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S04.E05: Under a Blanket of Red

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Wonder what Randall is up to and if he called her or did she just so up? 

So is protest girl John's new love interest?

I'm afraid of the previews next week because of what's going on with Lloyd. 

The girls really need to go. Them just hanging around watching the guys is just ridiculous. Go away and go do your rodeo bs.

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I was kind of hoping Lloyd would take Carter and they'd get the hell away from Yellowstone.

If protest girl is John's new love interest I wonder how Beth will react to that.  After all, she did tell him he needed p*ssy.

I wonder how Randall knew how to get in touch with her, because I'm guessing he did. 

I don't like the previews with Lloyd and Walker and I fear one of them won't make it out alive.  I rewatched Season 2 and in one of the episodes Walker did call him an "old fart" so Lloyd might have been steaming mad even before the buckle bunnies came.

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Lloyd is that obsessed with blonde girl he's willing to fight people and lose his position at the ranch? His obsession with her and the fact she and the other one is still there is ridiculous.

Now they're bringing in another younger blonde as the protester.  What happened to John and the Mayor? 

Jamie's baby plot is back, if Randall is pulling strings with hits to the Duttons he easily probably knows about the baby to use him to keep Jamie in line.

John's moved back into his house, good. Hopefully that means Monica is not returning.

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6 minutes ago, Artsda said:

What happened to John and the Mayor? 

Governor. I think that cooled off when they started clashing over the airport and other developments surrounding the ranch.

When this episode was over, I said "It felt like nothing happened." And the GF said "Yes, and why are the rodeo girls still around?"

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At this point, I just glaze over anything with Carter because I’m not going to get over the kid basically being an indentured servant, but he’s too naive to realize it. Him making a break for it and finding his own way is when I’d root for that storyline.

We’re still following Jimmy’s storyline? And I thought Mia told the other girl (forget her name) that she was leaving? I can’t see what they bring to the ranch. 

That was a realistic portrayal of a protest.</end sarcasm> I guess John went out and found himself a companion.

Looking forward to Jamie’s storyline picking up and hopefully Kayce’s will have some more meat. I feel like aside from John (naturally), this has become the Beth show. I personally don’t care for her character and I don’t think she’s witty or empowering. She has a lot of fans, so I guess they’re giving the people what they want. It would be nice to give the other siblings some more meaty material. 


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More damn Jimmy!!!  Isn't he going to be on that show about the Texas ranch?  The ranch he is already at??  So why is he taking up time on this show?  I'm beginning to hate Taylor Sheridan!  He took a great show and is ruining it with useless buckle bunnies and plugging Jimmie's new show.  😖😖😖😖

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5 minutes ago, MBayGal said:

More damn Jimmy!!!  Isn't he going to be on that show about the Texas ranch?  The ranch he is already at??  So why is he taking up time on this show?  I'm beginning to hate Taylor Sheridan!  He took a great show and is ruining it with useless buckle bunnies and plugging Jimmie's new show.  😖😖😖😖

Don't forget the scenes he writes of himself stunt riding and delivering hard ass one liners to the likes of Jimmy. Three episodes in a row! Thankfully he wasn't in this one, stay behind the camera Sheridan!

This season, apart from the first half of the first episode, has been a crushing bore (and I say that as a fan). Hopefully things pick up soon.

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So Monica and Tate are magically cured after 4 days, kid needs therapy, someone not from rez or ranch. And she wants her own house off the reservation,  where everyone can come get them without the help from the rez or the ranch.

Jimmy's shit needs to get off my screen, even if uncle Bob is on it or not.

Mia didn't like the ranch and is now all breaking bread with the entire bunkhouse and eating food provided by the ranch she loathed last season.

All the women need to go. Monica and her bs two story house dreaming, Mia and her split personality, Laramie and her bare ass, protest girl and her protesting, Jamie's baby momma. The only people that can stay are Beth, Poltergeist voiced Sally Struthers and Teeter.

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Last couple of episodes haven't been up to snuff. What happened to Monica's (ugh) job at the university ?  Judging by that conversation at the breakfast table, John and Beth have quite the hard-edged relationship for a father and daughter.....yikes.  John should have pressed her to reveal her plans when she said she would need forgiveness.......it's his ranch. 

I'm not a corporate savvy whiz, and I know that Beth accepted the new job with the "enemy", but can she just walk into their office and fire a big boss  like that and say their moving the whole operation to Montana ?????  Can't "Sally Struthers" overrule that ? 

I still don't know how Carter, the young boy, hasn't been accounted for by Social Services since the hospital just let Beth take him after his father died .  Don't they follow up to see about his welfare ?   What they are doing to him is abusive.......he should be getting professional help.

And yes.......enough Jimmy, already.

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I'm in camp 'well that was an hour I won't get back'.  ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ

I felt the same. What was that about? I would have preferred more Jamie and his father and even his ex and child. Why is Lloyd still acting like a love struck teen after 2+ months of the bullshit? I hate the extreme annoying way Rip is treating him, I get it but feel it is a bit overboard even for this show. The protest was a real WTF, and a strange way to introduce a new love interest for John Dutton. It seems like they are shoving these character stereotypes in our faces, the snotty teen boy, the angry white women animal protester, the solemn brewing angry old man, the dumb as a rock wayward wannabe cowboy, the buckle bunnies...we get it. Now move on with the story please!

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So, Christina is back in the picture, and suddenly all smiley and perky and warm toward Jamie.  Jamie, my man, surely you're not taken in by her any longer, right?  When Jamie's life was in shambles and he dropped out of the Attorney General's race, Christina dumped him, hard and fast and ugly.  Now, he's got that big important job, his own big gorgeous home place and voila, like magic, she's suddenly back, apparently all ready and eager to put things back together again.  Get smart, Jamie, make a deal with her to have guaranteed access to your kid, then dump that gold digger or she'll take you for everything you've got.

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At first I thought Christina was right to leave Jamie because she suspected that he was behind that reporter's "accidental" drowning.  However, if she did believe that, there was no reason for her to return to him.  So yeah, now I think she's just a gold digger.  I hope Jamie can see right through her and gets joint custody of the kid.  

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1 hour ago, Debbiejo said:


"I'm not a corporate savvy whiz, and I know that Beth accepted the new job with the "enemy", but can she just walk into their office and fire a big boss  like that and say their moving the whole operation to Montana ?????  Can't "Sally Struthers" overrule that ? "

Beth now owns the controlling interest in Schwarz and Myer.  Remember back when 'Sally Struthers' offered her a job with Market Equities, Beth said she didn't want a salary, instead, she wanted ME's controlling interest in S&M, and she got it.  So, combining the shares Beth already held in S&M, plus the big chunk of shares she just got from 'Sally,' Beth is now the controlling partner in S&M and her first act was to fire the CEO of S&M, just like she said she was going to do.


Edited by joliefaire
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Loved seeing old Barry Corbin on the show - Maurice Minnefield from Northern Exposure! 

The lead hand guy at the 6666 said what we were all thinking about Jimmy. He has to have something going for him because he is not bright. “That’s not George Strait!”. Jimmy, you are dumb.

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1 hour ago, joliefaire said:

she wanted ME's controlling interest in S&M, and she got it. 

When I read that my first thought was "Seth and Myers?". 

Did not recognize Barry Corbin!!  Must watch that part again, too bad I will have to see damn bloody stupid useless Jimmy!!   Northern Exposure is one of my all-time favorite shows. Yellowstone is losing my interest episode by episode this season.

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13 hours ago, Moose135 said:

When this episode was over, I said "It felt like nothing happened." And the GF said "Yes, and why are the rodeo girls still around?"

The only thing notable that happened was that we found out that Jamie's boink in the campaign office (wasn't it implied by Beth that that was his one and only tumble in the hay?) resulted in a surprise baby who is now in his life.  Jamie seemed awfully cool about the whole thing.

Oh and that Beth took the job with Market Equities, so she could keep an eye on them, as well as get the satisfaction of firing Bob, shutting down Schwartz and Meyer's Denver office, and moving all of S&M Denver operations to Montana.

I have ZERO interest in:  Monica and Tate, bratty kid, buckle bunnies, Piper Perabo and her protestors, Lloyd... and above all, Jimmy.  I could have fast forwarded 85% of the show.

11 hours ago, MBayGal said:

More damn Jimmy!!!  Isn't he going to be on that show about the Texas ranch?  The ranch he is already at??  So why is he taking up time on this show?  I'm beginning to hate Taylor Sheridan!  He took a great show and is ruining it with useless buckle bunnies and plugging Jimmie's new show.  😖😖😖😖

11 hours ago, pfk505 said:

Don't forget the scenes he writes of himself stunt riding and delivering hard ass one liners to the likes of Jimmy. Three episodes in a row! Thankfully he wasn't in this one, stay behind the camera Sheridan!

This season, apart from the first half of the first episode, has been a crushing bore (and I say that as a fan). Hopefully things pick up soon.

I have no idea why Jimmy is still on the show.  I had thought he was going to be gone at least until the end of the season, while showing up on the new "6666" show.

Taylor Sheridan was still in this episode, I thought?  He didn't get to do his signature twirl in circles and hard stop on the horses.  But he was the one that told Jimmy that there were three gods on Texas ranches, and he met one of them.  Meaning the old man who was spouting philosophy.  Then he told Jimmy that he hoped God gave him a big dick because he shorted him on brains.

Jimmy truly is one of the dimmest bulbs around.  PLEASE let him be absent from the show next week.  If not, I'm going to have to start fast forwarding him.

On a positive note, I got an early Christmas present in the form of Paramount Plus.  I do want to watch "1883" because I like Westerns and historical period shows.  But I will stay away from "6666" and the only reason is because of something that starts with the tenth letter of the alphabet.

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8 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Taylor Sheridan was still in this episode, I thought?  He didn't get to do his signature twirl in circles and hard stop on the horses.  But he was the one that told Jimmy that there were three gods on Texas ranches, and he met one of them.  Meaning the old man who was spouting philosophy.  Then he told Jimmy that he hoped God gave him a big dick because he shorted him on brains.

No, that was a different actor. The actor who played that character would be chuffed to be told he looks like Taylor Sheridan. Sheridan is FIT. 

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I really wonder how crazy Beth is going to react to finding out that Jamie has a son.  I hope something is going to change with that toxic dynamic between Beth and Jamie, but alas, I'm afraid it won't.

On another topic, anybody else get the impression that John was immediately attracted to Summer Higgins (protester lady) because she reminds him of a young Evelyn?  That didn't occur to me at first, but hit me after a rewatch.  It also explains John telling Beth that he's 'wrestling with his conscience,' which could mean he's aware of that resemblance as well, and he's wrestling with should he or shouldn't he become involved with a woman because she reminds him of his dead wife. 

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Remember a few episodes ago when the brunette barrel racer said she was going to pack up and get back to the rodeo circuit ? Neither do the writers . Actually I should say WRITER singular because Taylor Sheridan is credited for all but one episode. 

Yah ! No gratuitous horse spinning and stopping. Instead we get multiple monologues on cowboy philisophy as the show continues to force feed us multiple scenes across multiple episodes of what amounts to a backdoor pilot for the 6666 spin off. We get it Sheridan, you've got another fucking show coming out on Paramount Plus, aka the Taylor Sheridan channel. 

Does the 66666 not have any sort of  bunkhouse for their ranch hands, hence Jimmy sleeping outside for two nights ? And he sure seemed to have recovered quick enough to ride a horse considering he was wearing a spinal brace when he got on the truck to go to the 6666. 

We finally get some more screen time for Jamie and this time they actually DO remember to resurrect the baby thread, which is more interesting than the child slavery angle with the Beth and Rips mascot kid. 

If Lloyd has been at the Yellowstone so long you'd think he wouldn't look so quizical as to why he's being punished. 

So Beth took the job so she can fire her old boss and run ME into the ground. Part 1, sure. Part 2 ? Um. isn't someone gonna notice ?

So the Piper Perabo character is Costners new love interest it would seem. Beth's gonna love that, esp if he brings her home.  Ugh. 

Monica seems to have gone AWOL from her university job, at least they remembered to mention she still has to, you know, work every once in awhile and break out her school play Pocohontas outfit. 


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1 hour ago, Msample said:

Monica seems to have gone AWOL from her university job, at least they remembered to mention she still has to, you know, work every once in awhile and break out her school play Pocohontas outfit. 

I think it's almost certainly likely that Monica either quit or got fired.  There was the scene where she was so disgusted that all of her students were just playing on their cell phones.  She bitched them out about not caring about history or something like that, and then she just walked off the job, at least for that day.  I think it's quite possible that the university may have interpreted that as a resignation.

But regardless, would be nice if the show could have confirmed that.  How hard is it to have a throwaway line that "well, since I quit my job, I don't have anything better to do other than to bathe my nearly adolescent son".  I'm assuming that even if she was still employed, based on the events that happened in her life, she'd be "on leave" anyways.

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

Just wanted to add that I don't think Carter is "bratty."  He went through gawd knows what with his daddy before he died, and the only "bratty" thing he did was in the store with Beth, for which he apologized.  He does whatever Rip tells him to do, and he was really trying to learn things about saddles and probably other things from Lloyd.  It's sad that Rip wants a younger version of himself, considering how fucked up he is--a branded murderer suffering from Stockholm Syndrome being on that ranch all his adult life and being tethered to a drunken, chain-smoking, f-bomb throwing daddy's girl.   The kid deserves better than that.  

This. Rip basically told the kid that this is as good as his life is going to get because he believes that for himself. As the viewers, we know that doesn’t have to be true.

In some fairness to Rip, he never asked for Carter to be there in the first place. Beth brought him home and Rip appropriately called him her “pet”. And like a petulant kid herself, she threw that pet over as soon as he didn’t behave the way she wanted him to. So now he sleeps in the barn in jeans and works in exchange for shelter and whatever food he’s thrown. And by ranch standards, he’ll be branded and in charge of taking out the “bigger trash”. That’s not helping him. 

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3 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I recognized the voice right away, but probably wouldn't have know it was him just from seeing him.

Yes, the voice is unmistakable.  I did recognize him, but boy, he has aged monumentally since I last saw him on a show.  Since he has had a part in literally every show ever made, that's sort of hard to imagine, but still...

He is a treasure that will soon be gone I fear.  He's only 81, but maaannnn he looked bad, and unless the makeup team is the best in the business (they could be), he doesn't look well to me.

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yes, the voice is unmistakable.  I did recognize him, but boy, he has aged monumentally since I last saw him on a show.  Since he has had a part in literally every show ever made, that's sort of hard to imagine, but still...

He is a treasure that will soon be gone I fear.  He's only 81, but maaannnn he looked bad, and unless the makeup team is the best in the business (they could be), he doesn't look well to me.

I recognized Uncle Bob's voice as soon as he started talking. Even said Uncle Bob all loud, dating myself from watching Urban Cowboy 50 times a year. 

Even though I love him, I can't with Jimmy and how the hell is he going to carry a show. Teeter could carry a show, hell even Colby.cpuld carry a show. Jimmy, no, why in the hell would they ever think he could?

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54 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

I recognized Uncle Bob's voice as soon as he started talking. Even said Uncle Bob all loud, dating myself from watching Urban Cowboy 50 times a year. 

Even though I love him, I can't with Jimmy and how the hell is he going to carry a show. Teeter could carry a show, hell even Colby.cpuld carry a show. Jimmy, no, why in the hell would they ever think he could?

I doubt very much that Jimmy will be carrying the show.  He's simply being used as a backdoor introduction to the show.  Over at the 6666 sub, we've been talking about an interesting non-coincidence that I think lends some insight into this issue.  Taylor Sheridan named the prisoner guy who set up the hits on the Duttons as 'T. Riggins.'  Back during the Friday Night Lights series, one of the most popular characters was Tim Riggins, played by actor Taylor Kitsch.  Again, not-coincidentally, Taylor Sheridan was Taylor Kitsch's acting coach back in the day.  This could be a strong hint that Taylor Kitsch may be coming to the 6666 show.  And I hope that's true!  But whether its Kitsch or some other good and veteran actor, my guess is that it will certainly not be Jimmy carrying the show.  Just my 2 cents.

To add a bit: Another Friday Night Lights alumnus, Kyle Chandler who played Coach Taylor, has been cast by Taylor Sheridan as a co-star in another Sheridan show, The Mayor of Kingstown. 

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1 hour ago, joliefaire said:

To add a bit: Another Friday Night Lights alumnus, Kyle Chandler who played Coach Taylor, has been cast by Taylor Sheridan as a co-star in another Sheridan show, The Mayor of Kingstown. 

Ha - unfortunately "co-star" is a stretch... But that is some interesting sleuthing! I will tune in to check out 6666 but likely keep the remote handy to ffwd ol' Jimmy

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1 minute ago, mledawn said:

Ha - unfortunately "co-star" is a stretch... But that is some interesting sleuthing! I will turn in to check out 6666 but likely keep the remote handy to ffwd ol' Jimmy

Is 'co-star' a stretch?  My mistake, then.  I haven't seen the show, just heard that 2 brothers were the stars and Chandler was one of them.  I stand corrected.  :- )

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When I was watching John in the first scene talking about Beth, saying something like he wouldn’t want to be in this world without her, I thought, “John, have you met your daughter? I see nothing of worth in her.” She is angry, foul mouthed, cruel, unattractive, alcoholic, enjoys ruining lives, etc.

I feel badly for Carter, who got taken in by Beth at the hospital. Poor kid had no idea what he was in for.

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12 hours ago, Debbiejo said:


I still don't know how Carter, the young boy, hasn't been accounted for by Social Services since the hospital just let Beth take him after his father died .  Don't they follow up to see about his welfare ?   What they are doing to him is abusive.......he should be getting professional help.


That's not what happened, Carter  got arrested and threw out the Dutton name so the Sheriff brought him to Beth and she accepted. And nobody follows up on the Dutton's the feds or Montana.

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47 minutes ago, Raja said:
13 hours ago, Debbiejo said:


That's not what happened, Carter  got arrested and threw out the Dutton name

Exactly.  And not just any arrest--he held up a convenience store using a screwdriver as a weapon and threat.  That's armed robbery.  He then told the arresting officers that Beth Dutton was his legal guardian (a total lie), which is why they covered up the crime and brought him to the ranch.  Granted, he's a kid with a terrible childhood, but he's also a manipulative user at this point.  I'm not condoning how coldly he's being treated at the ranch, but something has to be changed in this kid's thinking, or he's lost for good.  I loved when John said he has to lose being 'handsome'.  Carter says that's all he has going for himself and John says 'that's why,' and Carter seemed to listen and think about that.  He's learned to get by until now based on being a cute kid and people feeling sorry for him, no matter how he continues to use and bamboozle them.  That's all he'll ever be, unless that life-track gets drastically changed.  I'm looking forward to seeing some internal growth in Carter, but, we shall see.

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2 hours ago, joliefaire said:

Is 'co-star' a stretch?  My mistake, then.  I haven't seen the show, just heard that 2 brothers were the stars and Chandler was one of them.  I stand corrected.  :- )


Chandler's character was killed off before the end of the first episode. He was featured prominently in the promos - and still is - and had a large role in that episode, but he didn't survive to the end of it.

Spoiler tagged in case anyone here is planning to binge MoK at a later date.

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1 minute ago, Moose135 said:
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Chandler's character was killed off before the end of the first episode. He was featured prominently in the promos - and still is - and had a large role in that episode, but he didn't survive to the end of it.

Spoiler tagged in case anyone here is planning to binge MoK at a later date.

Well, hell, that sucks!

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Cost of a Wedding at Yellowstone?  I find it amusing (as well as smart) that Beth is setting up a wedding, and presumably more of them, at the ranch.  John is against it, of course, but Beth does know how to make money for them!  During her phone convo, the caller said the NY bridal couple 'want the ranch experience,' and Beth immediately doubled the price, lol.  Maybe we've found some actual employment for the barrel racer girls, leading the wedding party around on trail rides, and performing for them in the ranch arena?

I'm just so curious, I have no experience of rich NY'ers and what they might pay for a ranch wedding, and then add in a 'ranch experience.'  Anybody got any ideas based on any actual experience or knowledge?  $50,000?  $80,000?  More?  Less?  Your thoughts?

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So let me get this straight.  The horse show team drove from Montana to Texas, and Travis is going to turn right around and drive back to Montana, and then a side trip to Colorado.  I hope he's getting top dollar because the price of diesel will kill that trip right off.

And John Dutton is in charge of law enforcement; it's confirmed.  The sheriff asks him if he wants to press charges for assault on someone else.

I got a kick out of that 'There are three men in Texas....' line, partly because I was convinced at the moment that the wrangler was the third guy in the triad (no, not God), thinking that the show gave George Strait a cameo.  He's not listed on Imdb, though.

5 hours ago, toodywoody said:

I recognized Uncle Bob's voice as soon as he started talking.

I went right to Ellis (Ed Tom's dad) from No Country for Old Men.

If Beth thinks she's going to outsmart Granny and run Market Equities into the ground, she is going to be surprised.  Someone else will buy the shares, she will get fired, again, and the development will continue, assuming it isn't tied up in the courts forever, Jaime's bluff at the meeting notwithstanding.  Remember, Granny's dealing with the tribe, too.

I did a quick search on destination weddings in Montana, and the bigger venues do indeed offer 'the ranch experience'.  No price quotes available online without a booking, though.  My question is, what about accommodations?  Is Beth going to put them up in the main house?  Is Gator going to cook for 300?  John isn't going to go for this "But, Daddy, this will make us a lot of money" line.

By the way, writers.  Pryor, where Monica is looking for a house, is 'halfway to Bozeman from here.'  Pryor is right outside Billings on the other side of the state.  The series started out with the ranch butting up against the Park.  Oops.

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2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I went right to Ellis (Ed Tom's dad) from No Country for Old Men.

Me too.

On 11/29/2021 at 3:19 AM, toodywoody said:

All the women need to go. Monica and her bs two story house dreaming, Mia and her split personality, Laramie and her bare ass, protest girl and her protesting, Jamie's baby momma. The only people that can stay are Beth, Poltergeist voiced Sally Struthers and Teeter.

Let's not get too hasty on giving the boot to her booty.  Blue skies and mountains only go so far for scenery.  But agreed, that was a cringe worthy moment.

Also enjoyed Lloyd walking around all episode with crazy lunatic eyes that made it appear he was ready to snap at any moment.  

After Dutton bailed out the protester, the scene should have ended with him saying "let me drop you off at the train station".  Embrace the dark side, Yellowstone.



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I don't get Rip's problem with Lloyd all of a sudden.  Just because of the fight he and Walker had?  That was days ago so Rip needs to get over it.  I was hoping Rip telling Lloyd to be the boss meant R wanted L to tell the rodeo girls to get the hell out of the bunk house.  But, maybe not.

Why are we still following Jimmy?

Oh, please don't make the protest girl John's new love interest.  He's old enough to be her grandpa, despite the fact she thinks he's in his 50s.  (However, I did like him pointing out that plowing for crops kills animals too.)

John needs to get over his kids leaving.  That's what usually happens, John, kids grow up and make their own lives elsewhere.  That's the thing about parenting - if you do it right you put yourself out of a job.

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I got a kick out of that 'There are three men in Texas....' line, partly because I was convinced at the moment that the wrangler was the third guy in the triad (no, not God), thinking that the show gave George Strait a cameo.  He's not listed on Imdb, though.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one! I was doing something else at this point in the episode (due to Jimmy storyline) and saw the man out of the corner of my eye. I actually said "Is that George Strait?" as they were only showing him from the back, and the waist up. Once he was again in full view I realised it wasn't but, it had me really watching for a few moments!

Edited by mledawn
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When did they make Lloyd such an idiot. Do we really believe that he believed a 20 something woman would be interested in his 70 year old self? Of course she hooked up with another young hottie, they are just making him seem like a dumb lovestruck kid and I hate it.

No more Jimmie. Ugh. Make it stop.

I actually like Costner having a potential love interest, her age doesn’t bother me as I still think the man is pretty hot.

And just when you thought Jamie was gonna grow a pair with his dirt bag dab, they have to throw in the long lost baby trope.

And despite all this I still love this stupid show! 

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6 hours ago, Haleth said:

I don't get Rip's problem with Lloyd all of a sudden.  Just because of the fight he and Walker had? 

Also Lloyd's decision to bring the infected cattle back to the ranch instead of treating them out in the pasture.  All of the hands disagreed with his decision as well.  So Lloyd lost the respect of not only Rip and John, but also the ranchhands.  He has to build that back up.

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16 hours ago, joliefaire said:

Exactly.  And not just any arrest--he held up a convenience store using a screwdriver as a weapon and threat.  That's armed robbery.  He then told the arresting officers that Beth Dutton was his legal guardian (a total lie), which is why they covered up the crime and brought him to the ranch.  Granted, he's a kid with a terrible childhood, but he's also a manipulative user at this point.  I'm not condoning how coldly he's being treated at the ranch, but something has to be changed in this kid's thinking, or he's lost for good.  I loved when John said he has to lose being 'handsome'.  Carter says that's all he has going for himself and John says 'that's why,' and Carter seemed to listen and think about that.  He's learned to get by until now based on being a cute kid and people feeling sorry for him, no matter how he continues to use and bamboozle them.  That's all he'll ever be, unless that life-track gets drastically changed.  I'm looking forward to seeing some internal growth in Carter, but, we shall see.

I forgot about the convenience store holdup, and he did lie about Beth being a legal guardian but I thought that was just out of desperation and trying to have a home.  However, other than that, I haven't seen any other evidence so far that he's bamboozled anyone.  I agree that he needs internal growth, but I just don't think Rip and Beth are role models for him to rely on. 

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After the first episode I thought maybe they should have not done another season, but I’d keep watching.  Well as of now I’m not planning on watching Sunday but when it’s convenient for me. That thought is still there they did one season too many. 

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I started watching last season, is this baby really Jamie's or some kind of con? 

When I first started watching, I thought Beth was in her 40's, but "intermittent fasting" on whiskey will do that to you. 

I thought Lloyd was gonna shoot the girl and guy getting it on and then maybe shoot himself.  I guess I'm used to at least one killin' per episode! 



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