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I had a feeling Grace or Blanaid did it so I’m glad it was Grace . Adding the rape storyline was unnecessary although I guess they felt they needed one last thing to make Grace snap—-I think his  punch to her chest would have been enough. I like how Roger was the one to help her, otherwise it wasn’t  making sense to me…she’s so tiny and the Prick is so big that she wouldn’t be able to move the body otherwise.

they really used every part of the opening credits…red yarn and burning photo included.

Edited by Paws
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I might be a party of one but I liked the ending - actually I liked the whole show, great mixture of humor and seriousness along with lovely scenery and good music.  Thought everything wrapped up nicely.  JP was such an awful person I couldn't work up any sympathy for him.  Not surprised who killed him.  

I've never seen either the actress playing Becka or the actor playing Matt but I really liked both of them.  Somehow I thought the actress just looked perfect as Becka and Matt just looked perfect.

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5 hours ago, Paws said:

 Adding the rape storyline was unnecessary although I guess they felt they needed one last thing to make Grace snap—-I think his  punch to her chest would have been enough.

I think it had to be a revelation about something heinous he did to one of her sisters. This show was really about the bond between the five of them and the lengths they'd go to in order to protect each other. For a long time, JP managed to stifle that instinct in Grace, but once she learned how terribly he'd hurt Eva, her love for her sister pierced the veil. 

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The person I suspected was the one who killed JP. I am glad. 

I have seen Eve Hewson (Becka) in a few other things. She is Bono's daughter. I think she, Sarah Greene (Bibi), and Daryl McCormack (Matt) are outrageously attractive people.

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There's a legend that when men are hung by the neck, they get an erection as they die.  

But they certainly didn't refer to it.

Maybe the erection was meant to be a sight gage in the pilot and not much more.

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1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

The person I suspected was the one who killed JP. I am glad. 

I have seen Eve Hewson (Becka) in a few other things. She is Bono's daughter. I think she, Sarah Greene (Bibi), and Daryl McCormack (Matt) are outrageously attractive people.

Eve Hewson reminds me of one of my other  girl crushes, Imogen Poots. They could and should play sisters in something. 


Edited by luna1122again
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The last episode lost me - so he raped Eva? She got pregnant and then miscarried? It doesn’t totally shock me but it just all felt very out of Nowhere and a lot of exposition to get in five minutes before the most crucial scene.

I have to hand it to Grace. As useless as I found her to be for the majority of the show she’s certainly good under pressure. 

And all Grace had to do was withdraw the claim so overall it was a really simple fix.

I don’t know, I liked the comedy of the show but found the last episode very heavy and didn’t feel very organic.

Edited by Avabelle
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18 hours ago, scruff said:

So  Ursula  completely gets  away  with  Everything  with  No   Consequences  or  Reciprocity huh ? 

The  writers  did  not   even  have  the  decency  or  respect to  allow  Donal  to  find  out  what a  Lying, Cheating, Deceiving, Adulteress   His   wife  was   huh  ?

Instead   they  make  one  big  joke  and mockery  out of it all.  Just  content  with  showing  him  to  be a unknowing ,  unsuspecting, ignorant  Cuck, 

  Every  main  character  fully   supports ,  champions,  cheers,  helps,  eggs,   urges  and  conceals   Ursula's    Disgraceful, Deviant and  Abhorrent  behavior .     All  the  while    laughing   to   each  other   and   behind   Donal's  back  at  what a cuck/simp/beta   he  is made  out to  be .    

This  show   truly   Represents   ALL that  is  wrong  in today's  society.    Ursula  willingly,  knowingly  and   purposefully  takes a Huge  Dump on  Her  Husband,  Marriage  and  Children's  Family  unit  stability.     The  writer's   decide  to   make a  giant JOKE  of all  that   huh ? 

Yet  somehow  Ursula  is  supposed  to be  the   hero/victim/ innocent/ wronged  party    and    Donal    is   the   Bad    guy ?    We  are  supposed  to  like  her  and be  rooting   for  her   right  ?      F'ing  Seriously ?

Ursula's   character  was an  Absolute  Horrible   Human  Being,  Horrible  Wife  and  Horrible  Mother.     It is  simply   sad,  dishonest,   disingenuous and  Disgraceful  the way  the  writers   presented  this  Entire  story  arc. 

This  was   just   yet   another   show     that   promotes,   encourages,  excuses,  justifies,  rationalizes,  glorifies  and  Romanticizes   INFIDELITY.  I  just   cannot    comprehend   how  anyone  on this  Forum  or  anyone   that   has  seen  this  show    can  be  Ok  with that.  

Because we all think fake murder is worse than fake adultery. Since this bothers you so much I wonder that you would keep watching.

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I knew it would be Grace in the end that killed him. Kinda predictable. 

JP raped Eva? why was that never brought up till the last ep. Or even hinted at. 

I'm glad it was shown that Roger helped Grace with the body because no way could I believe she could have done that on her own. 

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1 minute ago, backhometome said:

I knew it would be Grace in the end that killed him. Kinda predictable. 

JP raped Eva? why was that never brought up till the last ep. Or even hinted at. 

I'm glad it was shown that Roger helped Grace with the body because no way could I believe she could have done that on her own. 

It never occurred to me that it was Grace so I liked the ending. The whole season they kept hinting at what JP did to Eva so they had to tell us.

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I knew there was a hatred between JP and Eva but never thought it went as far as rape. I can’t believe Eva never told any of the sisters. She just continued to see him regularly and act normal for 10 years. I also couldn’t believe that Grace was grieving Eva’s rapist in front of her and didn’t have show indication that she was ever going to tell her she knew what she’d been through until She absolutely had to.

It was just all very abrupt.

Edited by Avabelle
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Horgan said she wouldn't rule out a second season.


It makes sense that Bad Sisters would end after just one season, but when asked if she’d consider continuing the series, Horgan didn’t shut down the idea entirely.

“Well, it’s a really tricky thing. Because like you said, that’s the story. It began as a limited series, and that’s how I approached it. But everyone keeps telling me how much they love it, including our overlords,” Horgan told Decider. “So I don’t know. I guess if a really great idea came along. At the same time I’m really satisfied, really satisfied, with the way it turned out.”


If Apple threw her a lot of money, she might be tempted.  It would be a Big Little Lies situation, it seems, if she and the cast wanted a big payday.

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Another two issues for me - did I miss a scene where Grace agreed to withdraw the claim? Don’t get me wrong it made sense but given it resolved one of the two main conflicts of the series i thought we’d have seen her go to Matt rather than him just explaining it in the end to The brother.

I wish we’d gotten some sort of satisfying reveal where either Ursulas husband leaves her, they amicably split or else she realises she wants her marriage to work rather than her jsut staring glumly out at her happy family when she gets home post Ben ending things. Her storyline was unsatisfying throughout. 

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For me it would have held up better if they'd had Grace discover his secret life BEFORE her birthday, maybe confronting him about it at the cabin. And I agree the strangling would not have left cause of death undetermined. A good bonk over the head with a blunt object would have made more sense, and been easier to explain than a convoluted motorcycle accident in the middle of the night. Especially as she is so tiny and thin and we're seeing her in the flimsy white slip. It seemed like they were deliberately stripping away her emotional defenses along with her clothes.

I do like the way she switched gears from being weak and passive to being protective and strong once she knew how he'd been victimizing her sisters.

I can somewhat understand Eva keeping quiet about the rape, esp since she was obviously blackout drunk. They'd said repeatedly that she had a drinking problem back then. Unfortunately, I've had the experience of being so drunk I really couldn't be quite sure who did what to whom the next day, and since it was her sister's huband, she'd keep quiet. On the other hand, it felt like a very tacked on reveal to up the ante, and it wasn't needed at all. We all knew what a malignant prick he was.

They were all flawed characters, none of them blameless. I didn't need them to be innocents and I was OK with their flaws. Yes, I wanted to slap the shit out of them at times, but they were flailing in an extreme situation. That's the makings of a great TV show!

I hope there isn't a second season. It ruins shows like this by trying to drag out a story with tacked on drama. In the end, though I'm not 100% happy with the finale, it's a good story that worked and ended where it needed to end.

Although I do hope Grace and Roger across the street get together.  :)

Edited by lidarose9
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On 10/14/2022 at 5:24 PM, backhometome said:

I'm glad it was shown that Roger helped Grace with the body because no way could I believe she could have done that on her own. 

Same here. After she killed him I was thinking ok she is such a thin person no way she could drag that heavy, dead weight body around by herself, let alone but him on that vehicle. Probably was strenuous for two people!  So I was glad to see Roger involved. 
Grace was my #1 suspect so I am finally glad I got that right because I usually suck at guessing whodunits;

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I finally had the chance to finish this because I needed a big ass break from it. Watching JP filled me with such a visceral sense of rage, I really couldn't stomach it for much longer. 

I'm fine with how it wrapped up, but the denouement of Matt figuring it out was sloppy AF. First of all, none of what he discovered at the cabin could have been used in a criminal prosecution of Grace or any of the sisters. He's not law enforcement and he broke in.

Second of all, if JP had been found on his motorcycle with the red rope tied to the wheel as the photo he looked at suggested, that would have been taken into evidence by the police, not thrown into the garbage. And it would have been investigated as a murder more fully from the jump. Were they trying to insinuate that Matt was just imagining the red rope tied around the wheel and his neck? 

We were led to believe that the elder Claffin had completely misused all of the funds paid for clients' policies and that Thomas helped him cover it up. One widow withdrawing her claim doesn't make them suddenly solvent so I'm not sure why there was such a celebratory mood between Thomas and Matt at the end. 

Overall, I loved the sisters' dynamic and the dark humor but I don't know that I would be in for a second series. It would depend on the storyline and I have no desire to encounter JP in flashbacks so it would have to be something entirely new and really clever. 

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Yeah that DVD alone isn't evidence.  There would have to be physical evidence, like Grace's DNA on the corpse or the shirt she used to strangle him would have to show his skin cells or something.

Well I don't know if Irish law has similar standards on circumstantial vs. physical evidence or innocent until proven guilty standard.

I also agree, the Claffin business should be bankrupt, if their father just spent the premiums instead of getting a commission while the premiums went to the insurance company.

Someone else will eventually make a claim and they will have the same problem again.

But they probably don't want to delve into the business.

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22 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

Second of all, if JP had been found on his motorcycle with the red rope tied to the wheel as the photo he looked at suggested, that would have been taken into evidence by the police, not thrown into the garbage. And it would have been investigated as a murder more fully from the jump. Were they trying to insinuate that Matt was just imagining the red rope tied around the wheel and his neck? 

That wasn't rope, it was leftover yarn from the red scarf that Grace knitted to fake JP's accident. She took inspiration from the real-life death of Isadora Duncan, and was watching a movie based on it while she knitted (Matt found the DVD still in the player).

22 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

We were led to believe that the elder Claffin had completely misused all of the funds paid for clients' policies and that Thomas helped him cover it up. One widow withdrawing her claim doesn't make them suddenly solvent so I'm not sure why there was such a celebratory mood between Thomas and Matt at the end. 

Yes, that was sloppy, but I can hand-wave that they carry a small number of policies, and JP's was the only one being claimed at the moment. Now that they've averted immediate ruin, they have a little more time to figure out how to get themselves out of the mess.

Edited by chocolatine
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On 10/15/2022 at 5:08 AM, Avabelle said:

I wish we’d gotten some sort of satisfying reveal where either Ursulas husband leaves her, they amicably split or else she realises she wants her marriage to work rather than her jsut staring glumly out at her happy family when she gets home post Ben ending things. Her storyline was unsatisfying throughout. 

Well if they do a second season this could be the storyline. 
I’d also if we get another year of this show that we’d get to see Grace happy with Roger. 

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20 hours ago, chocolatine said:

That wasn't rope, it was leftover yarn from the red scarf that Grace knitted to fake JP's accident. She took inspiration from the real-life death of Isadora Duncan, and was watching a movie based on it while she knitted (Matt found the DVD still in the player).

But was that scarf tied around his neck and attached to the motorcycle wheel when law enforcement found him as the photograph suggested? It just seems like something the police would have investigated more fully. But it has been a while since I saw the earliest episodes.

I also watch entirely too many crime and mystery series so I'm probably overthinking it. I also have a tendency to shout "Objection" at particularly inane lines of questioning in court proceedings even if the characters don't. It is probably very annoying to watch tv with me. 👼

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1. Either Ursula is really really stupid or she just didn't care if anybody knew about her affair. Throughout this show, people were doing lots of really stupid things. At least once per episode, someone did something so unbelievably stupid, I would have turned off the show if I hadn't been enjoying it so much. All of them make promises they promptly break or overlook obvious red flags. We end with an innocent bystander blinded, an innocent cat dead, Minna frozen to death, Roger's life ruined, Gabriel outed, Ursula's family torn apart, Eva's career derailed... JP may be the cause, but the sisters are leaving death and destruction in their wake throughout. But then I remember the title: these are not good sisters.

2. Apparently Irish police are incredibly stupid too.

3. Did anybody understand what the pregnant wife was doing with the files?

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9 minutes ago, lidarose9 said:

3. Did anybody understand what the pregnant wife was doing with the files?

I think she was looking for Becca's address, which she did find written on a post-it if I am remembering correctly. 

I highly enjoyed this series but was really ready for it just to be over.  I think the finale let down the rest of the show because it wasn't up to the same quality in terms of clever writing.  The way in which he finally died was much too hackneyed and cheese ball for me.  The murder attempts were written so much better.

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Another season could be justified if enough people grew to like the sisters and their interactions. [I just don't feel it.] It would have to be about something other than them scheming to murder someone - that would make them seem like psychopaths.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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Okay so I did not not like the show, but I got tired after one point. I think they dragged it two or three episodes too much. The story could be told in 6 or 7 episodes.

Also the ending was disappointing. If it was so easy for Grace and Blanaid to go and live with Eva, then why did they risk the insurance guys to discover the truth? The ending was not satisfying because nobody paid for their mistakes except for the prick.

Other than that I appreciated all the acting, the beautiful people, the nice scenery and the irish accent. I have come to a point where I can't easily watch an American show anymore so I love anything from the UK.

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46 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

I have come to a point where I can't easily watch an American show anymore so I love anything from the UK.

The Republic of Ireland, where this show is based, is not part of the UK, only Northern Ireland is.

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On 10/14/2022 at 11:36 AM, abbyzenn said:

I might be a party of one but I liked the ending - actually I liked the whole show, great mixture of humor and seriousness along with lovely scenery and good music.  Thought everything wrapped up nicely.  JP was such an awful person I couldn't work up any sympathy for him.  Not surprised who killed him.  

You’re not a party of one; I liked the ending and whole series too.

On 10/15/2022 at 4:06 PM, lidarose9 said:

I hope there isn't a second season. It ruins shows like this by trying to drag out a story with tacked on drama.

Yeah, I like when a show runner knows when to stop. Sometimes one season is enough to tell a story.

On 10/18/2022 at 3:09 PM, SummerDreams said:

If it was so easy for Grace and Blanaid to go and live with Eva, then why did they risk the insurance guys to discover the truth?

Before the insurance guys started investigating, it probably seemed like it would be easy to collect the insurance and carry on with life. Like most widows do.  And maybe Eva didn’t offer for them to move in with her; it would have been difficult for Eva to live with the grieving widow every day, going on about missing her wonderful husband. It wasn’t until Grace admitted killing JP and hating him too, that Eva probably felt they could live together.

On 10/18/2022 at 3:09 PM, SummerDreams said:

The ending was not satisfying because nobody paid for their mistakes except for the prick.

I’d say that it was very satisfying to see The Prick pay the ultimate price. Plus, “nobody paid for their mistakes”? Other than Minna and the dog, I guess.

I really enjoyed this show. The sisters were flawed, to be sure, but The Prick was truly a prick. It seems like his “prickness” really ramped up in the past year or so. Clearly he’d been part of the family for almost 20 years, yet other than the rape (which is major, to be sure), it seems most of his evil was in the past year. But I can see how he got away with being a prick; he has that smooth handsomeness of Pierce Brosnan. And each sister kept his prickness to themselves initially. His boss thought he was so great that he promoted him over the better candidate (Eva) and believed his lies about her without batting an eye. There are many many pricks out there in the real world who get away all sorts of horrible shite because people don’t tell anyone or fall for their smooth outsides.

I did find Bibi to be a bit of an enigma. Her story wasn’t as fleshed out as the others; did she lose her eye because of the car accident with JP? Her wife must feel kind of awkward in the family dynamic. Typically husbands of sisters learn to hang out to some degree, and I would assume that a wife might be integrated occasionally into the sister group, but it seemed like she was an outsider. I don’t even know her name!

Also Ursula. She didn’t have the usual motivation for an affair - her husband was an asshole or indifferent, or she was bored. Ursula seemed to have more on her plate than the other sisters put together, yet she not only found time for an affair, she seemed to really need it. I don’t get the whole affair business anyway, stay with your spouse or get divorced but stop playing two sides. 

And the Irish are made of sterner stuff than me. It’s cold enough to warrant thick winter coats and toques, but they jump into that frigid water and splash around like its great fun? Yikes. This is why I don’t understand polar bear swims, usually done on New Year’s Day here. 

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In any of the episodes, did we ever see the sisters discuss how JP died (i.e. scarf/4-wheeler)? I mean, obviously not because that would have ruined it for the viewer but... why were they nervous about a police investigation after he died? The sisters knew how he died... I just don't understand.

Edited by QQQQ
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2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

In any of the episodes, did we ever see the sisters discuss how JP died (i.e. scarf/4-wheeler)? I mean, obviously not because that would have ruined it for the viewer but... why were they nervous about a police investigation after he died? The sisters knew how he died... I just don't understand.

I think they were nervous that a thorough investigation would draw attention to their previous murder attempts that had originally been classified as accidents - the near-drowning, the fire in the cabin, etc.

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I guess I'd feel rather secure knowing if the police hadn't been able to put 2 and 2 together from any of the ham-fisted prior attempts, the odds were in their favor with a crime they had nothing to do with 😅 

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On 10/21/2022 at 12:59 PM, Shermie said:

You’re not a party of one; I liked the ending and whole series too.

Yeah, I like when a show runner knows when to stop. Sometimes one season is enough to tell a story.

Before the insurance guys started investigating, it probably seemed like it would be easy to collect the insurance and carry on with life. Like most widows do.  And maybe Eva didn’t offer for them to move in with her; it would have been difficult for Eva to live with the grieving widow every day, going on about missing her wonderful husband. It wasn’t until Grace admitted killing JP and hating him too, that Eva probably felt they could live together.

I’d say that it was very satisfying to see The Prick pay the ultimate price. Plus, “nobody paid for their mistakes”? Other than Minna and the dog, I guess.

I really enjoyed this show. The sisters were flawed, to be sure, but The Prick was truly a prick. It seems like his “prickness” really ramped up in the past year or so. Clearly he’d been part of the family for almost 20 years, yet other than the rape (which is major, to be sure), it seems most of his evil was in the past year. But I can see how he got away with being a prick; he has that smooth handsomeness of Pierce Brosnan. And each sister kept his prickness to themselves initially. His boss thought he was so great that he promoted him over the better candidate (Eva) and believed his lies about her without batting an eye. There are many many pricks out there in the real world who get away all sorts of horrible shite because people don’t tell anyone or fall for their smooth outsides.

I did find Bibi to be a bit of an enigma. Her story wasn’t as fleshed out as the others; did she lose her eye because of the car accident with JP? Her wife must feel kind of awkward in the family dynamic. Typically husbands of sisters learn to hang out to some degree, and I would assume that a wife might be integrated occasionally into the sister group, but it seemed like she was an outsider. I don’t even know her name!

Also Ursula. She didn’t have the usual motivation for an affair - her husband was an asshole or indifferent, or she was bored. Ursula seemed to have more on her plate than the other sisters put together, yet she not only found time for an affair, she seemed to really need it. I don’t get the whole affair business anyway, stay with your spouse or get divorced but stop playing two sides. 

And the Irish are made of sterner stuff than me. It’s cold enough to warrant thick winter coats and toques, but they jump into that frigid water and splash around like its great fun? Yikes. This is why I don’t understand polar bear swims, usually done on New Year’s Day here. 

Late to this but I loved it too. Absolutely spectacular series.

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I watched this because my friend kept saying I should…and I wasn’t feeling it. This was too dark a comedy for my taste. Was I supposed to find it funny that innocent people and animals kept getting killed instead of that miserable bastard John Paul? Even when he finally got what he deserved, I couldn’t take much satisfaction out of it.

And was that part with the poor kitten necessary? There were already plenty of parts that showed what a monster John Paul was, that was just horrible. Too bad it wasn’t the daughter that killed him for that.

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Horgan was being canny.

Probably she had a certain figure in mind and Apple met it.

Thinking more about this, they probably wouldn't go back to some other odious character that they'd want to kill.

So they could maybe create plot arcs based on the personal failings of each of the sisters.

They feel bad about the guy losing his eye or Minna being killed.

But "bad sisters" could now mean these personal foibles, not their homicidal plotting of season 1.

It might be hard to create and sustain momentum through a season though, without a murder plot or mystery which probably helped keep up viewer interest.

Edited by aghst
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So  another  show    that was  just a  Blatant   example of  ALL that  is   wrong   in  today's   society   and  a      show     that   promotes,   encourages,  excuses,  justifies,  rationalizes,  glorifies  and  Romanticizes   INFIDELITY/Adultery,   gets    rewarded  with   another   season.  

How     sad,  pathetic and unfortunate.  

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7 hours ago, scruff said:

So  another  show    that was  just a  Blatant   example of  ALL that  is   wrong   in  today's   society   and  a      show     that   promotes,   encourages,  excuses,  justifies,  rationalizes,  glorifies  and  Romanticizes   INFIDELITY/Adultery,   gets    rewarded  with   another   season.  

How     sad,  pathetic and unfortunate.  

That's the least it did. In my eyes it promoted the opinion that it's okay to kill if the other person is prick enough.

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