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S02.E03: Carry On Weighward Son

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I have to say that I have come to like Vanessa. She has lost an incredible amount of weight. She looks smaller than all of them. I like that she's worried about her son and intends to do as much about it as she can do (unfortunately, you can lead an horse to water......it depends on his willingness) and I like her compassion for Tina. She has a good heart. 

Edited by Kid
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I feel for Vanessa and her son.  With an A1C like that and him not wanting to make changes….omg.  It won’t be good.  I wonder if they put him on Ozempic.  It really helps with weight loss and blood sugar reduction, according to what I’ve seen.  I know several people who have had great success on it….all type 2 diabetics.  As a type I diabetic, I read a lot on diabetic sites, support, etc. and being type 2 isn’t easy from what I’ve seen.  Oh, I have a friend who’s lost 100 pounds on Ozempic. She’s very pleased.  Says it was pretty easy.  I hope they get on top of the blood sugar issue immediately.  I wonder if he really understands what Type 2 means.  He definitely needs classes and peer support.  

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  On 1/19/2023 at 3:27 AM, Pi237 said:

Why doesn't Megan and her husband stay with Vanessa? She has a house. Or, you know, get their own hotel room?  Why is she responsible for those two? I thought it was producer driven, but Tina doesnt seem to be acting.  


I think Megan is on disability and probably pays Tina rent is why she's living in her basement. 

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  On 1/19/2023 at 3:11 AM, Snarkastikate said:

Oh boy here comes Jackie.  Didn't Vanessa have 2 boys or am I imagining that?


Not going back to look, but I remember 2 sons in the back of her van going out for fast food.

  On 1/19/2023 at 4:22 AM, LEILANI2 said:

I think Megan is on disability and probably pays Tina rent is why she's living in her basement. 


I know on these forums we stay away from disability chat as I know disabilities aren't always visible- could her weight be her disability? 

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Meghan acts like a three year old that didn't get the candy she demanded.    She's lucky Dr. Proctor didn't tell her to hit the road.   She should be 175 after her surgery two full years ago, she's 316 up from 303 the last visit. 

Her goal weight is 170 lbs.  Dr. P is going to see her monthly, and wants her 300 or below by the next visit. 

TIna still claims she is afraid of surgery.    She was 296, now she weighs in at 306.    If she can lose 10 lbs, and get back to 296, Dr. P will do surgery.    

Tina needs to discipline the kids, and at their ages it's too late to suddenly start.    The kids all thought the mess was funny, and Meghan was right in the middle of the mess, and pillow fight.   

Vannessa needs to never have her sister at her house.  Who feeds a kid that's just under 500 lbs a milk shake (Wendy's by the way) and who knows what else?    Jackie is awful, but I suspect she's the one person who isn't playing a script.  

Ashely (this is the correct spelling of Ashely's name, but auto correct keeps changing it back), Tina, Vannessa, and Meghan having a weigh in is a bad idea with everything going on.     So if the four of them have weigh ins, why was Dr. Proctor's weigh in such a surprise?   In Tina's place, Meghan and John would be finding another place to live besides my basement. 

Vannessa and Jacob at the doctor's office was heart breaking.  Jacob really doesn't care does he?

Vannessa's weight loss is amazing, down to 281.  I'm so happy for her. 

The preview of Meghan for next week is disgusting.  

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  On 1/19/2023 at 5:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Meghan acts like a three year old that didn't get the candy she demanded.    She's lucky Dr. Proctor didn't tell her to hit the road.   She should be 175 after her surgery two full years ago, she's 316 up from 303 the last visit. 

Her goal weight is 170 lbs.  Dr. P is going to see her monthly, and wants her 300 or below by the next visit. 


Won't happen.  Not that I'm a doomsayer but it isn't going to happen.  Meghan has no structure in her life.  Neither does Tina.  That hotel room looks like a flop house.  How can anyone possibly control food/portions when chaos is all around.  And not for nothing - I'm getting a little bored with the "I want surgery, I don't want surgery" with Tina.  Get it.  Don't get it.  Whatever.  But make a decision and leave it at that.  Your indecisiveness about this (and other things) is loony.


  On 1/19/2023 at 5:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

TIna still claims she is afraid of surgery.    She was 296, now she weighs in at 306.    If she can lose 10 lbs, and get back to 296, Dr. P will do surgery.    

Tina needs to discipline the kids, and at their ages it's too late to suddenly start.    The kids all thought the mess was funny, and Meghan was right in the middle of the mess, and pillow fight.


Yep.  See my comments above.  And if I were Dr. Proctor I'd tell her the same thing.  "Look lady, you're wasting my time.  Go away, decide if you want the surgery...call with any questions you might have but in the meantime your butt is taking up a seat from a patient who has already decided to change their life.  

  On 1/19/2023 at 5:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Vannessa needs to never have her sister at her house.  Who feeds a kid that's just under 500 lbs a milk shake (Wendy's by the way) and who knows what else?    Jackie is awful, but I suspect she's the one person who isn't playing a script.  


Jackie is a mess.  I can imagine whenever she shows up...phone ring off the hook, dogs bark, cats screech in the background, car horns start blaring and black crows are cawing overhead.   She's got that vibe that throws everything off kilter. Maybe she should room with Tina and company.   A cage match.  We could take bets on who survives and who doesn't.

  On 1/19/2023 at 5:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Ashely (this is the correct spelling of Ashely's name, but auto correct keeps changing it back), Tina, Vannessa, and Meghan having a weigh in is a bad idea with everything going on.     So if the four of them have weigh ins, why was Dr. Proctor's weigh in such a surprise?   In Tina's place, Meghan and John would be finding another place to live besides my basement. 


Absolutely true.

  On 1/19/2023 at 5:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Vannessa and Jacob at the doctor's office was heart breaking.  Jacob really doesn't care does he?

Vannessa's weight loss is amazing, down to 281.  I'm so happy for her. 

The preview of Meghan for next week is disgusting.  


I fell asleep before the previews for next week.  Should I ask for a quick recap for next weeks show or should I keep my blood pressure low and just watch next week?


  On 1/19/2023 at 2:31 PM, BAForever said:

Not going back to look, but I remember 2 sons in the back of her van going out for fast food.

I know on these forums we stay away from disability chat as I know disabilities aren't always visible- could her weight be her disability? 


You are correct that we limit the discussion of disability payments unless the person explicitly states that they receive them.   So let's not speculate too far here. 

Weight does not qualify someone to receive disability payments. This mod note is not opening the discussion on this topic.  Please move away from this discussion.  Thanks!

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  On 1/19/2023 at 5:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Vannessa and Jacob at the doctor's office was heart breaking.  Jacob really doesn't care does he?


Unfortunately, when you are his age, you think you will never die, and you think you will never get sick. One would think that his mother would be a lesson to him. It's just like a child of an alcoholic becoming an alcoholic.

Edited by Kid
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  On 1/19/2023 at 9:36 PM, Kid said:

One would think that his mother would be a lesson to him.


His mother HAS been a lesson to him. He watched her eat mountains of food through his entire childhood.  He thought her weight - and his too - was ok because she never did anything to change their behaviors when it came to food.  And now she has done a 180 and she expects him to immediately do the same thing. Gonna be VERY tough for him to change his entire mindset about food and exercise overnight. 

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  On 1/19/2023 at 3:22 AM, Pi237 said:

Did that kid just say "we did what we wanted to do?" oh hell no.  


Yes, he did and with a look on his face.  That would have guaranteed some discipline if I'd done that to my mother.

That whole scene was so off the top.  Meghan and her boyfriend are pillow fighting with the kids when there was mess that should have been cleaned???  Move out, MOFOs!!!!  NOW!!!

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  On 1/20/2023 at 12:25 AM, JJ1 said:

His mother HAS been a lesson to him. He watched her eat mountains of food through his entire childhood.  He thought her weight - and his too - was ok because she never did anything to change their behaviors when it came to food.  And now she has done a 180 and she expects him to immediately do the same thing. Gonna be VERY tough for him to change his entire mindset about food and exercise overnight. 


Yeah. I am not surprised at Jacob’s stance, nor am I surprised that as his mother, Vanessa wants better for him. Parents generally want their children to have a better life and not make the mistakes that they did- but given that Jacob is 19 now, Vanessa cannot force him to make these changes. Jacob has to want to for JACOB, not to please his Mom. 

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  On 1/20/2023 at 2:23 PM, Pi237 said:

I don't know if it was editing, but I did feel Dr Proctor was acting quite smug with the smirking at Megan's crying. He did, finally, acknowledge her accomplishments to this point, and Megan admits she throws fits and stomps off which is ridiculous behavior, but I didn't like his demeanor at all in that scene.


I can admit Dr Proctor probably could've controlled the smirk a little more, but Drs are people too and he was probably trying so hard to hold it in because she was being RIDICULOUS. He was probably trying to hold in a nervous tick or keep himself from reacting as "himself" and not as a her Physican. His internal monologue was probably going "really now?? REALLY?? this is rich."

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In the Too Large episodes where we first were introduced to Vannessa & Meghan, in response to Meghan's begging her to consider surgery,Vannessa proudly says she's beautiful & very happy with herself.  This is the mom Jacob grew up with, so why would her sudden transformation in attitude change his mind?  Ain't gonna happen.  That said, she's still doing great.  

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  On 1/20/2023 at 2:34 PM, Scarlett45 said:

I can admit Dr Proctor probably could've controlled the smirk a little more, but Drs are people too and he was probably trying so hard to hold it in because she was being RIDICULOUS. He was probably trying to hold in a nervous tick or keep himself from reacting as "himself" and not as a her Physican. His internal monologue was probably going "really now?? REALLY?? this is rich."


Yep.  My interpretation of it was that his attitude was exactly the same attitude he uses with his children when they're petulant. Not sure if he thought about it but it might be his "go to" look when dealing with unreasonable people.

When Jackie showed up with the fast food, I was thinking what a capital B itch. I hope Vanessa can just cut her toxicity out of her life. When she said "this is what normal people eat" I was so angry. I'm a normal person and don't live on fast food or bring it to the house of someone trying to lose weight. That was a horrible thing to say to Vanessa when she's worried about her son.

I'm with others who are really liking Vanessa this season. She is such a cheerleader for everyone, and I love to see her joy at seeing the pounds drop and her life open.

That hotel room looks like a nightmare.  I feel for Tina, with all of those kids and immature adults to deal with on top of the water damaged house.

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  On 1/18/2023 at 5:10 PM, Kid said:

I have to say that I have come to like Vanessa. She has lost an incredible amount of weight. She looks smaller than all of them. I like that she's worried about her son and intends to do as much about it as she can do (unfortunately, you can lead an horse to water......it depends on his willingness) 


I so agree.   Vanessa is really likeable now,   IMO.  I'm really rooting for her!  They did make her a tad over the top in the earlier season tbh  lol. I think I dislike Tina the most ...not sure why 😊

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  On 1/21/2023 at 1:03 AM, suev3333 said:

I so agree.   Vanessa is really likeable now,   IMO.  I'm really rooting for her!  They did make her a tad over the top in the earlier season tbh  lol. I think I dislike Tina the most ...not sure why 😊


She’s very likable this season, but I do wonder what she’ll be like when the success start to slow.  She’s a cheerleader now (borderline “authority”), but….  I can only hope for —and wish her — the best. 

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  On 1/22/2023 at 2:07 PM, PsychoKlown said:

Not to rehash what I already said but I was thinking about Dr. Procter's reaction to Meghan.  

Imagine him asking his son "Your term paper is due tomorrow, is it done"?  Son:  "Not all of it".

Then insert the look he gave Meghan.  

He's a dad.  He has a whole file of those looks.  Just like moms.


Exactly the way I interpreted the look, too! I thought it was more of an exasperated chuckle than a laugh, like he wanted to say "Well, what did you expect?" 

Edited by magemaud
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Ashely got the Sleeve surgery, right?  Which type is she hoping to get this time?  I hope she can do better this time but I'm not particularly sure she will.  If she's finding it hard to lose the 30 pounds that is required before she can have the new surgery, how is she going to ever get the mindset needed to be successful this time?

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  On 1/23/2023 at 2:43 AM, MsVixen said:

Ashely got the Sleeve surgery, right?  Which type is she hoping to get this time?  I hope she can do better this time but I'm not particularly sure she will.  If she's finding it hard to lose the 30 pounds that is required before she can have the new surgery, how is she going to ever get the mindset needed to be successful this time?


As much as I like Ashely, I don't see success in her future. 
She ate through one surgery. You have to change.

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  On 1/23/2023 at 2:43 AM, MsVixen said:

If she's finding it hard to lose the 30 pounds that is required before she can have the new surgery, how is she going to ever get the mindset needed to be successful this time?




  On 1/23/2023 at 4:02 AM, nokat said:

As much as I like Ashely, I don't see success in her future. 
She ate through one surgery. You have to change.


Double yep. 

Unless she experiences a breakthrough with the therapist.  I hope that for her.  She’s a sweet soul. 

  On 1/23/2023 at 2:43 AM, MsVixen said:

Ashely got the Sleeve surgery, right?  Which type is she hoping to get this time?  I hope she can do better this time but I'm not particularly sure she will.  If she's finding it hard to lose the 30 pounds that is required before she can have the new surgery, how is she going to ever get the mindset needed to be successful this time?


She’s hoping to get the bypass. 

  On 1/23/2023 at 4:02 AM, nokat said:

As much as I like Ashely, I don't see success in her future. 
She ate through one surgery. You have to change.


Yup I agree. If she had her mind right she would be able to conquer the 30lbs (or at least be on her way). I don’t think another surgery will help her until that’s fixed. 

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  On 1/23/2023 at 2:43 AM, MsVixen said:

Ashely got the Sleeve surgery, right?  Which type is she hoping to get this time?  I hope she can do better this time but I'm not particularly sure she will.  If she's finding it hard to lose the 30 pounds that is required before she can have the new surgery, how is she going to ever get the mindset needed to be successful this time?


She not only ate through the sleeve surgery, she gained even more weight.  I'm sure she'll have immediate success after the gastric bypass (assuming she can get that 30 lbs off to qualify for it) but you can eat through that too if you let it happen.  I hope Tina gets the surgery & some therapy so she'll stand up to her kids more (that includes Meghan & John).  

Edited by Snarkastikate
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  On 1/24/2023 at 2:27 AM, Snarkastikate said:

She not only ate through the sleeve surgery, she gained even more weight.  I'm sure she'll have immediate success after the gastric bypass (assuming she can get that 30 lbs off to qualify for it) but you can eat through that too if you let it happen.  I hope Tina gets the surgery & some therapy so she'll stand up to her kids more (that includes Meghan & John).  


Tina definitely needs the therapy. She has become a doormat. 

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The Tina and Meghan arc is ridiculous and shouldn’t even be on camera. If this isn’t producer driven - this is pathetic af. Kids that are out of control. A “friend” who’s a huge leech and just making matters worse. It’s not funny or “quirky” so it needs to end.

If it is approaching true - Tina is pathetic and needs to prioritize her health and her family over a D-list reality show. Get a major grip lady. Damn…

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