further, make it clear to the potential murderer that along with the changes you've made, you have notified so-and-so about the changes, along with a chronology of events that have led to this point, so that if anything happens to me, you will be the very first person they look at. The idea is to make the possibility of the death so undesirable on every level, that the potential murderer changes their mind. I'm not saying this would stop the murderer in every one of those cases, but the combo of removing the financial gain and increasing the spotlight after the crime, would undoubtedly deter at least some. And yeah, leaving, especially when abuse retribution worries do not seem to be at play, is another good way to minimize the murderer's chances.

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Something that was not delved into sufficiently was the drug angle.  Kouri has already indicated that they were the only adults in the house. So if Eric truly wasn't a drug user (which I think a hair sample would indicate), then either he for some reason decided that he wanted a huge amount of drugs that night, in an amount that could prove fatal. Or they came from Kouri. The defense tried to discredit the argument that Kouri got them from the cleaning woman who the prosecution says was the one Kouri contacted for the drugs.

But there wasn't enough about the flip side, which is where would Eric have gotten the drugs if they came from him (cell phone records, second phone, etc.) and why would he have taken them. Since nobody thought he was suicidal, and nothing was said about him getting the drugs himself, or why then that by default means they had to have come from Kouri, whether they came from that cleaning woman or not. And why would she have given such a large amount of drugs to Eric, a man who never takes them, if not to murder him. At the least, she would be guilty of reckless endangerment, if the defense tried to claim it was for reasons other than murder, given his lack of history taking drugs.

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3 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

The part of all this that makes no sense, is that they do the financial changes, like changing the will or creating a trust, in secret.  The whole point of the changes they make is to protect the assets in case something happens to them.  So instead, why not minimize the chance of something happening in the first place, by telling about the change, so the financial gain motive for their death is removed. 

The only thing I could think of is that maybe Eric did in fact tell Kouri he was changing his will and/or trust, etc., which is what prompted her to kill him, thinking she could do it before those changes took place. Then maybe she didn't find out he'd already accomplished this by the time she killed him. 

I still don't know that Eric ever told anyone "if anything happens to me . . . " because it seems like too much of a cliche. I think in the rare case that does happen it's more likely to be about a vengeful ex rather than someone the victim is still living with.

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On 9/23/2023 at 2:01 PM, Annber03 said:

I keep wondering about that, too. It's like the case with the guy who "accidentally" shot his wife when they were on safari in Africa, and then you find out he had NINE life insurance policies on her.

Like...doesn't this raise some massive red flags for the insurance companies at some point? 

It does.  One of the things underwriters look for are multiple applications.  I am not sure if there's an ability to check outside companies about this, but I think there is.  I am thinking she bought from small companies.  

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Heads up to Dateline watchers:  Per my cable guide the new season starts tonight... season 32 with fresh shows coming our way!   

There is no description for the episode scheduled for tonight.  We shall see if it is totally new material or previously covered cases from Dateline or other shows. {Debbie Downer moment over}


Hold on a minute, I think I spoke too soon about recycled cases.  I just looked on another cable guide and the title and picture sparked a memory... I think this episode is about the couple with the last name Faith, where the wife killed the husband.  We will see...


Edited by patty1h
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Just watched “Losing Faith”. This was new to me. 

Holy $#**. What a manipulative, sadistic monster Jennifer is. She really took advantage of Darrin’s vulnerability with his PTSD. At some point the detective said they exchanged 24,000 messages. Dear lord.

I was rather skeptical when they were going on about how Jamie was not the man people said he was, especially when they mentioned Jamie was texting Darrin from Jennifer’s phone. Uh-huh. I was also curious how they got all those pictures of young Darrin-likely he had spoken to Dateline staff to give his side of the story.

She got her unsuspecting husband killed and a decorated war veteran to do her bidding in blind belief. Complete scum.

I can’t imagine how Darrin’s daughters feel about all this. They are also collateral victims here.

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15 minutes ago, A.Ham said:

Holy $#**. What a manipulative, sadistic monster Jennifer is. She really took advantage of Darrin’s vulnerability with his PTSD. At some point the detective said they exchanged 24,000 messages. Dear lord.

As the story unfolded, I was like, "Ohhhhhh, I remember this one!" - there was a "48 Hours" episode that covered it once as well. 

I don't know that they went into nearly as much detail as this episode did, though. But yeah. She's one hell of a piece of work. Concocting ALL THOSE EMAILS. Using car accident photos to try to pass them off as signs of abuse, and then picking random images of bruised lips from some image search. I mean...who the hell has that much time to do all of that?!

But yeah, the mention of them talking up to 500 times a day just floored me. Maybe I'm some kind of weird outlier or something, but who the hell needs to call/text someone THAT many times in a day? 

And how the hell do these people still not realize that this stuff can be recovered/found on their phones? It boggles my mind how she's crafty enough to create all those fake email addresses and communications, but she's also stupid/arrogant enough to go on local TV months after her husband's murder to plead for help in the case, or to send him a new TV with her return address right on the damn FedEx package, or to openly tell Darrin in one of their exchanges*, "Oh, by the way, you should remove that sticker from your truck." I laughed at her being all, "I'm so happy!" when he told her he did that - she had no idea that by telling him to do that, she'd just put up a big sign saying, "Hey, arrest me, I'm the criminal mastermind!" Idiot. 

I also like how on the one hand, she and Darrin were apparently smart enough to know that maybe they shouldn't be communicating the day before and of the murder, but also didn't seem to realize that that gap in communication is going to look kind of suspicious amidst all these constant phone calls and text exchanges. 

*On the note of the text exchanges, oh, man, did I feel for the poor prosecutor and the detective having to read out those racier ones during the trial. I just kept thinking of this scene from "Trial & Error" during that:


She got her unsuspecting husband killed and a decorated war veteran to do her bidding in blind belief. Complete scum.

The fact she was able to somehow get a hold of his psych records, and used his mental issues to her advantage. That's a special kind of evil. 

(That said, granted, he didn't come off this way in his interview with Josh, but I also kind of get the feeling that, at least at one time, he might've gotten a little TOO invested in his time in the Special Forces, to where he had a hard time shaking off that mindset upon returning home. The way his house was set up, the fact that the investigators were so concerned about how to approach him to arrest him - I could see her playing on his "I'm a big, tough badass military guy" attitude to some degree as well.)


I can’t imagine how Darrin’s daughters feel about all this. They are also collateral victims here.

Same, and that goes for Jennifer's daughter as well. I wonder if she still has any kind of relationship with her mom. If she could manipulate friends and lovers that badly, imagine what she must've done to her own daughter. 

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8 hours ago, Annber03 said:

But yeah, the mention of them talking up to 500 times a day just floored me. Maybe I'm some kind of weird outlier or something, but who the hell needs to call/text someone THAT many times in a day? 

Right? Who even has that kind of time?  No wonder his house was a pigsty.

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I knew the wife was involved immediately because they showed her interrogation video. I don't think they would do that if she was an innocent grieving widow. Also, the show spoiled the fact that the "disgruntled former employees" angle was a red herring by mentioning the "kiss in Paris" in the intro to the story. I'm glad they didn't spend too much time on it.

This is the second episode in a row (that I've seen) that included some self-styled social media "reporter." I don't know why the show is doing this. I don't think someone who has a Facebook page and fancies themselves an investigator has anything of worth to contribute.

We often comment on how it looks like Andrea and her interview subjects are color coordinated and I noticed the same thing with Josh in this one. When he was interviewing the prosecutor, Josh was wearing a pink shirt and a shiny pink and black hankie in his jacket pocket, and the prosecutor was wearing a matching sparkly pink tie. And when Josh was interviewing the two investigators he was wearing a navy blue and orange pocket square and one of the investigators is wearing a matching tie and pocket square.

What an odd thing for the show to do. 

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32 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Color coordination is key to any interview.  If the subjects' clothes and accessories clashed, it would be distracting!  🙂

I appreciated the care the detectives took in dressing for the interviews.  The ties really popped on the tv.  

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There is a special place in hell for women who claim they are being raped and beaten to get sympathy and manipulate men. It's hard enough for women to be believed about real situations without such crap going on.

I FF'd thru the 20/20 one to see if they had anything new. Looked like the same detectives saying the same things. No interview with Darrin or Jennifer, so I guess perps prefer Dateline. 

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2 hours ago, nora1992 said:

I appreciated the care the detectives took in dressing for the interviews.  The ties really popped on the tv.  

I was struck by how much one of the detectives looked like Jamie Foxx :D. 

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

This is the second episode in a row (that I've seen) that included some self-styled social media "reporter." I don't know why the show is doing this. I don't think someone who has a Facebook page and fancies themselves an investigator has anything of worth to contribute.

Yeah, it's like how seemingly almost everybody has some kind of murder podcast nowadays. You might want to talk about a notable murder case on your own time on a podcast, but that doesn't automatically make you a legitimate reporter/investigator, no. Especially since they're often engaging in speculation as much as your average neighbor or friend/family member is. 

I was also struck by everyone's reaction to the shooting. Says a lot about how commonplace those are nowadays that while they gave the heads up that, hey, there was a shooting in the neighborhood, nobody seemed all that surprised that it happened :/. 

I liked the one woman Josh interviewed who was getting all skeptical about that Valentine's book that Jennifer played at Jamie's funeral. I liked her being al, "I've been with my husband for eighteen years, he's not getting a book like that." :p. 

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18 hours ago, Angeltoes said:
On 9/30/2023 at 11:09 AM, Mondrianyone said:

How on earth did this stumpy little fireplug get multiple men wrapped around her finger?

They showed that photo of her and Darrin when they were in high school, and at the time both would be considered attractive. All the time they were communicating by text he was probably still picturing her as she looked when he knew her back then.

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21 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Yeah, it's like how seemingly almost everybody has some kind of murder podcast nowadays. You might want to talk about a notable murder case on your own time on a podcast, but that doesn't automatically make you a legitimate reporter/investigator,

To me, it's the newly-minted "producers" of the reality crime TV shows we watch who believe these "podcasters/social media experts" lend something "cutting edge" or "trendy" to the story (maybe to attract younger viewers?) 

I also think that the podcast/media hound "experts" don't demand "contributor status" from the show that to me means they do the "spots" on the episode without getting paid.  I note that in the instances when former prosecutors/investigators/reporters are used in an episode they ID them as "contributors" (or similar terms) so I assume they got paid for their services.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

All the time they were communicating by text he was probably still picturing her as she looked when he knew her back then.

Very possibly true, but not necessarily. She could've texted him more recent photos. Plus, wasn't there another husband before the one they killed? So at least one other man saw her post-high school.

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28 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

wasn't there another husband before the one they killed? So at least one other man saw her post-high school.

I believe I heard the narrator say she was married TWICE BEFORE...I'll refrain from commenting further on how or why she seemed to be a guy "magnet"...as the subject was already touched upon...😛

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She married her first husband.  She tried to get her second husband, the one interviewed in the show, to kill him.  He was seriously considering it but then she ended up getting a divorce instead.  They got married.  Then he started to notice some strange emails about him not appreciating his wife that he suspected were from her.  He smartly got out.

I think she was well-matched, looks-wise, with her partners.  Maybe it's the movies that makes it seem like you have to be a Lana Turner or Barbara Stanwyck type to get men to be obsessed enough to murder for you but it's not looks.  It's about manipulation and she knew how to do it.  She knew how to make her partners feel like they were the only ones. She found partners who had a deep need to rescue and protect and then exploited that instinct. 

So you too could find a partner willing to kill for you if you want to put in the effort.  As for me, not only do I not have that desire but the ego fluffing I'd have to do would exhaust me after one day. 

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20 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

So you too could find a partner willing to kill for you if you want to put in the effort.  As for me, not only do I not have that desire but the ego fluffing I'd have to do would exhaust me after one day. 

God, this. And if I get caught, it won't be because I made such obvious, stupid mistakes, like the kind she did. It'd be because my conscience got to me and I'd confess when the investigation had barely even started :p. I would absolutely suck at trying to hide/cover up a murder, and seeing the lengths people go to try and do that sounds equally as exhausting to me. All that unnecessary work, and for what? 

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Even though I've seen this case three times already, I don't remember if these two were going for an insurance payout as the cherry on top of this murder.  Usually there is the money that they want so they can live it up off the blood of their victim.  Did that come up in the episode?

Edited by patty1h
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I watched both this one and the 20/20 episode and she is a special kind of evil. Jennifer is delusional and a narcissist. Yeah, I too don't know how a dumpy frau like her could get so many men to do her bidding but there's been dumpy men who've managed to con numerous women too so I guess both sexes are susceptible. 


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Let's not forget that she was constantly talking and writing to him about all the super kinky sex they were going to have. She had them exchanging questionnaires about just how wild and rough the sex was going to be. Plenty of men can get obsessed when their hormones are pumping like that.

There was $1 million in it for her @patty1h 

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5 hours ago, GiandujaPie said:

but there's been dumpy men who've managed to con numerous women too so I guess both sexes are susceptible. 

From my experience (not personal☺️) when dumpy, unattractive MEN have a bevy of women who are interested in them, it's USUALLY because they have $$$$...lots and lots of $$$.  


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Am I the only one who sort of wanted to hear the pretty prosecuting atty and the handsome, dapper detective read the phone sex transcripts out loud?

I was already laughing at the spanking part.

Edited by JudyObscure
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On 9/26/2023 at 1:41 PM, LuvMyShows said:

The part of all this that makes no sense, is that they do the financial changes, like changing the will or creating a trust, in secret.  The whole point of the changes they make is to protect the assets in case something happens to them.  So instead, why not minimize the chance of something happening in the first place, by telling about the change, so the financial gain motive for their death is removed.  And further, make it clear to the potential murderer that along with the changes you've made, you have notified so-and-so about the changes, along with a chronology of events that have led to this point, so that if anything happens to me, you will be the very first person they look at. The idea is to make the possibility of the death so undesirable on every level, that the potential murderer changes their mind. I'm not saying this would stop the murderer in every one of those cases, but the combo of removing the financial gain and increasing the spotlight after the crime, would undoubtedly deter at least some. And yeah, leaving, especially when abuse retribution worries do not seem to be at play, is another good way to minimize the murderer's chances.

This reminds me of a case on Does Murder Sleep (HBO max) where the husband had his pregnant wife killed and is recorded on the phone with the insurance company. 

Agent: I'm sorry sir, I can only give out info to the beneficiary on the policy

Scumbag: *heavy sigh* Oh man. She was supposed to change it. She didn't change it in time. 

When the police played the call in the interrogation room, it was the most satisfying moment ever. But I'm with you, I can't help but think she'd still be alive if she told the scumbag she decided not to put her policies in his name like he asked her to.  

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On 9/30/2023 at 12:20 PM, iMonrey said:

I knew the wife was involved immediately because they showed her interrogation video.

Well I can name that tune in only one note!  Seriously, as soon as Lester Holt said, "Tonight, on the season premiere of Dateline" and the voiceover said "a man was out walking his dog with his wife, and he was gunned down", I knew that the wife was in on it.  Having seen enough of these cases, we've seen that if such a brazen shooting takes place at a home, during a daily routine event, with the spouse conspicuously present yet unharmed, it's very likely to have been something planned by the unharmed spouse.  I also couldn't help but notice her almost Chacey-Poynter-like levels of gasping speech in her interrogation.

Kind of mystified me as to why law enforcement professionals would seriously develop a theory of robbery for a shooting in the morning when people were out walking their dog. Short of a cell phone -- and this couple didn't look like the kind that would have a cutting edge cell phone worth murdering for -- people don't usually even bring anything else with them on a walk!

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I have yet to watch Dateline's rendition of the same case that was covered on the same day as 20/20.  (I need a break between the two shows.) I guess I'll weigh in if I have something riveting to say, but thanks for posting the article link.

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10-5 episode, "The Note:"

This presentation felt lacking.  I've not heard of the case prior to tonight's episode so it's all I have for information on the case. I felt like it left me with more questions. Such as...

If she was strangled/suffocated, where did all the blood in his trunk come from? (I'm not doubting he did it, but that angle seems unexplained. I'm not buying his menstrual blood excuse either.)

Since they brought up Kendra the girlfriend and that she was his alibi that night, how did they clear her of involvement?  Much was made of her in the beginning and then she was like a dropped plot point.  Seems like she would have gained from Megan being out of the picture. 

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7 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

Since they brought up Kendra the girlfriend and that she was his alibi that night, how did they clear her of involvement?  Much was made of her in the beginning and then she was like a dropped plot point.  Seems like she would have gained from Megan being out of the picture. 

I was genuinely expecting that kind of reveal, too. 

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36 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

Since they brought up Kendra the girlfriend and that she was his alibi that night, how did they clear her of involvement?  Much was made of her in the beginning and then she was like a dropped plot point.  Seems like she would have gained from Megan being out of the picture. 

Yeah.  I don't necessarily think she's involved but I'm surprised they didn't go back to her and say "let's talk about that night again."  I could see her vouching for him, though.  He seems to have been a manipulator and I could see him telling her that he's innocent but he doesn't have an alibi so if she loves him, she'll say they were together.  Plus, if she wasn't around anyone either, it'd give her some cover. 

I feel for the mom.  She knew he was bad news but her daughter was too young and inexperienced to realize just how bad her situation was.

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11 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Yeah.  I don't necessarily think she's involved but I'm surprised they didn't go back to her and say "let's talk about that night again."  I could see her vouching for him, though.  He seems to have been a manipulator and I could see him telling her that he's innocent but he doesn't have an alibi so if she loves him, she'll say they were together.  Plus, if she wasn't around anyone either, it'd give her some cover. 

I feel for the mom.  She knew he was bad news but her daughter was too young and inexperienced to realize just how bad her situation was.

I definitely would have liked to hear what Kendra had to say/be interviewed. I wondered too how long they stayed together. If it was just a HS thing and then they went their separate ways in college or if they were still together when he got arrested.  Agree, he seemed like a serious manipulator, playing both the impressionable girls as well as Megan's mother. Creepy how his hatred of her fueled some of it. It was like he got off so to speak on messing with people's lives, particularly (and maybe solely) women.  I wish the interviewer would have asked his best friend if he ever realized in hindsight that he psychologically played/interfered in his life too.

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On 10/4/2023 at 8:40 PM, LuvMyShows said:

Well I can name that tune in only one note!  Seriously, as soon as Lester Holt said, "Tonight, on the season premiere of Dateline" and the voiceover said "a man was out walking his dog with his wife, and he was gunned down", I knew that the wife was in on it. 

I don't know what's wrong with me but whenever I see something like this my first thought is always "I hope the dog is OK."

14 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

Since they brought up Kendra the girlfriend and that she was his alibi that night, how did they clear her of involvement?  Much was made of her in the beginning and then she was like a dropped plot point.  Seems like she would have gained from Megan being out of the picture. 

Yes, I don't think we got the full story on Megan. I have no idea if they tried to interview Kendra or not, but usually when they reach out to someone who refuses to talk, they tell us. So that was strange. I wonder if maybe the show was afraid of getting sued if they brought up speculation about Kendra, like maybe the police suspected her but just didn't have enough evidence to charge her. Although usually this show doesn't shy away from that kind of thing.

The idea that Brodey just lost his temper and strangled Megan seems pretty flimsy, especially since nobody testified about him having anger issues or anything. I just have a hunch Megan was set up, possibly by Brodey and Kendra together, but that's just my theory.

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29 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Yes, I don't think we got the full story on Megan. I have no idea if they tried to interview Kendra or not, but usually when they reach out to someone who refuses to talk, they tell us. So that was strange. I wonder if maybe the show was afraid of getting sued if they brought up speculation about Kendra, like maybe the police suspected her but just didn't have enough evidence to charge her. Although usually this show doesn't shy away from that kind of thing.

The idea that Brodey just lost his temper and strangled Megan seems pretty flimsy, especially since nobody testified about him having anger issues or anything. I just have a hunch Megan was set up, possibly by Brodey and Kendra together, but that's just my theory.

That's a good theory.  Brodey could have planted the idea of running away together in Megan's head in the first place. It's certainly in the realm of something a manipulator would do.  And it's quite likely Kendra knew about it. It certainly would be interesting to get Kendra's side of things, especially after the evidence and details came out at the trial. Like did she know Brodey was sleeping with Megan. 

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On 10/6/2023 at 12:34 AM, Peanut6711 said:

10-5 episode, "The Note:"

This presentation felt lacking.  I've not heard of the case prior to tonight's episode so it's all I have for information on the case. I felt like it left me with more questions. Such as...

If she was strangled/suffocated, where did all the blood in his trunk come from? (I'm not doubting he did it, but that angle seems unexplained. I'm not buying his menstrual blood excuse either.)

Since they brought up Kendra the girlfriend and that she was his alibi that night, how did they clear her of involvement?  Much was made of her in the beginning and then she was like a dropped plot point.  Seems like she would have gained from Megan being out of the picture. 

I agree. I felt like they were leading up to them killing her together. I needed a lot more information.

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The Clearing: while I agree the police had little evidence, I'm pretty sure he did it. 

It's odd he reported her missing but didn't drive around looking for her. He was over the top as he kept saying she was perfect. I also just couldn't get past the fact that she would use an USB cord to hang herself. His weird response and crazy eyes when he was asked if he did it unsettled me. 

His lawyer used the fact that he led them to the area as proof of innocence but I actually think that could easily point to guilt. He's arrogant and wanted to put on a show if they found her. 

All that being said, I'm not surprised they found him not guilty but it wouldn't surprise me if he did do it. 

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