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S05.E06 Cigarettes, Whiskey, a Meadow and You.

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The Duttons and the Yellowstone enjoy an almost perfect day branding cattle; Montana gets an unexpected visitor from outside; Sarah continues to sink her teeth into Jamie; Rainwater deals with a challenger from within.


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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I found myslf missing Jimmy, right around the time Beth was 'fckng this' and 'fckng that' with Rip, or maybe when Jamie was fckng brunette Beth.  Best part of the show for me was John's interaction with the dead cowboy's widow.  Other than that, I ignored it.  Oh, and the Lynell/Summer jealousy storyline was insulting, lol. Seriously.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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So we went from Jamie's dad wanting John dead to some chick Jamie's has known a week wanting John dead. Is he really that gullible? Like wake the fuck up Jamie, if she's already talking that way, what makes you believe she won't take you to the train station to get you out of the way? 

The scenes of all the hands and Duttons working together was nice. Then they go and ruin it with the women being jealous over someone else sleeping with John.

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I kind of liked this episode. We got to see some nice scenery and cowboy stuff and Beth wasn’t beating anyone up. I don’t believe for a second that John would sleep on the ground without even a blanket. I get the idea for the feast but no reason someone couldn’t bring coffee, some food and sleeping bags.

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Jamie is just so stupid. 

The scenery was beautiful and the scenes with the cattle. John and Senator were great together and John with the widow who just knew. Other than that I don't know what the rest was.

Summer is such a waste of space, she's walking around looking at peoples graves? wanting to go on a hike instead of offering to help when she's living there instead of jail. She didn't even know to peel the potato, she was struggling. She should have been left in jail.

The President can't just show up surprise to an event like that and the shooting of dogs? WTH the media would have a field day with that. 

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6 hours ago, Msample said:

Cigarette ads on TV have been banned for decades but Yellowstone managed to stick a blatant Marlboro ad it when Rip showed the cigs he brought for Beth .

Those were Morley cigarettes - classic tv fakes.

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What a nothing burger that drive was.  No peril whatsoever.  Just an overnight adventure without any comforts.  It was purty and the death of Emmitt was magnificent.  That really was a phenomenal way to expire. 

One unsaid aspect of the dialogue between him and John is that John simply can't have such with more than a very few, getting fewer.  First, there are not as many who lived the earlier ways and fully appreciate them like John does, and second, nobody has the standing to stick it to him as Emmitt did.  The old bastard.  Arguably the best scene of the entire series.

Among the worst was the catfight developing between the Senator and the Season.  As well as the Senator knows John, she would never, ever, express such sentiments, even if she somehow had them in the first place (she would not have them).  

It makes sense that Jamie is responding to the ho's puffery (verbally and physically).  He has done this several times before.  He is such a Fredo.

Nice retconning of Monica.  Puhlease.  It's one thing for her to come around to a basic respect for the Dutton way.  Quite another to essentially renounce her heritage so completely as she described to the Season.  She is still the ultra champion of the indigenous professor.  We saw a pod Monica last night.

POTUS is coming and his security apparatus did not liaison with tribal LE?  Hahahahahahahahaha.  Absurd that the crafty Rainwater AND Mo both missed it.  Unpossible.  While it was nuts to depict the shooting of the dogs, it was a pretty great metaphor for the arbitrary and capricious power which the federal government all too often unleashes on its citizens.

I really liked the foot soldier with whom Mo interacted.  He treated Mo as a man and answered every query and objection.  He did not simply dismiss him.  I loved Mo for the way he approached the situation.  He kept his cool enough to suss out what was really happening (power play by the BIA lady who is Rainwater's archenemy).  

How many favors did Sheridan/Costner need to call in to have that Marine copter land on set?  That, my friends, is juice.  Dutton and Rainwater would recognize. 

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Did John really tell Emmit's wife that he died looking up at the stars with his eyes closed?  I understand what that could mean but I don't think of John as being that deep.  

When did Beth become such a hand?  The last time I remember seeing her on a horse was when Walker was trying to teach her to ride. She's always been scared of them and now she's suddenly useful on a roundup. 

Mr Abmis and I laughed at Lynell saying Summer was attractive.  She probably never looked worse in her life.  I find it hard to believe that she would just sit and watch the branding.  Shouldn't she have gone all full blown activist and thrown herself on the fire or something?

The dog shooting was way too much for me.  The whole having the president visit with without Rainwater knowing about it was pretty farfetched for me, but he and Moe handled it well.

I did love the scenery and watching the cowboys work.  

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The best part of this episode was all of the scenery.  I also surprisingly liked the party and the country music.  Not really sure why we needed extended sequences of Ryan's girlfriend and Walker singing.  But I'll take scenery and singing over Jimmy and twirling horses every single time.

Not really sure what the point of the extended sequence of the cattle wrangling was meant to show.  That life as the Duttons know it has always been like this, and always will?  Even though John told Kayce he can sell the ranch.  Not sure what the point of Beth going along with them was meant to indicate.  

I guess I never knew what Emmett's name was.  I always just thought of him as "the old guy".  And had we ever seen or heard about his wife before?  If he was married, how come he lived in the bunkhouse?  I guess him dying was another metaphor, people come and go but the Dutton ranch will always keep going.

It was nice to see James and Margaret's graves, even if the show purposely obscured details on the graves.  We couldn't even read James' name, it was just a J____ smudge.  But it did say "our father" and Margaret's grave said "our mother" so it has to be him.  Wonder who is in between them, it just said "Dutton".  Is this Elsa's grave relocated by one of the early Duttons, or is it one of their two sons?  I noticed that Margaret's grave had no discernable death date but James died in 1893.  Last season we saw a scene of James in I think 1893 getting shot on the porch of his house.  So does this mean he died from that shooting?

Jamie getting svengalied by Silver Hair's Prostitute.  Not surprising, but it's predictable and zzzzzzzzz.  If Jamie's full name is James (as opposed to him simply being named Jamie), I wonder if John named him after his ancestor.  If so, why did Lee and especially Kayce get names that probably aren't in the family, while the adopted child raised as John and Evelyn's own as the second son got a family name?

Native American version of Beth trying to be all badass and take down Rainwater, zzzzzzzz.

What is Summer's role on the show now?  She has lost interest in John and actively rejected him, so now she's just hanging out on the ranch, watching and silently passing judgment, but otherwise useless?  I was kind of surprised she didn't say anything about the branding.  Is this supposed to show that she learned her lesson?

11 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Nice retconning of Monica.  Puhlease.  It's one thing for her to come around to a basic respect for the Dutton way.  Quite another to essentially renounce her heritage so completely as she described to the Season.  She is still the ultra champion of the indigenous professor.  We saw a pod Monica last night.

So strange.  I fully agree, where did this Monica come from?  She did say that the first Duttons stole the land from her people.  But then advised Summer to understand and learn about the first Duttons if she wanted to understand John.  Huh?  When did Monica become all sagacious and content?  I don't buy it.  

Edited by blackwing
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Rainwater:  Keep Obama's name out of your mouth!  Seriously, I was surprised that Sheridan touched on Presidential politics, and also with the President coming to Montana.  Just focus on Montana, please.   

I got bored with the cattle journey and the branding circus, although it was nice that the ol' bastard died peacefully in his sleep.  Montana is beautiful but I've seen enough of the scenery over the seasons.    

Beth and Rip have become snooze worthy.  Enough! 

Monica looks painfully thin now. 

And Summer peeled some potatoes! 😏 

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As soon as Emmett said it was a perfect day, I knew he'd die in his sleep. So glad it wasn't one of the boys who had to be comforted. However, first I thought maybe Tate as he had just been fishing with Emmett.

Anne Cullimore Decker played her grief well. I was kind of pissed that the news caught that private scene. But, the way it helped John in the end as he dissed the President's visit made me forget my ire.

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I guess I never knew what Emmett's name was.  I always just thought of him as "the old guy".  And had we ever seen or heard about his wife before?  If he was married, how come he lived in the bunkhouse?  I guess him dying was another metaphor, people come and go but the Dutton ranch will always keep going.

I believe he's a ranch owner from another ranch. The old guy in the bunkhouse is Lloyd the biggest bada$$ cowboy you'll ever meet. Read the trivia on imdb about how he handled a rodeo injury.

I forgot about the dogs here. I did mention something on my Facebook. I'm not an animal lover per say. Never wanted a pet myself, but, I'm against any type of animal abuse and them shooting "stray" dogs was heartbreaking. Mo is in a better position to determine if a dog is a stray or not. Wonder what the animal loving President would think of what they were doing in his name.  Not a fan of him, but, I can tell by all interactions between him, Jill and their pets that they would not like this.

I think Kelly Reilly got tired of seeing everyone else have fun on the horses and suddenly decided she wanted to ride, too. I didn't remember Walker teaching her to ride. I thought she kind of could ride, but, hated horses as evidenced in the scene of her mother dying. She feared the horse at that time, but, was riding. However, her mother's death and the way her mother talked to her made her hate them.

Aaah Carter got a dance with a pretty girl. Good for him. He needs someone his own age to see him. Is she going to be his Beth?

Really Summer, you couldn't peel more than one potato. She claimed to be up late helping Gator prepare food. We didn't see that. And okay, you won't eat the potatoes, which sound yummy btw, but, why can't you eat corn? Even if you won't add butter, just season and eat. 

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15 minutes ago, Mom2twoNonna2-3 said:

I believe he's a ranch owner from another ranch. The old guy in the bunkhouse is Lloyd the biggest bada$$ cowboy you'll ever meet. Read the trivia on imdb about how he handled a rodeo injury.

Ahhh, thank you, I must not have been paying attention at the beginning.  I didn't catch that this was a different old guy, and not Lloyd.  Somehow my brain has made Emmett, Lloyd, and Shea from 1883 all into the same "old guy"!

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2 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2-3 said:

Really Summer, you couldn't peel more than one potato.

It didn't appear to me that either she or Monica had ever peeled a potato in their lives.

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1 hour ago, Fliz said:

It didn't appear to me that either she or Monica had ever peeled a potato in their lives.

And let's forget about making a practical decision to use another variety; one that wouldn't need peeling, like redskins or yukons when serving a mass of folks.

Stupid tv people.  🥔👩‍🍳🤯

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3 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

And let's forget about making a practical decision to use another variety; one that wouldn't need peeling, like redskins or yukons when serving a mass of folks.

Stupid tv people.  🥔👩‍🍳🤯

Yup, whenever I buy potatoes, they're redskins.   

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Why do most of the women on the show have to speak the same way? Serious, monotone, vocal fry(if that's what that is)? lol 

It gets on my damn nerves. I just started watching the show last season, and I just have to complain about it to my boyfriend. And that annoys him. Lol 

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23 hours ago, Artsda said:

She didn't even know to peel the potato, she was struggling.

Not to mention peeling the scraps off onto the ground instead of a container.  Squirrel buffet time.  And of course they dig holes for horses to stumble in...

16 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

How many favors did Sheridan/Costner need to call in to have that Marine copter land on set?

It could have been a commercial helicopter, painted on one side to replicate Marine One.  I believe there is a copy of Air Force One hangared out in Mojave Airport, CA.  It's used for movie shots also.

12 hours ago, Abmis said:

The dog shooting was way too much for me. 

Does the Councilmember think that will get her any support from the reservation?  All Rainwater has to do is speak up and say "She organized this."

11 hours ago, blackwing said:

Not really sure why we needed extended sequences of Ryan's girlfriend and Walker singing.

Ryan Bingham (Walker) is a moderately successful country singer in his own right.  I'm guessing they threw him a bone, plus it was a chance to show the lovey-dovey couple dancing while he sang.

9 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2-3 said:

I believe he's a ranch owner from another ranch.

Wasn't he the old cowboy in the rowdy bar for whom Rip bought a drink?

On another subject, the Senator hit it on the head.  "There's politically incorrect, and there's politically illiterate.  You're the latter."  With two news crews there, doesn't John see the idiocy of dancing (although she refused) with a convicted felon that he just recently commuted sentence for and is living with him?  Duuuuh.  And then to skip a meeting with the President.  I hope Jaime makes it over to Helena.

I wonder if Rip has even considered the distant future, when Beth's alcoholism and mental state has taken its toll?  Sure, let's ride off into the sunset, drink whiskey, and smoke a cigarette in a bone dry meadow.  What could possibly go wrong?

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I find a bit of entertainment in trying to suss out the product placement in TV shows.  The cars and trucks are obvious, but short glimpses of products are always fun.  Someone exposed just enough of a Coors label in one scene, and I'm sure, since they're a sponsor, Filson jackets abound on the characters.  And the cowboy hats, too. Anyone else notice others?

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On 12/12/2022 at 2:28 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I found myslf missing Jimmy, right around the time Beth was 'fckng this' and 'fckng that' with Rip, or maybe when Jamie was fckng brunette Beth.  Best part of the show for me was John's interaction with the dead cowboy's widow.  Other than that, I ignored it.  Oh, and the Lynell/Summer jealousy storyline was insulting, lol. Seriously.

Beth is such a narcissist. She couldn't even watch the sunset with Rip and felt threatened so had to try and upstage it. For a supposedly badass bitch she is very needy. 

Yep, Lynell is way better looking than Summer. I also felt it was funny when Summer called Lynell a "MILF" Summer isn't that young herself. Although in this show they cast so badly she is probably supposed to be in her early 20's!

On 12/12/2022 at 2:40 PM, toodywoody said:

So we went from Jamie's dad wanting John dead to some chick Jamie's has known a week wanting John dead. Is he really that gullible? Like wake the fuck up Jamie, if she's already talking that way, what makes you believe she won't take you to the train station to get you out of the way? 

The scenes of all the hands and Duttons working together was nice. Then they go and ruin it with the women being jealous over someone else sleeping with John.

Jamie is a lost soul. It is easy to manipulate him as all you have to is make him believe he has a place on your team. 

I find it hard to believe Lynell would be jealous over Summer. Lynell may be older but she is far better looking and has a better body. Not to mention much classier.

On 12/12/2022 at 3:58 PM, Msample said:

Yeah the Secret Service shooting dogs….yeah, no. They show up waaaay in advance, not 20 minutes before.

True but we are meant to believe these guys are real bad asses who don't give a shit. I would imagine that the visit would have been planned well in advance and all dogs and other animals contained before hand.

On 12/12/2022 at 10:33 PM, mledawn said:

Those were Morley cigarettes - classic tv fakes.

Yep but even I as a life long non smoker knows the Marlboro red and white pack. 

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8 hours ago, MBayGal said:

I think I saw Tito's vodka---but that might have been on another show.

Nope, that's this one.  Beth drinks Tito's like water.  I think I've seen the Tito's bottle in at least two episodes now.  I can't remember noticing Tito's before, maybe they just signed on as a sponsor this season?

1 hour ago, LadyIrony said:

Yep, Lynell is way better looking than Summer. I also felt it was funny when Summer called Lynell a "MILF" Summer isn't that young herself. Although in this show they cast so badly she is probably supposed to be in her early 20's!

I find it hard to believe Lynell would be jealous over Summer. Lynell may be older but she is far better looking and has a better body. Not to mention much classier.

Exactly, why is Lynelle even comparing herself to Summer?  Lynelle is a former two-term governor of Montana and a current U.S. Senator.  She's smart, assured and influential.  Summer is aging poor trailer park trash and a convicted felon to boot.  They aren't that much different in age.  Summer looks to be about 45 and looks rough.  Lynelle is probably in her mid 50's and looks like she could be a makeup model.

I wouldn't be surprised if this show is trying to pretend that Summer is in her 20s.  Over on 1883, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are in their mid 50s and looked every bit of it, but I'm quite certain the show was trying to pass them off as around 40.  We know from the snippet that we saw on Yellowstone Proper last season that they had a second son who wasn't born yet in 1883.  So yeah, Free Spirit Summer is probably 29, she just looks harsh because she's spent too much time in the sun foraging for nuts and seeds.

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Loved all the cowboy stuff.

Beth definitely drinks Titos, I've seen her do so previously. Obviously, Marlboro is her brand...ugh

Lawyer Vixen (whatever her name is) ... I mean seriously Jaime? what are you thinking. He is either the stupidest man alive or the smartest. I hope it's the latter I fear it's the former. Plotting to kill your father again? because that works so well the last time for you.

Kelly (Beth) can definitely ride. She looked like a natural. I just don't know how we got there. Bad story telling. How John can say he envies her freedom is mind boggling in his lack of understanding. To me she seems the most imprisoned by her inner trauma than any of them. Always fighting. She finds a measure of peace with Rip, but it never seems enough. Rips loyalty to her is admirable.

Summer/Lynelle, seriously?  Summer is useless. Piper is 46 and looks it. Not an ingenue please stop insulting us. Lynell (Wendy is 52) Kevin (john) is mid-sixties. he has children in their  40's. He can date who he likes but pitting two women against one another is ridiculous. Not only is he politically illiterate but obviously he hasn't a clue about women either. my guess is neither does Sheridan

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13 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

On another subject, the Senator hit it on the head.  "There's politically incorrect, and there's politically illiterate.  You're the latter."  With two news crews there, doesn't John see the idiocy of dancing (although she refused) with a convicted felon that he just recently commuted sentence for and is living with him?  Duuuuh.  And then to skip a meeting with the President.  I hope Jaime makes it over to Helena.

(Bolding mine) - Has Lynelle ever met John Dutton??? She must have noticed the way he operates before, so why on earth did she decide to support him for Governor over Jamie? Actually, over anyone? This has to make her look dense for supporting a guy who is such a dolt and obviously oblivious to what a real governor does. 

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12 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I find a bit of entertainment in trying to suss out the product placement in TV shows.  The cars and trucks are obvious, but short glimpses of products are always fun.  Someone exposed just enough of a Coors label in one scene, and I'm sure, since they're a sponsor, Filson jackets abound on the characters.  And the cowboy hats, too. Anyone else notice others?

Tito's vodka

12 hours ago, MBayGal said:

I think I saw Tito's vodka---but that might have been on another show.

Jeez, Beth, could you sit quietly and enjoy a sunset for 5 minutes?!!! 

Yeah, just posted same.

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3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

...Maybe Beth heals faster cuz she eats all that meat.  😁

Don't forget her survival of a building-leveling bomb blast, and up and walking around a few weeks after suffering 3rd degree burns over her back.

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On 12/12/2022 at 10:36 AM, Abmis said:

Did John really tell Emmit's wife that he died looking up at the stars with his eyes closed?  I understand what that could mean but I don't think of John as being that deep.  

When did Beth become such a hand?  The last time I remember seeing her on a horse was when Walker was trying to teach her to ride. She's always been scared of them and now she's suddenly useful on a roundup. 

Mr Abmis and I laughed at Lynell saying Summer was attractive.  She probably never looked worse in her life.  I find it hard to believe that she would just sit and watch the branding.  Shouldn't she have gone all full blown activist and thrown herself on the fire or something?

The dog shooting was way too much for me.  The whole having the president visit with without Rainwater knowing about it was pretty farfetched for me, but he and Moe handled it well.

I did love the scenery and watching the cowboys work.  

All of this!!! Suddenly Beth is an experienced rider and wrangler...wow...she just continues to amaze me with her all her talents! The Rainwater/Mo thing of not knowing of a Presidential visit was absurd. Dutton ignoring the visit to wrangle cattle was also silly. A newly minted Governor who's going to need Federal help at some point in his administration who would not meet with the President or show up at the Rez at least to attend a speech was unrealistic.John Dutton going on and on about "the land" is becoming boring...like this episode...snooze fest.

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18 hours ago, MBayGal said:

Jeez, Beth, could you sit quietly and enjoy a sunset for 5 minutes?!!!

8 hours ago, rhygirl720 said:

she seems the most imprisoned by her inner trauma than any of them. Always fighting.

I'm surprised Beth didn't punch out the sunset for taking Rip's attention away from her for two seconds. 

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10 hours ago, blackwing said:

Nope, that's this one.  Beth drinks Tito's like water.  I think I've seen the Tito's bottle in at least two episodes now.  I can't remember noticing Tito's before, maybe they just signed on as a sponsor this season?

Exactly, why is Lynelle even comparing herself to Summer?  Lynelle is a former two-term governor of Montana and a current U.S. Senator.  She's smart, assured and influential.  Summer is aging poor trailer park trash and a convicted felon to boot.  They aren't that much different in age.  Summer looks to be about 45 and looks rough.  Lynelle is probably in her mid 50's and looks like she could be a makeup model.

I wouldn't be surprised if this show is trying to pretend that Summer is in her 20s.  Over on 1883, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are in their mid 50s and looked every bit of it, but I'm quite certain the show was trying to pass them off as around 40.  We know from the snippet that we saw on Yellowstone Proper last season that they had a second son who wasn't born yet in 1883.  So yeah, Free Spirit Summer is probably 29, she just looks harsh because she's spent too much time in the sun foraging for nuts and seeds.

I was confused by what age Beth was supposed to be from the start and so did some digging. She would be around 38 now, the character was born in 1984. The actress who plays her is 45 and looks every bit of 55. The way Beth behaves is juvenile. I would get it if she were 20 but she isn't. Rip could do far better than her as well but she is an heiress. 

The actress who plays Lynell is 52 and looks better than most of the younger actresses on the show. John himself is supposed to be around 60 but I think Costner is in his 70's. 

It makes sense Summer would look rough though. Her lifestyle of travelling around causing a ruckus, eating badly, no skin care etc Her body is rather pudgy too. 

8 hours ago, rhygirl720 said:

Loved all the cowboy stuff.

Beth definitely drinks Titos, I've seen her do so previously. Obviously, Marlboro is her brand...ugh

Lawyer Vixen (whatever her name is) ... I mean seriously Jaime? what are you thinking. He is either the stupidest man alive or the smartest. I hope it's the latter I fear it's the former. Plotting to kill your father again? because that works so well the last time for you.

Kelly (Beth) can definitely ride. She looked like a natural. I just don't know how we got there. Bad story telling. How John can say he envies her freedom is mind boggling in his lack of understanding. To me she seems the most imprisoned by her inner trauma than any of them. Always fighting. She finds a measure of peace with Rip, but it never seems enough. Rips loyalty to her is admirable.

Summer/Lynelle, seriously?  Summer is useless. Piper is 46 and looks it. Not an ingenue please stop insulting us. Lynell (Wendy is 52) Kevin (john) is mid-sixties. he has children in their  40's. He can date who he likes but pitting two women against one another is ridiculous. Not only is he politically illiterate but obviously he hasn't a clue about women either. my guess is neither does Sheridan

Jamie is really just a male Beth. Out for himself and angry but in a more calculated way than Beth. He thinks he has it under control and will take it all from John if he can. I'm amazed John keeps trusting him! I would have arranged an "accident"!

I would guess that Beth did spend time riding the horses (and cowboys) as she grew up. It makes sense that she would know how to do that stuff. To what skill level, that is the question. Lets not forget Prairie Barbie on 1883 though, way too good at something that takes years of constant practice.

I was thinking that the other day too. Beth is imprisoned by her anger and torment and also spends a lot of energy in maintaining that tough bitch image even when she doesn't have to. Punching on with Summer was over the top and rude to her father and the dinner guests. She is not free. She is like a self proclaimed Alpha male who spends all their time trying to fight people and when those people avoid them they see it as a victory rather than people just no longer caring about them.

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On 12/11/2022 at 11:58 PM, Msample said:

Yeah the Secret Service shooting dogs….yeah, no. They show up waaaay in advance, not 20 minutes before.

Shooting the dogs with a lot of people milling about including children seems like a HIGHLY unlikely scenario. But what the hell…there’s not a lot of room for realism in Taylor Sheridan’s scripts.

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On 12/12/2022 at 9:34 AM, blackwing said:

Even though John told Kayce he can sell the ranch.  

John stated you could "bottle it up and sell it", which to me meant the back country where they were and the ranching experience. I don't think he said he could sell the ranch. 

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3 hours ago, LDH74 said:

John stated you could "bottle it up and sell it", which to me meant the back country where they were and the ranching experience. I don't think he said he could sell the ranch. 

I took it more metaphorically. As in you could take the vibe or atmosphere of the place put it a bottle and sell it. Not the land itself in any physical way. Of course they could make a lot of money out of selling cowboy experiences but that in turn would kill the magic of what they own.

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On 12/12/2022 at 10:36 AM, Abmis said:

Mr Abmis and I laughed at Lynell saying Summer was attractive.

I couldn't believe it. I kept waiting for her to ask John who beat up his girlfriend. Not a great look for the governor. 

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On 12/13/2022 at 12:56 AM, MBayGal said:

I think I saw Tito's vodka---but that might have been on another show.

Jeez, Beth, could you sit quietly and enjoy a sunset for 5 minutes?!!! 

I think Rip also had a Crown Royal bottle after the dinner fight. 

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Jamie is an utter chump. Of course a honeytrap would deny that's what they are. He's acting like a kid who's never had sex before. And she must be wearing him out if her vocal fry hasn't gotten on his nerves yet.

How long has it been since Monica lost her baby? She sure has snapped back. She looked practically skeletal in this episode.

I think Q'orianka Kilcher (the actress portraying Rainwater's foe) is doing quite an over-the-top depiction of a villain. She's practically channeling Maleficent, and not in a good way. (On reddit they compared her to Jigsaw from the Saw movies. That works too, lol.)

Seriously? Was it warm enough up in those hills for Beth to be sleeping outside naked?

The senator walking around the cow patch in high heels. Yeah, no. That's either a broken heel or a sprained ankle waiting to happen.

Summer wouldn't eat the mashed potatoes but couldn't she have eaten the roasted corn? Is roasted corn buttered before it's cooked?

Man, KC is still looking tasty. His genes are undefeated.


Wonder what the animal loving President would think of what they were doing in his name. Not a fan of him, but, I can tell by all interactions between him, Jill and their pets that they would not like this.

I'm unsure why it's assumed this show is happening during the present day. Whatever, I think Sheridan was trying to throw shade in the general direction of the federal government all together. Unfortunately, he has IMO the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

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Ok, so I just watched the previouslies and when 1883 says something to Jamie about the state being what it needs to be or whatever. As someone who just came to the date, what's it matter to her? She doesn't know how the state was before she got hired by ME. Like hello Jamie wake up. She's only in it for herself. 

Edited by toodywoody
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On 12/17/2022 at 6:25 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm unsure why it's assumed this show is happening during the present day.

I thought the timeline of the show moved slower than real time, since some seasons were set in the same year, and it was now supposed to be somewhere around 2019-2020.

Edited by Cotypubby
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