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5 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Jasmine has started packing 😱 Speaking of bags, do they really come in with only 1 duffel? There’s no way all their stuff fits in that and I’m a pretty good packer. 

No they put the suitcases in the storage room and take the duffel to meet Julie. That probably just has a few essentials in it.

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this twist is the equivalent of a DE, and playing off the DyreFest eviction as a faux vote would mess up Production’s schedule for the season.

I don't know what you're talking about, I still want a double I just want the Dyrefest to have to vote for Brochella noms and Brochella to vote for Dyrenoms. Taylor and Britt vote out Kyle, and Alyssa and Terrance vote out Monty. I just want Kyle gone.

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Scrolling tiktok the other day I had the horrifying realization I saw a Kyle and Mom tiktok before he was on the show months ago. His mom reposted and I was like OMG I think I saw this before. 

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

Michael and & Brittany reiterate that they are planning to ride the middle. They are not looking forward to telling Jasmine she is getting evicted tomorrow.

Why?  Why do they even tell the evictee they're being evicted?  I thought that was against BB rules.  If it isn't it should be.  I know it is against BB rules to tell someone they're going to be on the block.

The whole theory behind telling someone about their eviction before the fact is to make it easier on everyone concerned.  This is not the case with Jasmine.  Easiest for all is for Jasmine to remain blissfully unaware until her ass gets voted out.  Then stone-facedly herd to her to front door and shove her ass out, making her Julie's problem.  Jury management be damned.  Jasmine is not a reliable juror, so trying to butter her up in advance is wasted effort.

Besides, if Jasmine had any shred of awareness (I know, I know), it sounds like Taylor has already pretty strongly hinted to Jasmine that she was going home when Taylor was advising Jasmine on what to wear on "finale night." 

Edited by HurricaneVal
Forgot about Julie.
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7 minutes ago, blixie said:

I don't know what you're talking about, I still want a double I just want the Dyrefest to have to vote for Brochella noms and Brochella to vote for Dyrenoms. Taylor and Britt vote out Kyle, and Alyssa and Terrance vote out Monty. I just want Kyle gone.

That would be a good twist.

I think the split house was a decent idea but the execution didn't go very well. It would be more fun to see an actual line dividing the house. The common areas would have diagonal lines, like the toilet stall and the bathroom sinks. But the line would go between the showers so the Have group gets warm showers and Have Not group gets cold ones. The Have HOH gets the HOH room and the Have Not HOH gets the Have Not room all to him- or herself.

A line would go down the backyard so the pool, bicycle, hammock, weights, washer & dryer are on one side and the Have Not group gets stuck with what's on the other side (nothing?) One group would get the dining room table and the other the kitchen island.

Edited by Lamb18
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50 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Now the sun is really bright outside. So the tarp is letting some light through. Alyssa and Kyle talking. Can hear someone talking in the distance. Kyle says Salt Lake is surrounded by mountains. (It is. You look down the street and there's a big mountain.) Kyle wonders how to spell Colorado. Then he wonders what word has "ra" pronounced as "rah."

Well...Ra, Egyptian god of the sun, for starters. Not that I'd expect somebody as well-rounded in his dimwittedness as Kyle to know the first thing about historical mythologies, but you know.

I realize he's pretty well past that age group, but wasn't it Mormon kids who invented soaking? I guess in Kyle's case, it'd have to be called cannonballing. Splashy and over in a blink. 

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24 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I thought that was against BB rules.  If it isn't it should be.  I know it is against BB rules to tell someone they're going to be on the block.

Well if those are the rules, they’ve been violated every season. Just volunteering to be a pawn violates the rule. I can’t imagine those rules are true, maybe they were 20 years ago. 

Michael says Hayden’s letter gave his medical opinion on Jasmine’s sprain and they’re talking about her faking it. Now that to me would be a violation of the rules, no external influences on the game 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by dizzyd
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31 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Why?  Why do they even tell the evictee they're being evicted?  I thought that was against BB rules.  If it isn't it should be.  I know it is against BB rules to tell someone they're going to be on the block.

The whole theory behind telling someone about their eviction before the fact is to make it easier on everyone concerned.  This is not the case with Jasmine.  Easiest for all is for Jasmine to remain blissfully unaware until her ass gets voted out.  Then stone-facedly herd to her to front door and shove her ass out, making her Julie's problem.  Jury management be damned.  Jasmine is not a reliable juror, so trying to butter her up in advance is wasted effort.

I agree. Plus, they don't really know for certain until the votes are in.  I hate the idea that all the houseguests have to agree on who goes home. 

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37 minutes ago, blixie said:

I don't know what you're talking about, I still want a double I just want the Dyrefest to have to vote for Brochella noms and Brochella to vote for Dyrenoms. Taylor and Britt vote out Kyle, and Alyssa and Terrance vote out Monty. I just want Kyle gone.

My mistake; I misunderstood what you meant by “switcheroo vote” - thought you meant Production last-minute flipping the script on the Outsiders and telling them they wouldn’t be evicting anyone come Thursday.

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35 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Why?  Why do they even tell the evictee they're being evicted?  I thought that was against BB rules.  If it isn't it should be.  I know it is against BB rules to tell someone they're going to be on the block. 

IIRC that “rule” has been enforced exactly once in the history of BB, and then only to protect one of Grody’s pets - and insofar as literally dozens (hundreds?) of subsequent infractions have come and gone without similar enforcement, I doubt it could seriously be considered a “rule” at all.

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22 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Well if those are the rules, they’ve been violated every season. Just volunteering to be a pawn violates the rule. I can’t imagine those rules are true, maybe they were 20 years ago. 

Literally the only time they enforced the 'You can't tell the person you're nominating that you're nominating them' was in BB12 when they wouldn't let Brendan nominate Britney after he told her he was going to. It was just to save Britney. They used to do more to save their faves but they don't do that much anymore. Although, I'm fearful they will for Kyle. He is pretty obviously very well liked by Grodner.

Michael and Brittany basically said they wanna try to link back up with Kyle/Alyssa so it is imperative that Taylor or, more so, Monte wins HOH. Otherwise I fear the season will be over for me.

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18 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Michael says Hayden’s letter gave his medical opinion on Jasmine’s sprain and they’re talking about her faking it. Now that to me would be a violation of the rules, no external influences on the game 🤷🏻‍♀️

Wow.   Production used to be more careful than that.  I would expect them to read the HOH letters and redact the sections that attempt external influence.  I know hamsters in the past, in post show interviews, talked about coded language they'd worked out in advance for their HOH letters, should they ever become HOH.  I can't remember which hamsters, but I think it was universally a flop.

Either production doesn't care about the rules anymore (obvious) or hates Jasmine (obvious).

It seems the only rule they really follow anymore has to do with where they could potentially get sued, like hamsters talking about friends/family who didn't sign the release forms or music (played, hummed, or sung).

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6 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I know hamsters in the past, in post show interviews, talked about coded language they'd worked out in advance for their HOH letters, should they ever become HOH.  I can't remember which hamsters, but I think it was universally a flop.

IIRC ED used coded messages from home to good effect, but copycat attempts by subsequent HGs were sloppy and easily spotted by Production.

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 Didn't they switch to pre-written HOH letters years ago in response to the attempts at coded messages.  I remember at one point they all became "You're awesome!  You're doing great!  We love you!"

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

I’ve been married for over 3 decades, and if a woman tells you she is “fine” - using THAT word specifically - you can bet your sweet bippy that of all possible options, “fine” is the one thing she AIN’T.

LOL, you are too much!  Personally, whenever Mr. Yogi hears me say 'I'm cool' then it is the calm before the muhfuckin' storm.

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I'm not a psychologist, but I wish I could do some sort of analysis on Grodner. Her track record of picking favorites confounds me more with each passing season. I can never figure out the appeal, with the exception of maybe Jeff, who I don't particularly like but can see is soap opera star brand of good looking.

I just don't get her.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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37 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 Didn't they switch to pre-written HOH letters years ago in response to the attempts at coded messages.  I remember at one point they all became "You're awesome!  You're doing great!  We love you!"

I think you're right, but I guess they gave up on that. Huh, very odd. 

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Joseph is giving Kyle props on how he's played. Joseph says he couldn't have lied like Kyle. If he goes home he's a fool, but a happy fool, because he didn't go over his line. He said he's lied regarding the vote, but he won't plant a lie just to plant a lie. (He's burning Kyle with his complimentary words.)

Dear lord, save me from the HGs who try to argue that THEIR lies are more moral than the OTHER people's lies. If Joseph wanted to say that, like, Kyle's a dick in general, then fine, but give me a break with the "I couldn't lie like you, I only lie in another sort of way." A. I don't even know what he means by "a lie just to plant a lie," as Kyle's lies HAVE been quite strategic and B. What in the world was Joseph stringing along Indy and the others and then laughing at them behind their backs? 

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14 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I'm not a psychologist, but I wish I could do some sort of analysis on Grodner. Her track record of picking favorites confounds me more with each passing season. I can never figure out the appeal, with the exception of maybe Jeff, who I don't particularly like but can see is soap opera star brand of good looking.

I just don't get her.

When I think of Grodner's pets, they usually fall into one of three categories: vanilla alpha males with more muscle than brains or personality (Jeff, Jackson, now Kyle), surfer dudes (Frank, Tyler), and, well, Dick. Shallow pinups and human trash, basically. With a secondary tier for female vets so that she doesn't look like a complete misogynist, I suppose. Similar taste to Jeff Probst, but much more downmarket. 

Also, if you'd told me prior to this week that Grodner had been cited multiple times for leaving her dog in a hot car, I would be less than shocked. But after this whole split house/Dyre Fest debacle, I'm imagining her also forgetting her cat, her groceries, her phone, and her keys in the car. What is the thought process, Allison?

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Taylor is taste testing dips with onion rings. 1) Buffalo garlic dip, 2) Artichoke & jalapeno dip, 3) tomato dip. Buffalo garlic is Taylor's favorite in general but the artichoke & jalapeno is better with the onion rings. The tomato dip tasted like unseasoned canned tomato sauce. Crunch, crunch, crunch. I never thought of onion rings as crunchy.

Jasmine is wandering about in a big poncho or a blanket.

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2 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Didn't they switch to pre-written HOH letters years ago in response to the attempts at coded messages.  I remember at one point they all became "You're awesome!  You're doing great!  We love you!"

What's happened in recent past seasons is that every HG has one letter from home on file, written before the game starts. If that person wins HoH, they contact the same people to write a second letter that then remains on file. By the third one, I figure that they just fire off an email to them that says "One more pls" and Michael's fiance is going to run out of shit to say. I remember being said that Jack of Jack and Son didn't win a second HoH because I wanted a second letter from his former co-worker/dog walker.

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Brittany and Michael are saying we have to do it.  Brittany:  "this is so awkward."   J came in and they asked her to bring Taylor back to the bedroom they're in.  

Brittany:  "Straight shooter.  Honest.  Respectful."  

Head's up, it may be happening in a few minutes... 

J said she just did her DR goodbye to Monte.  They are waiting for Taylor. 

ETA, now I know why Monte isn't there.  Jasmine is first giving her pitch for letting her stay.   "Monte is a physical threat, and I'm not."   She also asked to be allowed to stay because of her dad.  

Jasmine said the other side of the house would be happy she was staying.  Has she met Turner? 

Edited by Thalia
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9 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

There's something so creepy about Brittany. She seems to love dropping bad news on people. It's like she only comes alive when she's delivering bad news to people.

She reminds me of someone I knew who thrived on drama but then would play the woe innocent me card.

Jasmine lying about her final 2 with Alyssa she is putting it on her fathers grave.

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I think Jasmine is starting to get the drift. They brought up Girls Girls, they brought up Five Swatters. When they brought up Old School and she tried to lie then said it happened in her HOH room but she was just told about it, her voice is starting to break. And now she’s swearing on her Dad’s grave about final twos. Which….who even cares about that. 

Edited: “I was only part of three alliances! That was it!” I mean, with the 8,000 alliances made this season, she has a point, but it’s not a great one.

Edited by Katesus7
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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Like Brittany was never gonna get Indy or Jasmine’s jury vote anyway but she sure does love to just make sure she won’t be getting them. I need Taylor to get to F2 with Brittany lol.

I feel like Brittany gets zero votes against anyone. She probably loses 9-0 to Terrance or Alyssa lol.

Her jury management is awful.

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So Jas wants to wrap this up by saying she knows what it is, and game is not personal. Taylor seems to agree and says "yeah, this is not personal." But Brittany has to twist the knife even more by saying "We've known these things for weeks ..." 

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It may be because the guy at the place was making me double Old Fashioneds when I pulled the birthday card but Brittany looks super fucking smug and trying to give the big sympathetic eyes and UGH. Where's that BBViewer punch in the face toy again?

The best part is Jasmine is taking it so well that it's ruining Brittany's big moment.

Jasmine: "I'm not a mean person at all." WHY. WHY DO WE HAVE TO LOSE HER.

Edited by Callaphera
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I don’t think Taylor is doing a bad job. Brittany is coming off as a complete asshole, but I think she probably thinks she’s just being straightforward and honest, and it’s all game so Jasmine should be totes cool with it. Her delivery is completely off the charts awful, though. 

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9 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I don't understand how Brittany is trying to win here. She's burning jury votes left and right. She has to know that she loses against either Taylor and Michael right? 

I legit think she decided a long time ago that getting $50,000 was her only shot, and she's going for that. 

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Brittany told Jasmine that this isn't the end of Jasmine's game and for a moment, she brightened up and I know she's going to try and take Raven's Puppetmaster jury crown and I'm so looking forward to it.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I legit think she decided a long time ago that getting $50,000 was her only shot, and she's going for that. 

Would make sense then for her to burn jury votes…everyone will want to sit next to her at f2.  

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I actually think Taylor is coming across better than Michael, but let's be real Jasmine is not voting for Taylor unless she is next to Brittany. Taylor has been sitting while Michael kept telling Jasmine that's not true at certain points. 

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Aaand now we're watching the whitest cornhole game ever in the backyard between Kyle and Turner while Alyssa wanders barefoot in and out of the kitchen in the background, getting ready for her new life as Kyle's wife. I will say that Kyle plays cornhole better than he fucks so.

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Michael: "So do you want to be alone tonight with your feelings?"
Jasmine: "No, no. I mean, I have my period so I'm going to sulk in my bed anyway but no, you don't have to leave me alone or anything."
Everyone but Jasmine: *gets up and leaves the room*

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Brittany is now recounting her victories to Michael in the HoH room. This woman needs to be stopped.

Brittany says that "this will be my downfall in this game, very low tolerance for B.S." Oh honey. That's not your actual downfall.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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27 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

So who has worse jury management, Paul or Brittany? Discuss.

Paul, because a) he managed to take a jury that should have theoretically been filled to the brim with people who loved him (and Cody), and have them so mad at him that he lost and b) he should have known better because he played more than once. Back to back. In the same shirt.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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