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RW Homecoming: Los Angeles (2022)

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As a white woman with body dysmorphia, I couldn't fathom the pain and agony a dysmorphic state would cause a black woman whose beauty is already "othered" in American society. Seeing yourself on television as frequently as Tami has over the years would also intensify that dysmorphic state. I understood her hurt after the second episode where David's side was more fleshed out, it was almost as though what she had disclosed was glossed over. Clearly she wanted to visit that topic of discussion a little more intimately and feel more seen.

That said, I'm glad that the producers showed the old footage of David learning he was being removed from the house. It definitely humanized him - I can't begin to imagine the repercussions a black man would face when people are carelessly throwing around a heavy accusation such as rape. I understood his grievances when they gave us more insight on how it all really went down back in '93. I also think it's ironic that David couldn't understand Tami's explanation that there is such a thing as nervous laughter, when he himself was laughing nervously upon feeling targeted by the group and likely from just feeling the general discomfort in the room.  

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Glade said:


I am glad they addressed David agressively flashing himself at the women in the hallway, and how his previous behavior in the house contributed to him leaving, and I'm sure the video footage of his own behavior also hurt his reputation a bit, not just that Beth and Irene said the word rape. I was surprised to see this discussion concluded with hugs all around, though we know the peace doesn't last.  

I feel like I didn't need that scene with David's daughter, it added nothing (except showing his daughter on camera) and came at a time when I was eager to see what was happening in the house.

I feel for Tami, I've felt similarly in for instance a group therapy situation that I had shared really vulnerable things that were brushed aside. But I think people just become awkward and uncomfortable in a group setting when you share something intense, especially if they aren't familiar with it themselves, so people will often prioritize getting through the moment and waiting for their turn to speak on the topic at hand. I find it is much more satisfying and rewarding to share with someone I really trust one on one.  In group situations, you have to take what you can get, if two people validated you right away, that's still a lot.

From the preview it looks like next week there's still more footage from this long day. 

All it showed me is that his daughter is lousy at acting, so I sure hope that's not her aspiration. Such a stilted conversation. The most honest part of it was her saying she didn't trust Beth, lol. 

I liked that they were able to make peace (for 5 minutes, at least). I felt it would go a long way for someone to acknowledge David's side and to admit that some of the things that were said shouldn't have been said. Irene seemed genuine and it was good to hear that people could venture into the gray area in a way they weren't able to do 27 years ago. David was wrong to not stop, but his confusion was genuine and his stance has never wavered on that. The first episode showed him handling the situation all wrong yet again, but this episode added a little more context to the conversation.

I think getting even a little bit of give and take on responsibility or regrets was what was needed to break down his wall of "but wait, you were laughing too!!" Because everyone has spent the last many years acting like they didn't see any ambiguity and that it was an entirely black and white situation and I can understand why that would be frustrating.

But the other thing working against him was the other incidents. Like, if Aaron hadn't held him back, he would have gotten ejected for beating Jon's ass, which with 20/20 hindsight, might have been a better way to go out.

The ending of this episode caught me a little off guard with Tami being so mad at the 3 original castmates. The way this episode was edited was a bit choppy so that seemed to come out of nowhere. I can see both sides of this, Tami feeling ignored is understandable, but Tami can also be quite prickly, you never know what you're going to get with her, so reluctance to approach her when she leaves the room is understandable too.

Most of all, I'm with Irene on the question of why Beth needs Tami's approval so badly. It's very striking the way Beth speaks to Tami vs her attitude toward pretty much anyone else. This is the same person who's reveled in being the challenge villain, who's very outspoken and loud in her confessionals, but the minute she's around Tami, she acts like a dog hoping for approval and treats that are never coming. It's so odd.


  • Love 4

This is such a letdown after New York. I feel like none of these people like each other, and honestly, I don't like any of them. 

Seeing Glen and Beth 2  finally decades later being able to see the toxicity they entered into was not something I had ever considered. Their reaction was one of the most interesting parts of the episode.

I don't think David will ever take appropriate responsibility for what he did. And I don't think anyone's apology to Tami will ever be enough, she'll always want more. 

  • Love 4

Tammi it wasn’t ignored you got followed into the kitchen and told that you were heard. Where the fuck is this anger that no one hears you and they ignored your comment coming from? I’m lost 


ugh I can’t with Tammy. You haven’t changed at all you still act like the 23yo you said that you weren’t anymore. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 5

I thought this episode was much better. I think Tammi did a great job explaining why she didn't felt heard and likewise she was intuitive to how David was feeling. Both of them have legitimate hurt. I was glad they were able to have that conversation. I am also happy that Irene apologized for the word rape. It needed to be said. I wish Beth would have gone a bit further with her apology.

I wish that they had been able to have this conversation with Dominic and Aaron. Their absence was really felt. It was a conversation that the original 7 roommates should have had together. I would also be curious to hear what they thought today. It's too bad they chose not to participate, although I understand why.

  • Love 1

Wow, these people are tiring.  For all the joy of the New York cast's reunion, everyone here just seems miserable. 

I'll admit I smirked when David claimed he didn't see himself as a victim.  He clearly sees himself as the biggest victim in the house.  His victimhood was such that it almost felt like Tami was threatened and suddenly needed to make sure for a second or third time that we knew she was also a victim, and that Jon and Beth were mean for not being quick enough to respond to Tami's victimhood.  Also, I really wish someone had called David on his bs about how having a daughter suddenly enlightened him on how women should be treated.  Maybe ask yourself why you needed to literally create a female human being for you to get the message?

Finally, could David's lunch with his daughter have been anymore staged? 

  • Love 6

This is so different than the NY homecoming and not for good reasons (which was why I was really hesitant about this one).

I understand why Tami was upset at the three originals (but more specifically Beth).  Beth and Irene have quite the gossipy/instigator syndrome (and it looks like it continues in the next episode).  Tami I remember felt like Beth was frustrating because she was a fence sitter, and it really show.  I think from Tami's perspective Beth S. is really performative.  Its not that because she's a people pleaser, but it seems like she does things so people can view her in a certain way.  Like when she "defended" Tami, while a part of it is genuine, a part of it was trying to want Tami to view her as being caring (if that makes sense).  That's also probably why a lot of people on the challenge with Beth probably really hated her.

Its interesting too seeing how both Jon and Beth reacted to Tami's accusation.  Jon was generally more listening and able to hear Tami out.  But Beth immediately went all "But don't you like me?!  I care! What about me?!"

  • Love 5
On 12/1/2021 at 5:13 AM, Glade said:

I feel for Tami, I've felt similarly in for instance a group therapy situation that I had shared really vulnerable things that were brushed aside. But I think people just become awkward and uncomfortable in a group setting when you share something intense, especially if they aren't familiar with it themselves, so people will often prioritize getting through the moment and waiting for their turn to speak on the topic at hand. I find it is much more satisfying and rewarding to share with someone I really trust one on one.  In group situations, you have to take what you can get, if two people validated you right away, that's still a lot.

I also think that Glen and Beth A, neither of whom have had the whole thing weighing on their souls for almost 30 years were better equipped in that moment to support Tami.  The other five were having a conversation they should have had back then, so of course no one is going to react in the "right" way, whatever that is.  I get why Tami was upset, but I don't think she was being entirely fair to the others, especially Jon.

I really appreciated them giving clips of other bad behavior on David's part.  I'd remembered him being nasty to Beth, but had forgotten his hair trigger towards the other castmates, although admittedly, Jon attempting to hang a Confederate flag probably left a lingering bad impression.  The whole thing really was just a crescendo of something that had been running through the house since the beginning.  I don't blame the women for not being comfortable with him being there (especially if it caused Irene to sleep with her gun nearby, and especially especially after he whipped his dick out) and I don't think they owe him an apology for that part of things, although it's big of them to do it.  Irene's "stop or I'll scream 'rape'" was wrong, and her apology was full-throated.  And I do believe her when she said that was the one way she could think to call him off in the moment.

It did bother me that only Beth S addressed David's other behavior, and then only in the confessional.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, starri said:

I also think that Glen and Beth A, neither of whom have had the whole thing weighing on their souls for almost 30 years were better equipped in that moment to support Tami.  The other five were having a conversation they should have had back then, so of course no one is going to react in the "right" way, whatever that is.  I get why Tami was upset, but I don't think she was being entirely fair to the others, especially Jon.

Yes. I think this is a very important distinction. Glen & Beth A were 100% just observers to this situation. Beth & Irene are processing both sides and their part in it.

I appreciated where Jon was coming from. He essentially said "When someone walks away I assume they need time to themselves and I'm going to give them that time and then talk to them later when things have cooled off." and that's kind of the way I approach things like that. They're all very hot-headed. Tami is, David is, Beth is  . . . there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a breath, processing what happened and returning to the conversation later when it's calmer. 

I really hate almost all of these people. As soon as I start to feel for one, they do something terrible. Like I really felt for Tami and then she was getting angry at everyone for not following her into the kitchen or standing up for her. They all seem to want everyone to do what they want to do in the exact way they want them to do it. MTV cast a whole bunch of people with control issues in this house. I think they hadn't figured out the formula. You can't have 7 strong personalities. 

And then it looks like from the previews that any warm feelings I have towards Tami are gone next week when she gives Jon shit for being a virgin. I mean, not a choice I'd make but let him live his life the way he likes. Why is it bothering you? Are we still in high school to make fun of someone for being a virgin?

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

I understand why Tami was upset at the three originals (but more specifically Beth).

Eh, I don't. I find it a bit rich for Tami to demand blind loyalty from someone she hasn't spoken to in years and dismissed their recent attempts to reach out to her. 

Plus, as someone else mentioned, Tami's a prickly pear. She's not approachable, so when she got up and went into the kitchen, how can she expect other people to know she wants to be followed and attended to? Beth staying with the group and waiting to find another moment to talk to Tami showed me that she was not "performative" or camera seeking. 

I do understand that Tami felt alone and vulnerable in that moment. But, lighting into to someone who (within hours on the same day) came to check in on you comes across as a bully-ish. She's kicking Beth because she can. She didn't react to Jon or Irene the same way, so why is Beth the guilty party? 

  • Love 9

Tammi not 15min later saying to Beth and john she don't wanna hear nothing from no one she has made up her mind and doesn't give a fuck AFTER she said she wasn't the same has she was when she was 23 when she didn't want to hear what anyone had to say and wanted her way or no way ...LOL i was like did she just hear her own words coming out of her mouth? she hasn't changed at all ...

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, EdnasEdibles said:

Yes. I think this is a very important distinction. Glen & Beth A were 100% just observers to this situation. Beth & Irene are processing both sides and their part in it.

I appreciated where Jon was coming from. He essentially said "When someone walks away I assume they need time to themselves and I'm going to give them that time and then talk to them later when things have cooled off." and that's kind of the way I approach things like that. They're all very hot-headed. Tami is, David is, Beth is  . . . there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a breath, processing what happened and returning to the conversation later when it's calmer. 

I really hate almost all of these people. As soon as I start to feel for one, they do something terrible. Like I really felt for Tami and then she was getting angry at everyone for not following her into the kitchen or standing up for her. They all seem to want everyone to do what they want to do in the exact way they want them to do it. MTV cast a whole bunch of people with control issues in this house. I think they hadn't figured out the formula. You can't have 7 strong personalities. 

And then it looks like from the previews that any warm feelings I have towards Tami are gone next week when she gives Jon shit for being a virgin. I mean, not a choice I'd make but let him live his life the way he likes. Why is it bothering you? Are we still in high school to make fun of someone for being a virgin?

  Ditto on almost everything. Tami was WAY too rude and dismissive with both Jon and Beth. Come on, does she not remember how supportive Jon was of her in '93 when she decided to terminate her pregnancy? Granted, we only saw what was aired and weren't privy to every conversation, but Jon said at the time that he figured the best possible thing he could do was to be Tami's friend throughout the situation, b/c it was going to be difficult no matter what decision she made. This from an 18-year-old kid from the Bible Belt who was extremely against abortion in principle.

  I can never tell w/Tami  (present-day, at least since BBW) how much of her behavior is just b/c she knows it'll make good TV and how much is genuine. And, forgive me, but my sister and I (both obsessed w/the first few seasons of RW, both then and now) have noticed that Tami speaks very differently since BBW than she did back in '93 on RW....even her Mom spoke differently when we saw her on the episode about Tami's abortion than she spoke on BBW. It's like they both affected different personas for each show. (I'll see myself out now...)

  • Love 7
On 12/1/2021 at 8:54 PM, txhorns79 said:

Wow, these people are tiring.  For all the joy of the New York cast's reunion, everyone here just seems miserable. 

I'll admit I smirked when David claimed he didn't see himself as a victim.  He clearly sees himself as the biggest victim in the house.  His victimhood was such that it almost felt like Tami was threatened and suddenly needed to make sure for a second or third time that we knew she was also a victim, and that Jon and Beth were mean for not being quick enough to respond to Tami's victimhood.  Also, I really wish someone had called David on his bs about how having a daughter suddenly enlightened him on how women should be treated.  Maybe ask yourself why you needed to literally create a female human being for you to get the message?

Finally, could David's lunch with his daughter have been anymore staged? 

Yes, that's a tired old trope, but still depressingly prevalent. The "what if it was your mother/sister/daughter" parallel still somehow needs to be spelled out for some men to recognize that women=human beings. David's mentality and attitudes do seem stunted and he doesn't seem able to see the bigger picture. Tami pointing out that him dropping his pants would nowadays have been called a "me too moment" and he was all "I'm glad it happened back then" as if it WASN'T an offense back then.



Eh, I don't. I find it a bit rich for Tami to demand blind loyalty from someone she hasn't spoken to in years and dismissed their recent attempts to reach out to her. 

Plus, as someone else mentioned, Tami's a prickly pear. She's not approachable, so when she got up and went into the kitchen, how can she expect other people to know she wants to be followed and attended to? Beth staying with the group and waiting to find another moment to talk to Tami showed me that she was not "performative" or camera seeking. 

I do understand that Tami felt alone and vulnerable in that moment. But, lighting into to someone who (within hours on the same day) came to check in on you comes across as a bully-ish. She's kicking Beth because she can. She didn't react to Jon or Irene the same way, so why is Beth the guilty party? 


I found that rich too, Tami went well out of her way to make sure Beth knew that she found her insignificant and not worthy of a response. Even if she truly didn't get the DMs or whatever, I would have to assume that there was a friend request or something in that time. This is someone who shared a significant experience with and whose life she will be forever linked to, but she deliberately did not want to keep in contact. And her manner toward Beth was also very clear, there might as well have been a barbed wire fence around Tami when she spoke with Beth.

Also agreed that she's laying into Beth simply because she can. Earlier in this thread, I described Beth as a dog looking for approval from Tami and to expand on that, no matter how many times she gets kicked, she'll keep coming back in hopes of eventually getting that approval. Tami's feeling hurt and vulnerable and there's no one better to lash out at than someone who's going to continue to come back time after time.



I really appreciated them giving clips of other bad behavior on David's part.  I'd remembered him being nasty to Beth, but had forgotten his hair trigger towards the other castmates, although admittedly, Jon attempting to hang a Confederate flag probably left a lingering bad impression.  The whole thing really was just a crescendo of something that had been running through the house since the beginning.  I don't blame the women for not being comfortable with him being there (especially if it caused Irene to sleep with her gun nearby, and especially especially after he whipped his dick out) and I don't think they owe him an apology for that part of things, although it's big of them to do it.  Irene's "stop or I'll scream 'rape'" was wrong, and her apology was full-throated.  And I do believe her when she said that was the one way she could think to call him off in the moment.

It did bother me that only Beth S addressed David's other behavior, and then only in the confessional.


I totally forgot about the Confederate flag, I'm interested to see them discuss that one and see if Jon now realizes why that was offensive.

I can understand why Beth would only bring up David's other behavior in the confessional, but agree that it would have been nice if someone else had mentioned it. Beth has next to no credibility with these people and she knows it, for her to be the one to bring up a novel topic would likely get an immediately negative response. But if someone else had mentioned it, she would have eagerly jumped on, I'm sure.



Tami I remember felt like Beth was frustrating because she was a fence sitter, and it really show.  I think from Tami's perspective Beth S. is really performative.  Its not that because she's a people pleaser, but it seems like she does things so people can view her in a certain way.  Like when she "defended" Tami, while a part of it is genuine, a part of it was trying to want Tami to view her as being caring (if that makes sense).  That's also probably why a lot of people on the challenge with Beth probably really hated her.

Its interesting too seeing how both Jon and Beth reacted to Tami's accusation.  Jon was generally more listening and able to hear Tami out.  But Beth immediately went all "But don't you like me?!  I care! What about me?!"


Beth's involvement in the whole blanket incident did seem quite performative. I always felt that she initially jumped in as a way of getting attention, like Tami is a natural alpha and commands attention on her own, but Beth has more of a sidekick vibe. So initially, she was getting in on the joke and when the situation began to turn into something more serious and then into a full-scale fight, her attitude shifted along with the changing mood. 

It never felt genuine that she was trying to protect Tami or that she was truly outraged later, she was far too concerned with getting credit for being the "only person to help her" and she was feeding off Tami and Irene's vibe later. Just anything to be in the mix and that's what people respond so negatively to.

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 10
On 12/3/2021 at 9:19 AM, ljenkins782 said:

Yes, that's a tired old trope, but still depressingly prevalent. The "what if it was your mother/sister/daughter" parallel still somehow needs to be spelled out for some men to recognize that women=human beings. David's mentality and attitudes do seem stunted and he doesn't seem able to see the bigger picture. Tami pointing out that him dropping his pants would nowadays have been called a "me too moment" and he was all "I'm glad it happened back then" as if it WASN'T an offense back then.

I found that rich too, Tami went well out of her way to make sure Beth knew that she found her insignificant and not worthy of a response. Even if she truly didn't get the DMs or whatever, I would have to assume that there was a friend request or something in that time. This is someone who shared a significant experience with and whose life she will be forever linked to, but she deliberately did not want to keep in contact. And her manner toward Beth was also very clear, there might as well have been a barbed wire fence around Tami when she spoke with Beth.

Also agreed that she's laying into Beth simply because she can. Earlier in this thread, I described Beth as a dog looking for approval from Tami and to expand on that, no matter how many times she gets kicked, she'll keep coming back in hopes of eventually getting that approval. Tami's feeling hurt and vulnerable and there's no one better to lash out at than someone who's going to continue to come back time after time.

I totally forgot about the Confederate flag, I'm interested to see them discuss that one and see if Jon now realizes why that was offensive.

I can understand why Beth would only bring up David's other behavior in the confessional, but agree that it would have been nice if someone else had mentioned it. Beth has next to no credibility with these people and she knows it, for her to be the one to bring up a novel topic would likely get an immediately negative response. But if someone else had mentioned it, she would have eagerly jumped on, I'm sure.

Beth's involvement in the whole blanket incident did seem quite performative. I always felt that she initially jumped in as a way of getting attention, like Tami is a natural alpha and commands attention on her own, but Beth has more of a sidekick vibe. So initially, she was getting in on the joke and when the situation began to turn into something more serious and then into a full-scale fight, her attitude shifted along with the changing mood. 

It never felt genuine that she was trying to protect Tami or that she was truly outraged later, she was far too concerned with getting credit for being the "only person to help her" and she was feeding off Tami and Irene's vibe later. Just anything to be in the mix and that's what people respond so negatively to.

Sad, but true on Beth S. I have always noticed, on the "blanket incident" episode, that after Tami locks herself in the bathroom and Beth is talking to her through the door, Beth looks at the camera for a second while saying "I'm gonna bring you something to put on, Tami. Hold on."

  • Useful 1

I don't like how they broke up the first two episodes. I this is making me feel so flip floppy on some people on some people.  

At the end of the day my conclusion is that I feel bad for the tough life David has had since the show. However I feel like he still to this day needs to grow up and realize that his actions are his own responsibility and therefore the consequences are his to shoulder the blame for. Deep down I don't believe he fully understands that or thinks he was wrong to this day. 

  • Love 9

Ep3:  Wow, this is really insufferable to watch.  Everybody is melting down every other minute, but then pausing to obsessively talk about each meltdown for the next 20 minutes before circling back to the previous meltdown.  I had to fast-forward through Jon's 'storyline' eventually, because I don't care anymore, omfg I don't need to keep hearing the same exchange be hashed out over and over again.  Then Tami melts down about NOTHING, she saw some people talking in a hallway, lets rant for another 10 minutes about it! 

Why did they give us footage explaining David's accident last week and then show us him telling the group about it a second time today?  Why did we have to see that cringey group confession response to Julie, and then hear them talking about it again at dinner?  Just give us the highlights, if there are any.  David's apparent substance abuse is not something I want to watch.  This reunion is so uncomfortable and exhausting.  

Edited by Glade
  • Love 4

Tammi is so fucking full of shit ...Beth trying to apologize and Tammi all  its no problem, its no problem ... girl you just threw a fit about it like toddler ... you are acting like a toddler .. you are way to old to be acting this way on this show... this AFTER Tammi blew beth off for not being in contact with her when Beth said she reached out to her in her Dm's and got crickets from her ..... so Tammi you can treat people like they are disposable and nothing to you but god forbid they didn't follow your ass in the kitchen cause you are used to no one caring? make it make sense please...

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

So was it an apple or a pear lol?

Tee hee! Not sure, but though I couldn't stand Glen back in '93, I'm digging his snark now. I also loved him (or was it Jon?) reminding Dave (HA!) , "You used to call Dominic 'Dominique' all the time!" That always annoyed the beJesus out of me.

Edited by Liamsmom617
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Tammi being super disrespectful to Jon. The hypocrisy this woman has shown already on this show. He doesn’t need to fuck anyone leave it alone 

I really felt bad for Jon.  Tami was rude and crude, but then wants respect for her own issues.  And for the life of me, I do not understand Beth's need to make Tami her friend.  It's weird and a little desperate.

  • Love 9

Every time I start to think "OK, that person has a point" then they do something so terrible that I stop liking them again. With the exception of Irene. I like Irene enough.

Everyone's dynamic is so weird. And people create problems when they should let things slide. It is my theory that MTV looked at the first real world and realized that people loved the Julie/Kevin argument and hired a bunch of people they thought would be bold and have big arguments. And then they filled the house with people who pretty much only wanted to argue.

The whole Jon virginity thing was weird. Tammi was being really disrespectful and then Beth jumped in. It was clear to everyone that Jon did not want to discuss his sexuality - nor should he have to! But it was also clear to me that everyone is still slightly scared of Tammi because Jon really only came down on Beth and Beth's comments were egging Tammi on but not nearly as offensive as Tammi's comments. Tammi was all like "You need to get yourself some pussy!" Beth was like "Oh man, we could fix you up with Tammi's daughter, she's a virgin too" and then Jon is all "Beth when I tell you to stop just stop!" OK? I mean, I get it but come on! Tammi was worse! 

And then Tammi went on her little "No! Nothing is off the table! We need to stop being polite and start getting real!" Y'all exhaust me.

As for Glen, Dude, the man just drank a pint glass of tequila. He has a head injury. He has kind of a victim mentality and is volatile. No one is paying any attention to him. Are you truly going to make the throwing of the fruit into a big issue? Just get the fuck over it dude. 

And the whole David thing was strange and kind of encapsulates everything wrong with this season of real world: Tammi makes fun of Glen for being bald. Glen laughs it off. Makes a joke back about wigs. Tammi seems to be OK with the wig joking. They joke about the rainbow wig. David who is not involved in this discussion becomes offended about Glen's desire to mess with a black woman's hair. Takes great offense. Drinks a shit ton of tequila. Throws fruit. Like WTF is even going on? Are these truly 50 year olds?

And I haven't the slightest idea why Beth wants to be Tammi's friend so badly that she was literally crying. Tammi is not that nice of a person. And she's self-centered. And short-tempered. Why is this a person you're dying to hang out with?They all need therapy. 

Edited by EdnasEdibles
  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, EdnasEdibles said:

The whole Jon virginity thing was weird. Tammi was being really disrespectful and then Beth jumped in. It was clear to everyone that Jon did not want to discuss his sexuality - nor should he have to! But it was also clear to me that everyone is still slightly scared of Tammi because Jon really only came down on Beth and Beth's comments were egging Tammi on but not nearly as offensive as Tammi's comments. Tammi was all like "You need to get yourself some pussy!"

I think people are a little scared of Tami because she's volatile, and really seems unconcerned about offending anyone.  I suppose we should be happy she didn't try to imply Jon was gay because he was unmarried.  I really thought she was going to go there, and I think that would have led to a real nuclear meltdown. 

29 minutes ago, EdnasEdibles said:


And the whole David thing was strange and kind of encapsulates everything wrong with this season of real world: Tammi makes fun of Glen for being bald. Glen laughs it off. Makes a joke back about wigs. Tammi seems to be OK with the wig joking. They joke about the rainbow wig. David who is not involved in this discussion becomes offended about Glen's desire to mess with a black woman's hair. Takes great offense. Drinks a shit ton of tequila. Throws fruit. Like WTF is even going on? Are these truly 50 year olds?

My impression is that you have some highly dysfunctional people in this cast (David, Tami, Beth S., maybe Glen a little bit), and they kind of conspire to bring everyone else down.         

This is hard to watch! Though it’s a bit like a car wreck you can’t look away from. Irene and Jon are the only sane people there. I like Beth S. sometimes if she wasn’t desperately seeking approval from Tami who is just not ever going to be a true friend. I liked Beth a lot more in the Challenge all-stars from last spring. How many episodes is this? I want to cancel paramount already lol. 

  • Love 1
On 12/9/2021 at 8:11 AM, diana said:

This is hard to watch! Though it’s a bit like a car wreck you can’t look away from. Irene and Jon are the only sane people there. I like Beth S. sometimes if she wasn’t desperately seeking approval from Tami who is just not ever going to be a true friend. I liked Beth a lot more in the Challenge all-stars from last spring. How many episodes is this? I want to cancel paramount already lol. 

I totally agree. It's hard to watch but I can't look away. I'm not a big reality TV person but I grew up on the early seasons of the Real World and must see this through lol.

David unfortunately hasn't changed much. I was hoping he could take responsibility and also acknowledge how he was hurt by the blanket incident. He chose to double down and watch it again while laughing. When they saw the behind the scenes of him with the producers and the hurt he went through, they game him a lot more respect than he did with them. It's like with Becky last season. Just say, I was wrong and did/said things I regret and I'm deeply sorry. End of story.

I was liking Tami and then she said the thing to Jon about getting P. It's so tacky. She had to know that would upset him. I thought she had a good relationship with him. It just didn't look good.

I liked watching them go bowling and having a good time for a while. It seems like they can all hang out and have a decent time as long as no one says or does something inappropriate. David so far has brought the inappropriate and it looks like there's more on the way.

  • Love 3
On 12/9/2021 at 10:07 AM, EdnasEdibles said:

And then Tammi went on her little "No! Nothing is off the table! We need to stop being polite and start getting real!" Y'all exhaust me.

So, I was a little bit on Tami's side with this particular line of thinking. She was correct that people like to sit back and spectate on other people's problems without exposing their own. If there's one thing you can say about Tami, she certainly did open up her life to the world even before it was a thing to be a professional reality TVer and she's probably dealt with the repercussions of that openness ever since.

But then she was so crass with Jon and I was off her side again. I can understand them asking if he's still a virgin (even though it's rude and none of their business), but once he said yes, they should've dropped it. And Tami was deliberately being as crude as possible to make him uncomfortable.

On the other hand, I am insanely curious what the true reasons are. Most of the people who save themselves for marriage get married young just to lift that barrier, a 47-year-old virgin is pretty rare.

Also, some of his interviews give me the impression that had his career taken off, he might have gone an entirely different path. Like he did have an interest in another lifestyle, but when that career didn't fall into his lap, he retreated to the church.



Every time I start to think "OK, that person has a point" then they do something so terrible that I stop liking them again. With the exception of Irene. I like Irene enough.

Everyone's dynamic is so weird. And people create problems when they should let things slide. It is my theory that MTV looked at the first real world and realized that people loved the Julie/Kevin argument and hired a bunch of people they thought would be bold and have big arguments. And then they filled the house with people who pretty much only wanted to argue.

The whole Jon virginity thing was weird. Tammi was being really disrespectful and then Beth jumped in. It was clear to everyone that Jon did not want to discuss his sexuality - nor should he have to! But it was also clear to me that everyone is still slightly scared of Tammi because Jon really only came down on Beth and Beth's comments were egging Tammi on but not nearly as offensive as Tammi's comments. Tammi was all like "You need to get yourself some pussy!" Beth was like "Oh man, we could fix you up with Tammi's daughter, she's a virgin too" and then Jon is all "Beth when I tell you to stop just stop!" OK? I mean, I get it but come on! Tammi was worse! 


So, I do agree that people tiptoe around Tami a little, I can understand why Jon came down on Beth. She is his friend and is fully aware of his feelings on discussing the topic, but she threw him to the wolves as soon as she spotted a chance to be on the same side as Tami. She is so damn thirsty to pal around with Tami that she'll screw Jon over at the slightest opportunity, even though he's the one who would actually pick up the phone if she called.



As for Glen, Dude, the man just drank a pint glass of tequila. He has a head injury. He has kind of a victim mentality and is volatile. No one is paying any attention to him. Are you truly going to make the throwing of the fruit into a big issue? Just get the fuck over it dude. 

And the whole David thing was strange and kind of encapsulates everything wrong with this season of real world: Tammi makes fun of Glen for being bald. Glen laughs it off. Makes a joke back about wigs. Tammi seems to be OK with the wig joking. They joke about the rainbow wig. David who is not involved in this discussion becomes offended about Glen's desire to mess with a black woman's hair. Takes great offense. Drinks a shit ton of tequila. Throws fruit. Like WTF is even going on? Are these truly 50 year olds?

And I haven't the slightest idea why Beth wants to be Tammi's friend so badly that she was literally crying. Tammi is not that nice of a person. And she's self-centered. And short-tempered. Why is this a person you're dying to hang out with?They all need therapy. 


I found it incredibly ironic that David is so vigilant about Glenn joking with Tami, looking for the true offense behind the joke, when he was the star of perhaps the most famous "joke or not" incident ever.

David is so hard to watch, his drunk behavior was so uncomfortable, even when he was being nice, it was so...off. And the housemates grand plan of just dumping the alcohol before he wakes up...yeah, that'll go off without a hitch. He'll just wake up, see no booze and shrug and just not drink? Not likely.

Also, Glenn doesn't seem to have changed much. He was an agitator back then and he still seems to be one. Everything with David is going to be made 100x worse with Glenn there poking the beehive intentionally.


  • Love 2
On 12/13/2021 at 3:41 PM, ljenkins782 said:

On the other hand, I am insanely curious what the true reasons are. Most of the people who save themselves for marriage get married young just to lift that barrier, a 47-year-old virgin is pretty rare.

David is so hard to watch, his drunk behavior was so uncomfortable, even when he was being nice, it was so...off. And the housemates grand plan of just dumping the alcohol before he wakes up...yeah, that'll go off without a hitch. He'll just wake up, see no booze and shrug and just not drink? Not likely.

Also, Glenn doesn't seem to have changed much. He was an agitator back then and he still seems to be one. Everything with David is going to be made 100x worse with Glenn there poking the beehive intentionally.


Maybe Jon's just asexual or aromantic or both and just honestly doesn't care. It's certainly possible. He also doesn't seem like the type who would explore what that is and identify with it explicitly!

David just makes me cringe to watch and, yeah, he's already sneaking drinks, no way is he just going to accept booze's absence and call it a day. (And neither will the ones who didn't participate in that removal! They clearly all put in major orders.)

Glenn seemed cool for a while until that last bit. Jon was spot-on that it was not the time to confront David, or be making snide comments.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, gesundheit said:

Maybe Jon's just asexual or aromantic or both and just honestly doesn't care. It's certainly possible. He also doesn't seem like the type who would explore what that is and identify with it explicitly!

David just makes me cringe to watch and, yeah, he's already sneaking drinks, no way is he just going to accept booze's absence and call it a day. (And neither will the ones who didn't participate in that removal! They clearly all put in major orders.)

Glenn seemed cool for a while until that last bit. Jon was spot-on that it was not the time to confront David, or be making snide comments.

Yeah, it obviously isn't a priority in Jon's life, but he got so twitchy about it that it made me wonder. Then again, I get like that when I'm constantly hassled about something that I don't find to be important (such as wearing long pants in the summer, the number of people who can't let that pass by without comment is staggering), so yeah, maybe it was just frustration at them making it a bigger deal than it is to him.

As for David, I'm kinda hoping he pulls a Becky and leaves so the whole thing doesn't become about him. Then again, there isn't a whole lot more I want to explore from these people. Maybe Tami's abortion or for some lighter fare, the Studs incident. We've already gotten the background on the jaw wiring.

I'd say that it was a good thing David left early the first time, but the season without him wasn't much improved in the tension department. In SF, there were relationships that bloomed once Puck left, but the LA house just had new problems once David was gone.

I'm trying to think of anything else I'd want to know about these people. Maybe something about Irene being on her 3rd marriage and what happened to Tim, but it seems like they had a few throwaway lines about that already and she'll be doing a vow renewal on camera.

I don't care at all about Beth's storylines because I just instinctively don't believe anything she says. She appears to be incapable of genuine emotion, she's always in spin mode, so no point in delving into her psyche.

Glenn...blah. He had nothing of substance to say back then and that seems to be the case still. Even when they were interviewing him for the house spot, his answers were a whole bunch of nothing.

  • Love 2

Glenn should not have repeatedly called David “Dave”. I don’t care how much of an ass someone is, it’s just plain disrespectful not to call them by their preferred name. Also it was a terrible time to pick on David since he was drunk and already riled up.

I think Beth is so desperate to be friends with Tami because Tami is the cast member who went on to be the most visible in the public eye, with Basketball Wives. Beth clearly has some fame seeking in her personality.

it irritates the crap out of me how Beth tries to make everything about her. Jon explained why he didn’t officiate Beth’s wedding and yet Beth repeatedly kept saying I don’t understand why you will do Irene’s vow renewal when you wouldn’t do my wedding. He explained it, quit saying you don’t understand.

David straight up sucks, Beth asked very politely for him not to vape at the table and he went right off the rails.

Beth sucks for constantly talking over David when he repeatedly asked her to let him speak.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Michichick said:

Glenn should not have repeatedly called David “Dave”. I don’t care how much of an ass someone is, it’s just plain disrespectful not to call them by their preferred name. Also it was a terrible time to pick on David since he was drunk and already riled up.

I think Beth is so desperate to be friends with Tami because Tami is the cast member who went on to be the most visible in the public eye, with Basketball Wives. Beth clearly has some fame seeking in her personality.

it irritates the crap out of me how Beth tries to make everything about her. Jon explained why he didn’t officiate Beth’s wedding and yet Beth repeatedly kept saying I don’t understand why you will do Irene’s vow renewal when you wouldn’t do my wedding. He explained it, quit saying you don’t understand.

David straight up sucks, Beth asked very politely for him not to vape at the table and he went right off the rails.

Beth sucks for constantly talking over David when he repeatedly asked her to let him speak.

I agree, it's not that difficult to adjust what you're calling someone once they've asked you (and in this case, repeatedly), the fact that he continued to do it was just Glenn's way of digging at him. The dismissiveness of his tone was very telling, as if David had no right to ask to be called what he prefers to be called. 

Also, people who use nicknames that they weren't asked to use or who fail to see the differences between names like Julie/Julia, Christine/Christina, Ann/Anna and use them interchangeably really irritate me.

Beth has always been a fame-seeker, but the thing with Tami seems like more personal than that. She was just as hungry for Tami's approval back in '93, before any of them were known, so I think it's just a Queen Bee vs follower dynamic. Beth will never have the upper hand with Tami, even when Tami's 100% in the wrong, Beth will still be groveling even if she's asking for an apology. The best closure Beth could get from this experience would be to finally let go of her dream of a relationship with Tami, but I don't see that happening.

  • Love 4

Beth really needs to do some introspection on why people on these TV shows always seem to end up disliking her. Every Challenge season that I’ve seen with Beth seemed to feature her being the pariah of the cast. (Maybe the All Stars season was an exception to that somewhat).  I think it’s a combo of her always trying too hard to be popular, her being a shit-stirrer, and her trying to make everything about her. She comes off as so phony at all times.

  • Love 3

Damn Irene, four marriages?!  I wonder if she is as friendly to the 3rd husband as she is to Tim….I recall reading how when marrying for the 3rd time there was a initial challenge blending the other’s kids to get along.

Beth, do you see why people tend to shy away from your ass?  Sheesh, this was IRENE’s day, not yours!  She should have pulled Jon aside if she’s still feeling a kind of way about him not officiating her wedding.  As for Jon’s virginity, I have a relative that’s almost 60 and is still a virgin.  She wanted to wait until she got married but it didn’t happen.

I hate smokers, I think it is inconfuckingsiderate to sit at a goddamned table where people are eating and smoke/vape/whatever!  If you need to that badly, get up and go outside with that shit!

As someone named Karen, this calling an angry woman ‘Karen’ has gotten way out of fucking hand and I so resent it!  David, you didn’t like Glen calling you ‘Dave’, why go there calling Beth ‘Karen’?

  • Love 4

This is just a typical reality show, focussed on exploiting every petty squabble and argument.  By ep 4 of NY we knew what everyone did for a living, if they had spouses/kids etc: we're only getting the tiniest tidbits here in-between endless gross conflict. 

David's daughter or someone should have advised him to either not come on the show or only stay for a few days. He has serious problems that arent capable of being resolved by any part of this production/these people. And yeah, ask people first if its okay to smoke/vape especailly when you're essentially hanging out with strangers.

I really hope New Orleans does better then this.

Edited by Glade
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

I hate smokers, I think it is inconfuckingsiderate to sit at a goddamned table where people are eating and smoke/vape/whatever!  If you need to that badly, get up and go outside with that shit!

They are junkies but people are not candid about that.

2 hours ago, Glade said:

David's daughter or someone should have advised him to either not come on the show or only stay for a few days

They are probably paid more the longer they stay so that is his incentive.  Milk the cash cow to buy more booze, weed, and nicotine.

  • Useful 1
7 hours ago, Michichick said:

She comes off as so phony at all times.

It's weird.  I felt like she was legitimately just politely asking David to not smoke at the table and he had a tantrum.  However, later on with John and Irene, I totally thought Beth was trying to stir things up with her complaint that he declined to officiate at her wedding, but did officiate for Irene's vow renewal.  I thought John's explanation was very easily understood, but Beth seemed unable to let it go. 

I did feel a little bad for all of Irene's ex-husbands, if only because she sounded so dismissive of those relationships when talking the one with her  current husband.

4 hours ago, Glade said:

He has serious problems that aren't capable of being resolved by any part of this production/these people.

I agree.  I thought everyone talking through the blanket incident would make things better, but it hasn't.  He has that bad combination of immaturity, combined with volatility.  

I'm also thinking the problem with this reunion is this group has little in common and largely does not like one another.  So instead of people enjoying each other's company like with the NYC reunion, you get a bunch of people with little to say and a generally uncomfortable feeling watching them interact. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I'm also thinking the problem with this reunion is this group has little in common and largely does not like one another.  So instead of people enjoying each other's company like with the NYC reunion, you get a bunch of people with little to say and a generally uncomfortable feeling watching them interact. 

I really think the majority of the NYC cast was actually interested in each other's thoughts and ideas, and was legitimately interested in finding out where people were and what their takes were on the state of the world, etc. And were truly curious about one another's families and careers. This gang has too many people steeped in self-absorption. Despite all the Becky frustrations, the first reunion was oddly comforting and affirming to watch. This makes me feel dirty.


One could say it follows the fast downward spiral of reality TV at the same rate it did the first time, but I do think later seasons of the first handful did actually have more substance to offer. Not many more seasons, but some.

Edited by gesundheit
  • Useful 1
  • Love 4

I'm also thinking the problem with this reunion is this group has little in common and largely does not like one another.  So instead of people enjoying each other's company like with the NYC reunion, you get a bunch of people with little to say and a generally uncomfortable feeling watching them interact. 

At the end of the day, it's a reunion show, so when these people meet up, they probably revert back to how they related to one another during their first time filming the show.

The NYC 1.0 crew for the most part all seemed to genuinely like each other overall, so for the most part, it makes sense they would have a good reunion (the Becky drama notwithstanding). This crew however all mostly hated each other the first time they were together, minus some genuine friendships between certain members (Aaron & Dom, Irene & Jon, etc). So it makes sense their reunion would be be nasty.

The New Orleans crew for the most part also like each other as a group overall, though as others said, it would be interesting to see how the post-show drama between certain members would play out.

  • Love 1

Each episode is worse than the last. 

OK, yeah, it's clear Irene has some issues with relationships to be married 4 times. But Beth has some issues with relationships when she seems to make enemies wherever she goes. But it was honestly rude as hell for her to be like "I've only been married ONCE!" when Irene was sitting right there. When I got a divorce I was amazed by how sanctimonious some married people would get around me. "Well, I'll never get divorced. People give up too easily" or "I actually LIKE being married" "I would kill myself if I was single again and had to date at our age" and Beth seems like one of those people. You've been married for a bit over a decade, Beth. I hope it continues to work out well for you. But I always like to point to this bit of wisdom in the 90s free to wear sunscreen news column/song "Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the 'Funky Chicken' on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much. Or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's"

So considering Beth's ability to piss off people wherever she goes, maybe she shouldn't be so smug about being on her first marriage. Be quietly grateful. Quietly think in your head "I don't want to get divorced so I will work as hard as I can to make sure that doesn't happen and hopefully my husband will do the same." but to say all of that shit out loud? No. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, EdnasEdibles said:

Each episode is worse than the last. 

OK, yeah, it's clear Irene has some issues with relationships to be married 4 times. But Beth has some issues with relationships when she seems to make enemies wherever she goes. But it was honestly rude as hell for her to be like "I've only been married ONCE!" when Irene was sitting right there. When I got a divorce I was amazed by how sanctimonious some married people would get around me. "Well, I'll never get divorced. People give up too easily" or "I actually LIKE being married" "I would kill myself if I was single again and had to date at our age" and Beth seems like one of those people. You've been married for a bit over a decade, Beth. I hope it continues to work out well for you. But I always like to point to this bit of wisdom in the 90s free to wear sunscreen news column/song "Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the 'Funky Chicken' on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much. Or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's"

So considering Beth's ability to piss off people wherever she goes, maybe she shouldn't be so smug about being on her first marriage. Be quietly grateful. Quietly think in your head "I don't want to get divorced so I will work as hard as I can to make sure that doesn't happen and hopefully my husband will do the same." but to say all of that shit out loud? No. 

I’d love to hear from the dude who puts up with Beth S. 24/7.

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