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S01.E04: Episode 4

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I'm actually looking forward to tonight's episode and Tuesdays.  The BIP ex. where clever enough to air this show before any popular shows came back in the fall such as Once Upon A Time.  BIP is a good way to kill a few hours and God knows I would rather watch this than the Emmys--millionaires giving other millionaires gold trophies, no thanks.  I would rather watch desperation and craziness.

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Sarah was openly making fun of Kalon, right? ("what's 'SPER-lunking'?")  If so, I totally love her. On the other hand if she was genuinely asking what spelunking is, that's considerably less awesome. One can never really tell with these hamsters.


Gee, Michelle, I can't possibly imagine what's turning all the guys off - maybe the heavy-handed Eau de Desperation that you've been soaking yourself in? And I can't help but notice the irony that she's so offended by what Kalon said, but basically said the same thing in her own talking head - ie that her daughter is preventing her from dating. How nice when the kid watches this some day and learns that her mother thinks she is responsible for spoiling her chances at happiness.

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Very cringeworthy scene:  Michelle is feeling exceptionally bad for herself because she hasn't latched on to a guy yet.  Sarah then gets asked on a date by one of the guys (can't remember his name).  Michelle's voiceover says, "I'm the only girl here without a guy on her arm."  The camera then pans over to Sarah and her date walking away.  Sarah, with ONE ARM.  


Maybe it's me, but I think the troll-y show editors did that on purpose.  I mean, these are the same geniuses behind the raccoon convo.

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AshLee is such a hypocrite, and incredibly two-faced.  She works on her character?  Isn't the saying "Character is who you are when there's nobody around", or something to that effect?  How about when the camera isn't turned on, AshLee?


I loved Clare's response to AshLee wanting to hug it out. "I'm good, thanks".  *ROFL*


What's most disturbing to me is that I still make a concerted effort to spell her name correctly.  Probably because I have character. 

Edited by leighdear
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Please, please, please tell me that tomorrow we're going to get two hours' worth--every dramatic moment--of Graham leaving and AshLee losing her shit because of her abandonment issues and running off into the jungle. I mean, not that I wish a nervous breakdown on anyone, but if it's happening anyway...and you know those cameras are everywhere!

Kalon's date with himself cracked me up to no end. I think Kalon + Kalon will be the most successful couple to come out of this show.

Edited by JenE4
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I hate Zach.   After he told Clare that he didn't know if he would turn down a date card because, "It depends on the girl,"  I really expected her to walk away from him and never look back.  Go toward the Cody, Clare!  Zach doesn't have your back, he's only there until something better comes along and he doesn't have time to listen to your problems even when there's no ESPN.  Run. Away.


AshLee is tacky and  creepy. Clare let her keep Graham and all AshLee has done in return is trash talk her. 


Kalon makes me laugh, slime ball though he is. He's like a David Spade character.

  • Love 5

LOL at Graham ordering a drink after hearing about Ashlee's drama, you could see him girding himself for the worst.




That was the best part, Graham making sure he had a stiff drink before hearing about the AshLee drama.  


I know Michelle went to Cody by default but hey if you have to be with someone might as well be with a guy who looks good without his shirt on!

  • Love 4

One thing about AshLee is she's the most classically beautiful woman on the show.  I don't mean the one I personally find the most attractive - that would probably be Claire - but AshLee has what many consider the Platonic ideal of womanly beauty - the cheekbones, the hair, the legs.


I''m sure she would be able to find some superficial rich guy to take her as a trophy wife.  I don't wish that for her (or for anyone), but if she's just looking for a husband, women like AshLee can usually get a guy.


(Getting the right guy/girl is another matter, and that's a problem we all face,)

  • Love 3

Oh, Jackie. How naive.... She fell for every last bit of Jesse's crap.

"It is so nice to hear that he really is here for me."

"Jackie's my one shot at a rose so I can go mack on all the other girls for another two weeks."

I wish they had interviewed Jackie about her date with Marquel. Was she just not feeling it? Did he let it fizzle? Why didn't he go talk to her before the rose ceremony?

So many questions!!

Please a Clare Crowley bachelorette season.

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Between Kalon and all of the middle school hissy fits this was by far my favourite episode.  Is last night the last episode, or is there another one next week? 


Loved Kalon- I mean I hated him and wouldn't want to spend any time with him, but he was incredibly entertaining.  The only disappointment for me was when he was doing the back and forth in the cave with himself (kudos to the editors for keeping that), and he didn't check to make sure that he was there for the right reasons.


Michelle M was just silly this week.  "I haven't formed a connection yet".  Hey sweetheart- don't you remember when you felt a 'connection' with Marquel, and a day later with Robert?  Maybe the problem isn't being able to form a connection, but not just hooking up with any random man with a rose that walks by.  I did feel for her during the massage though- it sounds like she does have an incredibly busy life away from the Bachelor Family, and couple what seems to have been a long dry spell with a massage by someone who knows how to do it, I'd probably be panting too. 

Edited by aenea
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That was the best part, Graham making sure he had a stiff drink before hearing about the AshLee drama.  


I know Michelle went to Cody by default but hey if you have to be with someone might as well be with a guy who looks good without his shirt on!

And the best part to me is that he sternly orders the drink in the moment. But then doesn't abandon his good manners and adds "Sir"

  • Love 4

Funny how Michelle and Graham had that private conversation in the bathroom, away from everyone else.

Everyone but the camera guy.

Even funnier how Clare turned things around on Zach - if a girl asked you on a date, would you consider it ? Oh you would? You're willing to let me go with another guy? You're wishy-washy enough to let me date someone else? Well, then I'm going to be strong enough to date someone else. Because if I do it, it a sign of strength. If you do it, you're weak.

Edited by backformore
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Oh Kalon, you are a douchenozzle for sure but that was a highly entertaining one on one date. Was it an overnight? How ever did you amuse yourself??????


AshLee this isn't your first rodeo, You are on a televison show, you are wearing a mic pack, even in the bizarro world that you inhabit, how did you think there were no cameras around to document your petty, completely unnecessary commentary on Claire's alleged sexual exploits. I don't recall Zach asking you for relationship advice and really, once you realized the jig was up you didn't have the foresight to pull Graham aside and at least try to bullshit your way out of it?


Marquel no attempt to conversate with Jackie brah? Did your feel your stoic awesomeness would trump anything that Johnny come lately had to offer? For real?


Bring on tomorrow's episode!

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I agree. It was bizarre, it just seemed to come out of nowhere, there was AshLee lounging with Zach (who I have never seen her talk to) ripping into Clare. There was no need for AshLee to do that, she was with Graham and Clare wasn't moving in on him, so why spoil it for Clare?


Marquel no attempt to conversate with Jackie brah? Did your feel your stoic awesomeness would trump anything that Johnny come lately had to offer? For real?


I will put on my flame proof suit and ask if we are sure Marquel is straight? Seems like he doesn't even try with the women and I see no chemistry with any of them. Does he think his charisma (which I don't see) is enough to carry him?

Edited by Armchair Critic
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I really couldn't stand Cody when he was on Andi's season, but I have to admit he's starting to grow on me now.  He seems like the kind of guy who would be a lot of fun just to hang out with, whether in a romantic or just platonic setting.



I don't know, Cody seems like a guy who has a closet full of matching cowboy boots and denim hot pants. Maybe a little cowboy hat and little cowboy vest to complete the look. But I admit, I might be alone in thinking that. 

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