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Manzo'd With Children - General Discussion

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It's baaaaaack, August 16th!


And I still won't watch just as with the first season.  Instead I look forward to you guys bringing some seriously awesome snark.


Question for the group.  If this dreck is truly back would you guys prefer to keep the second season discussion in this thread or would you want each episode to have its own?

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And I still won't watch just as with the first season. Instead I look forward to you guys bringing some seriously awesome snark.

Question for the group. If this dreck is truly back would you guys prefer to keep the second season discussion in this thread or would you want each episode to have its own?

Single thread. I don't think there going to be enough comments on each episode to merit multiple threads.

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Ugh. Seeing the promos for this. They think they are so charming. NOT.


Ugh. Lauren and Vito married to each other. Well as the old saying goes....at least they saved two other_______ .


Episode # 1 of new season: Caroline still wipes Albie's ass and washes Crittofers undies and tells them they can be anything in the world they want to be when they grow up. 

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Yes and Lauren and the new husband live with them.

So I'm supposed to believe all of the adult children live at home and their SOs?

I got my apt at 17 I couldn't wait to have my independence and space. Have whoever over or stay the weekend, blast music and be up all night, sleep on the couch or the bed whatever, eat or cook whatever the hell I wanted whenever.

So this is weird to me especially since the boys are older and she's married and supposed to be on a grown up chapter of her life.

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OK, clearly I killed someone in a former life so I am doing penance.  I watched the first look that was tagged onto the RHOC first look.  The Manzos are just as boring as ever.  Albie and Christopher are both admitting they live elsewhere.  they no longer live together.  Albie is supposedly an entrepreneur (in this case, that equals an unemployed loser).  The big excitement was watching Albie sit on the counter while Lauren cooked.  If a meteor fell from the sky and took out the Manzos would the world be a better place?  I believe it would.  

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First look was enough for me. All ten minutes of it. 


I want to know what happened to the Manzo boys restaurant? Is it closed already? These boys can't get shit right, can they? My god, what a couple of losers. As long as daddy keeps footing their pipe dreams, why should they care about making any of their ventures a success. 


Vito staying at the Manzo's house twice a week. How exciting. 


Albie breaks up with his sexpot girlfriend because his mommy and sister are bitches and never liked her. How unexpected. 


Everybody hanging out in the kitchen trying to be as funny as they can, laughing and just having a light hearted good old time. Albie is smiling and overjoyed with life for some reason. I guess we are going to see the new, improved Albie this season. How fake. 


Oh, and lets not forget Caroline playing up the great "divide" between Albie and Chris. How many times did she bring that up? How boring. 

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I want to know what happened to the Manzo boys restaurant? Is it closed already? These boys can't get shit right, can they? My god, what a couple of losers. As long as daddy keeps footing their pipe dreams, why should they care about making any of their ventures a success. 


The Little Town restaurant is still open.  It's no longer located at the original spot in Hoboken, but rather, there are now two locations - one in NYC and one in Meadowlands, NJ.  (I believe the Meadowlands location is only open seasonally, though.)  Whether or not Albie and Chris are still involved, I have no idea.  I did just read that another restaurant opened in in the original location of their Little Town restaurant in Hoboken which they are supposed to be involved in.  Again, whether that is still the case, I don't know.


I feel like I'm going to be tar and feathered, stoned, hung from the rafters, and placed in front of a firing squad for admitting this out loud, but here we go:  I like this show.  There.  I said it.  It was nice knowing all of you.  ;)


No, but seriously, I do.  I get why people are so critical of it.  I get why some people have such a strong hate for Caroline and her family.  But I just don't take any of that seriously enough.  Sure, is most of this show "staged"?  Absolutely.  But I still don't care.  I still somehow manage to literally laugh out loud a number of times during each episodes, especially when it comes to Christopher.  Maybe I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all, maybe not.  All I know is that there are a number of way, way shittier "reality" shows out there and for me, personally, this is one of the least offensive and more entertaining ones.  I'll watch for as long as Bravo airs it.  Sorry, not sorry.

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Caught a few minutes and Caroline looks like she has aged a lot. Saw the two boys both loafing around like slackers and fronting like they are cool. I don't know what they hell jib jab they were talking about but it was canned. Zzzzzzzz

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Oh God.  I admit I watched.  I didn't watch the first season.  I just wanted to see if Jac and Kathy were on.  Got to see Jac but she wasn't looking too good.


The Manzo kids?  They really are kinda of losers.  How many business ventures have they gone into?  Albie and Lauren are at home.  Lauren still uses mom and dad's Amex card.  I don't know what Chris is doing. 


Oh, and now Dina has decided she's talking to Caroline again and kinda Jac.  Oh pleeze. 

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The Manzos are horrible people.


I don't know, I kind of liked Nina Manzo (Al's mother) and how she was yelling at her son through the phone. 




But yes, I agree that it's very pathetic how two of the kids are still living at home, and Albie and his damn gimmicky businesses. A spray that makes pot grow faster? What the fuck? Dude, get a real job and a brokedown apartment like most people do when they first move out. Spoiled brats. 

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I lunged for the remote to turn this off and I'll watch anything. Anything else. I will admit that I like the blue dress that Caroline wears in the promo. That's it.

Edited by Maire
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So, I guess this season Caro is going to be portrayed as the wacky, crazy, nutty mom that jogs inside the massive house. It's not working. She's not funny or quirky  and neither is her entitled, spoiled family.   I thought on the "other" show she was always the down to earth, sensible voice of reason.  How things have changed. What is wrong with BRAVO? Get off your lazy asses and give us some new, fresh programming. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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So, I guess this season Caro is going to be portrayed as the wacky, crazy, nutty mom that jogs inside the massive house. It's not working. She's not funny or quirky  and neither is her entitled, spoiled family.   I thought on the "other" show she was always the down to earth, sensible voice of reason.  How things have changed. What is wrong with BRAVO? Get off your lazy asses and give us some new, fresh programming. 

Bravo's idea of new, fresh programming will be the spinoff show when Lauren gets pregnant. Lauren is probably trying to get pregnant now to make sure they get Season 3.


I'm still in disbelief a second season of this mess was greenlighted, but Lauren's wedding had to get paid for some kind of way, so here we are. Yes, she sure does like to say fuck. A lot.


If Jacqueline has any more plastic surgery she will need to stay far away from open flames.

Edited by parrotlover
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Oh God.  I admit I watched.  I didn't watch the first season.


I watched it.  I admit that I laughed at certain points.  Especially Albie finding out that he was part Scottish and Al's mother yelling on the phone.  I also laughed at Caroline running through her house.  I have a friend who doesn't go running in her own home, but she does walk it to get to her 10,000 steps every day.  She just goes in laps (center all colonial) until she hits her number.


Good for Christopher for getting himself a roommate and living on his own in Hoboken. 

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This is the best they could do for the PREMIERE? The premiere when you're supposed to get viewers excited and draw them in for the season? Holy shit that was a pathetic showing.


Lauren's wedding is the only reason this got a season 2. Bravo viewers looove weddings! or Bravo thinks they do.

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What made Caroline watchable and unwatchable at the same time, was her ability to manipulate people and start shit on RHONJ.  Caroline with her family is boring. They're no different than any other family with money and spoiled, lazy kids.

Edited by cherry slushie
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I watched it.  I admit that I laughed at certain points.  Especially Albie finding out that he was part Scottish and Al's mother yelling on the phone.  I also laughed at Caroline running through her house.   


I watched last season a few times and hated it but I somehow managed to find myself watching again this season.  I agree that it made me laugh a few times but it's not good.  The one thing I did like was seeing Caroline so "dressed down" in her own home.  I thought it was about time we saw something "real" on these shows.  I can't speak for the rest of population, but I don't walk around my house in full make up wearing heels and jewelry.

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I'm ashamed to say I DVR'd it. I was genuinely surprised by just how bad it was. Stupid made up plot, that makes all of these people look ridiculous. And Caroline has lost whatever quality I enjoyed in her on RHONJ.

I do find Chris funny still. He may be kind of a lazy lump but he's charming. His impression of the grandma was my only moment of laughter. I will watch Lauren's wedding because I'm that bravo viewer who loves weddings, I can't help myself. Even tho I dislike lauren and still think her surgery to lose thirty pounds was outrageous!

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I find Lauren's personality and attitude so annoying. I thought the way she was yelling and cursing at her mother during the makeup session was really uncalled for and not funny. I still can't believe she underwent weight loss surgery as young as she did when she wasn't that overweight.


I think Caroline is an attractive woman, but all of the pictures at the photoshoot looked unflattering. I wonder what she ended up putting on the final label for the sauce bottles.


I am confused about Albie's new business venture. He's basically going to farm? I didn't get it. I think it's weird that the kids try so many business ideas and then nothing ends up working out. What happened to the Black Water? I wouldn't keep funding my kid's dream if he/she failed to find any success for the first couple of ideas.

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I'm ashamed to say I DVR'd it. I was genuinely surprised by just how bad it was. Stupid made up plot, that makes all of these people look ridiculous. And Caroline has lost whatever quality I enjoyed in her on RHONJ.

I do find Chris funny still. He may be kind of a lazy lump but he's charming. His impression of the grandma was my only moment of laughter. I will watch Lauren's wedding because I'm that bravo viewer who loves weddings, I can't help myself. Even tho I dislike lauren and still think her surgery to lose thirty pounds was outrageous!


I agree about Lauren and the weight loss surgery. I'm surprised Christopher hasn't done it too, or that Lauren hasn't made Vito do it.


Lauren is such a disagreeable, sourpuss, unhappy person, along with the constant f-bombs. I can't stand her. The thing with re-doing the childhood pictures has been done before. I remember a Modern Family episode where Claire and Mitchell did it. There is not enough brain bleach to remove the image of Christopher in footie pajamas.

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Why do I do this to myself? It's like there's a twenty-car pileup right in front of the house and as much as you don't wanna be a lookie-loo, you know you have to go outside and see if there are any bodies or body parts strewn all over your lawn.

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Last night was the first time I watched this show, and it will be the last. 


First, I had forgotten how insufferable Caroline can be. When she was with the others in RHONJ, they sort of tempered it somewhat - but her carrying a show makes it even more obnoxious.  "Vito, Lauren and I looked at houses. How do you feel about that?"  came across as so defiant.  Good luck Vito.


And she wants Lauren and Vito to move in with them?  Its not enough that her precious sons live at home?  Will they all live with her until they're 50?  I get that Lauren and Vito could save money by doing so, but lots of couples start out in an apartment and move up to a house.   And she's showing Lauren $700,000 houses for a "reality check"?  Caroline just can't face any of her kids moving on or growing up. 


Christoper grates - he's not half as witty as he thinks he is.  And Lauren is going to turn out just like Caroline. 


What a pathetic family, all clinging to Mommy and she won't let them loose.  I couldn't believe it when Albie said he was almost 30 (when he was helping mommy spray paint the pots).

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And she wants Lauren and Vito to move in with them?  Its not enough that her precious sons live at home?  Will they all live with her until they're 50?  I get that Lauren and Vito could save money by doing so, but lots of couples start out in an apartment and move up to a house.   And she's showing Lauren $700,000 houses for a "reality check"?  Caroline just can't face any of her kids moving on or growing up. 


So living with Caroline for " just a couple of months" is magically supposed to make them have saved enough money be able to afford a $700,000 house? I'm guessing Big Daddy Al will help them out significantly.  I have a feeling after the marriage, Vito is really gonna put his foot down. He doesn't seem to be all that impressed with Caroline.   

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It was driving me nuts how Lauren and Vito kept saying "live home", as in "We should live home to save money". Shouldn't it be "at home"? It sounded so odd.

I find them all so unappealing. Those boys are so unattractive. Christopher is too goofy. Albie is just a dud. What will they ever end up doing to make a living?

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It's also ridiculous that Lauren and Vito can't get a starter home. Who gets their dream home at that age, as a newlywed? I'm all for saving, but if you want to be on your own, and don't want to rent, buy a cheaper home and save until you can get your dream home. Like the rest of the country.

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So living with Caroline for " just a couple of months" is magically supposed to make them have saved enough money be able to afford a $700,000 house? I'm guessing Big Daddy Al will help them out significantly.  I have a feeling after the marriage, Vito is really gonna put his foot down. He doesn't seem to be all that impressed with Caroline.


Reminded me of the other thing Caroline said that annoyed me - when Albie was saying how Lauren and Vito would have to do 2 Mother's Day, 2 Christmases, 2 Christmas Eves, and Caroline jumped in and said that no, they would do Christmas Eve with the Manzo's and Christmas Day with the Vito family. 


True, it's what lots of families do, but her delivery is what annoys me - it like she makes the decision, and that's the end of it. 


Oh Vito, you should have run when you had the chance.  Lauren's no prize and Mommy comes with her.

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On a positive note, I do love that mother's day gift that they gave Caroline.  I would love it and yes, I would cry.


I also understand Caroline suggesting that living with them could afford them the opportunity to save for a house.  Yeah, I know.  I know. 


Lastly, I can't stand Caroline so it's got nothing to do with how I feel about her.  I'm just practical. 

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I'm confused, is there anything that would have stopped Vito and Lauren for saving for a home over the past few years? I got married young and we spent a good chunk of our college years saving for a home. Not a huge 700K home, a simple starter home with a couple of bedrooms. We definitely didn't have income from a reality show or money from our parents to get started. I think it's silly to get married and then stay home to save for a house when you've been an adult for some time. Doesn't Lauren have her own business doing makeup at the Brownstone for formal events? I doubt her fees were low...she was probably making pretty good money.

Edited by trimthatfat
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On a positive note, I do love that mother's day gift that they gave Caroline.  I would love it and yes, I would cry.


I thought that was so sweet and absolutely hilarious. I would love if my kids did something like that when they were older. 

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I didn't think the 700k house was all that great. I live in the DC area so I'm used to seeing expensive real estate, but, that house just didn't do it. I hope the "live at home" crap is just for the show. Living with Caroline would be a living hell. IMO.

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This show is pure Bravo filler. RHONJ isn't even close to filming (purely because Teresa doesn't get outta the clink till 12/23). Viewers can kind of get the NJ 'fix' with Caroline and her grown kids who she enables whilst trying to still be a hard ass. Not buying what you're throwing down Bravo. Sorry.

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I accidentally tuned in when Caroline insisted that her daughter and future son-in-law always do Xmas Eve withe her and quit when the bitch told him her daughter and her were house hunting (how do you like them apples, Vito?). Ugh, what a smug bit h!

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I watched one episode of this show (the premiere) and was so turned off I vowed not to watch it again. I'll just follow along here, LOL.The Manzos are just not interesting enough to carry their own show. I liked Caroline the first three seasons of RHWONJ, but between age and menopause, she has turned into a complete nut. That brown eyeshadow she has in her talking heads isn't doing her any favors. Is Lauren doing her make up?


Speaking of Lauren…God, what a miserable cow. All the extra cursing and acting out is clearly to grab camera time. And I agree with everyone who said getting WLS to lose 30 pounds is ridiculous. That type of surgery is supposed to be for morbidly obese, tried-every-other-option people, and ANY reputable bariatric doctor is supposed to tell you that from day one. Lauren is just lazy. As for her and Vito, I'm curious about how they handle the living situation. To my knowledge, their relationship has always been long distance, because the deli Vito's family owns and he works in is in upstate NY. Lauren's business Cafface is still open in Franklin Lakes. At the time of filming the show, they had been engaged for 2+ years. I would think that they would have saved up some money over this period of time. Why would it be a necessity for them to stay in the Manzo home? I'm thinking this more manufactured drama, or Caroline is hellbent on keeping her kids close to her. 


Albie…I'm not sure what to say about him, other than watching him kind of made me sad for him. He clearly is in limbo about life in general, and not sure where he wants to go and what he wants to do. I don't think he's gathered his footing since Season One, and he was convinced he was going to become a lawyer. BLK water and now this marijuana business (which I think every Joe Schmo wanted to be down with once the dispensaries opened in NJ because they thought it was cool to sell weed legally, LOL) are just fillers for him. He seems a bit depressed and I hope he figures out what he wants to do soon.


Christopher used to annoy me, but honestly I give him credit for moving out into his own apartment, though I'm not quite sure what he does for a living to afford a place in Hoboken, which is INSANELY expensive. The fact that he lives with a roommate that isn't his brother says to me that he just wants to travel his own path, and keep his life more private. 


SIDENOTE: Since the only episode I saw featured Jacqueline, MY GOD, what has she done to her face?! I swear I think if she cracked a smile, it would probably split in half. The extremes people go to hold desperately to their youth kill me. Youth isn't in smooth skin, tight face and a perfect body, it's a certain sparkle in the eye and innocence in the attitude. I know 70 year old women who look younger than her. She now has that dead eye look running rampant on these reality shows. Sheesh. 

All in all, I'll probably watch again for Lauren's wedding, because judging by the pictures on Instagram, it looked beautiful, and so did she, honestly. Not before then, though LOL.

Edited by Angelsmom1009
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