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S04.E22: I'll Be Your Shelter

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Helen has serious issues. Sorry not sorry. She needs to decide if she loves Max or not or where she wants to live, or it should be explained what is going on with her. Last week she was over the moon to get married and now this week she bails on him at the “altar” and never even left London. Get over yourself already and tell Max what your problem is or leave him. 

I would not trust Iggy in a crisis. And he needs to stop blaming Martin for his problems when Martin has been nothing but supportive and patient to him.

I haven’t felt this annoyed with a show since late seasons ER. 

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2 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Helen has serious issues. Sorry not sorry. She needs to decide if she loves Max or not or where she wants to live, or it should be explained what is going on with her. Last week she was over the moon to get married and now this week she bails on him at the “altar” and never even left London. Get over yourself already and tell Max what your problem is or leave him. 

I would not trust Iggy in a crisis. And he needs to stop blaming Martin for his problems when Martin has been nothing but supportive and patient to him.

I haven’t felt this annoyed with a show since late seasons ER. 

Well, I was going to post something but you beat me to it, and I agree 100%.  

I have been so thoroughly disappointed  and disgusted with S4 and this just cements my feelings.  It makes no sense why Helen has suddenly changed her mind and doesn't want to marry Max.  As soon as they showed her, I thought, I she's still in London.   Like so many things that have occurred this season, let's hope they explain this and don't leave it unresolved like so many other things.

Iggy - have no words.  Yes, Martin, leave the idiot.

Floyd - This storyline is too late; should have been explored in earlier seasons.

Guess Lauren has finally come to her senses but this is another non-sensical plotline.

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Ah New Amsterdam, where a major urban hospital with hundreds of patients and staff members has no disaster response team in place and randomly assigns whomever volunteers at the last minute to handle things with one binder and no back up whatsoever.  

As for Iggy, I can only hope that Martin takes their kids and runs for the hills.  

And as for Helen, I hope she gets the help she needs.  Her behavior this season has been all over the place, and I can only guess that she must be mentally ill.  Though, in reality, I realize it was just bad writing and a writing staff that seems to have no real idea what they are doing with Helen and Max, and are just stalling for time.      

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

Ah New Amsterdam, where a major urban hospital with hundreds of patients and staff members has no disaster response team in place and randomly assigns whomever volunteers at the last minute to handle things with one binder and no back up whatsoever.  

As for Iggy, I can only hope that Martin takes their kids and runs for the hills.  

And as for Helen, I hope she gets the help she needs.  Her behavior this season has been all over the place, and I can only guess that she must be mentally ill.  Though, in reality, I realize it was just bad writing and a writing staff that seems to have no real idea what they are doing with Helen and Max, and are just stalling for time.      

I agree with everything you said but I forgot to mention the bolded (because I was so annoyed with Helen). When the windows blew out I was like…how did nobody even think the windows should be boarded before the storm moved in? Some random new medical director we’ve never seen before and will never see again won’t even get involved? 

More joy? I’m still looking. Has anyone here found more joy? Writers? Hello? Oh I guess we’re all just miserable together at this point. 

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, cathmed said:

Well, I was going to post something but you beat me to it, and I agree 100%.  

I have been so thoroughly disappointed  and disgusted with S4 and this just cements my feelings.  It makes no sense why Helen has suddenly changed her mind and doesn't want to marry Max.  As soon as they showed her, I thought, I she's still in London.   Like so many things that have occurred this season, let's hope they explain this and don't leave it unresolved like so many other things.

Iggy - have no words.  Yes, Martin, leave the idiot.

Floyd - This storyline is too late; should have been explored in earlier seasons.

Guess Lauren has finally come to her senses but this is another non-sensical plotline.

The issue is we didn't see Helen the whole episode so we don't know what happened to make her change her mind. I'm sure we will see in the premiere next season what it is. Maybe her mother died or got sick and that's why she didn't get on the plane and was all weepy.

But this whole season has felt like Max in love with Helen and her barely tolerating him. Not sure if that's intentional.

When Dr. Wilder's interpreter passed out all I could was why haven't these people who've been working with her for months bothered to learn even a few basic signs to talk to her?

I don't know why they felt the need to take Iggy and Martin's seemingly good marriage and blow it up. 

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

When Dr. Wilder's interpreter passed out all I could was why haven't these people who've been working with her for months bothered to learn even a few basic signs to talk to her?

Right? Does she have an alternate interpreter if Ben has to take a day off, is sick or has personal commitments? You'd think that Max of all people would have forced Iggy, Bloom, Reynolds, etc. into an ASL class or something.

  • Love 9

Wow. I stuck it out because I thought there might be something I wasn’t seeing that was going to come together in the end but yeah, no; it was actually all just a giant waste of time. This entire season has been one tired cliche after the other with caricature behaviour from the characters and no lasting resolution or growth to make it worthwhile so.

I genuinely don’t get what they were going for at all like this season was not cohesive or well thought it out and that’s beyond obvious. But, in a way, I’m glad the finale was just zeros across the board because any interest I had in the show evaporated about halfway through watching this episode and I definitely won’t be tuning into season 5  

What a waste of a season though like I am once again asking: what’s the point? 

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14 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There's not even any DRAMA to it because it was just SO out of left field that we all know it will be resolved in the premiere (or soon after). 

This Iggy/Martin gaslighting storyline seemed to come out of absolute nowhere the last two episodes and I don't understand what we're supposed to take from it. Are we supposed to be on Iggy's side that Martin wanting him to stay in his office and hunker down during a Category 4 hurricane was a bad thing and proof of this supposed needing Iggy to always be a broken bird?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

This Iggy/Martin gaslighting storyline seemed to come out of absolute nowhere the last two episodes and I don't understand what we're supposed to take from it. Are we supposed to be on Iggy's side that Martin wanting him to stay in his office and hunker down during a Category 4 hurricane was a bad thing and proof of this supposed needing Iggy to always be a broken bird?

It's so brutal. Martin has been a fucking SAINT and now, all of a sudden, HE'S the problem and we're supposed to just accept that? What the what?

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Right? Does she have an alternate interpreter if Ben has to take a day off, is sick or has personal commitments? You'd think that Max of all people would have forced Iggy, Bloom, Reynolds, etc. into an ASL class or something.

This. Why didn’t Max make ASL/deaf awareness one of his Superman Super Helpful Projects Of The Week? Walk around NYC with Dr Wilder and Ben, get enlightened about the deaf communities challenges living in a hearing world, get all inspired 💡and bring in extra interpreters throughout the hospital, make mandatory ASL classes for all staff (the first sentence he himself learns to sign can be “How can I help you?” naturally), debate with Iggy or whoever about cochlear implants,  create murals and pass out pamphlets about hearing disability* awareness, etc? Sounds very Max Goodwin-esque, no? 

*side note: from what I hear, most deaf/hard of hearing people don’t consider deafness a disability. Another talking point for the hypothetical episode! 

Edited by Frisky Wig
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

This Iggy/Martin gaslighting storyline seemed to come out of absolute nowhere the last two episodes and I don't understand what we're supposed to take from it. Are we supposed to be on Iggy's side that Martin wanting him to stay in his office and hunker down during a Category 4 hurricane was a bad thing and proof of this supposed needing Iggy to always be a broken bird?

Also, this! Martin is TOO supportive so Iggys emotional affair or whatever it was is HIS fault? Wha…? And he’s a voice in Iggy’s head that’s holding him back? They had a great relationship, the best one on the show! Does EVERY character have to have an effed up, dysfunctional relationship? It was nice to see a couple (especially married gay men) have a healthy relationship. Sad the writers destroyed it. That’s what you get when you pledge for “more joy!?”

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1 minute ago, Frisky Wig said:

That’s what you get when you pledge for “more joy!?”

So it makes absolutely perfect sense that the season ended with no one having any joy at all. Casey, Gladys and Agnes lost their jobs - but then randomly got them back. Half of their inner circle was drugged at karaoke and in various stages of near-death. Helen had a stroke and miraculously recovered her speech in one episode. And tonight the three main couples from what was shown all broke up. 

More joy!

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

So it makes absolutely perfect sense that the season ended with no one having any joy at all. Casey, Gladys and Agnes lost their jobs - but then randomly got them back. Half of their inner circle was drugged at karaoke and in various stages of near-death. Helen had a stroke and miraculously recovered her speech in one episode. And tonight the three main couples from what was shown all broke up. 

More joy!

There was a comic book once whose author described it as a love letter to a certain era of a comic book team, and yet in the story, he had the beloved wife of one of the team members killed (plus revealed that she had previously been raped by a supervillain). I truly think that some writers just feel that having fucked up stuff happen is the best way to celebrate the good when it eventually happens (as Max and Helen are obviously going to get back together and end up married by the end of the series). 

I, for one, do not agree with that writing philosophy, but I can see how these folks can think that their "more joy" comment made sense in their twisted view of things. It's total nonsense, though, in reality.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Helen has serious issues. Sorry not sorry. She needs to decide if she loves Max or not or where she wants to live, or it should be explained what is going on with her. Last week she was over the moon to get married and now this week she bails on him at the “altar” and never even left London. Get over yourself already and tell Max what your problem is or leave him. 

Agreed. The writers murdered the character. In the first season she was this all assertive celebrity doctor, then she found her passion for medicine, becoming a indecisive whiner at the same time. There is nothing left

6 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Ah New Amsterdam, where a major urban hospital with hundreds of patients and staff members has no disaster response team in place and randomly assigns whomever volunteers at the last minute to handle things with one binder and no back up whatsoever.  

And disaster plans for hospitals or facilities that house vulnerable people are obligatory, by law or statute. The hospital would also, likely, be one of those places that must remain open during natural disaster, so there should be resources available, from the city and state. Some disabled people who need electricity to remain alive often go to hospitals during hurricanes - in Florida, at least

6 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

how did nobody even think the windows should be boarded before the storm moved in?

The windows should be up to code, which means impact resistant. If not, they should have shutters. This is all too ridiculous, even for New Amsterdam

6 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

When Dr. Wilder's interpreter passed out all I could was why haven't these people who've been working with her for months bothered to learn even a few basic signs to talk to her?

Worse, it was implied in many episodes that she can read lips - in surgery other surgeons have special masks so she can see their mouths. I haven't watched yet but they could at least say things to her. Also, did they have phones, where they could type?

3 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

*side note: from what I hear, most deaf/hard of hearing people don’t consider deafness a disability.

That's true, which I personally consider a form of ableism - they don't want to be seen as what they consider lesser people. The excuse is that they have a culture. Which is fine, they do, and I do think sign language should more widely available. But if they need certain accommodations to live in this mostly inaccessible world, they are disabled

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

The issue is we didn't see Helen the whole episode so we don't know what happened to make her change her mind. I'm sure we will see in the premiere next season what it is. Maybe her mother died or got sick and that's why she didn't get on the plane and was all weepy.

But this whole season has felt like Max in love with Helen and her barely tolerating him. Not sure if that's intentional.

When Dr. Wilder's interpreter passed out all I could was why haven't these people who've been working with her for months bothered to learn even a few basic signs to talk to her?

I don't know why they felt the need to take Iggy and Martin's seemingly good marriage and blow it up. 

I feel like if Helen’s mother died she should have called Max right away. She never left the apartment so it’s not like she can say she didn’t have cell service. I mean he’s her fiancé and they’re so in love (supposedly. Who knows with this show?), plus she knew he was working out wedding logistics. If her mom died, she should’ve gotten right on the phone to explain to him and not just leave him hanging at the “altar” on their wedding day. If she can’t do that then she shouldn’t be getting married to him.

Remember in the premiere that as soon as she and Max were so in love and happy and yet her response was to tell him immediately she wanted to move to London forever? The writing hasn’t made any sense all season. 

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Iggy and Dr. Kapoor used to be the best thing about this show and now Iggy is just a bloated jackass. Just when I thought he couldn't get any worse he uses his skills as a psychiatrist to gaslight his husband. Gross

So glad the Floyd and Dollar General lace front storyline appears to be over. I hope they never show her (never even bothered to learn her name) and that Whitney Houston last year of her life wig ever again. A handsome heart surgeon begging helmet hair to love him.

I'm over Helen and Max. 

  • LOL 2
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3 hours ago, circumvent said:

And disaster plans for hospitals or facilities that house vulnerable people are obligatory, by law or statute. The hospital would also, likely, be one of those places that must remain open during natural disaster, so there should be resources available, from the city and state. Some disabled people who need electricity to remain alive often go to hospitals during hurricanes - in Florida, at least

Many states and cities legally prioritize hospitals in terms of power restoration during major storms, and you are right that they often serve as a shelter for vulnerable populations during major storms.    

7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's so brutal. Martin has been a fucking SAINT and now, all of a sudden, HE'S the problem and we're supposed to just accept that? What the what?

 I wanted Martin to point out how convenient it was that Iggy has reframed his issues in a way that totally absolves himself of any blame. 

  • Love 12

I'd hate to see what Less Joy would look like.  

I mean I guess we're supposed to see Martin's literal one word where he told Iggy to hunker down as proof that he is the problem but like... um... no...   They needed to set this stage a while ago... but WHY are they doing this at all.  Lets break up a family we only see twice a season for no reason whatsoever?!?!?  Sure.   

I guess I could be interested in Floyd and his father next season, maybe, possibly?  But they've sort of ruined Floyd a lot for a character who was my favorite for a long time.   

I didn't think Helen was joyous about gettin married in the last episode, I think she was calling the whole thing off and then Max was like come to NY and she bought into it for a minute buecause she wants to want it but she's not there.   

I do assume she had some kind of trauma and I'm not sure how we know she didn't leave the house during the day.  I mean I know she didn't og to the airport but do we know she didn't deal with some major mama drama before heading back to the apartment to regroup.  IN any case she should have called/texted Max but I suspect she had a day.   

That said I don't know that I care to check in to see what that day entailed and I don't know that I care about them fixing it next season.  There is only so much "joy" I have signed up for.   

i am a little invested in Martin and Iggy but only in that I want to make sure Martin is vindicated in this absurdity and I don't have any faith at all this is going to happen.

And I mean I guess I care about the whatever Helen's drama is but really not much the whole absurdity of her whole story this season has made me be pretty meh on the character.  I much, much, much prefer Dr. Wilder.  

Honestly, Max didn't make anybody learn ASL because people generally don't.  It is one of the most bizarre things I've ever experienced.   My ex partner's only nibling was born profoundly deaf and when we found out I was like, "We should sign up for classes." and they were like,, "Maybe.." and I was like, "But we can show your sister we're supportive and..."  and he was like "Maybe" and I'm like well I'm going to anyway.. and I did but literally nobody else in the family did.   No grandparents, no aunts no uncles.   Baby's parents did but they are in the minority of of hearing parents with deaf children.   

Max should have the staff learn a bit of ASL but it would be more Max magical realism.   

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17 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

There was a comic book once whose author described it as a love letter

A decade or so back the writers for the show Medium announced that the plot of the series finale would be love letter to the fans. In that episode they killed off the (fan favorite) husband of the main character and showed her life as a lonely widow for the next 40 years. I'm always suspicious now when writers announce they're writing "joy" or "love letters". Without exception those episodes have always sucked.

  • Sad 1
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1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

Honestly, Max didn't make anybody learn ASL because people generally don't.  It is one of the most bizarre things I've ever experienced.   My ex partner's only nibling was born profoundly deaf and when we found out I was like, "We should sign up for classes." and they were like,, "Maybe.." and I was like, "But we can show your sister we're supportive and..."  and he was like "Maybe" and I'm like well I'm going to anyway.. and I did but literally nobody else in the family did.   No grandparents, no aunts no uncles.   Baby's parents did but they are in the minority of of hearing parents with deaf children.   

Max should have the staff learn a bit of ASL but it would be more Max magical realism.   

If Max was still medical director, he might have done something. But he left for London when Wilder started. So it is really Veronica's fault. And everyone else, cause they could have decided to learn a little ASL on their own.

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So this season was not so much more joy, but maybe less joy, no joy, killjoy.

At first I suspected Helen had some sort of emergency, and never left London. However, cellphones and email exist so Max would know about something like that. So yeah, they blew up Sharpwin and I do not look forward to seeing how they torture those two next season.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

A decade or so back the writers for the show Medium announced that the plot of the series finale would be love letter to the fans. In that episode they killed off the (fan favorite) husband of the main character and showed her life as a lonely widow for the next 40 years. I'm always suspicious now when writers announce they're writing "joy" or "love letters". Without exception those episodes have always sucked.

That's fascinating. I wonder why they're so messed up like that.

  • Mind Blown 1

More joy?! Whoever declared this season would have “more joy” is either a pathological liar or a sadist. This show’s title should be changed to Misery Porn.

As for Iggy and Martin: I agree the writers seem to have retconned their marriage, and Martin’s personality in particular. Most people, upon hearing that their spouse had just pulled off a feat like leading an entire hospital through a major emergency, would be saying something like “That’s awesome! I’m so proud of you!” and I believe that Martin as written in earlier seasons would have said that or something similar.

And speaking of character retconning: Helen has been turned from a confident person into a wishy washy emotional wreck. I am SO SICK of the Sharpwin whiplash this has caused! WTF is her problem? One minute she wants to marry Max, the next minute she doesn’t, lather, rinse, repeat ad nauseam. Don’t marry Max, fine, but stop jerking us around and MAKE UP YOUR FREAKING MIND ALREADY!

  • Love 8

More Joy? I haven't seen a medical drama so determined to drag down every single one if it's characters into misery porn over multiple episodes since S3 of Grey's Anatomy, which is my "gold standard" for that. 

I hate that they basically gaslit us over Iggy and Martin. Right, he's holding you back because he hasn't been supportive. Because of one word when he's been shown to be above and beyond what most spouses would put up with and you're the one who had the emotional affair. What's the betting that we're going to get him whining about it all next season. 

WTF have the done with Sharpwin? It's like they didn't even try to make them "joyful" this season or have them work through difficult issues *together* and they've completely destroyed Helen in the process, she's up she's down, she's in, she's out and it's exhausting. Max is also exhausting but he's more all in on the relationship. I'm sure she's had a day and something terrible happened but I'm also not sure I really care. I know Freema had some availability issues but it's been nonsensical. 

Floyd, the less said the better. 


A decade or so back the writers for the show Medium announced that the plot of the series finale would be love letter to the fans. In that episode they killed off the (fan favorite) husband of the main character and showed her life as a lonely widow for the next 40 years. I'm always suspicious now when writers announce they're writing "joy" or "love letters". Without exception those episodes have always sucked.

Any time literally any show announces a "love letter to the fans" I know it's going to be a horrible shit show. It basically seems to be a code word for pulling the most horrendous BS. They pretty much do exactly the opposite of what most fans want to see. More than one show has succeeded in uniting a very divided fanbase over how terrible this "love letter" was. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

A decade or so back the writers for the show Medium announced that the plot of the series finale would be love letter to the fans. In that episode they killed off the (fan favorite) husband of the main character and showed her life as a lonely widow for the next 40 years. I'm always suspicious now when writers announce they're writing "joy" or "love letters". Without exception those episodes have always sucked.

I quit Medium before the finale and without enough interest to learn how it ended.  WOAH that would have pissed me off.  

2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

A day later and I'm still mystified by the choice to have Max and crew start preparing for the wedding when Helen wasn't even there and Luna wasn't there either.

I meant to mention this but then I rambled on about a bunch of other things instead... I know working with kids is weird and I know covid restrictions haven't made working with kids easier but this really, really bugged.   I don't much care about Luna but I'm watching Max prep for this wedding knowing his daughter can't get there and he's fine with it?  

The hospital roof isn't going any where.   Max could have a wedding up there literally any time.  Nobody is dying that we know of.   I don't think Helen's trip was meant to be long but it was likely more than 12 hours and the entire rest of your life when your kid is angry because she wasn't important to your wedding?!?!?!?    Yeah.   That's worth the 12 hours.   

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On 5/24/2022 at 11:56 PM, KaveDweller said:

The issue is we didn't see Helen the whole episode so we don't know what happened to make her change her mind. I'm sure we will see in the premiere next season what it is. Maybe her mother died or got sick

The flight from London to NYC is 7 hrs long.  There wasn't a minute in there where she could have called and said shit happened, I'm  not leaving today after all.  She knew there was a giant storm in NY, she had to know he'd be worried about her being on a flight in that storm and she doesn't bother sending a text.  He finally gets through to her by text and her answer is, lots happened today and doesn't tell him that she's not in the country after all.  Setting up that wedding had to have taken some time, especially getting all the flowers, so in that entire time, she doesn't call or text and give him a heads up?  It's not until he calls her that she finally tells him she's still in London and that's it.  What garbage.  

Also, did I miss something, Max brings in the cart guy, into an empty ER, even though Bloom has told him that the ER is closed.  The guy is apparently bleeding and Max immediately decides that he's got kidney issues and needs dyalisis RIGHT NOW.  What?  Didn't even lift up the blanket and remove clothes to check, just decided that what little blood that was on the blanket indicated kidney disease.  Eeesh, it's almost as bad as someone checking for a heart beat with their stethoscope, through the person's clothes.  That's not how it works.  I thought these medical shows all had real medical personel on staff to tell them how things work in the real world.  

Edited by perkie1968
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

A decade or so back the writers for the show Medium announced that the plot of the series finale would be love letter to the fans. In that episode they killed off the (fan favorite) husband of the main character and showed her life as a lonely widow for the next 40 years.

Ooooh, I remember that.  I was sooo pissed.  Almost as mad as the writers killing off Logan on Veronica Mars, ten seconds after they get  married.  That was just spiteful, because the fans so desperatly wanted Logan and Veronica to end up together and the writers basically told us to eff ourselves.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Also, did I miss something, Max brings in the cart guy, into an empty ER, even though Bloom has told him that the ER is closed.  The guy is apparently bleeding and Max immediately decides that he's got kidney issues and needs dyalisis RIGHT NOW.  What?  Didn't even lift up the blanket and remove clothes to check, just decided that what little blood that was on the blanket indicated kidney disease.  Eeesh, it's almost as bad as someone checking for a heart beat with their stethoscope, through the person's clothes.  That's not how it works.  I thought these medical shows all had real medical personel on staff to tell them how things work in the real world.  

The guy had actually told Max that he had soiled himself, so I think we were supposed to believe that Max decided the guy needed dialysis based on a urine stain tinted with blood.  Only *slightly* more believable.  (But not really)

My favorite part of this episode was the gesture Wilder made towards her interpreter when she saw him duded up in his wedding attire--the whole gang was milling about on the roof and you can just see her in the foreground looking him over and making that universally-understood sign that roughly means "Hubba-hubba!"  I just thought it was a cute little off-the-cuff interaction.

I maintain that Max saying "I'm picking Luna up in Connecticut!" is code for "Snag her from her locker at JFK on your way through, ok?"  And since Helen never got on the plane, Luna's still in her locker.  Mystery solved.  ::confident nod::

1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

The flight from London to NYC is 7 hrs long.  There wasn't a minute in there where she could have called and said shit happened, I'm  not leaving today after all.  She knew there was a giant storm in NY, she had to know he'd be worried about her being on a flight in that storm and she doesn't bother sending a text.  He finally gets through to her by text and her answer is, lots happened today and doesn't tell him that she's not in the country after all.  Setting up that wedding had to have taken some time, especially getting all the flowers, so in that entire time, she doesn't call or text and give him a heads up?  It's not until he calls her that she finally tells him she's still in London and that's it.  What garbage.  

It shows serious trust issues with Helen. Something potentially happens to her and she doesn’t make her first phone call to her fiancé who she knows is setting up a wedding? She is such a child. If the relationship is that shaky that she can’t even call him immediately when she gets bad news (if that’s what happened and assuming she didn’t get cold feet) she should’ve never agreed to the proposal and asked Max to talk about it more first or something. And she shouldn’t be a stepparent to Luna or thinking about having a child with Max. What’s she going to do when parenting gets hard? Run away and go no contact? 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
  • Love 5

Looks like we’re going to be subject to more pointless Sharpwin drama next season: 

While Eggold hasn’t directly spoken out about Helen and Max’s wedding shocker, the 37-year-old hinted that something big was coming when he exclusively spoke to Us Weekly last month.

There’s a big change coming for Helen that affects their relationship,” he told Us in late April. “It’s a challenge that I won’t spoil, but I think it’s a surprise that’s coming that they have to navigate. It’s something really new to deal with.”

Link to article: 


Seems I didn't miss anything.  Bye Freema, I have sorta lost respect for you for agreeing to film this mess, even with a contract. 

I left the Good Doctor over the constant ruining of the Claire character ( and the loss of eye of eye candy in N. Gonzalez), so I can for sure leave over the horrible writing for Helen. 

I disagree upthread, not wanting Max or barely tolerating him is the ONLY thing about her behavior that I understand and agree with.   I would not want someone who behaves as he does...and she is always explaining to him that she wants a "partner"  (and I hate the way she says it) and they are always trying to pretend that he is even remotely worth putting up with that for. Sorry, not sorry, because I do not feel like the actor is attractive. 

I came in at the end of the episode, but sounds like I didn't miss anything.  Iggy, Floyd and Lauren are such useless characters that as soon as I read and realized that whatever the latest disaster was did not take one of them out that was enough for me.   Why were they trying to have a wedding on a roof....???  And wouldn't Lauren or somebody have been with Helen to help her get ready?   Never mind....I really don't care.....

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Looks like we’re going to be subject to more pointless Sharpwin drama next season: 

While Eggold hasn’t directly spoken out about Helen and Max’s wedding shocker, the 37-year-old hinted that something big was coming when he exclusively spoke to Us Weekly last month.

There’s a big change coming for Helen that affects their relationship,” he told Us in late April. “It’s a challenge that I won’t spoil, but I think it’s a surprise that’s coming that they have to navigate. It’s something really new to deal with.”

Link to article: 


That was referencing an earlier article/quote. Ryan was talking about the stroke storyline that lasted one episode.

On 5/25/2022 at 8:13 PM, NeenerNeener said:

A decade or so back the writers for the show Medium announced that the plot of the series finale would be love letter to the fans. In that episode they killed off the (fan favorite) husband of the main character and showed her life as a lonely widow for the next 40 years. I'm always suspicious now when writers announce they're writing "joy" or "love letters". Without exception those episodes have always sucked.

my parents were hatewatching it by that point and we laughed our asses off at that finale, it was amazing



thank god

is iggy going to totally incinerate his personal life? Maybe hunt down the aussie and start something? Or ruin his secretary's life (is she a nurse or a secretary or both?)?

Blind guess: Sharpe will be the worst doctor of the week


oh right I forgot about reyndol's plotline

iggy you are a monster for destroying your marriage, yes you are the problem

oh yes bloom is back in her... problematic relationship

oh I forgot that this seaeson wants to end in a wedding, just like The Good Doctor

i think hijinks will occur on the way to the wedding, and perhaps deaf doctor will get drunk at their reception

probably not a good sign for this show if I have this much written before the episode even starts


ok so I am gonna guses something will happen on Sharpe's flight so she can do some medicine, perhaps a video of it shall be recorded, maybe go viral?

oh, a hurricane - that means all of the plans are gonna go awry and they won't get married in the botanical garden, sharpe will have to somehow get to the hospital because her flight gets cancelled or hits turbluence and someone will marry them in the lobby - someone unexpected. I am gonna guess... board lady marries them

iggy you are a monster for ruining your marriage

iggy you are the problem in your relationship

iggy stop blaming your husband for being so good to you

iggy it sounds like one of your problems is you have no self esteem and think you are broken

iggy stop psychoanalyzing your husband and discuss this with your therapist you relationship destroying monster

thanks iggy's husband, you are the best

iggy why do you look so shocked, this is your fault

bloom's ex-now-former-ex you are clearly unhappy with bloom getting you the coffee, tell her if you want boundaries in the hospital or else this relationship is gonna implode by the 30 minute mark

oh that new medical director seems like the peter principle, but bloom, don't make fun of him for not knowing where the bathrooms were - he is probably new and might want to map out the bathrooms in his head

reynolds it isn't gonna change direction, you are on a badly written TV show. You are probably gonna have to save probably-your-dad during the storm - from a flood, heart attack, something. Maybe you'll get to stick a pen in his throat!

bloom you sure are a people person

shouldn't the hospital have a chart saying who is responsible for this stuff if someone isn't available

i mean it'd probably be NYC coordinating it for everyone, then new medical director listening to NYC

bloom why didn't you ask the psychiatrist (psychologist?) to run the emergency protocols for a storm - he seems like a pretty decent one to run it... well, if he were competent at his job and not encouraging siblings to have sex and all kinds of stuff

oh no reynolds has to work with his father what a shock i am surprised

show, this is unrealistic, even for you - i have to imagine every dept head would have a checklist of what to do, with someone making sure the departments do it, not just a random department head walking around going "do this plz"

god is till have 34 minutes left of the episode. i have some caramel popcorn, anyone want some?

thought just popped into my head: iggy managing the storm response is going to make him not a monster and put his marriage back together, right?

um bloom are you sure it can't be appendicitis? shouldn't you do a scan to make sure

also a barcode doesn't always mean trafficking, she could just be a fan of the grocery store, or the Hitman video game series (but she was too scared to get it on the back of her head)

NYC looks wayyyy too deserted for right before a storm, there aren't even any cars on the street from people who think the laws are above them and storms do not matter to them

so did fuentes sucking the More Joy out of the hospital drain the generators to make them take longer?

um why isn't the binder laminated

bloom putting her stethescope on max when he rolled into the ER with the guy made me laugh

this reynolds plotline is just boring - at least it is better than the threesome? 

um if that pipe fell on her I cannot imagine that building is very secure... and what did the residents in the building just lose?

max what did you just inject in that man, why did you not tell him what you are injecting, and it does not look like he has a chart - also, why didn't you put a bandaid on where you stabbed the guy?

max you should not stress the patient like that, you should at least call someone first

um so the ambulatory patients are in the stairwell, but what about the ones in the beds.. or the ones who need things administered via IV?

uh oh the stairwell is striking back, it doesn't like people clogging it up

awesome deaf doctor's interpreter gets a 10/10 on that fall, good job

iggy, clearly the stairwell is on Team Iggy's Husband, that is what is happening

if everyone is having symptoms iggy, shouldn't you, you know, OPEN THE DOOR?


or, well, call the fdny since the hospital has a carbon monoxide leak

reynolds should you really be lifting this pipe (oh wait, it's a beam?) off of her without checking first to make sure you don't damage her innards even more. oh ok there's a beam and a pipe. still shouldn't lift it without checking





um max if you just opened the fire escape door why isn't an alarm going off

is new amsterdam a death trap

or have all of you been dead the whole series

wait did they leave interpreter guy in the stairwell?

new amsterdam staff is the worst

so uhhh why is the tactic they are employing "block every door in the hospital with random crap so if someone gets trapped they are SOL?"

so this is Iggy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day?

oh hey interpreter guy is alive and conscious and very alert?

um if that water is electrified i don't think anyone should touch it

how long until that tile is on fire



oh look we're back to reynold's meatball macgyver surgery

reynolds what are you doing where you can't slide the bone in? can't dad hold the skin while YOU push in the rib?


hey max just happened to find a dialysis machine

...and hooked the guy up in like 5 seconds?

damn max, you have the speed of a civil war surgeon

also Max's phone showed that he had bars

and why doesn't the dialysis machine have a battery backup

hey look they saved the trafficking victim

...Max did you just you could try office supplies to dialysis this guy? you better not

also why did the generator going back on turn the cell tower back on? Those things have their own generators

no flight record of Sharpe's flight? oh no did she fly into the Twilight Zone? Or, much worse, *shudders* Manifest?

wait Bloom, the social worker has helped DOZENS? How much sex traffickers do you GET in this hospital?

yes, Iggy, "build a temp ICU" - no, you send them to other hospitals whose ICUs aren't totally destroyed - or maybe FEMA has brought in places to put patients?

oh hey it's husbiggy

iggy the voice holding you back was your sanity going "hey don't try to hurdle over electric wires or just hide an entire ICU in stairwells or not get people out the second there is carbon monoxide poisoning" not the voice of your husband telling you not to risk your life

jesus iggy you really are a monster

hey the ER sure looks great for "being the first place to flood [during a storm]"

wait is bloom realizing that she did something inappropriate? ohm y god it's a miracle

is this the episode that destroys relationships? First Iggy, now Bloom, is Sharpe-Max next?

um bloom giving up your fancyass apartment is going to seem incredibly insanely fishy to immigration because HOW WOULD SHE AFFORD THAT GIGANTIC PLACE ON HER SALARY

what crappy tracking does that airline have that it can't go "hey this flight landed"

i mean max why wouldn't you just check a flight radar website to track her site

damn they are getting a lot of use out of this rooftop - but will Sharpe not show up

also HOW IS THAT ROOFTOP BONE DRY - they couldn't even put a few puddles for fun?

of course she never got on the flight

damn this season sure is More Joy

what was the point of getting max and sharpe together jesus christ that was just a dumb plot

we must've gotten so much joy that there was a buffer overflow and it went into negative joy

Okay, so the worst doctor of the week is obvious - it is the marriage destroying, non-door-opening doctor IGGY FROME!

This is the 8th (one episode was "everyone" - once for worst plot) win for Dr. Iggy Frome this season! I will have to do a tally of how many times each character won Worst Doctor - but I would be shocked if Iggy wasn't the winner of this season! I'll have to figure out who was the actual worst doctor of the season, too.

Okay guys, we only have 13 episodes left before we are done with this.

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Iggy is the absolute worst. He’s the worst therapist. He’s the worst husband. He’s the worst father. And if it wasn’t for Gladys, he would’ve been the worst emergency response leader, lucky that his bumbling didn’t kill some of those poor people. If he thinks that it’s Martin’s fault that he’s so needy, he should hang it up and work the coffee cart.

It was so nice of everyone to forget about the hurricane that turned the whole hospital into a disaster zone so they could put on their Sunday best and set up for non-employee Max’s wedding. The flowers that seemed to appear out of nowhere were a nice touch. And Helen - if your mom is dead or in a coma, maybe lead with that instead of just saying “I can’t” and hanging up. Don’t make me feel sorry for Max.

Hey Floyd. Next time you need a non-doctor to assist you in basement surgery, maybe they can do the “holding the skin open” part and you can handle the “pushing the bone back into place” part, which seems somewhat more important. It’s also nice to see that “TV Emergency Tracheotomies” have evolved from the days of MASH to where you can just jab a pen into the patients chest. I’ll have to remember that.

And I have no idea what the hell is going on with Bloom and Leyla. “We can’t be together because our entire relationship is based on me financially supporting you. So to teach you a lesson, I’m going to let you stay in my luxury apartment rent-free until you get your visa issues straightened out, even though that could take years.” Nice move Leyla!  Maybe we can get a spin off of Bloom and Iggy sharing a seventh floor walk up in the Lower East Side, dishing out crappy medical and psychiatric advice to their fellow residents. 

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1 hour ago, jabRI said:

I think they tried to do a redemption arc for Iggy, but it was too little too late, all the sudden they made his husband out to be the bad guy. Really? Rewriting history much?

The only redemption part of the finale arc was Iggy running point on the disaster crew and let's face it, Gladys was running it. Lol. I wonder what part was supposed to be redemptive.

I work for a company of about 100 employees. I am on our Emergency Response Team with five other people. We hold mock drills twice a year. Every one of us has three copies of “The Binder” - one is kept in our office, one is kept in our cars and one is kept at home. The mock drills have covered things like product recalls, natural emergencies and pandemics (even before COVID). We didn’t realize that our team was better than the one at the largest public hospital in the country, that employs thousands of people and treats hundreds of thousands of patients a year. We should get our own show, but none of us are sleeping together or are in a throuple (as far as I know). 

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