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S01.E05: Runaways

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Lawyer mom sniffing her kids was Creepy with a capital C!

I was in a city ER and the person behind the curtain next to me made that sound but I don't think it was vampirism I think it was pneumonia.

Edited by bosawks
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Best. Nanny. Ever. I love when people act intelligently. One look at the lizard eyes and she was packing the bags.

So business is picking up. I understand that slowing down the internet would retard the spread of info, but some of this would be getting out by now. Too many people have seen these things.

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Abraham's (the Slayer), finally remembered his name, backstory was interesting, wish we could've seen more of it. Glad he has someone to pass on his knowledge to. He's an old man and can't slay forever. There needs to be someone (or several if possible) to carry on his work, when he's either unable to continue or dies.


What happened with Regina King's character in the beginning? I missed the first 5 minutes. All I caught was her calling someone to cancel the rock star's tour, and of course she was scared to death during the call. Did she actually see him in the state he's now in?


Oh man I can't believe how many infected that worker found in the sewers and then the one at assistant living home where Dr. Martinez's mom was staying. Has the master vampire not only be relying on the infected who survived the plane to pass on the virus, but he's been going out doing some repopulating himself?


Thank goodness the nanny got the hell out of dodge. I don't know how long she can keep the kids away from the house though without their mom making a stink. She seems to be turning a lot slower than the others.


If I was the doctor I'd be sending my family to Iceland. Aren't there areas up there that have 24 hours of daylight?

Edited by Enero
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Nice that, in the midst of Zampire Apocalypse, the old man took time out to make Eph a home-cooked meal AND to wash up. I mean, peanut butter sandwiches or drive-through burgers would take less time, but . . . it's the little things, y'know?

Edited by Portia
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If I was the doctor I'd be sending my family to Iceland. Aren't there areas up there that have 24 hours of daylight?

Only in summer. Then they'd have to travel further south to keep the long days. You'd be racking up serious mileage to keep the sun with you to avoid vampires.

Edited by lulee
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What happened with Regina King's character in the beginning? I missed the first 5 minutes


.   She had gotten a doctor on the down low to come over to check out Gabe and of course,he killed her. She saw him snacking on her but she wasn't dead yet, but Regina King tore out of there like nobody's business!


Best. Nanny. Ever. I love when people act intelligently. One look at the lizard eyes and she was packing the bags.



I said the same thing to myself! You hardly ever see people act that intelligently in these types of tv shows/movies, they usually stick around and get killed. Nanny sure hauled ass! Smart lady. And man, sure looked freaked as did Regina King.


Not my fave ep of the bunch but it wasn't terrible.


RIP-  AnnMarie-  I actually wanted her to "hang" around a little longer(pun intended) I was really enjoying her last week too. 

Edited by Valny
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Neeva and Regina King - thanks for showing folks what you do when the crazy vompire is in the room. You get out of Dodge! You trip, you jump up and KEEP IT MOVING!! Eph needs to stop listening to Samwise and pay attention to Walder Frey. I bet Nora changes her mind and starts listening to old dude s well.

Edited by Milaxx
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Nora Martinez

The sleazy clean-up guy who was supposed to neutralize the scene of Gabriel Bolivar's carnage is instead eaten up. How was he not carrying a gun just in case some shit went down?


He had a gun and shot Gabriel, but it didn't have silver bullets so they didn't do much more than stun him.  Speaking of Gabriel, why is is not worried about losing his peen, but still cares enough to wear his wig?

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The lawyer lady is very interesting. Maybe she is going to beat it. Then the lady Dr. can find a cure and put all the bits back on! Either that or she is in control of the worms not the other way around. Nanny was hoofing it double fast, Nice of her to take the kids with her, If the nanny was Regina King, she just would have left the kids to fend for themselves. Solid episode, I can't wait for them to get deeper into the outbreak, that's the part I find most interesting, how they try to put the genie back into the bottle. These things have to bee everywhere by now.


The German guy was in charge of the camp, but he was in the sun so I think he was still human.

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The lawyer lady is very interesting. Maybe she is going to beat it. Then the lady Dr. can find a cure and put all the bits back on!

It would be really interesting if some people got exposed and either are immune or ends up beating it somehow.

Regarding Dr. Martinez putting all the bits back on, I think that would be impossible considering the metamorphosis the infected go through. Their entire insides changes into something else. I don't think administering a cure to the sick will grow back their human organs and genitalia. That said I do think its possible that they might be able to create a cure for those who are in the early stages of transformation eta. the lawyer woman.

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Yeah, the nanny was awesome for seeing those lizard eyes, and just being like "Nope.  This is not normal!  Time to grab the kids and run like the wind!"  In fact, between her, Vasily, Regina King, and Nora dragging her mom, the characters did a fine job realizing when you need to just get the fuck out of the situation they were in.


The Abraham/Ephraim team was the most I ever loved the Ephraim character.  Ephraim is much more fun when he's reacting to all the craziness and Abraham's bizarre attitude; plus, Abraham does a good job at poking fun at his less then stellar traits.  I thought Cory Stoll and David Bradley played off each other pretty well.  Of course, Ephraim now is on the run from the CDC (because they're idiots, of course), but at least Jim is trying to redeem himself.  And, hey, maybe Ephraim will decided he needs to start disguising himself.  And, you know what would be a good start?  A haircut!


The best episode so far for me.  I just found it more suspenseful and fun.  The only stuff that still isn't working for me is all the scenes involving Jonathan Hyde's character, but hopefully that will go somewhere soon.  And, I'm still hoping Vasily will eventually get to hang out with the rest of the cast.

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He had a gun and shot Gabriel, but it didn't have silver bullets so they didn't do much more than stun him.  Speaking of Gabriel, why is is not worried about losing his peen, but still cares enough to wear his wig?

Right you are -- it's been fixed.

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Satrakian is now 4 for 4, and is just warming up. The police will be having some very strange arson cases to investigate! (By the way, anyone know what his Romanian word for the vampires was? It was a bit unfathomable to me.) I liked his flashbacks, there was some great atmosphere in the bunkhouse scenes. Congrats to Peter Weller (yes, that one), director.


It seems that Monty Burns is now on the cusp of requesting that immortality. Faced with death or existence as a vamp, it seems likely he'll choose the latter. Meaning someone pretty much gave up that liver for nothing.


The scariest bit for me tonight was the random bloodsucker in the nursing home. It was rather horrific in that it was almost in the background, but the thing just seemed to be feeding at will, with a building full of highly vulnerable victims. Please, no orphanage scenes!

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The Abraham/Ephraim team was the most I ever loved the Ephraim character.  Ephraim is much more fun when he's reacting to all the craziness and Abraham's bizarre attitude; plus, Abraham does a good job at poking fun at his less then stellar traits.  I thought Cory Stoll and David Bradley played off each other pretty well.


Seconded - I loved Eph's 'Duly Noted,' and was happy that this world has heard of vampires and vampire mythology.

(By the way, anyone know what his Romanian word for the vampires was? It was a bit unfathomable to me.)

Strigoi - and I learned a lot from the wiki entry.

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It feels as if the series has picked up now that the attacking, hunting, and killing has begun in earnest. 


The CDC comes off as pretty inept and politically corrupt. Would any official (CDC or other types) realistically think they could ignore a plague outbreak and not be held accountable at some point? 


And what is The Master a master of, exactly? Lurking in the shadows? Surviving for hundreds of years without drawing too much attention? Not exactly a figure of power and control...  I do like his flapping strands of tattered cloak as he whisks in and out of places. Does The Master prefer tattered clothing? 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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You would think with all the power and influence they wield, and the fact that the Master has been around for "millenia", the fight would have been over long since. With the powers they have, what stopped them from taking over the world 1000 years ago?


They can mess up the internet. They even, apparently, have a full-time video-editing staff who can create a vid of Eph dragging the pilot around. I wonder who among them can sit still in front of a computer long enough to edit video--they seem a bit twitchy for that sort of work.


Speaking of viruses, Eph should go viral. He should have posted his vid on Youtube or Facebook immediately. In fact he should have made a better vid at the shed.


I suppose the attack in the nursing home will be shrugged off as the hallucination of a bunch of senile people. Those cute critters in the sewer have to feed don't they? They must be killing a bunch of people. Also, is there some mechanism that causes sick people to always insist they are fine?


Someone earlier mentioned the time wastage of going through the flight manifest alphabetically instead of by address. I reiterate.


As the incidents abound and eyewitnesses increase, the implausibility of the continued ignorance/denial by medical and institutional agencies renders the whole thing more stupid by the week. Necessary to keep the plot contained to a series of skirmishes with Team Human, but it's rubbish. Seems it would make more plot sense to have Team Vampire's gains be slower and smaller. Then a team of a few might stand a chance.


Cheers to the nanny, the first normally-acting person in the series?

Edited by fauntleroy
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"The lawyer lady is very interesting. Maybe she is going to beat it. " I agree that this would be an interesting thing to add to the mix.  Also it seems that the superpowerful Master can't figure out that someone's looking at him.


2 shallow bits: Gabriel's town house? Enviable.

Young Abraham? Fiiiiiine.

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Um yeah.  I am not buying that the CDC is covering up this mess.  Why?  Are the big wigs in the CDC in cahoots with "The Master"?  And the hobbit just stood there when Eph was explaining to the CDC asshole what he saw and what is on this phone.  Why didn't he chime in and say he saw it too?  Worried about his career?  Ok if the dark forces are not stopped no one is going to have a career to worry about?  Life will stop to exist as they know it and they will be sharpening sticks and staying out of dark places.


And why did CDC guy not even watch the video?  I hope he is one of the first to go when the shit hits the fan.


The infected people in the sewer was creepy.  They must be homeless people or sewer dwellers that no one is missing.  How could that many people that work and have families go missing without it not being a big news story?


Glad Nora was there with her mother to save her and get her out of that nursing home.


Agree with poster that said Eph should have posted his video on line. 

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Agree with poster that said Eph should have posted his video on line. 


One conceit of the show is that The Master's minions have hired a hacker to cripple major communications networks. So Eph wouldn't easily be able to post the video to YouTube, presumably, and people wouldn't be able to watch it, probably.


I think that would cause more panic than the vampires.

Edited by Omar G.
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One conceit of the show is that The Master's minions have hired a hacker to cripple major communications networks. So Eph wouldn't easily be able to post the video to YouTube, presumably, and people wouldn't be able to watch it, probably.


That conceit being, not only that this can be done by a single hacker, but that such a hacker would look like this. As the conceits grow, patience wears thin, though I wouldn't mind if she had her own show.


The use of the death-camp as background was indeed horrible. And the two lads looked like they walked out of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog--in the pink of health, with their beautiful clean wool overcoats, scarves and caps. So does history get sanitized ugh.

Edited by fauntleroy
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One conceit of the show is that The Master's minions have hired a hacker to cripple major communications networks. So Eph wouldn't easily be able to post the video to YouTube, presumably, and people wouldn't be able to watch it, probably.


I think that would cause more panic than the vampires.


Yes, in fact Samwise mentioned the internet slowdown to Ephff, so not much likelihood of news of the virus going, um, viral. And without the internet, now there's a chance that people might notice the vampires instead of staring at their phones.


Thanks @RandomX for identifying "strigoi". Though I'll probably just forget it again in five minutes.


It used to be the FBI that was shown on TV as being less than perfect, and now with this show, The Walking Dead, and others, it seems to be the CDC. Somebody obviously has something on Ephff's boss, as he doesn't otherwise exhibit any ability to do his job. And I agree that Samwise is putting himself before any sense of loyalty or duty, the way he just clammed up during that scene. But he should end up back on Team Decapitate before long.

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The hobbit may have realized that he'd be disregarded if he tried to say anything in support of the guy videotaped dragging a patient's body through the hospital. Though one would think if that body wasn't incinerated, it would be proof of something going majorly wrong to even post-autopsy examination. (Then again, apparently NYC only had one coroner, who worked with such infrequent outside contact that his disappearance hasn't merited investigation yet.)


One conceit of the show is that The Master's minions have hired a hacker to cripple major communications networks. So Eph wouldn't easily be able to post the video to YouTube, presumably, and people wouldn't be able to watch it, probably.


I think that would cause more panic than the vampires.

If the internet isn't working for all of NYC, doesn't that mean that the New York Stock Exchange is down as well? You'd better believe the government wouldn't just be sitting on that situation and hoping it gets better on its own.

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32 minutes ago


The hobbit may have realized that he'd be disregarded if he tried to say anything in support of the guy videotaped dragging a patient's body through the hospital.


And now that I think about it if they had video of Eph dragging the body through the halls they should have also noticed that huge thing hanging out of the pilot's month.  That could not be explained away and even if they don't buy the whole Vampire thing it is at least a disease or virus that they have never seen before.......and yeah the body is stuffed in a closet or something isn't it?  Take the CDC guy to the body and let him see for himself.

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And what is The Master a master of, exactly? Lurking in the shadows? Surviving for hundreds of years without drawing too much attention? Not exactly a figure of power and control...  I do like his flapping strands of tattered cloak as he whisks in and out of places. Does The Master prefer tattered clothing?

Everytime I watch an episode of this show, I'm following along, and then The Master shows up in his styling brown bathrobe and his little num num num noises, and I crack the hell up.  I'd love a The Master runway show!


Did I mishear or did they refer to the concentration camp barrack as a "bunk house?"  After they showed the tattoo, I knew they would go there, but kind of a cheap hack.

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Eff asked Setrakian why 4 of the passengers "lived" and the rest died.


At first Setrakian compare the differing reactions that people have to the flu.


Then Setrakian suggested that the 4 "survivors" were just distraction created by the "Master" while the "dead" went home and French kissed their families.


Good to know that all of the time spent with the pilot, the rocker, they lawyyer and the guy who chained himself up as a dog was just a distraction.


Thanks Writers!

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And now that I think about it if they had video of Eph dragging the body through the halls they should have also noticed that huge thing hanging out of the pilot's month.  That could not be explained away and even if they don't buy the whole Vampire thing it is at least a disease or virus that they have never seen before.......and yeah the body is stuffed in a closet or something isn't it?  Take the CDC guy to the body and let him see for himself.


I believe they took the body to the hospital incinerator and burnt it. So, no more body.



Eff asked Setrakian why 4 of the passengers "lived" and the rest died.


At first Setrakian compare the differing reactions that people have to the flu.


Then Setrakian suggested that the 4 "survivors" were just distraction created by the "Master" while the "dead" went home and French kissed their families.


Good to know that all of the time spent with the pilot, the rocker, they lawyyer and the guy who chained himself up as a dog was just a distraction.


Thanks Writers!


Well, on the plus side, at least now we know why those 4 "revived" ahead of the rest, and the distraction explanation does make some kind of sense. What doesn't make sense is why no one has bothered to look for the missing bodies from the morgue, despite the tossed-off "official" explanation that the army took possession of the bodies or something. Wouldn't the army have heard this and said, "Uh, nope we didn't"? I don't know, maybe I missed something.


Also, someone in a previous thread pointed out that the plane was bound to have had a fair number of visitors on board, that is, people who wouldn't have a home and family to go to in NYC. I'll propose that they're the ones down in the sewers. Because isn't that where all tourists head when they get to New York?


Didn't miss Gus and his familia this week, but lucky us, we got some of the same from Norah instead.

Edited by beedub
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Hi! I'm from Romania, and we use the term "strigoi" mostly for ghosts (and sometimes for ghosts in the physical form of animals). But in older dictionaries (in those before World War Two) you can also find it as a synonym for vampire (and Abraham Setrakianis an old man). Nowadays we have a more simple word for vampire in the Romanian language: "vampir". :)


At the same time, the sentence "Sabia mea fredoneaza de argint" shouted by Abraham has Romanian words in it but it doesn't make much sense in this form. "Sabia mea fredoneaza" can be translated "My sword sings". "De argint" means "made of silver". Put them in this order and you have "My sword sings made of silver". Maybe he wanted to say "My silver sword sings"? I don't know. 


But don't get me wrong, I love this show. And hey, I have no right to criticize them as long as my foreign language skills are also questionable. :D

Edited by Mandalore
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Wow, I really like Vampire Slayer Abraham.  He's an older Buffy and the most interesting character on the show.


The city and the idiots running it are slow to react to the outbreak.  It's not going to end well.

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I really liked this episode-really moved the story forward and starting to show the spread of the virus.  I agree that someone must have something over the CDC guy, but it could also just be incompetence.  I was surprised that the wife killed herself, but it made sense especially since she threw the neighbor into the shed.  I was really concerned for Abraham as I thought he wouldn't expect a second vampire in the shed and that the neighbor would attack him.  I was so glad that the neighbor was cowering in the corner.  But, I was wondering why the neighbor was still alive.  Oh well.  Am still waiting for the dog to reanimate...Now that would be awesome.

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I'm glad I stuck with this show because there is real momentum now. Eph used the word vampire, we're killing bad guys, we're seeing more and more vamps and people are finally acting human. Nora had a denial freakout but by the end she got her mom out of that vampire old age home. Regina King had the decent sense to run for her life. The nanny not only got out of the house but took those kids with her. Eph got out of the CDC with Sean Astin's help fairly quickly rather than be oblivious to the danger he's in. They're not perfect but its better than the first few episodes where Eph got a phone call from Emma's dad about her coming home and ignored it or no one in the city went to the morgue for a day.


If there's solid action I don't care so much about the flaws so I'm hoping the show stays on this path. I'm looking forward to the eclipse because those sewer vampires did not like the sun and when they've got darkness I think we will see them ravage the city.

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I'm so glad Abe finally mentioned that the infected initially seek out those they loved the most from their human lives.  I hadn't wanted to post anything about that yet because it would have been a spoiler but now I can talk about it a bit.  It also led to some subtlety in the scene in the nursing home.  Abe revealed that the strigoi seek out their loved ones

official name: Dear Ones

and then Nora saw one at the nursing home.  While we initially see a monster feeding on helpless residents and their caretakers, what's really happening is that specific vampire was seeking out his loved one and then fed on the others because they were there.  There's a poignancy mixed in with the horror and absence of humanity.


Fet is probably my favorite character in the book so I'm just delighted to see his awesome reflected on the show.  He noticed the rats are leaving the sewers, didn't know why, investigated, found the strigoi, and got the fuck out. 


I'm glad the action is picking up and that the eclipse looks to be upon us soon.


I think the only reason Gabriel's wig is still on is because it was well attached when his genitals atrophied and it just hasn't gotten caught on something and been removed yet.

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This show is only getting better for me. I realized that when it was over and I was like damn that hour went by fast. As opposed to when I am trying to give The Leftovers another chance and the hour seems interminable. I love the old school vampire shit and the details they add to make it more gory and suspenseful. The long ass tongue and especially the worms. In usual vampire trope, you just have to get bit but here you just have to get a worm under on your skin.


Can't wait until Russian rat killer crosses over and becomes vampire slayer. You know dude is going to bring it!!


I am curious about the Master. Interesting that he made sure to break the necks of the 2 concentration camp victims and he smashed the head to bits of the poor AFA guy in episode 1 - that shit was brutal. I wonder if he does that so that they won't change over.


The lawyer lady is very interesting. Maybe she is going to beat it. Then the lady Dr. can find a cure and put all the bits back on!


It would be really interesting if some people got exposed and either are immune or ends up beating it somehow.


I am sure there is a blood sucking lawyer joke in there somewhere but I am not sharp enough to come up with it. 

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I am curious about the Master. Interesting that he made sure to break the necks of the 2 concentration camp victims and he smashed the head to bits of the poor AFA guy in episode 1 - that shit was brutal. I wonder if he does that so that they won't change over.


I am sure there is a blood sucking lawyer joke in there somewhere but I am not sharp enough to come up with it. 


Wait a sec, I think you just did!


Glad you brought up the neck-breaking, because it struck me too that each time we've seen the Master, he dispatches his victims that way (or, as you mentioned, the bludgeoning of the first guy). It's definitely a thing with him, but we haven't seen any of the newbies do it, they all seem to leave their victims to become vamps themselves.


What I'm really hoping for next is for Bolivar to un-cancel the concert, do the show, and become more popular than ever as he feeds on a victim onstage. Alice Cooper! Ozzy Osbourne! Showmanship!

Edited by beedub
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  I'm looking forward to the eclipse because those sewer vampires did not like the sun and when they've got darkness I think we will see them ravage the city.

The sun's only completely blocked out for a few minutes during an eclipse though, so the vampires won't have much time to do their thing. As opposed to the hours of safe darkness for moving around at night.

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Must agree with the above poster, I'm waiting for Fet to turn Vombie slayer.

Kevin Durand was a stuntman before becoming a full time actor.

Plus he's tall, physically fit and HOT!

Amen to that last sentence.
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I think that would cause more panic than the vampires.

No kidding. In the real world, people lose their shit if Facebook goes down for an hour. People not being able to text each other or make phone calls reliably would turn into chaos.


I want Abe to be my best friend. He'll show you how to kill vampires, then make you breakfast and wash the dishes. I'm down with doing the first two myself, but I hate washing dishes. Ugh.


I do wonder what the Master's ultimate plan is. Unleashing an undiscriminating plague of vampires seems like a good way to kill off your food supply.

Edited by Tippi Blevins
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No kidding. In the real world, people lose their shit if Facebook goes down for an hour. People not being able to text each other or make phone calls reliably would turn into chaos.


I was totally lost yesterday when the forums were down most the day.  How as I to start my day without reading these forums!  It was going all day without my morning coffee!


I am disappointed that the cleaner guy did not make it out of there.  He would have been great as a Vampire Slayer!

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