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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Ahh…so do I. I completely understand. lol the shows I watch where the people eating drives me to the mute button. Also to turn away because they could chew with their mouths closed. 

OMG my biggest NO UGH CAN"T WATCH - is reality TV eating - it's never good!

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1 minute ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

That is way too logical and filled with common sense. Bilal will now patiently explain to you why you’re wrong.

I might have to slap the back of my head a few times to deal with rolling eye-itis.

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I will be watching this mess. I was stuck inside with Covid all week so bing watched temptation island. This show is Shakespeare in the park by comparison. Happy Covid birthday to me! I’m drinking wine cuz why not?

Happy birthday!! I hope you feel better soon, that really sucks. 

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I am going to be a triple licensed teacher.  I don't want to listen to Whiner Forty Niner whine about her boobs.  Again.  I need wine.

No, vodka.

No, tequila.

No, fireball.

No, a long island ice tea the size of Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.


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Just now, Mrs. Hanson said:

I am going to be a triple licensed teacher.  I don't want to listen to Whiner Forty Niner whine about her boobs.  Again.  I need wine.

No, vodka.

No, tequila.

No, fireball.

No, a long island ice tea the size of Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.


Red or white? I have both. 

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3 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Get her? You’re the one flying off the fucking handle because you don’t want to be held accountable.

Bilal says nothing, 
Isn't this the same storyline as Russ and Pao and the evil best friend? 

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1 hour ago, JennyMominFL said:

Hello everyone! I am back from the UK. I was back last weekend but i needed to catch up on a month of episodes. I have 6 weeks until we leave again on a major European trip.

5 months post open heart surgery and my husband walked 16,000 plus steps some day.

Anyway, Im glad to be back. Im only here until 9 PM because,well House of the Dragon.

Glad you're back and your husband is doing so well!! 

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I’m super tired of this woman brushing aside her son’s problems and screeching that it’s everyone else’s duty to “help” him. Charlie needs professional help and nobody in that family should be forced to be in his presence if they don’t want to. 

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1 minute ago, Zombness said:

Andrei is right and Chuck.........he quietly listens.    

As does the Coven, who just yelled at their mother last week, taking the very same stance.  It would have been much more powerful if all the fighting factions agreed on the issue.  And Walter the 2nd husband wasn't even in the scene.

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5 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Good luck in getting the family together to deal with Charlie's addictions.

She’ll be disinvited from the intervention because she won’t be able to keep her bottom line (tm JVV).

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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Automatic FF through Andreeeeiii/the Coven, Useman/Bimberly, and Bill-All/Sharona, Shaeeda, whatever. 

Man, that Morticia Addams look on Liz is unflattering. She looks 10 years older and "blowzy," like a matron going to seed. Where do I start with him? He's twice as big now as he was a year or two ago. I don't mean to fat-shame. It's just I find him even more unattractive now, as if that were possible. He's like the gangster Morey in "Goodfellas." Just like Kimbelly, Liz's two friends are reacting like there's a bad smell under their noses. I can't figure out what the attraction to him is unless she has a Daddy complex and is addicted to drama. If Norma (Mom) won't even speak to him, it's bad. Also, did he railroad her out of living at his house? 

The Jovi/Yara situation...that poor little kid. Jovi is so immature. And can't even hold a conversation. Just shuts her down. Yara wants to live a glamorous city life, see and be seen, perhaps like Julia?. Poor Gwen. I bet it takes a lot to piss her off, especially when it involves the grandchild. Three-hour trip to their home (not sure if that's each way or total), she finally had to put her foot down about babysitting, and no doubt Jovi whined like a baby, as usual.   

Edited by Tuneful
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1 hour ago, Eldemarge said:

I'm here!  And guess what?  Starting next month at my dream company because I got the job!!  Already put in my two weeks notice.  

I am terrified.

But I got a sweet, sweet offer.  And I need it because my oven just caught on fire tonight and I need a new one.  But whatever, life is good.

Congrats!!! You will do awesome, don't be scared. 

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