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S03.E10: Charade

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I'm finished and I kind of hate myself.  I watched the whole season in a day which is a measure of success in Netflix's eyes (how many watched the whole season in 24 hours is allegedly a metric they look at.)  I contribute to the success of this mess.  I don't even know how I accomplished so much TV when I'm at my parents' house and even threw in some Jack Ryan episodes in between.

My takeaways from the season:

I gather the halter top is the fashion trend of the year?  Is there no woman who frankly doesn't want to wear a bathing top at work?  But I did love some of the coats.

I guess Camille came off as too likable in S1 so they had to dirty her up to facilitate Emily and Gabriel.  I still like her more than I like either of them.  Sure, the affair with Sofia was messy but at least Camille had the guts to make a choice in the end and stand up for what she did and didn't want.  She broke her "pact" with Emily but I think the show thinks this absolves Gabriel.  It doesn't.  If he truly was in love with another woman the whole time he was with Camille, then it's on him he made the choice to get back with Camille instead of taking a beat to figure himself out. 

In the end, while she didn't say that she had been having an affair, I don't think the affair is ultimately the reason she chose not to marry Gabriel.  It was her guilt about breaking "the pact," thinking Gabriel was still in love with Emily and that he may have been marrying her because she was pregnant. 

I hate that the relationships are so ephemeral.  I think literally any time an boyfriend or girlfriend (mostly boyfriends) expressed any sense of jealousy over the interest of someone else, even though the partner swore it wasn't true, that same partner didn't even wait an episode until they were starting something up with the person causing the jealousy.  In Mindy's case, it was with Nicolas.  In Sylvie's case, she moved straight onto Laurent (I'm a fan of this duo), and with Emily and Gabriel, they were basically admitting they were only with other people because they didn't think they could be together. 

And this, after Emily practically begged Alfie to tell his family about her and heard all the reasons why he didn't want to do it so soon. 

And so I can't really get mad at any of the partners who expressed jealousy or walked away even when the evidence seemed scant because it turned out to be true in practically every single case.  

Mindy should have dumped Nicolas the minute Alfie told her that Nico had told Emily to leave the party.  (And Emily not telling her friend about this controlling act is not a good friend.  Her reasons for not getting involved in the Camille situation were far more nuanced.)  I get that he was embarrassed but he should have manned up and taken the business loss.  But then she agreed to show up in the middle of the party in a helicopter which is obnoxious.  

I was happy to see more screen time for Luc this season.  And I'm glad Julien is looking to explore other opportunities. I just wish they didn't make him so unprofessional in the meeting.  

Emily did get called out more this season but I still think the POV works hard to absolve her or make the universe work in her favor which keeps her annoying to me....tho I loved her bangs. 

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On 12/22/2022 at 1:14 AM, Door County Cherry said:


And so I can't really get mad at any of the partners who expressed jealousy or walked away even when the evidence seemed scant because it turned out to be true in practically every single case.  

Mindy should have dumped Nicolas the minute Alfie told her that Nico had told Emily to leave the party.  (And Emily not telling her friend about this controlling act is not a good friend.  Her reasons for not getting involved in the Camille situation were far more nuanced.)  I get that he was embarrassed but he should have manned up and taken the business loss.  But then she agreed to show up in the middle of the party in a helicopter which is obnoxious.  


Yeah, that's something the misses and I keep pointing out. How they get the jealousy out of nowhere and leave, but then a couple hours later in the show's time, it turned out to be right. Or as other people point out: "ummm... they are kissing and groping each other that is pretty proven they aren't into their other halves that much." Then other characters are: "Oh get over it." Then proceed to do the exact same thing and feel guilty over it. I agree Emily was in a bad situation with Camille and as we found out it was more her mother that wanted this life for her and Camille was lying to herself, but it "took the right person" to bring it all out. Same goes with Mindy, we get it, growing up rich does damage to you, but she kept screwing up her own relationships on her own and then proceed to be: "Oh well, you were right, so I just decided to do it anyhow." 

The problem with Sylvie and Laurent is that they just wanted different things in life, but were too scared to what their family and friends thought. Yet, everyone was very aware of Sylvie's sex life and their parents are dead and they have no kids. It's more on them going: "I can't have my cake and eat it too." They love each other, respect their life styles, but they want different things in life and outside knowing each other their whole lives and love. That does not equal a strong or lasting marriage. So either stay with each other or call it quits and stay friends. 

I hate watch this show, the perennial "Hey kids let's put on a show," theme is beyond believable.

Having just returned from 11 days in Paris (and some smaller towns out of the city), I watch for the scenery and sometimes spy some restaurants I have eaten in and being on the look out for new places to try, although most times they set up tables in the middle of the street and call it a restaurant. 

Let's talk wardrobe, I can only describe most of the cast's wardrobe as inappropriate for work, bikini tops, midriffs, v-necks cut to the navel, side boob...I know I do not have my finger on the pulse of high fashion but I have never seen those outfits on anyone in the city of Paris, the French women dress more practical, less outrageous on a daily basis and I am in Paris a lot.

I worried or wondered all too much what happened to the very expensive camera Luc left behind with Sylvie, why would a photographer leave equipment behind, then for her to toss it aside when attacked by bees (at night?) along with all her clothing along the way and then jumping in to the pool.  They had to get out of the pool at some point, right? How?

We are supposed to believe that Mindy, wearing a body stocking, hair and makeup done, moments before going on stage was down for a little nookie, she was wearing a body stocking! 

I said I hate watched this season and I meant it.


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I love this show, it's mindless fun and exactly what I need right now. I am a Gabriel/Emily shipper and hope those crazy kids sort things out, but yeah, his character is so badly written and developod that he sometimes comes off as weak or wimpy.

Alfie was like "Ok Emily, byeee". I never bought he was in love with her, or at least that's how the actor plays it, in my opinion. 

Is next season really the last? I would watch a few more seasons of this.

I thought the whole "Emily needs a work visa and the fastest way to get one is marrying a french person" thing would play a role, and that she would end up marrying Gabriel so he could help her out. I also thought Julien was going to report her to the immigration bureau (or whatever it is called) so he could get her out of the way. But these storylines never went anywhere. Sort of a strange season.



Edited by Norma Desmond
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On 12/25/2022 at 6:53 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Let's talk wardrobe, I can only describe most of the cast's wardrobe as inappropriate for work, bikini tops, midriffs, v-necks cut to the navel, side boob...I know I do not have my finger on the pulse of high fashion but I have never seen those outfits on anyone in the city of Paris, the French women dress more practical, less outrageous on a daily basis and I am in Paris a lot.

All I can think when the characters show up in these outrageous outfits is “fashion victim” and “how the heck can this character afford these designer outfits?” 

I know it’s supposed to be amusing or something when Julien continually gets exasperated by being overshadowed by Emily. But would it not make more sense for him to actually say something to her privately rather than blowing up in a client meeting?

For that matter, it stretches credibility that Emily is always the one who comes up with the brilliant ideas and that she has all these very convenient connections that save the day right in the nick of time.

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2 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

But would it not make more sense for him to actually say something to her privately rather than blowing up in a client meeting?

Blowing up at her was very unprofessional in front of the client but he did try to address the issue with the boss in private.  Depending on how close (or not) he was feeling to Emily, that was likely a smart move. 

On 12/24/2022 at 9:40 AM, readster said:

The problem with Sylvie and Laurent is that they just wanted different things in life

I have forgotten previous seasons.  Could you remind me of what differences they have?  Is it just where they want to live or something more substantial? 

On 12/25/2022 at 6:44 PM, Norma Desmond said:

Alfie was like "Ok Emily, byeee". I never bought he was in love with her, or at least that's how the actor plays it, in my opinion. 

I think that was a slight test that she failed.  I think he loved her but always doubted her commitment to him and wasn't wrong in that regard. 


On 12/25/2022 at 6:44 PM, Norma Desmond said:

I also thought Julien was going to report her to the immigration bureau (or whatever it is called) so he could get her out of the way.

There's nothing to really report.  She was initially in France on a work Visa and her new job was also willing to sponsor her for a work Visa.  So the government knows she's switching Visa sponsors and Julien wouldn't really have any damning information.  And I don't think marrying Gabriel would solve her issue.  Not that this show is based in reality but if the rules for France are anything like the rules for the US, getting married to a citizen isn't the "get in the country easily" card it used to be.  And it'd give her a different carte de sejour than what she'd need to be able to work in the country. 

I suspect the woman she met who mentioned she got married to a Frenchman got married to him first, established residency and then applied for a work visa. That is probably easier (assuming you already have the French spouse and residency) than it would be to go in cold and try to convince the government that you have unique skills that a French citizen or resident who already has a work Visa does not.  

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I know the writing for this show has never been exactly stellar, but it took a few exceedingly lazy turns this season that really disappointed me. Julien's sudden resentment of Emily came out of nowhere, and Camille's pregnancy is the most contrived and cliched wrinkle they could have thrown in there.

Most of all, a real pet peeve of mine is when a character is introduced as straight then suddenly they are bi or lesbian for plot purposes. This happens way too often in shows (does Shonda Rhimes have anything to do with this series?) and it reinforces the idea that women turn to other women when they are having relationship problems with men. Like all women are fluid that way. It's sort of a male fantasy. Moreover, they never do that with male characters. You'd never see Gabriel or Alfie or Nicolas suddenly start making out with another dude. The men are either straight or gay, period.

Specific to this episode, they seemed to wrap this up in a flurry of activity. Luc specifically told Gabriel not to tell anyone about the Michelin star and he immediately ran and blabbed it to Camille, her parents, and anyone else who was listening. Camille just happens to walk by as Emily and Gabriel are hugging? Rom Com Misunderstanding 101. Impromptu wedding? Check. Priest just happens to be there. Convenient! Anyone who didn't see either Camille or Gabriel winding up left at the altar a mile away just doesn't watch enough Hallmark Channel. 

I don't really care about Sylvie, the character still comes off as very abrasive to me. 

I want Mindy to go back to Benoit. He's a lot cuter than Nicolas.  

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Admittedly, I don’t pay super close attention to this show, but I didn’t see a burning, unrequited love between Emily/Gabriel…more like awkwardness, as it usually is with an ex. And then everyone is just kind of resigned to the fact that those two are meant to be? Bad writing or bad acting/chemistry? It was clear they were headed there in the last episode, but I thought in previous eps, the respective romances with Camille & Alfie seemed genuine. 

Edited by RedInk
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I watch Emily in Paris mainly for its fashion. And its shallowness. 😆

Re S3 plots, the writers are stringing us along. This season is wasted on restless Madeline and annoying Mindy with her bfs & her singing scenes. Not enough Camille this season and the cheating has ruined her character a little bit, for me. And the way she outed Gabriel & Emily, that’s just mean and thoughtless. She’s smarter than that. And now she’s pregnant. A desperate attempt for a long-term drama? And of course Grandma Gigi doesn’t like her.

Fashion wise, Camille wears a lot of baggy clothes this season. I love her styles in previous seasons, they’re way edgier. Mindy’s outfits are sultrier sluttier. I guess some rumors about Ashley Park demanding sexier wardrobes this season could be true.

I am #TeamJulien all the way. Plus, he has the most amazing styles as compared to other male characters. Nobody wants to work with people like Emily. Piggybacking huh? 🙄

Am not interested in Sylvie as much as am not interested in Gabriel. Now they’re making Laurent to relocate out of the blue. Bye bye St. Tropez. We’ll be seeing Nicolas’ dad again next season for more drama with the Grateaus.

Re Emily’s styles for this episode, am a bit confused by this look. Less is more? 🤔


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On 12/22/2022 at 2:14 AM, Door County Cherry said:

I'm finished and I kind of hate myself. 

I unabashedly hate-watch this show. It's been preposterous from day one.

On 12/23/2022 at 5:00 AM, Harvey said:

I felt that Alfie's exit scene needed to be way more emotional than that. He was done so quickly!

I'm glad he was the one who got to call tings off and retained some dignity.

I HATE the pregnancy cliché. It's so lazy and uncreative. It's also badly out of date. I think Camille and Gabriel love each other, but they aren't in love. That doesn't mean they can't successfully co-parent. Next season they'll probably have Camille get a secret abortion so they can make her OMG TEH EVUL and write her off the show, leaving Emily to mend Gabriel's broken heart. Ugh.

Poor Julien. He hasn't really been taken seriously since the show began.

ETA: I wonder how much Sting gets every time the "I want my MTV" line is played. Those four words alone had o pay for at least one college education. Or estate somewhere exclusive.

Edited by dubbel zout

I just finished season 3 and I still have no clue why I keep watching this show. Ok, one reason is the locations. Maybe it is also what one of you already wrote, "mindless fun". 

Anyway, this season I realized there is not a single character I like or care about, except maybe for Pierre Gadault and a little bit of Julien. They are all caricatures who are drowning in a pool of stereotypes and cliches. 
The romances are shallow and most of the acting is bad.
Emily is the "Mary Sue" of "Mary Sues" and it is not even cute anymore that saves the day every single effing time.
Will the series end with her as the Mayor of Paris? I wouldn't be surprised.

Her romance with Gabriel is "meh". Maybe cause Gabriel himself is "meh", there is no charisma or charm as it also happens with most of the show's characters. Is it bad casting? Or cause the writers want Emily to be the one and only with any charisma? "Castrating" all the other characters though does not  make the lead stronger, it makes the show weaker.

On 12/25/2022 at 4:53 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Let's talk wardrobe, I can only describe most of the cast's wardrobe as inappropriate for work, bikini tops, midriffs, v-necks cut to the navel, side boob...I know I do not have my finger on the pulse of high fashion but I have never seen those outfits on anyone in the city of Paris, the French women dress more practical, less outrageous on a daily basis and I am in Paris a lot.

Amen sister!
Especially Sylvie, she has an amazing body etc, but really who goes to work dressed like that? She is definitely in love with her own cleavage.


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On 1/3/2023 at 6:47 PM, dubbel zout said:

ETA: I wonder how much Sting gets every time the "I want my MTV" line is played. Those four words alone had o pay for at least one college education. Or estate somewhere exclusive.

Sting gets nothing, but Mark Knopfler might. It's not from a Sting/Police song...it's from "Money For Nothing" by Knopfler's Dire Straits

1 hour ago, seth said:
On 1/3/2023 at 9:47 PM, dubbel zout said:

ETA: I wonder how much Sting gets every time the "I want my MTV" line is played. Those four words alone had o pay for at least one college education. Or estate somewhere exclusive.

Sting gets nothing, but Mark Knopfler might. It's not from a Sting/Police song...it's from "Money For Nothing" by Knopfler's Dire Straits

I know it's a Dire Straits song. Sting is a performer on the song. That entitles him to royalties of some sort. I suppose it all depends on what his agreement with Knopfler was.


'Mechanical Rights' are the royalties paid for playing any song in any recorded format (over radio, TV, use in a film, etc.) They are paid directly to the owner of the 'copyright,' which is usually a publishing company that owns the song, who then keeps a percentage and distributes the rest to the songwriter(s,) or directly to the songwriter if they 'self-published.'

So only Knopfler would get 'mechanical' royalties every time the song is played, and even then, only if a long enough portion of the song. Those 4 notes/lyrics when the MTV spaceman appears for 3 seconds may not be enough to warrant any royalties paid.

Sting received a one time contributor's fee for his work on Money For Nothing, basically a flat fee. Knopfler gave him an 'honorary' songwriting credit, but no royalties.


This addictively fun, scenic show was always full of bogus transparent 'plot devices.'

We've always known Emily was going to end up with Gabriel, but the way the writers beat-around-the-bush to get there (Camille & Emily's 'pact,' Camille's female affair, her pregnancy, and the unceremonious exit of gorgeous, caring Alfie) all feels pasted-on and phony.

The Parisian location shots and Lily's ebullience make it a hard-to-resist guilty pleasure, but the lazy writers could exercise a little effort and show some respect for the viewers' intelligence.

How many times did Emily and Gabriel sleep with each other?  Thought it was just once and they immediately felt guilty.

How much time has elapsed, they make it seem like they’re carrying this torch for each other for a long time after a limited time together.

They certainly appeared to have moved on, at least Emily.  She’s been with Alfie more than she was with Gabriel.

Whatever, she’s suppose to win over everyone and everyone wants her.

This season the French characters seemed to spend more time speaking English than previous seasons.  While clients usually could speak English, I found it hard to believe they’d conduct meetings entirely in English for Emily’s benefit, even if she has proven her value to the firm.  Would make more sense when the agency was owned by American company but after Sylvie started her firm?

Of course it’s an American show.

Paris and all the locations are presented so beautifully.  I like all the interstitials because they’re beautiful wide shots but they do present postcard views.  Even Paris has gritty or grimy areas.



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On 1/6/2023 at 4:11 PM, seth said:

Sting gets nothing, but Mark Knopfler might. It's not from a Sting/Police song...it's from "Money For Nothing" by Knopfler's Dire Straits

Didn't MTV use the "I want my MTV" line in commercials before the song ever came out? I remember, way back when, seeing those (and being mad because we didn't have MTV) - but I don't recall if they before the song or in response to it?


On 1/8/2023 at 11:36 AM, akiss said:

I don't know what everyone is saying,  I love this silly show. Of course there are things that are frustrating but it's such a feel good show which tries, I think, to make us sympathise with everyone flaws and all. Also, I love the fashion. 

I like to call this show "bubblegum for the brain" - it's silly, done mindlessly, without effort, in the background, but it's fun! I kind of think the point of the show is to be pointless, light, shallow and airy. :)

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For me, this show is fun, light, breezy & relaxing to watch.  I look forward to Season 4.  I hope Alfie is not gone for good, I like him, he is so charming & handsome.  I was happy to see Benoit return for Mindy with good news about the EuroVision Contest, thats fun!   I am not a fan of Nicolae, he seems smug & arrogant.  I hope Julian does not leave: I like him!  And his style is great!  Luc is a hoot!  And I love the crazy fashions, and the beautiful shots of Paris.  And I find Lily Collins a cute & charming actress, she makes me smile :)

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yeah, wait till the altar at the spur of the moment wedding to finally figure things out Camille.  nice timing.  and Alfie, didn't you already know you came after Gabriel?  just because you were chosen after, doesn't mean Emily still didn't love you.  

but yeah, its clear the writers want Emily and Gabriel together.  that seemed clear when on first sight Gigi loved Emily and didn't like Camille.

And I guess Luc doesn't care that much about a long term relationship with Marianne, because she will find out he spilled the beans about the star.  

and yes, Sylvie absolutely should have spoken with Emily when Julien first told her he felt shut out because Emily kept spouting her ideas during his presentations.  I guess Julien doesn't feel threatened by Luc, or perhaps Luc only joined in because Emily did, and he didn't do that before she came to the company.  at least Julien is getting more of a story line.  

Late to  the party here but I just binged all three seasons (not in one day). I think it’s a cute show to just relax and enjoy. Love all the scenes of Paris and France. I like the wacky fashion, even though it’s unrealistic how they afford such clothing on a meager salary. Does Mindy have a trust fund, I don’t think IRL she’d be able to afford those clothes busking as a street performer. 
I’m shipping Emily and Gabrielle but now it’s complicated with Camille being pregnant. And what about the female lover? 
I guess all that will be addressed whenever season 4 comes out which I read might be at the end of this year. 

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On 12/25/2022 at 6:44 PM, Norma Desmond said:

I love this show, it's mindless fun and exactly what I need right now. I am a Gabriel/Emily shipper and hope those crazy kids sort things out, but yeah, his character is so badly written and developod that he sometimes comes off as weak or wimpy.

Alfie was like "Ok Emily, byeee". I never bought he was in love with her, or at least that's how the actor plays it, in my opinion. 

Is next season really the last? I would watch a few more seasons of this.

I thought the whole "Emily needs a work visa and the fastest way to get one is marrying a french person" thing would play a role, and that she would end up marrying Gabriel so he could help her out. I also thought Julien was going to report her to the immigration bureau (or whatever it is called) so he could get her out of the way. But these storylines never went anywhere. Sort of a strange season.

I would also watch more seasons! It made me sad to read so many negative posts about the show on this board. I hoped Primetimer wasn't reflective of everyone who watched, but I was pleased that other people said they love the show in this episode's thread. I know we all have our own taste, but I want enough fellow fans to keep the show going!

I can be frustrated with the characters' decisions, but if they didn't make poor choices, there wouldn't be drama. Between being set in Paris, the pretty actors,  and how relatively light and happy storylines are, I think the series is a total delight. I always had a fantasy of living in Paris. Emily's life kind of reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw's, except she's a little younger and in Paris instead of NYC. No, neither character's lifestyle is realistic, but that's part of the fun. It doesn't work out with one cute guy, another one instantly appears, yet OG cute guy still wants you. You can afford all the designer clothes you want and get to live it up in a pricy city. 

I am sure I will get through season 4 quickly. If anyone can recommend a similar show, please let me know. The last non-reality show I really enjoyed was Bridgeton. I guess I like the combo of a pretty show & romance. 

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