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12 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Daniel and Nicole are laughing that Brittany told Jasmine that she will be voting to evict Nicole. "She's not good at this game," they sneer.

LOL - you know what would be funny?  If Daniel & Nicole manage to convince themselves and the 3 girls that Nicole has the votes to stay and the others are lying about who they plan to vote out.  At that point, what can you do if you're Michael or Brittany but shrug when those five look dumbfounded again on Thursday night.

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While at first I wanted the blindside, telling Indy/Alyssa Wednesday could be even better. No WAY do they both keep their mouth shut. Daniel will know which means Nicole will know, and Nicole will know the day before! All kinds of nonsense could happen Wednesday night. Because y’all? Nicole is TOUGH. And doesn’t take crap! Because she was a COP! And will tell it like it is!  

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4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

While at first I wanted the blindside, telling Indy/Alyssa Wednesday could be even better. No WAY do they both keep their mouth shut. Daniel will know which means Nicole will know, and Nicole will know the day before! All kinds of nonsense could happen Wednesday night. Because y’all? Nicole is TOUGH. And doesn’t take crap! Because she was a COP! And will tell it like it is!  

Honestly, unless Kyle tells them he's not with them and plans on voting Nicole out, I think they're still going to convince themselves they have the numbers - Jasmine, Indy, Daniel, Alyssa, Kyle, and Terrance v. Brittany, Michael, Turner, Joe - what they don't know is that Kyle isn't with them and that Monte will be booting Nicole, not Taylor.  

What I do think we'll see is Nicole badgering the hell out of Terrance and Kyle to ensure she has their votes.  Because none of this is her fault, of course, lol.

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18 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Because y’all? Nicole is TOUGH. And doesn’t take crap! Because she was a COP! And will tell it like it is!  

You may not have heard, but she's also 41.  That's FORTY-ONE, y'all!  With Age comes Wisdom.  

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50 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

Here’s why I also want to keep Jasmine on. I think she’s so impressed with her acting skills, what with her being able to REEEE-Ally swing that accent as the diary room asks her (cause I’m sure they’re egging her, to use southern vernacular, she is one of the show ponies), and simply because I’m a thrill seeker, bring on the show pony shitshow. I want to see how far and wide they can make her put on the eyebrows 

I am sure the ants agree with you since she is their prime source of crumbs.

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Michael, an alliance with the girls?  Ultimate train wreck.  Recipe for disaster.  Jasmine/Alyssa/Indy can't stand Taylor/Brittany and vice versa.  Cat Fights Central, lol.

He would be better off to strengthen his relationships with the guys - which he should have made more of an effort from the start.  He doesn't have a strong social game.

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1 minute ago, thestorm said:

Michael, an alliance with the girls?  Ultimate train wreck.  Recipe for disaster.  Jasmine/Alyssa/Indy can't stand Taylor/Brittany and vice versa.  Cat Fights Central, lol.

He would be better off to strengthen his relationships with the guys - which he should have made more of an effort from the start.  He doesn't have a strong social game.

Didn’t Michael try that with Daniel week 1, but Daniel basically wanted nothing to do with him?

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12 minutes ago, Thalia said:

You may not have heard, but she's also 41.  That's FORTY-ONE, y'all!  With Age comes Wisdom.  

She’s also a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, don’t you know.

56 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

I want to see how far and wide they can make her put on the eyebrows 

Jury phase Jasmine:


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2 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Didn’t Michael try that with Daniel week 1, but Daniel basically wanted nothing to do with him?

That’s when Daniel was HOH.   Once Nicole’s gone, he’ll be groveling.  

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10 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Couldn't Michael, Brittany and Taylor team up with Kyle and Turner when they get to 7? They could then take out MoJo hypothetically at least.

Sure. They could also team up with Joseph and Monte. (Taylor and Monte seem to be getting closer lately.) One of the things I like about the Leftovers/ Pound is they all seem pretty pragmatic, and I can easily see some of them breaking off if they think it would help them. I can also see people wanting to take Brittany/ Taylor to the end, depending on who’s on jury.

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17 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Couldn't Michael, Brittany and Taylor team up with Kyle and Turner when they get to 7? They could then take out MoJo hypothetically at least.

Kyle was already talking to himself today about this scenario except without Taylor included. 

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10 hours ago, TimWil said:

Terrance as HoH? That started my morning off with a laugh. Terrance is one of the most clueless wastes of space ever in that house.

I love Terrance. There is nothing wrong with being low key and flying under the radar. They will pick each other off before they even realize he is still even there. I love this mellow man. IRL I would much prefer to hang with him than some noisy guy full of hot air. 

Why is a quiet man a "waste of space?"

Edited by LoveLeigh
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34 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Does Jasmine ever use a fork?  All I ever see is her using her hands.  

And then demands someone take her dirty dishes back to the kitchen. Listening to her, It was like she was talking to the hired help.

Edited by vb68
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37 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Alyssa refuses to watch any movie prior to 2010 because they look too old and the acting is bad. 🙄

Isn't she the nitwit who thought Newark was a country?

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Taylor is campaigning to Jasmine. They are being friendly enough and having a good conversation. Jasmine is non-committal of course, but I think it's gone about as well as it was going to given it's Jasmine.

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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

She confused it with Denmark. Oh dear.

Bless her heart, it's a good thing she's pretty. 

I got caught up in baseball all day and come back to hear that future restraining order Alyssa and Kyle got freaky next to...Daniel? Extra eww.

And Nicole should maybe climb down off her high horse considering that verbal confirmation of said ass wiping is now forever enshrined on Twitter.

Thank goodness the blindside still seems to be intact...right?! Please, let it happen.

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5 minutes ago, leocadia said:

This information is like a ghost... I 100% believe it was real and 100% do not need to see it.

I agree, all about self preservation. But someone please explain to me, Why?!?! Why does a grown ass woman who isn’t an invalid need someone else to wipe her ass and why are they complying? Do they wear hazmat suits or at the very least gloves when they perform this service. Do they get some kind of compensation for providing this service although I can’t imagine putting a price on it. Does she have a professional ass wiper in real life?  Wtf kind of twisted kink is this?

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11 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Bless her heart, it's a good thing she's pretty. 

Hot take, but she's not pretty enough for the amount of hot air that seems to be floating about in her head.

She's pretty but she's not, like, Heather Locklear pretty. (She's so effing pretty, you guys.)

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
no edit to the post itself, i just wanted to point out how many times i said the word "pretty", and now it doesn't even look like a real word. you know what i mean?
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23 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Bless her heart, it's a good thing she's pretty. 

If you like Antz.

Nah, just kidding. She is very pretty. I also think she looks like Olivia Jade of the Lori Loughlin/college admission scandal a few years ago.


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34 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I agree, all about self preservation. But someone please explain to me, Why?!?! Why does a grown ass woman who isn’t an invalid need someone else to wipe her ass and why are they complying? Do they wear hazmat suits or at the very least gloves when they perform this service. Do they get some kind of compensation for providing this service although I can’t imagine putting a price on it. Does she have a professional ass wiper in real life?  Wtf kind of twisted kink is this?

I think the official title is “Groom of the Stool” at least that’s what Henry the VIII ass wiper was called.


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48 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Hot take, but she's not pretty enough for the amount of hot air that seems to be floating about in her head.

She's pretty but she's not, like, Heather Locklear pretty. (She's so effing pretty, you guys.)

Edited 46 minutes ago by Alice Mudgarden · Reason: no edit to the post itself, i just wanted to point out how many times i said the word "pretty", and now it doesn't even look like a real word. you know what i mean?

You’re so pretty.

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31 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Nah, just kidding. She is very pretty. I also think she looks like Olivia Jade of the Lori Loughlin/college admission scandal a few years ago.

I heard Alyssa make that comparison herself in the first week. I think it was Kyle she said it to, and he was all "Who???" lol

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32 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I think the official title is “Groom of the Stool” at least that’s what Henry the VIII ass wiper was called.


It totally was and now I'm mad at myself for not thinking of this, because the Tudors are my thing.

15 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

You’re so pretty.

No, you are ❤️ 

So saccharine 🤮 haha

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38 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I heard Alyssa make that comparison herself in the first week. I think it was Kyle she said it to, and he was all "Who???" lol

I love how perfect(ly befuddled) they are for each other.

Edited by Callaphera
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The backyard HGs were talking about what their fun facts were, and what they COULD have said, and Indy says that her great grandmother will be 111 in September. 

Nicole tells Jasmine that Michael's "pretty much" told her that he's keeping her. So she tried to tell Brittany what Nicole could do for her. Then Jasmine starts talking and I have to switch. 

No cameras are on the backyard anymore, two each on people I don't care for. 

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Hmmmm...  Camera 2 switched from Nicole/Jasmine over to Terrance alone in bed talking to himself.  He was counting votes, I think, and he seems to have convinced himself that he's going to play tie-breaker.  Except that he counted Nicole in the 5 votes Nicole has to stay.  🙄

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Feeds summary:

  • Nicole and Daniel think everyone is so stuuupid. (Also, Taylor sucks.)
  • Jasmine, Nicole and Alyssa think Monte is such a liar. They’re glad they have Kyle and Joseph to depend on. (Also, Taylor sucks.)
  • Terrance doesn’t know which way to vote, and is feeling the pressure. He wants some new music.
  • Turner tells Daniel he never knows which way the house is leaning. He was blindsided with Pooch, and guessed right last week. He’ll be listening hard on Thursday. 

It’s a lot of the same old, same old. Now people are gathered in the backyard talking about their lives. Alyssa’s not even chasing Kyle, because she just started her 2-week period. Rest easy, Kyle’s mom! 

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Ew, ew, ew. Why did I tune back in? It’s not the spectacle of Kyle and Alyssa kissing, it’s the heavy breathing and the panted “you’re so cute”s, and it’s like watching a grown woman seduce a teenage boy, and It’s just so gross. They crawl under the covers for a few minutes and fumble around, while he worries about America and his mom watching. 

Meanwhile, Indy is trying to sleep in the next bed, but she’s wearing an eye mask, not earphones, and pretty soon all the panting wakes her up. Kyle tries to hide behind Alyssa, but then Nicole enters, and as Indy starts to yell about all the noise, Kyle slinks out. 

Then Nicole starts to rail about how she has all you bitches’ backs, and I stop paying attention.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Group in the bathroom is telling each other riddles. “What is black and white and red all over?” Taylor asks jokingly, thinking obviously everyone knows it. But not Michael, and the answer has to be explained to him.

He has one: “What gets bigger the more you take away from it?” This one stumps everyone for several minutes. Finally Taylor guesses a grave, which leads everyone to the correct answer of a hole. How did these people live through childhood without hearing the most basic riddles? And why does the idea of digging lead Taylor straight to a cemetery?

Previously on Everyone is Bored, there was also a big debate tonight about which there are more of in the world, doors or wheels. I think doors was in the lead until someone mentioned Hot Wheels cars, and that swung it in the other direction. 

Someone remind me: Why do I watch feeds, again?

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Kyle reports to the Leftovers with his Alyssa intel (no, that kind): The girls did some fact checking with some things Monte said to them, and they’ve all decided he’s a big fat liar. Kyle says Alyssa is getting frustrated with his passive gameplay and is telling him “you better get your head in the game!” 

They think the others may be getting wise to their alliance. They’re going to use the excuse of Nicole exposing Po’s Pack as a reason to vote her out. They don’t know where Terrance’s allegiance lies.

Finally, some gameplay happening, and I have to go to sleep. Hey, but at least I got to hear about the world’s abundance of wheels!

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3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Terrance doesn’t know which way to vote, and is feeling the pressure

Idk why turner or someone on LO didn’t strike a deal with Terrance last week and have him vote with them this week for saving him last week. Granted they were already saving him but it would have made this week less of a guessing game. 1 more day to go, please tell me no one’s flipped, I have my doubts about Kyle thinking with his other brain now. 

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22 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just saw that they took away the scooter. Production is tired of Jasmine’s shit lol.

And she’s using her cane like it’s a crutch instead of using it properly. She’s too much.

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