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S05.E21: I'll Be Missing You

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Whoa. I am really noticing tonight Jenelle and her completely flat affect. Even when Nathan called and announced his early release she couldn't even muster up any emotion. You'd think she would at least have cracked a smile. What the hell is her deal?

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Janelle is truly dead inside. Like really dead. Just dead. There is nothing there.

I have to go back and watch her 16& pregnant because I don't remember her being this flat. Maybe she was and I was distracted by how vile she was towards Barb.

Oh, and MTV totally rushed Janelle back into the studio to do that VoiceOver about being nicer to the dogs.

Bull and Shit.

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Is Corey in denial? I think he is a good dad and loves his girls, but Ally obviously has a physical issue and I'm not sure that him just being "strict" with her and telling her she can't be carried or has to walk is going to be enough in the long term. I get what he's saying -- he wants to push her to remain mobile as long as possible -- but is Leah wrong -- that she gets tired and could use a wheelchair at least once in a while? Why is Corey so resistant to having the wheelchair around -- if she doesn't need it, don't use it; if she does -- it's there.


It was like the previous episode where he was upset that Ally would see her sister do cartwheels when she can't or when he (actually both parents) were upset that Ally knew the name of her illness. She's 4 -- she will notice that she can't do what other kids can esp. given that she has a twin so she's with another kid her exact age all the time.

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That bratty daughter of Leah's tormenting that cat again. She got out that plastic bat and I was afraid she was gonna outdo Janelle for worst pet treatment. That girl needs to learn NO.
Ugh, Janelle and her bull- those dogs were STILL in those tiny crates in a hot garage. She's a horrible person.

Edited by ArtTypeGirl
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Corey is in for a serious awakening regarding Ali's condition. She might be able to push through most of the time now....but that won't go on forever. At some point he is going to have to acknowledge that his daughter needs a wheelchair. Whether he likes it or not. That is the reality of her diagnosis. Maybe she still will be able to walk down the aisle on her wedding day, so long as she has her chair for her reception. That's the kind of thinking Corey needs to get into. Not the whole "if I ignore it and just push her we can pretend it's not there".

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LEAH Word mispronunciations of the week:  Sim-YOU-Lurr for similar and FILLY-YING for Feeling.


Chelsea's makeup was rather heavy this week!!  Now, stage makeup is heavy, and when I perform or pose for pictures I am wearing stage makeup.  I don't wear as much as she wears for every day.  At least she is not as bad at the makeup as Leah, she's good at putting it on, she just wears it too much.  There is a rumor that Queen Elizabeth the first was found with an inch of makeup on her face when she died... Those two may not be that far behind.


And though MTV tried to hide it, when Nathan was outside playing with his dog, at the end of a shot the dog was on a short red leash.  You can tell it was going to be tied to the tree.


Ya know, when Isaac started acting up, Kailyn did the whole "1... 2... 3" thing.  And when it didn't work she took him to his room.  She didn't say "please?" like Chelsea did last week.

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Corey seems to think that if he's just firm, Ali will never need help, but "parenting style" isn't really a factor in a genetic illness. Leah's right that she probably sees it more often because she has Ali more often. The doctors would not be pushing this hard to get a wheelchair if she did not need it and Corey needs to wake up and acknowledge reality. By having her use the wheelchair when she's tired or sore, her condition may not escalate as quickly as a child who is forced to keep muscling through. Corey may actually be hurting Ali in the long run.

I initially thought Leah was being slightly dramatic about his attitude toward the illness, but I'm starting to see that she's right and as Jeremy's saying in the previews, he's dropping the ball.

Edited by Universalhunter
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MTV, please.  Like anyone believes Janelle wasn't forced to say that bullshit about wanting to treat the dogs better at the beginning of the episode.  I caught the last 10 minutes of last week's episode and now there is a little disclaimer that said something like "Janelle realized her mistakes and is working hard to be a better parent to her dogs" or something.  Come the fuck on!!!!!  Also, she really built up that surprise for Nathan which ended up looking just like something I had on my dorm wall in college.  That was the big surprise?!


Chelsea is so dumb.  "And then they talked and talked and talked and then they gave me this paper and I freaked out!!!!"  Way to gloss over the point of the whole thing, which was that you did something you weren't supposed to do and got caught.  What a clown.


Kail, still looking like a manatee, still annoying as all fuck.  I guess I missed the episode where she was forced against her will to move hours from everyone she knows, and also the episode where she begged Javi not to join the military because she didn't want him to have to go away for long periods of time.  Seriously, shut the hell up about situations you created for yourself, for no reason! 


Leah, what an asshole on the phone with Corey "well I guess you had to be there."  He explained why he wasn't going to be there.  Why does her hair look like a literal nest on the top of her head and then the bottom is totally different?  I have worn extensions and they certainly didn't look like that and I certainly wasn't being paid the kind of money she is so I just don't even understand how hair can look like that.  Does she like it like that?  Does Jeremy?  Is he attracted to a literal nest head?  I just don't even get it.

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I look at Jermy and I look at Leah and I just laugh.

She lost that "town hottie" look quickly didnt she? She looks like a true buzzard with that hair and makeup and I don't even think its cause she's frazzled and stressed. I've seen moms with I'm Stressed hair. That ain't it. That hair is remedial beauty school at best. That's Leah at her best.

Somewhere Robbie is laughing his ass off and thanking the Gods he dodged that bullet.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Kail drives me crazy talking about how hard everything is. Hell, I was a widow at 22, left with a 2 month old and a 2 year old. I had no family help, no MTV money and no military husband providing me with medical benefits. It was me and my kids.
They're grown now and are successful, independent, happy well adjusted adults so every sacrifice I made was worth it.
And I never whined as much as she does.
Lincoln sure is cute though.

I will never understand how these new relationships can be so messed up. New relationships are supposed to be the happy, giddy part of it.
If its this bad at the start of these relationships are these girls stupid enough to think they'll get better with time?!

Yay Chelsea! I'm proud of her. She's going to be just fine. She's turned her MTV money over to her dad to invest instead of blowing through it, she's been driving the same car for years as opposed to the others and has bought her own house.
I love Chelsea.

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LEAH Word mispronunciations of the week:  Sim-YOU-Lurr for similar and FILLY-YING for Feeling.


But Jeremy used the subjunctive tense when discussing whether Goggles was excited, saying something like, "She wouldn't tell you if she were."  Yeah, I know it was probably an accident but my heart gave a little leap.


Yay Chelsea! I'm proud of her. She's going to be just fine. She's turned her MTV money over to her dad to invest instead of blowing through it,


It looks like he's blowing it on chicken wings and beer.  Has he always been that big around the middle?  He looked like a sausage sitting on the couch.

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Maybe Chelsea should ask Daddy for some money to buy curtains or drapes.  She's been in that house long enough, sitting around in that MESSY house with no window coverings.  WTH?


Yea, Chelsea glossing over the fact that the Commission did find her guilty of accepting money, but no, she tells us they just talked and talked, then they handed her the license and "were all nice to me".


I also noticed how Aubree was misbehaving AGAIN at the restaurant table and demanded the Barbie game on Chelsea's phone.  I see why she had a huge hissy fit last week when she wanted to play on Adam's phone and he scolded her that they were there to talk as a group.  She really needs to control Aubree or she's going to have some tough times ahead.  The kid needs discipline desperately and no one is taking control.  

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Kail can lose me with all of her whining about being alone with two kids. It is hard, I know. I've been there. I did the exact same thing - except I was alone from the day my baby was born, it lasted 9 months, and my older child wasn't even 2 at the time. But the crap about having no one around to help? All on you. YOU chose to move several hours away, for God knows what reason. So yea, now you lost your support system (meaning Javi's family, because you have none and clearly your friends don't seem that enamored with kids), deal with it. 


I feel badly for Isaac, though. He's clearly acting out. I can't recall ever seeing him be this whiny or bratty. I'm assuming he's just struggling with all the change - moving, the new baby, Javi's going away. Hopefully Kail understands that and tries to talk with him about it and reassure him. I did appreciate seeing her playing in the castle with him while Lincoln was sleeping and before the friends got there. He was the only child for several years, so this is really going to be an adjustment for him. 




I was happy to see Chelsea finally get her license! Now she can work. But something struck me this episode - she can literally never do anything by herself. She always seems to move a friend in with her to be her roommate. And even driving to wherever she had to get her license mess sorted out - she had to bring a friend along. She's very needy. I will say, though, I'm glad that her need to never be alone is met by begging friends to do things with her constantly instead of latching onto guy after guy after guy. 




LOVED seeing Ali in her wheelchair! She was rocking it. It was so awesome that the hospital could loan her one until the insurance sorts itself out. I don't know what to think about Corey. I do think he is in a bit of denial, but I think if push came to shove he would do what is right for his kid. But it almost seems to me like Leah and Germy are trying to represent him as not caring, not pulling his weight, etc. etc. Corey is just not a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. Never has been. But he clearly loves his girls. I just get the slight impression that Leah is trying to play Germy off as caring more about the situation than Corey does. 


Also, can someone get Leah a tissue and an antihistimine? She always sounds so stuffed up!




Sooooo....which producer whispered in Jenelle's ear after she filmed that first scene with the dogs, "Hey, that's going to come off really bad when it airs. You might want to film some scenes being super nice to the dogs". Mmmmhmmm, yea. Because I really don't believe that she just decided all on her own that she had been awful and needed to change her ways. That is NOT the Jenelle we've come to know and hate. Also, I just love that her thug of a sperm donor coming home warrants cleaning that nasty garage, not the fact that the poor animals have to LIVE in those conditions. 


Jenelle is just so flat and unemotional it scares me. When she told Nathan on the phone that she was "really excited" about him coming home early, it sounded like someone saying, "I'm going to check the mail". And then in the car, after she picked him up, and he was going on about cuddling and the Notebook - she just seemed like she was going through the motions. Nathan may be his own brand of crazy, and I think he has serious anger issues. But he had tears welling up in his eyes and I feel like he was being genuine. Jenelle, on the other hand, I don't think she knows how to feel anything for anyone. I really don't. I think she likes that he says these things because it validates for her that she "has" him, but I don't think it makes me melt inside the way I might if my husband said those things to me. I don't know. Her effect just really disturbs me, it's like there's nothing inside.

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Whoa. I am really noticing tonight Jenelle and her completely flat affect. Even when Nathan called and announced his early release she couldn't even muster up any emotion. You'd think she would at least have cracked a smile. What the hell is her deal?

Something seriously wrong.  I think she's on drugs.  As soon as Nathan says hello, she starts bitching about the dogs again.

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Leah - LMAO when I saw Satans's spawn giving Baby Adderal her first Gatorade Bong.  Must have been breakfast... where are the Cheetos?  Leah, do you watch them at all?  Also, please blow you nose.


Chelsea - Enough with the batwing eyeliner.  Who hangs out at home in full make-up?  Daaad-dah shows up... more to come.


Kail - How does she NOT know what type of training Javi is doing when he goes away?  Maybe if she gave a shit about Javi instead kvetching 24/7 about herself, she could stay abreast of current events.  Why is Isaac always sobbing?  It's worrisome and sad. 


Jenelle - ***cleansing breath***  The damage-control voice-over was genius, MTV... How much film did production weed through to get a 3 second clip of her NOT screaming at those dogs?  When Nathan called to break the news of his early release from the klink, she gave her best dead-inside reaction.   Too many anxiety meds (in which case she shouldn't be driving Jace around) or she numbs herself with illicit drugs...  I'm not buying that she quit "Da weeeeed".  Barb had to pick-up Jace because Jenelle's pregnancy has been difficult.  Right.  No job, Jace (not full time) and an unborn baby is too much for anyone to handle? I shudder at the thought of Jenelle and Nathan caring for little Kaiser Roll, but I'm guessing the kitten might pitch in here and there.  Jace will be lucky to see Jenelle's mug once a month now that there's another kid in the picture.  It's only a matter of time before Jenelle drops Kaiser at Barb's and picks him up 6 weeks later... or never.  "Whea ya been, Janelle?"  Nathan and/or Jen-Hell will be back in the slammer in no time flat.


Haven't watched the last half of this crapisode, but I'm looking forward to Chelsea's grilling by the Nebraska Board.


More snark later.  Buh-bye for now.

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Kail drives me crazy talking about how hard everything is. Hell, I was a widow at 22, left with a 2 month old and a 2 year old. I had no family help, no MTV money and no military husband providing me with medical benefits. It was me and my kids.

They're grown now and are successful, independent, happy well adjusted adults so every sacrifice I made was worth it.

And I never whined as much as she does.

Lincoln sure is cute though.

I will never understand how these new relationships can be so messed up. New relationships are supposed to be the happy, giddy part of it.

If its this bad at the start of these relationships are these girls stupid enough to think they'll get better with time?!

Yay Chelsea! I'm proud of her. She's going to be just fine. She's turned her MTV money over to her dad to invest instead of blowing through it, she's been driving the same car for years as opposed to the others and has bought her own house.

I love Chelsea.

I'm proud of Chelsea, too. But I was kind of disappointed she didn't call Randylicious after getting her license. She calls him from the car for everything else, so he deserved to hear the good news right away. Maybe she called him from inside the building. I also couldn't stop staring at her makeup and hair. It is expertly applied, but still a bit much all together. I kept thinking she looked like a Geisha Girl. Maybe it's the doesn't-exist-in-nature hair color, because the red lippie and the eye liner looks good.


Leah's whole household looks like they could use a good hot bath. As someone else noted, her skin looked BAD! Leah needs to have someone sit down with poor delusional Corey and give him a reality check. I was wondering if perhaps he thinks Goggles does better at his house is in part because he has her for just the weekend and also because he and Miranda probably give the girlses healthier food so perhaps she has more energy?


And could Jenelle's dead eyes be due to her bipolar meds? I never want Jace to live with her and Nathan. Nathan scares me.

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Why does Leah pronounce words words with the -ing suffix as "inG" with a hard G sound?  Is that a WV thang?  I've also heard people from NJ and Khloe Kardashian speak this way.  It annoys the fuck out of me.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
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I don't think Cory is in denial but I do think that he is not allowing her to use her illness as a crutch that is a guy thing to do especially in sports where we acknowledge weakness but we don't want a person to just give up and not try.  While Leah needs something to cry about to make people sympathetic to her plight and focus's on Ally's illness along with demonizing Corey to validate her narrative as a victim.

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Leah actually didn't annoy me this episode. I mean, some stuff will never change (the hair, the makeup, her terrible speaking) but she clearly loves her kids. If not Ali more than Gracie.


Chelsea never really explained what happened at her meeting. Of course they talked. She's lucky to have been given her license, finally. Now she can actually work. I also second whoever said she's super needy. I agree. But at least it's her friends and not risky sex or something more damaging. Hopefully she grows out of it. I wasn't a huge fan of her red lips and heavy eyeliner together. She's not walking the red carpet, she's at home.


Kail needs to have several seats. Raising kids is hard, but she made all those choices. No one owes her anything. She basically forced Javi into the military and then chose to move hours from everyone she knew. She knew this would all happen! Some folks just like to hear themselves bitch.

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Random thoughts:

Lincoln is just the cutest baby. No wonder Isaac is acting up. I am sure Lincoln gets so much attention.

Nathan - Seriously creepy to me. Seemed to me like he was drugged up after jail or he has some weird emotional issues or he is just trying to control/manipulate Jenelle and the audience.

Good observation about Chelsea and her neediness and desire to always have someone around.

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Nathan - Seriously creepy to me. Seemed to me like he was drugged up after jail or he has some weird emotional issues or he is just trying to control/manipulate Jenelle and the audience.



No need to choose. I'm sure it was all three: he's a person with emotional issues, taking drugs inappropriately, while trying to control Janelle and the audience.  Even admitting to that, he's probably too good for Janelle.

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I’m so glad that Corey trimmed back his beastly beard.  It was getting ridiculous.  He and Miranda using that giant fork for s’mores cracked me up.  Wouldn’t it get burning hot in the fire?  And Corey’s attitude doesn’t bother me so much.  To Leah, Ali’s disability defines her (and is a big source of sympathy for Leah, which I think she eats up), and Corey just chooses not to look at it that way and to be more optimistic.  I don’t like how the show has been demonizing him this season, when I think he is an excellent dad. 



I kept expecting that cat to swipe and scratch Gracie.  And she would have totally deserved it.



Add me to the list of viewers who loved seeing Ali take off in that wheelchair. 



So Nathan was only in jail for 11 days?!?  That seems so wrong.  He was really frightening, the way he was talking in the car, about snuggling till they die in each other’s arms.  Yep… their’s is a love story for the ages.  Blech!  And both Janelle and Kail were so irritating with their bitching about it being so hard.  They have no concept of what real struggles and responsibilities are.  Janelle saying her pregnancy has been hard so her mom is picking up Jace, and she’s been so lonely that all she can do is school.  What in the world?! 



I don’t like how Kail yells at Isaac for doing regular kid things.  A few weeks back she was yelling at him to stop twirling in the living room.  Here, she was yelling at him for drumming on the table.  Kids do that stuff, and its normal.  Its not like he's being disruptive out I public.  He's in his own home.  She just stresses herself out over it, needlessly.  It looks like she’s started selling Scentsy… or she bought a larger order of melts than any sensible person would need.  Then again, maybe she needs it to cover the stench of her home.. which I’m sure reeks. 



Does anybody else suspect that Kail chose to have a baby with Javi because he and Joe have similar ethnic features, so maybe strangers wouldn’t realize she has two baby-daddys?  Javi does look like he could be Isaac’s dad, and the hateful part of me suspects that was why she got involved with Javi in the first place.



Thank goodness Chelsea’s done with her license drama.  That story was running very thin.

Edited by PlanetSassy
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Whoa. I am really noticing tonight Jenelle and her completely flat affect. Even when Nathan called and announced his early release she couldn't even muster up any emotion. You'd think she would at least have cracked a smile. What the hell is her deal?

Yeah, right before he said he was coming home early, she was complaining that her best friend had been taken from her and she was lonely.  She just seemed 'eh' about him coming home. Part of me feels like she didn't want him coming home at all.


Corey loses points for being so resistant to Ali having a wheelchair. Why not just purchase one and keep it in the home in the event that she needs it? What harm is it in that? Doesn't mean Ali can't ever try to walk or won't ever walk comfortably.


Isaac makes me sad. I don't think it's just the new baby that has him anxious and frustrated. Javi is gone (temporarily) and he's in a new home with a mother who yells at him over the most random things.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Ugh, Leah...her skin looks DREADFUL. Not a glowing recommendation for Mary Kay (and I use some of their products).

The women around here who sell cosmetics as a side business go to great lengths to have impeccable looking hair, makeup, nails etc, so that we lesser women (ha ha) can think we'll look like them if we buy the products....


Why the fuck was Leah sitting on the floor with a mirror propped against the bathroom wall while doing her make-up???  Clearly there was a mirror above the sink.  Also, she was staying in a hotel, so where did that mirror come from?  So many questions!

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Janelle saying her pregnancy has been hard so her mom is picking up Jace, and she’s been so lonely that all she can do is school.  What in the world?!


Frankly, I'm surprised that Jenelle stayed in school. Generally, with her, any little deviation from the norm (moving, getting a boob job) causes her to "take a break". 

Why the fuck was Leah sitting on the floor with a mirror propped against the bathroom wall while doing her make-up???  Clearly there was a mirror above the sink.  Also, she was staying in a hotel, so where did that mirror come from?  So many questions!


My younger sisters ALL do their makeup like that. They say they can get closer to the mirror that way. I don't know. Good question about where the mirror came from, though. You'd think if Leah traveled with a mirror she wouldn't continually look like the love child of Jem and Bozo the Clown. 

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While Leah is painting her face, Goggles is eating what appeared to be a cookie for breakfast.


And give me a break, you have to spend money on a hotel room the night before a doctor's appointment??   I understand the doctor is far away, but my daughter had surgery in New York City and we had to be there at 6 a.m., so we were up and out of the house at 4 a.m.  She and Jermy are just throwing money out the window!

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Yay Chelsea! I'm proud of her. She's going to be just fine. She's turned her MTV money over to her dad to invest instead of blowing through it, she's been driving the same car for years as opposed to the others and has bought her own house.

I love Chelsea.


Sorry to say but she is only doing fine because Randy has complete control over her.  She will never learn to grow up unless he cuts ties and lets her control her own life.  Right now she can barely wipe her own ass without Daddy's help.  Let her control her own money, find her own lawyers, ditch the baby-talk, and discipline Aubree.  Until then, I have zero respect for her.

Edited by JerseyGirl
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And could Jenelle's dead eyes be due to her bipolar meds? I never want Jace to live with her and Nathan. Nathan scares me.

Nathan and Jenelle both seriously have borderline personality disorder.  The black and white thinking.  Either everything is great or everything is shit... no in between... plus the crazy bump-ins with the law and their substance use.  I also believe Jenelle has bipolar, but more on the depressive side.  Nathan - Bipolar with manic episodes.  I wish Jenelle could be so motivated and caring with Jace.  She clearly cares about men more than her own son.

Sorry to say but she is only doing fine because Randy has complete control over her.  She will never learn to grow up unless he cuts ties and lets her control her own life.  Right now she can barely wipe her own ass without Daddy's help.  Let her control her own money, find her own lawyers, ditch the baby-talk, and discipline Aubree.  Until then, I have zero respect for her.

The baby talk!!!  Ughhh.  So annoying.


Also, both Chelsea and her mom both have perma smirk like they are just about ready to break into and smile or fit of laughter.


He and Miranda using that giant fork for s’mores cracked me up.

That cracked me up.  And then he layed that black marshmallow on her graham cracker.  Ew.


So Nathan was only in jail for 11 days?!?  That seems so wrong.  He was really frightening, the way he was talking in the car, about snuggling till they die in each other’s arms.

I shuddered when he talked about that!!!  So creepy and foreboding.  I can totally see a murder suicide there.  Scary.  He is a real danger.


I don’t like how Kail yells at Isaac for doing regular kid things.  A few weeks back she was yelling at him to stop twirling in the living room.  Here, she was yelling at him for drumming on the table.  Kids do that stuff, and its normal.  Its not like he's being disruptive out I public.  He's in his own home.  She just stresses herself out over it, needlessly.

Right ...and then she started crying!  I felt bad for Isaac when she ditched him in the castle and went off into the dining room with her friends.  She pretty much told Isaac to fuck off so she could talk with her friends.  She could have gently set him up in the living room with juice and a snack to watch a movie so she could have a conversation with her "friends".

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
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I'm diagnosed with bipolar II and anxiety....and I never have had such a flat affect from meds. Even the ones that didn't help me I still felt *something*. I find it troubling the doctor(s) who prescribed whatever she's on aren't bothered by this. It's not normal to show zero emotion, and that's never been the point of mood meds. Or she's not taking it properly, which is always a possibility with addicts. It's a shame though, because who wants to live their life feeling like they are just going through the motions?

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Sorry to say but she is only doing fine because Randy has complete control over her.  She will never learn to grow up unless he cuts ties and lets her control her own life.  Right now she can barely wipe her own ass without Daddy's help.  Let her control her own money, find her own lawyers, ditch the baby-talk, and discipline Aubree.  Until then, I have zero respect for her.



Thank you. God forbid something happens to Randy, she will have zero clue how to live life. She's like this perpetual high schooler. She can't do a damn thing by herself. Always has someone there and she's mentioned many, many times before how she uses her daughter to fill that void. That's not good.  Aubree will feel guilty later on when she gets older about leaving her mom for any period of time. And Aubree needs some serious discipline. Because Chelsea's "Doooonnnn't-uh" and "I'm gonna call Papa doesn't work anymore". Just because we don't see men around doesn't mean there aren't any. I know I've read she's dated quite a few over the past few years.  Which I actually think is good for her. I think she's still holding out hope for Adam and still has that void which seems to be Aubree's responsibility to fill. She can't even speak to a lawyer without the baby talk.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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I don’t like how Kail yells at Isaac for doing regular kid things.  A few weeks back she was yelling at him to stop twirling in the living room.  Here, she was yelling at him for drumming on the table.  Kids do that stuff, and its normal.  Its not like he's being disruptive out I public.  He's in his own home.  She just stresses herself out over it, needlessly.  It looks like she’s started selling Scentsy… or she bought a larger order of melts than any sensible person would need.  Then again, maybe she needs it to cover the stench of her home.. which I’m sure reeks. 

I think Isaac was being a brat in that scene. (Not that he is a brat but all kids have their moments.) When you are trying to have a conversation at a table, the drumming is distracting and annoying and that was Isaac's goal. (He was also interrupting but I think that is less bratty than the drumming.) She told him to stop and he persisted. Her friend even put her hands over his to get him to stop. He is 4 and should know better. He at least knows when a parent tells you to stop that you should. I think he is just reacting to the changes in his life, esp the addition of a baby brother.

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So Nathan was only in jail for 11 days?!?  That seems so wrong.  He was really frightening, the way he was talking in the car, about snuggling till they die in each other’s arms.

That was truly the most awkward and weird part of the episode.  I know Jenelle is a dead eyed zombie but I almost don't blame her for being so subdued. Nathan was running around acting like he was coming off a 20 year sentence. All that crap about dying together and such is laughable; if those two make it another year I will be impressed. Jenelle might have been thinking the same, like "Dude, our relationship shelf life is almost over anyway, you can calm the hell down now." She is a cold blooded lizard like that.


Glad Chelsea is working but I agree that she needs to grow the hell up and stop hanging on the Randy's apron strings.  And while I like her new house, it seems to be pretty big for a single mother and one child. Which is probably why she moved that friend in, but she could've settled for a smaller house that she might have been more comfortable in.

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Chelsea's house:  As an adult, I've never lived in a house that was larger than 1,000 sq ft.  I've owned 2 - 2 bed houses and rented a slew of 1 bed apartments. My perference is for smaller spaces. However, after this last winter in NYC that kept us inside for days, I kinda understand why Chelsea might want a bigger house.  I'm sure the South Dakota winters are long and dark and the extra indoor space will be put to good use.

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I didn't have an issue with how Kail handled Isaac. He was being disruptive, she told him to stop, he didn't, so she removed him from the situation. Baby Lincoln is an adorable little chubber.

I loved Chelsea's selective story-telling regarding her meeting with the board. I REALLY loved MTV's pathetic re-editing and attempted damage control regarding Jenelle's abused animals.

I sometimes feel bad for Gracie because you can tell she's just a big pain in the ass everyone's forced to tolerate because she's family.

Chelsea's makeup might not have looked too bad if she just ditched the bat wing on the eyeliner. It was good to see Lois Griffin make an appearance.

Lastly, nothing announces you're white trash more than being pregnant and waiting outside a jail for your baby daddy. Keep it klassy Jenelle!

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Jace will be lucky to see Jenelle's mug once a month now that there's another kid in the picture.


I agree, sort of.  Jace will be lucky if he sees Jenelle's mug only once a month. 


I found it interesting that Nathan was working in the kitchen in jail while he's on disability.  After the show, I happened to surf by Nightline and they were doing a show on prosecuting people who were on worker's comp or disability (started by the beauty pageant contestant who was on worker's comp, I think, because she broke her toe and couldn't stand, walk, or put on a shoe, yet somehow was able to compete in the pageant).  Are there different rules for military disability?  I assume his disability has something to do with PTSD, which is invisible and insidious and nothing like having a broken toe, but if he's able to work in a kitchen in order to get days shaved off his sentence (kitchen work is HARD), it seems to me he could be matched with some sort of job in order to shave some dollars off his burden on the taxpayers.

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Maybe Jenelle wasn't really happy that Nathan was getting out of jail because now he'll be able to "talk" to other girls.  Whereas at least when he was in jail he couldn't.  Wasn't that what she said before he left?


Yes! She has said that several times. It's a really bad sign when you need your man to be literally behind bars to  feel safe that he's not talking to other women. 

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Wow Jenelle is a piece of shit with that fake dog scene. Do people really just keep their dog in the garage and kennel all day and night? My doggies have always had the run of the house, but of course that involves work and training so what am I saying! Nathan might have a lot of problems but at least his dog was super happy to see him. Jenelle's face didn't move a muscle from bitching how much she missed Nathan to knowing he was getting out early.

I think Isaac is just going through the 4 year old stage with way too many changes going on for him. Kail seems like a controlling but consistent parent. She does have a victim mentality that I hope she continues to work on.

Goggles broke my heart when she was running and her legs seemed to twist out from under her. Not like a normal fall but it looked painful. I am glad she at least received a loaner chair.

Chelsea looked like she is trying to advertise that she in the beauty field like a billboard but it was nicely done. Her kid is really bratty and that one two three stuff doesn't work if you keep bargaining after three. Yes, she is too dependent on Randy but at least she didn't spend all her money as soon as she gets it. I hope Adam goes to jail and not for 11 days. We are way too lax on drunk driving in this country.

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God help me but I'm starting to see Leah's position wrt Corey and the wheelchair. He acts like it is STRICTLY Ali's willpower that will matter in terms of how much she can do. I think that can be a very difficult line to straddle. On the one hand, you do want to encourage your child to be a fighter and to work at things. On the other hand, I can't imagine what it is like to be a little girl and things can truly be so difficult for you but your dad thinks you're not trying hard enough. He really, really needs to be sure where he's at with that. The kid has a diagnosed disease that is supposed to get progressively worse. Every medical person has told him that.

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Jenelle and her blank face are boring me. I too loved the damage control voiceover regarding the dogs. Ha! Okay, I'm not a dog person, never had one, but is it appropriate to have a large dog stuck in a crate in a hot garage all day long?


Kailyn can stop the whining now. Not only did she sign up for this life, but it was more her idea than Javi's. And now it's all so hard. Waah. Shush. I give her props for her no-nonsense handling of Isaac when he was misbehaving at the table. She told him to stop, she gave him warning, a 1-2-3 chance to cut it out, he ignored her and deliberately kept doing it ... that's it, you're going to your room, buddy. See, Chelsea? Parents give orders, they don't ask their kids pretty please. I did laugh at Isaac's plaintive wail "I need to play!" Kids.


So Chelsea gets her license after all. Yay. Can we move on to something else with her? I have no idea what went down in that meeting, but whatever it was, it sounds like she wasn't really listening anyway.


Very happy the hospital is allowing Ali to use one of their chairs as a loaner until the insurance company stops being buttheads and approves the real chair. Good grief, they're difficult. No, we're not going to approve this because we don't think she really needs it. No, we're not going to approve this because we don't believe a child that young can operate such a chair. No, we're not going to approve this because Mercury is in retrograde. How crazy that they actually need to provide video evidence that the child is capable of operating the chair. But damn, did Ali look awesome when she did it. It was like, "Take THAT, bureaucrats! See this? Y'all see this? I'm using the chair, bitches! I'm-a do some laps now, so eat my dust!" I don't know what to make of Corey's attitude, either. I feel like he and Leah are in totally different places of "acceptance" of Ali's condition and what it means. Leah sees the wheelchair as a tool to help her, but I think Corey is still thinking of it as a crutch for her to become dependent on. Neither of them wants their daughter to be helpless, but the reality of her condition is that she needs assistance. They should definitely encourage her to be as self-reliant and mobile as she can. But only as much as she can. It's not something you can just "push through" and I think Corey's still thinking that it is.

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