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S12.E06: Be Smart or Be Dead


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22 minutes ago, theschnauzers said:

Joe Hill. That’s all that needs to be said. 
Finally someone got through to Joe that he really is one of the Reagan’s and not hide from it. A stepping stone in Joe Hill’s long-term arc, and not the last, I’m sure.

Except it was his choice whether he wanted to be a part of them or not, and when. He didn't grow up knowing them, and sometimes it takes time to get to know people and feel one of them, if you ever do. I felt like Anthony was essentially telling him that he was one of them, so act like it, end of. It wasn't his business.

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I have a question about what Henry did. I don't know if he crossed a line, since he isn't a cop anymore, and wanted to feel like one? I loathe the DA that is making life hell for Erin. It seems like Erin is just trying to do her job. I about fainted when Danny told the girl that her baby would be even better if he or she was like Jamie. That is the first time I have heard him recognize what a good officer and person Jamie is. Eddie is not doing well in the partner situation. Why does she keep getting weird people for partners? Like I said about Joe, they need to step back and give him the space he needs, to feel comfortable with the family, in his own time.

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2 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Love Joe being back.

I dislike that DA, she helped someone get away with murder twice but Erin is the bad one?

Who did Eddie think she was trying to order Henry around? Loved him telling her how it is and will be. Then at end she tried to kiss up and act like she didn't order him to not do it again.

It ultimately didn't do any good, did it? (Digging up the case.) No justice was found, thanks to the way Erin handled it.

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Love Joe being back.

I dislike that DA, she helped someone get away with murder twice but Erin is the bad one?

Who did Eddie think she was trying to order Henry around? Loved him telling her how it is and will be. Then at end she tried to kiss up and act like she didn't order him to not do it again.

I agree that that DA and the lawyer helped that woman get away with murder, and the DA should have been charged with obstructing justice. It is Erin's job to prosecute crimes, and there is no statute of limitations on murder. I think Eddie was also doing her job, since she is an officer and Henry isn't. She could have arrived at the scene to find him dead. She was concerned, and I think Henry was an ass to her. But telling him should have come from Jamie, and I don't think Henry should have been made out a hero. He is not a cop anymore, and can't go around trying to be one with his gun and handcuffs.

1 hour ago, Sassyone said:

It ultimately didn't do any good, did it? (Digging up the case.) No justice was found, thanks to the way Erin handled it.

What more was Erin supposed to do when the DA refused to cooperate with her and tried to destroy her professional reputation?

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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Who did Eddie think she was trying to order Henry around? Loved him telling her how it is and will be.

This was the first time I ever liked Henry!  🤣

4 hours ago, susannah said:

That is the first time I have heard him recognize what a good officer and person Jamie is

He's done it several times before. 

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2 hours ago, Magnumfangirl said:

This was the first time I ever liked Henry!

Not sure why, since Henry was doing a wrong thing, and Eddie was concerned for him. He had no right to tell her he was going to go on pretending he was still a cop, because he ISN'T, and she had nothing to say about it. So if she said nothing, and he got himself killed, that would be cool?

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I want more episodes where Jamie and Danny have to work together. I enjoy the dynamic between them. Danny is slowly seeing Jamie more as an excellent police officer with a serious future in the department and less like his annoying honor student younger brother. 

There was something that bothered me in this episode. I absolutely refuse to believe that The Verdict is one of Danny's favorite movies. I could see Danny's favorite movie being Die HardCool Hand LukeThe Great EscapeDirty Harry, or Bullit, or something like that. I could understand The Verdict being one of Jamie's favorites, but not Danny's. 

Joe Hill is still struggling with who he is and who he wants to be. I enjoy seeing him every now and them.

Anthony is the Reagan whisperer. He understands the family in a way that few outsiders do. He is also one of the few people allowed to call out the Reagans out and not suffer for it or later in the episode shown to be wrong.

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Eddie had a partner who’s OK but TPTB took her away. Then they partner her with an arrogant a**hole. Great! More drama means more screen times for Eddie. Why show, why? 😣

Everytime I see Erin’s boss smugness, I wanna shoot her in the face. Really can’t stand her. Please make her go away!🙏🏻

I don’t really like the way Henry talked to Eddie. As someone wiser, there’s a much better way for Henry to tell Eddie she has crossed the line.

Yes to more Jamie/Danny collaborations in solving cases. Please include Anthony too.

Edited by SnazzyDaisy
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As a former ADA, I have to say that was one of the worst depictions of a criminal jury trial I’ve seen on television. IIRC, the vic either abused the defendant or the defense counsel (as a child), so when the defendant shot him it was to stop the abuse. The #1 rule of prosecuting is “know what your witness will say”. If Erin is as savvy a prosecutor that we are led to believe she is, then she would know that her boss would jump on any chance to discredit her. The judge was awful, even for television. 

Yes, this episode was corny, but it was definitely better. Any time we get Joe Hill added to the Regan mix, it’s a better ep. And I wish TPTB would stop trying to make Eddie, like fetch, happen. A fourth story with Eddie as the lynchpin is one story too much. I would have been more satisfied with just the Danny/Jamie & Frank/Joe Hill stories, tbh. 

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5 hours ago, susannah said:

Not sure why, since Henry was doing a wrong thing, and Eddie was concerned for him

Because I don't like Eddie!  Besides I don't think Henry did anything "wrong.". He stopped a robbery in progress, no one got hurt, and some one called the cops.  Henry did put himself in danger; but it's not his first rodeo.  

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44 minutes ago, Magnumfangirl said:

Because I don't like Eddie!  Besides I don't think Henry did anything "wrong.". He stopped a robbery in progress, no one got hurt, and some one called the cops.  Henry did put himself in danger; but it's not his first rodeo.  

Why was he in that store (bodega)? They live in Brooklyn, the store (likely) was in Manhattan.

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4 hours ago, Magnumfangirl said:

Because I don't like Eddie!  Besides I don't think Henry did anything "wrong.". He stopped a robbery in progress, no one got hurt, and some one called the cops.  Henry did put himself in danger; but it's not his first rodeo.  

But my question was what if Henry had gotten hurt, or if he had hurt someone else? Things can go  south very quickly when guns are involved. Eddie was just supposed to shut up? Henry's "rodeos" are in the past, he is no longer a police officer.

I've got a feeling that the murder trial was there to set up Erin's run for D.A. later this season. But yeah, she was out-lawyered in this one. Why wouldn't Erin have gotten a co-counsel from her office to get her on the stand to explain the decision to investigate and charge the mother? If Erin really wanted to bury her boss she should have come out with "you are my superior, and the elected District Attorney for the people of New York County and you're either lying here on the stand or you lied to me in my office. And did you or did you not order me to drop the investigation into a homicide that occurred in your jurisdiction?" The press would have eaten the D.A. alive that night (although it probably would have cost Erin her job as an A.D.A.).

Those must have been the twelve dumbest Manhattanites in the jury box, and that judge should probably be looked into for his blatantly biased rulings.

I get Eddie being furious with Henry for what he did. She loves him and comes from the position of a present-day patrol officer. It's natural in my book. And Henry telling her to go piss up a rope was absolutely on point too. I really think they got that dynamic right. And to answer a question posted earlier, Henry took an oath those many decades ago to uphold the law. It doesn't stop when you put in your papers. It was every shade of nuts that you could ever imagine, but it's absolutely in his DNA to do what he did.

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I liked this episode a lot. I liked how it was nicely bookended with the oldest Reagan struggling to remain a relevant part of the family fold and the younger "Reagan" struggling to accept his place within it. 

When Eddie confronts Henry over the robbery we are shown that he is doing a crossword puzzle, societiy's expections of what Grandpa should be doing. Eddie did the right thing. Henry's anger was palpable, understandable, and valid. There was a lot of life truth in that scene.

I liked the scene where Frank tightened Joe's chin strap so to speak and made him stand when Joe went to sit down. Joe realized in that moment be careful what you wish for and maybe it isn't what he wants. As he leaves we see as we always do, how difficult that was for Frank reflected in Baker's face. Nice scene framing here too.

On 11/13/2021 at 5:35 PM, Sarah 103 said:

Anthony is the Reagan whisperer. He understands the family in a way that few outsiders do. He is also one of the few people allowed to call out the Reagans out and not suffer for it or later in the episode shown to be wrong.

Love this! So true especially with respect Erin. 

On 11/13/2021 at 5:35 PM, Sarah 103 said:

There was something that bothered me in this episode. I absolutely refuse to believe that The Verdict is one of Danny's favorite movies. I could see Danny's favorite movie being Die HardCool Hand LukeThe Great EscapeDirty Harry, or Bullit, or something like that. I could understand The Verdict being one of Jamie's favorites, but not Danny's. 

I think it was a joke or sarcasm that just wasn't played well in the scene. It's totally Jamie's character to push Danny's buttons and be like not only am I going to babysit you which you will hate but I'm also going to make you sit through The Verdict.

With respect to the video and where's Joe, there only ever is one Sunday dinner scene per episode so I took it that the video night was a random get together. It doesn't take place after the dinner scene depicted anyway because they are wearing different clothes and Sean wasn't in the scene. They made a point of Joe wanting to come to the next dinner and symbolically join the family so I can't see them not showing that.

Edited by OLynn33
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As foretold in an interview after the season 11 finale, the show runners are gradually working Joe Hill closer into the family. Joe mentioning to Frank how he didn’t have a picture of his father (and Frank bringing him one of Joe Reagan on the second visit to Joe’s apartment) Joe finding out exactly what being treated like all 35,000 NYPD officers meant in a way that kept Joe Hill from taking matters into his own hands, even with a broken arm, and Anthony setting Joe Hill straight about the Reagan’s as a family and implicitly that Joe Hill really is a Reagan like his dad (Anthony must have known Joe Reagan so Frank isn’t the only one to tell Joe that he really is just like his dad). They’re evolving Joe Hill’s relationship with the family step by step: this time it was all with Frank, the entire family was involved last time, but maybe it’s time to have Joe Hill help Frank and the rest of the Reagan family in some way. 


On 11/13/2021 at 7:20 PM, preeya said:

Why was he in that store (bodega)? They live in Brooklyn, the store (likely) was in Manhattan.

Henry reminds me of that episode of the Golden Girls where Sophia has this whole other outside life happening while the gals are at work.  the girls think Sophia is just goes to the store everyday for an orange when in "reality" she's out there solving the world's problems.

On 11/13/2021 at 8:20 PM, preeya said:

Why was he in that store (bodega)? They live in Brooklyn, the store (likely) was in Manhattan.

Henry isn't one to stay at home all day with his puzzles despite us getting that view often.  

Henry will always be a cop, no matter what.  He felt in that moment if he could do something, he would.  I understand Eddie's take that he needs to be careful due to his age but when you're that bullish and stubborn like Grandpa, she'd have a better chance talking to a brick wall. 

Erin should have recused herself from the case on this.  She did get out lawyered but now her boss is fully aware that Erin may be making moves and sunk her even faster.  

Leave it to Anthony to tell Joe flat out: "Them Reagans are going to be in your life whether you like it or not now.  Embrace it, or escape it but you can't have it both ways when it fits you."

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There actually was some nice writing in there, particularly in the Joe Hill scenes. (And yes, I wondered why he wasn't at the Sunday dinner...maybe he wasn't available that day!).

And I like Eddie. I agree that she and Jamie don't have a hot romantic chemistry. But there's a real "best friend" vibe that works for me. They genuinely like each other, even if women on this show are written SO inconsistently (and as the "weaker" sex.)


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On 11/20/2021 at 9:29 AM, ctlady said:

That last scene made me furious. Henry explicitly stressed to Eddie that he wanted to remain anonymous and what died Jamie go and do?  Plays Henry’s ‘Good Samaritan’ video for the entire family. And Henry wasn’t even pissed about it even after reading Eddie the riot act about keeping his secret 

I think Henry was fine with being outed once he saw the family’s reactions of admiration and respect. 

I felt Anthony was telling Joe that he could trust that the Reagan’s were who they said they were.   That it was okay to develop a relationship with them because he could trust it  to continue.  Remember, Joe has spent the first 30+ years of his life without a father.  He only knew what his mom told him.  Do you think she told him the truth and just left off the family name? No, she did not.  

Eddie should not have been the only person cautioning Henry.  Henry has put himself in questionable situations before  - with Frank objecting.   He gave his car to Linda years ago because he couldn’t  drive anymore.  That was due to either his sight or his reaction time.  Both of which could have been important in this situation too. 


Edited by mythoughtis
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On 11/13/2021 at 5:35 PM, Sarah 103 said:

Anthony is the Reagan whisperer. He understands the family in a way that few outsiders do. He is also one of the few people allowed to call out the Reagans out and not suffer for it or later in the episode shown to be wrong.

I agree, Anthony has a good insight into the family.  I like that Anthony sees through the Reagans’ nonsense and calls the Reagans out when need be, but also can be a good friend to them.

Edited by Irate Panda
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