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S14.E80: Where Are They Now: Boston

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Come on, people! Are we expected to believe that of all the MAFS gin joints in all the world, producers "found" the one guy who was friends with Alyssa's arch-enemy, to go on a date with Alyssa?!

Were I Alyssa, I'd wonder WTH kind of Trojan Rabbeet trick the show and Ryan were trying to pull!

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I hope to never see Alyssa on my tv screen again.  She’s a spoiled princess who appears to think people can’t be friends with anyone but her. 

That wasn't her beef.  Her problem was that she was going to show up at the getaway with Ryan, and Lindsey was going to be there, and it was going to be sprung on Alyssa that Lindsey and Ryan have some sort of relationship.  Or maybe not have it sprung on her, but everybody there knows it but her and she doesn't find out until later.  Or only Ryan and Lindsey know. 

Whatever...she's going to be the dupe, and if I were her, I'd be pissed, too.  There was zero reason in the world for Ryan to agree to go to the getaway without divulging that he's formed a relationship with any other cast members, especially Lindsey.

And I'd love to know the extent of Lindsey's and Ryan's relationship.  Someone was telling Alyssa details, and it happened between when she invited him and when she uninvited him.  Who?  The producers on the show?  I'm with @LennieBriscoe in thinking there's some shenanigans going on. 

That said, I simply do not understand why Alyssa felt it appropriate to ignore Lindsey when she showed up.  I'm hoping they just didn't show Alyssa saying, "Hi, Lindsey," and going back to her cooking.  But I think Steve was also giving her the silent treatment. 

And...was Ryan bowling in his boots?  They let people do that?  They used to require bowling shoes, in part, I thought, because they were always worn only inside the alley and wouldn't scratch the floor.  I had my own bowling shoes at one point (probably the worst bowler in history to have her own shoes), and never put them on until I was inside.

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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Noi never seems to say anything that isn’t a bitchy comment of some sort.  Along with the facial expressions.   SHe didn’t appear comfortable around Steve and her’s nieces. Probably hasn’t spent much time around kids.  She should wait until after she has kids 1 and 2 before being so adamant about 3.   Because I don’t think she will want a third one by then. 

I didn’t think Lindsay was drunk and slurring her words with Steve.   I thought she was trying not to cry.  She made a sincere apology with both Mark and Steve.  The problem with that is apologies don’t turn the clock back.
There is an anecdote that shows a teacher with a pristine piece of paper.  That’s a kid before you bully him.  Then she shows the paper crumpled.  That’s a kid after you bully him.  No apology can turn the crumpled paper back into the pristine  paper. 

I hope to never see Alyssa on my tv screen again.  She’s a spoiled princess who appears to think people can’t be friends with anyone but her. 

I think she hasn’t spent much time around Steve.  

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53 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

That wasn't her beef.  Her problem was that she was going to show up at the getaway with Ryan, and Lindsey was going to be there, and it was going to be sprung on Alyssa that Lindsey and Ryan have some sort of relationship.  Or maybe not have it sprung on her, but everybody there knows it but her and she doesn't find out until later. 

This is my opinion - and it may not be right. You could be 100% right and I could be 100% wrong in what you think Alyssa was actually mad about in her head.   So I’m not trying to get you annoyed- just stating  my thoughts.  

Ryan speaking  to Lindsay was known to ‘ the guys’ so it wasn’t a secret.  Alyssa found out from ‘the guys’.    She didn’t know for whatever reason- possibly because Ryan and Lindsay were just people who both happened to be on a reality show and were comparing notes  and maybe becoming casual friends.  Similarly to what Alyssa and Ryan were doing.  She hadn’t even met Ryan in person until she invited him to Boston and then immediately invited him to the getaway- both of which were obviously producer driven.  I think Alyssa worked up a romantic relationship  with Ryan in her own head that didn’t actually exist in real life yet.   
Really- did she think Ryan was going to cuddle up with Lindsay at this getaway?  Lindsay said at the reunion that she was meeting guys in California to date.  
There was no indication at all that Lindsay was even aware that Ryan was talking to Alyssa, or that Lindsay considered Ryan dating material. Lindsay never mentioned Ryan’s name on camera and Lindsay can’t keep a secret. 

as a reminder- Mark and Alyssa were communicating during filming and Alyssa felt that was ok because Mark was the one who messaged her first and she didn’t stop when Lindsay indicated it bothered her.    Alyssa thinks that was ok but gets mad because Ryan and Lindsay are communicating without her knowledge?  She wasn’t Ryan’s girlfriend just because they  were ‘flirting’ via texts, FaceTime, etc. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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First - we got new emojis, but no sad face. Interesting.

Second - I agree with everyone who said there was too much Alyssa. WAY too much. And, poor Ryan. I still like him, and he did not deserve to be reprimanded for being disloyal (what???) and, of course, disrespectful, to his online chat buddy who had already envisioned her life on his ranch, complete with a closet for her cowboy boots. I am sorry that he didn't get to go to the retreat. He might have had some fun. I was happy to see that Chris brought a date, even if it was Olivia. She did seem uncomfortable, which is understandable, and it looks like they aren't dating at this time. I TRIED to count how many times Alyssa said"like" but I ran out of paper. She is so unlikeable and I do love that even if she was "promised" that she would be presented in a good light, she still managed to show her true self. And wearing her "I'm a Good Person" shirt was just stupid. Again, no she is not. 

I am so glad Michael tried to say what he had to say, even though he got shut down by Jasmeana. She is just so horrible, and obviously has been reading SM since she made a reference to her 'attitude' and laughed.

I continue to dislike the spoiled and mumbly Noi. I do not understand what Steve sees in her, but, at least she seemed to have dropped the 3 kids and living apart fake drama. Although, if Steve is in an apartment, can they do renovations and why would they? If he owned it, he would refer to it as his condo, not his apartment, so that was bizarre. She does not seem to be close to any of the other women, although there were some fakey hugs.

Of all the shirts they had to choose from, I liked the shirt Mark picked to wear on his date. She did seem nice and normal and passed his test about cat allergies. I hope they go out again. I do think that Lindsey meant her apologies this time. She seemed very sad to have seen the show and her behavior. Maybe this was actually a good experience for her to have to face what her actions did to people. I hope she does well in California. You can only joke about no one liking you for so long. It has to hurt.

It seemed like Katina may have found her voice with O. If she has been stuck with just him all this time, of course, she misses her friends. Good for her. I hope he doesn't try to track her or just kind of show up where she is. He strikes me as that type. Still not a fan.

I saw that there is yet another show next week and was wondering what it was about, but I am done with this season and these people, so I won't be watching. They are determined to drag this out until the next season is ready to start.

Thanks for all the fun and snark this season.

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I have noticed that calling  apartments "condos" is a regional thing. What I am trying to say is when I was visiting Miami, every apartment that is rented is ONLY called an apartment and only if you own an apartment is it then called a condo, where as in the Pac NW where I live, an apartment can be rented or owned.(but all Condos are owned). So when I saw N & S changing the backsplash, I assumed it was a purchased apartment.  cuz like some have said, why put money,effort etc into something one rents?!

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

 I think Alyssa worked up a romantic relationship  with Ryan in her own head that didn’t actually exist in real life yet.   
Really- did she think Ryan was going to cuddle up with Lindsay at this getaway?

I, too, think she worked up a romantic relationship with Ryan in her own head, and I think it's completely understandable.  Men don't fly halfway across the country in search of new female friends.  But I don't think she thought Ryan was going to cuddle up with Lindsey; Alyssa bristled when she realized she was going to be blindsided at the getaway if she brought Ryan and it turned out Ryan and Lindsey were friends without her knowing about it.  As she said, that would make her look like "an idiot."  And I completely agree with her.  Because everybody there would think Alyssa and Ryan were there as a couple, just like Chris and Olivia, and would titter when it comes out that Alyssa didn't even know Ryan was "talking" to someone else on the show.  As I said she'd look like a dupe.

I compare what Ryan did, in not telling her he was communicating with someone who was also going to be at the getaway, with what Olivia did, which was to stay in a separate room from Chris for two reasons:  (1) she and Chris don't really know each other (which now that I think about it is kind of a ridiculous hesitation on this particular show), and (2) out of respect for Alyssa.  Leaving aside whether Alyssa deserves any respect, Olivia was acknowledging that there were other people and other entanglements that should be considered. 

If you're invited somewhere by someone who's bringing you into the group, it's just good manners to let them know beforehand that you already know someone in the group.  And moreso if there are romantic notions in the air, and you've done pretty much the same thing with the person who's bringing you as you've done with the other person who's going to be there.

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I think Alyssa totally overreacted in her anger towards Ryan.  I bet a lot of these casts are in contact with each other and it's just to be expected.  Alyssa and Ryan began communicating as I am sure that others did.  I don't think Ryan thought it was a big deal to also communicate with Lindsay-especially if it was Lindsay who always initiated contact.  

However, her accusations of "betrayal" without allowing Ryan an opportunity to respond is consistent with Alyssa's behavior on the show with Chris (and the producers) in which she plays the victim and walks out without allowing any other perspective to be shared.  I bet Chris had a good laugh when he watched this episode in that he could totally relate to how Ryan felt while just sitting there after being told off and left alone.  And, again, Alyssa informed us that it is all about how others perceive her and that we, the audience, would agree with her as she went on and on about being made a fool because Ryan and Lindsay had communicated.  I honestly don't think anyone would have cared that Alyssa brought Ryan and that Lindsay had previously exchanged communication with him.  

I think that most of the guys will stay somewhat in touch, but I think the women's group will pretty much fall apart with the exception of Alyssa and Jasmina both of whom never allow the person with whom they have an argument/disagreement to get a word in edgewise.

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As she said, that would make her look like "an idiot."

She said that multiple times and honestly, how she looks to other people is really the only thing she cares about. She wanted us all to know what a "good fucking person" she was and she had to make sure she didn't look like an idiot. She really needs to work more on who she is and how she acts and care less about how she looks.


I think the women's group will pretty much fall apart with the exception of Alyssa and Jasmina both of whom never allow the person with whom they have an argument/disagreement to get a word in edgewise.

I think that Alyssa and Jasmina will stay friends until they have some sort of disagreement, probably over something minor, and they will both completely blow up and overreact. Then they will never speak again.

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50 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I think that most of the guys will stay somewhat in touch, but I think the women's group will pretty much fall apart with the exception of Alyssa and Jasmina both of whom never allow the person with whom they have an argument/disagreement to get a word in edgewise.

i thought jasmina and katina were supposed to be buddies, maybe i am not remembering correctly

if i were katina i would just stick to my friends that i had before this marriage experiment

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I, too, thought that Jasmina and Katina were buddies, but when Alyssa took them into the bedroom and told them how Ryan "betrayed" her, it seemed like all Katina wanted to do was leave the room while Jasmina was agreeing with Alyssa.  I think there is some separating between Katina and Jasmina so don't know if that friendship will last.

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2 hours ago, geej said:

I have noticed that calling  apartments "condos" is a regional thing. What I am trying to say is when I was visiting Miami, every apartment that is rented is ONLY called an apartment and only if you own an apartment is it then called a condo, where as in the Pac NW where I live, an apartment can be rented or owned.(but all Condos are owned). So when I saw N & S changing the backsplash, I assumed it was a purchased apartment.  cuz like some have said, why put money,effort etc into something one rents?!

I was also wondering about the backsplash! 

I didn't think Steve owned that place.  But the producers might have made them only do a small section of the backsplash for filming and then quickly removed the tiles before they stuck to the wall.

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14 hours ago, kikicat said:

 Noi's "I smell a loaded diaper" face

What a perfect description!

And I-lyssa, just because you wear a hoodie that says you are a good person doesn't make it so. I believe she went on this show solely for attention. Why else would she have changed into a bright red cocktail dress for a taco dinner. Maybe she was hoping to go to a club? 

Lindsay had some awful overly dressy outfit on as well. She is another attention seeker but I think her redemption tour was slightly more successful.

I can't understand how either Jasmeana or Mike thought they had any chance of making this work if they hadn't planned to live together. No idea what the point was of them deciding to stay together on decision day if they never even spoke to each other.

Katina and O seem to have found their groove - I hope it continues.

I think Chris should be able to do a lot better than sourpuss Olivia. There has to be a nice single woman in Boston for crying out loud. 

As others have mentioned, the producer interference has become blatantly obvious and has ruined the show. I will be back for San Diego though because I'm a masochist.

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46 minutes ago, Rightside said:

I was also wondering about the backsplash! 

I didn't think Steve owned that place.  But the producers might have made them only do a small section of the backsplash for filming and then quickly removed the tiles before they stuck to the wall.

He really needs to stop walking around on egg shells where Noi is concerned. He needs to take a stand and stick with it. What he wants is just as important and she needs to face that.

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as a reminder- Mark and Alyssa were communicating during filming and Alyssa felt that was ok because Mark was the one who messaged her first and she didn’t stop when Lindsay indicated it bothered her.    Alyssa thinks that was ok but gets mad because Ryan and Lindsay are communicating without her knowledge?  She wasn’t Ryan’s girlfriend just because they were ‘flirting’ via texts, FaceTime, etc. 


And to me Alyssa looked better in this segment.  Her face looks thinner and her double chin was gone....kind of.  Do you guys think she had her chin shaved? 

She is still an awful fucking person though.

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2 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

All these new reactions, and we still don't have one for eyerolls. MAFS will soon be as bad as 90DF with filler episodes.

Is this on tonight? I don't think it is on in Canada and if it was, the only way I would watch is with closed captioning to prevent my ears from bleeding out.

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12 hours ago, Katie111 said:

Noi is awful.  She has resting bitch face at all times.  I have no idea what Steve sees in her. Alyssa had more joy at the reunion weekend than Noi did.  I don’t think the other girls like her either.  She seems like such a drag.  And just stop with the stupid 3 kid conversation. 

Noi's insistence on three kids is so stupid. What if she has problems conceveing a child? 

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3 hours ago, gaPeach said:


And to me Alyssa looked better in this segment.  Her face looks thinner and her double chin was gone....kind of.  Do you guys think she had her chin shaved? 

She is still an awful fucking person though.

She may have had something done .. I don’t know, but it always looked like she had half a chin.  I don’t see any improvement now either.  Plus, you  are right.  She still is an awful fucking person who will always walk away when she doesn’t like something or someone.  It’s just in her to be disrespectful and mean.

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21 hours ago, Spectator said:

I actually find it funny, and kind of perfect, that Alyssa got so much airtime tonight. I’m quite sure she was convinced that she was going to resurrect her reputation on this episode and all she did was reinforce how big of an insufferable bitch she is with absolutely laughable expectations of her partners (not that you can call someone a partner after one date, but in Alyssa-land, you can. And she is forever complaining that someone is disrespecting her…I see a drinking game in there somewhere…)

I bet Ryan is thinking Brett never looked so good after his trip to crazy town.

I thought her overused drinking game phrase was “we have so much in common.” She said it eleventy trillion times. And every time I thought to myself it was a veiled reference to conservative red state political leanings.

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1 hour ago, ChiMama said:

I thought her overused drinking game phrase was “we have so much in common.” She said it eleventy trillion times. And every time I thought to myself it was a veiled reference to conservative red state political leanings.

And fondness for cowboy boots...

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I think Mike put in all the effort.  I saw nothing on Jasmina’s part.  She can say she tried to maintain contact, but Mike knew it was over and he saw that she wasn’t worth all the effort.  I really hope Jasmina will stop always having  to be right ALL THE TIME.  She’s going to miss out.  Also stop saying, “you and I both know.”  Apparently not.  Mike knew he was done.

I still don’t see Steve’s attraction to Noi…

Did they tell Lindsey to sport her best Cruella jackets?  Not buying her redemption tour.

Eff off Alyssa.

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On 6/1/2022 at 6:32 PM, Crashcourse said:

Alyssa chewing out Ryan over Lindsey. 

Ryan sitting there looking dead-eyed as usual. 

Welp.   That was fun! 😆

That was the most beautiful KARMA!!!! She went for the guy who was back on dating apps before DD, she really expected loyalty?? They should've done a side-by-side of the confrontations. 😂 She got what she deserved! It would've been amazing if he went to the getaway & hung out with Lindsey. He was weird at their bowling date asking her what's next in her romantic life as if they weren't on a date. He said he wasn't open to dating up until 2 weeks prior. Huh? He came off very casual about their date, like they weren't dating at all. What does he even want? Banter & flirting? He doesn't want to be married. He's a boring-ass player & Alyssa got played & it's funny as hell! 😂😂😂😂

Edited by Lindz
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Did the producers make them wait until this "special" to go on dates??I'm so skeptical of the timing of these dates. So weird. I'm glad Jas & Michael didn't have dates. 

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So Michael's side is he was the one reaching out & if he didn't, they wouldn't talk? That's what Jas said she did! Something ain't adding up! Then he pulled the punk move & "distanced" himself. What did these fools want?!! They weren't happy with whatever was happening so what'd they do to fix it??? So lame!

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Why were Mark & Michael still wearing their rings? 🤔 So strange. I'd think they'd remove them immediately. Jephte's ring is probably long gone with his dysfunctional marriage. I know no one is seriously asking for his advice. So Kat told O they spend too much time together, but doesn't say what she wants to do about it & says she doesn't know? That's dumb. & O responded he didn't know what she expects or wants. Um. So ask. They're so dumb. I can't even. 🙄

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Accountability is the word of the episode. What the bachelor was going on on that getaway. People pulling people to talk & make amends, or not. What did Lindsey expect? Steve & Alyssa to be friendly? 😂 She knew they weren't on good terms. I don't understand the issue with Lindsey saying what everyone was thinking about them being unemployed parents. As a logical person, Steve should understand her point. She did go overboard implying Mark would be a better father. It was shocking to see Alyssa apologize to Chris, I still don't think she's really sorry though. She's sorry she got exposed. 😅 It's no surprise how the J&M convo went. Now they're arguing about feeling played on the reunion. Smh. It never ends with them. They need to grow up. There was no way in hell Lindsey would apologize to Alyssa. 😂

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I haven't finished the episode yet, but seeing Olivia's face made me instantly annoyed. I couldn't stand her on her season and I still find her to be annoying. Not that she was paired with a good husband, but she was constantly complaining and giving stank face. I'd like to see Chris with someone like Brett (the one who was paired with Ryan last season) personality wise. He seems like such a nice guy and I just don't get good vibes from Olivia.

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5 hours ago, Lindz said:

Did the producers make them wait until this "special" to go on dates??I'm so skeptical of the timing of these dates. So weird. I'm glad Jas & Michael didn't have dates. 

I’m so skeptical of this whole damn show.  It’s a fluke if only one couple stays together.  It may have been true the first or second episode, but went down hill from there.  All scripted, except for a few that made it.

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Don't know why but I found it incredibly satisfying that Alyssa showed her true horrible self once again.  I was a bit miffed at the show for giving her a second chance at love with a cowboy, but she did not disappoint.  I imagine she harassed the show complaining about how she got cheated out of valuable screen time and the show did their best to give in to her demands, and she gave them a suitable reward with more bad terrible behavior.  I wanted to throw something staining on her "I'm A Good Person" merch. 

I was happy to see Chris and Olivia getting a second chance, but I don't see them sticking together. 

Olajuwon's tattoo on his neck has a big dark spot in the middle that makes it look like he has a hole in his neck.  I have to look away, it's - yuck. 

Mark badgered the show until he got on.  Lindsey was his "reward".  She's no prize, but there's a reason(s) Mark is not married by now. 

I wanted to know more about the sleeping arrangements at the weekend getaway.  How many bedrooms were in that place?  And, who shared with who?

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1 hour ago, Jax7917 said:

seeing Olivia's face made me instantly annoyed. I couldn't stand her on her season and I still find her to be annoying. Not that she was paired with a good husband, but she was constantly complaining and giving stank face.

I agree. I was kind of interested to see how she would do with Chris, but once she got there, she had "that face" and didn't really look like she was capable of having a nice time.

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15 hours ago, gwen747 said:

Noi's insistence on three kids is so stupid. What if she has problems conceveing a child? 

The "trial run" with Steve's nieces said IT ALL. I would not trust her with one child, much less three! Steve, honey, I beg you to SEE her. And accept the reality of the "absolutely must have three children" delusion for what it is.

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Ha ha!  I bet production was putting in extra camera time just waiting for no-chin/double chin Alyssa to implode.

Lindsay isn't remotely Ryan's type.  I'd bet that Lindsay was told by production to contact Ryan, just to wait until Alyssa found out.  Ryan was probably none the wiser, since he'd never touch her with a 10-foot pole, so he figured, hey, she's just asking me questions "about Vegas" (which is stupid, but whatever), as all the MAFS participants probably communicate with one another, similar to The Bachelor.

As Ryan said, he doesn't even have Lindsay's number.  It was all via Instagram.

Alyssa is exactly Ryan's type, physically.  He was just as unattracted to Brett as Alyssa was to Chris.  So Lindsay wouldn't even ping on Ryan's radar, physically speaking.  He probably thinks of Lindsay as "one of the guys".

Ryan sat with his deer-in-the-headlights look as Alyssa accused him of lying, but in Ryan's mind, communicating with Lindsay was likely no different than communicating with one of the guys.  He simply wouldn't be attracted to her.

But Alyssa, you dummy, Ryan WAS attracted to you.  The first thing he said when he showed up to that bakery place was how nice you looked in your little tank dress, yet you sourpuss-faced him, accused him of lying, and put him on the defensive.

Girl, you had your Cowboy-with-a-degree.  You lost him.  You didn't even make it to the retreat with him.  

If Alyssa was interested in Ryan because of politics, then I'd wonder why she's choosing Austin.  Austin is like Portland or Seattle, politically speaking.  I think she was truly interested because he's nice looking, degreed, has a good job, and enjoys the cowboy life she likes.  And she can wear her bling-out "Cowboy chic" boots just to show how "cool" she is.

She'll end up on Bumble in Austin, left-swiping all the man buns & goatees in skinny ankle jeans.

Edited by Starlight925
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On 6/2/2022 at 9:41 AM, Yeah No said:

I posted last week that I thought someone had picked out Mark's outfit for him.  No doubt it was Olajuwon.  Mark knows he needs help in that area, but I'm not sure Olaj is the right person to help him with it.  I did like that polo shirt on him, though.

I also noticed that Noi didn't really get too close to the other women.  I can't blame her for that although she is not someone I'd want to hang with anyway.  I did find it suspicious that she suddenly is on board with moving in with Steve and now wants only two kids.  And there was no explanation given as to why she changed her mind.  It makes me wonder whether all of that was just producer shenanigans again to make drama because otherwise they would have been another "boring" successful couple.  

And yet even with all that I consider them the most boring couple ever to have been on this show!  I always FF commercials but never the show because I'm afraid of missing something that will be discussed here 😄. So this season, with this couple, was the first time I have ever FF through every single time they started the "Steve's job" conversation.  And the watching of the kids.  And stupid Siracha!  As for Mark's stylist Olajuwon - when he starts advising neck tattoos I hope Mark runs like the wind! 😄

On 6/2/2022 at 11:02 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

And I'd love to know the extent of Lindsey's and Ryan's relationship.  Someone was telling Alyssa details, and it happened between when she invited him and when she uninvited him.  Who?  The producers on the show?  I'm with @LennieBriscoe in thinking there's some shenanigans going on. 

Absolutely!  When she berated Ryan she made it sound like she had heard it from her "friends" but then when she got to the house she had to drag the girls off and tell them.  I think the producers fixed Alyssa and Chris each up with someone they thought they might like (who was willing to come back on tv).  I also think they mentioned that bit to Alyssa to see what she'd do 😄. Everyone who follows these types of shows knows all the cast members from various seasons mingle; Alyssa could have played it cool but that's not in her wheelhouse.

20 hours ago, gaPeach said:

And to me Alyssa looked better in this segment.  Her face looks thinner and her double chin was gone....kind of.  Do you guys think she had her chin shaved? 

Nope!  There was a shot of her in profile when she was cooking the tacos where both chins were on full display!

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2 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Mark badgered the show until he got on.  Lindsey was his "reward".  She's no prize, but there's a reason(s) Mark is not married by now. 

He badgered the show? He tried out for it when they were first in Boston, not sure that is badgering.  I think he will be fine and will find someone compatible somewhere down the line.

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Maybe?? Mark is not married because he does not want to be married. He tried and the so-called experts failed miserably. 

Edited by Rebky
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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

He badgered the show? He tried out for it when they were first in Boston, not sure that is badgering.  I think he will be fine and will find someone compatible somewhere down the line.

This episode was the best I’ve seen Mark.  His clothes and some weight loss did him good.  He actually look happy.  Lindsey dragged him down.  The new date was a pleasure to watch ..;not that raspy crazy laugh that sounded like a psycho.  

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Alyssa thought she’d try to be cute and break the ice with her “I’m a good person” hoody and then nobody commented on it.  Nice try 
Yep, her chin is still there, front and center and production made sure to give us a nice, long shot at it!

If she’d go off on Ryan, a guy she’d actually liked on her first date with him, can you imagine what kind of shrew she’d be if anyone actually stayed with that gorgon? 

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There was one talking head with Alyssa where her hair was straight and not so messy looking and she actually looked pretty nice. But, then she spoke. I think she and mean girl Jasmeana will be besties. Katina will go back to her other friends and stay a married woman (although I hope not), but I don't think she and Jas will stay connected, especially with Alyssa. One negative person is enough. 

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On 6/1/2022 at 11:04 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t see Olivia and Chris working out. She’s such a little priss to me with no joie de vivre.

Yes, he deserves sooo much more than her!

6 hours ago, lizajane said:

I can't understand how either Jasmeana or Mike thought they had any chance of making this work if they hadn't planned to live together. No idea what the point was of them deciding to stay together on decision day if they never even spoke to each other.

Seriously.  And it's apparently not like one of them was asking for a plan of what are we trying to accomplish during this time, and the other refused.  Nope, they both appeared to just go day to day aimlessly, moving towards more nothingness.

10 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Of all the shirts they had to choose from, I liked the shirt Mark picked to wear on his date. 

I thought all the shirts they picked out looked terrible on him (fit, not color), but he looked so good in the blue Oxford shirt he wore to the getaway.  In this episode, you could definitely tell that he had lost weight, maybe even more than how much he weighed before the series started.

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Stupid question, worse answer. Why is Mark on the date? Because the guys told him to get back out there. Lame. So lame. Maybe they give a bonus for date footage. I don't trust set-ups. They don't know how the people are as partners. They don't know if they will harm a partner or ex-partner. Nope. Count me out.

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I'm also in the camp of....Olivia???  Is that the best they could come up with as a date for Chris?

She maintained the sourest attitude her whole season.  Plus, I don't think she's attractive.  I know, it's not all about looks, but Chris said she was, among other things, "beautiful".  Maybe if she'd smile once a week.  Ugh.

Reminds me of that one mean teacher we all had, who never cracked a smile and always acted like we were doing something wrong.

I'm sure the MAFS producers put the word out to all the single ladies, and she's the only one who probably hasn't been asked on a single date since her season.  Any guy who watched that season and thinks she's up for a fun date, watched a different season than I.

So she gets a free trip to Boston, free air, hotel, meals, and one more chance to "show the world" that she's still available.  Her own little Bumble profile.

Chris, you can do so much better.  I'd bet your DM's are blowing up about now.

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On 6/2/2022 at 1:19 AM, OlderThanDirt said:

It's funny how they pretend that the show isn't paying for the travel and the getaway. 

I was glad they extended the scene with Alyssa's tantrum to include the production people and his comments about not being there for the drama.  Whoever said he dodged a bullet was so right

Alyssa must have been doing this crap her whole life.  If she didn’t like something, she just walks away.  Wonder how she got thru school with the teachers and all.  She must have been voted the most cruel, impossible person on the planet.  I’d love to smack that face in.  Any man in his right mind would never stay with her.

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Alyssa must have been doing this crap her whole life.  If she didn’t like something, she just walks away.  Wonder how she got thru school with the teachers and all.  She must have been voted the most cruel, impossible person on the planet.  I’d love to smack that face in.  Any man in his right mind would never stay with her.

I think she is the classic "peaked in middle school" mean girl. I think she got through school being "pretty" and "popular" and a general mean girl and now is shocked that her bullshit doesn't work in the grown-up world.

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I have no idea how old this photo is but I’m thinking she wasn’t pretty or popular and now she thinks she’s hot with her plastic surgery or whatever she’s got going on and she’s making up for a disappointing high school experience. Either way, she’s pathetic. 


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