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S16.E26: Live Eviction #10 / HoH Comp #11

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How disappointing but also expected was Zach's Chenterview?  He has no clue whatsoever what is happening strategywise in the house.  I am a huge Zach fan, but at that moment I switched to actively cheering for Hayden to get back in the house.

Hilarious that Julie could not even remotely see the returning juror challenge winner.  Thanks Zach for declaring a winner or we might have watched that thing spin all night.

Now RAISE SOME HELL Nicole.  I hope Christine is shitting herself.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I had a moment of panic when it looked like (to me, who can't count) Jacosta won. Nothing against her, but she never actually played the game. I think Nicole will come in on fire, with hopefully advice from Hayden. And I know she'll trust Donny, so that's good. Boy, in the dictionary next to crapshoot this competition will be the picture.

I'm a super petty person, so I enjoyed both Zach throwing froot loops on everyone and Victoria showing Zach her torn up pink hat in her goodbye video.

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OK, gotta say, I reeaaally wanted Zach back in that house.  But since it didn't happen, I'm glad it was Nicole.  At least there is another woman added to the mix and I hope she goes after Christine.  I was cringing at the thought of Jocasta getting back in.  I'm sure she is a nice person and all, but she would have been so dull and pointless for a return.  I will miss Zach and Zankie.  Loved Zach's way of leaving though and he came off as charming in his exit interview.  I will miss him.  I was hoping he would come back and work with Donny.


Good for Julie for getting dunked in the Ice Bucket Challenge on Live TV too.  Lets see how many BB contestants accept her challenge now!

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I was legit almost pissing my pants when Julie said Jocasta was in the lead. I was like 'NO SHE'S NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING!'. I wanted Hayden the most, especially after Zach said he would throw the HOH. Dude, no. But at least Nicole's in the house.


Now, Nicole or Donny NEED to win HOH or else things are going to go exactly the same as they have the last nine weeks.

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Clearly I misunderstood the rules of the jury competition. I thought the person with the most disks on the table at the end of the 7th round was the winner and, if there was a tie, the person with the disk closest to the center won. But I thought the disk closest to the center had to be one of the folks who was tied with the most disks on the table. As it stood, Nicole only had three disks on the table, but won because Hayden and Jocasta tied for the most disks on the table. Like, what? How does that make any sense? And how many times can say "disks" in a single post?


And I couldn't make up my mind regarding who I wanted back in the house. Jocasta? No way. Hayden? Maybe. Nicole? Eh. And Zach? I wanted him back in the house to really shove it up the Detonators' asses, but then he was hugging and kissing all the guys and seemed like he would totally be snowed by Frankie's shit the moment he got back into the house, and I couldn't in good conscience want him back. So, like, whatever... I'm fine with Nicole. 

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Best HG exit ever goes to Zach.


*sigh* Well, Nicole has won the most comps out of all the jurors, so she has a shot at winning this one. If she even targeted Frankie and Christine at this point, I'd be happy. But damn if I didn't want Hayden to win that because it really seemed like he would've planted a bunch of seeds about Derrick. Everyone in the house just thinks Nicole was the biggest liar ever because of Derrick.


It might buy Donny a week of safety either way but meh.

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Zach's face when Victoria showed the pieces of the hat in her goodbye message was priceless. It looked a lot like his face when Kathy Griffin zinged him. He can dish it, but he can't take it?


I think it didn't matter who came in the house from the jury. The numbers are so clearly against them, no one is going to flip. At least Nicole and Donny are cute together. For a second there, I thought Jocasta was going to win it. I forgot to look: did they have a bucket near Jocasta for her to puke in?

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Clearly I misunderstood the rules of the jury competition. I thought the person with the most disks on the table at the end of the 7th round was the winner and, if there was a tie, the person with the disk closest to the center won. But I thought the disk closest to the center had to be one of the folks who was tied with the most disks on the table. As it stood, Nicole only had three disks on the table, but won because Hayden and Jocasta tied for the most disks on the table. Like, what? How does that make any sense? And how many times can say "disks" in a single post?

Stinger - Nicole was black - she and Jacosta tied for the most disks.  disks.  disks.

  • Love 5

Clearly I misunderstood the rules of the jury competition. I thought the person with the most disks on the table at the end of the 7th round was the winner and, if there was a tie, the person with the disk closest to the center won. But I thought the disk closest to the center had to be one of the folks who was tied with the most disks on the table. As it stood, Nicole only had three disks on the table, but won because Hayden and Jocasta tied for the most disks on the table. Like, what? How does that make any sense? And how many times can say "disks" in a single post?

Those were the rules as Julie stated them.  I think you (like me) got confused by who was what color?  Because that was what was confusing to see on the board... the person closest to the middle had only 3 discs (I think it was Hayden) and the 2 people with 5 were very close to each other (I think it was Zach and Nicole).


But I will need to pause it and check later.  Very hard to see!

Clearly I misunderstood the rules of the jury competition. I thought the person with the most disks on the table at the end of the 7th round was the winner and, if there was a tie, the person with the disk closest to the center won. But I thought the disk closest to the center had to be one of the folks who was tied with the most disks on the table. As it stood, Nicole only had three disks on the table, but won because Hayden and Jocasta tied for the most disks on the table. Like, what? How does that make any sense? And how many times can say "disks" in a single post?


No.  Nicole (black) and Jocasta (yellow) had the same number of disks

Edited by ParadoxLost

Haven't been a Zach fan, but I thought his exit interview was pretty classy.  And he's quite a handsome guy when he dresses up.  He's right, though, that he needs a professional haircut ASAP.


I have nothing against Jocasta, but that would have been a disaster if she had been the one to return.  Frankie looked positively giddy when she was ahead.  I hope Hayden and Nicole had a good talk in the house together about what needs doing.


Did anyone notice a bell during the opening segment when Christine was talking to Donny in the kitchen?  I thought it came from outside on my street at the time, but I guess some crew person accidentally hit the comeback challenge bell button by mistake.


Frankie complaining about Zach's "antics" was rich, considering those antics have put a few thou in his pocket this summer.


And if anyone is not using their car right now, I think you should let me have it.  Oh, come on, you're not using it!

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Did anyone notice a bell during the opening segment when Christine was talking to Donny in the kitchen?

Yes, some did notice. The bell was mentioned twice in this thread.

I'm thinking it was Christine who belched in Donny's face during the serious heart to heart.

Zach ripped off a Dr Will line in his speech so typical.

Omg at Jocastas stupid creepy faces during the competition. She was like baring her teeth both rows, frowning, and shaking her head and muttering.

Edited by Petunia13
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Surely Zach is going to be seriously hurt when he watches or reads about this season.  How does he still call Frankie a "great friend"??  I think that Zach was 100% right when he said his eviction was all his fault - he had no game, and apparently doesn't even understand how badly Frankie screwed him over.  And Frankie is the smartest person he's ever met?  Oh, Zach, honey, you really must get out more.  


I'm hoping Nicole is still pissed about Christine's knife in the back comment, and allies with Donny.  And I hope one of them wins HoH.  But even then, it's going to be damned near impossible for this season to shake out as anything other than Derrick winning, with either Victoria or Cody with him in F2.  

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I guess its a strategy, but I don't like that Donny didn't throw a vote Zach's way.  I know this particular groups of jackals will lose it if there is a dissenting vote, even from someone out of their alliance.  But its not going to change what they do.  It will just make them feel more justified about it.  It might help a little bit if someone demonstrated having a mind of their own and standing up to the group think.


I'm glad Zach didn't get back in.  He's been led to believe that Zankie is why he is still popular and playing into that.  Going back in, he would have played up to that still.


Beyond that, I don't really care who went back in because it doesn't really matter.  What is needed is someone to win HoH that will throw up two detonators and not Donny.  I think all three jurors would do that.  OK, they were ranked Hayden, Nicole, and Jocasta.


Christine and Victoria really have no intent to work towards winning over jurors.


What is Christine going to do when she tells her husband I was cuddling with Cody to win 500K and he counters with then why did you insult all the departing jurors?

Edited by ParadoxLost

I'm reassured that every time someone came back to the jury house they said "not Donny" before finding out who it was.  I think the fact that Nicole got the Christine treatment is a good thing.  Its going to make Nicole wary of the alliance and Christine wary of attempts to bring her into the fold.  At best if Christine is higher in the pecking order than I think she is it sows dissent.  Even if she is dead last in the pecking order, which is more likely, it gives Donny an opening. 

Well shit - Hayden was the only one with a clue...


He had a week to work on Nicole.


That pause was production debating "How much faster do we need to spin this thing to get Jocasta's marker to fall off if she's about to win?"


Now that's a shenanigan I could fully support.


I got the impression Jocasta, Hayden and Nicole cooked something up while in the jury house. Jocasta was whispering up a storm in Nicole's ear after she won. I can't wait to see her do some damage.


Last minute proselytizing?  Come to Jesus moment?


I was so disappointed in Donny for voting for Zach.  He flat out lied to his face.  Is he afraid it will put a target on his back?  Too late.

Anyone catch Christine kissing her wedding band right before she voted?  Has she done that before?

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I'm glad Zach didn't get back in.  He's been led to believe that Zankie is why he is still popular and playing into that.  Going back in, he would have played up to that still.



I thought that was a little TMI for Julie to be giving out to someone who might go back in the house.

Edited by Newbietunes
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Donny told Zach he was voting for him probably on Monday, after the veto meeting. It is now Thursday. BB can try to pull the "people are wavering, how is the vote going to go?" nonsense all they want, these people know they are going home. Donny is still trying to play the game the best way he knows how. Zach clearly had no problem with it, since he said he loved Donny when listening to his goodbye video. The fact is, votes are almost always 100% these days. It's a horrible development, and makes for really boring live votes, but there it is.

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I guess they put an end to the Chenbot rumors since Julie didn't start shooting out sparks when doused with water.

I admit I was scared as shit when she said she had a special guest to dump the ice bucket I instantly thought of that stupid asshole Jeff. Phewwww! GOB Bluth ; )

Donny's quirky voice, warm demeanor, and bumbling in that footage makes me wish he got his own sitcom....Donny Blart - Groundskeeper?

Edited by Petunia13
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Donny told Zach he was voting for him probably on Monday, after the veto meeting. It is now Thursday. BB can try to pull the "people are wavering, how is the vote going to go?" nonsense all they want, these people know they are going home. Donny is still trying to play the game the best way he knows how. Zach clearly had no problem with it, since he said he loved Donny when listening to his goodbye video. The fact is, votes are almost always 100% these days. It's a horrible development, and makes for really boring live votes, but there it is.



I wouldn't be surprised if Donny and Zach talked about it and decided it was the best approach for Donny's game.  I don't have a problem about breaking his word.  I don't think Zach has a problem with it.  I think its time to take a risk and no one has tried going against the alliance yet just to prove that you can.  Nothing else is working.

Donny told Zach he was voting for him probably on Monday, after the veto meeting. It is now Thursday. BB can try to pull the "people are wavering, how is the vote going to go?" nonsense all they want, these people know they are going home. Donny is still trying to play the game the best way he knows how. Zach clearly had no problem with it, since he said he loved Donny when listening to his goodbye video. The fact is, votes are almost always 100% these days. It's a horrible development, and makes for really boring live votes, but there it is.


I understand that, but how can Donny convince someone to go outside the majority if he's too afraid to do it himself? 

I didn't want Zach to be put out but after his Chenterview I was thanking Jocasta's Jesus that he didn't get back in. Seriously did you hear that guy say he didn't know who he would target and he would THROW the HOH competition!?! What a waste of a slot it would have been to put him back in if that was what he would do. Also it was nauseating hearing him kissing Frankie's ass. Frankie is vile,vile and triple vile. Best part of the night was seeing his crestfallen look when Nicole won back in.


I hope not only does Nicole get back in but that she gets HOH and puts Frankie and Derrick up or at least backdoors one of them.


And I will admit I was excited at the possibility of  Jocasta getting back in and seeing if she might actually have some gameplay this time. Oh well...we know Nicole does but I hope she doesn't trust Christine.


THe cast of SWINGTOWN, COLD CASE and a couple other good CBS dramas that Les Moonves cancelled before their time should have been the ones to dump the ice on his head. Meanwhile I'm surprised BIG BROTHER didn't trot out their pet ape Jesse to do the honors to Julie.

Edited by North of Eden
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Anyone catch Christine kissing her wedding band right before she voted?  Has she done that before?

Yes, she does but today I noticed she winced like it was hot and burning into her very soul due to her myriad betrayals of all it stands for. Okay so I might have made up the last part. But she does do it every time just like Victoria checks herself out in the mirror every time.

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I saw the ice water challenge from Julie's husband this afternoon and thought, "Will they have time to do that on live TV?"  Then I remembered that he was Pres. and CEO of CBS and realized that the BB producers would be more than HAPPY to make time for that to happen! LOL  That was really fun to see.


Zach's exit was funny and humble, and make him look like much less of a d--k than normal.  Then again, Donny seemed to like him, so that's a positive as far as I'm concerned.


If Jocasta had won that challenge, do you think that when we "eavesdropped on the house guests" at the end of the episode, Jocasta would have been laying in one of the beds while everyone else was out in the living room?

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OMG I was dying..Jocasta was winning!!!  I wanted Hayden.  Hopefully Nicole will ally with Donny.  At any rate I'm glad it wasn't Zach.


Hahaha me too!  If Jocasta won the comp to get back into the house I would have busted a gut laughing.  It looked like she was getting ready to start speaking in tongues again when she was in the lead.  


Zach was very entertaining, but I'm relieved he's gone.  He was pretty obnoxious and just horrible at the game itself.  How could he have no hard feelings for Frankie after what happened this week?  How could he buy that "I had to honor what the rest of the house wanted me to do" line?  I am so glad Zach didn't get back into the house because he would have gone right back to the dark side.


I am speechless at Victoria's goodbye message to Zach.  That was hilarious... gotta give her props for that.

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If Jocasta had won that challenge, do you think that when we "eavesdropped on the house guests" at the end of the episode, Jocasta would have been laying in one of the beds while everyone else was out in the living room?

God yes. How scary was it when Jocasta's mouth curled up and she started muttering? I don't know if I could have withstood the shrieking and moaning had she won.

Because he can 't do anything all by himself. He needs numbers.

I read somewhere that Zach told Donny to vote with the house.

The fact that the show made sure to show us Donny's promise, but not show Zach telling him to vote with the house, makes me wonder if the show is attempting to make Donny seem less likeable.

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No, she would have been in the bathroom puking.

Nah. In bed, puking in a bucket. Best of both worlds.

When Jocasta's mouth was moving (silently, thankfully) at a million miles a minute during the comp, I thought she was gonna start speaking in tongues again. Maybe she was just warming up, in case she won.

Edited by Callaphera
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