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S04.E03: Then Learn Fly


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I knew things were going too smoothly, now we have the drama/angst of the parents/kid relationship. Johnny is already pissed/hurt over Daniel/Robby and now he's threatened by Daniel/Miguel.  I also think it's going to be interesting when Daniel gets a taste of his little girl being more into Johnny/Eagle Fang's philosophy.

I really enjoyed the Miguel/Daniel talk and the Johnny/Sam stuff. One thing that's been obvious since S1 is that while Daniel loves his kids, he tends to be over bearing. 

Am I the only one freaking out about the Koi? I've always wanted a Koi pond but, I know how sensitive they are and how much effort it takes to care for them. Plus they're really expensive. I just kept thinking...OMG you're going to KILL the Koi! 😯

Edited by Morrigan2575
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5 hours ago, Neiman said:

Catch the Koi winner gets to pick the Gatorade flavor-- doesn't take much to impress them.

If we miss the mattresses? Try not to. Those writers are doing a great job with Johnny.

As a high school teacher, I can confirm, it doesn’t take much to motivate teens-stickers, games, scented hand sanitizer, etc. An extrinsic motivator AND winning is a big deal. 

8 hours ago, paulvdb said:

Nice of Johnny to put some matresses on the ground, but I'd be more worried about someone flying face-first into the wall on the other side.

Did no one see the Mission Impossible stunt that broke Tom Cruise? They had to delay production many months and that guy is stunt-crazy. Sam was lucky. 

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Tbh I'm actually loving this arc for Robby. He has a chance to step outside of the hate that drives his current karate obsession and teach a kid who would be a better fit for Miagyi-do. I'm also loving the intro of the new kid, really emphasizing the ripples of this ridiculous karate feud.

ETA: I continue to love Amanda's character, she's so well written with real depth. Her learning about Tory's situation and having it thrown back in her face, thumbs up to the writers. They seem to have a real sense of each of the characters and how they'd react to a given situation. 

Edited by Kate47
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Nice touch in the opening with Johnny snapping the bottle cap at Daniel and him catching it. 

On 12/31/2021 at 9:38 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

I just kept thinking...OMG you're going to KILL the Koi!

He could have just got trout. It's the same concept. 

On 12/31/2021 at 7:06 PM, Kate47 said:

Tbh I'm actually loving this arc for Robby. He has a chance to step outside of the hate that drives his current karate obsession and teach a kid who would be a better fit for Miagyi-do.

He's shown the most maturity out of the 'kids' this season so far. It's still a little much that's he is at Cobra Kai to get them to win the tournament, but we wouldn't have a show, so I'll roll with it. Now that they're finally giving him something to work with, the actor is doing really well. 

That was a weirdly convoluted insightful discussion with Johnny and Same. 

I certainly don't fault anyone who has struggled from Vietnam; it's just weird that it's an issue in a 2021 tv show, which of course, is about the 80s, but still. 

I'm not super interested in the younger kid's plot, but the actor is doing a really good job playing broken. 

I certainly hope Miguel doesn't think community college is 'lesser'. It's not. At all. 

All right, Sam jumping was dumb and super cool. 

Oookaaay, Silver putting the pony tail on. 


Edited by DoctorAtomic
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Way to much time spent on Kreese and Terry for me. I don't really care that much about these old assholes and the tragic back stories that made them into the assholes. Plus it takes time away from time for Johnny and other characters that are more interesting.

Not sure about the stuff with the little kid who is being bullied by Daniel's son. Although I had to laugh when he punched the guy at Cobra Kai and then the guy complained that it wasn't fair. Complaining that getting punched isn't fair doesn't seem to fit with the whole strike first/no mercy thing.

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5 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I don't really care that much about these old assholes and the tragic back stories that made them into the assholes.

Johnny, I can buy the redemption because his teacher tried to strangle him. These guys got shoved in Vietnam, and it screwed them up. Doesn't mean they can work through their bs by taking it out on kids. They would have been bullies if they weren't in the war anyway. It's an excuse. We don't need the time to understand that.  

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1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

They would have been bullies if they weren't in the war anyway. It's an excuse. We don't need the time to understand that.  

Kreese was the one being picked on at the beginning of season 2, but became hardened when his leader told him that his girlfriend had died and he had "nothing" to live for, and his mom had psychological issues. But a lot of the resentment coming home from Vietnam and treated badly. 

Don't understand about why they didn't get into the pond to catch the poor koi? Wouldn't have been nicer to try to catch flies? 

Daniel is so overbearing.

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4 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Not every villain needs a sympathetic backstory. People are sometimes just jerks. 

Yes. But, one dimensional/ridiculous 80s villains don't make for great/well rounded stories. All of our "teachers" were damaged in their youth. We don't to see any more of Johnny pre the first movie by that logic. It's about fleshing out characters. Nothing we see about Kreese or Silver makes me root for them or anything like that. But, I do understand them and their bond much more. We have a wealth of story on the Miyagi Eagle side. They are giving the cobra Kai the same grace. No one here is all evil. Everyone here is flawed and at one point lost. 

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9 hours ago, Kristi800 said:

Kreese was the one being picked on at the beginning of season 2, but became hardened when his leader told him that his girlfriend had died and he had "nothing" to live for, and his mom had psychological issues. But a lot of the resentment coming home from Vietnam and treated badly. 

Don't understand about why they didn't get into the pond to catch the poor koi? Wouldn't have been nicer to try to catch flies? 

Daniel is so overbearing.

Mr. Miyagi was surprised when Danial actually caught the fly, that wasn't the purpose of the chopsticks and the flies. I think the catch a koi exercise was to actually think outside the direct attack Cobra Kai approach. That the kids didn't show any evidence is being exposed to the science class refraction of light, which would have helped in the avoid direct attack, lead to the fish herding scene.

Johnny's confidence course seemed way out of line with the lethal consequences. Those mattresses were little better than the snake pit his mentor endured as a POW.

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14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Yes. But, one dimensional/ridiculous 80s villains don't make for great/well rounded stories. All of our "teachers" were damaged in their youth. We don't to see any more of Johnny pre the first movie by that logic. It's about fleshing out characters. Nothing we see about Kreese or Silver makes me root for them or anything like that. But, I do understand them and their bond much more. We have a wealth of story on the Miyagi Eagle side. They are giving the cobra Kai the same grace. No one here is all evil. Everyone here is flawed and at one point lost. 

Right and we get their backstories more. It's just they went in one direction and this is where they are. Of course, now that Ed Asner is dead, what was Sid's back story? Just made some big business deals and then became an abusive asshole and never married anyone BUT Johnny's mother? There needed to be more backstory in that.

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14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Yes. But, one dimensional/ridiculous 80s villains don't make for great/well rounded stories. All of our "teachers" were damaged in their youth. We don't to see any more of Johnny pre the first movie by that logic. It's about fleshing out characters. Nothing we see about Kreese or Silver makes me root for them or anything like that. But, I do understand them and their bond much more. We have a wealth of story on the Miyagi Eagle side. They are giving the cobra Kai the same grace. No one here is all evil. Everyone here is flawed and at one point lost. 

My thing is that I don't really care that 50 year old trauma is what made Kreese and Silver assholes. Plus if they try to give either of them any sort of redemption it would be stupid. Plus we know way more about Silver's backstory than just about any of the kids other than Miguel or Robby (or maybe Sam) which I find annoying.  Plus if they really wanted we could learn about Kreese and Silver through their interactions with the kids, which wouldn't take up so much time as scenes in his mansion or full blown flashbacks.

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29 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

My thing is that I don't really care that 50 year old trauma is what made Kreese and Silver assholes. Plus if they try to give either of them any sort of redemption it would be stupid. Plus we know way more about Silver's backstory than just about any of the kids other than Miguel or Robby (or maybe Sam) which I find annoying.  Plus if they really wanted we could learn about Kreese and Silver through their interactions with the kids, which wouldn't take up so much time as scenes in his mansion or full blown flashbacks.

That's fine. I understand what they are doing, I don't begrudge them for it and it's never been a huge part of the show. It still isn't. 

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21 minutes ago, marinw said:

Did it occur to anyone to get a plastic bag and wait for a fish to swim into it?

Als, did it occur to Johhny and Danny to have their students or thier parents sign waivers before jumping off/between building? I'm guessing no.

Considering the beating and violent attacks their children have been receiving I am guessing that all the mysterious and absent parents are all okie dokey about the bruises, blood and broken limbs their under 18 year old children are receiving.

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7 minutes ago, juno said:

Considering the beating and violent attacks their children have been receiving I am guessing that all the mysterious and absent parents are all okie dokey about the bruises, blood and broken limbs their under 18 year old children are receiving.

Time to suspend my disbelief and enjoy this show for what it is. I am impressed by the fight cherography this season.

Edited by marinw
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I felt bad for the Koi. 

Sam and Johnny bonding a little was nice. She could use a little more agressive Eagle Fang training to take on Tori and the Cobra Kais.

The show is humanizing Kreese and Silver a bit, but I don't mind it. And I did enjoy the Ponytail Of Evil making an appearance.

Kenny has definitely stepped into the viper pit. I like him and hope Robbie can help him.

And I actually like Robbie a lot this season, especially without the Prince Valium hair. He's treading around the edges of Cobra Kai, without getting fully pulled in. I hate all the valuable training he's giving them though. They will be formidable.

I hope we see more of Demetri and Hawk though. They seem like minor characters so far, and I liked their whole storyline last season.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Nothing gets teenagers more excited then getting to pick out drinks, even if it means they have to fight koi. I hope the koi are already, when Miguel finally caught one I was like "great, now put the poor thing back in the water!"

Nice scenes with Miguel/Daniel and Sam/Johnny, even if it seems like we are going to run into even more problems now that Johnny feels like he's losing his spot as Miguel's sensei, its always one step forward two steps back. Things were going so well too. 

I also liked the stuff with Amanda and Tory, I wonder if Amanda will go on to try and mentor Tory and pull her away from Kreese? A major theme of the show is how your mentors and parental figures can shape who you become, Tory might have more of a chance if she had a decent parental figure in her life. 

Having the kids jump off of a building? Oh Johnny. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Oh. More 'Nam flashbacks. Awesome. And more nebulous and portentous remarks about "finishing what we started."

Would Mr. Miyagi really have endorsed traumatising his koi carp as a training method?

I enjoyed the scene with Sam and Johnny telling each other some home truths, and Johnny having the perspective to point out that all his crappy decisions have ended up putting him right where he wants to be. But there is no way she'd have been able to jump that gap.

Robby going out of his way to help Kenny shows that he's not really Cobra Kai material, and it seems like he's trying to stay above all the petty cruelty and rivalry. 

But I'm really not enjoying Miguel getting all these special moments with Daniel that his previous student, Robby, apparently didn't merit.

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4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

But I'm really not enjoying Miguel getting all these special moments with Daniel that his previous student, Robby, apparently didn't merit.

Well, Robby did get one on one training with Daniel for months it seems and he gave him a home when his mom disappeared. That seems more meaningful than Daniel giving Miguel a headband and helping him fix his mom's car IMO.  

Edited by DeeDee79
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On 1/2/2022 at 6:49 AM, Raja said:

Johnny's confidence course seemed way out of line with the lethal consequences. Those mattresses were little better than the snake pit his mentor endured as a POW.

Three dirty mattresses he probably grabbed from a local homeless camp.  If the kids missed the jump, the outcome was either critical injury or catching hepatitis!

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I get that Johnny wants to keep whatever students he trains on their toes, but that building jump exercise was too extreme. Someone could have gotten hurt. I did find it interesting that the choice of words from Johnny that made Sam do the jump was the same thing Robby said to her: “You always get what you want.”

I did laugh at the Eagle Fang students being trained by Daniel and being more excited at the prospect of choosing which flavor Gatorade that Daniel buys over leading class for a week.

Once more, I would choose Terry Silver’s life over having to live in homeless shelters and not getting anything out of therapy due to lack of effort like Kreese.

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On 12/31/2021 at 11:38 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

Am I the only one freaking out about the Koi? I've always wanted a Koi pond but, I know how sensitive they are and how much effort it takes to care for them. Plus they're really expensive. I just kept thinking...OMG you're going to KILL the Koi! 😯

Yes! I was hissing "okay, great, now put the fish BACK. Put it BACK."

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