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S16.E23: Live Eviction #9 / HoH Comp #10

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I cannot believe how upset I was by Donny talking about being an outsider in the house.  That made me so sad.  I'm glad he stayed, but really sorry that he's so sad.


I hate myself for thinking Caleb is looking good.  HATE myself. 


God, Frankie's posing and preening during the vote - Shut up, Frankie.  Also, pointing at himself during the pink hair dye questions?  Seriously, SHUT UP FRANKIE.

And what was with Derrick's "Team America" while voting?  Trying to show some loyalty to Donny?  Stupid. They haven't even attempted the last two (three??) challenges.  Shut up, Derrick.  This HoH duo is the worst thing that could have happened to me.  Yes, it is about me!  


Sorry for the screaming, BUT WHY THE EFF DO WE STILL HAVE DUAL HOHS????​

Edited by Turtle
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"WHO DOESN'T LOVE ZANKIE, RIGHT?" Hi Rach, have you met me?

As a Giants fan, spending the afternoon with the Dallas Cowboys would be akin to spending the afternoon locked in a closet with Evil Dick and Aaryn with Boogie knocking on the door for 24 hours straight.

Christine, Caleb and Frankie met Tony Romo, therefore they are guaranteed not to win. Romo is a curse, y'all.

New HOH's? Yawn.

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First and absolutely foremost:  Cody smacking himself while he was sleeping, and then waking up all like, "WTF!?"   ROFLMAO!!!!  "Funniest moment of the season" winner, hands down.  Now and to the end.


- All the screaming and glass-shattering shrieking?!   O.M.F.G.  I feel like Archer, with tinnitus.


- Donny is just way too good for this house.  These people don't deserve to be around him.


- Derrick/Frankie HOHs.  *unenthusiastically cheering* Awesome!!   {Can you smell the sarcasm through your computer screen??}

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I guess Victoria didn't get the memo that she was supposed to say "Finding out that Frankie's sister is ARIANA GRANDE!" when Julie asked her what surprised her most this week. Pfffft.


I did love the masturbating zombie though... too bad they turned off his motor when they came back from commercial.


Well, they say that you relive what you were doing at the time of your death, when you experience any kind of afterlife, so..........

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I feel like Derrick has to come up with a scheme this week to come out clean. He can nominate Zach because Zach volunteers pretty much every week, but anyone else would be pissed. So he should create a house scheme to get Frankie's noms to throw BoB in order to dethrone Frankie and subsequently backdoor him. If the house feels like they are all in on a plan, they won't focus on the nominations so much.

Work it Derrick. You're pretty much guaranteed the money, so show me something!

Eta: it has been brought to my attention that this is not how BoB works. Would like to rearrange the noms above to make a Frankie bd possible. It's all I ever hope for.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I cannot believe how upset I was by Donny talking about being an outsider in the house.  That made me so sad.  I'm glad he stayed, but really sorry that he's so sad.

Me too!!! I just want to punch the rest of them in the face for making him feel that way (and I'm a pacifist).


First and absolutely foremost:  Cody smacking himself while he was sleeping, and then waking up all like, "WTF!?"

That was the best thing I've ever seen!!!!

  • Love 4

Not that it needed the promotion, but the reality that Derrick is controlling the game was brought into the spotlight with Rachel pretty much saying so, at the end - as her guess as to who was going to win this year's game.  Preaching to the choir, sister.



An aside... why was tonight the first time I've ever heard "Sisters Before Misters"??   Am I really that 'live under a rock'-ish?!

If anyone is interested, there is a fun BBC (well, British -- I assume BBC) mini-series called "Dead Set" where the Big Brother HGs are the last survivors of a zombie apocalypse.  You who are American and can basically find almost every movie or TV show ever made on your version of Netflix and Hulu (I'm so jealous!) might be able to find it there.  I kind of thought, with Nicole's ghost phobia, the show might do something like that challenge this year.  I seem to remember they did something like it before, but with alien faces.

Edited by Newbietunes
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If anyone is interested, there is a fun BBC (well, British -- I assume BBC) mini-series called "Dead Set" where the Big Brother HGs are the last survivors of a zombie apocalypse.  You who are American and can basically find almost every movie or TV show ever made on your version of Netflix and Hulu (I'm so jealous!) might be able to find it there.  I kind of thought, with Nicole's ghost phobia, the show might do something like that challenge this year.  I seem to remember they did something like it before, but with alien faces.


So wait, this mini-series, "Dead Set", was populated by actual HGs from their (British) version of Big Brother??  Was it an actual game, like BB, or a scripted show?


{I think I'm intrigued enough to look into this, now...} 

God, Frankie's posing and preening during the vote - Shut up, Frankie.  Also, pointing at himself during the pink hair dye questions?  Seriously, SHUT UP FRANKIE

I agree!.He doesn't even need to be so over the top or camera hungry because the show shoves him down the viewers' throats anyway. Choosing his goodbye mssg to show Nicole? They barely spent any time together and definitely don't like each other. And his fake reaction to the faces in the mirror, ugh. He made a beeline to  the bathroom right after Nicole saw them in the kitchen because he knew that's where they'd be (based on a previous season) and wanted that extra chance to ham it up and get more air time. I really dislike the guy.


Good luck to Donny but I think he's as good as gone, despite Derrick's deep concerns about Team America :-)

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Wow, what did Cody do to his hair? Nice mile wide scar-like part he was rockin' tonight. Houseguests, back awaaaay from the clippers!!


I could really do without and more Rachel "spots". AM I RIGHT GUYS!?!?!


Seeing Frankie and his shenanigans makes me physically ill. I can't believe we were so close last week and now he's HoH. At least this is the last week of double HoH's, way to drag the concept out until everyone will either be HoH or nominated. Worst. Twist. Evar.


Oh and the stupid options for Team Amurika this week is how all of them should have been, something stupid that won't really effect anything... this get people nominated etc. was just another layer in this year's stupid sandwich.


Sorry to see Nichole leave, hope she's the one that comes back.


ETA: "And his fake reaction to the faces in the mirror, ugh." That was nothing compared to his prancing/skipping around when he won HoH. I think I just threw up in my mouth having to typing that...

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 7

Dead Set aired on TV here but I can't remember the network-BBC America, maybe?


Is the setup anything like normal BB, or is it more like a scripted TV show or movie type of thing?  If its not really like BB, I'll probably pass.



ETA: I checked into it, and its not really like BB the game show.  But still might check it out sometime in the future.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

If I wasn't moderating this forum, I think I'd be done for the season. Nothing is going to change. Derrick and Frankie are going to strut to the end. Victoria or Donny will be evicted next week. An evicted HG will come back and, unless awarded HoH immediately, will be evicted the following week. And then Christine will go. Snore. 


The only thing I have to look forward to is Zingbot. 

  • Love 10

Was I the only one who heard a subsonic "YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!  Come here Cody!!!" from Christine, during the announcement for the HGs to get a showmance on as it might be their last chance? 


There was another blast when Cody faked the moves on Nicole; "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  Get away from my man, you whore!!!  I'm so glad your ass is walking out the door tomorrow night!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I cannot believe how upset I was by Donny talking about being an outsider in the house.  That made me so sad.  I'm glad he stayed, but really sorry that he's so sad.


I hate myself for thinking Caleb is looking good.  HATE myself. 


That was tough watching the Donny tears.  Zach was much less comforting (not comforting at all) than I expected.  I'm surprised he didn't attempt to spoon him.  I guess it shows how out of synch Donny is with everyone.


Caleb is looking good.  When he slid down the ramp in the OTEV comp and laughed when he crashed - I rewound it.  I'm sorry.


It was nice to see that Victoria finally realized the women are being voted out.   And she responded by ........ voting out the woman. 


After seeing Donny's tears of loneliness and isolation, it was a little irritating to hear Nicole whine about being alone in the game.


I don't feel sorry for Victoria and Donny losing in the HOH comp - I feel irritated with them.  It was an even playing field.  They were the first ones out.


I love zombies just as much as the next TWD fan, but did they have to show a zombie holding a baby corpse?

Edited by RedheadZombie
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Is there anyone in the world who doesn't believe that after all the machinations are done that it won't be Victoria and Donny sitting on the block next week? And if by some one in a million chance it's neither one of them that goes home the comp to get back in the house will be slanted for a Detonator to win back in?


This was an odd episode...lots of filler. The whole NFL thing was a waste but it gave me a reason to fast forward as I cant handle the putrid faces of Frankie and Christine. Then from start to finish the whole zombie scares and news bulletins went on wayyyyy to long. And then Rachel is trotted out...alone! What's the matter CBS...no money in the budget to fly Brendan in too? They are a package deal these days. And I could feel my heart fall when Donny and Victoria both went out...the last chances to shake things up. All this zombie comp did was make me jones for the return of THE WALKING DEAD so Rick can show Terminus how they are screwing with the wrong people.


Anyway...instead of all the filler I'd rather peek into the  sequester house.


Even Julie knew the HG were blowing smoke at Nicole pandering for her jury vote. How are we to believe Christine who just last night was talking about knives in the  back?

Edited by North of Eden
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I wonder if Julie's hair tonight was a tribute to Lauren Bacall?


I had that same thought!


An aside... why was tonight the first time I've ever heard "Sisters Before Misters"??


I've never heard that one either.  I have heard "Chicks Before Dicks", and find it a good response to the disgusting "Bros Before Hos"


Loved Victoria unintentionally not taking the bait from Julie and talking about herself instead of famewhore Frankie and his sister.  Also loved her not making a nasty crack about Nicole when voting her out like she did with the other women.

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Victoria didn't take Julie's bait and so didn't reply "Frankie telling us his sister was Ariana Grande" when she was asked what was the most shocking thiing which happened in the past week. And I think I spotted Frankie shaking his head at her. Good girl, Victoria.

I know right?!! I totally thought they were setting her up to answer the Ariana reveal so they could "roll tape" of Victoria's

"Disneyfied Moment" with the music and blinking sound effects!

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The whole NFL thing actually gives Frankie & Christine - and rest of the house when talking/scheming - ammunition against Caleb.  I could have sworn that Caleb claimed a few weeks ago that he had personal good friends on the Cowboys' roster.  If he did, then those 2 (& others) should have asked him afterwards; "Hey Caleb, didn't you say you knew some guys on the Cowboys?  How come we didn't see you talking to them, or you didn't personally introduce us??".


And you could tell just how much a blowhard lying braggart he is, about how he knows everyone and is so well-known.   He was freaking awe-struck to meeting those players/coaches/owner/office people.  He was blown away by the experience.  He would have been way more subdued and 'cool' if he had done or was the things he claims he has.



ETA:  I am truly disgusted Caleb even got to go, in the first place.  He not only sits down before the comp, but literally [Cody's] tells Frankie he's not playing - but somehow gets included in the reward to go the Cowboys' off-site training camp.  Way to send the message that "Cheating is never the answer", guys.  If it was up to me, he'd have stayed up on the block in someone else's place, let alone somehow being included in a winner's reward for doing exactly nothing.  Worse than nothing, tried to sabotage the win - and still would have, had BB not intervened.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Yeah, it was such "Classic Caleb" when he was all, "Well, Julie, I already know some NFL players so meeting more of them is no big deal to me compared to meeting the owner".  This so obviously translates to, "Those guys who make a fortune being actual beasts at something, with real fans, who are on TV every week during football season and are nearly twice as big as I am in height and width make me feel insecure, so I will belittle them to make myself look better."


Heartbroken for Donnie.  I wish they at least could have a pet that he could hang out with and enjoy.  I think season one got to have a pug dog for a little while.  Give Donnie a dog, Big Brother!!!

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Reason number 745 I could never go on this show: there is no way in hell I would ever put on a good face for that Cowboys "reward". Hating the Cowboys has been a part of me my whole life. I became a Redskins fan at around 7 just because my entire family were obnoxious Cowboy fans, and now I'm a diehard Texans fan. Also, Jerry Jones is one of the worst owners in the league and a big reason his team has been irrelevant for so many years. And Romo sucks. There is not a chance in hell they would've forced that shirt and hat on me. I would've DORed in the spot.

OK, now that I've got that craziness out of the way......I've got nothing. Felt so bad for Donny, he really is isolated in that house, partly because he goes to bed at an early hour and wakes up early, and everyone else does the opposite. He literally (TM Cody) sits alone for hours at a time. I honestly didn't think Zach was that bad with him, though. He obviously felt awkward, and was completely out of his element, but he sort of tried.

When Donny and Victoria had the opposite answers as everyone else there was a tiny part of me that wanted to scream for joy. Then I got a grip, because of course they were wrong. Can't hate on Derrick and Frankie for winning HOH, but I can sure hate on the fact that I have nothing to entertain me for another week,

When they shown Donny & Zach in the HN room, and showing the tears run down the side of D's face?  I'm man enough to admit I had to look away, and try not to let it affect me.  And then his admitting his supreme loneliness?   Ugh, its kinda dusty in here.  


Like I said in my first post in this thread, these people don't deserve to be in Donny's presence.  Paola, Brittany, Jocasta, and Nicole get some major extra credit [in my book] by being nice enough to have Donny claim them as friends for him, in the house - and outside the house, should they choose it.

  • Love 4

If I wasn't moderating this forum, I think I'd be done for the season. Nothing is going to change. Derrick and Frankie are going to strut to the end. Victoria or Donny will be evicted next week. An evicted HG will come back and, unless awarded HoH immediately, will be evicted the following week. And then Christine will go. Snore.

The only thing I have to look forward to is Zingbot.

All of this. I remember when I was a BB addict on the feeds hours a day and glued to my screen and this year is just Snoreville. It's kind if sad in a pathetic way. Like losing excitement in Santa Claus if Santa Claus was a "reality" game that provided endless entertainment value in snark at how idiotic and trashy his elves were and the stunts they were involved in.

I do like Donny and feel he is too good for this game but at the same time I don't feel bad for him. He's a fan and not an idiotic he had to know who this show would roll. But "at the end of the day" "it is what it is" and he got to fulfill a dream to be on. I still kinda wonder if he had been on a season where he'd been with a Nakomis or Jack it'd be different.

Cody and Caleb aren't even that cute and quite stupid so their bits are blah to me.

I love Zingbot and wish it had come like 5 episodes ago I mean the material these hamsters provide shit it could be a 2 hour special of Zingbot talking shit in a cute monotone bleep voice. Next year Zingbot should be a permanent houseguest (I know a dude has to wear the costume and its very hot but so what. They could get a desperate fame whore hamster to do it).

Edited by Petunia13
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Yes, poor Donny, I don't think he would have been in tears if he'd walked out of that house tonight.

I hate Frankie, hate everything about him, and yes, I have seen people flit and fling and prance about like that, but they're always 9 and 10 year olds excited to be heading to the toy department at the freakin WalMart, grow up for pete's sake.  Did I mention I hate him? why yes, I did, but it's worth saying twice, and I was about to hit the mute button when Julie asked Victoria that question as I expected it to be about his sister, but then she didn't bite, and I laughed. 

Rached did look pretty tonight, I don't hate her, but her voice volume button is always set at maximum shriek isn't it?

Edited by wintrygal
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I feel bad for thinking that Victoria didn't purposely avoid talking about Frankie's sister when Julie asked her the question, but that she was caught off guard and had no idea what to say, didn't realize or understand this was supposed to be the big Arianna Grande Segway!, and just went with the first thing that came to her mind, which was that she has learned she is emotional and cries a lot.  It worked out beautifully for the viewers, since it took the wind out of Frankie's sails, and I really do hope it was on purpose, but after watching her on the feeds/BBAD for so long, I just don't think she has the kind of brainpower to quickly pick up on the reason for the question and then decide to sabotage it.

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"Social media mogul".

Yeah yeah yeah. And the guy who shovels shit at the circus is in show business.​



Ha. When I saw that, in his defense, I don't think he's bright enough to realize that he's using the wrong word. I really think he meant to say "social media maven" not sm mogul. And if anyone is a little unclear about the meaning of maven, here it is:


A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. The word maven comes from Hebrew, and means one who understands, based on an accumulation of knowledge.(Wikipedia, using Dictionary.com as a reference).

Cody saying Donnie is skating through the game pissed me off. Has Cody won anything?


Not to mention this is coming form the guy who threw Donny under the bus like nobody's business in his week as HOH.  And let's tell the truth, kid, he isn't "skating" anywhere; he's too busy playing the part of "pawn".


I don't care if D wasn't the target, you [Cody] don't promise him that you aren't putting him up and then 20 minutes later do that exact thing you promised you wouldn't do.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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