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Danielle Gregorio: The Mysterious One

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A lot of us are curious about Danielle, and I saw she had no thread, so here it is.


From Bravo's website:



The newest friend of the housewives, Danielle Gregorio, moved to Orange County 10 years ago and lives in Villa Park. She has two kids, ages seven and five, with her husband Joe, who she has known since childhood, and a 15-year-old son from a previous relationship. She is a co-founding member of the charity Heels2Heal-OC, helping underprivileged, critically-ill, abused women and children. Danielle holds her opinions close to her vest, but when she speaks out, she's brash and brutally honest.


I'm surprised that they invested so much into her but she's flying under the radar as "Lizzie's Friend". I also find her social media activity (or lack thereof) quite peculiar. I wonder what she's telling her family/actual friends about her situation on the show....

What I love most about the Mystery of Danielle are all the different reasons given for her being part of the show: in the original gossip articles, she was originally brought to the group by Heather; on the actual show, however, she was introduced as someone who came into Tamra's gym "two weeks ago" to hand out some kind of flyer and then she issued an invite to her ugly sweater party, so Tamra was the one who brought all the women to meet her; now, on the Bali trip, Danielle is labeled "Lizzie's Friend." I love the complete lack of any consistency regarding who this woman is supposed to be in the group.

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The only episode we really got to know anything about Danielle and hubby was the ugly sweater party, but only because she was the hostess of the party.. and it was my favorite of the housewives parties since there was very little fighting. and the women were just talking like women meeting for the first time.  I'm wondering if the decision to edit her out was made after this particular episode was already edited.

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It was like she was the 6th housewife. She was at EVERY party, the trip to Bali, the finale dinner, etc. Bravo went so far out of the way to edit her out of everything. I didn't even realize she was at the finale dinner until close to the end. She didn't get any talking heads, right? I mean, comparatively, LuAnn from NYC was a "friend" of the housewives this season, had almost more airtime than anybody, many talking heads and a full-time seat on the reunion couch.


Mysterious...it's a bit strange nothing has been leaked about whatever happened.

I'm going to posit my own conspiracy theory. I wonder if the editing out of Danielle was done more in an effort to protect Tamra than it was Danielle? Like maybe Tamra said something that was completely unPC even for her, and BRAVO didn't want her to face even more backlash because they want to keep her around? Like maybe Tamra pulled a Marlo of ATL and dropped the OTHER F-bomb in relation to Danielle's husband?


If the producers didn't want her to be called out or even a campaign to have her removed - like what happened with Marlo, they would then cut any scenes that showed that Danielle and Tamra had beef with each other. Tamra would never have to answer for any discussions with Danielle, even though Danielle appeared to be at every event. 


I'm totally reaching here, but because there have been no leaks in the press or other explanations, BRAVO has pretty much opened themselves up to this type of speculation.

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It just doesn't make sense to me that the whole Danielle disappearing act is related to anyone accusing her husband of being gay. I mean, if someone mistakenly thought I was gay when I'm not, I would just laugh it off. I wouldn't hire a crisis team or whatever.

Maybe Danielle was just incredibly boring, and they realized in post-production that she was a wash.

Edited by technorebel

Even if the issue is the fight with Tamra in Bali-that things were said way over the line-then why edit her out of the whole goddamn season? Why not just edit that fight, which they did anyway? It just doesn't make sense to me. None of it does. And if Danielle did ask to be edited out, why would Bravo accommodate that? They've certainly never shied away from humiliating the housewives before.

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The great housewives mysteries.


What really happened on scary island?

Why are Dina and Caroline not talking?

I hope to live long enough to read the tell all book someday. I can say from experience that if this posters on this site cannot find it, it's not out there anywhere.

Here is the closest I've found to the Dina/Caroline feud:


“When Jacqueline first moved to New Jersey, Dina and her did everything together,” our source EXCLUSIVELY tells us, but adds how being on the show was the final straw that started the family feud.

“Remember the table flip?” our source recalls. “Dina believes Jacqueline threw her under the bus for calling her out for lying about the book written about Danielle Staub. Dina was also very angry that her brother Chris told Danielle she was welcome in his home anytime. This is what ignited the feud and led to family members who do not speak.”

Our insider adds, “Dina made a big deal out of the situation and made members of the Laurita family feel like they had to choose sides. It put stress on the entire family.”

“After the fight Caroline stayed on the show with Jacqueline, and Dina feels like Caroline took Jacqueline’s side. Caroline justifies supporting Jacqueline because she loves her brother, Chris,” another source tells us.

“But Caroline and Chris aren’t the only siblings Dina isn’t speaking to,” our first source reveals. “There are many siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews that Dina is estranged from. However, her daughter Lexi still communicates with the family.”

Many viewers have wondered why Teresa Giudice has been blamed for the feud between the sisters. Our source sheds some light on the topic.

“After the fight happened, Teresa Giudice would tell Caroline and Jacqueline everything Dina would say about them,” our insider shares. “This just made the situation even more complicated, and as things continue to happen tempers will flare.”


It was like she was the 6th housewife. She was at EVERY party, the trip to Bali, the finale dinner, etc. Bravo went so far out of the way to edit her out of everything. I didn't even realize she was at the finale dinner until close to the end. She didn't get any talking heads, right? I mean, comparatively, LuAnn from NYC was a "friend" of the housewives this season, had almost more airtime than anybody, many talking heads and a full-time seat on the reunion couch.


Mysterious...it's a bit strange nothing has been leaked about whatever happened.


This is what baffles me too. There is ALWAYS something leaked by someone. Here, NOTHING- silence. Baffles me and also bugs me.

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I wonder if there was a loophole in the contract, or something slipped through and Danielle and her husband had Bravo by the balls. It's the only thing I can think of regarding the non-leaking of info. As others have mentioned, everything gets leaked at some point on reality tv....unless maybe some strong legal action is involved/threatened. Something both parties agreed to for whatever reason. 


Or, Danielle and husband were really that boring and there's actually no story. 

Danielle appears to have disappeared from the Internet as well.  The website for her design business, Danielle Kaye Design Studio, is offline.  The studio's Instagram refers people to co-owner Cheryl Goldberg's studio called Cheryl Kaye Design Studio, with nearly identical logo.


When Radar Online reported that the design studio's claim of Danielle having a degree from Cal State Fullerton was bogus (she only attended 4 months part-time), her rep said the information was posted by her business partner, who erroneously assumed she had a degree.  However, other sites such as LinkedIn and her bio as a Board Member at the Heels2Heals charity also claimed she had a degree.  ROL said the information was changed after their report, but currently there is no trace of her on either of those website.  


For someone who reportedly wanted to be famous, she's recently done everything she can to become a ghost on social media and in the press.



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The only reason, I don't buy that they were just plain boring is that we have had completely boring housewives flame out before and they still got more screen time than Danielle even after they were demoted to friend of. The Vajazzler chick from New York was a total snooze (she actually had full time status). The other chick that Jill tried to make happen during Bethenny's final season was also completely boring (I believe she was a party planner). The Melissa woman from Beverly Hills who worked at Mauricio's firm ended up as a complete nonstarter. They were still shown interacting with the women in scenes and not completely cut out to the point that the show was uneven. And, I think Danielle had to have brought something to the table as she was even a part of the cast trip. Why would they even include her in the trip if there was absolutely no story there, especially since it made the season so uneven?


Maybe she represented herself under false pretenses and BRAVO found that the legally couldn't use her footage? It just seems like there would have to be some reason for them to do such a massive edit to remove almost all instances, especially if she were in a position to back up another housewife during an argument. I mean she was also at the Valentines Day party, and she also shared texts with Tamra during Lizzie's party. She seems to have been a witness at all of the HW events this season, so why go to the lengths to completely remove her?


ETA: And didn't she also do a huge PR push at the start of the season letting everyone know that she was one of the new housewives? So, she must not have known she was going to get cut before her episodes were supposed to start airing. Which means that something had to have happened between the end of filming and the beginning the season.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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She was still hawking herself as recently as April, at a Kentucky Derby event.  She even name-dropped Jimmy Choo, who probably has no idea who she is:


"Danielle Gregorio is a wife and mother to three beautiful children, residing in Villa Park, Calif. She is the co-owner and principal designer of Danielle Kaye Design Studio, a boutique interior design firm located in Orange County, California. Interior design has always been a passion for Gregorio, so she is now able to re-create her visions in both residential and commercial design projects, living her dream of owning her own business and doing what she loves.  Gregorio also has always had a special talent and vision for planning and hosting the most amazing events.   [such as ugly sweater parties???]


When partnering with Jimmy Choo in May 2012 to support and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® Man of the Year, the event was such a success that she was asked to host a yearly event. When she accepted this task, she knew it was a perfect fit to become a founding member of Heels2Heal Orange County. Most recently, Gregorio joined the seasoned cast of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Orange County. Though new to the reality TV world, she was excited to show the world that a full-time mom, businesswoman and philanthropist can have it all."



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Maybe she represented herself under false pretenses and BRAVO found that the legally couldn't use her footage? It just seems like there would have to be some reason for them to do such a massive edit to remove almost all instances, especially if she were in a position to back up another housewife during an argument. I mean she was also at the Valentines Day party, and she also shared texts with Tamra during Lizzie's party. She seems to have been a witness at all of the HW events this season, so why go to the lengths to completely remove her?


This sounds plausible to me. 

Yeah, there's zero percent chance she and her husband were boring. Did you hear him at the end of season party? "Look at you in your white jacket..."

I too agree with the false pretenses idea. The only time she was really seen was in group shots, or in shots and convos with Lizzie...but then again, she's on Bravo's site. I would have thought that they wouldn't promote her at all, unless they had to pay her SOMETHING for her time and filming, even if they could barely use the footage.

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My theory is Lizzie and Danielle were close and when Tamra and Lizzie hit the skids, production didn't want someone who could refute Tamra's allegations or support Lizzie.  I also believe there is a film of Marry, Shag or Kill, at the Valentine's dinner and production doesn't want confirmation of what actually happened so they can keep the conflict alive. The night of Lizzie's birthday dinner she disappears and we only see Lizzie and Danielle talking about Vicki's "dumb and dumber" comment at the luggage store. I also think she was pretty much a flat liner as far as any other storyline.  Danielle also seemed to be not that into booze.  Any hopes of drunken Danielle were dashed when I saw her down a shot of tequila by holding her nose.


At the beginning of the season, the promos of the upcoming season show Shannon dash about saying something along the lines of- it is on the tape/film/video, at Lizzie's dinner.  Those lines were removed from the episode which leads me to believe Tamra was allowed to stir things up without being busted for lying. There must of been film of Tamra saying Terry wants "to take the Beadors down" or in the alternative it was said in front of a third party production person and that is why VIcki didn't hesitate to say she had heard it in a confessional but never says anything about it on the show. I mean, they can only show Tamra lying so many times before her credibility is ruined.  Tamra claims she approached Lizzie and Danielle in Bali and told the season is almost over and you need to stir things up.  (Apparently, Tamra is production's pimp for bad behavior and good TV.)  Tamra also claims Danielle was cordial towards her at Vicki's finale party.  I don't think Danielle was able to "choose a side" or "pick a lane" when it came to Tamra, Heather and Shannon so she was of no use to production. 


When these women sign their contracts they are guaranteed a certain salary, so even if they are marginal like a Danielle, they do get paid the contract amount.  In the case of Brandi her first season she claimed she was  only paid $30,000.00.  Perhaps there is something in their contracts that if they rise to RH they get additional money?  Amanda from RHONYC said she was paid for her tour of duty and filmed and was just not shown after the first couple of episodes.


I am wondering if Danielle will come out of the woodwork if Lizzie doesn't return.

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Me too.  The thing is, I suspect she isn't worth thinking about much.  She may not be dull at all.  Could be cuz of the producers' poor, sloppy job of editing her out, which has made her seem dull.  The little I've seen of her, she's definitely a major shit-stirrer.  Actually, she seems nasty as fuck & quite calculating.


Honestly, I woulda liked to have seen how she'd deal with the elephant in the room -- that everyone in the world thinks she married a gay man.  Now that mighta been entertaining.  Ah, but Andy denied us that pleasure -- for some unknown reason(s).


Did she make a wrong move & the producers squashed her?  I'd luv to know, but Andy keeps her secrets very, very well hidden so I doubt this one is gonna come to light any time soon.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Didn't there used to be, like, an ask Wanda column on E! online where you could ask spoiler questions about your favorite TV shows? Does that still exist? Or a version of it somewhere? The Danielle Gregorio Mystery would be the perfect question for something like that. Or someone should put the question to Alex McCord and see if she knows anything. I do have a friend who works on RHoA - maybe I could see if she knows of someone who knows of someone...

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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Didn't there used to be, like, an ask Wanda column on E! online where you could ask spoiler questions about your favorite TV shows? Does that still exist? Or a version of it somewhere? The Danielle Gregorio Mystery would be the perfect question for something like that. Or someone should put the question to Alex McCord and see if she knows anything. I do have a friend who works on RHoA - maybe I could see if she knows of someone who knows of someone...

Please make this happen. Pretty please!

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I read a rumor on another site that Danielle's fighting with Tamra had to do with Tamra's custody issues. Would that be reason to scrap her scenes? Maybe since they were trying to use Tamra's custody issues as a bid for sympathy, they didn't want Danielle spilling too much dirt? Or, possibly in going after Tamra, Danielle continually broke the 4th wall by discussing them?

For what it's worth I wonder if there was some kind of event on the Bali trip that made Bravo dump Danielle as much as they could.  I'd have to watch again, but I think it was Danielle who was the one who was corroborating stuff that Tamra had said about the Beadors etc.  Also it was Danielle--again, I think--who was front and centre in the scene where Heather and Tamra were helpfully out of the way and the others were dissecting what Tamra had said and to who.  I think it was mainly Danielle who testified as to what Tamra had said about Brooks.  I think Tamra may have said something like 'get this bitch out of here or I'm leaving the show'.  And Tamra must have some clout here because she is by far the most reliable source of drama in the bunch.  In general I would not think that the producers would take an ultimatum like that seriously.  But numbers are down across the franchise I believe.  So a threat like that might have some effect especially since Danielle is a newbie and easy to sideline and get rid of.

I keep going back to the rumor about Danielle bringing Tamra's custody battle on camera. Since it is an ongoing court case, is it possible that Danielle brought way too many details on camera? Not sure how that would affect Tamra, since there is plenty of video evidence of her bad behavior that can be used against her. But, is it possible that BRAVO didn't want to get involved in an ongoing court case? Even when Tamra has said things about her custody issues, she is very vague - "my ex-husband is trying to get full custody" - with no real details, even though viewers of the show are completely aware that her "ex-husband" is a former cast member on the show. 


I know that Simon has gone through quite a few lengths to keep the kids from being on and even having their names mentioned on the show. Is it possible that there is some legal stuff that was/is happening that is preventing Danielle's story from being played on air?


I know there was a lot of speculation about Danielle's husband, but Danielle and her husband did pre-show press stating that he was not gay. So, I would assume that they were prepared to deal with those allegations coming out on camera. So, I am starting to doubt that those allegations have little to do with why she was redacted from the season. 

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Actually there is another possibility that occurs to me.  This whole thing about 'taking the Beadors down'.  Do we have Tamra saying it on camera?  She says she didn't say it to Shannon, Shannon says she did.  But does Tamra actually allege she heard Terry say it?  I wonder if Danielle was the actual source of that quote and I wonder if Danielle made it up out of a desire to create drama and told Tamra who passed it along.  Something like that, if it came to light, would precipitate her exit.  It's one thing to twist the truth and that goes on all the time on these shows.  It's another to outright lie.  Because no one seems to know where that comment came from or when it was said.  I hold no brief for the Dubrows but they are more sophisticated than that and they've been on the show for a while and know the mics and cameras are always around.  I doubt--even if they had that intent--that they would say it anywhere near where anyone could pick it up and use it.

Edited by quaintirene

I know there was a lot of speculation about Danielle's husband, but Danielle and her husband did pre-show press stating that he was not gay.



I think this is the issue otherwise WHY have a press conference about it? It was a preemptive action, followed by her dissapearance from the series after already being filmed. No way do I think BRAVO was protecting anyone ... they cannot have sunk lower than the Taylor and Russel Armstrong mess and yet they did not excise Taylor from the footage. 


Let's say that, in Bali, someone (hmmm, I'll take a wild guess and say Tamra?) says that Danielle's husband is/was gay, although if Tamra said it I am imagining that there would be much more colorful/vile language used. Let's suppose that Danielle goes home, tells her husband that his orientation was the big focus of a major fight. He goes ballistic, they get some bad advice to hold a preemptive press conference, then the hubby regrets all of it and threatens all sorts of stuff unless Danielle quits the show. He may have good reason to be angry about it for business reasons or whatever. Anyway Danielle (in a rare, nonfamewhore-ish type of action) actually chooses her husband/family's reputation and says she wants out of the show completely or else her husband is going to do something drastic and blame BRAVO for it.  


I cannot see Bravo protecting anyone's reputation, and Tamra doesn't have a reputation to protect; Danielle seems to be the one who shut everything down and Bravo went along with it. 



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I cannot see Bravo protecting anyone's reputation, and Tamra doesn't have a reputation to protect; Danielle seems to be the one who shut everything down and Bravo went along with it. 

I cannot see Bravo protecting anyone either. They have shown over and over again that they have no issues tearing a family or a marriage to shreds if they need to. We have all heard it said that Kyle cried hysterically to Andy and Bravo to not air the limo footage of her calling Kim an Alcoholic.  They didn't care.  Someone on the NJ show said that Teresa and Juicy begged Bravo not to air the scene where he called her a cunt while having phone sex with his girlfriend.  They pled the case that they had young children. No one at Bravo gave two shits.  The deal with Russell has already been mentioned, but this doesn't count IMO because that loon Taylor was all for them airing whatever they wanted. 


The only thing that stops them is something legal. Since the gals cannot sue Bravo for things that happen/are said on the show, it has to be something else. It  might be something that was in a contract that got violated (i.e. like Adrienne saying up front that her children were not to be part of the show and them getting brought into it, which violated her contract - at least that is my assumption and the only reason we never heard what Brandi actually said).  It is possible that part of Tamra's contract is that her kids cannot be part of the show. If Danielle was talking about it extensively, that could be a problem, but they could still have edited it out.


I still keep going back to the final dinner. Danielle seemed more than fine with Tamra.  I saw them in the background looking chummy on a couple of different occasions, which makes it all the more perplexing.


Actually, the strangest thing is that we haven't heard a peep out of anyone. Someone said that Danielle has all but disappeared from Social Media.  I am not on Twitter, so I have no idea if that is true, but others have mentioned this. I also heard that she has taken down the website for her company, which was active at the beginning of the season. It is so unusual for no one to be talking about this, which does remind me of the Adrienne deal. No one was saying anything about what happened until Adrienne confirmed the surrogacy deal. 

Just as perplexing as her minimal role/demotion...why promote the girl as part of the cast when she's basically been shown as Lizzie's shadow at a handful of parties.  Her "final" role to me didn't even qualify as the typical friend.  Across the franchises some ladies film/were featured more and still not considered official "friends"/cast members.  Just a strange case all around...and still more exciting than the season...and the season was awesome. 




... I.  Have.  To.  Know.  What.  Happened.  

Just as perplexing as her minimal role/demotion...why promote the girl as part of the cast when she's basically been shown as Lizzie's shadow at a handful of parties. Her "final" role to me didn't even qualify as the typical friend. Across the franchises some ladies film/were featured more and still not considered official "friends"/cast members. Just a strange case all around...and still more exciting than the season...and the season was awesome.

... I. Have. To. Know. What. Happened.

She was barely on the show at all. I wouldn't have given her a second thought except that she was on the Bali trip. That was obviously a Bravo cast trip. There was no reason for her to be there except that Bravo intended for her to be a major part of the show and then changed their mind. But why? Why, Andy why? I have endured endless semantical debates about the definition of "yelling" and "kicking someone out of your house". I just watch the Brooks drama get rehashed again. I'm sooooo bored. Please throw me a bone and get into this!
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