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S02.E01: The Next Day


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The sinkhole just magically brought them to LA? Seriously? How fucking convenient.

I had the sense Riley and Josh were going to be stuck in 1988 for ages, but it seems they just have to go to the Hollywood sign and jump. Hopefully they will be smart enough to buy some supplies first.

Riley and Josh didn't even bother knocking on that house before breaking in. Kind of crappy of them. I know they called out, but they should still have knocked. And just because the person said on the machine they'd be gone a week doesn't mean they can stay for a week. Maybe the person recording the message 7 days ago? Also, what kind of idiot changes their message to say they are out of town? It tells burglars they are free to break in.

Are we supposed to see Levi getting himself captured as a romantic gesture?

I was actually impressed with Lucas just running in and trying to help Veronica.

It may not sound like it, but I really enjoyed this. I'm glad it is back.

Edited by KaveDweller
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LMFAO at Gavin whipping that slightly sharpened stick at the boar and taking it out with one hit to it's side! It stayed in tact enough for him to continue to walk around with it all day, too. Just slightly blood-stained. And then they managed to slaughter the boar enough to cut off pieces to eat. And make a fire to cook it without any supplies. So ridiculous.

Aldridge continues to be annoying. I wish they picked someone other than Scott to team her up with. It's a waste of Scott.

So many disparate things going on. Giant building with a secret entrance through a mud hole down a staircase that Aldridge has to break into without getting killed in order to "save" everyone. How? What?

Bunch of dudes with body armor and spears going around kidnapping people, including Eve, who will need to be saved. I like how Levi just jumped in along with her. Are they cannibals? Why would they let him join in?

Riley and Wolf Snack stuck in 1988. I missed that the Hollywood sign went down in 1988 in the beginning. I totally thought it was 2022.

They kidnap Silas to get information out of him and he refuses to drink for what purpose? Who does that hurt besides himself? I mean, he ended up giving them information; they just had to wait him out. He might as well have had some water.

Isiah has been carried off somewhere, I guess just to live out his life, meet Eve and create Wolf Snack.

I forget what happened to Young Lily. Is she in 1988, too?

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Those woolly rhinoceroses weren’t native to the Western US area, they were in Europe and Asia but I guess the writers don’t care about being accurate. Again.  

So we have the group from last season then another group of hostiles … why do they always have to be hostile when we meet them?

Who goes away for a week and doesn’t make sure their house is locked? That phone call sure came at a convenient time, lol.  At least it looks like they walked out of the house with stuff besides money.  $100 bought more then than now but it still won’t last them long.  I’m betting they’ll go to the Hollywood sign to get back to 10000 BC. I guess we won’t see Isaiah and Lily again. 

Edited by Cobb Salad
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I barely remembered what happened last season. 10 eps and then nothing til this fall? Should have been a summer series. But it is a guilty pleasure.

The baby rhino was cute. It is wild and no, one should not be sticking out the hand unless one might become dinner. They really lucked out when the other rhino hunting them decided to take on the others.

The spear magically got the boar and they managed to skin it to get the meat and cook it? We have an invasive pig problem here, or one close to here.

One does not leave a message alerting possible thieves that one is away for the week. No idea if the folks just left or were on the way home. I haven’t seen ‘Alf’ for a while. And the ubiquitous cassette tape. So all they have to do is go to the new sinkhole? Find a car, fill it with gas, buy some medical supplies, a few bottles of aspirin, etc. Then go driving in to the sinkhole.

Who built that modern building 10,000 years ago? Where did the materials including glass and concrete and steel come from?

Who are the new people? Looks like they reinvented the wheel. Levi joins prisoner Eve?

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Oh, welcome back, La Brea. You're just as stupid as I remember, and I'm just as snarky as I was last season. 

So, Wolf Snack and Pre-Med do get stuck in 1988, after having a 15 second crisis on them NOT being stuck in 1988. They probably could have dragged on the "DID WE LAND IN THE RIGHT TIME PERIOD" nonsense but part of me is glad they didn't. Also, Wolf Snack does the ONE useful thing all series: he opened a door. 

Pre-Med, you're dating a high schooler; don't be so shocked when he's acting immature. He literally hasn't graduated yet. Also, will Pre-Med use her Pre-Med skills to help them in 1988? Maybe with her skills, they can craft a plane to fly through the sinkhole (that I HAD hoped was just a normal sinkhole and not the Magical One, oh well). 

So, the Hollywood sign, even in 1988, is apparently right above a park! Now, I don't live in LA, but I feel certain that that's not true.

I see they're going to waste their entire $80 million dollar budget again on the first episode, just like they did last season when they could only afford two episodes of CGI animals. 

Only TWO scenes with Stoner Scott? Granted, he's with Alder-Lady, who is choosing to be super cryptic for absolutely no reason so once again, he's the smartest guy in the room...ahem, prehistoric era. 

Oh look, we're getting Assassin Creed NPCs to capture Princess Peach Eve (thanks Reddit for THAT nickname) and Adulterer Pilot. And chances are that Psychic Dad is going to heroically rush to their rescue, only to find them in the middle of them having sex. Awkward reunion ahead!

Speaking of Psychic Dad, that little group managed to get to LA in a short amount of time. I'd rather believe the sinkholes all lead to LA for some reason because if not, fastest trio ever to cross hundreds of miles, especially when Prosthetic Daughter's prosthetic breaks two seconds into being in the Upside Down LA. 

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman trusts Tychologist after all of four days. They must have gone through so much in four days for them to trust each other so whole-heartedly!

Is Dr. Seal going to do something this season? Probably not.

Still hoping for the return of the Wolf to finish the job, and maybe take everyone else with him. Except for Stoner Scott, who has the most interesting part of the show, which will be dragged on for six more episodes and will be stuck with even more characters with only one brain cell. And they're STILL going to treat him like the idiot in the room. 

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28 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

The baby rhino was cute. It is wild and no, one should not be sticking out the hand unless one might become dinner. They really lucked out when the other rhino hunting them decided to take on the others.

The baby rhino was cute. But they should have known right away that its parents were nearby.

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Too many things that are improbably convenient...

  • Gavin, Izzy and Ella were conveniently dumped in Los Angeles (not Seattle), so no drawn-out hike.
  • A cassette tape is conveniently thrown out a car, confirming to Josh and Riley that they are in the 1980s.
  • Josh and Riley conveniently find an unlocked house, where they can get food and resources.
  • Josh and Riley are conveniently near the 1988 Hollywood sink hole.
  • Giant hatch hole in the ground has a convenient staircase.
  • Gavin has conveniently super spear throwing skills.

I can hand wave some stuff, but this is just too much. It's just lazy plot development and writing.

I thought Under the Dome was the most eye-rolling series, but La Brea is giving that show some competition.

Edited by tv echo
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As a product of 1988 I can attest to leaving those type of messages on your answering machine. It's no different than people who post their location/activities in real time on social media. Same concept. I do agree they had no idea how old that message was so the occupants could have been around the corner.

I was also hoping Zach and Kelly would buy/steal all the water, perishable food, batteries, pain medicine, alcohol, antibiotics etc they could manage to carry before jumping back in.

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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, welcome back, La Brea. You're just as stupid as I remember, and I'm just as snarky as I was last season. 

Dare I say, even more stupid...  I think sometime last season the writers were reading these threads and took the "oh, dear god, could this get any worse" theme of all of our comments, and simply responded with "Challenge Accepted!"  This really is worse than anything in Season 1.

I really don't know if I can continue watching this for another season.  And I actually like bad tv.  But this is soooo bad on soooo many levels.  The one saving factor is this thread, which is one of the most entertaining ones I've been on.

The only plot I have any interest is Scott and Big Glass Building.  I don't care about whats her name with him.  I am actually hoping he pushes her down the stairs to her death, then just goes wandering around with his vape pen until he gets to the building.  Her stab wound being all better makes me revisit my theory from Season 1 that 10kBC has some magical healing properties, and that's why people from 2022 were all interested in it. 

Why in the world is Paara's clan hauling all that shit to Eve's camp?  If they need stuff, why don't they just move into an already established village, one with a nice big safety wall and gate (that is left unlocked)? 

Wolf Snack is painful to watch.  1) the character is horrible; 2) the actor is horrible.  Riley isn't much better. 

I could go on, but what's the point... 

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40 minutes ago, Boofish said:

As a product of 1988 I can attest to leaving those type of messages on your answering machine. It's no different than people who post their location/activities in real time on social media. Same concept. I do agree they had no idea how old that message was so the occupants could have been around the corner  

Same. I want to call out all the bad and there is so much bad but I for sure remember these kind of messages.  

There was a calendar by the fridge that had days marked out and circled so they could have worked out when the people would return if they worked out what day it was.  Which they could have done if they checked out some local news or the dates on all those newspapers. Did they bring those in or was somebody coming in on the daily to bring those in/water plants?

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12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, the Hollywood sign, even in 1988, is apparently right above a park! Now, I don't live in LA, but I feel certain that that's not true.

It actually is true! It's called Lake Hollywood Park, but the hillside doesn't really match what they showed on TV. I don't think the signs would be able to tumble all the way down to the park.

I don't understand why Gavin assumed the sink hole brought them to LA just because they saw the sign debris. By his logic, if the Seattle sinkhole could bring them to LA, then the LA sinkhole could have brought the debris anywhere.

I was thinking the new baddies were warriors from 1000 England or something, but I don't think they're historically accurate, and they're so cheesy looking!

I was hoping Zach and Kelly would stick around in the 80s for a while, because I love the 80s, but it looks like they're headed straight to the sinkhole. Hopefully they're smarter than Gavin's team and actually bring supplies with them, if they decide to jump in. 

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33 minutes ago, nokat said:

I love that you're using the snarky names we gave them last year. Yes, we totally need the long walk on the beach so dad and daughter can have long meaningful conversations.  We know that he is Isiah and has memories. How did he go from a blonde kid to that?

Lots of kids hair darken as they age.  They spend  less time in the sun so less natural bleaching and the amounts of eumelanin increase as kids age. 

Edited by bybrandy
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Only TWO scenes with Stoner Scott? Granted, he's with Alder-Lady, who is choosing to be super cryptic for absolutely no reason so once again, he's the smartest guy in the room...ahem, prehistoric era. 

This is really the part of the show that irritates me so much I don't know if I can keep watching it. If Aldrich is going to drag Scott along for - God knows what - there is no reason on earth she has to be so damn cryptic about everything. Except for the fact that the show doesn't want to tell us what's going on. 

And I harped on this all season long last year and will continue to do so: there's no way Scott's vape pen hasn't a.) run out of juice and b.) needed a charge. If they need to keep up this gimmick he's going to need to find some actual mary jane growing in the woods somewhere. Otherwise it's some magical vape pen that never runs out of juice or charge. Which doesn't exist in 2022 let alone 10,000 BC.


Oh look, we're getting Assassin Creed NPCs to capture Princess Peach Eve

Bwah! This is the other thing. MORE hostiles? And why are they so hostile? Again, can't they just say "Hey, here's our deal?"


I do agree they had no idea how old that message was so the occupants could have been around the corner.

I can buy that they eventually figure out what day it is from the newspapers or TV, but at that very moment when he's saying "Hey, we don't have to go anywhere!" they have no idea what day it is. And the home owners could be walking in the front door at any moment.

I dunno . . . it's fun to make fun of this, but it seems like there was still less content available last year because of the pandemic. There's too much good stuff available now to waste time on this garbage.

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10 hours ago, Boofish said:

As a product of 1988 I can attest to leaving those type of messages on your answering machine. It's no different than people who post their location/activities in real time on social media. Same concept. I do agree they had no idea how old that message was so the occupants could have been around the corner.

I was in a kid in 1988, and I remember my parents saying to never say you weren't home on the answering machine because it gives away too much info. Our machine always just said "we can't get to the phone right now." (Which I know everyone knew meant we weren't home). But anyway, that was their thinking at that time.

So I guess everyone's different.

9 hours ago, Redrum said:

In fairness it at least makes sense that Josh and Riley went from 10000bc Los Angeles to 1988 Los Angeles. The head scratcher is the jump from modern times Seattle to 10000bc Los Angeles

What confuses me, is if the writers wanted them to get to LA quickly, why write that the sinkhole was in Seattle? They could have just as easily had it be in a town right outside of LA. Did they change plans or something?

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21 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Speaking of Psychic Dad, that little group managed to get to LA in a short amount of time. I'd rather believe the sinkholes all lead to LA for some reason because if not, fastest trio ever to cross hundreds of miles, especially when Prosthetic Daughter's prosthetic breaks two seconds into being in the Upside Down LA. 

If all the timey-wimey sink holes lead to LA circa 10,000BC that might explain how the Confederate gold got to L.A.

That CGI of the 'Y' from the Hollywood sign umbling down the hillside was so bad.

I suspect that the Hollywood sign will magically go back to normal -- remember the dig site of the crashed plane that mysteriously appeared and then disappeared in Season One ?  Probably something like that.

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So much for all the speculation about how they were going to get from Seattle to LA, eh?  I guess there was no need to be prepared with supplies when that hike conveniently lasted a day.  It's so nice when the writers solve the problems for you.  Even Wolf Snack and Pre-Med happened upon an immediate solution to their "Lost in the 80s" problem.

I'm disappointed we don't get to see Young Isaiah and Lily anymore.  They didn't annoy me as much as the adults.  Jumping to the top of the list of annoying in this episode was the Navy Seal Dad.  

I'm not sure any of the new developments (the hostile hostiles, the shiny glass tower) are all that intriguing.  They are rather transparent ways to create drama like throwing Eve and Pilot Guy together and having them away from camp when Dad and sister arrives.  You'd think the hostile hostiles are not all that dangerous since Pilot Guy thought the best way to get Eve back was to get captured himself.  Those hostiles were so mean to kick Veronica, but they didn't rough Pilot Guy or Eve up at all?

I felt sad for the spear when it got thrown to distract the fuzzy rhino.  Ever heard of rocks?  That spear might have been useful to them later on.  

Wolf Snack was pretty insufferable in this one.  Who cares about his mom.  Let's just enjoy breaking into a house without even trying the front door.  

The show isn't good by any measure, but it was still pretty watchable.  I'm glad it's back.  Mainly because that means this forum gets some action.

Edited by Camera One
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I harped on this during Stranger Things but I'll repeat it here. Pre-med had a can of Tab sitting next to her while she and Wolf Snack were watching Alf. Possible? Yes. Likely? No. Diet Coke pretty much had displaced Tab as the diet soft drink of choice by 1988. But TV thinks a can of Tab is shorthand for "this is in the past." Sorry, but you're about a decade off on that one.

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On one hand, for a show as cuckoo crazypants as La Brea, this was pretty damned boring.  On the other hand: WOOLY RHINOS!  I just hope the baby was okay.

Oh, and my reaction to the Hollywood sinkhole was "don't let the dog get hurt!" because I have my priorities straight.

On 9/27/2022 at 10:16 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I wish they picked someone other than Scott to team her up with. It's a waste of Scott.

He continues to be the best thing about this show.

Edited by proserpina65
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7 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

On one hand, for a show as cuckoo crazypants as La Brea, this was pretty damned boring.  On the other hand: WOOLY RHINOS!  I just hope the baby was okay.

Oh, and my reaction to the Hollywood sinkhole was "don't let the dog get hurt!" because I have my priorities straight.

You had me at cuckoo crazypants, because it is indeed. The first few episodes had all kinds of creatures. Predators give each other space and plant eaters don't tend to attack. A mama protecting her baby, okay.

On 9/27/2022 at 10:16 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

LMFAO at Gavin whipping that slightly sharpened stick at the boar and taking it out with one hit to it's side!

Yeah, I was telling Gavin he was just going to make the boar angry.

On 9/27/2022 at 10:16 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I forget what happened to Young Lily. Is she in 1988, too?

I thought she was with Isaiah, being carted off by nuns.

On 9/28/2022 at 2:41 AM, nokat said:

Rhinos don't eat meat, so why is this one attacking? Hippos are more dangerous.

I imagine they're territorial and the baby rhino's mother would be protecting it but that would not explain the one stalking them.

On 9/28/2022 at 10:00 AM, Boofish said:

As a product of 1988 I can attest to leaving those type of messages on your answering machine. It's no different than people who post their location/activities in real time on social media. Same concept.

And we were more lackadaisical about locking our doors, but usually not when we were going to be gone for a week.

19 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Lots of kids hair darken as they age.  They spend  less time in the sun so less natural bleaching and the amounts of eumelanin increase as kids age. 

My mom was platinum blonde as a small child but had dark brown hair by the time she was a teenager.

15 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I was in a kid in 1988, and I remember my parents saying to never say you weren't home on the answering machine because it gives away too much info. Our machine always just said "we can't get to the phone right now." (Which I know everyone knew meant we weren't home). But anyway, that was their thinking at that time.

So I guess everyone's different.

May depend on where you lived, too.  I grew up in a rural, pretty crime-free county.  Although this show is in LA, so . . . 

14 hours ago, nokat said:

Doesn't matter, we have a magic hole.


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On 9/28/2022 at 2:41 AM, nokat said:

Rhinos don't eat meat, so why is this one attacking? Hippos are more dangerous.

They are also not monogamous. The mother and baby stick together, the males are loners. But they can be defending territory, beign protective of the baby. The danger was not to be eaten, but trampled and gored.

On 9/28/2022 at 10:19 AM, chaifan said:

I don't care about whats her name with him.  I am actually hoping he pushes her down the stairs to her death, then just goes wandering around with his vape pen until he gets to the building.

That woman is terrible, the acting is so bad, I can only laugh. The character is 100% disposable

This is the best terrible show. Everything about it is bad, yet it works in its awfulness.

20 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Lots of kids hair darken as they age.  They spend  less time in the sun so less natural bleaching and the amounts of eumelanin increase as kids age. 

But this does not work in TV shows where the revelation is not initially obvious. In shows, they have to give the audience something to tease. If they are going to choose a blonde kid that is so different from the adult character, they could also make it a trans person. It doesn't matter in this season, but it did when they revealed the "mystery"

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Oof I forgot this show had too much shit going on.

Again with the not telling people stuff. Maybe mention you're being stalked by a huge rhino right away? Maybe mention to psychic dad you're having issues with your prosthetic? He can't exactly send you home. I did laugh when pilot lady? is that her? was complaining that they didn't prepare & bring supplies. No shit, lady!

Baby rhino was adorable.

Levi continues to annoy.  did you know he still has feelings for Eve??

Lots of walking around.  Kind of meh after watching.

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On 10/2/2022 at 10:01 AM, Cobb Salad said:

It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck as in I am appalled yet I cannot turn away.  I think collectively we here could write up better fan fic of this show than the actual writers.  

That sounds like a challenge. But then they couldn't use any of the even more crazy story lines.

So the cute woolly rhino is sent to the future, and it is not cgi but is going to pose on the red carpet.

Eve's perfectly curly hair is natural and not because she has an endless supply of hair products that fall through the hole. No food or antibiotics, just hair products.

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