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All Episodes Talk: The Fixed

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Marie needed a therapist, a financial planner, a housekeeper, groundskeeper and a good swift kick in the ass.

While I have some sympathy for this young lady, I found myself seething.  All that shit she bought and her kids aren't with her.  She "bought" a business for a fool who wasn't even going to be around to run it.  Even if he was around, he didn't seem to have the aptitude to run it anyway.

I would have appreciated it greatly if Iyanla told her, (a), Beloved, when it comes to a man, you can do better than a drug dealer who isn't going to be around for at least 7 years; and (b) did it occur to you that the reason he is with you is because of your purse?; (c) come to think of it, you can do bad by your damn self; (d) use the opportunity to extricate yourself from this bum while he's locked up and move on with your life.  Otherwise, you'll be sending thousands of dollars to keep up his business and to keep money on his book.  Oh, and sell this plantation and buy yourself a house or condo that you can actually maintain and go back to school.

I have little patience with hearing about patterns being set, yada yada yada.  How about some basic common sense in this situation?

I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

Edited by MulletorHater
  • Love 8

I had questions I need your help with.

1.  these were actually Miss Fontella's numbers

2.  she's still working; and

3.  keeping her grandchildren while Marie gets herself together.

Got about 23 minutes in before I had to leave so some of these may have been answered by a full episode investment.   Please forgive me if so.  

What does Marie need to get herself together from?

Ole boy isn't going anywhere.  If anything her resolve is stronger in the memory that he was with her when she didn't have a dime.  She isn't going anywhere either, that kinda dude is all she knows. 

Was the bail $ returned upon his sentencing?

What's the ruut of her self worthlessness?  Was she abused?  neglected? or is she just tired?   She don't work anymore right?  why don't the kids live with her (and, theoretically, the nanny), especially the baby with cerebral palsy.   

  On 10/25/2016 at 6:11 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

I had questions I need your help with.

1.  these were actually Miss Fontella's numbers

2.  she's still working; and

3.  keeping her grandchildren while Marie gets herself together.

Got about 23 minutes in before I had to leave so some of these may have been answered by a full episode investment.   Please forgive me if so.  

What does Marie need to get herself together from?

Ole boy isn't going anywhere.  If anything her resolve is stronger in the memory that he was with her when she didn't have a dime.  She isn't going anywhere either, that kinda dude is all she knows. 

Was the bail $ returned upon his sentencing?

What's the ruut of her self worthlessness?  Was she abused?  neglected? or is she just tired?   She don't work anymore right?  why don't the kids live with her (and, theoretically, the nanny), especially the baby with cerebral palsy.   


They never said what she needed to get herself together from. The mom just kept saying she did it for her and the kids. The mom told her they were her numbers and Marie barely seemed to register appreciation at first until Iyanla said something.  

Her mom only ever slapped her in the face as a kid and she asked herb,mom why. That she was only a kid and couldn't say anything because she was her mother. She didn't feel like she had her mom there for her so why would anyone else be (maybe this could be her 'get herself together' but I was rolling my eyes so much at this I could have missed it).

Marie's dad was also a drug dealer and user. 

Momma may still has the kids. I don't recall it being addressed why. Marie moved out the plantation and is with all her kids at an undisclosed location (I think the mom with them too). She still plan to marry this fool when he get out. Hence my eye rolling I may have eliminated some info because why even do this then?! She won in 2015 and gonna be broke before 2017 over I bet. 

Just because you get money doesn't mean you should own a business. Certainly not for no fool who you bailed out THREE times at a total of $21m. You didn't get $188m tax free soooo. 

  • Love 3

Beloveds?  are you here?  lol.

Please tell me somebody saw her trying to heal a black man's heart series?  It's not over, I think there's one more to go coming up this weekend.

Amongst the fixees was (Ricky Rosey's ex)-Latira's father, Terrence.   This weak ass piece of dude here?  I understand why she was damaged.    There's more but I don't wanna keep talking if ya'll haven't caught the episodes yet. 

  • Love 5

I watched the first episode. I don't know if Lira's sperm donor thought he was fooling people with the tinted lenses, but I think everyone could see something was wrong with his left eye. That wasn't a revelation when he told Iyanla he was half blind.

He's really self-involved. I know why Lira is hurt, but she might have to cut him as a loss. The fact that he thinks being in prison and not seeing her, even though he lived three blocks away, hasn't affected her in some way says a lot about him. He takes no responsibility for his role(or lack thereof) in her life. He's a smug piece of shit.

I never followed Eva Marcille and her baby daddy(I can't be bothered to learn his name) in the gossip sites, but dude has serious anger issues. It's like he's always looking for a reason to fight.

I need to finish watching because I want to know why Mike Bass hasn't seen his kids in seven years. That's ridiculous.

  • Love 3
  On 11/8/2016 at 7:29 PM, RedKoolAide said:

I watched the first episode. I don't know if Lira's sperm donor thought he was fooling people with the tinted lenses, but I think everyone could see something was wrong with his left eye. That wasn't a revelation when he told Iyanla he was half blind.

He's really self-involved. I know why Lira is hurt, but she might have to cut him as a loss. The fact that he thinks being in prison and not seeing her, even though he lived three blocks away, hasn't affected her in some way says a lot about him. He takes no responsibility for his role(or lack thereof) in her life. He's a smug piece of shit.

I never followed Eva Marcille and her baby daddy(I can't be bothered to learn his name) in the gossip sites, but dude has serious anger issues. It's like he's always looking for a reason to fight.



Gul?  The real gag was what he said when he thought his mic wasn't hot anymore.   Lol. 

All told though, every bit of your post.  What a damn smug bastard.  Whatever else need be said about Mother Pocketbook, I know this - she has the patience of Job.  The very first time a grown man stomped off he could take his ass on.    Well you already know the piece of shit he's married to is the source of estrangement.   What kind of woman encourages her husband not to have a relationship with his children?  Girl, she's 22 TODAY so you mean to tell me your wife talked you out of seeing your 10 year old?    We all gone have to take that L, this dude doesn't belong to any community, unless there's a punkass republic we don't know about.


I need to finish watching because I want to know why Mike Bass hasn't seen his kids in seven years. That's ridiculous.


I picked a bad time to start straightening up but it sounded as mundane as his ex cut off their (childrens') cell service.    There should be more words right there.  Imma take it a step further and say that listening to how crazy that sounds as a justification for not maintaining contact with your kids for years brought him to that aha sobbery.   The thing that I won't ever understand until someone explains it is why these men don't file the one page piece of paper it takes to go to court and establish visitation.   I'm not even tambout custody, but when I hear a man say some version of "she wouldn't let me see the kids"  to myself I say then you shouldn't cause you stupid or lazy or both.   Maybe they think if they file they'll be hemmed up for child support.   In which case, quit all that crying, that looks even worse. 


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  On 11/9/2016 at 1:25 AM, RedKoolAide said:

Terrence is totally the guy who went to prison and religiously read the dictionary and thesaurus. He thinks he's a lot smarter than what he is. Smug bitch.


A smug bitch who's clearly getting his ass beat on the regular by his wife. I'm not so impressed by his tough guy routine. Not when one call from wife him shaking in his boots.

  • Love 4
  On 11/9/2016 at 1:51 AM, Brooklynista said:

A smug bitch who's clearly getting his ass beat on the regular by his wife. I'm not so impressed by his tough guy routine. Not when one call from wife him shaking in his boots.


When he was having another tantrum and was talking to (cant remember his name) and said he was told he was here about his daughter and that his marriage is perfect his wife is perfect I instantly thought he is suffering from Stockholm syndrome.  No one's marriage is perfect so for him to say that was red flags for me. 

I just never understand how some people really never take responsibility for their actions.  For Terrance to not admit that he didn't contribute anything at all to Lira's behavior when she was on the screen pouring her heart out about how her father's absence affected her was mind blowing.  Its sad because there are a lot of people like him ( I know a few) that feels its easier to project the blame on others than to be honest with themselves about how their actions have affected their lives as well others.

  • Love 4

1)  The Louis Gosset Jr. shaman council was a bit much….

2)  This show -- one the one hand makes me actually almost hate stupid people, who I know aren't stupid, who've just had a hard life.

-- Like that lottery winner. Really? THAT is what she did with the money? Anyone know whether she took the 188 Mill in a lump sum. because a lump sum AFTER taxes is only about a-quarter of your win….so that's about -- what 35 mill. Take off for whatever fees she's paying SOME lawyers and accounts…who are getting rich(er) off her. She'll be broke in LESS than five years.

Sorry, I just have no sympathy for her.  And people Terrence who let his wife totally cut his nuts off. How can he let Just let her call the shots like that -- and with an attitude no less. The one thing I won't let people do is pull rank and order me around. It's just so disrespectful, I just couldn't abide that treatment. I confess my childhood was fairly idillyc and my parents instilled great self-esteem….I just can't relate. I have nooootrouble setting boundaries.

  • Love 2

IF her net was 188 Mill -- OK  then she has bit more time to get her self together. But I don't ever see HER managing that money well.

I give her 10-12 years max before she's broke. I only hope her lawyer and accountant -- who could have set up mighty generous retainer deals -- at least did the honorable thing and made sure the kids' college money is already set aside and she can't touch it for ANY thing else. 

I guess I have to take this show on an episode by episode basis -- cause I can only take so much dysfunction at one time. It's just sad to see people who could achieve so much -- be so effed up emotionally. They're 30-something year's old -- and some over 40 and still don't have their act together.

  • Love 3
  On 11/13/2016 at 11:18 AM, RedKoolAide said:

The $188 million was the lump sum. The winnings before the lump sum was $564 million, I think.


Marie Holmes lump sum winnings was $88 million after taxes. The actual amount was almost $190 million, but she took the lump sum amount.

As for her boyfriend's bail money, I am not sure why the stories keep referring to her having paid millions towards his bail when she only needed to pay the usual 10 percent that is required for bail. Tallying up the amounts owing, she paid over $200k in bail money. That is a hell of a lot of money for that asshole, but it is a far cry from the $21 million that has been referenced. If I am wrong, correct me.

Marie was arrested herself for criminal charges stemming from harassing and threatening her boyfriend's mistress who she found out about before he went to jail.

  On 10/24/2016 at 9:38 PM, MulletorHater said:

Marie needed a therapist, a financial planner, a housekeeper, groundskeeper and a good swift kick in the ass.

While I have some sympathy for this young lady, I found myself seething.  All that shit she bought and her kids aren't with her.  She "bought" a business for a fool who wasn't even going to be around to run it.  Even if he was around, he didn't seem to have the aptitude to run it anyway.

I would have appreciated it greatly if Iyanla told her, (a), Beloved, when it comes to a man, you can do better than a drug dealer who isn't going to be around for at least 7 years; and (b) did it occur to you that the reason he is with you is because of your purse?; (c) come to think of it, you can do bad by your damn self; (d) use the opportunity to extricate yourself from this bum while he's locked up and move on with your life.  Otherwise, you'll be sending thousands of dollars to keep up his business and to keep money on his book.  Oh, and sell this plantation and buy yourself a house or condo that you can actually maintain and go back to school.

I have little patience with hearing about patterns being set, yada yada yada.  How about some basic common sense in this situation?

I. Just. Don't. Get. It.


Well, I get it.  Everybody is yelling at this woman, as if she has the same sense they have.  To Marie, being with a man like the one she's with, is NORMAL.  Decades ago, I used to date a man who'd cook a meal and then want to eat it up that evening.  He didn't understand the concept of left overs.  He once told me when he was a kid, everybody used to snatch food off each other's plates, he, his brothers and his parents.  THAT was normal to him.  Cooking a meal and putting left overs in the freezer was strange, almost foreign to him.   

Common sense isn't common.  If it were, everybody would have it.  

  • Love 6

There's been a lot of talk on social media that they don't understand why Iyanla still has a show since she hasn't fixed anyone.  I disagree with that.  Watching her show and even reading a few of her books have helped me understand that I needed to make some necessary changes in order to not continue making the same mistakes.  Change is hard for people, so spending 24,36 or 48 hours with Iyanla and her team is NOT enough but it can be if you really want to see difference in your life.  As she always says, you have to do the work.  I do think that she would get better results if she had a plan in place once she leaves.  Counseling, something, anything to help these people but I don't think Oprah gave her the budget for that. 

With all that being said, watching Neffie's episode I wonder how much their situation will truly change after Iyanla is gone. Because her husband looks completely broken. 

  • Love 10

I think it's best that Neffie and her husband have split since doing the show. They both have a lot of issues that I hope they'll continue to work on so they can co-parent their kids. I remember Neffie and her sister Elite had a show on BET and the first thing I noticed about her husband was how sad and defeated he looked. Hearing his story I can completely understand why.

  • Love 5

Anyone see the Taryll Jackson episode?  I remember what an awful b---- his girlfriend was to him on that Jacksons show on Lifetime. She really came off like she wanted to be a Kardashian and have fame like them.  Taryll though does come off like a wimp, Taj (the oldest brother) also has wimpy tendencies. I really wish they would break up, their kid's have awful examples of what a relationship is and I really don't think Iyanla fixed them.

  • Love 5

Anyone see the Taryll Jackson episode?


Yep. I don't have much hope for that couple. When their youngest turns 18, I hope Breana has someplace else to go. They must be hurting for money. I can't think of any other rational reason why they'd subject themselves to this. If this isn't exploiting Michael Jackson's name, I don't know what is, because nobody would give a crap about these two otherwise. I don't know much about them, but it's really hard not to think that Taryll's main profession is being "nephew of" and everything else he does is just dabbling.

  • Love 2
  On 5/3/2017 at 1:40 AM, sleepyjean said:

Yep. I don't have much hope for that couple. When their youngest turns 18, I hope Breana has someplace else to go. They must be hurting for money. I can't think of any other rational reason why they'd subject themselves to this. If this isn't exploiting Michael Jackson's name, I don't know what is, because nobody would give a crap about these two otherwise. I don't know much about them, but it's really hard not to think that Taryll's main profession is being "nephew of" and everything else he does is just dabbling.


is what I said.   Until mother pulled up close and said (almost incredulously) to Breana - am I to understand that you don't work, but you have a housekeeper.   I mean unless it was obvious or she'd been advised that one of their problems was financial, I thought it was a particularly aggressive stance to take.  Yeah ok, I'm Carol Brady, so what?  But I got it, the so what is he feels like he's draggin this wagon by himself.    I was also completely lost when she started crying after Iy told her to get a job.   Like what a bizarre ass reaction. 

Does anyone think she actually is stuck on the Jackson mystique for whatever the hell that's worth?  Is anybody really getting a table at the Ivy for saying they're Michael Jackson's Nephew's baby's mother?   Word?

The show after that with the addicted mom with 6 daughters.   I knew that was gonna get raw quickly but I already cannot stand her.  That shoulder shruggy, well it's over what do they want me to do attitude drives me nuts.   How bout after the SECOND baby you can't take care of, quit fucking.  I can't imagine having what 15 grandchildren and don't know one of em.    And yes I can acknowledge history and one's own upbringing but nobody comes through childhood unscathed, some people even have the exact same story, at some point they have to want better. 

  • Love 5

That mom was an asshole. Then she gave the daughter, Preccious, to the side of the family that molested her? The fuck? 

I also have to say that I wasn't mad at Shay's reaction to her other sister(Marcia?) commenting on her hugging her mom. Marcia comes off as very passive-aggresive and then cries and acts like a victim when someone calls out her bullshit. She could've kept her mouth shut.

It also says a lot that the youngest who is the jailbird has the closest relationship to the mom. She's probably following in mom's footsteps.

My heart went out to Preccious. She is so broken. I also suspect Preccious, and possibly Shay, were molested by the same family member who abused their mom.

  • Love 6

The Jackson bored me. I had housekeeping help most of my life and I was a SAHM too. I still have occasionally if I can swing it. If I can't I don't. I keep gloves at the ready. Switching out seasonal stuff takes me a while and nobody can do it except me. Good luck to them though.

The Sisters.....holy moly. Mom is cold AF. This week looks like a good one. I feel for the sisters but can't say the same of the Mama. ohhhhhhh! IL gonna rip her up. 

  • Love 1

On one hand, I feel sorry for the mother and all she has clearly been through, but it is clear that on some level, she resents, if not outright hates her children and used them as a means of spreading her pain.  To allow your children to be in proximity to your moleters, to be flip when one of your daughters tries to reach out to you when she is molested; to deny your treatment of your oldest daughter and pretend that she is imagining your mistreatment and neglect; to challenge your daughter who says you always treated her as if she was your competition, deny it and demand examples, then talk over her and walk away when she tries to provide the examples you asked for it too much.  Some people are simply too damaged to heal even when they have clearly been living a life at rock bottom for decades, and when they are fighting their reality, nothing can be done to help them.  I just hope her daughters can find some peace and begin to heal, even if that healing means they have to excise their mother from their lives o achieve that healing.

  • Love 7
  On 5/21/2017 at 4:12 AM, wheresmypizza said:

Do all six daughters have different fathers? And where are said fathers? Any daughters fathered by the molester? This could have been 12 episodes of f**ked up.


I bet she has at least 4 different baby daddies at a minimum. And looks like none of the men stuck around. If she as a full blown addict, was selling her body for drugs...she might not even know who half the sperm donors are. I've seen every single episode of IFML and this family is by far the most distressing and dysfunctional. Second only to the guy with 30+ different kids, that was a train wreck as well. Too bad Iyanla only has just a few days with them. This is a family that would benefit from constant follow up and counseling. 

  • Love 5

The mom is a straight up liar. She just said that Alicia and her were not lovers, and then they are lovers all in the same breath. She totally is a history revisionist. That would drive any normal person up the wall. The mom ---She needs serious intensive decades worth of therapy.

Iyanla can't fix this one. 


Next week looks good. Laura Govan. Guess once Evelyn Lozada got fixed all the trashy BBWs are lining up for the "healing." More likely it's a desperate attempt by her PR staff to revamp her image post-divorce. If it worked for Evelyn and she got her happily ever after with a new man, better career, new baby, and fat bank account, why not?

Please Iyanla, don't become the last ditch effort for fading, waning D-listers to get their 15 minutes of fame back! You are better than this (DMX show premiere notwithstanding). 

Edited by Spiderella2
Watched more, got more snarky
  • Love 7
  On 5/14/2017 at 3:32 AM, Happytobehere said:

 I just hope her daughters can find some peace and begin to heal, even if that healing means they have to excise their mother from their lives o achieve that healing.


That mother would be dead to me. Not worth my time or my love. What a piece of shit. The sister's aren't even close. Don't they go for years at a time without ever talking? Some of them barely know each other. This one is too damaged to fix.  

  • Love 2

I noticed that there wasn't an epilogue for the mama and sisters episodes.  So there must not have been anything good to report after the airings.  My biggest problem with Iyanla's format is the opening of extremely deep, extremely damaged wounds that cannot possibly be healed in a weekend; with some hugs, guttural cries, and chatty musical chairs from inside to outside.

 It just seems to me that these issues are torn open and laid bare, and then the subjects are left with the aftermath with no real, ongoing support.  Iyanla's wisdom may, in fact, be helpful to the audience (who doesn't have the first-hand experience of the problem), but I can see how it could be traumatic to the participants once the cameras are off, and they are left with raw emotions and no ongoing support.  We're not just talking about the "mom always loved you best" type of family dysfunction, but serious issues of molestation, abandonment, drug addiction, incestual sharing of sexual partners, abuse, etc.  I hated how the mother interacted with her daughters, but that was one seriously damaged woman.  I felt sorry for all of them.

  • Love 8
  On 5/27/2017 at 6:40 PM, LoveIsJoy said:

I noticed that there wasn't an epilogue for the mama and sisters episodes.  So there must not have been anything good to report after the airings.  My biggest problem with Iyanla's format is the opening of extremely deep, extremely damaged wounds that cannot possibly be healed in a weekend; with some hugs, guttural cries, and chatty musical chairs from inside to outside.

 It just seems to me that these issues are torn open and laid bare, and then the subjects are left with the aftermath with no real, ongoing support.  Iyanla's wisdom may, in fact, be helpful to the audience (who doesn't have the first-hand experience of the problem), but I can see how it could be traumatic to the participants once the cameras are off, and they are left with raw emotions and no ongoing support.  We're not just talking about the "mom always loved you best" type of family dysfunction, but serious issues of molestation, abandonment, drug addiction, incestual sharing of sexual partners, abuse, etc.  I hated how the mother interacted with her daughters, but that was one seriously damaged woman.  I felt sorry for all of them.


I do believe that some of the episodes have follow up. I remember the episode with Nefertiti, they did state that Iyanla set her up with an anger management therapist. Obviously didn't help her much. And Evelyn Lozada on her reality show said that she had Iyanla on speed dial and did a lot of work with her over the phone/Skype for a year after her episode. Maybe there is some sort of checkup but the participant must attend or take initiative. I do agree that she needs to have a support system or follow up therapy for all her shows. At least for 3-6 months after the Fixing. She's more like a surgeon who comes in and does reconstructive surgery, but people still need physical therapy afterwards to get to where they want to be. 

I enjoyed the Laura Govan episode but it was over too quickly. I was surprised when it came to an end. This season also went by really fast.  It seems like Iyanla doesn't want to travel and be on the road as much, because in most episodes, people come to her in LA and she rents a house for filming. 

  • Love 1

Anyone see last night's episode with Kamiyah/Alexis? The speed at which that girl went from quiet to a full-on rage was scary and I'm surprised Iyanla was able to stay calm when she went off and threatened her. At first I was disappointed that her birth mom didn't participate, but now I see why she opted out.

As painful as all of this was to her birth parents, they should not dissuade their daughter from continuing to communicate with her abductor. She was dead wrong for what she did, but they also have to take into account that she's the only mother their daughter knows. The whole thing is a complicated mess.

  • Love 5

I just watched it last night, that Kamiyah girl has rage. ITA Iyanla handled her anger well, but Iyanla also created it. Why would you tell someone who has been abducted that they are to spend the night somewhere with no contact from their family.? That girl was scared and terrified. She covered her fear with anger, and that tapped into her explosive rage at the whole situation. She probably also has guilt because her mom was arrested because Alexis needed her birth certificate to get her social security card. The whole thing is very sad. Her family truly has no clue what is going on with her or how to help her. She needs detailed psycho therapy, a support group, and lots of counseling. She would have benefited greatly from talking to the survivor chick in day 2. So sad. 

She was so disrespectful. Her abductor must not have given her proper home training. You don’t talk like that to your elders, ever. Under any circumstances.  Good thing Iyanla’s son wasn’t there...it would have escalated. Too bad because she really did need the help. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. 

Iyanla has a clip on website that is a debrief. http://www.oprah.com/own-iyanla-fix-my-life/iyanla-checks-in-with-her-crew-following-kamiyah-mobleys-outburst

And this is the most comprehensive article I’ve seen about the whole situation. The parents won a settlement against the hospital for $1.5million in 2000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4129810/Teen-kidnapped-birth-discovered-identity-YEARS-ago.html

Edited by Spiderella2
More thoughts
  • Love 5
  On 3/5/2018 at 6:26 PM, Spiderella2 said:

I just watched it last night, that Kamiyah girl has rage. ITA Iyanla handled her anger well, but Iyanla also created it. Why would you tell someone who has been abducted that they are to spend the night somewhere with no contact from their family.? That girl was scared and terrified. She covered her fear with anger, and that tapped into her explosive rage at the whole situation. She probably also has guilt because her mom was arrested because Alexis needed her birth certificate to get her social security card. The whole thing is very sad. Her family truly has no clue what is going on with her or how to help her. She needs detailed psycho therapy, a support group, and lots of counseling. She would have benefited greatly from talking to the survivor chick in day 2. So sad. 

She was so disrespectful. Her abductor must not have given her proper home training. You don’t talk like that to your elders, ever. Under any circumstances.  Good thing Iyanla’s son wasn’t there...it would have escalated. Too bad because she really did need the help. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. 

Iyanla has a clip on website that is a debrief. http://www.oprah.com/own-iyanla-fix-my-life/iyanla-checks-in-with-her-crew-following-kamiyah-mobleys-outburst

And this is the most comprehensive article I’ve seen about the whole situation. The parents won a settlement against the hospital for $1.5million in 2000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4129810/Teen-kidnapped-birth-discovered-identity-YEARS-ago.html


According to Kamiyah's father, Iyanla's son was there and allegedly threatened her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t8qctCQ8LA.

I hated that she didn't stick around to talk to the other kidnapping victim as well. That would've made some of the "fixing" worth it. Also thanks for the video and article. I'll read them tomorrow.

Was I the only one who rolled their eyes at Memphitz blaming K. Michelle for "ruining his life" during that promo? Um, didn't he attack her?

  • Love 2
  On 3/5/2018 at 3:18 AM, rmcrae said:

Anyone see last night's episode with Kamiyah/Alexis? The speed at which that girl went from quiet to a full-on rage was scary and I'm surprised Iyanla was able to stay calm when she went off and threatened her. At first I was disappointed that her birth mom didn't participate, but now I see why she opted out.

As painful as all of this was to her birth parents, they should not dissuade their daughter from continuing to communicate with her abductor. She was dead wrong for what she did, but they also have to take into account that she's the only mother their daughter knows. The whole thing is a complicated mess.



  On 3/5/2018 at 6:26 PM, Spiderella2 said:


I just watched it last night, that Kamiyah girl has rage. ITA Iyanla handled her anger well, but Iyanla also created it. Why would you tell someone who has been abducted that they are to spend the night somewhere with no contact from their family.? That girl was scared and terrified. She covered her fear with anger, and that tapped into her explosive rage at the whole situation. She probably also has guilt because her mom was arrested because Alexis needed her birth certificate to get her social security card. The whole thing is very sad. Her family truly has no clue what is going on with her or how to help her. She needs detailed psycho therapy, a support group, and lots of counseling. She would have benefited greatly from talking to the survivor chick in day 2. So sad. 

She was so disrespectful. Her abductor must not have given her proper home training. You don’t talk like that to your elders, ever. Under any circumstances.  Good thing Iyanla’s son wasn’t there...it would have escalated. Too bad because she really did need the help. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. 

Iyanla has a clip on website that is a debrief. http://www.oprah.com/own-iyanla-fix-my-life/iyanla-checks-in-with-her-crew-following-kamiyah-mobleys-outburst

And this is the most comprehensive article I’ve seen about the whole situation. The parents won a settlement against the hospital for $1.5million in 2000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4129810/Teen-kidnapped-birth-discovered-identity-YEARS-ago.html

Edited 7 hours ago by Spiderella2. Reason: More thoughts




Iyanla said Kamiyah was a ticking time bomb and she exploded alright.  I could tell  she wasn't really into being on the show.  It was her bio mother's idea to go on the show in the first place to help with their relationship and then the mom backed out angry over some pictures of Kamiyah and Gloria Williams "The Kidnapper" that Kamiyah posted on Facebook.  Iyanla asked her to call her bio mother and she said to Iyanla ""you do it"  because she didn't want to get cursed out.  The bio mom can't understand the loyalty she has to "the Kidnapper".

I saw the previews and thought the outburst was over something deep because Iyanla be pushing buttons.  When I saw what it was I thought she's going that hard over being told that her family was told not to contact her or respond to her calls or texts.  She wasn't being forced to stay, Iyanla gave her the option; this show can't hold people against their will that's a crime.  They would have given her a ride, she wasn't stranded.  If you're angry and don't want to fool with the crew at 19 you don't know how to call a cab? uber?  I understand that she's been dealing with a lot over the past 18 months or so but that behavior was so over the top.  Also it let's me know that she is not getting the help she needs and just floating through life suppressing her feelings and it built up and exploded over something so minor.  It's not the end of the world if your can't speak to your family for one night.

I couldn't understand why her father didn't check her when she was calling Iyanla everything but a child of God and she hit the boyfriend in the face and said "why would you listen to her and not contact me" something to that effect.  This child needs help!  Also felt that she was being exploited by being on this show, like I mentioned earlier it wasn't her idea, which I think is the reason they have the "debrief" out there just in case there's backlash because this was ugly and she's young; of age but young enough to be exploited.  They put out this "debrief" but the cameras kept rolling.  They want to do things different but the cameras kept rolling and they aired it.  

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Has anyone watched the past 3 episodes? It was 5 brothers who had just had a horrific upbringing. Both their parents were on drugs so they had their rights terminated. The boys  (actually 7 in all, one was murdered a few years ago, and one is in jail), we're sent to group homes and foster homes where they were beaten, abused, molested. They ran away and lived in a car. I mean it was just awful. One of the brothers had developmental challenges which had never been addressed. They brought in the moment and the dad. They are both clean now. The dad seemed like he got it. He understood the pain he had caused. The mom? She was trying, but she was still too busy making excuses. Anyway, I was surprisingly drawn into their story and wondered if any one else had seen it. 

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I probably just watched a repeat. It was a 2 part about the 6? young men (and 1 sister) who were raised in foster care because mom was a crack addict and dad was not in their lives (but I missed the "why" of dad's absence). The boys (who are now grown men) were abused and molested while in foster care. It doesn't happen often, but these siblings moved me to tears. So sad for all they went through. 

Did Iyanla have bariatric surgery? She's lost a lot of weight. She looked really pretty with no make up on when she was cooking breakfast for the brothers.

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Really looking forward to feedback on Diamond Reynolds, the former fiance of Philando Castille, who was shot during a routine traffic stop in St Paul in the summer of 2016.  I wonder of Diamond will bring this up?


I am a local MN girl - lots of mixed feelings towards Diamond around these parts. 

Wonder if the girl that Diamond attacked with a hammer, along with two other girls, would want any counseling from Iyanla per Diamond assaulting her.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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  On 4/29/2018 at 2:15 AM, chenoa333 said:

I'm not familiar with the Diamond Reynolds episode or, who most of these people are. Probably tied in to celebrity type folk. But honestly my beloveds, I don't care much about Iyanla's episodes with "almost famous" or "famous" people. 


Okay, I may take some backlash on this one but.....Diamond Reynolds was with Philando Castille, smoking pot in their car with her young (3? 4? yr old daughter in the car.)  Got pulled over, Philando told a cop he had a gun under the seat, had a conceal and carry, but was told to NOT REACH FOR THE GUN.  Repeatedly.  Philando reached for it, was shot by the cop.  That was very VERY wrong, but Diamond has painted herself as widow of the year when they were not married and she was smoking weed in front of her daughter, then instead of calling for help decided to livestream the event on FB.  

Then, a few months later attacked a girl (along with two others) with a hammer.

Iyanla brought on the mother of Trayvon Martin to back up the......I am not sure why she was on, actually.  

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Honestly, I’m not nearly as concerned with Diamond’s mental and emotional state as I am with that of her young daughter.  That poor baby was just four-years-old when this happened.  Her reactions in the moment were heartbreakingly sensitive, empathic, and very emotionally aware for someone of her tender age.  We can debate what Philando may or may not have done and what role race may have played in his death, but at the end of the day, we have an innocent little girl whose mother has made horribly bad choices that will directly impact her.  I hope Iyanla made some arrangements for her psychological care (that hopefully do not involve Iyanla directly).  I also hope Diamond came away from her interactions with Trayvon Martin’s mother with an increased awareness of the impact of a strong mother and made some changes in her life, starting with not smoking pot with her child one foot away in the car.

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  On 4/29/2018 at 4:20 PM, SuzyLee said:

Honestly, I’m not nearly as concerned with Diamond’s mental and emotional state as I am with that of her young daughter.  That poor baby was just four-years-old when this happened.  Her reactions in the moment were heartbreakingly sensitive, empathic, and very emotionally aware for someone of her tender age.  We can debate what Philando may or may not have done and what role race may have played in his death, but at the end of the day, we have an innocent little girl whose mother has made horribly bad choices that will directly impact her.  I hope Iyanla made some arrangements for her psychological care (that hopefully do not involve Iyanla directly).  I also hope Diamond came away from her interactions with Trayvon Martin’s mother with an increased awareness of the impact of a strong mother and made some changes in her life, starting with not smoking pot with her child one foot away in the car.


I agree.  Her daughter is who I am concerned with as well.

  On 4/29/2018 at 6:02 PM, FairyDusted said:

I did see she won a 800,000 settlement after this aired.


Oh yes and there was A LOT of talk if she was going to give any money to the girl she attacked with a hammer.  Me thinks not.  Look, the cop in question WAS trigger happy, not a lot of room for error here, but people.......when a cop tells you to NOT REACH FOR A GUN.....don't reach for anything.

I wanted Iyanla to call up a few dads.  Trayvon's, Philando's, Diamond's, Daughter of Diamond, see how they can be more involved or what their feelings were/are in all these matters.

I must admit for full disclosure I did not/could not watch the episode.  Watching Diamond speak makes me ill.

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Here is a bit of the coverage:

Castile was fatally shot on July 6, 2016, after being pulled over by a police officer in Falcon Heights. Reynolds, in the passenger seat while Castile was driving, live-streamed the immediate aftermath to Facebook Live, prompting nationwide protests. Reynolds’ 4-year-old daughter was in the back seat at the time of the shooting and later consoled her mother in a squad car, telling her to quiet down because she was worried her mother would get shot.

Last month, the man charged with the shooting, former St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez, was acquitted.  The city of St. Anthony subsequently paid Castile’s family a $3 million settlement relating to the death, avoiding a lawsuit; the amount marks the maximum covered by the city’s insurance carrier. Reynolds was not part of the settlement.

And then Philandro's dad, who was in a federal prison and had no contact with his son, ever, wanted a piece of the millions.  Of course he did.  Here is our Miss Diamond in the middle.  Wonder if Iyanla showed that last night?  And yes they were smoking a bowl.


Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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