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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Kenny is on the verge of a wobbler because he can't work the washer? Has no one heard of a repair person? 

I guess this was meant to illustrate Kenny's frustration with the primitive conditions in third world Mexico.

Does either Cassie or Madison have a husband/partner? Why is Kenny's daily presence so necessary to their pregnancy experience? 

I thought of all of this too.   Their story is producer driven - the crisis of the week mode.

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Just now, Suzywriter said:

Kenny doesn't give a rat's ass about his daughters. He needs to get to his stylist and esthetician, STAT. He's looking a bit past the recommended maintenance dates right there. 

Yes - he was showing 3 different colors and visible roots.

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Kenny doesn't give a rat's ass about his daughters. He needs to get to his stylist and esthetician, STAT. He's looking a bit past the recommended maintenance dates right there. 

all storyline by TLC 

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

How did Bini destroy his family? Was it the beer? The religious celebration? Going to the club? Was it asking his Ex to visit and bring him bras  or staying with them alone in a house and lying about it…

oh wait

Preach it sistah!

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10 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

ARI: How dare you drink beers and laugh with you friends.  I can never forgive you for doing this to me and Avi.

I'm actually wondering now if that's what he did which made her say that.


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1 minute ago, Zombness said:

I feel bad for Armando, I think he is a very nice guy.  And Kenny you are a 60 yrs old man with grown up kids, can't they take care of themselves?  

Nothing makes me happier than not being overinvolved in my sons’ lives. I raised them to be independent. Now they’re being independent.

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1 minute ago, TazDevil said:

Do we think Sumit actually wants to live with his parents?  Or has he figured out that Jenny DOES NOT want to do that and this is his next way of delaying getting married to her?

Sumit is tired of living in a pigsty and enduring Jenny's terrible cooking. He didn't realize when he had it good. Bet he regrets jettisoning his parent-approved wife now. 

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49 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

If you want to date a person with that much of an age difference you really do need the attitude that you don't care what others think. But Sumit and Jenny will always seek approval so it will never work for them.


Very smart! You should be the couples therapist, LOL. 

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