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I didn't care that they devoted an entire episode to the Lizzy Borden case, and I seem to recall them doing a segment on LB before.  That episode must have been made to coincide with that Lizzy Borden special ID aired around the time Lifetime aired their boring Lizzy Borden movie.

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With all the advancements in wig - making nowadays, why must this woman wear some of the worst and most obvious? She's an accomplished lady, with legit credentials and substantial earnings, I would imagine. Yet there are several low-budget broads on reality shows whose wig/weave game put Candace's to shame. Get it together! Also, put that thick-ass pink lip gloss down. Less is more.

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Jodi Arias is soooo boring. Baffles how her case got so much attention.

●Focus on religion

●Several accounts of anal sex, which the couple didn't "count" as *sex* before marriage

●Slut shaming

●Several accounts of phone sex

●Explicit cross-examination

Hmm. Yeah, I don't know how it got that much coverage. Lol. I can't think of anyone righy away who's interesting, and whose story hasn't already been told on DW.

Who did you have in mind?

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I would like to see the case of Diane Staudte covered


Ms. Stuadte, with help from her daughter, allegedly murdered her husband and son, and failed to murder another daughter, via antifreeze poisoning.  All because she, allegedly, couldn't stand her husband, found her son annoying and thought her one daughter was a loser.  Unfortunately, Ms. Staudte's trial isn't set to begin until sometime next year or the year after, so it will probably be awhile before the Staudte case makes it to tv.


ETA:  The exact reasons for the murders was because she hated her husband, found her son to be "worse than a pest" and her failed attempt on her daughter was because she wouldn't get a job and had outstanding student loans.  Allegedly. 

Edited by junemeatcleaver
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Hmm. Yeah, I don't know how it got that much coverage. Lol. I can't think of anyone righy away who's interesting, and whose story hasn't already been told on DW.

Who did you have in mind?



Granted.. Granted! I think it's just because her case got sooooo much coverage. I feel the same way about Casey Anthony. 


Mariam Soulakiotis..Charlene Gallego..Ella Holdridge..


This list is pretty 'cool' for that kind of thing.. http://unknownmisandry.blogspot.com/

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There is one episode that really confuses me: the one that covers the Theresa Cross Knorr case (abused and murdered two of her three daughters by shooting one and the other locked in a hot closet and set one of them on fire when disposing the body and used her two sons as accomplices). 


I saw a Cold Case Files episode about ten years ago that interviewed Terry Knorr (the surviving daughter) and at the end said she died in 2003 from a massive heart attack. However, in the Deadly Women episode that aired years later, she was there telling her tale and it wasn't archived footage or anything. I did a Google search and at that time, it looked like she was still alive given the Facebook page with private pictures of her taken with a computer camera (judging by the quality) that were obviously of her. Then it said she died in 2011.


I just found that really odd.

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I remember the "Cold Case Files" episode myself.  I couldn't remember if it mentioned Terry's death at the end or not.  I do remember at least one episode of some true crime show that did.  Didn't they do that case on "American Justice" or some show like that, too?

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I appreciate that they put the pictures up of the real women they profiled after their segments.  Deadly Women is a lot better at casting people who resemble the parties involved than most other ID productions.


Candice DeLong is wearing a short wig this season.

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just watched segment on Jamila Murbarak (not sure of spelling), apparently she killed her Duke husband in France. I wasn't paying a lot attention until the French accented police official was interviewing her - all I could think of was Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther. Probably shouldn't be laughing at someone being accused of murder, but couldn't help myself. 


Let me correct this a little, I misstated. What I laughed was the French police official, not Ms M'Barek (thank you Admiranda for the info). It was so Inspector Clouseau, I couldn't really listen, I was busy laughing.

Edited by friendperidot
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If and when the show comes back, I'd like to see more "historical" cases.  By historical I mean from before 1930 or so, before women really had any rights or were thought to be "criminal."   Those are always more interesting to me for some reason.   

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On April 27, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Wordsworth said:

I'm about Jodi Arias'd out myself.  But they'll probably get to her eventually.

I didn't follow the Jodi Arias trial in real time. I watched her Snapped episodes more than once and I saw It Takes a Killer. I wouldn't mind seeing Jodi profiled. 

On August 16, 2016 at 3:09 PM, EAG46 said:

If and when the show comes back, I'd like to see more "historical" cases.  By historical I mean from before 1930 or so, before women really had any rights or were thought to be "criminal."   Those are always more interesting to me for some reason.   

The show is back! I caught the last few minutes of the final case.


I like this show. I like Candace de Long.

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I hope my dear friends can help me with this latest episode of Deadly Women: Granny Gets Her Gun!  I missed the LAST five minutes because our cable cut out!!  This was the story of the couple in Oklahoma, elderly couple, wife wanted to move to Florida, so hubby went with her.  His kids called to talk to him, and she kept telling them he had a sore throat, etc, and couldn't talk.  She would tell everyone else her hubby left her and moved back to Oklahoma.  I GUESS she killed him, but I didn't see it!  Can anyone recap this, please?

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I've started watching this show and others on ID Discovery channel.  It's very amusing. It really does give you reason for pause though.  Man, you think you found the love of your life and then BAM, an ice pick in the eyeball!  lol 

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They did a show (I think it was filmed this year) of someone I was hoping they would do and that was of New Orleans Police woman Antoinette Frank.  I remember that because I was dating a guy in New Orleans during that time in 1995.  I remember the saying: They steal, they kill, they're the New Orleans Police. 

She walked into a New Orleans East restaurant and gunned down three of the employees robbing them.  Two of the owners children were hiding in a freezer and when she left they called the police.  Antoinette heard the report come out over her radio and turned around to go back and finish them off.  YOU BETTER RUN KIDS !!!  That was all I could think.  By that time, though, several other police officers arrived at the scene and she got arrested instead.

It was said also that her and her boyfriend would drive around in her police car, pull people over and rob them.  If they went to the police and reported it it was your word against hers so who was going to argue with the police. 

I believe she still sits on death row. 

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I remember reading long ago that if you had a cop motioning for you to pull over, you drive until you got to a station because the cops were so corrupt and it was too dangerous to be alone with one.

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Boy am I late to this topic ... and I didn't know those were wigs .. I was just wondering what the hell she had done to her hair. 

But yeah, she looks awful.  That short bob she used to have looked nice on her - why not stay with that?

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I watch it for the opening theme.... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

and Candice DeLongs face pulled tighter than a snare drum, duck lips and pounds of pancake makeup

Edited by 100Proof
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On 8/23/2014 at 10:40 AM, Automne said:

There is one episode that really confuses me: the one that covers the Theresa Cross Knorr case (abused and murdered two of her three daughters by shooting one and the other locked in a hot closet and set one of them on fire when disposing the body and used her two sons as accomplices). 


I saw a Cold Case Files episode about ten years ago that interviewed Terry Knorr (the surviving daughter) and at the end said she died in 2003 from a massive heart attack. However, in the Deadly Women episode that aired years later, she was there telling her tale and it wasn't archived footage or anything. I did a Google search and at that time, it looked like she was still alive given the Facebook page with private pictures of her taken with a computer camera (judging by the quality) that were obviously of her. Then it said she died in 2011.


I just found that really odd.

I thought it was the mom that died not the daughter. 

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Episode: "Boiling Point" (Season 12, Episode 9), the story of Lauren Stuart, the shunned ex-Jehovah's Witness that killed her husband, two children and the family dog before committing suicide. That one made me sad and it doesn't fit with the theme of the series because it was made clear there was undiagnosed mental illness. She wasn't angry at anyone in her family (from what the episode showed), she was doing what she did because she genuinely believed this was the way to help them all be together in eternal happiness. But this happened five years after the shunning and I have to wonder why in that time frame did her husband not try to get her some help.

I hate when the people murder the innocent animals, though :( (Not that the human victims aren't innocent, of course, but animals don't know what is happening or why) 

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