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S05.E01 Leap Of Faith

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Season 5 premiere date is December 12, 2021.

Just a few more days until TLC's latest 90DF dumpster fire arrives.  


A Leap of Faith

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days: Season 5, Episode 1

Gino packs for his trip to Panama to meet Jasmine. Memphis is ready to marry a Tunisian man she's never met before. Caleb and Alina prepare to meet after 13 years. Kim plans to fly across the world for her last shot at love -- with Usman.

Article with cast information and trailer are HERE.


Another round of 90 Day drama! The season 5 premiere of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days is right around the corner, and the seven new couples have a hard road ahead.

In Us Weekly‘s exclusive trailer, relationships are tested and tears are shed. As usual, season 5 will follow the couples as they get to know each other before applying for K-1 visas, but seemingly nothing is going to be easy.


Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Oh em gee, Usman and his musical stylings are back! I cannot wait. 


Almost the whole world to choose from and we get this clown again. He was so obviously a scam artist last time and no doubt is still trying to scam old American women for air time & a green card. A blank screen would have been better than this guy.

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I am in it for the story with the Peruvian woman.....my ex was Peruvian. No, we did not do a K1, we met while in college and were together many years. However, as part of that I spent a LOT of time in Peru, both when I lived there (when we met) and of course going back and forth to see his family. I also traveled extensively in Peru and it is a beautiful country full of some very nice people. However, my experience with Peruvian women as a white American who speaks fluent Spanish was never positive. So I don't have high hopes for this couple lol

On 12/7/2021 at 10:06 AM, Welshman in Ca said:

He was so obviously a scam artist last time

Yes, he was.....give him props for following through though on the marriage to psychotic Baby Girl Lisa, lol! The desire for the green card is strong with that one..... 

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Caleb seems kinda normal so far. Alina is a very attractive woman. Her dwarfism may be a significant hurdle in a shallow, superficial world.

Usman rides again? Another woman 50 and up? Hope Kim watched the Baby Girl visa series. Yeah, Lisa treated him poorly, but it was another odd pairing.

Edited by Frozendiva
autocorrect typo
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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I'll bet anything she did and that's how Usman came to be on her radar! She might fancy herself the Lisa Presley to his Michael Jackson. 

I find it a little odd that he found another older woman and not someone Nigerian and a little closer to his age. There is nothing wrong with an age difference but it seems to be a pattern of sorts to find someone older, a bit vulnerable, someone who doesn't get much attention - this Kim is a caregiver for her elderly mother.  Wonder if Usman is paying the ticket to Tanzania, his record company is doing so, or if Kim is footing the bill. Maybe I am wrong and they are more suited than he and Baby Girl Visa.

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Just no. I am going to get jumped on for this, but come on. Alina might be a lovely woman, but no normal sized, "normal" man is going to choose her for his life partner. This is as bad as the 600 pounders who attract feeders. I don't want hinky, I am sorry. I have a handicapped son, and know first hand how anyone who dares to be different is treated in this world, and this ain't going to happen in real life.

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3 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Just no. I am going to get jumped on for this, but come on. Alina might be a lovely woman, but no normal sized, "normal" man is going to choose her for his life partner. This is as bad as the 600 pounders who attract feeders. I don't want hinky, I am sorry. I have a handicapped son, and know first hand how anyone who dares to be different is treated in this world, and this ain't going to happen in real life.

You are mostly right but there are exceptions.  I work in the disability rights community. There are some disabled people who marry nondisabled people. There are some mixed stature marriages too. Now as for anyone who appears on this show, they are publicity seekers, so motives are suspect. 

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Going by the 30 min preview.

"Not Steven" Caleb and Alina.  I found a surprise with Alina. I would have thought her voice to be higher.  I like that the storyline is different - that they have been pen pals for 15 years (on and off). But come on, these two are social media seekers and are only doing the show for that. Give it a few weeks and you will see both of them on OF (especially Alina).

I don't find Lisa Kim vulnerable at all.  Her MJ obsession is a bit out there (I don't like the deceased singer.. actually detest him) and this is again a transactional potential relationship.  As someone pointed above, she wants to be the wife of an up and coming singer. First, Usman isn't internationally famous singer.  His a Z list reality person.  Next, he wants to come to the US and become famous. I see this lasting for the duration of the show.

I can't wait till someone does a mix of Pole 2.0 running to Benny Hill theme. 

Even better a mix of both Poles doing the running thing to Benny Hill.

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21 hours ago, magemaud said:

I had to chuckle at shirtless Caleb running through the desert in his opening segment to the dramatic music. I thought he looked like a Centaur 

I assume from his pale skin it was his first time ever running shirtless

I was actually very impressed by Alina’s living conditions and accommodations in the big city.

  • Love 12
On 12/11/2021 at 6:00 AM, GussieK said:

How does someone pick Usman after seeing the first series?  WTF?  


The same reason that someone would pick Charles Manson or any other mass murderer who is in prison, I have no idea what that reason would be though. No doubt she looked for him online after the first series and he must really have some sort of older woman kink or she was the only one willing to foot the bill for him to travel. 

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I'm going on the record to say that I'm sure BG Kim watched the season and once she found out the Lisa and Usman didn't work out, she contacted him and offered to be the new White American woman in his life. She's going into this with her eyes and wallet wide open. 

I think that more and more, as the stories get increasingly outrageous, the couples (or at least one of the people) are just famewhores and it doesn't matter if they are legit and succeed as a couple or not. They get the same screen time and notoriety either way. 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 18

Watched it D plus.  I will say this:  Gino is in a potentially abusive relationship.  Another "hot Latina" who needs to know where he is 24-7.  Another socially weird unemployed man who admits, I believe, he can't get a date in Canton, Michigan.  I want his uncle to be my uncle.

Caleb:  Not sure if he is a genuine good guy or a jerky famewhore.  With the track record of most American males, I think we know which way the wind will blow.  

San Diego Girl and Usman:  Another overanimated female who talks with her hands too much.  She really  REALLY wants to be on tv and is clearly auditioning for something.  Again with the "what?  He wrote a song ABOUT A FEMALE???"  Yes, girl, most guys write songs about girls, dummy.

I still have covid so my memory could be suspect.

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58 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

Is Gino, um, all there? I’m not sure it’s okay to laugh at him. Fortunately, Caleb drawing a fried egg by a campfire and Memphis posing for “sexy time” while wearing a shower cap have us covered for this episode.

But he worked as an engineer!  Those folks, generally, are not stupid.  

Memphis.....oh lord - go to a therapist NOW and get your sh*t straightened out.  Dad in prison, mom is recovering meth addict who seems to have a uneasy grip on the truth and her own past and I can tell you RIGHT NOW she NEVER WILL, Memphis.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

But he worked as an engineer!  Those folks, generally, are not stupid.  

Memphis.....oh lord - go to a therapist NOW and get your sh*t straightened out.  Dad in prison, mom is recovering meth addict who seems to have a uneasy grip on the truth and her own past and I can tell you RIGHT NOW she NEVER WILL, Memphis.

Join the live chat.

Oh dear. 

Gino/Jasmine - Gino isn’t just dumber than hell. He’s off in some way. It’s not just being socially awkward. He creeps me out for reasons I can’t fully articulate yet. Another Pole I suspect. Jasmine is controlling and psychologically abusive, that much is clear. I feel terribly for his uncle. I think the poor man will feel like he failed his late brother (Gino’s dad) but Gino cannot be helped. 

Memphis, Memphis, Memphis. She hasn’t yet learned that she needs to love herself first and foremost. I don’t think the poor woman even likes herself which means she’s catnip to future abusers, gaslighters, and opportunists. 

Kim, meh. A willing participant in Sharp’s scheme to make Usman relevant again. Of all the couples, this one is the fakest for me, dawg.

Beanie Hipster clearly took Ash’s seminar. What a tool. He’ll run, but not before we get a yawn-worthy, protracted storyline about his “jealousy” over Friend Elijah who is well liked and trusted by Alina’s family. 

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Is Gino the long lost twin of Larry the McDonald’s manager who wouldn’t eat roast pig?  Same derpy affect and weird voice.

2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

But he worked as an engineer!  Those folks, generally, are not stupid.  

Memphis.....oh lord - go to a therapist NOW and get your sh*t straightened out.  Dad in prison, mom is recovering meth addict who seems to have a uneasy grip on the truth and her own past and I can tell you RIGHT NOW she NEVER WILL, Memphis.

Crack addict.

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53 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:


Full disclosure:

I'm 4'2", weigh 65 lbs., and use a manual wheelchair full time for mobility.

I worked full time for a major commercial airline for 22 years, and as a benefit was able to travel throughout the U.S. and Europe for both business and pleasure.

I drive, and am fully independent at home (do my own shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc). 

I'm also a single mom, and raised my daughter (who recently turned 25) by myself - with no financial or physical help from anyone.

I'm happy to say I've had a very fulfilling romantic life. All of my relationships have been with able-bodied men. Three of those relationships have been long-term (lasting from 5 to 20 years apiece). 

None of these men had a fetish for women who are disabled and/or short-statured.

The 20 year relationship was a marriage. My ex-husband was (and still is) a Latin-percussionist in a salsa band. He is not my daughter's father. Her father was from a short-term relationship which occurred *after* I divorced my husband. 

All of the men I've had relationships with have been "normal". As a matter of fact, when I've gotten to know some of the men my able-bodied female friends have attracted and had relationships with, I'm usually quite glad I'm me.

So, what is it about me that attracts men? Well, I'm kinda cute. I'm smart (I have a very quick mind) and I have a great sense of humor. I'm also kind, without being a pushover. I have many interests; I'll hear or read about something I know nothing about, and spend the next few days falling down an internet research hole learning as much as I can about it. Then something else catches my eye, and off I go in another direction!

There are two ways to a man's heart: one is through his stomach by cooking him a fantastic meal. The other I'll leave to your imagination. But rest assured I'm very good at both!

But I think most men pick up on the fact that I really like men. Tall men; short men. Fat men; skinny men. Men who are smooth and charming; men who are socially awkward. Whenever I've had the opportunity to talk to a man - any man - for at least 10 minutes, I've learned something new about the male psyche. And it's always fascinating to me.

We've all known men who don't like women (as a group). Yet they want and need a woman. Personally, I've always been wary of men who give off the vibe that they don't like women in general.

There are also a lot of women who don't like men (also as a group). It's been my experience that men who are with a woman they know truly likes men will feel more comfortable being himself around her. That's important when you're trying to figure out what makes a man you've recently met, tick.

I know several women who have the same collagen disorder I have; some more severely affected than myself. 

While they've all been successful in finding love, one in particular reminds me of Alina.

She's 2'8", also uses a wheelchair full-time for mobility, and several years ago married a smart, kind, good-looking man. You can tell by the way he looks at her (when she's not looking at him) that he loves her more than life itself.

Now...speaking to what you said about no "normal" man would want to date someone like Alina (and, by extension, me and the other women I know personally who are likewise short-statured and use wheelchairs): The people who have given me the most trouble in my life in regards to my relationships with men have been other women

Women don't understand why a good-looking able-bodied guy would have any interest in me, and without exception, every close (or so I thought) single female friend I've had has tried to sabotage every relationship I've had with men. I guess they felt threatened by me, as in: whatever she's got that attracts men to her I don't have and can't get, so I've got to prove I can have him, too, if I want!

What did they do?

Tried to get the man I was with in their bed.

Only the very first one - when I was in my late teens - succeeded.

After that I wised up. As soon as I saw the signs, I'd tell my SO what was happening and cut the so-called friend loose. But by the time I was in my mid-thirties, I decided it was pointless to have women friends I could never talk about my relationships with. So I stopped pursuing friendships with single women, in favor of women who were happily married. I only wish I'd thought to do that 15 years earlier.

Part of this is the tired trope that all men are superficial and want Pam Anderson.

  • Love 11
56 minutes ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Oh dear. 

Here we go again.

Gino...Gino's nervous giggle is 1000x worse than creepy Steven's was.  Agree, for a 51 year old, who is supposedly an engineer, there's definitely something "off" about him.  His plan to get his "GF" pregnant the first time he meets her...not smart.  Just hoping for him that his internet "little blue pills" don't work.


  • Love 16

Alina is my new favorite 90 Dayer. How awesome is she? Genuinely, look at all she's doing with her life, in spite of her dwarfism and the obstacles that puts in her way. I know of another similar woman with dwarfism who became first a burlesque dancer, then a very funny stand up comedian who opened nationally for Margaret Cho. Her name is Selene Luna and her philosophy is, "If I'm going to be a spectacle, then I'm going to be SPECTACULAR." I love that. Alina seems to embrace that same energy.

And  damned if 🎶 My pussy has wi-fi 🎶 isn't a real banger.

  • Love 22

Kimberly looks rough for only 50. Usman must have a very skewed idea of how American women age. And if she was male, I'd peg her as someone who fetishizes Black women. But since she's female, I'm pegging her as someone who fetishizes Black men. Distasteful. 

Something is off with Gino. We all see it, right? Jasmine too. Off. 

Memphis is just being stupidly shortsighted, which is inexcusable while she's got children to care for.

Edited by FrancescaFiore
  • Love 15
2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:


Full disclosure:

I'm 4'2", weigh 65 lbs., and use a manual wheelchair full time for mobility.

I worked full time for a major commercial airline for 22 years, and as a benefit was able to travel throughout the U.S. and Europe for both business and pleasure.

I drive, and am fully independent at home (do my own shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc). 

I'm also a single mom, and raised my daughter (who recently turned 25) by myself - with no financial or physical help from anyone.

I'm happy to say I've had a very fulfilling romantic life. All of my relationships have been with able-bodied men. Three of those relationships have been long-term (lasting from 5 to 20 years apiece). 

None of these men had a fetish for women who are disabled and/or short-statured.

The 20 year relationship was a marriage. My ex-husband was (and still is) a Latin-percussionist in a salsa band. He is not my daughter's father. Her father was from a short-term relationship which occurred *after* I divorced my husband. 

All of the men I've had relationships with have been "normal". As a matter of fact, when I've gotten to know some of the men my able-bodied female friends have attracted and had relationships with, I'm usually quite glad I'm me.

So, what is it about me that attracts men? Well, I'm kinda cute. I'm smart (I have a very quick mind) and I have a great sense of humor. I'm also kind, without being a pushover. I have many interests; I'll hear or read about something I know nothing about, and spend the next few days falling down an internet research hole learning as much as I can about it. Then something else catches my eye, and off I go in another direction!

There are two ways to a man's heart: one is through his stomach by cooking him a fantastic meal. The other I'll leave to your imagination. But rest assured I'm very good at both!

But I think most men pick up on the fact that I really like men. Tall men; short men. Fat men; skinny men. Men who are smooth and charming; men who are socially awkward. Whenever I've had the opportunity to talk to a man - any man - for at least 10 minutes, I've learned something new about the male psyche. And it's always fascinating to me.

We've all known men who don't like women (as a group). Yet they want and need a woman. Personally, I've always been wary of men who give off the vibe that they don't like women in general.

There are also a lot of women who don't like men (also as a group). It's been my experience that men who are with a woman they know truly likes men will feel more comfortable being himself around her. That's important when you're trying to figure out what makes a man you've recently met, tick.

I know several women who have the same collagen disorder I have; some more severely affected than myself. 

While they've all been successful in finding love, one in particular reminds me of Alina.

She's 2'8", also uses a wheelchair full-time for mobility, and several years ago married a smart, kind, good-looking man. You can tell by the way he looks at her (when she's not looking at him) that he loves her more than life itself.

Now...speaking to what you said about no "normal" man would want to date someone like Alina (and, by extension, me and the other women I know personally who are likewise short-statured and use wheelchairs): The people who have given me the most trouble in my life in regards to my relationships with men have been other women

Women don't understand why a good-looking able-bodied guy would have any interest in me, and without exception, every close (or so I thought) single female friend I've had has tried to sabotage every relationship I've had with men. I guess they felt threatened by me, as in: whatever she's got that attracts men to her I don't have and can't get, so I've got to prove I can have him, too, if I want!

What did they do?

Tried to get the man I was with in their bed.

Only the very first one - when I was in my late teens - succeeded.

After that I wised up. As soon as I saw the signs, I'd tell my SO what was happening and cut the so-called friend loose. But by the time I was in my mid-thirties, I decided it was pointless to have women friends I could never talk about my relationships with. So I stopped pursuing friendships with single women, in favor of women who were happily married. I only wish I'd thought to do that 15 years earlier.

I shut down with coworkers and didn’t talk about anyone I was dating. Married, single, whatever, I enforced the boundary. Petty, jealous, unbecoming and stupid behavior from them. People do love to judge and project their own stuff. I learned about sharing and wasn’t all that generous.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Part of this is the tired trope that all men are superficial and want Pam Anderson.

Agreed. Most women are given the message - practically from birth - men are primarily attracted to women who have a beautiful face and a killer body. 

By the time women reach the age at which they begin to date, that message has become gospel

My experiences have led me to believe women are much more superficial than men. As a matter of fact, from what I've seen, it's much more difficult for men* with disabilities to find partners for romantic relationships than it is for women.

Because @winsomeone has a son with a disability, that's probably why she's making assumptions about how likely it is that Caleb and Alina's romantic relationship will pan out. 

* The exception is male paraplegics. I'm not sure why, but my theory is it's because many men become paraplegic as a result of doing something thrilling and dangerous (and they often continue to do thrilling and dangerous stuff after they become paraplegic, too).

A good example is one of the guys I met years ago at a small wheelchair manufacturing place in Georgia. He had become a paraplegic when he was goofing around at top speed racing his motorcycle. 

When we were chatting, he mentioned to me that he was in the process of rigging up a motorcycle sidecar so that he could drive the motorcycle from the sidecar. Once that project was completed, he said he planned to begin motorcycle racing again.

If that doesn't have disaster written all over it, I don't know what does!

As a result of all that crazy, these men often have a fast-living risk-taking type of personality many women find attractive.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Changed one word
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2 hours ago, The Goon said:


Gino seems like a nice guy. Definitely goofy as hell. He looks like a cross between a young Jeffrey Tambor and those kids that have that rare ageing disease.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes out that he had some kind of head injury. The left side of his temple appears to be indented and his eye tracks inwards towards his nose. 

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7 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Which he alternates with the braying Fran Drescher laugh.


Damn!  I missed this.. and live chat.. went to my neighbor's house for "a glass of wine".. suffice to say it was many more glasses; got home at 7:00, said "i'll take a half hour nap".. slept til 2 AM.. Well, must have needed it.  I'll be there next week and now I have to watch this.  Sounds.. um.. great.

  • Love 6

I don't know guys...there's something that feels the wrong kind of exploitative in watching this group, and not just because of the little person angle. The guy with the hat and the uncle, there's something wrong there. At first, I thought the hat had to be to cover up the scar left over from some brain injury, like he USED to be an engineer, but got into some sort of car-flipped-over-a-median type of accident and managed to be saved, but is on permanent disability. The lady with Usman, we're going to find out she's got some serious trauma in her backstory, right? Like, as serious as the one who did the shower thing? Because about 80 minutes into this episode she dropped her harrowing history on us, which I didn't appreciate, because now I feel bad. Look, TLC, we all KNOW these people by nature have serious emotional damage. You don't have to put it on display though, it's better when we can all pretend to each other not to know it. I'm not entirely sure I can watch this one. 

I'm totally going to though, like I did with Kirk Cameron's Christmas movie this weekend. Thanks weed. 

4 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Is there a universe we don’t know about where Usman is famous. 😬

I KEPT ASKING MY WIFE THIS! Not as cleverly, just quizzically like "Did I miss where this guy had a couple of hits somewhere? Because when he moves here, he's going to drive an Uber."

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10 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Gino/Jasmine - Gino isn’t just dumber than hell. He’s off in some way. It’s not just being socially awkward. He creeps me out for reasons I can’t fully articulate yet. Another Pole I suspect. Jasmine is controlling and psychologically abusive, that much is clear. I feel terribly for his uncle. I think the poor man will feel like he failed his late brother (Gino’s dad) but Gino cannot be helped. 

Gino reminds me of someone I worked with a long time ago.    "Bill" (not even close to his real name) was just like Gino, brilliant engineer, great at his job, but zero common sense and totally irritating.        I wonder if Gino was let go because he was irritating co-workers and whoever else he had to work with?       Gino's idea of meet the woman, get her pregnant immediately, and then import her on a K-1 scares me, because he might end up on the original 90 days after this.      I guess Gino never looked at the time line for k-1, especially slowed down during a pandemic?   

I think the combination of Gino and Jasmine will awful, but he's volunteering for being treated like she treats him, so I guess I'll just enjoy watching it.     

Kim is so delusional, but she knows what Usman is like, so I bet she's only in it for the TV time.       ALina is right to be cautious, and take her friend along.     Her band and songs were interesting, but I hope she realizes that TV time doesn't equal real sales.     

After the previews, I can't wait for next week.  Continuing the ones we saw last night, and the remaining cast.   Of course, the good stuff will be the last 10 minutes.  

  • Love 8
15 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

TIL warming lube feels like cinnamon on the tongue.  Thank you Sharp pharmacist.


Full disclosure: tried it once and didn't like it at all. Nope. But the guy I was with wasn't wearing a baseball hat, so maybe the warm sensation is supposed to distract from the 24/7 hat? 

Ramblings on a Monday morning..... I'm clearly looping still from my Covid booster. 

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22 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

     Her band and songs were interesting, but I hope she realizes that TV time doesn't equal real sales.     


I got stuck on this scene for a second: her WHAT has Wifi? What did they asterisk out? My wife thinks it was "pussy" but...why would that have wifi? I said maybe it was "motherfucker" based on how many stars are there, but WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? I felt like I was in a Hunter S. Thompson story, being directed by David Lynch, it was disorienting. 


25 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

TIL warming lube feels like cinnamon on the tongue.  Thank you Sharp pharmacist.

Also loved this scene, as about 30 seconds into this exchange in real life, the pharmacist is going to tell him "It's lubricant, it's warming, pretty straightforward, but I'm telling you, if I catch you jerking off in the bathroom again, this time I'm pressing charges, okay? Now buy it or get out, it's like six dollars."

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