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S18.E17: I'll Cover You

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Did Jo really need to leave because her scrub top and bottoms didn't match? Hope she went to take a nap, not change her clothes.

Jesus, Teddy, Leo doesn't even know what a pronoun is yet. Let him be a kid.

Shut up, Bailey.

Shut up, Teddy.

Yeah, Bailey, just keep yelling at Schmidt in the middle of surgery, that'll help.

Hey, Winston, I'm no doctor or anything, but maybe further stressing out the patient and raising her blood pressure when she has an aneurism might not be the best idea?

Is Mer still the head of general surgery? Why is she treating drug ODs in the ER?

Catherine's an idiot for keeping cannabis drinks in her fridge and not telling Richard what's in it.

Shut up, Link.

Maggie, maybe this is a conversation to have privately? What is it with these people discussing anything and everything in front of the nurses' station?

Why did Link take the baby and the bag...but not the stroller?


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I know pot is supposed to help with pain and nausea, but I thought it was the CBD, not the THC that provided the benefits?   And wouldn’t Richard have noticed her getting high?

Glad Jo called Linc on his crap.  And Nick called out Bailey.  Shut up.  Sublime.  And then there is Winston.  He needs to grow up and grow a pair.   And remember Maggie isn’t just his wife.  She is his boss.  

And yet another magical therapy session where everything is solved in one session.  Or was it as Teddie is ready to throw herself into accepting Leo as a girl and it took Amelia to tell her the story of Kai and how she learned so much from them and how you don’t need to be boxed in.  

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Wow, Grey Sloan is really going downhill with doctors sniping at each other during surgery, during consults. And stuff in the ceilings!!

Loved Nick's smackdown on Bailey. 

Maybe Mer & Bailey can be co-chiefs. I do feel that Catherine only made Bailey the chief because a. no one else wanted it and b. she needed a lapdog who would do whatever she said. And she got it. Someone needs to stand up to her - of course, now that her cancer is back that isn't going to happen. 

Wow, Link, way to be a jerk. Continue to be...speaking of STFU Teddy. they're making her say these things to be the viewer who needs educating about children who may not follow traditional gender roles. But the writing is so ham-fisted and awful!  

I wish I'd recorded this and watched My Feet Are Killing Me. See some doctors who know how to act professionally!

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Was I watching a medical show or a group of superannuated kindergartners? Pru should never have been allowed on the surgical floor but to e honest, she was the right maturity.

Richard ignores that label on the bottle that says "Catherine" in large black letters and drinks the contents. So at a time when the hospital is desperate for surgeons, The Sun spends the day babysitting Richard. Isn't there anyone else in that hospital or among his friends who could stay with him?

Meredith tells Nick to take her patients but tells Schmidt not to tell her where he is. What is Nick needed to speak to her about one of her patients? That's very unprofessional.

Why is Meredith dealing overdoses in the ER? There are professionals for that like ER doctors and psychiatrists.

Medicine has never been just about the data and not the people although maybe surgery has. And yes, there are existing courses in empathy for students and residents.

Teddy and obsessing about Leo's sexuality:  General Hospital did this storyline better (when Aiden was so into baking)

The patients were no better. The woman who didn't want her wife called: put on your big girl pants and admit you lied to her before. That said, it was unprofessional to call her wife when she left specific instructions not to.

And what is it with this show and women desperate to have their dead or dying partners to father their children? You know that you're not only going to have to be a single parent, a very hard job in itself, but your child will be without a father? If Simon wanted to be a doctor all his life why didn't they adopt?

How abusive is it to risk having a premature baby and all the problems that come with prematurity so that a dying man could see his child for a week? How unprofessional is it of Linc to offer the pregnant woman hope that they an do it because he's having emotional problems?

Finally Bailey's "the first female chief and it's on her. It's all on her."  How backward is this hospital? A friend of my family was chief of pediatrics at a major hospital. In the 1940s.

Does Jo's confession to Linc mean that they're getting together now? Because that's been ruined this season.

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5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Catherine's an idiot for keeping cannabis drinks in her fridge and not telling Richard what's in it.

She should have told him, BUT… I’d say he’s the one more at fault here because he took a drink that was very clearly labeled with her name on it. Who the hell DOES that?! Now I wonder if he’s one of those obnoxious people who steals other people’s lunches from the fridge at work!

4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

And what is it with this show and women desperate to have their dead or dying partners to father their children? You know that you're not only going to have to be a single parent, a very hard job in itself, but your child will be without a father? If Simon wanted to be a doctor all his life why didn't they adopt?

How abusive is it to risk having a premature baby and all the problems that come with prematurity so that a dying man could see his child for a week? How unprofessional is it of Linc to offer the pregnant woman hope that they an do it because he's having emotional problems?

That bugged me. Why on earth does this couple want to have a baby when they know his father won’t even be around to see him grow up? What sort of plan is that? And Linc may not be an OB but he is a doctor so he should have known the baby wasn’t viable yet. It was obnoxious of him to tell the patient that he’d consult with Jo’s attending, implying that Jo didn’t know WTF she was talking about.

Edited by CarpeFelis
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So, Richard drinks a bottle labelled Catherine specifically? And Catherine opts to not tell her own husband that her cancer's gotten worse and has brought cannabis into their home? Seriously, one of the worst couples if Catherine can't communicate and Richard can't keep his hands off his wife's things.  

No surprise Schmitt's already back in the operating room, actually performing surgeries. I knew they'd sweep it under the rug like they always do. And Schmitt killing a guy is more of an inconvenience than a life changing trauma. Yes, I know he basically didn't go to work for a couple of months but he should have gone to therapy before being allowed back, holding a scalpel. This show seems to hate therapy, though.

Link sucks. I really don't care about his dying patient, but Link is responsible for telling them "hey, we can't take your baby out." Good thing he snapped back into it, but still. And yawn to Jo/Link. Again, just waiting for them to hook up by the end of the season...again.

No comment on Teddy's stuff...except for Amelia's small role, which was nice.

Maggie/Winston having problems because of Winston's shitty brother. I mean, it's about time the other shoe dropped with them.

Bailey needs to step down as Chief, because she clearly can't handle it right now. Or she needs a co-chief because yelling at people and freaking out isn't going to make things easier on her. 

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Richard drinks a bottle labelled Catherine specifically? And Catherine opts to not tell her own husband that her cancer's gotten worse and has brought cannabis into their home? Seriously, one of the worst couples if Catherine can't communicate and Richard can't keep his hands off his wife's things.  

I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of any couple who label their shit in their home fridge like that. Obviously, Catherine had a reason for it as her drink was cannabis-laced but if I came home and found my spouse had written their name on random items like it was a shared dorm fridge, I’d be asking them about it. I’d be like, “Why is this your personal drink?”

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I wondered last week if the show had forgotten about Catherine having cancer, so it was good that they showed they had not. That the cannabis was for Catherine coping with her cancer was my first thought when Richard got high.

Winston having a talk alone with his brother is raising my Spidey sense. No good is going to come of it. One of them will not leave the apartment alive. I'm guessing they will have a loud argument, Winston leaves, and when he comes back, the brother is dead, so we can have Winston on trial for murder as a plot-line next season. (Of course the loan shark will have done it).

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I honestly don't care what happens to Catherine. I love Debbie Allen and respect her career, but I always hated how they pushed Adele Weber (and the great Loretta Devine) out to make space for Catherine Avery. I know Ellis is Richard's #1 gal, because everything involving The Sun is the be-all-to-end-all, but Adele was my favorite Richard wife. She put up with all of his shit, his Ellis shit especially, and I just liked them together. 

Anyway, gross of the show to blow up Richard's sobriety with this oopsie for laughs all to do a "shocking" reveal that Catherine's cancer came back (the cancer storyline that ended up being based off of one of Grey's writer Elisabeth Finch's many lies). 

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I usually don’t take lunch to work because I’m part time. Occasionally I have to work a full day, so I take lunch. I bought myself a sub sandwich and a sweet tea. I put the tea in the back of the fridge. My husband, out of the blue, goes foraging in the fridge, sees the tea and drinks it. THAT’S why you label things out of the ordinary in the fridge.  It’s on Richard for taking things that were clearly not his. 

And the head of OB should be pissed that Bailey just comes and takes one of their employees because her department sucks. 

Edited by chitowngirl
  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

We've done gotten high by mistake storylines before. I don't find them interesting.

Having been in college in the '70s, I have a fair bit of experience.  I don't understand how Richard could have blithely been going along without realizing he was high.  I guess we have no idea if he ever intentionally used weed, but it certainly doesn't feel normal.  I'd think he'd either be concerned he was ill, or he'd quickly realize that Catherine's drink was an intoxicating substance.

The unintentional getting high story they did with the group eating snacks also rang untrue to me for the most part.  The only person who realistically acted stoned was Alex, and I figured Alex had experience and knew what happened and was enjoying the heck out of it. 

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My mother died from an aortic aneurysm. She didn't get checked out, until a month before, when she had no choice (broke her hip). 

Bailey shouldn't have said what she did to Meredith, but she has every right to be pissed at the thought that one of her surgeons was just ditching her, for a new job. Especially when she's part owner of the hospital. I don't hate Bailey. 


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Link, you ass, a first year resident IS A DOCTOR. They are doctors in training! They are not students. Words mean things! 

I despise how they are writing Bailey as chief. Why are they writing her as completely incompetent and childish? I find it particular egregious since she’s the hospital’s first Black female chief. It says a lot when I’m siding with the younger, hot shot white male doctor when he yells at her to “shut up.” I was Team Nick this entire episode since he behaved like an adult with a job to do. Maybe he should run the residency program?

Catherine. Your husband has a history of substance abuse. You cannot bring drugs into the house without telling him! And LOL to whoever said upthread that the name labeling looked like what college dorm mates would do if they had a shared fridge. It was so damn bizarre looking that I can’t really blame Richard for being like “whatever” and drinking it.

I also liked Maggie this episode because of the way she handled her husband. Dr. Ndogu was acting like a lunatic! Who yells at a woman that has an aortic aneurysm?! You can’t talk to patients like that! 

It’s amazing how much better this show is when the doctors actually behave like professionals.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

Winston having a talk alone with his brother is raising my Spidey sense. No good is going to come of it. One of them will not leave the apartment alive. I'm guessing they will have a loud argument, Winston leaves, and when he comes back, the brother is dead, so we can have Winston on trial for murder as a plot-line next season. (Of course the loan shark will have done it).

I had the same though as soon as Winston said he needed to talk to his brother ALONE. It was way too obvious especially after giving that little back story dump in the stairwell. 

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7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Link sucks. I really don't care about his dying patient, but Link is responsible for telling them "hey, we can't take your baby out." Good thing he snapped back into it, but still. And yawn to Jo/Link. Again, just waiting for them to hook up by the end of the season...again.


To be fair to Linc - he said that Jo wasn't an OBGYN just a resident and he'll contact Carina DeLuca and she can explain everything. at that moment that's what the mom wanted to hear, just a chance to be heard and sometimes truth is better heard from the actual person - not an Ortho doctor and an OBGYN resident (whom Linc was right to say - do tend to do things by the book their first year). (this isn't me saying i was team "get baby out" but just explaining what I would want if i were in the situation. let the boss dash my dreams, not the employee so to speak). Though it was pretty much more leaning to Linc browbeating Carina to do it but still. I do think he did the right thing by at least contacting Carina 


8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bailey needs to step down as Chief, because she clearly can't handle it right now. Or she needs a co-chief because yelling at people and freaking out isn't going to make things easier on her. 

she can't handle it period. She cares more about being "First Woman Chief EVUH" than actually doing her job. i will be blunt as heck i am not a big "I am woman here me roar," kind of girl so when they make it such a big deal i just get turned off by it. she wasn't the right choice when she was up for it, but she made her big Han Solo speech during surgery and Webber was like SEE, where the blonde lady clearly knew what to do and was prepared. but they had to have "their own."  Since she's had the job she's screwed up more than Derek ever did but no one ever says anything. Derek had the presence of mind to realize he hated the job and that it wasn't what he really wanted. Bailey always liked being in "power" and she's not gonna give it up even though clearly she is constantly over her head. it would be a stronger msg to  admit that she needs help, that she's not truly qualified. or something (ad then if you want another woman in charge get someone who can do it properly) but clearly thi place is going to crash and burn due to Bailey's hubris and i am all for it.

I'll also have to say meredith is a better person than me because that apology was no apology at all. 

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32 minutes ago, Daisy said:

To be fair to Linc - he said that Jo wasn't an OBGYN just a resident and he'll contact Carina DeLuca and she can explain everything. at that moment that's what the mom wanted to hear, just a chance to be heard and sometimes truth is better heard from the actual person - not an Ortho doctor and an OBGYN resident (whom Linc was right to say - do tend to do things by the book their first year). (this isn't me saying i was team "get baby out" but just explaining what I would want if i were in the situation. let the boss dash my dreams, not the employee so to speak). Though it was pretty much more leaning to Linc browbeating Carina to do it but still. I do think he did the right thing by at least contacting Carina 

1. A resident is still an OB/GYN. 
2. He didn’t say that Jo is a resident and will  consult with her attending. He said she is a student, which is not true.

3. He said what he said in the tone of a condescending prick as if he was outing her for not telling the truth.

4. Jo knows that she has to present her cases to an attending. Link didn’t even give her a chance to mention Carina’s name because he was so hellbent on being an ass.

5. There is not an OB in the world that would deliver a 32 week old baby. Link even pretending as though it were possible was preposterous.

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1 hour ago, PepSinger said:

1. A resident is still an OB/GYN. 
2. He didn’t say that Jo is a resident and will  consult with her attending. He said she is a student, which is not true.

3. He said what he said in the tone of a condescending prick as if he was outing her for not telling the truth.

4. Jo knows that she has to present her cases to an attending. Link didn’t even give her a chance to mention Carina’s name because he was so hellbent on being an ass.

5. There is not an OB in the world that would deliver a 32 week old baby. Link even pretending as though it were possible was preposterous.

1: yes, but you know what i mean - or if you don't - because I wasn't clear enough which is fair - like i said later - sometimes people just want to hear "no" from the manager/boss, etc. in this case that's not Jo at all. that's Carina. 

2: well she's still learning how to be a proper OBGYN right, through residence? but okay, he's still wrong 

with 3 and 4: i guess millage will vary on that one. I personally didn't see him being assy in that moment.

5: well it goes back to my point to one. the mom wasn't listening to to them at all, and she was getting worked up. Link was like okay sure, we'll call Carina and we'll see what she says. (and Ill even say maybe he was just still upset about the situation and with Jo and he was wrong to even go there) but again - sometimes people don't want to hear "no" from from the underlings. they wanna go as high as they can go. Link did that for the Mom.  I never once got the impression that he was going to push it further than that. but - again milage may vary here which is fair. 

12 hours ago, kariyaki said:

I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of any couple who label their shit in their home fridge like that. Obviously, Catherine had a reason for it as her drink was cannabis-laced but if I came home and found my spouse had written their name on random items like it was a shared dorm fridge, I’d be asking them about it. I’d be like, “Why is this your personal drink?”

An adult conversation? This is the wrong show, or maybe the wrong season.

The only true adults in this episode were Amelia and Nick. Part marks go to Teddy for listening to reason and Owen because he was on so little. Maggie also gets part marks for finally confronting her husband.

Catherine should have told Richard the cancer is back. At the least, she should have labelled it as Female Hormone Stuff. That would have kept Richard's paws off it.  Meredith should have made herself useful instead of babysitting Richard all day and hiding from Nick who took her caseload.

I don't understand why Jo can't take a leave of absence from her OB residency while she helps out with surgeries. People take leaves of absences from residencies all the time, from taking courses elsewhere to maternity leaves.

Linc gets Owen's dick award. They've really ruined his character this season. Schmidt is always a waste of air time.

4 hours ago, Daisy said:

To be fair to Linc - he said that Jo wasn't an OBGYN just a resident and he'll contact Carina DeLuca and she can explain everything.

I remember him telling the mom that Jo is just a resident and Dr. DeLuca may have a different opinion about whether they can birth the baby now.

No ethical doctor would induce a healthy fetus and risk all the complications that premies face just because the mother wants it out now.  Linc just wanted to help the couple because he was emotionally attached and couldn't save him. Major fail, Linc. Double fail for throwing Jo under the bus and destroying her credibility with the mom because his feelings were hurt that she wouldn't hang out with him.

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16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

No surprise Schmitt's already back in the operating room, actually performing surgeries. I knew they'd sweep it under the rug like they always do. And Schmitt killing a guy is more of an inconvenience than a life changing trauma. Yes, I know he basically didn't go to work for a couple of months but he should have gone to therapy before being allowed back, holding a scalpel. This show seems to hate therapy, though.

Yeah, when the show wants to keep the character, behaving recklessly with a patient is excused or overlooked.  When they want to get rid of someone, it means an immediate termination.


8 hours ago, PepSinger said:


Catherine. Your husband has a history of substance abuse. You cannot bring drugs into the house without telling him! And LOL to whoever said upthread that the name labeling looked like what college dorm mates would do if they had a shared fridge. It was so damn bizarre looking that I can’t really blame Richard for being like “whatever” and drinking it.

I do think she should have told him, but I was also like: "If my spouse goes to the trouble of labeling some item in the fridge as their property, my first instinct would be to leave it alone.  

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12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

No ethical doctor would induce a healthy fetus and risk all the complications that premies face just because the mother wants it out now.  Linc just wanted to help the couple because he was emotionally attached and couldn't save him. Major fail, Linc. Double fail for throwing Jo under the bus and destroying her credibility with the mom because his feelings were hurt that she wouldn't hang out with him.

Okay so i had to re-watch this.

Mom makes a speech about dying husband wanting to be a father that's all he ever wanted 
Mom then goes, I want a c-section, she wants to talk to an OB
Jo starts saying it's too soon.
Mom shakes her head no
Jo explains how she's also an OB as well as a General Surgeon
Mom is still shutting down and not responding to her at all

at this point - Link interjects and says that Jo is an OB resident, a student, Carina is her teacher and he'll check with her. Mom says thank you. Link goes off to have Carina contacted, and Jo starts interjecting that she knows that he is hurting, and [Link interjects that he did say the truth and that maybe Carina will do something].  - and then they go have their fight. 

What i have in brackets is what I mis-remembered. but i will still say that he himself didn't promise anything, we didn't even see him badger Jo (or Carina) about inducing early, just maybe Carina will do something.  (which would be telling her that no, she can't induce the baby that early, and we've seen a lot of times residents (even as early as the Meredith as one years), will be explaining things and then  the attending do swoop in and just more of that authority of "yeah. I understand but no."  and be more gentle about it. 

(I honestly can't remember  if the mom was Jo's patient - okay i scanned - Dad was Jo's patient since the tumour was in the bowel, but not the mom's). 

so yeah, I don't really see it as Link destroying credibility or anything, if the mom isn't listening/responding to Jo at all, and I don't think Link was wrong to contact Carina in this situation. [however, he did say it as is he thought Carina would do it, and that's where he was wrong. (But that' when he was talking to Jo). When talking to Mom, it was just like. I"ll call the Attending and we can see what she says  - which would have clearly been no).

but this isn't really a hill i'll die on either LOL so  I also don't have a problem admitting that I am wrong in how I perceive the situation. 

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10 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I do think she should have told him, but I was also like: "If my spouse goes to the trouble of labeling some item in the fridge as their property, my first instinct would be to leave it alone.  

Not only did he ignore the post-it with her name, he didn't even bother to look at the label on the bottle itself. It's not like it was in an unlabeled container. (This Is Us did that one a few seasons ago, except it was 'shrooms in a smoothie that was in an unmarked bottle owned by a relative stranger who was visiting.)

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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

What i have in brackets is what I mis-remembered. but i will still say that he himself didn't promise anything, we didn't even see him badger Jo (or Carina) about inducing early, just maybe Carina will do something.

That's for checking. Not as bad as I remembered.

The impression that I got was Linc giving the wife hope that Jo didn't know what she was talking about and the baby could be induced now. It's true that Jo is only a first year OB resident but even an ortho like Linc in a hospital that produces miracles on schedule shouldn't have undercut Jo like that.

They've really done a number on Linc this season.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

They've really done a number on Linc this season.

It's the show's way of trying to show favor for Amelia, Kai, and Amelia/Kai. If they character-assassinate Link, then maybe we'll all forget how pleasant he and Amelia were as a couple (IMO, they were the best pairing Grey's had since this new regime took over). Tptb want us to forget that they ruined a good couple for no reason. And it appears that it's popular on social media (Twitter) to hate Link now, even though he hasn't really done anything wrong. 

Do I really care about any of this? Not particularly. But I did find Link and Amelia an enjoyable bright spot during this Grey's slump. I never cared for Amelia, but her relationship with Link made her likable to me. Now, I'm right back to disliking her and I'm going to continue to like Link out of spite towards the writers' manipulation. 

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As somebody who was born  earlier than 32 weeks 40+ years ago this kid absolutely would be viable and they could certainly spend two days getting that kid steroided up to give it even a better shot  at lung development.   I mean this kid is healthy and neither mom nor baby is in any danger continuing the pregnancy and so I agree none of the medical professionals are going to hop in and go, "hey, lets deliver this baby right now as an elective procedure."  But if the shoe were on the other foot and it was mom in trouble those docs wouldn't be too stressed out about delivering a 32 weeker, especially if they had time to do the steroid protocol.   


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10 hours ago, funnygirl said:

It's the show's way of trying to show favor for Amelia, Kai, and Amelia/Kai. If they character-assassinate Link, then maybe we'll all forget how pleasant he and Amelia were as a couple (IMO, they were the best pairing Grey's had since this new regime took over). Tptb want us to forget that they ruined a good couple for no reason. And it appears that it's popular on social media (Twitter) to hate Link now, even though he hasn't really done anything wrong. 

Do I really care about any of this? Not particularly. But I did find Link and Amelia an enjoyable bright spot during this Grey's slump. I never cared for Amelia, but her relationship with Link made her likable to me. Now, I'm right back to disliking her and I'm going to continue to like Link out of spite towards the writers' manipulation. 

This! Nail on the head. Lincs downfall to show villain has been so disappointing but contrasted with Amelia’s rise to the perfect patron saint of Grey Sloan who is always patient, never wrong, sees everyone’s viewpoint and stands for all that is right in the world has been so frustrating to watch. It’s just so one sided.

And while the relationship at its peak made them both likeable I’m back to hating Amelia and her stupid over dramatic monologues. Even the one about being with Kai was so fucking eyerolling given the writers won’t be able to resist throwing her back with Linc within a few months.  

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Link seems to be spiralling.  Between Amelia ditching him for a non-binary person and Jo proclaiming love and thus the need for space, he doesn't seem to be coping well.  It's a shame, I liked Link and Amelia too.  

I liked Winston and Maggie until they introduced his deadbeat brother.  They just seem to want all drama, yes, I know, it's a drama program, but in real life, there are happy couples.  I need to say, I really didn't like Maggie before Winston became a permanent character though.  While it is nice to see no one is perfect, his brother brings out the worst of him.  

I liked how Nick shut Bailey down, he was awesome.  Haven't really liked him much, but experienced surgeon = not prepared to take crap from Bailey and I seem to think he isn't going to bow down to Meredith if challenged in the OR.  He might win me over yet, even though I am still a firm Derek and Meredith believer.   I still maintain Riggs is the best of the rest.  

Richard stoned was priceless.  I liked that one.  I also liked Amelia being the voice of reason for Teddy.  Teddy struggling to come to terms with Leo's choices as a 4 year old are valid, I just find the script writers of Grey's make things very over the top and don't often do subtle.  As a result, they also resolve things really quickly too.  EG Owen's PTSD etc.

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